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A tablet computer-assisted motor and language skills training programme to promote

communication development in children with autism: development and pilot study

*E.J. Weisblatt1,2, C.S. Langensiepen3, B. Cook3, C. Dias2, K. Plaisted Grant1, M. Dhariwal4,

M.S. Fairclough1, S.E. Friend1, A.E. Malone1, B. Varga-Elmiyeh1, A. Rybicki5, P. Karanth6,
M.K. Belmonte6,7,8

1. Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, UK

2. Peterborough Integrated Neurodevelopmental Service, Cambridgeshire and
Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust, UK
3. Computing and Technology Team, Nottingham Trent University, UK
4. Laboratory for Social Machines, Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
5. University of Birmingham, UK
6. The Com DEALL Trust, Bangalore, India
7. Centre for Autism, School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences, University of
8. Division of Psychology, Nottingham Trent University, UK
*corresponding author [email protected], tel: +44 1733 777939


Autism is a heterogenous condition, encompassing many different subtypes and presentations. Of

those people with autism who lack communicative speech, some are more skilled at receptive
language than their expressive difficulty might suggest. This disparity between what can be spoken
and what can be understood correlates with motor and especially oral motor abilities, and thus may be
a consequence of limits to oral motor skill. Point OutWords, tablet-based software targeted for this
subgroup, builds on autistic perceptual and cognitive strengths to develop manual motor and oral
motor skills prerequisite to communication by pointing or speaking. Although typical
implementations of user-centred design rely on communicative speech, Point OutWords users were
involved as co-creators both directly via their own nonverbal behavioural choices and indirectly via
their communication therapists’ reports; resulting features include vectorised, high-contrast graphics,
exogenous cues to help capture and maintain attention, customisable reinforcement prompts, and
accommodation of open-loop visuomotor control.

Copyright © Queen's Printer and Controller of HMSO 2018. This work was produced by
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust under the terms of a commissioning
contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the
purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in
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doi: 10.1080/10447318.2018.1550176
1. Introduction

1.1 Theoretical background and motivation

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD), including autism, are common, lifelong conditions, affecting
approximately 1% of the population, with about a quarter of those affected nonverbal or minimally
verbal - that is, producing either no words at all, or some words but no phrases other than non-
communicative compulsive vocalisations (Anderson et al., 2007; Norrelgen et al., 2015). Our and
others' research has demonstrated a strong association between autistic language delay and motor
dysfunction (Amato & Slavin, 1998; Belmonte et al., 2013; Bhat, Galloway, & Landa, 2012; Leonard
et al., 2014; Leonard, Elsabbagh, Hill, & BASIS Team, 2014; MacDonald, Lord, & Ulrich, 2013;
MacDonald, Lord, & Ulrich, 2014). In some children with autism, oral motor skills are limited and
receptive language is greater than would be suggested by the level of expressive language (Belmonte
et al., 2013) i.e. this group of children understand more than they can say. Although the trajectory of
language development in autism can show a variety of patterns, including advanced expressive
language structurally (Lord, Risi, & Pickles, 2004), our proposed intervention addresses specifically
those children with less developed expressive than receptive language function, particularly those who
show difficulties with motor development in addition.

It is important to note that there are many strengths as well as difficulties experienced by people
with an autism spectrum diagnosis, for example excellent attention to and memory for detail, focus
and high achievement in areas of interest, honesty, loyalty and some sensory processing strengths. In
addition, many characteristics are only “deficits” in the context of “typical” functioning, such as
conversational style, eye contact, “unusual” or “excessively intense” interests, and difficulties in noisy
environments. When the social and physical environment take a person’s autism into account, many
“deficits” disappear. However, for people with limited or absent verbal and other communication,
there are real deficits and difficulties in daily life and activities even when the environment is
optimised and others are making every effort to interact in a way helpful to the person with autism. A
severe lack of communication ability can thus lead to frustration, unhappiness, and other means of
communication such as physical outbursts, biting, and self-injury. Adults who experienced difficulties
with communication as children report that they found this frightening and immensely frustrating and
would have welcomed any help with developing their language skills when younger (Mukhopadhyay,
2008). Carers also report the evident frustration of their children who are unable to communicate their
needs, and they prioritise very highly being able to understand their children’s needs better. We
therefore focus here on the indisputable deficit in spoken communication experienced by some people
with autism, while acknowledging that many other “deficits” are determined by societal response and
others’ lack of understanding, and that autism equally is associated with many strengths. Throughout
this paper we refer to “autism” to include autism and any related diagnoses or conditions, though in
practice there is little consensus amongst people on the autistic spectrum about what they prefer it to
be called (Kenny et al., 2017).

Our work and that of others suggests that the high-level difficulties in social communication so
characteristic of autism may emerge developmentally from interaction of three more fundamental
domains: (i) social motivation and reward; (ii) cognitive and motor control; and (iii) sensory
perceptual organisation (Valla & Belmonte, 2013). Early training directed towards such lower-level,
prerequisite skills (Karanth, Shaista, & Srikanth, 2010) – in the case of our new intervention, motor
control and sequencing – thus might exert a knock-on effect on the development of communicative
skills. This approach aims to develop social communicative skills by training non-social, domain-
general skills – implementing what is in a sense a 'back door' route to autism therapy. Strategies that
knock on the front door exclusively – as exemplified by the many techniques that aim to train social
and/or communicative skills – show some encouraging results for some children but by no means all,
with wide variation in outcome measures (Green et al., 2010; Green et al., 2015).

The current intervention thus arose from the idea that improving motor skills can be helpful for
communication. UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidance (NICE 2011,
updated 2017) at the time of writing does not directly address motor symptoms in autism, which have
not until recently been considered primary characteristics worthy of investigation and intervention.
Although sign-language training in autism seems not to lead to further language development (Shield,
Pyers, Martin, & Tager-Flusberg, 2016), typing, unlike signing, is asynchronous (Forsey, Bird, &
Bedrosian, 1996) and therefore can be less cognitively demanding (Chen, Yoder, Ganzel, Goodwin, &
Belmonte, 2012), For some individuals, then, spelling out words using sequences of alphabetic
symbols may come easier than speaking sequences of phonemes or signing sequences of ideograms.
Indeed, typing has spurred communicative development in some autistic individuals (Mirenda, 2003).
We therefore hypothesise that computerised game-based training of motor skills may enable a
manual-motor medium of symbolic communication in individuals who have not developed the rapid
motor control and sequencing capacities prerequisite to spoken or sign language. In these individuals
typed communication may thus be a first step towards more flexible and general symbolic

Evaluations of parent-developed methods of manual motor symbolic communication using eye-

tracking and attentional models (Chen, et al., 2012; Grayson, Emerson, Howard-Jones, & O'Neil,
2012) reveal trends consistent with this sensorimotor route to skills development. However, such
parent-developed therapies demand extensive training for those who implement them, are labour-
intensive, and can be difficult to subject to controlled testing (Cardinal, Hanson, & Wakeham, 1996).
Parent-delivered therapies overall have shown some promising results over recent years but full
evaluation and potential acceptance of such methods will depend on framing their practical insights
within theoretical knowledge of autism, and evaluating them in high-quality studies that apply
appropriate clinical trial methodology, outcome measures, and measures of fidelity and treatment
adherence (Fletcher-Watson et al., 2016; McConachie & Diggle, 2007; McConachie, Fletcher-
Watson, & Working Group 4, COST Action 'Enhancing the Scientific Study of Early Autism', 2015).
Point OutWords has been developed to meld the insights of autistic people and their parents and
caregivers with amenability to such rigorous evaluation, giving voice to these insights within a field
that historically has developed without their full participation. It formalises users’ and caregivers’
insights and input in a format that provides quantitative usage data suitable for gauging learning. In
this sense Point OutWords simultaneously and synergistically is a training device (from the
perspective of autistic users and their families), an intervention (from the perspective of clinical
therapy), and a research tool (from the perspective of clinical science).

1.2 Existing Computerised Interventions

One way to make such training more broadly accessible and simultaneously to obtain quantitative
outcome measures is to implement it in a semi-automated manner, in which clients interact with a
computer under supervision. Previous computerised training programs have usually focused on direct
training of social and/or communicative skills, and have tended to result in failure to generalise skills
beyond the trained context (Wass & Porayska-Pomsta, 2014). Although small studies such as these
can be statistically underpowered, that is, lacking sufficient numbers of users to identify statistical
patterns of change within the user group as a whole, they nevertheless can yield pilot data and
experiences to drive further investigations and improved design, and provide an essential basis for
later expansion, up to and including clinical trials.

