QP CON Q3603 Rural Mason

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Qualification Pack

Rural Mason
Electives: General/ Bamboo structure

Options: Compresses Stabilized Earth Block (CSEB)/ Random Rubble Masonry


QP Code: CON/Q3603

Version: 2.0

NSQF Level: 4

Construction Skill Development Council of India || CPB 103 & 104 (1st Floor), Block 4B, DLF Corporate
Park, Phase III, MG Road

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 1

Qualification Pack


NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 2

Qualification Pack

CON/Q3603: Rural Mason ..................................................................................................................... 4
Brief Job Description ...................................................................................................................... 4
Applicable National Occupational Standards (NOS) ............................................................................. 4
Compulsory NOS ........................................................................................................................... 4
Elective 1: General ........................................................................................................................ 4
Elective 2: Bamboo structure ........................................................................................................ 4
Option 1: Compresses Stabilized Earth Block (CSEB) .................................................................... 5
Option 2: Random Rubble Masonry (RRB) ..................................................................................... 5
Qualification Pack (QP) Parameters .............................................................................................. 5
CON/N3601: Mark layout for foundation, walls, soak pit/septic tank and monitor earthwork activities
for rural construction ........................................................................................................................... 7
CON/N3608: Install sanitary fitting and fixtures in rural toilets .......................................................... 13
CON/N3602: Build brick / block masonry structures for rural construction ........................................ 18
CON/N3604: Carry out IPS flooring in rural construction .................................................................... 25
CON/N3605: Carry out reinforcement steel works for R.C.C structures in rural construction ............. 30
CON/N3606: Carry out shuttering works in rural construction ........................................................... 36
CON/N3607: Carry out manual concreting in rural construction ........................................................ 43
CON/N3621: Select, harvest and prepare the bamboo for the construction works ............................ 49
CON/N3622: Select, stack and perform visual quality checks on bamboo used for construction purpose
............................................................................................................................................................ 54
CON/N3623: Cut, shape, drill and join treated bamboo for making of mat, posts, joints, ties, beams
and bracing used for building construction ........................................................................................ 58
CON/N3624: Construct simple rural buildings with treated bamboo .................................................. 62
CON/N3625: Follow seismic and wind safety protection measures for bamboo buildings ................. 69
CON/N3626: Construct buildings using Compresses Stabilized Earth Block (CSEB) ........................... 73
CON/N3603: Build structures using random rubble masonry for rural construction ........................... 81
Assessment Guidelines and Weightage ............................................................................................. 86
Assessment Guidelines ............................................................................................................... 86
Assessment Weightage ............................................................................................................... 87
Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................... 90
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................. 91

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 3

Qualification Pack

CON/Q3603: Rural Mason

Brief Job Description

The job role performs routine rural construction works with either bricks/blocks or bamboo and perform
work such as earth work for foundation, layout marking and construction of foundation, walls, installation
of sanitary fittings and fixtures in rural toilets , IPS flooring, reinforcement and shuttering works, manual
concreting works, fixing of door and window frames and shutters, treatment of bamboo, construction of
simple building using bamboo, seismic and wind protection measures, construction using CSEB and
random rubble masonry work.

Personal Attributes

The individual is expected to be physically fit and should be able to work at rural location. The person must
be able to handle the various rural masonry tools and materials, perform as per quality and efficiency
requirements with a team in a responsible and professional manner.

Applicable National Occupational Standards (NOS)

Compulsory NOS:

1. CON/N3601: Mark layout for foundation, walls, soak pit/septic tank and monitor earthwork
activities for rural construction

2. CON/N3608: Install sanitary fitting and fixtures in rural toilets

Electives(mandatory to select at least one):

Elective 1: General

The individual is required to perform the routine construction of rural houses using brick/block, perform
concreting, shuttering carpentry, bar bending and IPS flooring using appropriate tools and equipment.

1. CON/N3602: Build brick / block masonry structures for rural construction

2. CON/N3604: Carry out IPS flooring in rural construction

3. CON/N3605: Carry out reinforcement steel works for R.C.C structures in rural construction

4. CON/N3606: Carry out shuttering works in rural construction

5. CON/N3607: Carry out manual concreting in rural construction

Elective 2: Bamboo structure

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 4

Qualification Pack
The individual is required to perform the routine construction of rural houses using bamboo as primary
material, select and harvest bamboo, use bamboo in construction of building and perform seismic and
wind safety measures for bamboo housing using appropriate tools and equipment.

1. CON/N3621: Select, harvest and prepare the bamboo for the construction works

2. CON/N3622: Select, stack and perform visual quality checks on bamboo used for construction

3. CON/N3623: Cut, shape, drill and join treated bamboo for making of mat, posts, joints, ties, beams
and bracing used for building construction

4. CON/N3624: Construct simple rural buildings with treated bamboo

5. CON/N3625: Follow seismic and wind safety protection measures for bamboo buildings

Options(Not mandatory):

Option 1: Compresses Stabilized Earth Block (CSEB)

The unit describe the skill and knowledge required to work with CSEB

1. CON/N3626: Construct buildings using Compresses Stabilized Earth Block (CSEB)

Option 2: Random Rubble Masonry (RRB)

The unit describe the skill and knowledge required to work with random rubble masonry

1. CON/N3603: Build structures using random rubble masonry for rural construction

Qualification Pack (QP) Parameters

Sector Construction

Sub-Sector Rural Infrastructure construction

Occupation Masonry - Rural, Masonry - Rural

Country India

NSQF Level 4

Aligned to NCO/ISCO/ISIC Code NCO-2015/NIL

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 5

Qualification Pack

8th Class with 2 Years of experience

Minimum Educational Qualification & OR
Experience Certificate-NSQF (level 3) with 2 Years of

Minimum Level of Education for Training in


Pre-Requisite License or Training NIL

Minimum Job Entry Age 18 Years

Last Reviewed On 31/03/2022

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Approval Date 31/03/2022

Version 2.0

Reference code on NQR 2022/CON/CSDCI/05625

NQR Version 1.0

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 6

Qualification Pack

CON/N3601: Mark layout for foundation, walls, soak pit/septic tank and
monitor earthwork activities for rural construction


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to mark layout for foundation, walls, soak pit/septic
tank and monitor earth work activities for rural construction


The scope covers the following :

Carry out preparatory work for layout marking

Mark the layout for walls & foundations/ footings, soak pit/ septic tank.
Monitor excavation & preparation of base layer
Monitor backfilling activities

Elements and Performance Criteria

Carry out preparatory work for layout marking

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. read and interpret the sketches for foundation works, soak pits/septic tank
PC2. select required tools for the task and ensure they are in working condition
PC3. select appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.s) for the task
PC4. ensure work place is clear for marking the layout
PC5. set out the layouts as per sketches/drawings
PC6. identify and transfer required levels using water level tube
Mark the layout for walls & foundations/ footings, soak pit/ septic tank
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC7. mark the center lines of the rooms by setting perpendiculars using 3-4-5 method and check
right angle (90) at corners
PC8. set out 90 corners using builders square or 3-4-5 method and check right angle
PC9. Check the diagonals if they are equal
PC10. extend the center lines and marks the center points about 2m away from the outer edge of
PC11. mark the width of excavation from the plan
PC12. mark the center line of the septic tank by setting perpendiculars using 3-4-5method and
check right angle (90)at corners as per applicability
PC13. mark the periphery of soak pits /septic tanks for excavation by identifying the center point
Monitor excavation & preparation of base layer
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC14. check and ensure that excavation is carried out to the desired depth using appropriate tools
PC15. check and ensure desired slope of earth is maintained during digging activity

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Qualification Pack

PC16. provide necessary support to vertical side of excavated area to avoid soil collapse as per
PC17. ensure earth is disposed from the excavated pit by using suitable tools and equipment such
as spade, wheel barrows, pans etc
PC18. check for loose material, soil lumps, pebbles on achieving the desired earth level
PC19. ensure surface dressing work is carried out by disposing loose material, gravels, plant roots,
sludge, muck or debris as per requirement to the appropriate locations
PC20. ensure compaction of base by ramming
Monitor backfilling activities
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC21. check and remove gravels, oversized aggregates ,organic matter from soil prior to be use in
backfilling as per site conditions
PC22. ensure earth is placed and spread maintaining uniform layers within tolerance limit of
PC23. ensure water is sprinkled uniformly over the layer to be compacted as and when required as
per site conditions
PC24. check and ensure ramming over the soil layer as per site conditions
PC25. Check and ensure re-filling and compaction of excavated trenches, pits surrounding the
structures or at necessary location as per soil site conditions

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. basic principles of measurement

KU2. safety rules and regulations for handling and storing required masonry tools, equipment and
KU3. personal protection including the use of the related safety gears & safety equipment
KU4. tools and equipment required for layout marking and earthwork, their use and maintenance
KU5. how to use basic tools in the masonry trade such as: Spirit level, water level, plumb bob, line
KU6. how to use the 3-4-5 method for squaring corners
KU7. standard practices for layout and earthwork
KU8. layout sketches for foundation and soak pit/septic tank
KU9. types of foundation , importance and purpose of foundation, knowledge about depth and
plinth height
KU10. importance and purpose of soak pit / septic tank, knowledge about their suitable location
and depth
KU11. work space requirement in excavated area, base preparation and levelling

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

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Qualification Pack

GS1. read sketches for the task

GS2. read sign boards, and safety tags
GS3. basic numeracy skills
GS4. speak in one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS5. orally and effectively communicate with co-workers & subordinates
GS6. decide on whether the workplace is safe for working
GS7. plan work and Organize required resources
GS8. complete work as per agreed time schedule and quality

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 9

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Carry out preparatory work for layout marking 5 10 - -

PC1. read and interpret the sketches for

- - - -
foundation works, soak pits/septic tank

PC2. select required tools for the task and ensure

- - - -
they are in working condition

PC3. select appropriate Personal Protective

- - - -
Equipment (P.P.E.s) for the task

PC4. ensure work place is clear for marking the

- - - -

PC5. set out the layouts as per sketches/drawings - - - -

PC6. identify and transfer required levels using

- - - -
water level tube

Mark the layout for walls & foundations/ footings,

15 35 - -
soak pit/ septic tank

PC7. mark the center lines of the rooms by setting

perpendiculars using 3-4-5 method and check right - - - -
angle (90) at corners

PC8. set out 90 corners using builders square or

- - - -
3-4-5 method and check right angle

PC9. Check the diagonals if they are equal - - - -

PC10. extend the center lines and marks the

center points about 2m away from the outer edge - - - -
of excavation

PC11. mark the width of excavation from the plan - - - -

PC12. mark the center line of the septic tank by

setting perpendiculars using 3-4-5method and
- - - -
check right angle (90)at corners as per

PC13. mark the periphery of soak pits /septic tanks

- - - -
for excavation by identifying the center point

Monitor excavation & preparation of base layer 5 15 - -

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 10

Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

PC14. check and ensure that excavation is carried

- - - -
out to the desired depth using appropriate tools

PC15. check and ensure desired slope of earth is

- - - -
maintained during digging activity

PC16. provide necessary support to vertical side of

excavated area to avoid soil collapse as per - - - -

PC17. ensure earth is disposed from the excavated

pit by using suitable tools and equipment such as - - - -
spade, wheel barrows, pans etc

PC18. check for loose material, soil lumps, pebbles

- - - -
on achieving the desired earth level

PC19. ensure surface dressing work is carried out

by disposing loose material, gravels, plant roots,
- - - -
sludge, muck or debris as per requirement to the
appropriate locations

