Chapter 3 HACCP Workbook Template

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Overview and Guide: The Hazard Control HACCP Work Sheets

Main work sheets Supplementary work sheets Comments

Work sheet 1: HACCP scope Registration and approval of the HACCP study

Product and process description, including characteristics of

Work sheet 2: product/ingredient description
raw materials and end products

Simplified process flow diagram with operational

Work sheet 3: flow diagram prerequisite program (OPRP) and critical control point
(CCP) location

Guidance for food safety/HACCP team: assessing hazards

Work sheet A: hazardous agent codes and classification
controlled by the HACCP system

Each potential hazard is listed and the significance is

Work sheet 4: hazard identification and description determined according to the severity of the health effects
and the likelihood of the hazard’s occurrence

Coding and classifying potentially hazardous agents that

Work sheet B: hazard assessment table
need to be considered during the study

With help of the decision tree, the control measures are

Work sheet 5: control measure selection and categorization
categorized as CCP, OPRP, or modification
Evidence that the control measure can achieve the targeted
Work sheet 6: validation of control measures
List and overview of all identified CCPs and OPRPs with
Work sheet 7: HACCP plan, including OPRPs control measures, limits, corrective actions, and
Overview of verification activities that shows that the CCPs
Work sheet 8: verification plan
and OPRPs have been implemented properly
Work sheet 9: modification(s) and follow-up List of modifications, with details
Recording meetings, attendance, and decisions made by the
Work sheet 10: meeting summary
Work sheet C (optional): list of supporting documents Supporting information, recording, and filing
WS 1 HACCP Scope
Work Sheet 1: HACCP Scope

Complete the section below at the start of the hazard control plan/HACCP study.
HACCP study no: Version No: HACCP study scope
HACCP/ CGP/001 0 Factory Sri Vyjayanthi Labs Pvt. Ltd
HACCP study details Check as appropriate Plant/line Second line
New HACCP study new Brand --
Scheduled review every one year Product name Calcium Glycerophosphate
when ever changes are
Unscheduled review done through CCF then Product code CGP
HACCP will be reviewed
Date study started -- FSMS reference

Description of scope of study (for example, module, start and end point, or products included) 
The scope of the study is to ensure
The scope of the study is to ensure the Hazard identifictaion and its control
Scheduled or unscheduled review: main changes/reasons/causes
HACCP team members
Name Responsibility/role/expertise Department/company
N.Santha Rao Production executive Production
M.Seeta Rama Raju-PD Production incharge Production
K.V.SubbaRaju-QC Quality control incharge Quality control

V.Madhava Rao-QA Manager-QA Quality Assurance

Authorization for new HACCP study or update to new version

Name Position
V.Madhava Rao-QA Manager-QA Date:

Complete the section below upon completion of the HACCP study.

Planned modification(s) according to HACCP study
Modification no. Provisional control measure(s) for immediate application Deadline
-- -- Date: --
-- -- Date: --
-- -- Date: --

HACCP study review HACCP study issue date

Next scheduled review (date): Study issued --
Authorization of completed study
Name Position
WS 2 Product Description
Work Sheet 2: Product and Ingredient Description

End product characteristics

Name (product[s], product group[s], line) Calcium Glycerophosphate
Composition enclosed
Type (for example, raw, cooked, ready to eat) Raw
Chemical- po
Key chemical, biological, and physical characteristics Pysical-white powder

Key processing steps (such as drying, heat treatments, freezing) washing, drying, milling, seiveing, and blending

Other --

Specifications and regulatory requirements (food safety related)

Product specifications BPC-63
Product-specific regulatory requirements BPC-63

Filling and packing

Packaging description (for example, size) Two antistatic poly bags
Packaging system (such as modified atmosphere) HDPE Drums

Claims and label information

Instructions for use by consumers (including use or storage after opening) Storage At room tempearture

Statements for safe use (for example, allergen information, special

No special instructions are needed while handling.
instructions for safe handling)
Other --

Distribution instructions (ambient, chilled, frozen, and so on) ---
Storage instructions (ambient, chilled, frozen, and so on) At room temperature
Shelf life conditions 5 years shelf life
Other ---

Use by consumers
Intended use For food industry
Target group of users and special consumer considerations (for example,
infants, the elderly)
Reasonably expected mishandling and misuse ---

Incoming material characteristics

Epichlorohydrin ,Orthophosphoric Acid,Trisodium Phosphate

Hydrated lime Powder,Hydrochloric Acid ,Activated Carbon .EDTA
Name of raw materials, ingredients
disodium salt,Hyflow,Calcium Chloride solution,Methanol and DM Water

High-risk ingredients No High risk ingredients are present
Epichlorohydrin is a key raw material liquid form.
Key chemical, biological, and physical characteristics



Processing: main steps and conditions (production method)

Packing and transportation containers MS Drums
Storage conditions and shelf life At ambient tempearture
Preparation or processing before use ---
Acceptance criteria related to safety While handling take care it may cause an allergic skin reaction
Other (for example, preservatives, processing aids, services) NA
WS 3 Flow Diagram

Construct a flow diagram of the process.