A further obstacle to previous interventions has been the desktop computer user interface, with a
keyboard that demands fine visuomotor accuracy and does not use iconic, concrete reference (i.e. one
cannot provide input by pointing at the display itself but has to remap a response to an arbitrary,
separate spatial location). Those people with autism who have difficulties with motor control and/or
the use of symbolic referents spatially and visually distinct from the iconic reference thus have been
practically barred from such keyboard-based technologies. Keyboardless technologies such as tablet
computers introduced within recent years have made technology more accessible to many users.
These interfaces have so far been used in a number of ways, including allowing people with autism to
give instructions, access preferred stimuli, and use the device to generate speech (Kagohara et al.,
2013). Computer-based interventions have produced some positive results in areas such as emotion
recognition (Serret et al., 2014) and communication (King et al., 2014; Waddington et al., 2014; Xin
& Leonard, 2015), and a recent study (Fletcher-Watson, et al., 2016) used an iPad app with pictures of
social situations to attempt to enhance social communication by the ‘front door’ of using social
stimuli. This study showed that the app was enjoyable and accessible, but did not find any positive
change in real-life play or social communication. Touchscreen devices do clearly have potential as a
learning and therapeutic tool and are already widely used by many children and easy to incorporate
into daily activity (Fletcher-Watson, et al., 2016).

People with autism tend to orient towards the veridical sensory-motor world as it is, rather than
towards spatially, temporally, conditionally, or symbolically displaced communicative referents.
Touch-screen technologies feature adjustable keyboard dimensions, and their visual sensory input and
motor output are spatially coincident and hence directly and immediately related. Such technologies
are therefore particularly amenable to the style of iconic rather than symbolic reference demonstrated
by people with autism, and have potential to be of great use. This adaptability of touchscreen
technologies to autistic perceptual style has been under-explored in the literature so far.

The confluence of these new technologies with the recognition of motor contributions to autistic
communicative impairment thus begs therapeutic application in which users’ interaction with icons
can bootstrap them into learning to interact with symbols. This approach is one of enhancing more
fundamental skills, such as visuomotor coordination and other motor skills, to reference both iconic
and more symbolic visual stimuli using an iPad. Development of such a tool is best approached as an
iterative design process with autistic users, their parents, carers, therapists, computer scientists and
clinical and academic researchers using a variety of methodologies. Point OutWords
( is the result of such a process, specifically aimed at the visuomotor
abilities hypothesised to underlie communication difficulties in some children with autism,
particularly those who are nonverbal or minimally verbal.

This paper focuses primarily on the design, development and evaluation of Point OutWords
through the three phases completed so far, accomplished with parents, carers, therapists and children
with autism with very limited conventional communication abilities. These include an iterative
development phase with autistic users as co-creators and testers, a focus group and feedback phase
addressing the feasibility of practical use by children and families, and a pilot study for initial
assessment of real-life acceptability and usefulness of both Point OutWords itself and candidate
outcome measures to assess whether it achieves the desired effect of improving motor and
communicative skills; quantitative data from this most recent phase provide empirical validation of
Point OutWords’ design and highlight the potential for future evaluation of its efficacy.

2. Design and methodology

This was essentially a user-centred design (UCD) process with elements of co-design
(participatory design), as outline requirements were generated from background research to scaffold
the design options and choices evaluated with co-creators. This context is somewhat different to a
business process, where there is often a very specific problem to solve and users can be involved very
early because of their workplace experiences with existing software. Here, the research indicated
certain high-level goals but there was no existing workflow or task to improve. Because of the
communication difficulties of the target user group, the UCD process was, of necessity, rather fluid,
but still ensured that the key aspects of usability, workflow, environment and user characteristics were
fully explored and addressed.
2.1 Initial Design Features/Requirements
Five principal features of the design were proposed based on previous research and theoretical
perspectives. These provided a framework within which to elicit feedback from co-creators during
Phase 1 of the development process (vide infra 2.3); in short, theory informed specific questions to be
asked and issues to be highlighted, and responding to these questions and issues was the subject of the
co-creative process:
Engage autistic cognitive strengths. Too often, methods adapted from those for non-
autistic learners end up working against autistic cognition by asking people with autism to do
what they cannot easily do. The most effective teaching and learning strategies in autism
build from autistic and individual cognitive styles, for instance turning visual sensory
preoccupations to advantage as a medium for instruction (Quill, 1997). The goal here is to
work with autistic cognition, beginning from autistic enjoyment of visual object-based
structured activities centred on parts and details. Accordingly, Point OutWords begins with
“Point mode”, in which interactions with the device are purely iconic, and users practise
visuomotor skills by pointing and dragging to assemble jigsaw puzzles piece by piece.
Section 2.3 provides details of the use of a behavioural choice paradigm to allow users to
indicate preferences for different stimuli by non-verbal actions, e.g. choosing between pairs of
stimuli. Enjoyment and engagement were also assessed non-verbally by noting which stimuli
were chosen and by observing which visual formats proved more or less distracting, or
produced more or less accurate and efficient performance on the task.

Open-loop motor control. For people with autism – especially for the motor-impacted
subpopulation– visuomotor interaction is atypical, and conventional interfaces present
barriers to interaction. The application would employ a touchscreen interface adapted to
accommodate autistic motor dyspraxia (Miller, Chukoskie, Zinni, Townsend, & Trauner,
2014; Sampath, Agarwal, & Indurkhya, 2013). The first requirement was to accommodate an
open-loop style of visuomotor control, in which visual feedback is not integrated into the
execution of an ongoing movement (Haswell, Izawa, Dowell, Mostofsky, & Shadmehr,
2009). This design goal takes account of the known difficulty of many people with autism in
making use of sensory feedback, such that gazing towards the target of a movement confers
no advantage and can interfere with cognitive and motor resources necessary for successful
communication (Chen, et al., 2012; Doherty-Sneddon, Riby, & Whittle, 2012; Doherty-
Sneddon, Whittle, & Riby, 2013). People with autism often fixate only briefly before
movement and then avert their gaze. Because motor execution is not updated with ongoing
visual feedback, movements tend to accumulate spatial error and the finger may initially
contact the touchscreen at some distance from the intended target. Once in contact with the
touchscreen, the three-dimensional visuomotor targeting problem becomes a two-dimensional
problem and many users apply a strategy of successive approximation, wiping the finger in
contact with the touchscreen in steps until the target is contacted. Touchscreen interfaces
designed for non-autistic persons misinterpret such movement sequences, responding only to
the point of initial contact. An interface adapted for autistic users must respond to the point
of departure from the touchscreen, rather than the point of initial contact. This crucial
modification can eliminate a major source of users’ frustration. Open-loop processing is thus
well-established in people with autism and this evidence was used to guide the initial
parameters based on existing knowledge. Section 2.3 (Phase 1, Stage 3) details the assessment
of actual open-loop versus closed-loop behaviours using direct observation of users’
movements as part of the ongoing iterative design process, corroborating and instantiating to
this particular user group the neuroscientific finding of visuomotor dyspraxia in autism.

Errorless learning. Our clinical experience highlights the significance of moving from an
iconic mode of reference in which the user manipulates pictures of objects by pointing at
puzzle pieces of parts of the objects ( “Point mode”), to a symbolic mode in which the same
manipulations depend on pointing at keyboard symbols that symbolically name the object
(“Type mode”). Symbolic communication depends strongly on integrative cognitive and
neural functions of the sort that are most compromised in autism (Belmonte, Allen, et al.,
2004). In our experience, users once practised with Point mode will initially perseverate in
interacting with the screen iconically in Type mode, by continuing to point at the object rather
than the letters. Overriding this tendency to iconic pointing depends on modelling and
correction by a therapist, teacher, parent or caregiver in an errorless-learning format, filling in
responses and correcting errors when the user is unable to do so, and redirecting the user
towards the task when necessary: The software is designed to work with teachers and
therapists, not to substitute for them. Indeed, we have found that when schools’ resource
limitations have resulted in users’ merely being left alone with the iPad without human
guidance, learning is displaced by repetitive behaviours (Deane & Belmonte, 2018).

Exogenous attentional capture. As a supplement to such teacher-led guidance, in Type

mode the software itself must help redirect visual spatial attention from the iconic objects to
the symbolic keyboard. When a touch in the puzzle region of the touchscreen is detected, the
target key within the keyboard repeatedly expands and contracts, and illuminates and darkens.
At the same time, a bright line grows from the screen location of the touch to the target key.
These stimuli involuntarily and exogenously capture attention (Chang & Ungar, 1995; Yantis
& Hillstrom, 1994; Yantis & Jonides, 1984), supplementing the voluntary, endogenous
attentional shifts that are slowed in autism (Belmonte, 2000), and making a virtue of autistic
learners’ tendency to orient attention to the most physically (not socially) salient stimulus in
their environment (Chen, et al., 2012).

