Toefl Reading Exercise 2020

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Naufal aqil anshari

Hes B



Time – 55 minutes

(including the reading of the directions)

This section contains reading passages and questions about the passages.

Directions: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by a number of
questions about it. You are to choose the one best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question. Then
darken on the answer you have chosen.

Answer all questions about the information in a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in
that passage.

Read the following passage:

John Quincy Adams, who served as the sixth president of United States from1825 to 1829, is today
recognized for his masterful statesmanship and diplomacy. He dedicated his life to public service,
both in the presidency and in various other political offices that he held. Throughout his political
career he demonstrated his unswerving belief in freedom of speech, the antislavery cause, and the
right of Americans to be free from European and Asian domination.


To what did John Quincy Adams devote his life?

(A) Improving his personal life

(B) Serving the public

(C) Increasing his fortune

(D) Working on his private business

According to the passage, John Quincy Adams “dedicated his life to public service.” Therefore, you
should darken on answer (B).
Passage 1
In 1880, a scientist in France made an important discovery about mineral quartz. This scientist
discovered that quartz can oscillate, or move back and forth, at a constant rate. There is a specific
process to make the quartz oscillate. The quartz must be cut in a certain way, and then electricity must
be passed through it.

It was not until the 1920s that clockmakers began using quartz in their clocks. Prior to 1920, clocks had
moving parts that made a noisy tic-toc. When quartz oscillators were used in place of the noisy moving
parts, there were two distinct advantages. The clocks with oscillators worked quietly, and they were
extremely accurate.

1. The topic of this passage is?

(A) an important new use for quartz

(B) the discovery of quartz

(C) the clock making profession

(D) clocks with moving parts

2. According to the passage, when did the scientist in France make his discovery?

(A) In the first half of the eighteenth century

(B) In the last half of the eighteenth century

(C) In the first half of the nineteenth century

(D) In the last half of the nineteenth century

3. What did the scientist mentioned in the passage discover?

(A) Quartz

(B) A new way of making quartz

(C) A property of quartz

(D) A new type of mineral

4. The word “oscillate” in paragraph 1 is closest meaning to?

(A) move rapidly

(B) move rhythmically

(C) move occasionally

(D) move quietly

5. The word “certain” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to?

(A) difficult

(B) straight

(C) varied

(D) specific

6. According to the passage, when did clockmakers start using quartz in clocks?

(A) In 1850

(B) Prior to 1920

(C) During the 1920s

(D) After the 1920s

7. The expression “tic-toc” in paragraph 2 most likely refers to?

(A) a part of a clock

(B) a type of sound

(C) a clock making tool

(D) a type of quartz

8. According to the passage, it is NOT true that quartz oscillators?

(A) were noisy

(B) kept correct time

(C) took the place of moving parts

(D) were more desirable than moving parts

9. The word “distinct” in paragraph 2 could best be placed by?

(A) poor
(B) unusual

(C) clear

(D) regular

10. Where in the passage does the author explain how to make quartz oscillate?

(A) The second sentence in paragraph 1

(B) The fourth sentence in paragraph 1

(C) The second sentence in paragraph 2

(D) The fourth sentence in paragraph 2

Passage 2

Many people have a mistaken idea about ostriches, those large, graceful, long-necked, and
flightless birds. It is very popular, but most likely not very accurate, belief that ostriches burry their
heads in the sand.

Ostriches often keep their heads low to the ground, and they have good reasons for doing so.
They sometimes lower their heads to the ground to give the muscles of their necks some rest. They
sometimes put their heads close to the ground to pick up sounds better. In addition, they sometimes
lower their heads inquisitively into foliage. In this way, they can check out what is going on in the low-
lying leaves and branches.

However, contrary to common belief, ostriches have never been known actually to bury
their heads in the earth. In fact, were they for some unknown reason to try to do so, it is highly likely
that they would suffocate from a lack of oxygen.

