Research Title
Research Title
Research Title
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of classroom atmosphere
B. Review
The teacher will ask the students about the past lesson and let them write the topics
that interests them.
C. Lesson Proper
The teacher will present different examples of research titles and have the students
read each title silently.
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Based on the given examples of research titles, the teacher will ask the students to
determine the different characteristics of a research title . After the students gave their ideas, the
teacher will discuss the topic about making a research title.
The title summarizes the main idea or ideas of the study. A good title contains words
that adequately describe the contents and/or purpose of the research under study.
D. Application
After discussing the characteristics of a title, the teacher will let the students to go to their
groups and make a title for the topics they are interested in and present it to the teacher for
E. Generalization
Why does a researcher need to make a specific title for his research?
F Values Integration
The students will write their group’s research title based on the discussed
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher