The Importance of Students

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Assalamualaikum wr.wb

First of all, let's pray and give our thanks to Allah SWT. who has given us health
so that we can gather in this blessed place.
The second time, let's say sholawat and greetings to our great prophet Muhammad
SAW. who has brought our religion from the dark ages to the bright times it is

Out of side, out of mine..

So… I would like to introduce myself first. My name is Thara Nathifa Salsabilla,
you can call me Thara, I was born on February 14th, 2009. I am Studying in SMP
IT AL HIKMAH Bence Blitar in the Second Grade.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Through this speech, I would like to say a few words about The Important
Characteristics of Student in Controlling Technology.

Let's try to break them down one by one.

Starting with "Student", I am sure the audience have already familiar with this
term, but the meaning of Student what I mean and also based on Researchers and
popular media opinion is a person who studies at school or college who was born
in the 1990s as starting birth years and the early 2010s as ending birth years that
also called Gen Z. They are true digital natives: from earliest youth, they have
been exposed to the internet, to social networks, and mobile systems. That context
has produced a hypercognitive generation very comfortable with collecting and
cross-referencing many sources of information and integrating virtual and offline
experiences. They are spending more time on electronic devices and less time
reading books than before, with implications for their attention spans,
vocabularies, academic performance, and future economic contributions.
Is that You? Yup us.

The second term is technology,

It's the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life or,
as it is sometimes phrased the changing and manipulation of the human
environments. Is that confusing?

Well, let me simplify, technology has enhanced the quality of life for human lives
in and out of the home. Technology's advancements have provided quicker ways
to communicate through instant messaging apps and social media platforms. They
can keep in touch with loved ones, while caregivers have new avenues to check in
on aging parents or patients.

Technology has also given us brand new devices in recent decades, like
smartwatches, tablets, and voice assistant devices. With these devices, we can do
things like transfer money instantly and make purchases for everything from
clothes, food delivery, groceries, furniture, and more. Technology has changed
how we entertain ourselves, meet each other, and consume all types of media. It's
made fun advancements, but it's also made important advancements in safety
when it comes to home security and medical devices.
There is no denying that the future of technology will continue to revolutionize
our lives. In a few years, driverless cars may be the norm for everyone, and robots
will be commonplace in factories.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have explained the two important terms in this topic, then what problems will
arise when students meet the technology?

First, Waste of Time

Most people think about the negative effect of the internet on students. The
students tend to spend most of their time on the internet for unuseful things and
waste their time on nothing. Honestly, I don't stand a line with this opinion. Since
we realize and able to manage ourself wisely in doing internet everything will be
run well. You might be wondering why young people spend a lot of time on the
Internet but think about it – is there anything they can't find online? Today, there's
tons of information and resources available to learn and discover without ever
having to leave your house.

The second problem, Less Socialize

It cannot be denied if the students use most of their time on the internet, it will
decrease their time for socializing. Family and teachers' role is very important to
change this fact. How to manage their children and students in using their time.
Creating interesting activities such as extracurricular programs, art, sport, religion
task, cooking class, or other skill life activities are the best way to pull the
students from the internet. But Of course not to bend them strictly in using it.

The Third Problem is pornography access,

The statistics can overwhelm parents. estimates that about 30
percent of all data transferred over the internet is pornography. It is found on
hundreds of millions of web pages, including social media giants Facebook,
Twitter, and YouTube. It is accessible through television, computers, tablets, and

Do you think it can ruin us? It depends on how we face it. Since we do well and
manage everything in the right order, the worst effect may not appear. In my
opinion, bending ourselves in using the internet, enriching our religion, work
hand in hand with our family, teachers even our friends are the best way to avoid
pornography access.

Maybe you have other ideas, such as creating positive activities; doing exercises,
and hobbies; traveling, hang out with friends, which are also great work.
Choose which ones, do you like and be the best young generation for ourselves,
religion, family, school, and our beloved country, Indonesia.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

There is no problem despite the solution, Technology may grow as it is, by
covering ourselves with a good character in facing it, as the best solution in it.
Let's work hand in hand to make it true.
In God's will, we can make it real.
Thank you so much for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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