Bfa8013 - en 2023-01-24

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Description of functions
Designation: Decanter
Type: petroMaster CF 5000
No.: BFA8013-___EN | Edition: 24.01.2023

engineering for a better world GEA Mechanical Equipment

About this document BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

Subject to modification!

The authors are always grateful for remarks and sugges-

tions for improving the documentation. These can be ad-
ressed to:

GEA Mechanical Equipment

GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH
Werner-Habig-Str. 1, 59302 Oelde, Germany
Tel. +49 2522 77-0, Fax +49 2522 77-2488

=== Ende der Liste für T extm arke Titelseite ===

Internal Note:
Date of functions: 2022-11-24
Date of configuration: 2023-01-23
Date of set values: 2022-11-17

2 GEA Westfalia Separator Group

BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23 About this document

1 About this document 14

1.1 Other applicable documents .................................................................... 14

1.2 Notes on code designations .................................................................... 14

2 Statuses 15

2.1 Transition table ........................................................................................ 15

2.2 'off' status ................................................................................................. 19
2.3 'vibro test' status ...................................................................................... 19
2.4 'Inertisation' status ................................................................................... 19
2.5 'startup' status .......................................................................................... 19
2.6 'operation (alarm)' status ......................................................................... 19
2.7 'operation' status ...................................................................................... 19
2.8 'product' status ......................................................................................... 19
2.9 'flushing' status ........................................................................................ 19
2.10 'flushing sequence' status ........................................................................ 19
2.11 'castor' status ........................................................................................... 20

3 Functions 21

3.1 "Control unit start" function ...................................................................... 21

3.2 "Decanter on" function ............................................................................. 21
3.3 "Decanter off" function ............................................................................. 22
3.4 "Product on" function ............................................................................... 22
3.5 "Flush on" function ................................................................................... 22
3.6 "Product/Flush off" function ..................................................................... 22
3.7 "Service" function..................................................................................... 22
3.8 "Alarm and warning messages" function ................................................. 22
3.9 "Acknowledge warning and alarm messages, clear alarms" function ..... 22
3.9.1 Acknowledgement of the emergency stop alarm .................................... 23
3.9.2 Acknowledgement of the FZL release chamber and PZLL release
chamber alarms ....................................................................................... 23
3.9.3 Acknowledgement of the JAHH torque alarm, JAHHH torque alarm,
Gearbox overload alarm .......................................................................... 23
3.10 "Switching into the status: Off" function ................................................... 24
3.11 "Switching into the status: vibro test" function ......................................... 24
3.12 "Switching into the status: Inertisation" function ...................................... 25
3.13 "Switching into the status: startup" function ............................................ 27
3.14 "Switching into the status: Operation" function ........................................ 28
3.15 "Switching into the status: operation" function ........................................ 28
3.16 "Switching into the status: product" function ........................................... 29
3.17 "Switching into the status: flushing" function ........................................... 29
3.18 "Switching into the status: flushing sequence" function .......................... 30
3.19 "Switching into the status: castor" function .............................................. 30
3.20 "Signalise status" function ....................................................................... 31
3.21 "Activate and monitor bowl drive" function .............................................. 32
3.22 "Deactivate bowl drive" function .............................................................. 33
3.23 "Activate space heater main motor" function ........................................... 33
3.24 "Deactivate space heater main motor" function ...................................... 33
3.25 "Activate and monitor secondary drive" function ..................................... 33
3.26 "Deactivate secondary drive" function ..................................................... 34
3.27 "Activate space heater secondary motor" function .................................. 34
3.28 "Deactivate space heater secondary motor" function .............................. 34

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3.29 "Safe monitoring of oil vessel level" function ........................................... 34

3.30 "Monitoring of oil-air lubrication level" function ........................................ 35
3.31 "Activate and monitor oil-air lubrication" function .................................... 36
3.32 "Deactivate oil-air lubrication" function .................................................... 37
3.33 "Oil-air lubrication, prelubrication" function .............................................. 37
3.34 "Oil-air lubrication, cancellation, prelubrication" function ......................... 38
3.35 "Safe monitoring of temperature, bearing, solids side" function .............. 38
3.36 "Monitoring of temperature, bearing, solids side" function ...................... 38
3.37 "Safe monitoring of temperature, bearing, liquid side" function .............. 39
3.38 "Monitoring of temperature, bearing, liquid side" function ....................... 39
3.39 "Safe monitoring of solids side vibrations" function ................................. 40
3.40 "Monitoring of solids side vibrations" function ......................................... 41
3.41 "Safe monitoring of liquid side vibrations" function .................................. 41
3.42 "Monitoring of liquid side vibrations" function .......................................... 42
3.43 "Monitor production release" function ...................................................... 42
3.44 "Deactivate monitoring production release" function ............................... 43
3.45 "Open product discharge isolation valve" function .................................. 43
3.46 "Close product discharge isolation valve" function .................................. 43
3.47 "Open discharge line control valve completely" function ......................... 44
3.48 "Discharge line control valve, activate pressure controlling and
monitoring" function ................................................................................. 44
3.49 "Safe switch off" function ......................................................................... 45
3.50 "Safe monitoring of emergency stop circuit" function .............................. 46
3.51 "Safe monitoring inertisation" function ..................................................... 46
3.52 "Measurement of blanketing and sealing pressures" function ................ 47
3.53 "Monitoring blanketing" function .............................................................. 48
3.54 "Monitoring pre-flushing and post-flushing" function ............................... 48
3.55 "Monitoring pressure drop blanketing and forced flushing" function ....... 50
3.56 "Monitoring pressure rise blanketing and forced venting" function ......... 50
3.57 "Deactivate blanketing and its monitoring" function ................................ 51
3.58 "Safe monitoring of bowl speed" function ................................................ 52
3.59 "Measurement and monitoring of bowl speed" function .......................... 52
3.60 "Measurement of gearbox input speed" function ..................................... 53
3.61 "Calculation and monitoring of differential speed" function ..................... 54
3.62 "Measurement and monitoring of scroll torque" function ......................... 55
3.63 "Differential speed control" function ......................................................... 56
3.64 "Activate feed" function ............................................................................ 58
3.65 "Deactivate feed" function ....................................................................... 58
3.66 "Open feed flushing valve" function ......................................................... 58
3.67 "Close feed flushing valve" function ........................................................ 59
3.68 "Activate flushing connections housing" function .................................... 59
3.69 "Deactivate flushing connections housing" function ................................ 60
3.70 "Implement flushing sequence" function.................................................. 60

4 Alarms 63

4.1 Emergency stop alarm ............................................................................. 63

4.2 Alarm vibrotest solids side ....................................................................... 63
4.3 Alarm vibrotest liquid side ........................................................................ 63
4.4 Alarm plausibility test flow/pressure ........................................................ 63
4.5 Alarm FAL/FZL release chamber ............................................................ 63
4.6 Alarm difference hardware/software, pre-flushing time ........................... 63
4.7 Alarm PZLL release chamber .................................................................. 63
4.8 Alarm PAHH blanketing release chamber ............................................... 63
4.9 Alarm PALL blanketing release chamber ................................................ 64
4.10 Alarm PAL sealing pressure solids side .................................................. 64
4.11 Alarm PAL sealing pressure liquid side ................................................... 64
4.12 Alarm PAL sealing pressure inlet tube .................................................... 64
4.13 Alarm wire break pressure superposition housing .................................. 64
4.14 Alarm wire break sealing pressure solids side ........................................ 64

4 GEA Westfalia Separator Group

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4.15 Alarm wire break sealing pressure liquid side ......................................... 64

4.16 Alarm wire break sealing pressure inlet tube .......................................... 64
4.17 Bowl motor alarm ..................................................................................... 65
4.18 Secondary motor alarm ........................................................................... 65
4.19 Alarm: startup delayed ............................................................................. 65
4.20 Alarm: operation without feed .................................................................. 65
4.21 Alarm: LZL oil, gearbox ........................................................................... 65
4.22 Alarm: TAHH bearing, solids side............................................................ 65
4.23 Alarm: wire break, bearing temperature, solids side ............................... 65
4.24 Alarm: TAHH bearing, liquid side ............................................................ 65
4.25 Alarm: wire break, bearing temperature, liquid side ................................ 66
4.26 Alarm: VZHH solids side .......................................................................... 66
4.27 Alarm: VAHH solids side ......................................................................... 66
4.28 Alarm: wire break, vibration, solids side .................................................. 66
4.29 Alarm: VZHH liquid side .......................................................................... 66
4.30 Alarm: VAHH liquid side .......................................................................... 66
4.31 Alarm: wire break, vibration, liquid side ................................................... 66
4.32 Alarm: PAH Drain pressure ..................................................................... 66
4.33 Alarm: SZHH bowl speed ........................................................................ 67
4.34 Alarm: SAH bowl speed ........................................................................... 67
4.35 Alarm: SAL bowl speed startup ............................................................... 67
4.36 Alarm: SAL bowl speed ........................................................................... 67
4.37 Alarm: flushing sequence speed not reached ......................................... 67
4.38 Alarm: no production release ................................................................... 67
4.39 Alarm: SAL differential speed .................................................................. 67
4.40 Alarm: JAH torque ................................................................................... 67
4.41 Alarm: JAHH torque ................................................................................. 68
4.42 Alarm: JAHHH torque .............................................................................. 68
4.43 Alarm: Gearbox overload ......................................................................... 68
4.44 Alarm: wire break, torque ........................................................................ 68
4.45 Alarm: wire break, motor power ............................................................... 68
4.46 Alarm: LAL oil-air lubrication .................................................................... 68
4.47 Alarm: oil pulse, oil-air lubrication, solids side ......................................... 68
4.48 Alarm: oil pulse, oil-air lubrication, liquid side .......................................... 68
4.49 Alarm: oil pulse, oil-air lubrication, oil unit ............................................... 69

5 Limit values 70

5.1 H1111: overspeed, 4305 rpm, PID: 10-9-051/SAH/SZHH ...................... 70

5.2 L1113: minimum differential speed, limit value, 0.5 rpm, PID: 10-9-
058/SDAL ................................................................................................ 70
5.3 H1251: stage 1 torque, 90 %, PID: JAH .................................................. 70
5.4 H1253: stage 2 torque, 110 %, PID: JAHH ............................................. 70
5.5 H1274: stage 3 torque, 120 %, PID: JAHHH ........................................... 70
5.6 H1302: bearing temperature liquid side stage 1, 120 °C, PID: 10-9-
011/TAH ................................................................................................... 70
5.7 H1304: bearing temperature liquid side stage 2, 140 °C, PID: 10-9-
011/TAHH ................................................................................................ 70
5.8 H1312: bearing temperature solids side stage 1, 120 °C, PID: 10-9-
021/TAH ................................................................................................... 70
5.9 H1314: bearing temperature solids side stage 2, 140 °C, PID: 10-9-
021/TAHH ................................................................................................ 70
5.10 H1324: vibration solids side stage 1, 18 mm/s, PID: 10-9-022/VAH ....... 70
5.11 H1326: vibration solids side stage 2, 20 mm/s, PID: 10-9-022/VAHH .... 70
5.12 H1329: vibration liquid side stage 1, 18 mm/s, PID: 10-9-012/VAH........ 70
5.13 H1331: vibration liquid side stage 2, 20 mm/s, PID: 10-9-012/VAHH ..... 70
5.14 H2519: Overpressure stage 1, release chamber, 80 mbar, PID: 20-9-
222/PAH .................................................................................................. 70
5.15 H2520: Overpressure stage 2, release chamber, 100 mbar, PID: 20-9-
222/PAHH ................................................................................................ 71