PC20. ensure compaction of base by ramming - - - -

Monitor backfilling activities 5 10 - -

PC21. check and remove gravels, oversized

aggregates ,organic matter from soil prior to be - - - -
use in backfilling as per site conditions

PC22. ensure earth is placed and spread

maintaining uniform layers within tolerance limit of - - - -

PC23. ensure water is sprinkled uniformly over the

layer to be compacted as and when required as - - - -
per site conditions

PC24. check and ensure ramming over the soil

- - - -
layer as per site conditions

PC25. Check and ensure re-filling and compaction

of excavated trenches, pits surrounding the
- - - -
structures or at necessary location as per soil site

NOS Total 30 70 - -

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 11

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code CON/N3601

Mark layout for foundation, walls, soak pit/septic tank and monitor
NOS Name
earthwork activities for rural construction

Sector Construction

Sub-Sector Rural Infrastructure construction

Occupation Masonry - Rural

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 2.0

Last Reviewed Date 31/03/2022

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date 31/03/2022

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 12

Qualification Pack

CON/N3608: Install sanitary fitting and fixtures in rural toilets


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to install sanitary fittings and fixtures in rural toilets


The scope covers the following :

Carry out preparatory activities for installation of sanitary fittings and fixtures for rural toilets
Carry out installation of sanitary fitting and fixtures for rural toilets
Check gradient and perform test for leakage before commissioning of rural toilet

Elements and Performance Criteria

Carry out preparatory activities for installation of sanitary fi ttings and fixtures for rural toilets
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. read and understand sketches of sanitary fittings and fixtures and their connection to soak
pit/septic tank
PC2. select sanitary fixtures and carry out checks to ensure workability as per requirement
PC3. check toilet enclosure, bathing space, soak pits/septic tank are built as per
drawings/sketches and necessary gradients
PC4. place and fix pre-cast concrete rings for soak pits as per applicability
PC5. locate and mark the position of pipe installations, connections, passage holes, and fixtures in
structures, using measuring instruments such as rulers and levels
PC6. establish the sequence of pipe installations
PC7. assemble pipe sections, tubing and fittings, using couplings, clamps, screws, bolts, caulking
tools, or cutting, threading and joining equipment
Carry out installation of sanitary fitting and fixtures for rural toilets
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC8. cut openings in structures to accommodate pipes and pipe fittings, using hand tools
PC9. install pipe assemblies, fittings, and fixtures such as toilet pan using hand tools
PC10. maintaining necessary gradient for toilet floor
PC11. connect toilet with soak pit/septic tank and inspection chamber maintaining necessary
gradient as per specification
Check gradient and perform test for leakage before commissioning of rural toilet
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC12. test the joints and fixtures for proper functioning
PC13. check the overall system for proper functioning prior to commissioning by carrying out trial
PC14. clear the work area after completion of work

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 13

Qualification Pack
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. sketches for plumbing and sanitation system

KU2. units of measurement and basic principles of measurement
KU3. different types of materials (CI/GI/PVC pipes, etc.), basic sanitary fittings (taps, valves,
clamps, elbows, etc.) and fixtures (toilet pans, traps, etc.)
KU4. techniques related to cutting, bending and joining of fittings and fixtures
KU5. personal protection including the use of related safety gears & equipment
KU6. various types of defects such as leakages, improper alignment, etc.
KU7. basic plumbing terminology and standard practices for plumbing work
KU8. standard size of relevant hand tools such as wrenches, plier, screwdriver,pipe cutter, pipe
bender, threading tool, hacksaw, metal file, etc. and safety rules for handling and
maintenance of tools
KU9. transferring levels using basic leveling devices
KU10. importance of appropriate disposal of wastes
KU11. Soak pits/ septic tank construction and working procedure

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. read sketches for the task

GS2. read sign boards, and safety tags
GS3. basic numeracy skills
GS4. speak in one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS5. orally and effectively communicate with co-workers & subordinates
GS6. decide on whether the workplace is safe for working
GS7. plan work and organize required resources
GS8. complete work as per agreed time schedule and quality

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 14

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Carry out preparatory activities for installation of

12 28 - -
sanitary fi ttings and fixtures for rural toilets

PC1. read and understand sketches of sanitary

fittings and fixtures and their connection to soak - - - -
pit/septic tank

PC2. select sanitary fixtures and carry out checks

- - - -
to ensure workability as per requirement

PC3. check toilet enclosure, bathing space, soak

pits/septic tank are built as per drawings/sketches - - - -
and necessary gradients

PC4. place and fix pre-cast concrete rings for soak

- - - -
pits as per applicability

PC5. locate and mark the position of pipe

installations, connections, passage holes, and
- - - -
fixtures in structures, using measuring
instruments such as rulers and levels

PC6. establish the sequence of pipe installations - - - -

PC7. assemble pipe sections, tubing and fittings,

using couplings, clamps, screws, bolts, caulking - - - -
tools, or cutting, threading and joining equipment

Carry out installation of sanitary fitting and fixtures

12 28 - -
for rural toilets

PC8. cut openings in structures to accommodate

- - - -
pipes and pipe fittings, using hand tools

PC9. install pipe assemblies, fittings, and fixtures

- - - -
such as toilet pan using hand tools

PC10. maintaining necessary gradient for toilet

- - - -

PC11. connect toilet with soak pit/septic tank and

inspection chamber maintaining necessary - - - -
gradient as per specification

Check gradient and perform test for leakage before

6 14 - -
commissioning of rural toilet

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 15

Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

PC12. test the joints and fixtures for proper

- - - -

PC13. check the overall system for proper

functioning prior to commissioning by carrying out - - - -
trial run

PC14. clear the work area after completion of

- - - -

NOS Total 30 70 - -

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 16

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code CON/N3608

NOS Name Install sanitary fitting and fixtures in rural toilets

Sector Construction

Sub-Sector Rural Infrastructure construction

Occupation Masonry - Rural

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 2.0

Last Reviewed Date 31/03/2022

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date 31/03/2022

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 17

Qualification Pack

CON/N3602: Build brick / block masonry structures for rural construction


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to build various masonry structures using brick /
block and fix ready- to-install doors, windows and ventilators


The scope covers the following :

Carry out preparatory activities for brick/block masonry work

Check material used for brickwork / block work
Lay brick / block for construction of load bearing / non-load bearing wall, columns, footings and soak
pits / septic tanks
Carry out pointing in brick masonry
Fix ready-to-install doors, windows and ventilators.

Elements and Performance Criteria

Carry out preparatory activities for brick/block masonry work

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC 1. read and interpret the basic working drawings / sketches before the commencement of brick
/ block work
PC2. select appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.s) for the task
PC3. set out the layouts as per sketches/drawingsselect appropriate Personal Protective
Equipment (P.P.E.s) for the task
PC4. identify and transfer required levels using appropriate tools
PC5. estimate the quantity of raw material required such as brick/block, cement and fine
aggregate required
Check material used for brickwork/block work
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC6. visual check for quality of bricks / blocks prior to use
PC7. ensure fine aggregate is sieved as per requirement
PC8. ensure proper stacking of bricks / blocks of required numbers as per requirement at the work
Lay brick / block for construction of load bearing / non-load bearing wall, columns, footings and soak pits /
septic tanks
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC9. check and ensure the base surface is free of dust, dirt & debris prior to commencement of
PC10. ensure removal of all loose concrete laitance and roughening of the surface prior to laying of
PC11. ensure soaking of brick/block and pre wetting of base surface prior to commencement of

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 18

Qualification Pack

PC12. select appropriate tools and equipment as per the tasks ensuring they are in working
condition such as: different types of trowels (of the right blade size) masons hammer
blocking chisel mashing hammer jointers
PC13. break bricks to required shape and size using appropriate tools following appropriate safety
PC14. lay and fix bricks / blocks for columns, walls, soak pits /septic tanks
PC15. check vertical and horizontal alignment using appropriate tools
PC16. maintain line and level of each course of brickwork using wooden / aluminum straight edge
PC17. set out 90 corners using builders square or 3-4-5 method and check right angle if required
PC18. ensure proper curing of constructed masonry structure
Carry out pointing in brick masonry
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC19. perform raking of joints as specified prior to drying of bonding mortar
PC20. ensure that joints are cleaned and surface is wet prior to pointing
PC21. ensure lime/cement mortar for pointing is prepared as per specification
PC22. fill joints with appropriate mortar to obtain specified type of pointing
PC23. carry out flush/recessed pointing using appropriate tools and technique
PC24. ensure proper curing of pointing
Fix ready-toinstall doors, windows and ventilators
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC25. mark, set out location of frames of doors, windows and ventilators
PC26. check and carry out proper alignment of the frame and hold in position with temporary
PC27. check the holdfast position and grout it between bricks / blocks of wall
PC28. fill the gap between wall and door frame with non-shrink material/grout
PC29. fix wooden/metal panels for doors, windows and ventilators

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. basic principles of measurement

KU2. type and size of raw materials ; their handling and storage
KU3. standard size of masonry tools and equipment, their use, care and maintenance such as
measuring tape, trowels, floats, brushes, screed boards, straightedge, mortar boards and
stands, shovels, hawks, joint rules, masons square, buckets, spade, volume box
KU4. safety rules and regulations for handling and storing required masonry tools, equipment and
KU5. personal protection including the use of related safety gears & equipment
KU6. sketches for building brick and block work structures
KU7. standard practices for masonry work

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 19

Qualification Pack

KU8. how to use basic leveling tools in the masonry trade such as Spirit level, water level, plumb
bob, line thread
KU9. how to determine vertical and horizontal alignment using appropriate tools
KU10. cement grade and mix proportion and its importance
KU11. basic knowledge of water cement ratio
KU12. knowledge of stretcher, header English bonds ,Flemish bond and rat trap bond
KU13. various techniques / procedures for cutting/chiseling/dressing different types of bricks to
KU14. laying and fixing of brick, block for wall, foundation, column, soak pit/ septic tank
KU15. method of curing of masonry structures
KU16. different mortar mix used for pointing
KU17. flush and recessed pointing in brick masonry and its application
KU18. various pointing and raking tools and method of pointing
KU19. standard size of door / window, type of materials and fittings used
KU20. how to align the frames and checking the holdfast position
KU21. how to anchor frames to walls and fill gap between wall and frames

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. read sketches for the task

GS2. read sign boards, and safety tags
GS3. basic numeracy skills
GS4. speak in one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS5. orally and effectively communicate with co-workers & subordinates
GS6. decide on whether the workplace is safe for working
GS7. plan work and organize required resources
GS8. complete work as per agreed time schedule and quality
GS9. optimize resources efficiently
GS10. minimize wastage in the workplace

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 20

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Carry out preparatory activities for brick/block

5 10 - -
masonry work

PC 1. read and interpret the basic working drawings

/ sketches before the commencement of brick / - - - -
block work

PC2. select appropriate Personal Protective

- - - -
Equipment (P.P.E.s) for the task

PC3. set out the layouts as per

sketches/drawingsselect appropriate Personal - - - -
Protective Equipment (P.P.E.s) for the task