Number each step in the process.
Indicate the critical control point (CCP) when the study is completed.
Indicate the operational prerequisite program (OPRP) when the study is completed.
Record on-site verification on the flow diagram.

Work Sheet 3: Flow Diagram Production process step Step description
Charge Process Water at Room temperature then charge Phosphoric acid , later and add Epichlorohydrin
1 slowly for 2 to 4 hrs (Temp. must be below 95°C) PRP

Check the specific gravity with the help of Hydrometer by Production chemist and record the result.
2 Spec.Gravity: ________ (1.05 to 1.07) and Cool the Reaction mass to 30°C to 35°C. PRP

Charge Tri sodium phosphate in to the reactor. Raise the temperature of Reaction mass to 80°C to 90°C.
3 Add water slowly at 80°C to 90°C and stir the reaction mass 15 minutes. PRP

Check the specific gravity with the help of Hydrometer by Production chemist and record the result.
4 Specific Gravity: ______(1.27 to 1.28) PRP

Maintain the temperature 100°C to 105°C for 2.0 to 5.0 hrs to attain the required specific gravity, Check
the specific gravity with the help of Hydrometer by Production chemist and record the result.
5 Specific Gravity: _______1.30 to 1.31) PRP

Unload the Reaction mass in to Nutch Filter and filter the reaction mass.Slowly reduce the Specific gravity
6 to attain 1.18 - 1.20 by adding water. PRP

Add Hydrated Lime to the reaction mass. Heat to boil the filtered mass to 100°C to 105°C.
7 Send sample to QC Phosphates: ______ Limit: Should be absent PRP

Transfer SGP solution from HDPE tank/ SS tank to Reactor. Discard the bottom settled salt material.
Adjust pH to 6.5 to 7.5 with Hydrochloric Acid.Send sample to QC for analysis
8 Result: _________ PRP
Take Calcium Chloride solution of gravity 1.20 to1.22 into Receiver
9 Take filtered SGP solution as into SS Receiver PRP

Transfer the Calcium chloride solution from receiver through the 0.50µ Filter and 0.45μ filter into the
10 reactor.Add the SGP solution under stirring from receiver through the 0.50µFilter and 0.45μ filter into the OPRP
Check the Buchner’s filter and ensure that it is clean and ready. Unload the Reaction mass from Reactor
11 into SS Buckner. PRP

Wash the cake with 50% to 55% methanol through 0.2µ filter.Send sample to QC for Chlorides: Chlorides
12 PRP
Dry the cake by applying vacuum. Unload the wet cake material in to SS tanks
13 PRP
Ensure the Drier is cleaned and ready for drying. Load the material into the Tray drier
Dry the material at 105ºC to 110ºC for 16 to 20 hrs. (The drying temperature monitored from room
14 temperature to 110 ºC) Send sample to QC for LOD .LOD: _________ (NMT 12%) CCP

Check the integrity of Miller mesh.Charge the material in to the Miller slowly and Complete the milling of
15 the entire batch.Weigh the material. PRP

Check the integrity of sifter mesh.Ensure the sifter is cleaned and ready for sieving. Charge the material in
16 to the Sifter slowly and Complete the Sieving of the entire batch OPRP

17 Send sample to QC for complete analysis.Once it complies the material will be subjected ti blending. PRP
After complete of blending the sample to be anlysed as per the custeomer required specifcation, which
18 may include physical, chemical, metal and pathogen contaminants testing. PRP

Before packing the blended material will be passed through the Metal detctor in order to ensure the
19 material is free form metal contaminants. OPRP

Authorization Authorization
Name  Position/responsibilities on the team Signature Date The document should be approved on-site after the flow diagram check is completed.
WS 4 Hazard Identification
Work Sheet 4: Hazard Identification and Description