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5.16 L2524: Low pressure stage 2 (software), release chamber, 40 mbar, PID:
20-9-222/PALL......................................................................................... 71
5.17 L2525: Low pressure stage 2 (hardware), release chamber, 35 mbar,
PID: 20-9-222/PZLL ................................................................................. 71
5.18 L2530: Low pressure sealing chamber, 120 mbar, PID: 20-9-243/-244/-
245/PAL ................................................................................................... 71
5.19 H2533: trigger pressure forced venting, release chamber, 80 mbar, PID:
20-9-222/PSH .......................................................................................... 71
5.20 L2534: trigger pressure forced flushing, release chamber, 47 mbar, PID:
20-9-222/PSL/PAL ................................................................................... 71
5.21 L2536: min. flow pre-flushing release chamber, 13000 Nl/h, PID: 20-9-
212/FZL/FAL ............................................................................................ 71
5.22 H2546: Upper limit forced ventings per hour, 10 , PID: 20-9-222/PAHR 71
5.23 H2547: Upper limit forced flushings per hour, 10 , PID: 20-9-222/PALR 71
5.24 H5530: pressure max. discharge, product, 4 bar, PID: 13-9-046/PAH ... 71
5.25 H5532: pressure max. discharge, CIP, 4 bar, PID: 13-9-046/PAH ......... 71

6 Settings 72

6.1 S1117: maximum permissible bowl speed, 4100 rpm ............................. 72

6.2 S1118: Bowl VFD, frequency at maximum permissible speed, 56.2 Hz . 72
6.3 S1119: Scroll VFD, minimum frequency, 10 Hz ...................................... 72
6.4 S1120: Scroll VFD, maximum frequency, 60 Hz ..................................... 72
6.5 S1128: power bowl drive, upper range value of 4-20 mA signal, 55 kW. 72
6.6 S1141: minimum bowl speed, 1000 rpm ................................................. 72
6.7 S1142: maximum bowl speed, 4100 rpm ................................................ 72
6.8 S1143: minimum differential speed, 1 rpm .............................................. 72
6.9 S1144: maximum differential speed, 17 rpm ........................................... 72
6.10 S1146: Bowl drive, startup ramp, 420 sec ............................................... 72
6.11 S1255: torque secondary motor, upper range value, 150 % ................... 72
6.12 R1256: Basic differential speed, 2 rpm ................................................... 72
6.13 R1257: Control begin, 30 % .................................................................... 72
6.14 R1258: Control gradient, 10 % ................................................................ 72
6.15 R1259: Delay time, 10 sec ...................................................................... 72
6.16 S1260: Torque suppression, 0 % ............................................................ 73
6.17 S1261: Decanter factor, 1.00 ................................................................... 73
6.18 S1262: gear ratio bowl (iT), -627 ............................................................. 73
6.19 S1263: gear ratio exchangeable pulley (iW), 65.1 .................................. 73
6.20 S1264: gear ratio input (iE), -72.7 ........................................................... 73
6.21 S1306: Correction factor bearing temperature liquid side, 5 °C .............. 73
6.22 S1316: Correction factor bearing temperature solids side, 5 °C ............. 73
6.23 S1328: Measuring range vibration, 50 mm/s ........................................... 73
6.24 S2514: pressure measuring range min. value, release chamber, -100
mbar ......................................................................................................... 73
6.25 S2515: pressure measuring range max. value, release chamber, 200
mbar ......................................................................................................... 73
6.26 S2518: Set pressure release chamber, 60 mbar, PID: 20-7-211/PI set 20-
9-222 ........................................................................................................ 73
6.27 S2529: Set pressure sealing chamber, 150 mbar, PID: 20-7-231/-232/-
233/PI set ................................................................................................. 73
6.28 S2549: pressure measuring range min. value, sealing chamber, -100
mbar ......................................................................................................... 73
6.29 S2550: pressure measuring range max. value, sealing chamber, 200
mbar ......................................................................................................... 73
6.30 R5524: setpoint discharge pressure during product, 1 bar ..................... 73
6.31 S5525: measuring range discharge pressure, 4 bar ............................... 74
6.32 S5526: control value range discharge valve, 100 % ............................... 74
6.33 S5527: PI-controller discharge pressure Kp, 0.2 ..................................... 74
6.34 S5528: PI-controller discharge pressure Tn, 20 sec ............................... 74
6.35 R5531: setpoint discharge pressure during flushing and CIP, 3 bar ....... 74

6 GEA Westfalia Separator Group

BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23 About this document

7 Timer 75

7.1 T1122: Decanter startup, 450 sec ........................................................... 75

7.2 T1123: delay time for decanter off / running idle, 1800 sec .................... 75
7.3 T1124: castor time, 900 sec .................................................................... 75
7.4 T1168: delay alarm minimum differential speed, 5 sec ........................... 75
7.5 T1252: delay stage 1 torque, 5 sec ......................................................... 75
7.6 T1254: delay stage 2 torque, 1 sec ......................................................... 75
7.7 T1266: delay reset in statuses 'off' and 'castor', 1800 sec ...................... 75
7.8 T1267: delay reset in other statuses, 1800 sec ....................................... 75
7.9 T1303: delay bearing temperature liquid side stage 1, 5 sec .................. 76
7.10 T1305: delay bearing temperature liquid side stage 2, 5 sec .................. 76
7.11 T1313: delay bearing temperature solids side stage 1, 5 sec ................. 76
7.12 T1315: delay bearing temperature solids side stage 2, 5 sec ................. 76
7.13 T1321: delay vibration on, after start product, 0 sec ............................... 76
7.14 T1347: delay vibration on, after startup, 0 sec ........................................ 76
7.15 T1325: delay vibration solids side stage 1, 10 sec .................................. 76
7.16 T1327: delay vibration solids side stage 2, 5 sec .................................... 76
7.17 T1330: delay vibration liquid side stage 1, 10 sec ................................... 76
7.18 T1332: delay vibration liquid side stage 2, 5 sec ..................................... 76
7.19 T1511: Oil impulse pulse / startup, 10 sec .............................................. 77
7.20 T1512: Oil impulse pause / startup, 15 sec ............................................. 77
7.21 T1513: Oil impulse pulse / after startup, 10 sec ...................................... 77
7.22 T1514: Oil impulse pause / after startup, 50 sec ..................................... 77
7.23 T1517: prelubrication service, 3600 sec .................................................. 77
7.24 T1518: minimum oil level oil+air-lubrication warning delay, 1 sec .......... 77
7.25 T1519: minimum oil level oil+air-lubrication alarm delay, 25000 sec ...... 77
7.26 T1903: minimum oil level alarm delay, 900 sec, PID: 10-9-031/LAL ...... 77
7.27 T2516: pre-flushing time release chamber (hardware), 1440 sec ........... 77
7.28 T2517: pre-flushing time release chamber (software), 1470 sec ............ 77
7.29 T2521: Delay stage 1, release chamber, 5 sec ....................................... 78
7.30 T2522: Timer forced venting, release chamber, 30 sec .......................... 78
7.31 T2523: Delay stage 2, release chamber, 30 sec ..................................... 78
7.32 T2526: Delay warning low pressure, release chamber, 30 sec .............. 78
7.33 T2527: Delay alarm low pressure, release chamber, 60 sec .................. 78
7.34 T2528: Delay alarm (hardware) low pressure, release chamber, 60 sec 78
7.35 T2531: Delay warning low pressure sealing chamber, 30 sec ................ 78
7.36 T2532: Delay alarm low pressure sealing chamber, 60 sec ................... 78
7.37 T2541: Timer plausibility test step 2 hardware alarm, 65 sec ................. 78
7.38 T2542: Timer plausibility test, 90 sec ...................................................... 79
7.39 T2545: Delay alarm difference hardware/software pre-flushing time, 60
sec ........................................................................................................... 79
7.40 T2548: Delay ignition shield gas shut off, 30 min .................................... 79
7.41 T3101: delay, flushing feed, 5 sec ........................................................... 79
7.42 T3102: flushing feed, 300 sec ................................................................. 79
7.43 T3411: upper flushing time, 300 sec ....................................................... 79
7.44 T3412: lower flushing time, 300 sec ........................................................ 79
7.45 T3414: pause, 30 sec .............................................................................. 79

8 Human-machine interface 80

8.1 Control cabinet: main switch .................................................................... 80

8.1.1 Control cabinet: main switch .................................................................... 80
8.1.2 Control cabinet: emergency stop button .................................................. 80
8.2 Operating unit: Operating elements and status display........................... 80
8.2.1 Operating unit "Decanter on" button ........................................................ 80
8.2.2 Operating unit "Decanter on" display....................................................... 80
8.2.3 Operating unit "Decanter off" button ........................................................ 80
8.2.4 Operating unit "Decanter off" display ....................................................... 80

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8.2.5 Operating unit "Product / Flush off" button .............................................. 80

8.2.6 Operating unit "Product on" button .......................................................... 80
8.2.7 Operating unit "Flush on" button .............................................................. 81
8.2.8 Operating unit "Service" button ............................................................... 81
8.2.9 Operating unit "Failure message" button ................................................. 81
8.2.10 Operating unit "Acknowledgement" button .............................................. 81
8.2.11 Operating unit "Oil-air lubrication, prelubrication" button......................... 81
8.2.12 Operating unit, status display .................................................................. 81
8.3 Operating unit: Settings, readings, limit values, timers ........................... 81
8.3.1 Operating unit, value C1106: bowl speed display ................................... 81
8.3.2 Operating unit, value C1108: input speed display ................................... 81
8.3.3 Operating unit, setting H1111: overspeed ............................................... 81
8.3.4 Operating unit, setting L1113: minimum differential speed, limit value ... 81
8.3.5 Operating unit, setting S1117: maximum permissible bowl speed .......... 81
8.3.6 Operating unit, setting S1118: Bowl VFD, frequency at maximum
permissible speed .................................................................................... 82
8.3.7 Operating unit, setting S1119: Scroll VFD, minimum frequency ............. 82
8.3.8 Operating unit, setting S1120: Scroll VFD, maximum frequency ............ 82
8.3.9 Operating unit, time value T1122: Decanter startup................................ 82
8.3.10 Operating unit, time value T1123: delay time for decanter off / running
idle ........................................................................................................... 82
8.3.11 Operating unit, time value T1124: castor time ......................................... 82
8.3.12 Operating unit, setting S1126: target percentage for bowl speed ........... 82
8.3.13 Operating unit, setting S1128: power bowl drive, upper range value of 4-
20 mA signal ............................................................................................ 82
8.3.14 Operating unit, setting S1141: minimum bowl speed .............................. 82
8.3.15 Operating unit, setting S1142: maximum bowl speed ............................. 82
8.3.16 Operating unit, setting S1143: minimum differential speed ..................... 82
8.3.17 Operating unit, setting S1144: maximum differential speed .................... 82
8.3.18 Operating unit, setting S1146: Bowl drive, startup ramp ......................... 83
8.3.19 Operating unit, limit value H1251: stage 1 torque ................................... 83
8.3.20 Operating unit, timer T1252: delay stage 1 torque .................................. 83
8.3.21 Operating unit, limit value H1253: stage 2 torque ................................... 83
8.3.22 Operating unit, time value T1254: delay stage 2 torque.......................... 83
8.3.23 Operating unit, setting S1255: torque secondary motor, upper range
value ........................................................................................................ 83
8.3.24 Operating unit, setting R1256: Basic differential speed .......................... 83
8.3.25 Operating unit, setting R1257: Control begin .......................................... 83
8.3.26 Operating unit, R1258: Control gradient .................................................. 83
8.3.27 Operating unit, setting R1259: Delay time ............................................... 83
8.3.28 Operating unit, setting S1260: Torque suppression ................................ 83
8.3.29 Operating unit, setting S1261: Decanter factor ....................................... 83
8.3.30 Operating unit, setting S1262: gear ratio bowl (iT) .................................. 84
8.3.31 Operating unit, setting S1263: gear ratio exchangeable pulley (iW) ....... 84
8.3.32 Operating unit, setting S1264: gear ratio input (iE) ................................. 84
8.3.33 Operating unit, value C1265: torque display ........................................... 84
8.3.34 Operating unit, time value T1266: delay reset in statuses 'off' and 'castor'
................................................................................................................. 84
8.3.35 Operating unit, time value T1267: delay reset in other statuses ............. 84
8.3.36 Operating unit, value C1270: power bowl drive display .......................... 84
8.3.37 Operating unit, setting S1272: Torque reserve ....................................... 84
8.3.38 Operating unit, limit value H1274: stage 3 torque ................................... 84
8.3.39 Operating unit, time value T1275: delay stage 3 torque.......................... 84
8.3.40 Operating unit, limit value H1302: bearing temperature liquid side stage 1
................................................................................................................. 84
8.3.41 Operating unit, time value T1303: delay bearing temperature liquid side
stage 1 ..................................................................................................... 84
8.3.42 Operating unit, limit value H1304: bearing temperature liquid side stage 2
................................................................................................................. 85
8.3.43 Operating unit, time value T1305: delay bearing temperature liquid side
stage 2 ..................................................................................................... 85

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8.3.44 Operating unit, setting S1306: Correction factor bearing temperature

liquid side ................................................................................................. 85
8.3.45 Operating unit, value C1307: liquid side temperature display ................. 85
8.3.46 Operating unit, limit value H1312: bearing temperature solids side stage 1
................................................................................................................. 85
8.3.47 Operating unit, time value T1313: delay bearing temperature solids side
stage 1 ..................................................................................................... 85
8.3.48 Operating unit, limit value H1314: bearing temperature solids side stage 2
................................................................................................................. 85
8.3.49 Operating unit, time value T1315: delay bearing temperature solids side
stage 2 ..................................................................................................... 85
8.3.50 Operating unit, setting S1316: Correction factor bearing temperature
solids side ................................................................................................ 85
8.3.51 Operating unit, value C1317: solids side temperature display ................ 85
8.3.52 Operating unit, time value T1321: delay vibration on, after start product 85
8.3.53 Operating unit, limit value H1324: vibration solids side stage 1 .............. 86
8.3.54 Operating unit, time value T1325: delay vibration solids side stage 1 .... 86
8.3.55 Operating unit, limit value H1326: vibration solids side stage 2 .............. 86
8.3.56 Operating unit, time value T1327: delay vibration solids side stage 2 .... 86
8.3.57 Operating unit, setting S1328: Measuring range vibration ...................... 86
8.3.58 Operating unit, limit value H1329: vibration liquid side stage 1 ............... 86
8.3.59 Operating unit, time value T1330: delay vibration liquid side stage 1 ..... 86
8.3.60 Operating unit, limit value H1331: vibration liquid side stage 2 ............... 86
8.3.61 Operating unit, time value T1332: delay vibration liquid side stage 2 ..... 86
8.3.62 Operating unit, value C1333: VT display solids side ............................... 86
8.3.63 Operating unit, value C1334: VT display liquid side ................................ 86
8.3.64 Operating unit, value C2257: VT display Rotodiff ................................... 86
8.3.65 Operating unit, time value T1347: delay vibration on, after startup ......... 86
8.3.66 Operating unit, time value T1511: Oil impulse pulse / startup ................. 87
8.3.67 Operating unit, time value T1512: Oil impulse pause / startup ............... 87
8.3.68 Operating unit, time value T1513: Oil impulse pulse / after startup ........ 87
8.3.69 Operating unit, time value T1514: Oil impulse pause / after startup ....... 87
8.3.70 Operating unit, time value T1517: prelubrication service ........................ 87
8.3.71 Operating unit, time value T1518: minimum oil level oil+air-lubrication
warning delay........................................................................................... 87
8.3.72 Operating unit, time value T1519: minimum oil level oil+air-lubrication
alarm delay .............................................................................................. 87
8.3.73 Operating unit, time value S1521: pulses limit 1 ..................................... 87
8.3.74 Operating unit, time value S1522: pulses limit 2 ..................................... 87
8.3.75 Operating unit, time value T1903: minimum oil level alarm delay ........... 87
8.3.76 Operating unit, value C2510: pressure release chamber display ........... 87
8.3.77 Operating unit, value C2511: pressure sealing chamber solids side
display ...................................................................................................... 88
8.3.78 Operating unit, value C2512: pressure sealing chamber liquid side bowl
display ...................................................................................................... 88
8.3.79 Operating unit, value C2513: pressure sealing chamber liquid side feed
tube display .............................................................................................. 88
8.3.80 Operating unit, setting T2517: pre-flushing time release chamber
(software) ................................................................................................. 88
8.3.81 Operating unit, setting T2522: Timer forced venting, release chamber .. 88
8.3.82 Operating unit, setting T2526: Delay warning low pressure, release
chamber ................................................................................................... 88
8.3.83 Operating unit, setting T2527: Delay alarm low pressure, release
chamber ................................................................................................... 88
8.3.84 Operating unit, setting T2531: Delay warning low pressure sealing
chamber ................................................................................................... 88
8.3.85 Operating unit, setting T2532: Delay alarm low pressure sealing chamber
................................................................................................................. 88
8.3.86 Operating unit, setting H2533: trigger pressure forced venting, release
chamber ................................................................................................... 88
8.3.87 Operating unit, setting L2534: trigger pressure forced flushing, release
chamber ................................................................................................... 88

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About this document BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

8.3.88 Operating unit, setting H2546: Upper limit forced ventings per hour ...... 89
8.3.89 Operating unit, setting H2547: Upper limit forced flushings per hour ...... 89
8.3.90 Operating unit, setting T2548: Delay ignition shield gas shut off ............ 89
8.3.91 Operating unit, value C5522: display value discharge pressure display . 89
8.3.92 Operating unit, value C5523: control value discharge valve display ....... 89
8.3.93 Operating unit, setting R5524: setpoint discharge pressure during product
................................................................................................................. 89
8.3.94 Operating unit, setting S5525: measuring range discharge pressure ..... 89
8.3.95 Operating unit, setting S5526: control value range discharge valve ....... 89
8.3.96 Operating unit, setting S5527: PI-controller discharge pressure Kp ....... 89
8.3.97 Operating unit, setting S5528: PI-controller discharge pressure Tn ....... 89
8.3.98 Operating unit, setting H5530: pressure max. discharge, product .......... 89
8.3.99 Operating unit, setting R5531: setpoint discharge pressure during
flushing and CIP ...................................................................................... 89
8.3.100 Operating unit, setting H5532: pressure max. discharge, CIP ................ 90
8.4 Operating unit, service messages display ............................................... 90
8.5 Operating unit, warning and alarm messages display............................. 90
8.5.1 Operating unit, alarm message display: SAH bowl speed ...................... 90
8.5.2 Operating unit, alarm message display: emergency stop ....................... 90
8.5.3 Operating unit, alarm display: startup delayed ........................................ 90
8.5.4 Operating unit, warning message display: SAL bowl speed startup ....... 91
8.5.5 Operating unit, warning/alarm message display: SAL bowl speed ......... 91
8.5.6 Operating unit, alarm message display: SAL Differenzdrehzahl ............. 91
8.5.7 Operating unit, alarm message display: torque stage 1 .......................... 91
8.5.8 Operating unit, alarm message display: torque stage 2 .......................... 91
8.5.9 Operating unit, alarm display: oil level, gearbox ...................................... 91
8.5.10 Operating unit, alarm display: Operation running without production ..... 91
8.5.11 Operating unit, alarm message display: oil level, oil-air lubrication ......... 91
8.5.12 Operating unit, warning message display: pulse, oil-air lubrication, liquid
side .......................................................................................................... 91
8.5.13 Operating unit, warning message display: pulse, oil-air lubrication, solids
side .......................................................................................................... 92
8.5.14 Operating unit, alarm message display: flushing sequence speed not
reached .................................................................................................... 92
8.5.15 Operating unit, alarm message display: no production release .............. 92
8.5.16 Operating unit, alarm message display: temperature, bearing, liquid side
................................................................................................................. 92
8.5.17 Operating unit, alarm message display: temperature, bearing, solids side
................................................................................................................. 92
8.5.18 Operating unit, alarm message display: vibration, liquid side ................. 92
8.5.19 Operating unit, alarm message display: vibration, solids side ................ 92
8.5.20 Operating unit, alarm message display: torque stage 3 .......................... 92
8.5.21 Operating unit, alarm message display: gearbox overload ..................... 92
8.5.22 Operating unit, alarm display: vibrotest solids side ................................. 93
8.5.23 Operating unit, alarm display: vibrotest solids side ................................. 93
8.5.24 Operating unit, alarm display: Plausibility check pressure/flow release
chamber ................................................................................................... 93
8.5.25 Operating unit, alarm display: Flow low release chamber ....................... 93
8.5.26 Operating unit, alarm display: Difference hardware/software, pre-flushing
time .......................................................................................................... 93
8.5.27 Operating unit, alarm display: stop relais decanter ................................. 93
8.5.28 Operating unit, warning message display: temperature, bearing, liquid
side .......................................................................................................... 93
8.5.29 Operating unit, alarm message display: PZLL release chamber ............ 93
8.5.30 Operating unit, warning display: PALR release chamber ........................ 94
8.5.31 Operating unit, warning display: PAL release chamber .......................... 94
8.5.32 Operating unit, warning display: PAH blanketing release chamber ........ 94
8.5.33 Operating unit, warning display: PAHR blanketing release chamber ...... 94
8.5.34 Operating unit, alarm display: PALL release chamber ............................ 94
8.5.35 Operating unit, alarm message display: PAH blanketing release chamber
................................................................................................................. 94
8.5.36 Operating unit, warning display: PAL sealing pressure solids side ......... 94