PC4. identify and transfer required levels using

- - - -
appropriate tools

PC5. estimate the quantity of raw material required

such as brick/block, cement and fine aggregate - - - -

Check material used for brickwork/block work 2 3 - -

PC6. visual check for quality of bricks / blocks prior

- - - -
to use

PC7. ensure fine aggregate is sieved as per

- - - -

PC8. ensure proper stacking of bricks / blocks of

required numbers as per requirement at the work - - - -

Lay brick / block for construction of load bearing /

non-load bearing wall, columns, footings and soak pits 12 28 - -
/ septic tanks

PC9. check and ensure the base surface is free of

- - - -
dust, dirt & debris prior to commencement of work

PC10. ensure removal of all loose concrete laitance

and roughening of the surface prior to laying of - - - -

PC11. ensure soaking of brick/block and pre wetting

- - - -
of base surface prior to commencement of work

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 21

Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

PC12. select appropriate tools and equipment as

per the tasks ensuring they are in working
condition such as: different types of trowels (of the - - - -
right blade size) masons hammer blocking chisel
mashing hammer jointers

PC13. break bricks to required shape and size using

appropriate tools following appropriate safety - - - -

PC14. lay and fix bricks / blocks for columns, walls,

- - - -
soak pits /septic tanks

PC15. check vertical and horizontal alignment using

- - - -
appropriate tools

PC16. maintain line and level of each course of

brickwork using wooden / aluminum straight edge - - - -

PC17. set out 90 corners using builders square or

- - - -
3-4-5 method and check right angle if required

PC18. ensure proper curing of constructed masonry

- - - -

Carry out pointing in brick masonry 6 14 - -

PC19. perform raking of joints as specified prior to

- - - -
drying of bonding mortar

PC20. ensure that joints are cleaned and surface is

- - - -
wet prior to pointing

PC21. ensure lime/cement mortar for pointing is

- - - -
prepared as per specification

PC22. fill joints with appropriate mortar to obtain

- - - -
specified type of pointing

PC23. carry out flush/recessed pointing using

- - - -
appropriate tools and technique

PC24. ensure proper curing of pointing - - - -

Fix ready-toinstall doors, windows and ventilators 5 15 - -

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 22

Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

PC25. mark, set out location of frames of doors,

- - - -
windows and ventilators

PC26. check and carry out proper alignment of the

- - - -
frame and hold in position with temporary support

PC27. check the holdfast position and grout it

- - - -
between bricks / blocks of wall

PC28. fill the gap between wall and door frame with
- - - -
non-shrink material/grout

PC29. fix wooden/metal panels for doors, windows

- - - -
and ventilators

NOS Total 30 70 - -

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 23

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code CON/N3602

NOS Name Build brick / block masonry structures for rural construction

Sector Construction

Sub-Sector Rural Infrastructure construction

Occupation Masonry - Rural

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 2.0

Last Reviewed Date 31/03/2022

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date 31/03/2022

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 24

Qualification Pack

CON/N3604: Carry out IPS flooring in rural construction


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work on IPS flooring


The scope covers the following :

Carry out preparatory work prior to IPS flooring

Carry out IPS flooring

Elements and Performance Criteria

Carry out preparatory work prior to IPS flooring

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. inspect the work area prior to concreting, ensure leveling in case of any undulations
observed on the surface prior to concreting
PC2. select appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.s) for the task
PC3. ensure surface is prepared appropriately and address any deviation in slope and alignment
in PCC
PC4. check the grade of cement prior to use in case of manual mixing
PC5. ensure fine aggregate is sieved as per grade requirement
PC6. mark reference level on the wall &transfer this marking to all floor locations using
appropriates tools at regular intervals for ensuring required slope for proper drainage
PC7. check that concrete is mixed in appropriate proportion
PC8. visually assess the concrete mix for usability and workability
Carry out IPS flooring
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC9. ix the baton strip in cement mortar with their tops at appropriate level and according to
PC10. ensure panels are made as per specified size
PC11. pour concrete as per requirement up to approved floor level
PC12. level poured concrete to the specified levels maintaining required slope
PC13. remove excess cement slurry and any marks on the surface
PC14. level the concrete surface with a straight edge and to the required finish with a wooden float
/ trowel
PC15. cut groves on concrete at specified intervals for construction joints
PC16. spread cement punning over the IPS concrete for smooth finish surface and allow it to soak
into the concrete, as per requirement
PC17. ensure curing of the finished floor surface for the specified time

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 25

Qualification Pack
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. storage and handling of the specific materials for this job work
KU2. standard practices for IPS flooring works
KU3. safety rules and regulations for handling & storing required masonry tools & materials
KU4. personal protection including the use of related safety gears & equipment
KU5. process to prepare the sub-base by watering and ramming
KU6. provide for adequate slope in PCC (Plain Cement Concrete) in a base course
KU7. how to make reference levels and transfer the markings to all locations where flooring is to
be done
KU8. various type and grade of cement used, effect of water /cement ratio and type of aggregates
KU9. manual mixing of concrete and nominal mix proportions
KU10. sequence of concrete pouring and placing
KU11. how to avoid shrinkage cracks in concrete
KU12. cutting tools for providing joints
KU13. final troweling process before the concrete is hardened
KU14. dos and donts in the execution
KU15. basic work study (Practical aspects on executing works)
KU16. curing of the finished work

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. basic numeracy skills

GS2. communicate orally and effectively with co-workers & subordinates
GS3. decide on whether the workplace is safe for working
GS4. plan work and Organize required resources
GS5. complete work as per agreed time schedule and quality
GS6. optimize resources efficiently
GS7. minimize wastage in the workplace
GS8. read sketches for the task
GS9. read sign boards, and safety tags

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 26

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Carry out preparatory work prior to IPS flooring 13 27 - -

PC1. inspect the work area prior to concreting,

ensure leveling in case of any undulations - - - -
observed on the surface prior to concreting

PC2. select appropriate Personal Protective

- - - -
Equipment (P.P.E.s) for the task

PC3. ensure surface is prepared appropriately

and address any deviation in slope and - - - -
alignment in PCC

PC4. check the grade of cement prior to use in

- - - -
case of manual mixing

PC5. ensure fine aggregate is sieved as per

- - - -
grade requirement

PC6. mark reference level on the wall &transfer

this marking to all floor locations using
- - - -
appropriates tools at regular intervals for
ensuring required slope for proper drainage

PC7. check that concrete is mixed in appropriate

- - - -

PC8. visually assess the concrete mix for

- - - -
usability and workability

Carry out IPS flooring 17 43 - -

PC9. ix the baton strip in cement mortar with

their tops at appropriate level and according to - - - -

PC10. ensure panels are made as per specified

- - - -

PC11. pour concrete as per requirement up to

- - - -
approved floor level

PC12. level poured concrete to the specified

- - - -
levels maintaining required slope

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 27

Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

PC13. remove excess cement slurry and any

- - - -
marks on the surface

PC14. level the concrete surface with a straight

edge and to the required finish with a wooden - - - -
float / trowel

PC15. cut groves on concrete at specified

- - - -
intervals for construction joints

PC16. spread cement punning over the IPS

concrete for smooth finish surface and allow it to - - - -
soak into the concrete, as per requirement

PC17. ensure curing of the finished floor surface

- - - -
for the specified time

NOS Total 30 70 - -

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 28

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code CON/N3604

NOS Name Carry out IPS flooring in rural construction

Sector Construction

Sub-Sector Rural Infrastructure construction

Occupation Masonry - Rural

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 2.0

Last Reviewed Date 31/03/2022

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date 31/03/2022

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 29

Qualification Pack

CON/N3605: Carry out reinforcement steel works for R.C.C structures in

rural construction


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to carry out reinforcement steel works for footing,
column, beam and slab in rural construction


The scope covers the following :

Read and understand sketches relevant to R.C.C footing, column, beam and slab
Use hand tools for cutting and bending of reinforcement steel bars
Fabricate, place and fix reinforcement steel for R.C.C footing, column, beam and slab

Elements and Performance Criteria

Read sketches relevant to R.C.Cfooting, column, beam and slab

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. read basic detail from the sketches / drawings
PC2. calculate cutting length of rebar from the sketches/drawing
PC3. calculate number of chairs, spacer bars requirement to be used
PC4. plan for cutting of re-bars as per requirement
Use hand/power tools for cutting and bending of reinforcement steel bars
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC5. select appropriate personal protective equipment (P.P.E.s) for the task
PC6. select hand tools/power tools for cutting re-bars as per requirement
PC7. mark cutting length on rebar and cut rebar using hand/power tools
PC8. select hand tools for bending rebars according to diameter of rebar to be bend
PC9. mark length on rebar and bend re-bar as per the shape and dimensions given in the sketches
including hooks
PC10. maintain correct body posture while cutting and bending rebars manually or mechanically
PC11. check for length, shape of rebars to ensure they are within the tolerance limit
PC12. stack re-bars after cutting and bending as per standards practices
Fabricate place and fix reinforcement steel for R.C.Cfooting, column, beam and slab
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC13. select appropriate personal protective equipment (P.P.E.s) for the task
PC14. select re-bars for placement as per the drawing/sketches
PC15. follow correct method for insertion/ fixing of rebars for footing, column , beam and slab,
place and fix on its position
PC16. maintain uniform spacing between the bars, stirrups, link rod as per the drawing/sketches
PC17. stagger the lap to avoid more than 50% of splicing

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 30

Qualification Pack

PC18. tie reinforcement with binding wires as per drawing with specified spacing
PC19. ensure that location and position of reinforcement and fixing ties to reinforcement are
checked for accuracy
PC20. place cover blocks and spacers are placed to maintain appropriate covers & spacing
PC21. place and fix chairs at specified spacing to maintain correct thickness
PC22. check quality of reinforcement work with reference to spacing, placement, straightness of
bar, rigidity of ties etc

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. standard practices for reinforcement work

KU2. safety rules and regulations for handling and storing required tools, equipment and materials
KU3. personal protection including the use of related safety gears & equipment
KU4. maintenance of tools and equipment
KU5. use of measurement and marking tool
KU6. simple arithmetic calculation
KU7. unit weight of steel
KU8. different types of cover block and their uses
KU9. different types of steel rods, length and diameter
KU10. different types of binding wire, thickness and uses
KU11. prevention of reinforcement from rusting
KU12. use of chairs, spacer bar, hanger bars
KU13. how to read basic drawing/sketches for bar bending and fixing works
KU14. sequence for tying of reinforcement for in-situ, pre fabrication works
KU15. insertion and fixing process for slab(one way & two way slab), beam, column, footing, wall
KU16. lapping length and importance of lapping for different diameter of re-bars
KU17. importance of clear cover while carrying out reinforcement works
KU18. standard tolerance limits in reinforcement works

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. read sketches for the task

GS2. read sign boards, and safety tags
GS3. basic numeracy skills
GS4. speak in one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS5. orally and effectively communicate with co-workers & subordinates
GS6. decide on whether the workplace is safe for working
GS7. plan work and Organize required resources

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 31

Qualification Pack

GS8. complete work as per agreed time schedule and quality

GS9. minimize wastages
GS10. optimize resources

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 32

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Read sketches relevant to R.C.Cfooting, column,