Ubiquitous, transparent data logging. As a tool for skills training and therapy, Point
OutWords logs rich information which can be used not only to track individual users’
progress but also in research on motor and communicative functioning in autism more
generally. For example, details of users’ finger movements on the screen during puzzle
assembly provide both evidence of change over time in skill levels (and thus an outcome
measure for the motor control aspect of the intervention) and of differences in motor control
between groups of users (and thus a further characterisation of autism subgroups). Both these
uses require access to data on users’ and caregivers’ interactions with the device, to answer
cross-sectional questions about which user characteristics might predict success in developing
communication via Point OutWords, and longitudinal questions of how such traits might
change as learning proceeds. The entire time series of interactions with the device therefore
must be saved in a transparent manner that does not interfere with the user experience.

2.2 Functional Requirements

Table 1 lists the characteristics required of the software. Key data derivable from Point
OutWords usage logs include (1) motor targeting error, (2) response latency, (3) multiple-choice set
size, (4) any anticipatory movement of the iPad by the caregiver, and (5) with Speak mode enabled,
speech data analysis e.g. spectral-temporal content (Sharda et al., 2010). Inputs attributable to the
caregiver’s modelling are separated from the user’s own during analysis via statistical clustering.
The Point OutWords software contains five separate themes each depicting a different scene
associated with activities of daily living, and is experienced as a game. Gameplay includes three
modes of varying therapeutic focus and difficulty, each of which has settings that can be further
configured to adjust difficulty and to allow for the user’s level of precision in manual motor or oral
motor control. Learning begins in Point mode, which teaches pointing and dragging within a
touchscreen interface. The user selects an object from one of the several scenes, for instance a
shampoo bottle, a cup, a birthday cake, a toilet. The object is segmented into jigsaw puzzle pieces
scattered round the touchscreen, which the user must assemble into a complete whole by dragging
onto a grid.
In Type mode, puzzle pieces cannot be dragged into place in an iconic style of reference, but
instead must be cued by symbolic reference: each puzzle piece is labelled with a letter in the word that
names it; there are as many puzzle pieces as there are letters in the spelt word, and in order to cause a
piece to snap into place within the puzzle, the user must press the corresponding symbol on a virtual
keyboard that appears on the touchscreen. This mode is designed not to teach children to use specific
letters to read or spell, but to progress from touching the iconic representations of objects to touching
symbols spatially separate from the objects themselves, cued by visual attention-eliciting features
such as flashing and lines pointing to the symbol.
For participants who are able to vocalise, Speak mode offers an opportunity to practise the
motor skills that support spoken communication. In this mode, the object is segmented into a number
of puzzle pieces equal to the number of syllables in the word. Each syllable is modelled, the user is
prompted to speak each one, and OpenEARS speech recognition software
( is used to detect these pronunciations. Speaking a syllable
causes the corresponding puzzle piece to snap into place. Tolerance for articulation errors and other
slight inaccuracies of the match between actual and modelled pronunciations is high by design, and
can be configured by the caregiver. The nature of this speech matching problem, combining strong
prior probability (the target syllable) with high error tolerance, yields a much simpler error surface
and a correspondingly much more tractable and accurate computation than the general case of speech

2.3 Development Process

Figure 1 shows schematically the design and development process, described below.

Phase 1 – User-Centred Design and Development

Inputs: Principal design features, functional requirements for game scenarios and data logging.
Process: Phase 1 development was conducted at the Com DEALL Trust, an autism clinic in
Bangalore, India, with 31 clinically diagnosed autistic children aged 3 to 7 years lacking functional
communicative speech (Belmonte & Dhariwal, 2013; Belmonte et al., 2016) and their communication
therapists. All users contributed as testers, and six child-therapist dyads participated as co-creators.
The co-creator role involved closer work between children, therapists, and developers, including
explicitly selecting amongst user interface elements such as avatars and graphical styles, and
implicitly demonstrating preferences via their behaviour in interactions with mock-ups and
prototypes. For the more general user tester role, feedback came via the therapists’ narratives of their
and their clients’ interactions with the software, and also objectively via measurements in the log files.
Co-creators added valuable and essential specification to the design features, and user testers provided
feedback in greater numbers, useful in establishing the generality of these specifications given the
great degree of heterogeneity amongst individuals with autism. Designers attended the clinic and
observed users' and their therapists' interactions with successive Point OutWords prototypes, and
therapists gave feedback on behalf of themselves and their clients. Prototype implementations were
iteratively produced, evaluated with co-creators and testers, and updated. Figure 2 shows the software
in use.

Co-creators gave feedback via unstructured interviews with therapists and designers’ direct
observation of usage sessions of prototype versions and mock-ups of the software. A typical software
requirements elicitation scenario for business systems would use structured but open-ended questions,
leading to multiple viewpoints on the required system (Browne and Rogich, 2001). However here
unstructured interviews were necessary because the overall requirements, as stated earlier, were very
high-level, and the therapists were exploring ways in which the overall aims could be achieved.
Prototypes and mockups, i.e. storyboarding, are also standard techniques for establishing user
interface requirements (Landay & Myers, 1996). When working with users with profound verbal
communication difficulties who cannot readily volunteer information in the ways routinely used in
walkthroughs, observation of nonverbal behavior was essential. The process of iterative user-centred
design and re-design was interactive to a degree to which individual iterations are difficult and not
especially productive to distinguish, i.e. the iterative process was fluid (as opposed to discrete, pre-
determined steps), interactive, flexible, on-going and user-led. Below we describe in more detail each
stage of development, the ways in which users and caregivers contributed to development at each of
these stages, and examples of the process of user-led change throughout.

Stage 1 – Basic Style of Interface, Icons and Symbols

Early prototypes featured an avatar, and users indicated their preferences for one or another avatar
icon by pointing. Across several trials, avatars were rearranged on the display to control for any
display location bias in pointing. Users expressed nearly even preference for a butterfly icon- perhaps
preferred because of its high chromatic contrast which drew attention- and a train icon- perhaps
preferred because its semantics were a match for users' special interests in transport systems. Users
expressed a clear preference for vector graphics with high contrast between individual features, versus
more realistic renderings; again this preference instantiates a general autistic preference for objects of
high visual salience that automatically capture attention. Because endogenous control of attention is
slowed in autism, autistic users often prefer to make use of stimuli that exogenously capture their
attention (Chen et al., 2012). Users also selected objects for the puzzles, again preferring high
contrast. It was satisfactory to see that the standard user interface (UI) process of providing options
for the users to select produced definite indication of preferences, even though the standard process of
users talking through their decisions was not possible (Bias, 1991) . These preferences were
documented and used to make software changes through frequent iterations of user evaluation of
successive prototypes, with the same group of users.

This appeal to exogenous control of attention is perhaps most effectively illustrated by a brief
anecdote: during initial data-gathering sessions, the principal investigator (M.K.B.) attended the clinic
and observed the interaction of one user-therapist dyad with a Point OutWords prototype. The user in
question would not attend to the iPad, despite the therapist's efforts to maintain the iPad in the user's
direction of gaze. The user instead consistently oriented his gaze towards the investigator—
remarkable given his tendency to avoid gazing at unfamiliar people. After some minutes of this, the
therapist placed a letterboard in front of the user, and the user pointed sequentially at the letters “YOU
HAVE A NICE KURTA” (spaces inserted for clarity). The investigator happened to be wearing a
kurta made from fabric whose pattern featured high luminance contrast and high spatial frequency.
Such interactions amongst users, therapists, designers and scientific staff provided rich information as
to which sorts of stimuli would command users' attention, not only within the software but in
interactions more generally. For people without autism, social stimuli such as gaze, gesture, facial
expression and tone of voice are privileged in terms of saliency. People with autism, in contrast, orient
not to the most socially salient stimulus in the environment but to the most physically salient stimulus.
This key insight, provided directly to the design and research teams by users with autism, via
nonverbal communication, is fundamental to Point OutWords' design.

Therapists also suggested that reinforcement prompts be customisable, and attentional cues
adjustable for spatial and temporal luminance contrasts, as stimuli experienced as pleasant by one user
might be experienced as aversive by another and there could be no one-size-fits-all reinforcer. This
feature was therefore incorporated in the software, allowing families or therapists to choose prompts
which they know will be reinforcing for a particular user and to tune the visual ‘loudness’ of stimuli.
Customisation of the user interface to improve learning has been shown to be a useful strategy for
motivation (Cha et al, 2006).

Stage 2 – Comparative Evaluation

Users were tested with other educational apps so as to identify potential pitfalls in the interaction
of autistic users with typical app designs. This process allowed interface requirements to be mined
from existing applications, rather than waiting for the users to discover the problems in the developed
Point OutWords. Many users would press the iPad's 'home' button to exit the app, or press the app's
'settings' button to suspend the app. As a result, Point OutWords' in-app administrative controls were
made to respond only to presses that continued for three seconds, allowing the therapist or caregiver
time to intervene to reorient the user to the task. Many users also would latch onto certain sounds or
action-response contingencies as bases of repetitive behaviours; these contingencies were eliminated
by restructuring the app to minimise their occurrence, and by detecting and terminating action-
response loops in the user's sequence of interactions with the app. For example, if sequences of same
action (e.g. a button-press) and the same stimulus contingent on that action (e.g. the appearance or
disappearance of an icon) arose repetitively, the contingent stimulus would no longer be presented
(e.g. the icon would not appear). These key requirements are germane to other apps developed for the
target group, and so provide a ‘take-home’ set of transferable usability requirements.