10 GEA Westfalia Separator Group

BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23 About this document

8.5.37 Operating unit, alarm display: PAL sealing pressure solids side ............ 94
8.5.38 Operating unit, warning display: PAL sealing pressure liquid side .......... 94
8.5.39 Operating unit, alarm message display: PAL sealing pressure liquid side
................................................................................................................. 95
8.5.40 Operating unit, warning display: PAL sealing pressure inlet tube ........... 95
8.5.41 Operating unit, alarm message display: PAL sealing pressure inlet tube95
8.5.42 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break blanketing pressure
release chamber ...................................................................................... 95
8.5.43 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break sealing pressure
solids side ................................................................................................ 95
8.5.44 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break sealing pressure liquid
side .......................................................................................................... 95
8.5.45 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break sealing pressure inlet
tube .......................................................................................................... 95
8.5.46 Operating unit, alarm display: main motor ............................................... 95
8.5.47 Operating unit, alarm display: secondary motor ...................................... 96
8.5.48 Operating unit, alarm display: solids pump drive ..................................... 96
8.5.49 Operating unit, warning display: oil level, gearbox .................................. 96
8.5.50 Operating unit, warning display: temperature, bearing, solids side ......... 96
8.5.51 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break, temperature, bearing,
solids side ................................................................................................ 96
8.5.52 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break, temperature, bearing,
liquid side ................................................................................................. 96
8.5.53 Operating unit, warning message display: vibration, solids side ............. 96
8.5.54 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break, vibration, solids side
................................................................................................................. 96
8.5.55 Operating unit, warning message display: vibration, liquid side .............. 96
8.5.56 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break, vibration, liquid side
................................................................................................................. 97
8.5.57 Operating unit, alarm message display: failure, isolation valve .............. 97
8.5.58 Operating unit, alarm message display: failure, PAH discharge pressure
................................................................................................................. 97
8.5.59 Operating unit, warning message display: gearbox overload ................. 97
8.5.60 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break, torque .................... 97
8.5.61 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break, motor power .......... 97
8.5.62 Operating unit, warning message display: Flushing valve E1.1 .............. 97
8.5.63 Operating unit, warning message display: Flushing valve E1.5 .............. 97
8.5.64 Operating unit, warning message display: Flushing valve gas blanketing
E1.1 ......................................................................................................... 98
8.5.65 Operating unit, warning message display: Flushing valve gas blanketing
E1.5 ......................................................................................................... 98
8.5.66 Operating unit, warning message display: oil level, oil-air lubrication ..... 98
8.5.67 Operating unit, warning message display: pulse, oil-air lubrication, oil unit
................................................................................................................. 98
8.5.68 Operating unit, alarm message display: pulse, oil-air lubrication, solids
side .......................................................................................................... 98
8.5.69 Operating unit, alarm message display: pulse, oil-air lubrication, liquid
side .......................................................................................................... 98
8.5.70 Operating unit, alarm message display: pulse, oil-air lubrication, oil unit 98
8.5.71 Operating unit, warning message display: Flushing canceled after
production ................................................................................................ 98
8.5.72 Operating unit, warning message display: flushing sequence canceled . 99
8.5.73 Operating unit, warning message display: CIP without flushing ............. 99
8.5.74 Operating unit, warning message display: CIP without flushing sequence
................................................................................................................. 99
8.5.75 Operating unit, warning message display: pressure low flushing valves 99

9 Control cabinet, interfaces 100

9.1 Power supply ......................................................................................... 100

GEA Westfalia Separator Group 11

About this document BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

9.2 Interface control cabinet <=> control unit .............................................. 100

9.2.1 Control cabinet <=> control unit: decanter start/stop, external.............. 100
9.2.2 Control cabinet <=> control unit: product/flush start/stop, external ....... 100
9.2.3 Control cabinet <=> control unit: decanter status machine ................... 100
9.2.4 Control cabinet <=> control unit: feed line valve product feed .............. 100
9.2.5 Control cabinet <=> control unit: feed flushing valve ............................ 101
9.2.6 Control cabinet <=> control unit: Housing flushing valves .................... 101
9.2.7 Control cabinet <=> control unit: bowl drive, setpoint ........................... 101
9.2.8 Control cabinet <=> control unit: bowl drive, start/stop ......................... 101
9.2.9 Control cabinet <=> control unit: bowl drive, feedback operation ......... 102
9.2.10 Control cabinet <=> control unit: bowl drive, feedback power............... 102
9.2.11 Control cabinet <=> control unit: Space heater main motor .................. 102
9.2.12 Control cabinet <=> control unit: secondary drive, setpoint .................. 102
9.2.13 Control cabinet <=> control unit: secondary drive, start/stop ................ 103
9.2.14 Control cabinet <=> control unit: secondary drive, feedback operation 103
9.2.15 Control cabinet <=> control unit: secondary drive, feedback torque ..... 103
9.2.16 Control cabinet <=> control unit: Space heater secondary motor ......... 103
9.2.17 Control cabinet <=> control unit: Impulse speed bowl .......................... 104
9.2.18 Control cabinet <=> control unit: Impulse speed gearing input ............. 104
9.2.19 Control cabinet <=> control unit: gear box oil vessel level .................... 104
9.2.20 Control cabinet <=> control unit: bearing temperature solids side ........ 104
9.2.21 Control cabinet <=> control unit: bearing temperature liquid side ......... 104
9.2.22 Control cabinet <=> control unit: oil+air lubrication oil vessel level ....... 105
9.2.23 Control cabinet <=> control unit: pressure switch liquid side oil+air
lubrication .............................................................................................. 105
9.2.24 Control cabinet <=> control unit: pressure switch solids side oil+air
lubrication .............................................................................................. 105
9.2.25 Control cabinet <=> control unit: pressure switch oil+air lubrication ..... 105
9.2.26 Control cabinet <=> control unit: solenoid valve oil+air lubrication ....... 105
9.2.27 Control cabinet <=> control unit: vibrations solids side ......................... 106
9.2.28 Control cabinet <=> control unit: vibrations liquid side .......................... 106
9.2.29 Control cabinet <=> control unit: Valve, ingnition shield gas, pre-flushing
............................................................................................................... 106
9.2.30 Control cabinet <=> control unit: Valve, exhaust ................................... 106
9.2.31 Control cabinet <=> control unit: Automatic stop valve, ignition shield gas
............................................................................................................... 107
9.2.32 Control cabinet <=> control unit: start impulse, blanketing ................... 107
9.2.33 Control cabinet <=> control unit: stop impulse, blanketing .................... 107
9.2.34 Control cabinet <=> control unit: flow low, release chamber ................. 107
9.2.35 Control cabinet <=> control unit: pre-flushing and pressure OK, release
chamber ................................................................................................. 108
9.2.36 Control cabinet <=> control unit: pressure low PZLL, release chamber108
9.2.37 Control cabinet <=> control unit: pressure low PALL, release chamber108
9.2.38 Control cabinet <=> control unit: pressure release chamber ................ 108
9.2.39 Control cabinet <=> control unit: sealing pressure solids side .............. 108
9.2.40 Control cabinet <=> control unit: sealing pressure liquid side ............... 109
9.2.41 Control cabinet <=> control unit: sealing pressure inlet tube ................ 109
9.2.42 Control cabinet <=> control unit: discharge pressure ............................ 109
9.2.43 Control cabinet <=> control unit: control value discharge valve ............ 110
9.3 Interface control cabinet <=> external control ....................................... 110
9.3.1 Control cabinet <=> external control: Decanter start/stop, external ...... 110
9.3.2 Control cabinet <=> external control: product/flush start/stop, external 110
9.3.3 Control cabinet <=> external control: decanter status machine ............ 111
9.4 Interface control cabinet <=> feed line valve ......................................... 111
9.5 Interface control cabinet <=> feed flushing valve .................................. 111
9.6 Interface control cabinet <=> Housing flushing valves .......................... 111
9.7 Interface control cabinet <=> Inert-Gas Supply Unit ............................. 112
9.8 Interface control cabinet <=> bowl drive ................................................ 112
9.8.1 Control cabinet <=> bowl drive: Setpoint............................................... 112
9.8.2 Control cabinet <=> bowl drive: start/stop ............................................. 112
9.8.3 Control cabinet <=> bowl drive: safe torque off ..................................... 112
9.8.4 Control cabinet <=> bowl drive: feedback operation ............................. 113

12 GEA Westfalia Separator Group

BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23 About this document

9.8.5 Control cabinet <=> bowl drive: feedback power .................................. 113
9.9 Interface control cabinet <=> main motor .............................................. 113
9.10 Interface control cabinet <=> secondary drive ...................................... 113
9.10.1 Control cabinet <=> secondary drive: Setpoint ..................................... 113
9.10.2 Control cabinet <=> secondary drive: start/stop .................................... 113
9.10.3 Control cabinet <=> secondary drive: safe torque off ........................... 113
9.10.4 Control cabinet <=> secondary drive: feedback operation .................... 114
9.10.5 Control cabinet <=> secondary drive: feedback torque ......................... 114
9.11 Interface control cabinet <=> secondary motor ..................................... 114
9.12 Interface control cabinet <=> terminal box X7 ....................................... 114
9.13 Interface control cabinet <=> terminal box X9 ....................................... 114
9.14 Interface control cabinet <=> terminal box X11 ..................................... 115
9.15 Interface control cabinet <=> terminal box X12 ..................................... 115
9.16 Interface control cabinet <=> proportional valve product discharge line
............................................................................................................... 115

10 Bowl drive, interfaces 116

10.1 Interface bowl drive <=> control cabinet ................................................ 116

10.2 Interface bowl drive <=> main motor ..................................................... 116

11 Secondary drive, interfaces 117

11.1 Interface secondary drive <=> control cabinet ...................................... 117

11.2 Interface secondary drive <=> secondary motor ................................... 117

12 Electrical interfaces at the decanter centrifuge 118

12.1 Terminal box, main motor ...................................................................... 118

12.2 Terminal box, secondary motor ............................................................. 118
12.3 Terminal box X7..................................................................................... 118
12.4 Terminal box X9..................................................................................... 118
12.5 Terminal box X11................................................................................... 119
12.6 Terminal box X12................................................................................... 119

13 Additional notes for delivery without the frequency converters


13.1 Functions bowl drive .............................................................................. 120

13.2 Functions secondary drive ..................................................................... 120
Pos : 2.1 /BA/Standard/00_Übersc hriften/Kapi tel/01_Z u_di es em_D ok ument @ 0\m od_1315832097673_6.docx @ 407 @ 1 @ 1

GEA Westfalia Separator Group 13

About this document BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

1 About this document

1.1 Other applicable documents

• Decanter centrifuge manual
• PID (Process & Installation Diagram)
• Dimensions sheet
• Document 8417-9088-000 "settings decanter" for generic values which are not
given in this description.
• Manuals for components made by other manufacturers, such as motors and

1.2 Notes on code designations

The variables in this document are each assigned a code designation in character-
digit-digit-digit-digit format, for example T1057. The meaning of the characters is like
A: analog signal
D: digital signal
H: limit "high"
L: limit "low"
R: reference value
C: calculated value
T: timer
S: setting
These unique identifiers enhance the clarity within the document; they are used only
to a limited extent in other documents. Where a cross reference to the PID is helpful
the PID tag numbers are given additionally.