6 14 - -
beam and slab

PC1. read basic detail from the sketches /

- - - -

PC2. calculate cutting length of rebar from the

- - - -

PC3. calculate number of chairs, spacer bars

- - - -
requirement to be used

PC4. plan for cutting of re-bars as per requirement - - - -

Use hand/power tools for cutting and bending of

9 21 - -
reinforcement steel bars

PC5. select appropriate personal protective

- - - -
equipment (P.P.E.s) for the task

PC6. select hand tools/power tools for cutting re-

- - - -
bars as per requirement

PC7. mark cutting length on rebar and cut rebar

- - - -
using hand/power tools

PC8. select hand tools for bending rebars

- - - -
according to diameter of rebar to be bend

PC9. mark length on rebar and bend re-bar as per

the shape and dimensions given in the sketches - - - -
including hooks

PC10. maintain correct body posture while cutting

- - - -
and bending rebars manually or mechanically

PC11. check for length, shape of rebars to ensure

- - - -
they are within the tolerance limit

PC12. stack re-bars after cutting and bending as

- - - -
per standards practices

Fabricate place and fix reinforcement steel for

15 35 - -
R.C.Cfooting, column, beam and slab

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 33

Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

PC13. select appropriate personal protective

- - - -
equipment (P.P.E.s) for the task

PC14. select re-bars for placement as per the

- - - -

PC15. follow correct method for insertion/ fixing of

rebars for footing, column , beam and slab, place - - - -
and fix on its position

PC16. maintain uniform spacing between the

bars, stirrups, link rod as per the - - - -

PC17. stagger the lap to avoid more than 50% of

- - - -

PC18. tie reinforcement with binding wires as per

- - - -
drawing with specified spacing

PC19. ensure that location and position of

reinforcement and fixing ties to reinforcement are - - - -
checked for accuracy

PC20. place cover blocks and spacers are placed

- - - -
to maintain appropriate covers & spacing

PC21. place and fix chairs at specified spacing to

- - - -
maintain correct thickness

PC22. check quality of reinforcement work with

reference to spacing, placement, straightness of - - - -
bar, rigidity of ties etc

NOS Total 30 70 - -

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 34

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code CON/N3605

Carry out reinforcement steel works for R.C.C structures in rural

NOS Name

Sector Construction

Sub-Sector Rural Infrastructure construction

Occupation Masonry-Rural

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 2.0

Last Reviewed Date 31/03/2022

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date 31/03/2022

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 35

Qualification Pack

CON/N3606: Carry out shuttering works in rural construction


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to carry out shuttering works for footing, column,
beam and slab in rural construction


The scope covers the following :

Use hand tools for making wooden shutter board

Carry out shuttering works in rural construction for R.C.C footing, column, beam and slab
Carry out scaffolding works using bamboo/ballies or pipes and coupler for supporting rural
construction activities

Elements and Performance Criteria

Use hand tool for making wooden shutter board

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. select appropriate personal protective equipment (P.P.E.s) for the task
PC2. check that all fixtures, consumables and materials are available for shutter making
PC3. carry out visual check to ensure materials for making shutters such as timber, plywood
etc.are of good quality
PC4. use measurement and marking tools for marking
PC5. select and use regular hand tools such as hand saw, chisel, jack hammer, nailing hammer,
hand drill and other tools efficiently
PC6. make wooden shutter panels using different types of joints such as dovetail, tenon & mortise,
lap joints as per requirement
Carry out shuttering works in ruralconstruction for R.C.C footing,column, beam and slab
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC7. clean the shutter panels before using for shuttering work
PC8. apply release agents to sheathing material
PC9. check and ensure all tools, material, components are available as per requirements
PC10. check that fixing and fasteners are available as per requirement
PC11. position and provide necessary support for footing, column, beam and slab shuttering
PC12. plug all openings and gaps using appropriate materials
PC13. ensure water tightness of form by providing form sheet or necessary packing material
PC14. position and fix props properly and check for plumb, position and spacing
PC15. ensure tightness of tie rods, supports, and bracings
PC16. check erected formwork for line, level, alignment and plumb within tolerance limit
PC17. check the dimensional accuracy and right angle and take necessary corrective measures if
PC18. ensure the RCC structure has gained sufficient strength before dismantling

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 36

Qualification Pack

PC19. dismantle formwork shutters sequentially as per standard practices

PC20. ensure that all the small components are stacked properly for further use
PC21. repair formwork material if required and ensure cleaning and proper stacking after
Carry out scaffoldingworks using bamboo/ballies orpipes and coupler for supporting rural construction
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC22. level area where scaffold need to be erected and check for ground compactness if required
PC23. select appropriate material for scaffolding as per requirement
PC24. erect scaffold sequentially as per requirement using locally available material
(bamboo/ballies or pipes and coupler)
PC25. check for stability, rigidity and necessary support to scaffold
PC26. fix walk boards , guard rails and other components on working platform
PC27. dismantle scaffold sequentially and stack material properly after removing for further use

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. standard procedure for shuttering works

KU2. reading of basic sketches / schematic working drawing that may be required for erecting and
dismantling shuttering
KU3. basic principles of measurement, geometry and arithmetic calculation
KU4. linear conversion of units
KU5. different types of measurement and marking tools
KU6. selection, use of hand / power tools and their basic maintenance
KU7. standard size of all carpentry tools, materials and components, their selection and use
KU8. different type of shuttering material such as timber, plywood, wooden batten, GI sheets and
other material
KU9. visual quality checks for shuttering material
KU10. knowledge and use of water level tube
KU11. different types of joints such as dovetail, tenon & mortise, lap joints
KU12. standard procedures for shuttering of footing, slab, beam and slab
KU13. how to provide support for shuttering of footing, slab, beam and slab
KU14. how to check for line, level and alignment of erected shutter boards
KU15. time for removing of shutters for footing, column, beam and slab
KU16. how to erect and dismantle staging (bamboo/ballies, pipes and coupler)

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. read sketches for the task

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 37

Qualification Pack

GS2. read sign boards, and safety tags

GS3. basic numeracy skills
GS4. speak in one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS5. communicate orally and effectively with co-workers & subordinates
GS6. decide on whether the workplace is safe for working
GS7. plan work and organize required resource
GS8. complete work as per agreed time schedule and quality
GS9. optimize resources
GS10. minimize wastages

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 38

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Use hand tool for making wooden shutter board 6 14 - -

PC1. select appropriate personal protective

- - - -
equipment (P.P.E.s) for the task

PC2. check that all fixtures, consumables and

- - - -
materials are available for shutter making

PC3. carry out visual check to ensure materials for

making shutters such as timber, plywood etc.are - - - -
of good quality

PC4. use measurement and marking tools for

- - - -

PC5. select and use regular hand tools such as

hand saw, chisel, jack hammer, nailing hammer, - - - -
hand drill and other tools efficiently

PC6. make wooden shutter panels using different

types of joints such as dovetail, tenon & mortise, - - - -
lap joints as per requirement

Carry out shuttering works in ruralconstruction for

18 42 - -
R.C.C footing,column, beam and slab

PC7. clean the shutter panels before using for

- - - -
shuttering work

PC8. apply release agents to sheathing material - - - -

PC9. check and ensure all tools, material,

- - - -
components are available as per requirements

PC10. check that fixing and fasteners are available

- - - -
as per requirement

PC11. position and provide necessary support for

- - - -
footing, column, beam and slab shuttering

PC12. plug all openings and gaps using

- - - -
appropriate materials

PC13. ensure water tightness of form by providing

- - - -
form sheet or necessary packing material

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 39

Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

PC14. position and fix props properly and check

- - - -
for plumb, position and spacing

PC15. ensure tightness of tie rods, supports, and

- - - -

PC16. check erected formwork for line, level,

- - - -
alignment and plumb within tolerance limit

PC17. check the dimensional accuracy and right

angle and take necessary corrective measures if - - - -

PC18. ensure the RCC structure has gained

- - - -
sufficient strength before dismantling

PC19. dismantle formwork shutters sequentially as

- - - -
per standard practices

PC20. ensure that all the small components are

- - - -
stacked properly for further use

PC21. repair formwork material if required and

ensure cleaning and proper stacking after - - - -

Carry out scaffoldingworks using bamboo/ballies

orpipes and coupler for supporting rural construction 6 14 - -

PC22. level area where scaffold need to be

erected and check for ground compactness if - - - -

PC23. select appropriate material for scaffolding

- - - -
as per requirement

PC24. erect scaffold sequentially as per

requirement using locally available material - - - -
(bamboo/ballies or pipes and coupler)

PC25. check for stability, rigidity and necessary

- - - -
support to scaffold

PC26. fix walk boards , guard rails and other

- - - -
components on working platform

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 40

Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

PC27. dismantle scaffold sequentially and stack

- - - -
material properly after removing for further use

NOS Total 30 70 - -

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 41

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code CON/N3606

NOS Name Carry out shuttering works in rural construction

Sector Construction

Sub-Sector Rural Infrastructure construction

Occupation Masonry-Rural

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 2.0

Last Reviewed Date 31/03/2022

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date 31/03/2022

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 42

Qualification Pack

CON/N3607: Carry out manual concreting in rural construction


This unit describes the skills and knowledge to carry out manual concreting in rural construction


The scope covers the following :

Carry out preparatory work before pouring of manual concrete

Carry out pouring and compaction of concrete
Finish and cure concrete

Elements and Performance Criteria

Carry out preparatory workbefore pouring of manual concrete

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. ensure surface is prepared appropriately and address any deviation in slope / alignment or
undulations in surface prior to concreting
PC2. ensure rectification of any gaps in formwork to avoid leakage
PC3. check for misalignment in formwork/reinforcement and ensure proper cover for
reinforcement is provided
PC4. use potable water for concrete preparation
PC5. visually check the grade of cement and manufactures date prior to use
PC6. visually check quality of aggregate and ensure it is free from organic impurities
PC7. check and ensure concrete is mixed as per specification
PC8. visually assess the concrete mix for usability and workability
Carry out pouring and compaction of concrete
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC9. ensure standard pouring height for concrete is maintained throughout pouring
PC10. ensure pouring of concrete takes place in specified layers
PC11. pour concrete to maintain specified levels & cover for steel reinforcement
PC12. use tamping rod/hand concrete vibrator for compaction of concrete
Finish and cure concrete
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC13. spread the concrete as per requirements using appropriate tools and technique
PC14. push excess concrete towards the formwork for easy removal
PC15. level the edges and corners as per requirement using appropriate tools for semi-finished
PC16. smoothen the surface using appropriate tools, to ensure a consistent and durable final finish
PC17. apply a final finish on the surface as per requirements
PC18. ensure cleaning and removal of spilled concrete is carried out after work

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 43

Qualification Pack

PC19. ensure proper curing of concrete by marking and monitoring of the curing time

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. standard practices for concreting work

KU2. personal protection including the use of related safety gears & equipment
KU3. safety rules and regulations for handling and storing required concreting tools, equipment
and materials
KU4. standard sizes of concreting tools such as measuring tape/rule, vibrator, shovels, rakes,
screeding board / tools and tamping tools (hand, rolling), different types of floats; their use,
upkeep and maintenance
KU5. precaution while working in wet concrete area
KU6. basic principles of measurement
KU7. basic properties of concrete including weight, slump & mix proportions
KU8. various type and grade of cement used, effect of water /cement ratio and type of aggreg
KU9. sequence of concrete pouring and placing
KU10. manual mixing of concrete and nominal mix proportions
KU11. cover to reinforcement with respect to size of reinforcement
KU12. how to avoid shrinkage cracks in concrete
KU13. construction and expansion joints
KU14. appropriate technique for pouring of concrete in the form of layers as per the specification
KU15. technique to avoid air pockets or voids while concreting
KU16. appropriate technique for screeding of concrete
KU17. appropriate technique for floating of concrete surface
KU18. appropriate technique and extent to which construction joints must be provided
KU19. importance of finishing concrete after initial setting of concrete/semi-finished stage
KU20. importance and use of releasing agents on the formwork
KU21. curing process as per the specification / based on type of concreting works
KU22. how to protect concrete surface from direct contact with sun and prevent damage
KU23. different type of defects in concrete