Stage 3 – In-Game Behaviour Evaluation

Visuomotor interactions in Point Mode and Type Mode were tested using a mock-up in which the
user and therapist sat in front of a large, opaque white sheet of heavy paper to which physical puzzle
pieces were affixed, using magnets on the puzzle pieces and on the back of the paper. Designers,
hidden from view at the back of the paper, used the magnets to move the pieces contingently with the
user's pointing actions in a ‘Wizard of Oz’ testing paradigm (Salber and Coutaz, 1993). Observations
of users' interactions with this mock-up generated qualitative data on the paths through which they
moved their fingers three-dimensionally into contact with the touch surface: These interactions
confirmed that often open-loop control of visuomotor targeting replaced closed-loop visuomotor
feedback, and that the user's initial point of contact with the touch surface thus was error-prone.
Having contacted the touch surface in three dimensions, users then faced a simpler, two-dimensional
targeting problem which they tended to resolve by successive approximation, moving the finger on
the touch surface closer and closer to the intended target before departing from the touch surface. The
intended target thus was described more accurately by the point of departure from the touch surface
than by the point of initial contact. This feature was incorporated into the design.
Interactions with the virtual keyboard in Type Mode were tested using a prototype in which
reinforcing feedback was provided by an animation and sound of a popping balloon when a correct
keypress was made. Although therapists reported that users were highly engaged by the balloons, this
engagement did not necessarily translate to the letter symbols on which the balloons were superposed:
Therapists related how the balloons became a distraction from the keys. Therapists also observed that
changing the spatial layout of letter symbols on the touchscreen to accommodate the balloons tended
to impair performance; users learnt to respond most accurately when keys appeared in a standard
arrangement that did not change from one trial to another. Accordingly, the final keyboard
arrangement eliminated the balloon reinforcers, and relied on keys in a standard QWERTY geometry.
As direct observation and therapist feedback both indicated that the large number of competing
response options within a full keyboard made it difficult to users to zero in on the correct key, those
keys that were unused in a given puzzle were greyed out. Sizes of the letters labelling the keys, and
distances between keys, also were optimised with users in a series of prototypes. In this stage, the
process again revealed general patterns that could be transferred as requirements to future games or
applications for the user group.

• Summary of outcomes of Phase 1 Development: Significant improvements and

refinements were achieved during this phase that could not have been predicted without user
and therapist feedback. Specific examples are given for each Stage, to illustrate the ongoing
iterative process of co-creation, user testing, and therapist feedback which led to fundamental
changes in the software and user interface.
• In Stage 1 the characteristics of the user interface and icons were determined by an iterative
process of co-creation, testing, and development. One result was customisability of feedback
prompts (some prompts intended by designers to be reinforcing actually were so loud or
sudden as to be aversive for some users with auditory sensitivities).
• Prevention of repetitive usage of predictable stimulus-response contingencies (Klin, Lin,
Gorrindo, Ramsay, & Jones, 2009). In Stage 2, observation of repetitive behaviours when the
game was in use led directly to the introduction of systems to avoid repetitive contingencies
arising, and to altering the criteria for ending the game. This issue had not been predicted in
the initial design process and was only detected by observation of the software in use. A
loop-detection feature was added which identifies repeated cycles of user input and software
response – e.g., a user's repetitively swiping a puzzle piece to an inaccurate location so as to
hear an error tone which that particular user finds rewarding – and breaks the cycle by
disallowing further response to such inputs.
• The changes made led to workflow improvement when the game was in use: Stage 3’s
technique of 'Wizard of Oz' user interface testing greatly improved the development team’s
understanding of the limitations and differences in autistic users' control, leading to changes
both in the user interface and in the data collected internally.

Phase 2 – Focus Group Evaluation

Inputs: Phase 1 prototype of Point OutWords
Process: Focus groups were convened to address two topic areas – usability/acceptability and
issues associated with design of a pilot study. Usability and acceptability were addressed by
conducting interviews with parents of autistic children in Cambridgeshire, UK. The pilot study was
developed in consultation with a focus group of 4 parents of nonverbal autistic children enrolled at the
NHS Peterborough Neurodevelopmental Service, facilitated by a parent co-investigator. These
meetings and demonstrations of the software generated feedback about the project’s design, aims and
conduct. The process of group facilitation was led by the Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Lead
for the NHS Trust Research and Development Team. This is a standardised process involving setting
group rules and parameters and clarifying the purpose of the group (in this case to look at the existing
software and the suggested research protocol and give feedback and thoughts about these, as well as
about the theme of the research overall). An initial set of questions is used to start discussion which is
then facilitated to ensure participation by everybody and a positive experience for all participants.
Further questions and discussion then occur and thematic analysis of these is reported. An example of
the guidance for PPI focus groups can be found at The main outcomes of this
process are summarised below:
Outcomes and how they were used to inform Phase 3:
• Parents commented that although many apps allow users to combine pictures there is no
software for combining words and Point OutWords also operates at the single-word level.
This feedback was taken on board as a consideration for children who achieve the single-
word level using software.
• The need for ongoing support and guidance was a common theme; not all parents are
familiar with software interfaces and touchscreen hardware. This outcome led us to
ensure that there was sufficient time and training offered by the research team, tailored to
parents’ knowledge, experience and confidence. This varied in practice from 5 minutes to
about an hour.
• Parents commented that in the longer term they would prefer to use Point OutWords in
the home rather than exclusively in the clinic or school. This feedback led to most input
being offered at home (while continuing to give families the choice of venue).
• Parents were enthusiastic about the potential for this intervention given their children's
fascination with technology, although they pointed out that the very predictable stimulus-
response contingencies typical of computer user interfaces might easily become occasions
for unproductive repetitive behaviours (Klin, et al., 2009). This outcome had already been
noted by observation in Phase 1 (and has since been verified in another pilot study (Deane
& Belmonte, 2018)) and steps taken to forestall it, although it could not be completely
• In a related issue, some parents felt that 'screen time', unless it is educational, can actually
have a negative effect on social communicative skills, though previous literature suggests
that overall parents are positive about the use of technology and touchscreens in particular
(Clark, Austin, & Craike, 2015). This outcome will be a consideration in future studies,
particularly if it is a concern for individual parents who may wish to limit screen time of
any sort.
• Parents were positive about the software's use of motion and vivid contrasts of luminance
and colour in capturing and recapturing children's attention (Chen, et al., 2012; Iversen,
2007), supporting the aesthetics and style co-created with users in Bangalore. This
technique has been recently recognised as best practice in user interface design for autism
(Alcorn, Pain, & Good, 2014). Parents also felt that the software might be effective
especially for children who are active and prone to distraction. This positive outcome in
Phase 2 supported the design choices made in Phase 1 (vide supra).
• Parents suggested that the pilot study take account of: the number of languages to which
children are exposed; whether they are using computer technology already and if so, what
they use; therapies that children currently receive. This outcome will be used in future
clinical studies and development phases to seek any relationships between these factors
and outcomes.
• Parents also suggested regular telephone contact to answer questions about using Point
OutWords and to monitor progress during the pilot. This outcome was applied during
Phase 3 to offer regular support and contact with parents.

2.4 Phase 3 Pilot Study

Point OutWords was developed using iterative cycles of design, feedback and
parent/carer/teacher input with the aim to enhance communication by training visuomotor skills and
symbolic reference using a touchscreen. Following this process a pilot and initial feasibility study was
carried out in the UK (1) to assay fidelity to the recommended treatment regime; (2) to determine the
intervention's acceptability to autistic users and their caregivers, and (3) to determine the acceptability
of candidate outcome measures to assess the efficacy of the Point OutWords intervention. Feedback
was formally collected from parents following participation in the pilot study.
Although the scope of this pilot study did not suffice to answer the question of whether or not
Point OutWords definitively can improve communicative skills or family well-being, pilot data were
collected to inform a more extensive feasibility study for progression to a full clinical trial. In
addition, log data were acquired to begin to address the question of whether and to what extent
autistic pointing and dragging movements involve errors in visuomotor targeting.

a) Participants:

Participants with autism were recruited via parent support groups and networks in
Peterborough. Inclusion criteria were (a) clinical diagnosis of autism; (b) nonverbal or minimally
verbal (lacking communicative speech); (c) aged between 3 and 15 years; (d) English as the dominant
language within the immediate family (as non-English translations of the Point OutWords software
are not yet available). Exclusion criteria were severe visual or hearing impairment, or severe
impairment distinct from autism and affecting movement, such as cerebral palsy. Seven children
were successfully recruited to the study. One participant had a known diagnosis of Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in addition to autism.

b) Procedure
The research protocol was approved by the Nottingham Trent University College of Business,
Law and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee. Members of the research team underwent
training in the use of the Point OutWords software and the outcome measures used.

