Development of Learning Media Using VBA Excel

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ICOLSSTEM 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1563 (2020) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1563/1/012035

Development of learning media using VBA excel in physical

learning in senior high school

A D Safitri1, A D Lesmono1, Maryani1 and A A Wardoyo2

Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
University of Jember, Indonesia
Elementary School Teacher Education Study Programs, Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education, University of Jember, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract. This study aims to examine the practicality and effectiveness of instructional media.
This research uses research and development research. The development procedure in this study
uses 4D which has four stages namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. This study
examines the disseminate stage of validating testing. The results of the development stage to
state that they are valid, practical and effective. The subject of the dissemination stage of this
study were students of class XI MIA-1, XI MIA-2, and XI MIA-4 at SMA Umbulsari. Data
collection is done through pre-test and post-test and student questionnaire responses. The results
of validating testing at the disseminate stage to measure the practicality of learning media carried
out by XI MIA-1, XI MIA-2, and XI MIA-4 respectively scored 81.32%, 80.20%, and 81.46%,
obtaining criteria practical and get effective enough criteria for the effectiveness of learning
media using VBA Excel with a score of 40.05% at XI MIA 1, 36.21% at XI MIA 2 and 39.23%
at XI MIA 4 based on the N-Gain test criteria.

1. Introduction
Physics learning is learning that studies natural phenomena and all events that occur in everyday life
[1]. Based on the results of researchers' observations on physics learning in one school in December,
there were still many students who had difficulty learning physics, and the average student did not like
physics. This problem often arises in learning physics. Factors that influence students 'learning
difficulties are physics when students learn physics that is easily tired, less excited, easily dizzy, quickly
drowsy, lack of student interest in learning physics, students' abilities that are lacking especially in
mastering concepts, formulas and calculations that are still low , the ability to catch and the activeness
of students that are different, as well as the lack of readiness of students in learning physics such as not
carrying a notebook, not carrying a pen and not entering the classroom on the grounds of being late.
Besides, the way to convey the teacher which is sometimes unclear also influences students' physics
learning difficulties [2]. In addition to student learning difficulties, schools rarely use practicum when
teaching and learning due to limited time and practical tools at school.
Problems in learning physics can be overcome with media in learning. Learning media are all things
that can convey and channel information from sources in a planned manner to create a conducive
learning environment so that the recipient can carry out the learning process efficiently and effectively
[3]. Learning media can provide benefits in the learning process. These benefits are as follows: (1)

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ICOLSSTEM 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1563 (2020) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1563/1/012035

facilitates teachers in managing learning (2) helps teachers guide their students to be able to find
concepts both independently and in groups (3) can be used to develop process skills, and develop
scientific attitudes (4) Facilitate the teacher monitors the success of students achieving learning goals
[4]. One of the efficient and effective learning media is learning media assisted by information and
communication technology (ICT). Pandia stated that information and communication techniques could
help students understand learning material. The results of his study stated that before learning by using
computer-aided media as many as 22 (61%), students stated that physics was a difficult subject. But
after doing learning using this media, the number of students who say physics is difficult is reduced by
16 people (44%) [5]. This change shows that learning media can change students' perceptions. Nikita's
research results also state that student responses in using Dynamic Fluid E-Modules are categorized very
positive at 91.81% which means students respond very positively to the development of Dynamic Fluid
E-Modules learning products [6]. This shows that computer-assisted learning media gets a positive
response and helps students understand the learning material.
One of the computer programs that can be used in learning media is Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel
is a number processing sheet that is owned by experts and researchers to support their experiments in
the laboratory. Excel can obtain data and analyze it using visual basic for application (VBA) and make
excel as a controller then run it [7]. Visual basic for application (VBA) on Excel or can also be called
Macro Excel is a series that automates several aspects of Excel so that it can work more efficiently and
effectively [4]. Excel VBA program can also be used to show an animation [5]. Animations are made
based on graphs of rows of numbers generated by macros. Macro is the development of a basic visual
programming language that is applied in Excel applications [8]. The graph is then run by activating it
through the macro code as programmed. The role of graphic charts in Excel VBA is very useful to
provide a physical picture of data management such as animations made by mirrors and mirrors. So the
learning media that researchers have developed is a learning medium using VBA excel which includes
Physics learning by utilizing Visual Basic for Applications in Microsoft Excel has been widely
carried out, including by Nurhayati on the use of animation media based on Visual Basic (VBA) excel
spreadsheets to improve students' mastery of concept concepts on simple harmonic oscillator potential
material. The results of the study concluded that the mastery of the concept of simple harmonic oscillator
potential for students who obtained learning using Visual Basic spreadsheet excel based media was
higher than students who obtained learning without using Visual Basic spreadsheet excel based media
[9]. Besides that, Amalia et al. Also used VBA-based learning media on the excel microscope as a
physics learning media and found that this learning media is valid and appropriate to be used as a physics
learning media on wave material for senior high school students in class XI [10]. But as far as researchers
are aware, they have not yet found learning media research using VBA excel on geometry optics
material. Therefore, from the problems presented, researchers developed learning media using VBA
excel on geometry optics material. The results of the research on the development test stated valid,
practical and effective on the learning media that had been developed. Researchers aim to examine the
practicality and effectiveness of instructional media on a broader target.