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. basic numeracy skills

GS2. read sketches for the task
GS3. read sign boards, and safety tags
GS4. speak in one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS5. communicate orally and effectively with co-workers & subordinates

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 44

Qualification Pack

GS6. decide whether the workplace is safe for working

GS7. plan work and organize required resources
GS8. complete work as per agreed time schedule and quality
GS9. optimize resources efficiently
GS10. minimize wastage in the workplace

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 45

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Carry out preparatory workbefore pouring of manual

12 28 - -

PC1. ensure surface is prepared appropriately and

address any deviation in slope / alignment or - - - -
undulations in surface prior to concreting

PC2. ensure rectification of any gaps in formwork

- - - -
to avoid leakage

PC3. check for misalignment in

formwork/reinforcement and ensure proper cover - - - -
for reinforcement is provided

PC4. use potable water for concrete preparation - - - -

PC5. visually check the grade of cement and

- - - -
manufactures date prior to use

PC6. visually check quality of aggregate and

- - - -
ensure it is free from organic impurities

PC7. check and ensure concrete is mixed as per

- - - -

PC8. visually assess the concrete mix for usability

- - - -
and workability

Carry out pouring and compaction of concrete 6 14 - -

PC9. ensure standard pouring height for concrete

- - - -
is maintained throughout pouring

PC10. ensure pouring of concrete takes place in

- - - -
specified layers

PC11. pour concrete to maintain specified levels &

- - - -
cover for steel reinforcement

PC12. use tamping rod/hand concrete vibrator for

- - - -
compaction of concrete

Finish and cure concrete 12 28 - -

PC13. spread the concrete as per requirements

- - - -
using appropriate tools and technique

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 46

Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

PC14. push excess concrete towards the formwork

- - - -
for easy removal

PC15. level the edges and corners as per

requirement using appropriate tools for semi- - - - -
finished concrete

PC16. smoothen the surface using appropriate

tools, to ensure a consistent and durable final - - - -

PC17. apply a final finish on the surface as per

- - - -

PC18. ensure cleaning and removal of spilled

- - - -
concrete is carried out after work

PC19. ensure proper curing of concrete by marking

- - - -
and monitoring of the curing time

NOS Total 30 70 - -

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 47

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code CON/N3607

NOS Name Carry out manual concreting in rural construction

Sector Construction

Sub-Sector Rural Infrastructure construction

Occupation Masonry - Rural

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 2.0

Last Reviewed Date 31/03/2022

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date 31/03/2022

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 48

Qualification Pack

CON/N3621: Select, harvest and prepare the bamboo for the construction


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required for selection, harvesting and treatment of bamboo
used for construction works.


The scope covers the following :

Carry out selection and harvesting of bamboo

Perform treatment of bamboo

Elements and Performance Criteria

Carry out selection and harvesting of bamboo

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. identify different types and species of bamboo
PC2. select the appropriate bamboo for the construction work based on physical description,
length, diameters, gaps between rings (nodes), and wall thickness (not less than 12mm) of
the bamboo.
PC3. ensure wall thickness of bamboo selected is not less than 12mm
PC4. identify recommended culm and clump for harvesting bamboo using ‘horse foot technique
PC5. use jigs and tools for harvesting bamboo without damaging upcoming tender shoots
Perform treatment of bamboo
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC6. perform preparatory activity prior to the treatment of bamboo such as cleaning of culms
PC7. set up the “Bamboo treatment plant” for in-situ treatment of bamboo as per applicability
PC8. carry out different methods for the treatment of bamboo such as soaking methods, injecting
method, boiling method and/ or pressure treatment
PC9. prepare chemical-water solution in specified ratio for the treatment of the bamboo
PC10. check and prepare the pressure gauge for pressure treatment of the bamboo
PC11. attach the bamboo to the machine/ pump of the treatment plant as per the specifications
PC12. perform the treatment of the bamboo as per recommended pressure and procedures
PC13. carry out grading and storing of treated culm/ bamboo as per the specification

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. basic principles of measurement

KU2. safety rules and regulations for handling and storing required tools, equipment and materials

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 49

Qualification Pack

KU3. personal protection including the use of related safety gears & equipment
KU4. various species of bamboo used for construction works
KU5. maturity age for bamboo for use in construction works
KU6. pros and cons of using bamboo as construction material
KU7. checks of straightness of bamboo
KU8. appropriate season for harvesting of bamboo
KU9. harvesting bamboo using horse foot technique, utilizing jigs & tools for harvesting bamboo
KU10. types of bamboo treatment adopted
KU11. knowledge on locally available bamboo based wall construction components
KU12. various methods of bamboo treatment CCB, boric and borax , alum, salt treatment and other
traditional method i.e. cow urine, soaking, pressure treatment & sourcing of treatment
KU13. relative merits and demerits of the various treatment processes
KU14. relative merits and demerits of the various treatment processes
KU15. brouchery treatment plant for in-situ treatment of bamboo members
KU16. heavy treatment plant-pressure treatment for bamboo members
KU17. environment aspect and bamboo treatment, including safe disposal of the waste chemicals
KU18. sorting, storing and stacking of bamboo as per use
KU19. planning and organizing of work, tool and accessories for use in bamboo construction

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. read sketches for the task

GS2. read sign boards, and safety tags
GS3. basic numeracy skills
GS4. speak in one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS5. orally and effectively communicate with co-workers & subordinates
GS6. decide on whether the workplace is safe for working
GS7. plan work and organize required resources
GS8. manage resources
GS9. complete work as per agreed time schedule and quality

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 50

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Carry out selection and harvesting of bamboo 9 21 - -

PC1. identify different types and species of

- - - -

PC2. select the appropriate bamboo for the

construction work based on physical description,
length, diameters, gaps between rings (nodes), - - - -
and wall thickness (not less than 12mm) of the

PC3. ensure wall thickness of bamboo selected is

- - - -
not less than 12mm

PC4. identify recommended culm and clump for

- - - -
harvesting bamboo using ‘horse foot technique

PC5. use jigs and tools for harvesting bamboo

- - - -
without damaging upcoming tender shoots

Perform treatment of bamboo 21 49 - -

PC6. perform preparatory activity prior to the

- - - -
treatment of bamboo such as cleaning of culms

PC7. set up the “Bamboo treatment plant” for in-

- - - -
situ treatment of bamboo as per applicability

PC8. carry out different methods for the

treatment of bamboo such as soaking methods,
- - - -
injecting method, boiling method and/ or
pressure treatment

PC9. prepare chemical-water solution in specified

- - - -
ratio for the treatment of the bamboo

PC10. check and prepare the pressure gauge for

- - - -
pressure treatment of the bamboo

PC11. attach the bamboo to the machine/ pump

- - - -
of the treatment plant as per the specifications

PC12. perform the treatment of the bamboo as

- - - -
per recommended pressure and procedures

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 51

Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

PC13. carry out grading and storing of treated

- - - -
culm/ bamboo as per the specification

NOS Total 30 70 - -

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 52

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code CON/N3621

NOS Name Select, harvest and prepare the bamboo for the construction works

Sector Construction

Sub-Sector Rural Infrastructure construction

Occupation Masonry - Rural

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 1.0

Last Reviewed Date 31/03/2022

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date 31/03/2022

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 53

Qualification Pack

CON/N3622: Select, stack and perform visual quality checks on bamboo

used for construction purpose


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required for selection, stacking and performing visual quality
checks of bamboo for use in construction.


The scope covers the following :

Carry out selection, stacking and performing visual quality checks of treated bamboo for use in

Elements and Performance Criteria

Carry out selection, stacking and performing visual quality checks of treated bamboo for use in
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. perform visual checks and confirm that bamboo is of recommended species and of required
PC2. select bamboo for use in different parts of a structure
PC3. check and confirm straightness of bamboo members
PC4. check for maximum to minimum diameter of the members, wall thickness of bamboo,
internode distance, internode distance to diameter ratio
PC5. perform visual checks f and confirm that the treatment process is acceptable as per the
instruction manual
PC6. ensure sorting, stacking and storage of treated bamboos members as per their use
PC7. carry out visual quality checks for shrinkage post component production
PC8. carry out visual quality checks on available types of bamboo/bamboo based mats to ensure
they are in accordance with standards quality requirements

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. basic principles of measurement

KU2. safety rules and regulations for handling and storing required tools, equipment and materials
KU3. personal protection including the use of related safety gears & equipment
KU4. method of sorting, storing and stacking of bamboo as per use
KU5. type of bamboo species used in construction works
KU6. maturity age for bamboo for use in construction works
KU7. pros and cons of using bamboo as construction material

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 54

Qualification Pack

KU8. instruction manual for bamboo treatment

KU9. knowledge on locally available bamboo based wall construction components
KU10. planning and organizing of work, tool and accessories for use in bamboo construction
KU11. knowledge about the different steps to construction of a bamboo joint
KU12. check for straightness in the construction components

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. read sketches for the task

GS2. read sign boards, and safety tags
GS3. basic numeracy skills
GS4. speak in one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS5. orally and effectively communicate with co-workers & subordinates
GS6. decide on whether the workplace is safe for working
GS7. plan work and organize required resources
GS8. manage resources
GS9. complete work as per agreed time schedule and quality

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 55

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Carry out selection, stacking and performing visual

quality checks of treated bamboo for use in 30 70 - -

PC1. perform visual checks and confirm that

bamboo is of recommended species and of - - - -
required age

PC2. select bamboo for use in different parts of a

- - - -

PC3. check and confirm straightness of bamboo

- - - -

PC4. check for maximum to minimum diameter of

the members, wall thickness of bamboo,
- - - -
internode distance, internode distance to
diameter ratio

PC5. perform visual checks f and confirm that the

treatment process is acceptable as per the - - - -
instruction manual

PC6. ensure sorting, stacking and storage of

- - - -
treated bamboos members as per their use

PC7. carry out visual quality checks for shrinkage

- - - -
post component production

PC8. carry out visual quality checks on available

types of bamboo/bamboo based mats to ensure
- - - -
they are in accordance with standards quality

NOS Total 30 70 - -

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 56

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code CON/N3622

Select, stack and perform visual quality checks on bamboo used for
NOS Name
construction purpose

Sector Construction

Sub-Sector Rural Infrastructure construction

Occupation Masonry - Rural

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 1.0

Last Reviewed Date 31/03/2022

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date 31/03/2022

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 57

Qualification Pack

CON/N3623: Cut, shape, drill and join treated bamboo for making of mat,
posts, joints, ties, beams and bracing used for building construction


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required for cutting, shaping drilling and jointing of treated
bamboo members for making of mat, posts, joints, ties, beams and bracing used for building construction


The scope covers the following :

Carry out cutting, shaping drilling and jointing of treated bamboo members for making of mat, posts,
joints, ties, beams and bracing used for building construction

Elements and Performance Criteria

Carry out cutting, shaping drilling and jointing of treated bamboo members for making of mat, posts,
joints, ties, beams and bracing used for building construction
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. read and interpret the drawing relevant to bamboo construction works
PC2. list out the components required for all the members and label them as per specification
PC3. ensure the treated bamboo for any signs of damage is free from damages
PC4. cut the posts, horizontal members, diagonal bracings, etc. as per drawing and label them
(joint numbers
PC5. mark a template for truss making on the ground as per the drawings
PC6. cut the treated bamboo to size of components for rafters, ties, struts, wind bracings
raking members and purlins- number the member ends
PC7. make 10mm diameter holes in the appropriate locations and numbers as per the drawing
using hand auger or power drills