Location of potential hazard Hazard description Hazard assessment Justification of hazard selection and assessment
Indicate the step (for example, raw material, processing, or distribution) at which the hazard Q1: Based on the hazard description, the likelihood of occurrence (before applying the control measure), and the severity of health effects, Provide supporting data / references on the likelihood of occurrence, information on the severity of the health effects, and the acceptable level in the
Describe clearly and specifically the hazards that are reasonably expected to occur at each step: class (B, P, C, or A), agent, size, origin, nature, and so on
may be introduced does this hazard need to be controlled, that is, is it a significant hazard? end product

Hazard class: For each hazard, document why it is or why it is not likely to occur or cause adverse health effects.
Significant hazard? (yes/no)
B = biological For a nonsignificant hazard, document if it is managed, for example, by a PRP, through a specification or major allergen declaration.
Origin/source of the hazard (for example, where and how it may be introduced into the Nature of the hazard (for example, presence, ability to grow and survive, the formation of toxins Likelihood of
Step no: Step (description) C = chemical Hazardous agent description Hazard no. Acceptable level in the end product Severity of adverse health effect For significant hazard, select and categorize control measure(s) on work sheet 5 Make sure that all hazards likely to occur are considered.
product or the product environment) or toxic chemicals, the migration of chemicals) occurrence
P = physical Justify why a certain hazard has been disregarded.
A = allergen

Transfer the Calcium chloride solution from receiver

through the 0.50µ Filter and 0.45μ filter into the
If the filter threads are pilferage they may pass through the The extranous material mix up it should not be present in
10 reactor.Add the SGP solution under stirring from P = physical Fibers of the filter 4 It is not toxin it comes under extrnaeous mateerial contaminant. Rare OPRP
solution and mixup with product. reaction mass to be filter the product
receiver through the 0.50µFilter and 0.45μ filter into
the reactor.

Ensure the Drier is cleaned and ready for drying. Load

the material into the Tray drier If the material not
C= Chemical If the material not dried properly it may not meet the user The material should be dried in
Dry the material at 105ºC to 110ºC for 16 to 20 hrs. properly dried it wont If the material is not properly dried it not suitable for It should be use for
14 B= 4 requirement , thus as a result the physical, chemical and order to meet the use Rare CCP
(The drying temperature monitored from room complies the required further usage for the customer. further usage.
Biological biological parameters will not comply. requirement.
temperature to 110 ºC) Send sample to QC for specification
LOD .LOD: _________ (NMT 12%)

Check the integrity of sifter mesh.Ensure the sifter is The maganetic particles
If any extraneous material and maganetic mixup with
cleaned and ready for sieving. Charge the material in may pass through if the If The extraneous material mix it should not be present in
16 P = physical 3 product it can be controlled by using sifter with magnetic It is not toxin it comes under extrnaeous material contaminant. Rare OPRP
to the Sifter slowly and Complete the Sieving of the magnetic rods are not up with material to be seived. the product
entire batch present in the sifter

The maganetic particles

Before packing the blended material will be passed If The magnetic particel mix up
may pass through if the If any maganetic material is mixup with product it can be it should not be present in
19 through the Metal detctor in order to ensure the P = physical 4 It is not toxin it comes under metal contaminant. with material it should be pass Rare OPRP
material is not subjected controlled by using metal detector the product
material is free form metal contaminants. through the metal detector.
into metal detector
WS B Hazard Assessment Table
Work Sheet B: Hazard Assessment Table

Severity of health

Can cause fatality 5

Can lead to serious illness 4
(controlled by OPRPs or CCPs)

Can cause illness 3

Can cause inconvenience 2
(controlled by PRPs)

Almost no significance 1

Score 1 2 3 4 5
Rare Could occur Likely Frequent
(1/year) (1/6 months) (1/month) (1/week)
Likelihood of occurrence

Note: The hazard assessment table helps separate significant from nonsignificant hazards and to document the decision.
WS 5 Control Measures
Work Sheet 5: Control Measure Selection and Categorization

Step and hazard Control measures Categorization of control measures in OPRPs and CCPs (answer questions Q1 to Q5 as necessary)

Select and describe a control measure or Q1: Based on the likelihood of occurrence (before applying the control measure) and the severity of adverse health effects (WS 4), is this hazard significant (needs to be controlled)? YES: This is a significant hazard. Go to Q2. NO: This is not a significant hazard.
combination of control measures capable of
Transfer the hazards considered significant in the hazard assessment in work sheet 4 to this work sheet (5).
preventing, eliminating, or reducing the hazard to an
acceptable level. Q2: Will a subsequent processing step, including expected use by consumers, guarantee the removal of this significant hazard, or its reduction to an acceptable level? YES: Identify and name the subsequent step. NO: Go to Q3.