14 GEA Westfalia Separator Group

BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23 Statuses

2 Statuses

In this section, statuses are defined that differentiate between different operating
stages of the system comprising the decanter centrifuge and control unit. This is
necessary because the reactions to results in different operating phases or statuses
generally differ from each other.
This sequence shows a simple transition between statuses:


vibro test







flushing sequence


The status 'off' is the starting point. By means of an event, for example pressing a
button on the control panel, the function "Decanter start" is activated and it transfers
the system into the 'operation' status via different other statuses, e.g. 'startup'.
After all the other components of the system are ready for operation, the "Product
on" function is activated, for example via a control signal for a superordinate control.
This transfers the system into the 'product' status.
The end of production is initiated by "Product/Flush off", this transfers the system to
into status 'operation' again after running through status 'flushing' first.
A final event activates the "Decanter off" function, which transfers the system back
into the 'off' status, after running through the status 'flushing sequence'.

2.1 Transition table

The transition table is used to present the possible status changes in reaction to the
various events, see Fig. 1. The transition table contains a column for each of the
statuses described below. The table contains a row for every event that occurs. The
entries in the matrix indicate the new status that will be switched into when a partic-
ular event occurs.
The following alarms bring about the same change in status and are therefore sum-
marised in the table as "Alarm group Emergency_stop":
• Emergency stop alarm, section 4.1.
• Alarm vibrotest solids side, section 4.2.
• Alarm vibrotest liquid side, section 4.3.

GEA Westfalia Separator Group 15

Statuses BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

• Alarm plausibility test flow/pressure, section 4.4.

• Alarm FAL/FZL release chamber, section 4.5.
• Alarm difference hardware/software, pre-flushing time, section 4.6.
• Alarm PZLL release chamber, section 4.7.
• Alarm: SZHH bowl speed, section 4.33.
• Alarm: SAH bowl speed, section 4.34.
• Alarm: JAHHH torque, section 4.42.
• Alarm: Gearbox overload, section 4.43.

The following alarms bring about the same change in status and are therefore sum-
marised in the table as "Alarm group Decanter_off":
• Alarm PAHH blanketing release chamber, section 4.8.
• Alarm PALL blanketing release chamber, section 4.9.
• Alarm PAL sealing pressure solids side, section 4.10.
• Alarm PAL sealing pressure liquid side, section 4.11.
• Alarm PAL sealing pressure inlet tube, section 4.12.
• Alarm wire break pressure superposition housing, section 4.13.
• Alarm wire break sealing pressure solids side, section 4.14.
• Alarm wire break sealing pressure liquid side, section 4.15.
• Alarm wire break sealing pressure inlet tube, section 4.16.
• Bowl motor alarm, section 4.17.
• Alarm: wire break, motor power, section 4.45.
• Secondary motor alarm, section 4.18.
• Alarm: JAHH torque, section 4.41.
• Alarm: wire break, torque, section 4.44.
• Alarm: startup delayed, section 4.19.
• Alarm: flushing sequence speed not reached, section 4.37.
• Alarm: LZL oil, gearbox, section 4.21.
• Alarm: TAHH bearing, solids side, section 4.22.
• Alarm: wire break, bearing temperature, solids side, section 4.23.
• Alarm: TAHH bearing, liquid side, section 4.24.
• Alarm: wire break, bearing temperature, liquid side, section 4.25.
• Alarm: VZHH solids side, section 4.26.
• Alarm: VAHH solids side, section 4.27.
• Alarm: wire break, vibration, solids side, section 4.28.
• Alarm: VZHH liquid side, section 4.29.
• Alarm: VAHH liquid side, section 4.30.
• Alarm: wire break, vibration, liquid side, section 4.31.
• Alarm: SAL differential speed, section 4.39.
• Alarm: LAL oil-air lubrication, section 4.46.

16 GEA Westfalia Separator Group

BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23 Statuses

• Alarm: oil pulse, oil-air lubrication, solids side, section 4.47.

• Alarm: oil pulse, oil-air lubrication, liquid side, section 4.48.
• Alarm: oil pulse, oil-air lubrication, oil unit, section 4.49.

The following alarms bring about the same change in status and are therefore sum-
marised in the table as "Alarm group Feedline_closed":
• Alarm: JAH torque, section 4.40.
• Alarm: no production release, section 4.38.
• Alarm: PAH Drain pressure, section 4.32.
• Alarm: SAL bowl speed startup, section 4.35.
• Alarm: SAL bowl speed, section 4.36.

GEA Westfalia Separator Group 17

Event / Condi- operation flushing se-
off vibro test Inertisation startup operation product flushing castor

Fig. 1

tion (alarm) quence

Decanter on *) vibro test - - - - - - - startup startup

flushing se- flushing se- flushing se- flushing se- flushing se-
Decanter off - off off castor -
quence quence quence quence quence

Product on - - - - - product - product - -

Flush on - - - - flushing flushing - - - -

Product / Flush
- - - - - - flushing operation - -

T1122 End star-

- - - operation - - - - - -

ation (alarm)' status.

End 'castor' - - - - - - - - - off

Sensors OK - Inertisation - - - - - - - -

D2504 OK,
- - startup - - - - - - -

status (grey background). *) For further conditions see "Decanter on" function

T3102 End
- - - - - - - operation - -

End 'flushing se-

- - - - - - - - off -

Alarm group
- off off off off off off off off off

Alarm_End_ flushing se- flushing se-

- - - - - - - -
idle_delay quence quence

Alarm group De-

- - off castor castor castor castor castor castor -

Alarm group operation

- - - - - flushing - - -
Feedline_closed (alarm)

Transition table. Depending on the current status (black background), when an event occurs the system switches into the new
No Alarm - - - - operation - - - - -

GEA Westfalia Separator Group

BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

'Feedline_closed' comes up, then it will change into status 'flushing'. If the same
Example: If the system is currently in the 'product' status and an alarm of the group

alarm comes up in status 'operation' it will cause the system to switch into the 'oper-
BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23 Statuses

2.2 'off' status

All connected assemblies are ready for switch-on. The control unit waits for signals
or user actions and activates the corresponding functions accordingly.
With the switch to the 'off' status, the "Switching into the status: Off" function, section
3.10 is activated.

2.3 'vibro test' status

In 'vibro test' status the vibration sensors are checked.
With the switch to the'vibro test' status, the "Switching into the status: vibro test"
function, section 3.11 is activated.

2.4 'Inertisation' status

In 'Inertisation' status, the reaction of certain sensors is checked for plausibility, then
the volume in the product space is displaced with a defined minimum amount of inert
With the switch to the 'Inertisation' status, the "Switching into the status: Inertisation"
function, section 3.12 is activated.

2.5 'startup' status

The decanter centrifuge accelerates to the operating speed.
With the switch to the 'startup' status, the "Switching into the status: startup" function,
section 3.13 is activated.

2.6 'operation (alarm)' status

In status 'operation (alarm)' the decanter is in operation but production can not be
started due to a pending alarm (Alarm group Feedline_closed, see section 2.1
"Transition table").
With the switch to the 'operation (alarm)' status, the "Switching into the status: Op-
eration" function, section 3.14 is activated.

2.7 'operation' status

In the 'operation' status the machine has reached the preset bowl speed. The prod-
uct inlet can be activated.
With the switch to the 'operation' status, the "Switching into the status: operation"
function, section 3.15 is activated.

2.8 'product' status

In the 'product' status the machine is supplied with product. Additional assemblies
are started if necessary.
With the switch to the 'product' status, the "Switching into the status: product" func-
tion, section 3.16 is activated.

2.9 'flushing' status

In the 'flushing' status, the product in the bowl is displaced using flushing liquid. Ar-
eas that come into contact with product are cleaned using spray nozzles.
With the switch to the 'flushing' status, the "Switching into the status: flushing" func-
tion, section 3.17 is activated.

2.10 'flushing sequence' status

In the 'flushing sequence' status, a cleaning procedure for removal of product accu-
mulations is activated.

GEA Westfalia Separator Group 19

Statuses BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

With the switch to the 'flushing sequence' status, the "Switching into the status: flush-
ing sequence" function, section 3.18 is activated.

2.11 'castor' status

In the 'castor' status, the bowl drive is deactivated, the bowl comes to a standstill.
The secondary drive continues to be active and clears out the bowl.
With the switch to the 'castor' status, the "Switching into the status: castor" function,
section 3.19 is activated.

20 GEA Westfalia Separator Group

BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23 Functions

3 Functions

3.1 "Control unit start" function

Call-up: when switching on the main switch.
Objective: to reach the 'off' status from the de-energised status
Actions when implementing the function:
➢ Self-test for control unit
➢ Activation of the "Safe monitoring of emergency stop circuit" function, section
➢ Activation of the "Safe monitoring of bowl speed" function, section 3.58.
➢ Activation of the "Measurement and monitoring of bowl speed" function, section
➢ Activation of the "Measurement of gearbox input speed" function, section 3.60.
➢ Activation of the "Calculation and monitoring of differential speed" function, sec-
tion 3.61.
➢ Activation of the "Safe monitoring of oil vessel level" function, section 3.29.
➢ Activation of the "Monitoring of oil-air lubrication level" function, section 3.30.
➢ Activation of the "Monitoring of temperature, bearing, solids side" function, section
➢ Activation of the "Monitoring of temperature, bearing, liquid side" function, section
➢ Activation of the "Monitoring of solids side vibrations" function, section 3.40.
➢ Activation of the "Monitoring of liquid side vibrations" function, section 3.42.
➢ Activation of the "Measurement of blanketing and sealing pressures" function,
section 3.52.
➢ To transfer the frequency converter for the main motor into operational status, the
digital value D1139 is activated
➢ To transfer the frequency converter for the secondary motor into operational sta-
tus, the digital value D1140 is activated
➢ Activation of the "Measurement and monitoring of scroll torque" function, section
➢ Change to the 'off' status.