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. basic principles of measurement

KU2. safety rules and regulations for handling and storing required tools, equipment and materials
KU3. personal protection including the use of related safety gears & equipment
KU4. knowledge on locally available bamboo based wall construction components
KU5. pros and cons for using bamboo as construction material
KU6. planning and organizing of work, tool and accessories for use in bamboo construction
KU7. knowledge about pros and cons of using tools for drilling and tying bamboos
KU8. knowledge about the different steps to construction of a bamboo joint.
KU9. check for straightness in the construction components

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 58

Qualification Pack

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. read sketches for the task

GS2. read sign boards, and safety tags
GS3. basic numeracy skills
GS4. read checklist of components
GS5. speak in one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS6. orally and effectively communicate with co-workers & subordinates
GS7. decide on whether the workplace is safe for working
GS8. plan work and organize required resources
GS9. manage resources
GS10. complete work as per agreed time schedule and quality

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 59

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Carry out cutting, shaping drilling and jointing of

treated bamboo members for making of mat,
30 70 - -
posts, joints, ties, beams and bracing used for
building construction

PC1. read and interpret the drawing relevant to

- - - -
bamboo construction works

PC2. list out the components required for all the

- - - -
members and label them as per specification

PC3. ensure the treated bamboo for any signs of

- - - -
damage is free from damages

PC4. cut the posts, horizontal members, diagonal

bracings, etc. as per drawing and label them - - - -
(joint numbers

PC5. mark a template for truss making on the

- - - -
ground as per the drawings

PC6. cut the treated bamboo to size of

components for rafters, ties, struts, wind
- - - -
bracings raking members and purlins- number
the member ends

PC7. make 10mm diameter holes in the

appropriate locations and numbers as per the - - - -
drawing using hand auger or power drills

NOS Total 30 70 - -

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 60

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code CON/N3623

Cut, shape, drill and join treated bamboo for making of mat, posts,
NOS Name
joints, ties, beams and bracing used for building construction

Sector Construction

Sub-Sector Rural Infrastructure construction

Occupation Masonry - Rural

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 1.0

Last Reviewed Date 31/03/2022

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date 31/03/2022

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 61

Qualification Pack

CON/N3624: Construct simple rural buildings with treated bamboo


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required for the construction of simple rural buildings with
treated bamboo


The scope covers the following :

Carry out preparatory works for construction of simple rural building.

Carry out erection of superstructure with bamboo components.
Carry out erection of roofing truss, purlins, ties, bracings etc.
Fix roof cladding , CGI or bamboo sheets.

Elements and Performance Criteria

Carry out preparatory works for construction of simple rural building

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. read and interpret the sketches of the building
PC2. select tools required for the task and ensure they are in working condition
PC3. set out the layouts as per sketches/drawings
PC4. ensure transfer of loading points as per the layouts using water level tubes, plumb bobs to
check 90 degree.
PC5. ensure proper protection of bamboo members from moisture when in contact with ground
PC6. connect base of the bamboo member to a stone/concrete foundation/ top of toe wall as per
the sketches
PC7. ensure appropriate protection of bamboo posts, ties and bracings
Carry out erection of superstructure with bamboo components
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC8. plan and organise work resources for construction of superstructure
PC9. sort different components and stack them as per use
PC10. use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.s) for the task
PC11. ensure work place is clear for undertaking the super-structure work
PC12. place and anchor the posts at base and tie them at roof, lintel and sill level
PC13. fix the bracings by fitting all joints with MS bolts (10mm) and tying with GI wire, nylon ropes
or equivalent materials
PC14. confirm placement of door and window frames as per the drawing
PC15. carry out erection of simple bamboo mat walls or Ekra as per specification/ instruction
PC16. carry out plastering of the bamboo mats with cement stabilised mud /cement sand mortar, or
plaster reinforced with chicken wire mesh as per applicability
Carry out erection of roofing truss, purlins, ties, bracings etc.
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 62

Qualification Pack

PC17. plan and organise the sequence work for erection of roof truss
PC18. identify the labelled components as per specifications
PC19. use PPE’s for roof truss erection and follow precaution while working at height
PC20. place the truss on the vertical posts as per specifications/ drawings
PC21. fabricate trusses, based on the template, using the members cut to sizes as per
specifications and joint numbering
PC22. connect all the joints using MS bolts and nuts with double washers and secure them by tying
with GI wire, nylon rope or equivalent material
PC23. fix purlins and rafters simultaneously as the trusses are erected to ensure stability of the
trusses in standing position.
PC24. fix all the roof framing components including all trusses ,purlins and wind bracing as per the
PC25. bolt the joints with MS 10mm diameter bolt and tie with GI wires at all the locations where
the purlins rest including the component joint.
Fix roof cladding, CGI or bamboo sheets
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC26. perform visual checks for the quality of roofing sheets
PC27. use PPE’s for roof cladding and follow precaution while working at height
PC28. fix the roofing sheets to the bamboo truss using J – Hooks
PC29. fix ridge cap, valley and hip covers
PC30. fix GI gutters at eaves end for collection of rainwater.

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. basic principles of measurement

KU2. safety rules and regulations for handling and storing required tools, equipment and materials
KU3. personal protection including the use of related safety gears & equipment
KU4. different ways to tie, screw and hammer bamboo members for a permanent construction.
KU5. process of checking horizontality and vertical straightness using water level tubes, plumb
bobs and other methods used for checking 90 degree
KU6. knowledge on locally available bamboo based wall construction components
KU7. planning and organizing of work, tool and accessories for use in bamboo construction
KU8. knowledge about pros and cons of using tools for drilling and tying bamboos
KU9. knowledge about the different steps to construction of a bamboo joint
KU10. check for straightness in the construction components.
KU11. process of erection of superstructure
KU12. process of erection of bamboo roof truss
KU13. process of fixing of roof cladding, roof sheets on bamboo truss
KU14. roofing sheets used in bamboo buildings mostly GI or corrugated bamboo sheet

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 63

Qualification Pack

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. read sketches for the task

GS2. read sign boards, and safety tags
GS3. basic numeracy skills
GS4. read checklist of components
GS5. speak in one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS6. orally and effectively communicate with co-workers & subordinates
GS7. decide on whether the workplace is safe for working
GS8. plan work and organize required resources
GS9. manage resources
GS10. complete work as per agreed time schedule and quality

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 64

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Carry out preparatory works for construction of

6 14 - -
simple rural building

PC1. read and interpret the sketches of the

- - - -

PC2. select tools required for the task and ensure

- - - -
they are in working condition

PC3. set out the layouts as per sketches/drawings - - - -

PC4. ensure transfer of loading points as per the

layouts using water level tubes, plumb bobs to - - - -
check 90 degree.

PC5. ensure proper protection of bamboo

members from moisture when in contact with - - - -

PC6. connect base of the bamboo member to a

stone/concrete foundation/ top of toe wall as per - - - -
the sketches

PC7. ensure appropriate protection of bamboo

- - - -
posts, ties and bracings

Carry out erection of superstructure with bamboo

9 21 - -

PC8. plan and organise work resources for

- - - -
construction of superstructure

PC9. sort different components and stack them as

- - - -
per use

PC10. use appropriate Personal Protective

- - - -
Equipment (P.P.E.s) for the task

PC11. ensure work place is clear for undertaking

- - - -
the super-structure work

PC12. place and anchor the posts at base and tie

- - - -
them at roof, lintel and sill level

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 65

Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

PC13. fix the bracings by fitting all joints with MS

bolts (10mm) and tying with GI wire, nylon ropes - - - -
or equivalent materials

PC14. confirm placement of door and window

- - - -
frames as per the drawing

PC15. carry out erection of simple bamboo mat

- - - -
walls or Ekra as per specification/ instruction

PC16. carry out plastering of the bamboo mats

with cement stabilised mud /cement sand mortar,
- - - -
or plaster reinforced with chicken wire mesh as
per applicability

Carry out erection of roofing truss, purlins, ties,

9 21 - -
bracings etc.

PC17. plan and organise the sequence work for

- - - -
erection of roof truss

PC18. identify the labelled components as per

- - - -

PC19. use PPE’s for roof truss erection and follow

- - - -
precaution while working at height

PC20. place the truss on the vertical posts as per

- - - -
specifications/ drawings

PC21. fabricate trusses, based on the template,

using the members cut to sizes as per - - - -
specifications and joint numbering

PC22. connect all the joints using MS bolts and

nuts with double washers and secure them by
- - - -
tying with GI wire, nylon rope or equivalent

PC23. fix purlins and rafters simultaneously as the

trusses are erected to ensure stability of the - - - -
trusses in standing position.

PC24. fix all the roof framing components

including all trusses ,purlins and wind bracing as - - - -
per the drawing

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 66

Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

PC25. bolt the joints with MS 10mm diameter bolt

and tie with GI wires at all the locations where the - - - -
purlins rest including the component joint.

Fix roof cladding, CGI or bamboo sheets 6 14 - -

PC26. perform visual checks for the quality of

- - - -
roofing sheets

PC27. use PPE’s for roof cladding and follow

- - - -
precaution while working at height

PC28. fix the roofing sheets to the bamboo truss

- - - -
using J – Hooks

PC29. fix ridge cap, valley and hip covers - - - -

PC30. fix GI gutters at eaves end for collection of

- - - -

NOS Total 30 70 - -

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 67

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code CON/N3624

NOS Name Construct simple rural buildings with treated bamboo

Sector Construction

Sub-Sector Rural Infrastructure construction

Occupation Masonry - Rural

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 1.0

Last Reviewed Date 31/03/2022

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date 31/03/2022

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 68

Qualification Pack

CON/N3625: Follow seismic and wind safety protection measures for

bamboo buildings


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required for following the seismic and wind safety protection
measures for bamboo buildings


The scope covers the following :

Carry out the seismic and wind safety protection measures in bamboo buildings

Elements and Performance Criteria

Preparatory works for construction of simple rural building

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. place the seismic and wind bracing members at the specified location and as per
recommended orientation in the super structure
PC2. carry out specified placement of the diagonal bracing members in the roof structure and carry
out a recommended jointing
PC3. carry out winding of GI or equivalent ropes at joints to avoid stress concentration during
seismic and high winds
PC4. fix J hook fitting to avoid high wind suction of CGI sheets
PC5. fix metal arresters to avoid lifting of roofing sheets in very high wind areas

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. basic principles of measurement

KU2. safety rules and regulations for handling and storing required tools, equipment and materials
KU3. personal protection including the use of related safety gears & equipment
KU4. sorting, storing and stacking of bamboo as per use
KU5. pros and cons of using bamboo as construction material
KU6. pros and cons of using bamboo as construction material
KU7. maturity age for bamboo for use in construction works
KU8. instruction manual for bamboo treatment
KU9. knowledge on locally available bamboo based wall construction components
KU10. planning and organizing of work, tool and accessories for use in bamboo construction
KU11. knowledge about pros and cons of using tools for drilling and tying bamboos
KU12. knowledge about the different steps to construction of a bamboo joint
KU13. check for straightness in the construction components

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 69

Qualification Pack

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. read sketches for the task