Participant recruitment took place through telephone conversations with the parents of
prospective participants. Information on the research programme and intervention was provided
verbally and in writing. Parents or therapists were also able to request a taster session and were given
the opportunity to ask any questions they had before the experimental procedure began. The first
meeting between the research team and participants involved obtaining signed consent, introducing
the child and their parent to the Point OutWords software, and carrying out the pre-intervention
baseline measurements. Assessments were staggered over multiple sessions if the child were fatigued,
unable or uninterested to complete them during.

Children, their families or therapists were then left with written instructions for the software
(Appendix 1) and contact details for the research team. Instructions detailed that participants should
aim for 60-minute sessions using the software with as many breaks as required, occurring at least 5
days per week. Sessions were offered at the child’s school, or in the family home. Consistently with
the input provided by parents in Phase 2, all parents chose to use Point OutWords at home. Post-
intervention measures were taken after roughly four weeks of usage and parental feedback
questionnaires were distributed.

c) Outcome measures – internal

Internal iPad Data Processing

The data gathered from the iPad for the individual users recorded real-time finger movements
when playing the game, including the initial 'pick up' of the jigsaw piece, the position on screen as the
piece was moved, and the time and position of release. The data were linked to the individual puzzles,
so the movements could be associated with the identity of each piece being manipulated. The target
locations where the pieces needed to go were also known, though the users could release the pieces
when not exactly in place and they would 'snap' into position, with the allowed snapping distance
being customisable by parents. In order to compare the behaviour for different puzzles graphically, in
Figure 3 the target location for each piece is fixed as the origin (x=0, y=0) and the movements
calculated relative to that when displaying. This representation shows more clearly the targeting
process, since all movements for all the pieces should terminate somewhere near the origin. For each
of the puzzles completed by each user, the trajectories, velocities and pauses could be calculated and
compared statistically.

Visuomotor targeting error during pointing was measured as Euclidean distance in screen
coordinates between the point of initial contact and the nearest extent of a target object (the nearest
edge of a puzzle piece in Point mode, the centre of the target key in Type mode). Visuomotor
targeting error during dragging (in Point mode) or during other screen contact (e.g. successive
approximation to a keyboard position in Type mode) was measured both as the temporal duration of
screen contact, and the spatial path length of screen contact in ratio to the shortest possible drag path,
averaged within each puzzle. Anticipatory movements of the iPad by the parent during Type mode
were measured as magnitudes of the projection of the accelerometer vector onto the vector from the
centre of the current target key to the position of the most recent departure from the touchscreen. In
addition, for each puzzle undertaken to completion the following data were collected: number of
failed attempts to drag pieces; overall time per piece successfully completed; variation of speed over
time for each piece; variation of direction over time for each piece. These measures were used both to
assess change over time for participants with autism and to compare parameters between participants
with autism and those without.

d) Piloting of Outcome measures – external

An initial assessment of feasibility and acceptability of a range of measures before and after
the intervention was undertaken. Validated measures previously used with autistic children and their
families were selected to assess the feasibility of measuring the following areas of development which
we hypothesise are targets for Point OutWords: (i) the motor skills directly addressed by Point
OutWords, (ii) communicative skills, (iii) daily living skills and social functioning. A mix of parent-
survey and child-interview measures was piloted to minimise the burden on children and parents and
to obtain data from multiple sources. Some measures were applied outside their normed chronological
age ranges; however, the subtractive, test-retest nature of the trial design makes it possible to use raw
or age-equivalent scores rather than scaled scores. Children were assessed using (1) Mullen Scales of
Early Learning: Fine Motor, Receptive Language, Expressive Language; (2) Clinical Evaluation of
Language Fundamentals (CELF-4): Concepts & Following Directions, Word Classes, Sentence
Structure, Word Structure, Recalling Sentences, Formulated Sentences. These assessments occupy
about 30 minutes each. Parent interviews and checklists were the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS-
2, 15 minutes) and Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales II (VABS-2, 20-40 minutes); total time for
parents 45-75 minutes per child. Raw scores were calculated for the MSEL and the CELF-4;
standardised scores could be calculated for the parent-report measures SRS-2 and VABS-II.

e) Usability and acceptability measures

Parent, teacher and carer involvement has been central to this project at every stage, and further
feedback on the practicality and acceptability of Point OutWords was sought as part of the pilot
project. Usability and acceptability of Point OutWords as an intervention were assessed using a
feedback form with both specific questions and space for any further comments, distributed to parents
post-intervention. The form requested an estimate of the time spent successfully using the iPad,
comments on positive and negative aspects of the Point OutWords programme and their experience of
the intervention programme as a whole. These responses are summarised below in the results section.
Dropout and completion rates were also noted.

f) Comparison of log data between children with and without autism

Participants without autism were recruited from a state primary school, to collect data from
typically-developing children matched by age to the children with autism who had provided the most
log data in the intervention pilot study. Three children, aged 5-6 years, took part. Children were given
a short explanation and demonstration of Point OutWords, followed by the opportunity to use Point
OutWords whilst being observed to ensure that they understood. The data from this introductory
session were not recorded. The application was set to display Point mode and Type mode trials
equally. The children were then given the iPads for a few days to use Point OutWords independently,
for 30-60 minutes in total.

For participants with and without autism, time series of the display coordinates of the finger
during each drag movement were initially collected as i) speed in pixels per clock tick and ii) heading
in radians relative to the zero heading which points directly from the starting point to the target
location. These data were then transformed to time series of linear speed in the direction of motion,
and angular speed (i.e., rate of change of the direction of motion over time). Sample variance of the
linear speed and circular variance (Fisher, 1993; Mardia & Jupp, 2000) of the angular speed were
derived for each individual subject, for each separate puzzle. Mixed-effects analyses were conducted
(SAS PROC MIXED), with linear speed and angular speed as dependent variables, diagnosis (autism
or typical) as independent variable and participant and puzzle number as random effects.
3. Results from Pilot Study

i) Participation/feasibility
Seven participants with autism (6 boys, 1 girl) were recruited. Mean age at baseline was 57.1
months, range 40-74. Of those who enrolled in the pilot study, 2 did not complete the four-week
intervention, a 28.6% dropout rate. Only four participants provided log data sufficient for initial
analysis. It may be that children with no communication or social interaction at all or children with
rapidly-developing speech and cognition may find the task uninteresting/too difficult or too “quick
and easy”, respectively. This variation in acceptability suggests that only a subset of children with
autism who attempt to use the software may find it useful, but for those children it is enjoyable,
interesting and potentially effective. As discussed in the introduction, children with autism and
significantly limited communication have historically not been included in many research projects and
intervention developments, which is a major issue for parents, funders and researchers. Point
OutWords aims to fill some of this gap by its novel approach. Table 2 summarises the participant
characteristics. Repeating all the measures after only four weeks was seen as burdensome by some
parents and not all repeat measures could be completed in this short timescale (shorter than that which
would be appropriate in a full clinical trial). This brief time frame is likely to have been a factor in at
least some of the missing data. Missing data are inevitable in any treatment study and clinical trials
teams use well-established techniques to address this issue (such as analysing by “intention to treat”
as well as by “completed treatment” to avoid selection bias). The process of design and feedback with
children and families aimed to maximise acceptability and usability.

ii) Parent feedback

Feedback by questionnaire was collected from the parents participating in the pilot study as
part of the ongoing process of participation, co-design and refinement carried out throughout all
phases of design and evaluation. All parents made at least one positive comment. One child did not
engage with the loaned iPad at all, preferring their own familiar one— an issue that has been
addressed as Point OutWords has moved from a bespoke development prototype to a downloadable
App Store release. One child found the puzzles very easy and completed them quickly. Parents
consistently found it hard to provide the suggested amount of input of up to 5 hours per week and
suggested that 2.5 hours would be more realistic. Parents reported that even if they could find the time
themselves to sit with their children for an hour at a time, the children would lose interest in a shorter
time than this. Children were in practice reported to play on the iPad in short bursts and sometimes
without the parent present. This tendency to use Point OutWords whilst alone limits the opportunities
for scaffolding and for errorless learning, and presents a risk that Point OutWords could become an
outlet for repetitive behaviours (Deane & Belmonte, 2018). Repetitive behaviours in moderate
degrees can be useful as a relief from anxiety or even a reward for successful learning, but become
unproductive when they displace opportunities for learning. It is also possible that parents may feel
stressed if they are not meeting an expectation set for them, a pitfall which will need to be addressed
in further studies.