Q3: Are control measures or practices in place at this step, and do they exclude, reduce, or maintain this significant hazard to/at an acceptable level? YES: Go to Q4. NO: Modify the process or product and go to Q1.
Document the rationale for the selection, for
example, the effectiveness of applied control Q4: Is it possible to establish critical limits for the control measure at this step? YES: Go to Q5. NO: This hazard is managed by an OPRP and action criteria.
measures alone or in combination against identified
hazards (refer to documents if possible). Q5: Is it possible to monitor or observe the control measure in such a way that corrections can be made immediately if there is a loss of control? YES: This hazard is managed by the hazard control–HACCP
plan (CCP). NO: This hazard is managed by an OPRP and action criteria.

Decision justification: provide supporting evidence that the selected control measure(s) and target/critical limits or action
Step no. Step description Hazard no. Hazardous agent description Description of control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 CCP, OPRP, or process modification
criteria will adequately control the hazard.

Transfer the Calcium chloride solution from receiver

Frequency of the micron filter
through the 0.50µ Filter and 0.45μ filter into the
10 3 Fibers of the filter condition to be check prior to batch OPRP The Micron filter check to be doneby using the checklist
reactor.Add the SGP solution under stirring from receiver
solution pass through
through the 0.50µFilter and 0.45μ filter into the reactor.

Ensure the Drier is cleaned and ready for drying. Load the
material into the Tray drier
If the material not properly dried it
Dry the material at 105ºC to 110ºC for 16 to 20 hrs. (The The adequate temprature is to be Based on LOD content result in the material. We can use the material for further this
14 3 won't complies the required CCP
drying temperature monitored from room temperature to maintained to meet required LOD step is concerned has more critical control point.
110 ºC) Send sample to QC for LOD .LOD: _________
(NMT 12%)

Check the integrity of sifter mesh.Ensure the sifter is The material before blending it is pass
The maganetic particles may pass
cleaned and ready for sieving. Charge the material in to through the sifter and also before The cleaning of the magnetic rods and sifter to be done for evey batch in order to checkany
16 4 through if the magnetic rods are not OPRP
the Sifter slowly and Complete the Sieving of the entire performing the acrivity ensure the foreign material present or not.
present in the sifter
batch sifter magnetic rods cleaned or not.

Before packing the material it is

Before packing the blended material will be passed The maganetic particles may pass
passed through the Metal detector in
19 through the Metal detector in order to ensure the material is 4 through if the material is not OPRP This device is used to ensure the magnetic particels presence or not in the material.
order ensure the material is free from
free form metal contaminants. subjected into metal detector
magnetic particels.
WS 6 Validation
Work Sheet 6: Validation of Control Measures

The hazard control/HACCP team must provide or ask for evidence that selected control measures are capable of achieving the intended control over the hazards identified
The hazard control–HACCP team leader shall provide answers to the following questions:
·    Have potential hazards been correctly identified as significant or not?
·    Are applied control measures capable of reducing the significant hazards to acceptable levels?
·    Are the critical limits correct and appropriate?
·    Will the corrections restore product safety control?

CCP no. or
Step Hazardous agent description Control measure Justification for the selection of control measures Checking control measure effectiveness Critical limits (for CCP only) Justification for the selection of critical limits Corrections
OPRP no.
WS 7 Hazard Control Plan
Work Sheet 7: Hazard Control Plan

Critical limits and

Hazardous Corrective Verification
CCP no. or Hazard Step Control targets (or limits if Monitoring: how, Corrections,
Step no. agent actions, Records (details in work
OPRP no. class description measure(s) applicable) that frequency, who? responsibilities
description responsibilities sheet 8)
measure effectiveness
WS 8 Verification Plan
Work Sheet 8: Verification Plan

CCP no. or
Verification activity Verification procedure Frequency Person responsible Records
OPRP no.
WS 9 Modifications
Work Sheet 9: Modification(s) and Follow-Up

Production process step Hazard description Modification

modification and
Step no. Step description Hazard no. Hazardous agent description Modification no. confirmation of Limit date
transfer for
Provisional control measure(s)
WS 10 Meeting Summary
Work Sheet 10: Hazard Control Plan–HACCP Meeting Summary

Date Participants Purpose Outcome (decisions/actions) Persons responsible

ng Summary

Planned deadline, completion date Performed

WS A Hazardous Agents
Work Sheet A: Hazardous Agent Codes and Classification

Ingredient or process Hazard no. Hazard class Hazardous agent description

WS C Supporting Documents
Work Sheet C: HACCP List of Supporting Documents

Document title or Status and issue of Document

No. Filing location
designation the document developer

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