GS2. read sign boards, and safety tags
GS3. basic numeracy skills
GS4. read checklist of components
GS5. speak in one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS6. orally and effectively communicate with co-workers & subordinates
GS7. decide on whether the workplace is safe for working
GS8. plan work and organize required resources
GS9. manage resources
GS10. complete work as per agreed time schedule and quality

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 70

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Preparatory works for construction of simple rural

30 70 - -

PC1. place the seismic and wind bracing

members at the specified location and as per
- - - -
recommended orientation in the super

PC2. carry out specified placement of the

diagonal bracing members in the roof structure - - - -
and carry out a recommended jointing

PC3. carry out winding of GI or equivalent ropes

at joints to avoid stress concentration during - - - -
seismic and high winds

PC4. fix J hook fitting to avoid high wind suction

- - - -
of CGI sheets

PC5. fix metal arresters to avoid lifting of

- - - -
roofing sheets in very high wind areas

NOS Total 30 70 - -

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 71

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code CON/N3625

Follow seismic and wind safety protection measures for bamboo

NOS Name

Sector Construction

Sub-Sector Rural Infrastructure construction

Occupation Masonry - Rural

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 1.0

Last Reviewed Date 31/03/2022

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date 31/03/2022

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 72

Qualification Pack

CON/N3626: Construct buildings using Compresses Stabilized Earth Block



This unit describes the skills and knowledge required for construction of building using Compresses
Stabilized Earth Block (CSEB)


The scope covers the following :

Carry out preparatory activities for masonry work

Carry out visual checks on CSEB and test soil types to prepare stabilized sand-mud mortar for
carrying out masonry, pointing and plastering work
Lay CSEB for construction of load bearing / non-load bearing wall, columns.
Carry out fixing of door and window frames in CSEB masonry wall of different block sizes
Carry out pointing in CSEB masonry of different block sizes

Elements and Performance Criteria

Carry out preparatory activities for masonry work

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. read and interpret the sketches for super-structure works
PC2. select required tools for the task and ensure they are in working condition
PC3. select appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.s) for the task
PC4. ensure work place is clear for undertaking the super-structure work
PC5. select and secure flat areas to stack CSEB blocks.
PC6. carry out preparation of working platform for mortar mixing
PC7. lay the zero course(without mortar) of CSEB masonry as per sketches/drawings
PC8. visually check the CSEB for defect such as breaking joints
PC9. check horizontal and vertical straightness using water level tubes, plum bobs and other
PC10. select and prepare/procure appropriate tools for testing of soil
PC11. secure sources for sand, mud and water supply
Carry out visual checks on CSEB and test soil types to prepare stabilized sand-mud mortar for carrying
out masonry, pointing and plastering work
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC12. select appropriate soil and sand for preparation of stabilized sand-mud mortar
PC13. conduct field tests and in select cases, may be laboratory tests
PC14. procure sand and soil of required quantities
PC15. perform visual checks on the CSEB for strength, soundness, moisture absorption prior to use
PC16. screen selected soil and sand before use

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 73

Qualification Pack

PC17. select appropriate tools and equipment as per the tasks ensuring they are in working
Lay CSEB for construction of load bearing / non-load bearing wall, columns in stretcher and English bond
for different block sizes
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC18. estimate the quantity of CSEB and mortar material required for English and stretcher bond-
full blocks, half and 3/4th blocks
PC19. perform visual checks for quality of CSEB prior to use
PC20. ensure fine aggregate and mud are sieved as per specification/instruction
PC21. ensure proper stacking of CSEB of required numbers as per requirement at the work place
PC22. ensure soaking of CSEB prior to commencement of work
PC23. break blocks to required shape and size using appropriate tools following appropriate safety
PC24. lay and fix CSEB blocks for walls both load bearing and non-load bearing wall masonry for
columns and walls in English (up to 1&1/2 bricks wall)and stretcher bond for different block
PC25. construct T, L, Crossing, opening ends in CSEB of different sizes
PC26. provide vertical reinforcement at corners and in opening jambs and horizontal bands as per
sketches for seismic protection
PC27. check vertical and horizontal alignment using appropriate tools
PC28. maintain line and level of each course of CSEB work using wooden / aluminum straight edge
PC29. set out 90° corners using builder’s square or 3-4-5 method and check right angles of corner,
T, crossing
PC30. ensure adequate curing of constructed masonry structure
Carry out fixing of door and window frames in CSEB masonry wall of different block sizes
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC31. mark, set out location of frames of doors, windows and ventilators
PC32. check and carry out proper alignment of the frame and hold in position with temporary
PC33. check the holdfast position and grout it (1:1.5:3 CC) between CSEB blocks in wall
PC34. fill the gap between wall and door frame with non‐shrink material/grout fix wooden/metal
panels for doors, windows and ventilators
Carry out pointing in CSEB masonry of different block sizes
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC35. ensure that joints are cleaned and surface is wet prior to pointing
PC36. ensure lime/cement-sand-mud mortar for pointing is prepared as per specification (10%
PC37. fill joints with cement/lime stabilized mortar (10% stabilization) to obtain specified type of
PC38. carry out flush pointing using recommended tools and technique
PC39. ensure specified curing of pointing works

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Qualification Pack

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. basic principles of measurement

KU2. safety rules and regulations for handling and storing required tools, equipment and materials
KU3. personal protection including the use of related safety gears & equipment
KU4. • various tools required for work:
• • Different types of Trowels (of the right blade size)
• • Masons Hammer
• • Blocking Chisel
• • Mashing Hammer
• • Jointers
• • Measuring tape
• • Level and level pipe
• • Wire net for screening
KU5. the mix of cement/lime for different soil conditions
KU6. check on CSEB for strength, soundness, moisture absorption before use
KU7. procedure for storage of the raw materials, soil cement, lime and water
KU8. procedure for laying CSEB in English and stretcher bond
KU9. procedure for construction of T, L, Crossing, opening ends in CSEB of different sizes
KU10. process of reinforcing T, L, Crossing, opening ends in CSEB in different seismic zones
KU11. zone specific seismic reinforcements as per drawing: Vertical reinforcement at corners and
in opening jambs & horizontal bands, PB, SB, LB & RB- applicability in zone V, IV and III
KU12. process of fixing of doors ,windows and ventilators in CSEB wall
KU13. mortar used for pointing in CSEB masonry
KU14. process of pointing in CSEB masonry
KU15. process of curing in CSEB masonry

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. read sketches for the task

GS2. basic numeracy skills
GS3. speak in one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS4. orally and effectively communicate with co-workers & subordinates
GS5. decide on whether the workplace is safe for working
GS6. plan work and organize required resources
GS7. manage resources
GS8. complete work as per agreed time schedule and quality

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 75

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Carry out preparatory activities for masonry work 3 7 - -

PC1. read and interpret the sketches for super-

- - - -
structure works

PC2. select required tools for the task and ensure

- - - -
they are in working condition

PC3. select appropriate Personal Protective

- - - -
Equipment (P.P.E.s) for the task

PC4. ensure work place is clear for undertaking the

- - - -
super-structure work

PC5. select and secure flat areas to stack CSEB

- - - -

PC6. carry out preparation of working platform for

- - - -
mortar mixing

PC7. lay the zero course(without mortar) of CSEB

- - - -
masonry as per sketches/drawings

PC8. visually check the CSEB for defect such as

- - - -
breaking joints

PC9. check horizontal and vertical straightness

using water level tubes, plum bobs and other - - - -

PC10. select and prepare/procure appropriate tools

- - - -
for testing of soil

PC11. secure sources for sand, mud and water

- - - -

Carry out visual checks on CSEB and test soil types to

prepare stabilized sand-mud mortar for carrying out 6 14 - -
masonry, pointing and plastering work

PC12. select appropriate soil and sand for

- - - -
preparation of stabilized sand-mud mortar

PC13. conduct field tests and in select cases, may

- - - -
be laboratory tests

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Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

PC14. procure sand and soil of required quantities - - - -

PC15. perform visual checks on the CSEB for

strength, soundness, moisture absorption prior to - - - -

PC16. screen selected soil and sand before use - - - -

PC17. select appropriate tools and equipment as

- - - -
per the tasks ensuring they are in working condition

Lay CSEB for construction of load bearing / non-load

bearing wall, columns in stretcher and English bond 9 21 - -
for different block sizes

PC18. estimate the quantity of CSEB and mortar

material required for English and stretcher bond- - - - -
full blocks, half and 3/4th blocks

PC19. perform visual checks for quality of CSEB

- - - -
prior to use

PC20. ensure fine aggregate and mud are sieved as

- - - -
per specification/instruction

PC21. ensure proper stacking of CSEB of required

- - - -
numbers as per requirement at the work place

PC22. ensure soaking of CSEB prior to

- - - -
commencement of work

PC23. break blocks to required shape and size using

appropriate tools following appropriate safety - - - -

PC24. lay and fix CSEB blocks for walls both load

bearing and non-load bearing wall masonry for
- - - -
columns and walls in English (up to 1&1/2 bricks
wall)and stretcher bond for different block sizes

PC25. construct T, L, Crossing, opening ends in

- - - -
CSEB of different sizes

PC26. provide vertical reinforcement at corners and

in opening jambs and horizontal bands as per - - - -
sketches for seismic protection

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 77

Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

PC27. check vertical and horizontal alignment using

- - - -
appropriate tools

PC28. maintain line and level of each course of

CSEB work using wooden / aluminum straight edge - - - -

PC29. set out 90° corners using builder’s square or

3-4-5 method and check right angles of corner, T, - - - -

PC30. ensure adequate curing of constructed

- - - -
masonry structure

Carry out fixing of door and window frames in CSEB

6 14 - -
masonry wall of different block sizes

PC31. mark, set out location of frames of doors,

- - - -
windows and ventilators

PC32. check and carry out proper alignment of the

- - - -
frame and hold in position with temporary support

PC33. check the holdfast position and grout it

- - - -
(1:1.5:3 CC) between CSEB blocks in wall

PC34. fill the gap between wall and door frame with
non‐shrink material/grout fix wooden/metal panels - - - -
for doors, windows and ventilators

Carry out pointing in CSEB masonry of different block

6 14 - -

PC35. ensure that joints are cleaned and surface is

- - - -
wet prior to pointing

PC36. ensure lime/cement-sand-mud mortar for

pointing is prepared as per specification (10% - - - -

PC37. fill joints with cement/lime stabilized mortar

(10% stabilization) to obtain specified type of - - - -

PC38. carry out flush pointing using recommended

- - - -
tools and technique

PC39. ensure specified curing of pointing works - - - -

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 78

Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

NOS Total 30 70 - -

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Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code CON/N3626

NOS Name Construct buildings using Compresses Stabilized Earth Block (CSEB)

Sector Construction

Sub-Sector Rural Infrastructure construction

Occupation Masonry - Rural

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 1.0

Last Reviewed Date 31/03/2022

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date 31/03/2022

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 80

Qualification Pack

CON/N3603: Build structures using random rubble masonry for rural



This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to build structures using random rubble in rural


The scope covers the following :

Carry out preparatory work for rubble masonry

Lay out coursed and un-coursed Random Rubble Masonry with undressed or hammer dressed stones
Carry out flush /raised pointing in stone masonry