Families overall found the software easy to use; some of the children enjoyed using it very
much, while others were less interested. One parent suggested games related to the child’s personal
interests; although such customisation of content is highly desirable, it is currently not practical in
terms of computer programming resources. Customisation of prompts and completion sounds is
important as some children prefer louder sounds or music while others do not.

iii) Outcome measures – external

Means and standard deviations for the baseline measures are presented alongside the range of
scores available for each measure in Table 3. The domains of functioning assessed are below. Of
course, standardised assessments are a double-edged sword: they permit quantitative comparisons
between individuals and groups, but at the same time reduce complex skills to a small collection of
specific tasks and tests, presented in specific formats which might not be optimal or even well
applicable for all of the individuals being assessed. This description of standardised measures
therefore should be interpreted with this caveat. It should be noted that for the child measures
(MSEL, CELF) higher numerical scores indicate greater measured skill in all of the domains assessed.
For example, a higher score on the MSEL fine motor subscale indicates greater measured abilities in
fine motor tasks; for the CELF domain scores, a higher score indicates more extensive measured
communication skills and a lower score a lower level of communication skills in each domain. For the
SRS-2 higher T scores indicate more difficulties as reported by the parent, whereas for the VABS-II
higher standardised scores indicate more skills as reported by the parent.
For the SRS-2 and VABS-II, standardised scores could be computed as all children were
within the age range for the measures, allowing direct estimation of the functioning of the children on
these standardised measures compared to other children of the same age. For comparing pre- and
post-intervention data, the issue of missing data and the large variances of the scores between
individuals made exploration of patterns of change in individuals’ scores more informative than
comparing means; these data are presented in Figure 4 for all children and all measures.

Mullen Scales of Early Learning (MSEL)

Five children provided a complete set of pre- and post-intervention data, and six children
provided full data for the fine motor domain. Post-intervention fine motor scores either increased from
the baseline or stayed the same for all but one participant. One participant showed a particularly
marked increase in fine motor skills, rising from a low pre-intervention score of 2 to a post-
intervention score of 24. Receptive and Expressive language showed no consistent pattern of change
over this brief test-retest interval.
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF-4)
Only 1 of the 7 participants yielded a full set of non-zero data for the CELF-4 measures. For
the majority of participants, scores on most subscales were 0. This negative feasibility result suggests
that the CELF-4 is not an appropriate measure in this population for future studies. A simpler
measure focused exclusively on receptive vocabulary, such as the British Picture Vocabulary Scales,
could be considered as a substitute.

Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS-2)

All the mean domain T scores were more than two standard deviations above the typical
population mean, demonstrating significant difficulties in social functioning across the board. SRS-2
scores for this group of children showed particularly high levels of social communicative difficulty
and restrictive and repetitive behaviours, even compared with the wider population of children with
autism, but did not show a consistent pattern of change over time in this small exploratory study. Four
children provided complete data both pre- and post- intervention.

Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales (VABS-2)

Scores were available for five participants pre- and post-intervention. Three participants showed a
marked increase across all domains from pre-intervention to post-intervention, indicating higher
levels of functioning in daily life. One participant exhibited score decreases across all domains after
the intervention took place suggesting lower levels of functioning in daily life. One participant had no
consistent pattern. There was thus no clear pattern for adaptive behaviour scores in this very small

iv) Outcome measures – internal

Log data for the four participants with autism from whom a full data set was available were
analysed for changes in speed and accuracy of movement during the intervention period. For three of
the participants accuracy of initial reach to the target was also analysed. One participant became more
accurate in two-dimensional (on the touchscreen) targeted movements: there was a significant effect
of time on ratio of actual drag path length to shortest possible path length (F(1, 972) = 30.67,
p<.00001). No other significant changes within individuals were identified over the short term of the

v) iPad data comparison between children with autism and typically-developing


Table 4 shows the demographics of the three typically-developing children who participated.
These typically developing children and their parents commented that they enjoyed playing the game
but found it easy and completed the puzzles quickly. These three typically developing children were
contrasted against the three children with autism who accumulated sufficient valid data (participants
000, 002 and 004). Table 5 summarises these analyses, showing significantly greater variability
within the autism users, for both linear and angular speed, on all measures. For most of the measures
variability in the typically-developing children was very low indeed, showing almost constant speed
following movement initiation. Figure 3 illustrates graphically the differences between the movement
sequences of children with autism and typically developing children. The points on the graph indicate
length of pauses and show that the children with autism were more likely to pause, assess and then
move swiftly (in quite straight lines) to the next pause point. This contrasted with the typically
developing children who made more continuous movements arcing towards the target location. This
piecewise approach to motor planning may reflect an accommodative strategy for the constraint of
open-loop motor control within each individual movement segment. The abrupt changes in speed and
direction between movement segments relate straightforwardly to the aforementioned observation of
heightened variance in autistic movement vectors, and are consistent with the heightened variability
described in a recent comprehensive study of autistic motor behaviours measured in interaction with a
touchscreen device (Anzulewicz, Sobota, & Delafield-Butt, 2016).

4. Discussion

As discussed in section 1.1, tablet-based technologies carry potentially significant advantages

for users with motor impairments, who prefer direct relationships between input and output, and can
also allow interventions targeted at younger children and people with less developed communication
and literacy skills. Children with autism and significant difficulties with verbal communication may
have all these characteristics. There is some existing work on tablet computer applications with
therapeutic aims for children with autism as well as other groups, and early interventions in general
have been shown to heighten impact on intelligence and communicative skills in later life (Gulsrud,
Hellemann, Freeman, & Kasari, 2014). However, few technology-based teaching methods have yet
managed to generalise 'in-game' skills to real-life situations. As discussed earlier, a recent
intervention study found no real-life benefit to social communication from an app using social
pictorial stimuli (Fletcher-Watson, et al., 2016). Higher-level skills such as social communication
may be harder to target directly through game-based learning methods, although some limited effects
on real-world behaviours have been found (Golan et al., 2010; Hopkins et al., 2011). Technological
interventions targeting lower–level skills, such as attentional gaze and joint attention (Wass &
Porayska-Pomsta, 2014; Gulsrud et al., 2014) have yielded promising results. These data suggest that
in children with autism, early pointing could have an effect on expressive language development, and
illustrate the importance of therapeutic interventions targeting relevant motor and cognitive skills.
Many people with autism struggle with activities of daily living, education and interaction with
others; improving social communication and use of symbolic communication can have a large overall
impact on wellbeing and access to education and daily activities.

The lengthy process of collaborative design and iterative feedback cycles has resulted in software
that provides detailed, analysable data on interaction with the iPad, and acceptability and
practicability for use at home by at least a subgroup of autistic children with significant expressive
language impairment. Point OutWords builds on the already established perceptual and cognitive
strengths and preferences of people with autism. Outcome measures have been refined on the basis of
this initial feasibility experience and earlier stages of development. These include measures of real-
life functioning to assess out-of-game generalisation, a sticking point for many interventions aimed
directly at enhancing social communication by the ‘front door’. These characteristics make it a
candidate for a task-shifting approach (Dasgupta et al., 2016) of parent-delivered intervention with
appropriate training and supervision from clinicians, rather than clinic-based intervention by
clinicians. In addition to the potential benefits of being more available than resource-heavy
specialised intervention, generalisations of skills learnt in the relevant environment can be
hypothesised to be more likely.

Overall the process of user-centred design, as described in detail in Section 2, was shown to
work very successfully with children with autism despite their limited expressive language
capabilities. Both therapist and child were involved from the earliest stages. By being offered
choices, the children were engaged in the process from the outset, and could express preferences
nonverbally. Then by using existing apps as test beds for overall workflow and interfaces,
appropriate design choices could be made in advance to avoid identified pitfalls. These processes
and the UI and learning issues revealed by them could be applied to other applications for autistic
learners- and the more general principles of starting from existing elements (images or apps) can
be applied to other specialist groups of learners. The challenge of co-creation and testing with a
population of users who have little or no spoken communication can be addressed via such
approaches. Such inclusion is of crucial importance as nonverbal people with autism, of any age,
are very frequently not included in research studies of all sorts, including software and
intervention design and development. Our study has shown that these apparent barriers can be
overcome to great effect and should not prevent participation in research, innovation and design
by people with autism who lack communicative speech.