11. Which of the following best expresses the title of the passage?

(A) Birds with buried Heads

(B) The Most common Mistakes

(C) Where Ostriches Live

(D) A Misconception about Ostriches

12. Which of the following is NOT stated in the passage about ostriches?
(A) They are big

(B) They move with grace

(C) They are dark in color

(D) They have long necks

13. What is it impossible for an ostrich to do according to the passage?

(A) Eat

(B) Swim

(C) Hear

(D) Fly

14. The word “accurate” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to?

(A) correct

(B) common

(C) complete

(D) constant

15. It can be inferred from the passage that an ostrich with its head up might have?

A. better hearing

B. a tired neck

C. sandy feathers

D. difficulty breathing

16. The expression “pick up sounds” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by?

(A) hear

(B) clean up

(C) make noise

(D) choose

17. The word “foliage” could be replaced by?

(A) dirt

(B) water

(C) plants

(D) clouds

18. The word “earth” in paragraph 3 could best be replaced by?

(A) globe

(B) world

(C) ground

(D) planet

19. According to the passage, what would happen if an ostrich buried its head in the sand?

(A) It would find food

(B) It would be protected

(C) It would hear better

(D) It would die

20. The word “highly” in paragraph 3 could best replaced by which of the following?

(A) Grandly

(B) Extremely

(C) Sharply

(D) Expensively

Passage 3

Numerous explanations have been offered as to the origin of the dollar sign, the sign that is today
written as the letter S with one or two vertical lines through it. The explanation that is given the most
credence among scholars is that the dollar sign was originally an abbreviation, or shortened form, of the
Spanish word peso.
The peso has long been a unit of Spanish money. The United States did not have its own
money until 1794, and prior to that time the use of Spanish money was common in America. When a
sum of money was written down, it was common practice not to write out the complete word peso.
For example, people usually wrote down 50ps instead of 50 pesos. A further shortening of the word
peso occurred when people started writing the P on the top of the S and came up with the sign that
represents the dollar sign of today.

21. The main idea of the passage is that?

(A) Spanish pesos were exchanged for American dollars

(B) The dollar sign originated with the Spanish peso

(C) The Spanish peso has an interesting history

(D) The American dollar sign can be written in various ways

22. Which of the following is NOT stated in the passage about the dollar sign?

(A) It contains the letter S

(B) It may have one vertical line

(C) It may have two vertical lines

(D) It is usually written before the dollar amount

23. “Two vertical lines” in paragraph 1 are two lines that?

(A) intersect

(B) run from side to side

(C) run from top to bottom

(D) create a right angle

24. It can be inferred from the passage that concerning the derivation of the dollar sign?

(A) there is only one possible explanation

(B) there are two main explanations

(C) numerous explanations are given equal attention

(D) one of many possible explanations is the most believable

25. Where did the dollar sign most likely come from, according to the passage?

(A) An abbreviated form of a Spanish word

(B) A translation of a Spanish word

(C) A misunderstanding of a Spanish word

(D) A misspelling of a Spanish word

26. According to the passage, when did the United States develop its own money?

(A) Before the Spanish peso

(B) Before 1794

(C) In 1794

(D) After 1794

27. It can be inferred from the passage that the Spanish peso came into existence?

(A) Before 1794

(B) In 1794

(C) After 1794

(D) After the American dollar

28. The expression “common practice” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to?

(A) a habitual occurrence

(B) a difficult achievement

(C) a strange belief

(D) an unusual task

29. According to the passage, how many letters of the word peso were used in its abbreviation?
(A) One

(B) Two

(C) Three

(D) Four

30. According to the passage, the current dollar sign was created from a combination of two?

(A) country names

(B) words

(C) types of money

(D) letters

Passage 4

King Camp Gillette (1855-1932) was a travelling salesman from Winconsin who came up with a really
beneficial idea. The helpful concept that he had was for a safer way for men to shave. The practice in the
last half of the nineteenth century was for a man to shave with a big, sharp, dangerous, and open blade.
This blade, if the shaver made even the slightest mistake, was capable of causing a deep and serious cut.

Gillette and a friend together designed a razor that was much smaller and safer than a
traditional razor. In Gillette’s safety razor, only a small part of the blade was exposed.

This made it difficult for the safety razor to cause more than a small amount of damage. Gillette and his
friend put together this simple but helpful product, and Gillette began selling it on his regular sales

Safety razors did not become immediately successful, though success did come later. In fact,
only 51 razors and about three times as many blades were sold in the first year of business. Within
two years, however sales had soared to 90.000 razors.