Elements and Performance Criteria

Carry out preparatory work for Rubble Masonry

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. ensure that the correct tools, and tackles are selected for use in the rubble Masonry
PC2. select appropriate personal protective equipment (P.P.E) for the task
PC3. roughly estimate amount of materials required to complete a rubble masonry work
PC4. ensure that the sub-base is prepared properly and surface is cleaned before laying the stone
PC5. identify and transfer required levels using appropriate tools prior to rubble masonry work
Lay out coursed and un coursedRandom Rubble Masonrywith undressed or hammer dressed stones
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC6. mix cement /lime/mud mortar for rubble masonry in specified ratio
PC7. check for workability and proportion of cement/lime/ mud mortar
PC8. prepare the sides, edges, bed of stone to ensure proper bonding of stones
PC9. ensure proper wetting of stones prior to laying
PC10. work with both undressed and hammer dressed stones as per the requirement
PC11. lay stones to build wall of un-course random rubble or course random rubble as per
PC12. use through stones or bond stones at specified intervals
PC13. use large stones at the corners and at jambs to increase the strength
PC14. check horizontal and vertical alignment using appropriate tools
PC15. set out 90 corners using builders square or 3-4-5 method and check right angle if required
PC16. ensure proper curing of rubble masonry structure
Carry out flush/raisedpointing in stone masonry
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC17. perform raking of joints as specified prior to drying of bonding mortar
PC18. ensure that joints are cleaned and surface is wet prior to pointing

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Qualification Pack

PC19. ensure lime/cement mortar for pointing is prepared as per specification

PC20. fill joints with appropriate mortar to obtain specified type of pointing
PC21. carry out flush/raised pointing as per specification using appropriate tools and technique
PC22. ensure proper curing of pointing

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. basic principles of measurement

KU2. standard size of random rubble masonry tools and equipment, their use, care and
maintenance such as Measuring tape, trowels, floats, brushes, screed boards, straightedge,
mortar boards and stands, shovels, hawks, joint rules, masons square, buckets, spade,
volume box, scrapers, rammer
KU3. safety rules and regulations for handling and storing required masonry tools, equipment and
KU4. personal protection including the use of related safety gears & equipment
KU5. sketches for building brick and block work structures
KU6. standard practices for random rubble masonry work
KU7. reference levels on the wall and its importance
KU8. different types mortar requirements for the rubble masonry works as per the specification
and aesthetic requirements
KU9. various techniques / procedures to work with undressed and hammer dressed stones used
for un-course and course random rubble masonry
KU10. importance and purpose of using through/bond stones or their alternates
KU11. appropriate horizontal and vertical distance for providing bond stones
KU12. different mortar mix used for pointing
KU13. flushed and Raised types of pointing in stone masonry and its application
KU14. various pointing and raking tools and method of pointing

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. read sketches for the task

GS2. read sign boards, and safety tags
GS3. basic numeracy skills
GS4. speak in one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS5. orally and effectively communicate with co-workers & subordinates
GS6. decide on whether the workplace is safe for working
GS7. plan work and Organize required resources
GS8. complete work as per agreed time schedule and quality
GS9. optimize resources efficiently

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Qualification Pack

GS10. minimize wastage in the workplace

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Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Carry out preparatory work for Rubble Masonry 5 15 - -

PC1. ensure that the correct tools, and tackles are

- - - -
selected for use in the rubble Masonry

PC2. select appropriate personal protective

- - - -
equipment (P.P.E) for the task

PC3. roughly estimate amount of materials

- - - -
required to complete a rubble masonry work

PC4. ensure that the sub-base is prepared

properly and surface is cleaned before laying the - - - -

PC5. identify and transfer required levels using

- - - -
appropriate tools prior to rubble masonry work

Lay out coursed and un coursedRandom Rubble

16 34 - -
Masonrywith undressed or hammer dressed stones

PC6. mix cement /lime/mud mortar for rubble

- - - -
masonry in specified ratio

PC7. check for workability and proportion of

- - - -
cement/lime/ mud mortar

PC8. prepare the sides, edges, bed of stone to

- - - -
ensure proper bonding of stones

PC9. ensure proper wetting of stones prior to

- - - -

PC10. work with both undressed and hammer

- - - -
dressed stones as per the requirement

PC11. lay stones to build wall of un-course

random rubble or course random rubble as per - - - -

PC12. use through stones or bond stones at

- - - -
specified intervals

PC13. use large stones at the corners and at

- - - -
jambs to increase the strength

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 84

Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

PC14. check horizontal and vertical alignment

- - - -
using appropriate tools

PC15. set out 90 corners using builders square or

- - - -
3-4-5 method and check right angle if required

PC16. ensure proper curing of rubble masonry

- - - -

Carry out flush/raisedpointing in stone masonry 9 21 - -

PC17. perform raking of joints as specified prior to

- - - -
drying of bonding mortar

PC18. ensure that joints are cleaned and surface

- - - -
is wet prior to pointing

PC19. ensure lime/cement mortar for pointing is

- - - -
prepared as per specification

PC20. fill joints with appropriate mortar to obtain

- - - -
specified type of pointing

PC21. carry out flush/raised pointing as per

specification using appropriate tools and - - - -

PC22. ensure proper curing of pointing - - - -

NOS Total 30 70 - -

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 85

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code CON/N3603

NOS Name Build structures using random rubble masonry for rural construction

Sector Construction

Sub-Sector Rural Infrastructure construction

Occupation Masonry - Rural

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 2.0

Last Reviewed Date 31/03/2022

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date 31/03/2022

Assessment Guidelines and Assessment Weightage

Assessment Guidelines

1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each
Performance Criteria (PC)/element will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will
also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC/element.

2. The assessment for the knowledge part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by
Assessment Bodies subject to approval by SSC

3. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for knowledge/theory part for
assessment of candidates as per assessment criteria given below

4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at
each examination/training center based on assessment criteria.

5. The passing percentage for each QP will be 70%. To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should
score a minimum of 70% individually in each NOS.

6. The Assessor shall check the final outcome of the practices while evaluating the steps performed to
achieve the final outcome.

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Qualification Pack
7. The trainee shall be provided with a chance to repeat the test to correct his procedures in case of
improper performance, with a deduction of marks for each iteration.

8. After the certain number of iteration as decided by SSC the trainee is marked as fail, scoring zero marks
for the procedure for the practical activity.

9. In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS's, the trainee is eligible to take subsequent
assessment on the balance NOS's to pass the Qualification Pack within the specified timeframe set by SSC.

10. Minimum duration of Assessment of each QP shall be of 4hrs/trainee.

Minimum Aggregate Passing % at QP Level : 70

(Please note: Every Trainee should score a minimum aggregate passing percentage as specified above, to
successfully clear the Qualification Pack assessment.)

Assessment Weightage

Compulsory NOS

National Occupational Theory Practical Project Viva Total

Standards Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks

CON/N3601.Mark layout
for foundation, walls, soak
pit/septic tank and monitor 30 70 - - 100 15
earthwork activities for
rural construction

CON/N3608.Install sanitary
fitting and fixtures in rural 30 70 - - 100 20

Total 60 140 - - 200 35

Elective: 1 General

National Occupational Theory Practical Project Viva Total

Standards Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks

CON/N3602.Build brick /
block masonry structures 30 70 - - 100 25
for rural construction

CON/N3604.Carry out IPS

flooring in rural 30 70 - - 100 10

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 87

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Theory Practical Project Viva Total

Standards Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks

CON/N3605.Carry out
reinforcement steel works
30 70 - - 100 10
for R.C.C structures in rural

CON/N3606.Carry out
shuttering works in rural 30 70 - - 100 10

CON/N3607.Carry out
manual concreting in rural 30 70 - - 100 10

Total 150 350 0 0 500 65

Elective: 2 Bamboo structure

National Occupational Theory Practical Project Viva Total

Standards Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks

harvesting and treatment of
30 70 - - 100 10
bamboo used for construction

stacking & visual quality
30 70 - - 100 5
checks of bamboo used for
construction purpose

CON/N3623.Cutting, shaping,
drilling and jointing of treated
bamboo for making of mat,
30 70 - - 100 20
posts, joints, ties, beams &
bracing used for building

CON/N3624.Construction of
simple rural buildings with 30 70 - - 100 20
treated bamboo

CON/N3625.Seismic and wind

safety protection measures 30 70 - - 100 10
followed for bamboo buildings

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 88

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Theory Practical Project Viva Total

Standards Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks

Total 150 350 0 0 500 65

Optional: 1 Compresses Stabilized Earth Block (CSEB)

National Occupational Theory Practical Project Viva Total

Standards Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks

CON/N3626.Construction of
buildings using Compresses
30 70 - - 100 15
Stabilized Earth Block

Total 30 70 0 0 100 15

Optional: 2 Random Rubble Masonry (RRB)

National Occupational Theory Practical Project Viva Total

Standards Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks

structures using random
30 70 - - 100 10
rubble masonry for rural

Total 30 70 0 0 100 10

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 89

Qualification Pack


NOS National Occupational Standard(s)

NSQF National Skills Qualifications Framework

QP Qualifications Pack

TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 90

Qualification Pack


Sector is a conglomeration of different business operations having

similar business and interests. It may also be defined as a distinct
subset of the economy whose components share similar characteristics
and interests.

Sub-sector is derived from a further breakdown based on the

characteristics and interests of its components.

Occupation is a set of job roles, which perform similar/ related set of

functions in an industry.

Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique
Job role
employment opportunity in an organisation.

OS specify the standards of performance an individual must achieve

when carrying out a function in the workplace, together with the
Knowledge and Understanding (KU) they need to meet that standard
Standards (OS)
consistently. Occupational Standards are applicable both in the Indian
and global contexts.

Performance Criteria Performance Criteria (PC) are statements that together specify the
(PC) standard of performance required when carrying out a task.

NOS are occupational standards which apply uniquely in the Indian
Standards (NOS)

QP comprises the set of OS, together with the educational, training and
Qualifications Pack
other criteria required to perform a job role. A QP is assigned a unique
qualifications pack code.

Unit code is a unique identifier for an Occupational Standard, which is

Unit Code
denoted by an ‘N’

Unit title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent
Unit Title
should be able to do.

Description gives a short summary of the unit content. This would be

Description helpful to anyone searching on a database to verify that this is the
appropriate OS they are looking for.

Scope is a set of statements specifying the range of variables that an

Scope individual may have to deal with in carrying out the function which have
a critical impact on quality of performance required.

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 91

Qualification Pack

Knowledge and Understanding (KU) are statements which together

Knowledge and specify the technical, generic, professional and organisational specific
Understanding (KU) knowledge that an individual needs in order to perform to the required

Organisational context includes the way the organisation is structured

and how it operates, including the extent of operative knowledge
managers have of their relevant areas of responsibility.

Technical knowledge is the specific knowledge needed to accomplish

Technical Knowledge
specific designated responsibilities.

Core skills or Generic Skills (GS) are a group of skills that are the key to
learning and working in today’s world. These skills are typically needed
Core Skills/ Generic
in any work environment in today’s world. These skills are typically
Skills (GS)
needed in any work environment. In the context of the OS, these include
communication related skills that are applicable to most job roles.

Electives are NOS/set of NOS that are identified by the sector as

contributive to specialization in a job role. There may be multiple
electives within a QP for each specialized job role. Trainees must select
at least one elective for the successful completion of a QP with Electives.

Options are NOS/set of NOS that are identified by the sector as

Options additional skills. There may be multiple options within a QP. It is not
mandatory to select any of the options to complete a QP with Options.

NSQC Approved || Construction Skill Development Council of India 92

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