2. Methods
This type of research used in this research is Research and Development Research. Which aims to
produce new products through the development process [11]. The development research method used is
4D which consists of 4 stages, including Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. This study
examines the disseminate stage of validating testing. The results of the development stage state that they
are valid, practical and effective. The test site was conducted at SMA Umbulsari. The study was
conducted in the even semester of the 2018/2019 school year in three classes, namely XI-MIA 1, XI-
MIA 2, and XI-MIA 4.
Data collection techniques used were tests and student response questionnaires. Student response
questionnaire is used to determine the practicality of the product being developed. The technique of

ICOLSSTEM 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1563 (2020) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1563/1/012035

obtaining the results of student responses from learning using Excel VBA learning media, the results
can be categorized in Table 1 [12].

Table 1. Categories percentage of questionnaire for practicality of media.

Correlation Coefficients Interpretations
P > 95% Very Practical
80% < P ≤ 95% Practical
65% < P ≤ 80% Practical Enough
50% < P ≤ 65% Less Practical
P ≤ 50% Not Practical

The test is used to measure student learning outcomes that are useful for knowing the effectiveness
of a product being developed. The study used two tests, namely pre-test and post-test. The pre-test and
post-test questions consist of 5 questions about the geometry optics material. This test was analyzed to
find out the increase in student learning outcomes measured using the formula N-gain score. The N-gain
score formula can be seen in equation below [13].
𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡−𝑝𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡
<𝑔>= 𝑥 100%
100−𝑝𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡
The improvement criteria using N-Gain can be categorized in Table 2 [14].

Table 2. Criteria using N-Gain.

Classification of N-Gain values Criteria
𝑁𝑔 ≥ 70% High
30% ≤ 𝑁𝑔 < 70% Medium
𝑁𝑔 < 30% Low

3. Results and Discussion

The product developed in this study is a learning media that utilizes Microsoft Excel applications, which
includes a visual basic for application (VBA) program. The learning media developed are learning media
on the subject of geometry optics. The results of the development stage stated that the learning media
were declared valid, practical and effective. A wider trial phase was carried out for 5 meetings. The first
meeting pre-test first. The second to a fourth meeting conducted teaching and learning activities. The
fifth meeting conducted a post-test activity and filled in the questionnaire on student responses. The data
obtained at this stage are student response questionnaire used to measure the practicality of instructional
media and tests used to measure the effectiveness of instructional media. The following will be explained
about the data obtained.

3.1. The practicality of Learning Media Using Excel VBA

The practicality of instructional media using VBA Excel is obtained by analyzing the assessment data
of experts in the learning media validation sheet and user assessment in the student response
questionnaire. Student response data was taken by giving questionnaires to class XI MIA 1, XI MIA 2
and XI MIA 4 students after learning. The results of the validation of instructional media experts using
VBA excel obtained a score of 4 included in either category. The results of the questionnaire analysis
of student responses can be seen in the Table 3.

Table 3. Results of analysis of student response questionnaire.

Average Percentage of Total
Class Category
Student Response
XI MIA 1 81,32% Practical

ICOLSSTEM 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1563 (2020) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1563/1/012035

Average Percentage of Total

Class Category
Student Response
XI MIA 2 80,20% Practical
XI MIA 4 81,46% Practical

Based on the results of data analysis of student responses to learning media using VBA Excel, it was
obtained presentation of student responses 81.32% in class XI MIA 1, 80.20% in XI MIA 2, and 81.46%
in XI MIA 4 with practical categories so that learning media using Excel VBA can be said to be practical.
This is following Hobri's statement which states that learning media developed can be said to be practical
if it meets two criteria, namely theoretical-practical and practical practice. Theoretical practical is the
assessment of experts in the learning media validation sheet. Practical in practice is user assessment in
student response questionnaires [15].