3.2 "Decanter on" function

Call-up: Operating unit "Decanter on" button, section 8.2.1 or Control cabinet <=>
external control: Decanter start/stop, external, section 9.3.1.
Objective: to reach the 'operation' status.
Condition for implementing the function:
• No unacknowledged alarms out of the group Alarm_decanter_off, see section 3.9.
• Oil-air lubrication not in prelubrication mode, see section 3.33.
Actions when implementing the function:
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table, see Fig.
➢ Deactivation of the Operating unit "Decanter off" display, section 8.2.4.

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➢ Activation of the Operating unit "Decanter on" display, section 8.2.2.

3.3 "Decanter off" function

Call-up: Operating unit "Decanter off" button, section 8.2.3 or Control cabinet <=>
external control: Decanter start/stop, external, section 9.3.1.
Objective: to reach the 'off' status.
➢ Deactivation of the Operating unit "Decanter on" display, section 8.2.2.
➢ Activation of the Operating unit "Decanter off" display, section 8.2.4.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table, see Fig.

3.4 "Product on" function

Call-up: Operating unit "Product on" button, section 8.2.6 or Control cabinet <=> ex-
ternal control: product/flush start/stop, external, section 9.3.2.
Objective: to start production
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

3.5 "Flush on" function

Call-up: Operating unit "Flush on" button, section 8.2.7 or Control cabinet <=> exter-
nal control: product/flush start/stop, external, section 9.3.2.
Objective: to start flushing
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

3.6 "Product/Flush off" function

Call-up: Operating unit "Product / Flush off" button, section 8.2.5 or Control cabinet
<=> external control: product/flush start/stop, external, section 9.3.2.
Objective: to terminate product feed or flushing
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

3.7 "Service" function

Call-up: Operating unit "Service" button, section 8.2.8.
Objective: to call up active service messages
➢ The list "upcoming maintenance intervals" and the "service buffer" are displayed
For more information, see Operating unit, service messages display, section 8.4.

3.8 "Alarm and warning messages" function

Call-up: Operating unit "Failure message" button, section 8.2.9.
Objective: to call up active messages and/or the memory
➢ The "Active alarm messages/warnings" list and the "alarm memory" are displayed
For more information, see Operating unit, warning and alarm messages display, sec-
tion 8.5.

3.9 "Acknowledge warning and alarm messages, clear alarms" function

Call-up: Operating unit "Acknowledgement" button, section 8.2.10.
Objective: Accept user confirmation that he or she has taken note of the current
message and has taken the action prescribed in the manual. Clearing alarms. Main-
taining the "Active alarm messages/warnings" and the "alarm memory" lists.

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The "Active alarm messages/warnings" list shows alarm messages of alarms which
are still pending and thus initiate or prevent status changes and pending warnings.
➢ In order for a message to be removed from this list, the message needs to have
been acknowledged and the condition for the message to occur may no longer be
With the exceptions noted under section 3.9.1 to 3.9.3 alarm messages can already
be acknowledged while the condition for the alarm to occur is still given.
➢ On call of the function the alarm message is identified as having been acknowl-
edged in both lists.

3.9.1 Acknowledgement of the emergency stop alarm

• Section 4.1 "Emergency stop alarm"
The alarm message can be acknowledged only if the condition for the alarm to occur
is no longer fulfilled.

3.9.2 Acknowledgement of the FZL release chamber and PZLL release

chamber alarms
• Section 4.5 "Alarm FAL/FZL release chamber"
• Section 4.7 "Alarm PZLL release chamber"
Variables used:
• C1106: bowl speed, in rpm, PID: 10-9-051/SI
These alarm messages can each be acknowledged only after both conditions are
• Standstill reached (C1106 = 0 rpm).
• The condition for the alarm to occur is no longer fulfilled.

3.9.3 Acknowledgement of the JAHH torque alarm, JAHHH torque alarm,

Gearbox overload alarm
• Section 4.41 "Alarm: JAHH torque"
• Section 4.42 "Alarm: JAHHH torque"
• Section 4.43 "Alarm: Gearbox overload"
Variables used:
• C1265: torque display, in %, PID: JI
• H1251: stage 1 torque, 90 %, PID: JAH
• T1266: delay reset in statuses 'off' and 'castor', 1800 sec
• T1267: delay reset in other statuses, 1800 sec
• C1268: number of acknowledgements
• C1276: Gearbox overload counter
The JAHH torque alarm and JAHHH torque alarm can be acknowledged if counter
C1268 < 2 and the scroll torque C1265 is below H1251 at the time of acknowledge-
ment. The gearbox overload alarm can be acknowledged if counter C1268 < 2 and
value C1276 < 6000 is fulfilled.

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The counter C1268 is increased by 1 if one of the three alarms is acknowledged

successfully while none of both other alarms is pending.
The counter C1268 is reset to zero:
• in the 'off' and 'castor' statuses, following the time T1266
• in other statuses following the time T1267

3.10 "Switching into the status: Off" function

Call-up: when switching into the status: Off (Section 2.2)
Objective: to carry out one-off actions when changing status
Variables used:
• C1106: bowl speed, in rpm, PID: 10-9-051/SI
• D2504: release chamber, pre-flushing & pressure OK (hardware), digital
• T2548: Delay ignition shield gas shut off, 30 min
• T3101: delay, flushing feed, 5 sec
• T3102: flushing feed, 300 sec
• S3402: speed of feed flushing valve closed, 600 rpm
Actions when implementing the function:
➢ The new status is signalised, see section
➢ Deactivate bowl drive, see section 3.22.
➢ Activate space heater of the main motor, see section 3.23.
➢ Deactivate secondary drive, see section 3.26.
➢ Activate space heater of the secondary motor, see section 3.27.
➢ Deactivate oil-air lubrication, see section 3.32.
➢ Deactivate feed, see section 3.65.
➢ Open discharge line control valve completely, see section 3.47.
➢ Close product discharge isolation valve, see section 3.46.
➢ If the system is coming from status 'product' into status 'off' because an alarm of
the alarm group Emergency_stop is pending, then the feed flushing valve is
opened follwing the time T3101, see section 3.66. Following the time T3102 or if
the bowl speed C1106 is below or falls below the value S3402 then the feed flush-
ing valve is closed again, see section 3.67.
➢ If the feed flushing valve was already opened then it is closed following the time
T3102 or if the bowl speed C1106 is below or falls below the value S3402, see
section 3.67.
➢ Deactivate flush connections housing, see section 3.69.
➢ If the signal D2504 indicates that no inertisation is present then the system is set
into a defined state by calling the function 3.57.
➢ If the system is coming into status 'off' because an alarm or regular stop and is
still inertised (signalised via signal D2504), then the blanketing is continued for a
time T2548 after reaching standstill (C1106 = 0 rpm) or failure of the bowl speed
measurement. Subsequently the blanketing and its monitoring are terminated, see
section 3.57.

3.11 "Switching into the status: vibro test" function

Call-up: when switching into the status: vibro test (Section 2.3)

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Objective: The vibration sensors are checked, all necessary measures are taken in
order to achieve the required safety performance level.
Variables used:
• D1350: vibro test VAH/HH solids side, digital
• D1369: Signal vibration solids side stage 1, digital, PID: 10-9-022/VAH
• D1343: Signal vibration solids side stage 2, digital, PID: 10-9-022/VZHH
• D1356: vibro test VAH/HH liquid side, digital
• D1370: Signal vibration liquid side stage 1, digital, PID: 10-9-012/VAH
• D1344: Signal vibration liquid side stage 2, digital, PID: 10-9-012/VZHH
Actions when implementing the function:
➢ The new status is signalised, see section 3.20.
➢ To test the solids side sensor the signal D1350 is activated for a time of 20 sec-
onds. The signals D1343 and D1369 need to indicate within this time and in this
order the alarms VZHH and VAH. In case of a functional failure an alarm is issued,
see Alarm vibrotest solids side, section 4.2.
➢ To test the liquid side sensor the signal D1356 is activated for a time of 20 sec-
onds. The signals D1344 and D1370 need to indicate within this time and in this
order the alarms VZHH and VAH. In case of a functional failure an alarm is issued,
see Alarm vibrotest liquid side, section 4.3.
Both sensor are checked in parallel at the same time.
After the above-mentioned functions have been checked and no errors have been
detected, a switch to the status 'Inertisation' is carried out, see section 2.4.

3.12 "Switching into the status: Inertisation" function

Call-up: when switching into the status: Inertisation (Section 2.4)
Objective: to carry out one-off actions when changing status
Variables used:
• D2500: YS ignition shield gas pre-flushing, release chamber, digital, PID: 20-7-
213, dimension drawing: "N4"
• D2501: YS exhaust, release chamber, digital, PID: 20-7-214, dimension drawing:
• D2503: flow low, release chamber, digital, PID: 20-9-212/FZL/FSL, dimension
drawing: "N4"
• D2504: release chamber, pre-flushing & pressure OK (hardware), digital
• D2509: pressure release chamber low stage 2, digital, PID: 20-9-222/PZLL
• C2510: pressure release chamber, in mbar, PID: 20-9-222/PI
• L2524: Low pressure stage 2 (software), release chamber, 40 mbar, PID: 20-9-
• L2525: Low pressure stage 2 (hardware), release chamber, 35 mbar, PID: 20-9-
• L2536: min. flow pre-flushing release chamber, 13000 Nl/h, PID: 20-9-
• D2537: YS ignition shield gas shut off, digital, PID: 20-7-201
• D2538: start impulse, blanketing, digital
• T2541: Timer plausibility test step 2 hardware alarm, 65 sec
• T2542: Timer plausibility test, 90 sec

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• D2543: pressure release chamber low stage 2, digital, PID: 20-9-222/PALL