Some of the most important learning points from this process were: (i) in Phase 1 numerous
changes were made to the software and the user interface in an iterative co-creation and testing
process, which was necessarily more fluid and less pre-determined than some testing processes in
other areas of development because of the differences in motor and sensory processing, and choices
and preferences, of children with autism, and the profound limitations in verbal communication; (ii)
This approach was overall highly successful in increasing understanding of issues not considered a
priori, such as the visual salience of stimuli in the app and in the surrounding environment. For
example, the absence of privileging of social stimuli (Gray et al., 2018) and resultant primacy of
physically salient over socially salient stimuli in exogenous attentional cueing (Chen et al., 2012)
initially posed a difficulty but then was used as a strength to help children to complete the task.; (iii) it
also was clear that children could engage very usefully in ‘Wizard of Oz’ testing in which they
demonstrated, nonverbally, their visuomotor processing style of open-loop processing, allowing the
most relevant data to be logged by the app and used in the game, rather than assuming typical
visuomotor processing; (iv) Phase 2 extended the software’s co-creation with children and therapists
by applying the methodology of ‘patient and public involvment’ (PPI), extracting themes of
importance from parents’ verbal reflections to guide both the design of the Phase 3 pilot study
(particularly around the choice and number of non-iPad measures and assessments, and the length and
number of sessions with the iPad) and future considerations in further software design and
development; (iii) in Phase 3, feedback was gained from parents about how acceptable, easy, and
enjoyable the process was for them and their children as well as how feasible it was to carry out the
protocol. Common themes both positive and negative emerged amongst even this small group of
parents, along with some individual comments on the software and the study. Suggestions for
improvement are discussed further in the Limitations section below. The combination of direct
observational and focus-group data before the pilot study, consideration of the reasons for missing
data particularly post-intervention in the pilot study, and detailed feedback from parents taking part in
the pilot study allowed ongoing adjustment to both the software and the overall protocol, and revealed
further information about feasibility to be taken forward into future studies.

Even with the small number of participants in this study, the internal logs yielded rich data
showing some overall change in skills over time, and heightened variability in motor skills in the
children with autism. Specifically, analysis of the iPad logs has demonstrated significantly greater
variance in velocity vectors for children with autism in contrast with typically developing children, an
observation consistent with the hypothesis that the autistic users may be implementing each
movement as a series of discrete, offline computations each without (much) benefit of sensory
feedback, rather than as an online computation continuously updated with reference to visual
feedback (Haswell, et al., 2009). The increased solution time required for each puzzle by the children
with autism is consistent with this hypothesis.
Overall the design process and pilot study suggest that caregiver-delivered therapies using
relatively inexpensive touchscreen technologies can usefully target fundamental processes such as
motor control and symbolic reference, as a complement to more directly-targeted interventions for
social communication. Interventions delivered at home using accessible, familiar technologies such as
iPads, which can be used at any time when the child wishes, are welcomed by all the
parents/carers/teachers involved at all stages in this project, with specialised clinical intervention and
support included as needed.

5. Summary and Future Work:

The autism phenotype shows both convergence from many independent causal factors and
divergence into molecular, neural, cognitive and behavioural heterogeneity (Belmonte, Cook, et al.,
2004). Distinct phenotypic profiles will require distinct targeted therapies. Point OutWords targets
one phenotypic subtype in whom a lack of functionally communicative speech may be secondary to a
distinctive pattern of motor impairments and disparity between impaired expressive and more intact
receptive language (Belmonte et al., 2013). Point OutWords has clear potential for improving motor
skills, and thus - we hypothesise - communication skills. If proven effective, approaches such as that
of Point OutWords may be useful as a complementary approach for children already receiving more
direct training in communication and social skills.

5.2 Limitations

This paper reports an innovative potential intervention co-created with autistic users. There remain
limitations to both the study and the resulting software despite the significant progress in design, and
largely positive feedback from the pilot study. Firstly, although the prompts are customisable, at the
current stage of development the content is not individually customisable for each user. Although
Point OutWords has been designed to appeal to autistic cognitive strengths and preferences, there are
always individual preferences within any group, with variation in sensory needs and subjective reward
values. It is already known that “typical” rewards may not be rewarding for children with autism, and
rewards in any setting need to be individualised. Full customisation for every user may be possible in
future if resources allow, and if a randomised controlled trial demonstrates efficacy of Point
OutWords’ current version which would warrant such further investment. Such customisation also
would permit inclusion of larger numbers of exemplars in a diversity of colours to promote
generalisation beyond the training context (Allen et al., 2015). Secondly, some children did not use
the study iPads as they were unfamiliar, and at the time the software was a development version
requiring the study team’s iPads to be used. This issue has been addressed for future work as the
software is now freely available on the App Store for use on the child’s familiar device, increasing the
chance they will use and enjoy it. Thirdly, we discovered during the pilot phase that some children
whom we had recruited did not have sufficient interest, or possibly developmental abilities, to make
use of the software at all, while others were too developmentally advanced. We have learnt from this
experience that the initial assessments and trial sessions should take place in advance of recruitment
for the full intervention process, so that children who are clearly too able, or are not able to use the
software for any reason, do not go through the full process of assessment which does take significant
time and effort on their and their family’s part. Fourthly, it would be desirable in future to be able to
develop localisations for languages other than English, and for scripts other than the Roman alphabet,
if resources are available. Fifthly, the external outcome measures did not (and were not designed to)
in this pilot study provide enough data for quantitative analysis. We did however learn useful
limitations of the piloted measures for future work: one measure, the CELF-4, provided no useful data
for all but one participant. The MSEL, however, did provide potentially useful measures of
communicative function in a more play-based assessment. The CELF-4 will not be included in future
studies, but may be replaced by a more purely vocabulary-oriented instrument. In future studies with
larger numbers of participants it may be possible to determine which pre-intervention profiles are
associated with different patterns of changes in functioning, and to stratify participants by pre-
intervention level and profile of functioning.

5.3 Implications and future work

Variability of outcome measures between individual users, as seen universally in studies with
people with autism, suggests that analysis of change for each child, and for groups of children with
particular characteristics, may be most useful. Analysis of logs has provided data consistent with the
hypothesis that for this group of children with autism, movement control is an offline process, with
potential for investigating motor function further using the app. Leading on from this result,
performance on the simple task of dragging a cursor to a target could be measured with and without
the availability of visual feedback during the movement. If the hypothesis is correct we would predict
that typically developing children would perform better with visual feedback, with equal performance
between groups in the condition where visual feedback during movement is not available. This use of
a game-like computerised measure of temporal consistency of movement execution as a proxy for the
internal motor control variables in the individual also has clear potential for further investigation of,
and testing of interventions for, motor control in typically-developing people, people with autism, and
other clinical groups such as those with developmental, acquired or degenerative motor disorders.

This work will be followed up by a full feasibility randomised controlled trial of Point
OutWords, with the inclusion of a control-intervention group, in the NHS service in Peterborough,
UK, which will address questions of recruitment, randomisation, fidelity to the intervention and full
assessment protocol, and statistical power, and will use detailed qualitative analysis of feedback,
focus groups and diaries. Internal log measures and a revised set of external measures will address
additional questions such as whether any improvements in outcome measures are specific to the
previously identified subgroup of people with autism who have significant impairments in motor
functioning, and will support a complete evaluation of whether and to what extent caregivers may be
moving the tablet device in ways that could unconsciously influence the autistic user's choice of keys
on the touchscreen keypad.

Point OutWords is open-source software released under the Mozilla Public License 2.0, a flexible
licensing scheme that permits both continued non-commercial development and commercial
derivatives. Should the pending trial establish clinical efficacy, justification would exist for such
further development and incorporation of new features. In particular, parents have mentioned the
need for customisability and extensibility of content. In addition, scope would exist for localisations
incorporating languages other than English and keyboard scripts other than the Roman alphabet, and
for an Android-based implementation to complement the current iOS.


M.KB.’s work on development of Point OutWords was supported by a Fulbright-Nehru Senior

Research Fellowship from the United States – India Educational Foundation, funded by the
governments of India and the United States. M.K.B.’s work on preparation of this report was funded
in part by the UK National Institute for Health Research: This report is independent research funded
by the National Institute for Health Research - Research for Patient Benefit, "Evaluation of Point
OutWords, a Motor Skills Intervention to Promote Language Development in Non-Verbal Children
with Autism: A Feasibility Study", PB-PG-0816-20019. The views expressed in this publication are
those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the National Institute for Health Research
or the Department of Health.

Author Biographies

Emma Weisblatt is a consultant developmental neuropsychiatrist. She obtained her PhD in

schizophrenia genetics. She is a member of the Cambridge Laboratory for Research in Autism
(CLaRa) in the Psychology Department of the University of Cambridge, with research interests
including perception, movement disorders and clinical phenotypes, genetics and neuropsychiatry.

Caroline Langensiepen is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computing and Technology at

Nottingham Trent University. Her research interests include ambient intelligence, robotics and
assistive systems for the elderly, as well as more general aspects of user-centred design and
requirements elicitation.

Bev Cook is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computing and Technology at Nottingham
Trent University. She teaches mobile-platform programming and studies usability of smart devices in
education and healthcare, working closely with industrial partners.