31. The subject of this passage is?

(A) a good idea that eventually succeeded

(B) the life story of King Camp Gillette

(C) why safety razors were so successful

(D) the advantages of safety razors

32. The word “beneficial” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to?

(A) unusual

(B) helpful

(C) successful

(D) harmless

33. According to the passage, what is NOT true about the blade that men used in the second half of
the nineteenth century?

(A) It was large

(B) It cut easily

(C) Its blade was exposed

(D) It was safe to use

34. According to the passage, how did Gillette’s razor compare to the traditional razor?

(A) It was larger and less dangerous

(B) It was larger and more dangerous

(C) It was not as large and not as dangerous

(D) It was not as large but was more dangerous

35. According to the passage, how much damage might Gillette’s razor cause?

(A) None at all

(B) A little bit

(C) A large amount

(D) A dangerous amount

36. The passage states that Gillette started selling the safety razor?

(A) to his regular customers

(B) to other travelling salesmen

(C) to drug and department stores

(D) to only a few of his special customers

37. According to the passage, what happened immediately after Gillette began selling his safety

(A) Thousands of razors were purchased

(B) The razors caused a lo t of damage

(C) The razors were an immediate success

(D) Only a relatively small number of razors were sold

38. It can be inferred from the passage that Gillette sold approximately how many blades in the first

(A) 17

(B) 51

(C) 150

(D) 12 million

39. The word “soared” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to?

(A) decreased

(B) jumped

(C) fallen

(D) changed

40. Where in the passage does the author describe the result of a shaver’s error?

(A) The second sentence in paragraph 1

(B) The fourth sentence in paragraph 1

(C) The third sentence in paragraph 3

(D) The second sentence in paragraph 3

Passage 5
Soon after the Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth in 1620, they met up with a Native American named
Squanto from the Pawtuxet tribe. Squanto became their friend and helped them learn how to live in the
unknown wilderness. One of the main reasons that Squanto was able to be so helpful to the newly
arrived settlers was that he spoke English.

The facts of Squanto’s life prior to the arrival of the Pilgrims are not known for sure. However, it
is pretty certain that Squanto had learned to speak English in England. Squanto may have been brought
to England for the first time in 1605 by an early English visitor to the North American continent. In 1614,
he returned to his North American homeland with Captain John Smith. Soon after, he was captured, sold
into slavery, and sent to Spain. He eventually escaped from his Spanish captors and made his way back
to America.

On his return to America, he discovered that the rest of his tribe had died. The demise of the
tribe had probably occurred as a result of an epidemic brought to America by English. In 1621, Squanto
was introduced to the settlers at Plymouth. Because he could speak English so well and because he was
familiar with English ways, he became a member of the colony.

41. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage about Squanto?

(A) He was native to the Americas

(B) He was a Pawtuxet chief

(C) He became acquainted with the Pilgrims

(D) He instructed the Pilgrims about life in the wilderness

42. The word “unknown” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to?

(A) unfamiliar

(B) forgetful

(C) lost

(D) unsure

43. What enabled Squanto to assist the settlers, according to the passage?

(A) His ties to the Pawtuxet tribe

(B) His ability to speak English

(C) His knowledge of the entire North American continent

(D) His years in captivity

44. The word “pretty” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by?

(A) beautiful

(B) barely

(C) charming

(D) rather

45. Which of the following most likely did NOT happen to Squanto after 1614?

(A) He first went to England

(B) He traveled with John Smith

(C) He was made a slave

(D) He was sent to Spain

46. It can be inferred from the passage that the fact that is most in question is?

(A) When the Pilgrims arrived

(B) Where the Pilgrims arrived

(C) When Squanto first went to England

(D) When Squanto was born

47. The expression “made his way back” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by?

(A) inverted

(B) rediscovered

(C) returned

(D) went backward

48. According to the passage, Squanto actually met the Pilgrim settlers in?

(A) 1605

(B) 1614
(C) 1620

(D) 1621

49. How did the Pawtuxet tribe probably die?

(A) From an illness

(B) In a hunting accident

(C) From natural cases

(D) In battle

50. Where in the passage does the author explain how Squanto got out of slavery?

(A) The third sentence in paragraph 1

(B) The third sentence in paragraph 2

(C) The sixth sentence in paragraph 2

(D) The second sentence in paragraph 3

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