• T2517: pre-flushing time release chamber (software), 1470 sec
If inertisation is given (= digital input D2504 active) then a switch to the next status
according to the transition table is carried out directly; the following steps listed here
are not executed.
If there is no inertisation present (= digital input D2504 not active) then a plausibility
test is performed first. Only if this was successful, the pre-flushing is started.
➢ A start impulse is sent via the signal D2538 for one second. Thereby the hardware
monitoring of the inertisation of the release chamber is triggered, see section 3.51.
The timer T2542 is started.
Plausibility test, step 1, initial state:
➢ The exhaust valve is closed by the signal D2501.
➢ The gas supply valve is opened by the signal D2537.
➢ The pre-flushing valve is opened by the signal D2500.
➢ Once the signal D2509 indicates the pressure exceeding L2525, it goes to step 2.
➢ If this is not the case after the time on the timer T2542 has elapsed, then the test
is canceled and an alarm is issued, see section 4.4.
Plausibility test, step 2, pressure relief:
➢ The pre-flushing valve is closed by the signal D2500.
➢ The gas supply valve is closed by the signal D2537.
➢ The exhaust valve is opened by the signal D2501.
➢ The following two events must occur before the time on the timer T2542 has
elapsed, otherwise the test is canceled and an alarm is issued, see section 4.4:
• The flow pre-flushing must fall safely below the limit L2536, this is signalised by
the signal D2503.
• The pressure in the release chamber must fall safely below the limit L2525, this is
signalised by the signal D2509.
➢ In parallel the time of the pressure relief from L2524 to L2525 is monitored. As
soon as the signal D2543 indicates undershooting the limit L2524 the timer T2541
is started. The signal D2509 shall indicate that the pressure is below limit L2525
before the time on this timer has elapsed, otherwise the test is canceled and an
alarm is issued, see section 4.4.
➢ After both the flow is fallen below the limit L2536 and the pressure is fallen below
the limit L2525, step 3 follows:
Plausibility test, step 3, pressure build-up:
➢ The gas supply valve is opened by the signal D2537.
➢ The pre-flushing valve is opened by the signal D2500.
➢ The exhaust valve is held open by the signal D2501.
➢ The following two points must occur before the time on the timer T2542 has
elapsed, otherwise the test is canceled and an alarm is issued, see section 4.4:
• The signal D2503 needs to indicate an exceeding of the limit L2536 and
• because of the orifice plate in the exhaust first the signal D2503 needs to indicate
an exceeding of the limit L2536 and afterwards the signal D2543 an exceeding of
the limit L2524.
If no alarms occured the plausibility test is completed successful. The three valves
remain open.

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➢ The monitoring of sealing chambers is activated, see section 3.53.

Pre-flushing follows:
➢ The software monitoring of the pre- and post-flushing is activated, see section
3.54. The timer T2517 is started there.
The inertisation is completed when timer T2517 ends while input D2504 is active.
These steps follow then:
➢ The "Monitoring pressure rise blanketing and forced venting" function, section
3.56 is activated.
➢ The flushing is continued (post-flushing) until the startup of the decanter centrifuge
is completed.
➢ A switch to the status 'startup' is carried out, see section 2.5.

3.13 "Switching into the status: startup" function

Call-up: when switching into the status: startup (Section 2.5)
Objective: to carry out one-off actions when changing status
Variables used:
• T1122: Decanter startup, 450 sec
• C1106: bowl speed, in rpm, PID: 10-9-051/SI
• L1165: speed threshold start detection, 60 rpm
• T1164: Delay startup alarm, 45 sec
• T1321: delay vibration on, after start product, 0 sec
• T1347: delay vibration on, after startup, 0 sec
• D1348: starting phase, vibration suppression, digital
• D2500: YS ignition shield gas pre-flushing, release chamber, digital, PID: 20-7-
213, dimension drawing: "N4"
• D2501: YS exhaust, release chamber, digital, PID: 20-7-214, dimension drawing:
Actions when implementing the function:
➢ The new status is signalised, see section 3.20.
➢ Deactivate space heater of the main motor, see section 3.24.
➢ Deactivate space heater of the secondary motor, see section 3.28.
➢ Activate and monitor oil-air lubrication, see section 3.31.
➢ Deactivate feed, see section 3.65.
➢ Open discharge line control valve completely, see section 3.47.
➢ Close product discharge isolation valve, see section 3.46.
➢ Close feed flushing valve, see section 3.67.
➢ Deactivate flush connections housing, see section 3.69.
➢ The digital value D1348 is set if the system is switching into status 'startup' coming
from status 'off' and at least one of the values T1321 or T1347 not equals zero.
These timers are stopped if they are still running.
➢ The main motor is started by the converter and accelerates the decanter bowl up
to the operating speed, see section 3.21.
➢ The timer T1122 is started.
➢ The timer T1164 is started. If the bowl speed C1106 is still below L1165 after the
time on this timer has elapsed, an alarm is issued, see section 4.19.

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➢ The differential speed control is activated and specifies the target value for the
secondary drive, see section 3.63.
➢ The secondary drive is started, see section 3.25.
Following the time T1122:
➢ The gas supply valve (signal D2537) remains open.
➢ The pre-flushing valve is closed by the signal D2500.
➢ The exhaust valve is closed by the signal D2501.
➢ The "Monitoring pressure drop blanketing and forced flushing" function, section
3.55 is activated.
➢ Switch into the status 'operation', see section 2.7.

3.14 "Switching into the status: Operation" function

Call-up: when switching into the status: Operation (Section 2.6)
Objective: to carry out one-off actions when changing status
Variables used:
• T1123: delay time for decanter off / running idle, 1800 sec
Actions when implementing the function:
➢ Deactivate feed, see section 3.65.
➢ Open discharge line control valve completely, see section 3.47.
➢ Close feed flushing valve, see section 3.67.
➢ Close product discharge isolation valve, see section 3.46.
➢ The timer T1123 is started if it is not running already. If the system is still in status
'operation (alarm)' after the time on the timer has elapsed, an alarm is triggered,
see section 4.20.
➢ The new status is signalised, see section 3.20.

3.15 "Switching into the status: operation" function

Call-up: when switching into the status: operation (Section 2.7)
Objective: to carry out one-off actions when changing status
Variables used:
• T1123: delay time for decanter off / running idle, 1800 sec
• T1347: delay vibration on, after startup, 0 sec
• D1348: starting phase, vibration suppression, digital
Actions when implementing the function:
➢ Deactivate feed, see section 3.65.
➢ Open discharge line control valve completely, see section 3.47.
➢ Close product discharge isolation valve, see section 3.46.
➢ Close feed flushing valve, see section 3.67.
➢ Activate flush connections housing, see section 3.68.
➢ The monitoring of the production release signal is activated, see function 3.43.
➢ If the value D1348 is activated the timer T1347 is started if it is not running already.
When the time on the timer has elapsed, the value D1348 is deactivated inde-
pendent of current system status.

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➢ The timer T1123 is started if it is not running already. If the system is still in status
'operation' after the time on the timer has elapsed, an alarm is triggered, see sec-
tion 4.20.
➢ The new status is signalised, see section 3.20.

3.16 "Switching into the status: product" function

Call-up: when switching into the status: product (Section 2.8)
Objective: to carry out one-off actions when changing status
Variables used:
• T1321: delay vibration on, after start product, 0 sec
• D1348: starting phase, vibration suppression, digital
• D3231: flushing after product pending, digital
• D3232: flushing sequence after product pending, digital
• T5507: Delay open isolation valve in 'product', 5 sec
Actions when implementing the function:
➢ Activate feed, see section 3.64.
➢ Discharge line control valve, activate pressure controlling, see 3.48.
➢ After the time T5507 the isolation valve in the product discharge is opened, see
section 3.45. The following actions are not delayed by this timer.
➢ Close feed flushing valve, see section 3.67.
➢ If the value D1348 is activated the timer T1321 is started if it is not running already.
When the time on the timer has elapsed, the value D1348 is deactivated inde-
pendent of current system status.
➢ The digital value D3231 is set, indicating that the machine needs to run through
the status 'flushing' after production
➢ The digital value D3231 is set, indicating that the machine needs to run through
the status 'flushing sequence' after production
➢ The new status is signalised, see section 3.20.

3.17 "Switching into the status: flushing" function

Call-up: when switching into the status: flushing (Section 2.9)
Objective: to carry out one-off actions when changing status
Variables used:
• T3101: delay, flushing feed, 5 sec
• T3102: flushing feed, 300 sec
• D3231: flushing after product pending, digital
• T5508: Delay close isolation valve after 'product', 5 sec
• D5509: Close isolation valve in status 'flushing', active, digital
Actions when implementing the function:
➢ The new status is signalised, see section 3.20.
➢ Deactivate feed, see section 3.65.
➢ Open discharge line control valve completely, see section 3.47.
➢ If D5509 is activated the isolation valve in the product discharge closes after the
time T5508, see section 3.46. The following actions are not delayed by this timer.

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➢ Following the time T3101 the flushing valve is activated, see section 3.66
➢ Following the time T3102 the digital value D3231 is set to zero, indicating that the
flushing process ended correctly.
➢ Following the time T3102 the system is switched to the next status in accordance
with the transition table.

3.18 "Switching into the status: flushing sequence" function

Call-up: when switching into the status: flushing sequence (Section 2.10)
Objective: to carry out one-off actions when changing status
Variables used:
• D3231: flushing after product pending, digital
• S3404: flushing cycles, 3
• T5508: Delay close isolation valve after 'product', 5 sec
• D5510: Close isolation valve in status 'flushing sequence', active, digital
Actions when implementing the function:
➢ The new status is signalised, see section 3.20.
➢ If the digital value D3231 is set, a warning message is issued, see section 8.5.71.
➢ If no flushing cycles are configured (S3404=0) then the status is skipped over. In
this case the steps listed below are not executed, instead a switch into the status
'castor' is carried out directly, see section 3.19.
➢ The differential speed control is deactivated, and a constant secondary motor fre-
quency is applied instead, see section 3.63.
➢ Deactivate feed, see section 3.65.
➢ Open discharge line control valve completely, see section 3.47.
➢ If D5510 is activated the isolation valve in the product discharge closes after the
time T5508, see section 3.46. The following actions are not delayed by this timer.
➢ Close feed flushing valve, see section 3.67.
➢ Call-up the "Implement flushing sequence" function, section 3.70.

3.19 "Switching into the status: castor" function

Call-up: when switching into the status: castor (Section 2.11)
Objective: to carry out one-off actions when changing status
Variables used:
• C1106: bowl speed, in rpm, PID: 10-9-051/SI
• T1124: castor time, 900 sec
• S1156: speed measurement, measuring range minimum value, 40 rpm
• L1165: speed threshold start detection, 60 rpm
• D2504: release chamber, pre-flushing & pressure OK (hardware), digital
• D2539: stop impulse, blanketing, digital
• T3101: delay, flushing feed, 5 sec
• T3102: flushing feed, 300 sec
• D3232: flushing sequence after product pending, digital
• S3402: speed of feed flushing valve closed, 600 rpm
Actions when implementing the function:

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➢ The new status is signalised, see section 3.20.