3.2. The Effectiveness of Learning Media Using Excel VBA

The effectiveness of learning media using VBA Excel is obtained by analyzing student learning
outcomes improvement. The instrument used to determine the effectiveness of learning media using
VBA Excel is a test. This test is in the form of pre-test and post-test. The pre-test is done before learning
begins and post-test is done after learning is finished. The average value obtained by students in the pre-
test and post-test activities for class XI MIA 1 can be seen in Table 4.

Table 4. The effectiveness of learning outcomes using Excel VBA learning media.
Components Pre-test Post-test N-gain Criteria
Total Students 36 36
Lowest Value 11,5 30
40,05% Medium
Highest Value 49 77
Average 27,29 56,41

Based on Table 4, it can be seen that the average score of pre-test and post-test of students is 27.29
and 56.41 with a difference of both of 29.12. These results indicate that the post-test scores are greater
than the pre-test scores and indicate an increase in learning outcomes. Large increase in the effectiveness
of student learning outcomes can be known by using N-gain. Table 4 shows that the N-gain value is
40.05%. These values indicate that an increase in student learning outcomes after using Excel VBA
learning media. Based on Table 2, the value of N-gain is included in the medium category. This means
that improving student learning outcomes using Excel VBA is good enough. Based on these results, it
was found that learning media using Excel VBA is effective in improving student learning outcomes.
The average value obtained by students in the pre-test and post-test activities for class XI MIA 2 can be
seen in Table 5.

Table 5. The effectiveness of learning outcomes using Excel VBA learning media.
Class XI MIA 2
Components N-gain Criteria
Pre-Test Post-Test
Total Students 33 33
Lowest Student 19 32
36,21 % Medium
Higest Student 68,5 88
Average 40,86 62,28

Based on table 5, the students' mean pre-test and post-test scores were 40.68 and 62.28 with a
difference of both 21.42. These results indicate that the post-test value is greater than the pre-test value
and has increased. Increasing the effectiveness of student learning outcomes is obtained by using N-
Gain. In Table 5, the N-gain value is 36.21%. Based on these values shows an increase in student
learning outcomes after using Excel VBA learning media. Based on Table 2, the magnitude of the N-

ICOLSSTEM 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1563 (2020) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1563/1/012035

gain value is included in the medium category. This means that improving student learning outcomes
using Excel VBA is good. Based on these results, it was found that learning media using Excel VBA is
effective in improving student learning outcomes. The average value obtained by students in the pre-
test and post-test activities for class XI MIA 4 can be seen in table 6.

Table 6. The effectiveness of learning outcomes using Excel VBA learning media.
Kelas XI MIA 4
Komponen N-gain Criteria
Pre-Test Post-Test
Total Students 35 35
Lowest Value 21 40
39,23 % Medium
Highest Value 60 80
Average 40,29 63,71

Based on Table 6, the average score of pre-test and post-test of students is 40.29 and 63.71 with the
difference of both is 23.42. These results indicate that the post-test value is greater than the pre-test value
and shows an increase. Large increase in the effectiveness of student learning outcomes and can be
known by using N-Gain.
In Table 6, the N-gain value is 39.23%. These values indicate that an increase in student learning
outcomes after using Excel VBA learning media. Based on table 3, the magnitude of the N-gain value
is included in the medium category. This means that improving student learning outcomes using Excel
VBA is good enough. The results found that learning media using Excel VBA is effective in improving
student learning outcomes. This is consistent with Muliatiningsih's statement that in order to find out
the effectiveness of instructional media in improving learning outcomes, the activity was continued with
question exercises to measure the achievement of learning objectives [11].

4. Conclusions
Based on the data that has been obtained from the results and discussion, it is concluded that learning
media using VBA Excel is declared practical with the acquisition of a student questionnaire score of
81.32% in class XI MIA 1, 80.20% in class XI MIA 2 and 81, 46% at XI MIA 4. Learning media using
VBA Excel are stated to be quite effective in improving student learning outcomes with the acquisition
of a score of 40.05% in class XI MIA 1, 36.21% in class XI MIA 2 and 39.23% in XI MIA 4.

Suggestions that learning media in the form of animation should be further developed in accordance
with student needs and curriculum development. The research implementation should check all
components used, such as computers and so that the implementation can be carried out smoothly.

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