Claudia Dias is a psychology student and parent of two children with autism. She has for two years
been a parent partner advising and facilitating the development of Point Outwords.

Kate Plaisted Grant is a Senior University Lecturer in the Department of Psychology, University of
Cambridge, and is head of the CLaRA lab. She researches cognition and perception in autism,
particularly categorisation, visual perception and auditory processing.

Manuj Dhariwal is a doctoral student at the MIT Media Lab in the Laboratory for Social
Machines, with a background in creating games for language learning. His master's thesis in
computer science at MIT looked at children as gifted language builders; specifically, he developed an
experimental and theoretical tool for studying the language of geometric concepts.

Meggie Fairclough studied Psychological and Behavioural Sciences at the University of

Cambridge, graduating in 2017. She worked as a member of the Point OutWords project team in

Steph Friend studied Psychological and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Cambridge,
graduating in 2017. She worked as a member of the Point OutWords project team in 2016-17.

Amy Malone studied Psychological and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Cambridge,
graduating in 2017. She worked as a member of the Point OutWords project team in 2016-17.

Bela Varga-Elmiyeh is studying medicine at the University of Cambridge and took his intercalated
BA in Psychology, graduating in 2017. He worked as a member of the Point OutWords project team
in 2016-17.

Alicia Rybicki is a BBSRC-funded PhD student in Neuroscience at the University of Birmingham.

Her current research investigates disorders of movement and social cognition in those with autism
spectrum conditions.

Prathibha Karanth is a speech language pathologist, and Founder Director and Managing Trustee
of The Communication DEALL Trust. With a longstanding interest in language disorders both in
children and adults, she has worked over four decades in the areas of adult aphasias, acquired
dyslexias, learning disability, specific language impairment and communication in autism / pervasive
developmental disorders. Her work on clinical aspects as well as research and training has driven the
development and continuous fine-tuning of the Com-DEALL programme and model.

Matthew Belmonte’s research asks how domain-general cognitive capacities shape the
developmental emergence of both social and non-social perception, cognition and action– giving rise
to individual differences therein and autistic disorders thereof. His work in England, the United States
and India has related autistic traits, cognitive sex and gender differences, individualistic and
collectivistic cultures, construal level and psychological distance.
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Figure 1: Point OutWords Design and Development Summary
Figure 2: Examples of Point OutWords in use: child dragging pieces into a watermelon
puzzle outline in “Point mode” (top); child selecting letters highlighted to signal they belong to
the book puzzle in “Type mode” (bottom).
Figure 3: Examples of log data from a typically-developing user and a user with autism

3(a) Shampoo Puzzle (typically developing user on left, user with autism on right)

3(b) Bath Puzzle (typically developing user on left, user with autism on right)
3(c) Mug Puzzle (user with autism)
Figure 4: Pre- and post-intervention domain scores for all participants

4(a) Mullen Scales of Early Learning Raw Scores

(i) Fine Motor

30 Fine Motor pre

Fine Motor
10 post
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(ii) Expressive Language

30 Expressive
Language pre
10 Language post

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(iii) Receptive Language



30 Receptive
Langauge pre
10 Langauge post

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4(b) CELF-4 Raw Scores

(i) Concepts and Following Directions


30 Concepts/Followi
ng Directions pre
10 ng Directions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(ii) Word Structure

20 Word
15 Structure pre
10 Word
Structure post
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(iii) Recalling Sentences


10 Sentences pre
5 Sentences post

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(iv) Formulated Sentences

6 Formulated
Sentences pre
2 Sentences post

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(v) Word Classes Receptive

Word Classes
Receptive pre
Word Classes
Receptive post
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(vi) Word Classes Expressive

8 Word Classes
6 Expressive pre
4 Word Classes
Expressive post
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4(c) SRS-2 Standardised Domain Scores

(i) Social Awareness

80 Social
60 Awareness pre

20 Awareness
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(ii) Social Cognition

60 Social
Cognition pre
20 Cognition post

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(iii) Social Motivation

80 Social
60 Motivation pre

20 Motivation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(iv) Repetitive and Restricted Behaviours


Repetitive and
60 Restricted
Behaviours pre
40 Repetitive and
Behaviours post
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4(d) VABS-II Standardised Domain Scores

(i) Communication



60 Communicati
on pre
40 Communicati
20 on post

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(ii) Daily Living


60 Daily Living pre

Daily Living
20 post

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(iii) Socialisation

60 Socialisation
20 post

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(iv) Motor Skills

80 Motor Skills pre
40 Motor Skills
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Table 1: Aims and Characteristics of Point OutWords software


1. Develop manual motor (e.g. pointing to select 1. Scaffold a transition from
amongst multiple response options) and oral motor iconic reference (picture-
skills prerequisite to typed or spoken communication based communication) to
symbolic reference
2. Adapt the touch-screen interface to autistic open-loop (communication using typed
visual-motor control: or spoken words)
i. Tolerate motor targeting errors
ii. Tolerate lapses of contact during 2. Develop the notion of object
point-and-drag as sequence:
iii. If a human can discern intent from a
video recording, the computer 3. Begin with sequence of
ought to be able to notice intent, too puzzle pieces (iconic
“point” mode)
Log the time series of all stimuli and motor responses
4. Transition to pieces labelled
Log the time series of physical movements of the with alphabet letters
touchscreen so as to help identify any “Clever Hans” (symbolic “type” mode);
anticipation by the therapist corresponding key on a
keyboard highlights to
Detect attempts to use the device as an instrument of capture attention; keys must
repetitive behaviour, and shut down the reward be pressed in sequence to
snap puzzle pieces into
Detect failures and advance in an errorless-learning place.
5. Extension to approximate
speech recognition
(symbolic “say” mode):
Computational problem of
speech recognition is
facilitated by having priors
(we know what syllable the
user is trying to speak) and
by approximate matching
(we want to be very tolerant
of pronunciation errors).

6. Intended for use with a

parent, carer or therapist –
not as a substitute.
Table 2: Characteristics of participants with autism

Participant Gen Chronological Complete

ID der Age (Months) d Study?
000 M 74 ✓
001 M 73 ✕
002 M 49 ✕
003 M 40 ✓
004 F 54 ✓
005 M 66 ✓
006 M 44 ✓
Table 3: External measures baseline data for participants with autism

MSEL and CELF scores are raw Pre-intervention baseline Range of scores (min-
scores, ranges given in table data max)
SRS-2 and VABS-II are standardised

Domain measured Mean Standard

(n) Deviation

MSEL Fine Motor 26.7 (7) 14.6 0-49

MSEL Receptive Language 27.3 (7) 15.9 0-48

MSEL Expressive Language 22.1 (7) 11.4 0-49

CELF Concepts and Following 9.0 (6) 11.4 0-54


CELF Word Structure 6.8 (6) 9.9 0-32

CELF Recalling Sentences 4.5 (6) 7.0 0-96

CELF Formulated Sentences 1.7 (6) 8.5 0-56

CELF Word Class Total 5.3 (6) 8.5 0-42

SRS Social Awareness 76.2 (5) 8.3 All SRS T scores range
from 30-90, normed for
age, mean 50, standard
deviation 10. >60
indicates some difficulties
Higher score = more

SRS Social Cognition 73.0 (5) 2.3

SRS Social Communication 83.8 (5) 5.5

SRS Social Motivation 76.2 (5) 8.3

SRS Repetitive Behaviours 80.2 (5) 10.2

VABS Communication 59.5 (6) 17.2 All VABS standardized

scores range 20-150, mean
100 (normed for age)
standard deviation 15
(higher number means
better abilities)

VABS Daily Living 58.8 (6) 12.4

VABS Social 46.0 (6) 12.1

VABS Motor Skills 85.2 (6) 18.2

VABS Adaptive Behaviour 58.5 (6) 12.6

Table 4: Characteristics of participants without autism (typically-developing)

Participant Gen Chronological

ID der Age (Months)
100 F 72
101 F 75
102 M 83

Table 5: Comparison of iPad log data between children with and without ASD

Measure Group Mean S.E.M. t value Pr Comparison

> |t|
Variance ASD 9.2723 1.6952 5.47 <.0001 F(1,381)=6.04,
(simple) of scalar p=0.0145
speed TD 0.7465 3.0276 0.25 0.8054

Circular ASD 0.001700 0.000252 6.75 <.0001 F(1,381)=7.48,

variance of angular p=0.0065
TD 0.000262 0.000462 0.57 0.5712

Circular ASD 0.03426 0.002283 15.00 <.0001 F(1,381)=8.00,

standard deviation p=0.0049
of angular speed
TD 0.02154 0.003873 5.56 <.0001

Circular ASD 0.5017 0.000278 1805.75 <.0001 F(1,381)=6.98,

dispersion of p=0.0086
angular speed
TD 0.5002 0.000504 993.28 <.0001

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