➢ If the signal D2504 indicates that no inertisation is present then a stop impulse is
sent via the signal D2539 for one second. Thereby the hardware circuit for moni-
toring the pre-flushing is reset, see section 3.51.
➢ Deactivate bowl drive, see section 3.22.
➢ Deactivate feed, see section 3.65.
➢ Open discharge line control valve completely, see section 3.47.
➢ Close product discharge isolation valve, see section 3.46.
➢ If the system is coming from status 'product' into status 'castor' because an alarm
of the alarm group Decanter_off is pending, then the feed flushing valve is opened
follwing the time T3101, see section 3.66. Following the time T3102 or if the bowl
speed C1106 is below or falls below the value S3402 then the feed flushing valve
is closed again, see section 3.67.
➢ If the feed flushing valve was already opened then it is closed following the time
T3102 or if the bowl speed C1106 is below or falls below the value S3402, see
section 3.67.
➢ If the digital value D3232 is set, a warning message is issued, see section 8.5.72.
➢ Following the time T1124 or if the bowl speed C1106 is below or falls below the
value S1156 the system is switched into the next status in accordance with the
transition table.

3.20 "Signalise status" function

Call-up: On every switch into another status by the functions 3.10 … 3.19.
Objective: To signalise the status of the system to a superordinate control.
Variables used:
• D1387: decanter status machine: off, digital
• D1398: decanter status machine: vibro test, digital
• D1399: decanter status machine: Inertisation, digital
• D1389: decanter status machine: startup, digital
• D1390: decanter status machine: operation (alarm), digital
• D1355: decanter status machine: operation, digital
• D1359: decanter status machine: product, digital
• D1393: decanter status machine: flushing, digital
• D1394: decanter status machine: flushing sequence, digital
• D1391: decanter status machine: castor, digital
Actions when implementing the function:
➢ The "decanter status machine" signals for the statuses 'off', 'vibro test', 'Inertisa-
tion', 'startup', 'operation (alarm)', 'product', 'flushing sequence 'and 'castor' are
activated in the corresponding status only, otherwise they are deactivated.
➢ The signal D1355 'operation' is activated in the statuses 'operation', 'product',
'flushing' and 'flushing sequence, otherwise it is deactivated.
➢ The signal D1393 'flushing' is activated in the statuses 'flushing' and 'flushing se-
quence, otherwise it is deactivated.

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The control unit sets the corresponding outputs therefore, see interface Control cab-
inet <=> control unit: decanter status machine, section 9.2.3.
A superordinate control can detect those statuses not represented by a single signal
by means of the following conditions:
• Status 'operation': The signal D1355 'operation' is activated and the signal D1359
'product' is deactivated and the signal D1393 'flushing' is deactivated and the sig-
nal D1361 is deactivated.
• Status 'flushing': The signal D1393 'flushing' is activated and the signal D1394
'flushing sequence' is deactivated.

3.21 "Activate and monitor bowl drive" function

Call-up by functions:
• "Switching into the status: startup" function, section 3.13
• "Implement flushing sequence" function, section 3.70
Objective: to start the bowl drive. The bowl drive accelerates the decanter bowl and
gives out the response "Operation".
Variables used:
• S1141: minimum bowl speed, 1000 rpm
• C1115: Bowl VFD, frequency at minimum bowl speed, 13.7 Hz
• S1142: maximum bowl speed, 4100 rpm
• C1116: Bowl VFD, frequency at maximum bowl speed, 56.2 Hz
• C1125: bowl speed target value, flushing sequence and CIP speed, in rpm
• S1126: target percentage for bowl speed, in %
• C1127: bowl drive variable, in %
• L1114: Bowl VFD, minimum frequency, 2 Hz
• S1117: maximum permissible bowl speed, 4100 rpm
• S1118: Bowl VFD, frequency at maximum permissible speed, 56.2 Hz
• S1146: Bowl drive, startup ramp, 420 sec
• C1270: power bowl drive display, in kW, PID: 10-9-041/JI
The frequency setpoint for the bowl drive is mapped within the control unit as a per-
centage control point C1127 with a value range between 0 and 100%.
The signal flow is designed so that the bowl drive is operated with minimum fre-
quency L1114 at C1127=0% and with maximum frequency S1118 at C1127=100%.
For calculating the control point C1127, a percentage or absolute setpoint is used
for the bowl speed:
• In the 'startup', 'operation', 'product' and 'flushing' statuses, the percentage set-
point S1126 specified by the user is used and the control point is calculated as
· (𝐶1116 − 𝐶1115) + 𝐶1115 − 𝐿1114
𝐶1127 = 100% · 100%
𝐶1116 − 𝐿1114
• In the 'flushing sequence' status, the absolute setpoint C1125 is used, which is
specified by the "Implement flushing sequence" function, section 3.70. With the
absolute setpoint, the control point is calculated as follows:
· 𝐶1116 − 𝐿1114
𝐶1127 = 𝑆1117 · 100%
𝐶1116 − 𝐿1114

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If the control point is outside of the 0…100% range, it is set to the relevant limit value.
➢ The control point C1127 is output via the interface Control cabinet <=> control
unit: bowl drive, setpoint, section 9.2.7.
➢ The bowl drive is started via the interface Control cabinet <=> control unit: bowl
drive, start/stop, section 9.2.8.
➢ The monitoring of the interface Control cabinet <=> control unit: bowl drive, feed-
back operation, section 9.2.9 is started.
➢ If there is no response to the start command within five seconds or if the response
is interrupted subsequently for a period longer than five seconds, an alarm is trig-
gered, see section 4.17.
The control unit receives the actual power of the bowl motor via the interface Control
cabinet <=> control unit: bowl drive, feedback power, section 9.2.10. This interface
also reports any wire breakages.
➢ If the measuring detects a wire break an alarm is triggered, see section 4.45.
➢ The value is added to the display, see section 8.3.36.

3.22 "Deactivate bowl drive" function

Call-up by the functions:
• "Switching into the status: Off" function, section 3.10
• "Switching into the status: castor" function, section 3.19
• "Implement flushing sequence" function, section 3.70
Objective: The bowl drive is switched off; the decanter bowl runs down freely.
➢ The bowl drive is stopped via the interface Control cabinet <=> control unit: bowl
drive, start/stop, section 9.2.8.
➢ The monitoring of the drive activated in section 3.21 is stopped.

3.23 "Activate space heater main motor" function

Call-up by functions:
• "Switching into the status: Off" function, section 3.10
Objective: The space heater of the main motor is switched on in order to heat the
motor above ambient temperature.
➢ The space heater is activated via the interface Control cabinet <=> control unit:
Space heater main motor, section 9.2.11.

3.24 "Deactivate space heater main motor" function

Call-up by functions:
• "Switching into the status: startup" function, section 3.13
Objective: The space heater of the main motor is switched off.
➢ The space heater is deactivated via the interface Control cabinet <=> control unit:
Space heater main motor, section 9.2.11.

3.25 "Activate and monitor secondary drive" function

Call-up by the function:
• "Switching into the status: startup" function, section 3.13
Objective: to start the secondary drive. The secondary drive accelerates the de-
canter scroll and gives out the response "Operation".

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Functions BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

Variables used:
• C1109: scroll drive variable, in %
• D1134: actuating secondary motor, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M2
• D1135: feedback secondary motor, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M2
➢ The control point C1109 is output via the "Differential speed control" function, sec-
tion 3.63.
➢ The digital value D1134 is activated and starts the secondary VFD.
➢ A response indicating fault-free operation is issued by the VFD via digital input
➢ If there is no response to the start command within five seconds or if the response
is interrupted subsequently for a period longer than five seconds, an alarm is trig-
gered, see section 4.18.

3.26 "Deactivate secondary drive" function

Call-up by the function:
• "Switching into the status: Off" function, section 3.10
Objective: secondary drive switched off, there is no longer any torque present at the
Variables used:
• D1134: actuating secondary motor, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M2
➢ The digital value is deactivated, which stops the secondary VFD.

3.27 "Activate space heater secondary motor" function

Call-up by functions:
• "Switching into the status: Off" function, section 3.10
Objective: The space heater of the secondary motor is switched on in order to heat
the motor above ambient temperature.
➢ The space heater is activated via the interface Control cabinet <=> control unit:
Space heater secondary motor, section 9.2.16.

3.28 "Deactivate space heater secondary motor" function

Call-up by functions:
• "Switching into the status: startup" function, section 3.13
Objective: The space heater of the secondary motor is switched off.
➢ The space heater is deactivated via the interface Control cabinet <=> control unit:
Space heater secondary motor, section 9.2.16.

3.29 "Safe monitoring of oil vessel level" function

Call-up: The function is carried out via hardware and is therefore always active.
Objective: monitor oil level in the vessel for the gearbox, safe switch off.
Variables used:
• D1901: LS oil gear, digital, PID: 10-9-031/B1, device: L

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Fig. 2

The switch contact for the level switch is designed as a normally closed contact. A
wire break generates the same reaction as undershooting the level.
If the level is too low, these steps will follow:
➢ Safe switch off is initiated, see "Safe switch off" function, section 3.49.
➢ Issue an alarm, see section 4.21.
The alarms are deleted when
• the level switch is closed and
• the corresponding alarm message has been acknowledged by the user.

3.30 "Monitoring of oil-air lubrication level" function

Call-up via functions:
• "Control unit start" function, section 3.1
• "Activate and monitor oil-air lubrication" function, section 3.31
Objective: to monitor the oil level in the assembly vessel.

Fig. 3

Variables used:
• D1503: LS air/oil , digital, PID: 10-9-034/B1, device: F
• T1518: minimum oil level oil+air-lubrication warning delay, 1 sec
• T1519: minimum oil level oil+air-lubrication alarm delay, 25000 sec
The assembly has an oil vessel, the filling level is monitored using a level switch. If
the reporting level is undershot (switch D1503 opened), this leads to the following
➢ Following the time T1518, a warning is issued, see section Operating unit, warning
message display: oil level, oil-air lubrication, section 8.5.66.
➢ Following the time T1519, an alarm is triggered, see section Alarm: LAL oil-air
lubrication, section 4.46.
The alarm is deleted if
• the level switch is closed
• the corresponding alarm message has been acknowledged by the user.

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3.31 "Activate and monitor oil-air lubrication" function

Call-up via function:
• "Switching into the status: startup" function, section 3.13
Objective: lubrication is started, bowl bearings are supplied with oil, function is mon-

Fig. 4

Variables used:
• D1501: PS air/oil solids side, digital, PID: 10-9-023/B1, device: H
• D1502: PS air/oil liquid side, digital, PID: 10-9-013/B1, device: G
• D1530: PS air/oil unit, digital, PID: 10-9-036/B1, device: AZ
• D1504: YS air/oil, digital, PID: 10-7-032, device: I
• T1511: Oil impulse pulse / startup, 10 sec
• T1512: Oil impulse pause / startup, 15 sec
• T1513: Oil impulse pulse / after startup, 10 sec
• T1514: Oil impulse pause / after startup, 50 sec
• C1523: count pulses solids side
• C1524: count pulses liquid side
• C1531: count pulses unit
• S1521: pulses limit 1, 5
• S1522: pulses limit 2, 10
The lubrication assembly regularly receives pulses from the control unit. Every pulse
creates an airflow, which is used to transport a preset quantity of oil to the lubrication
The impulses take place via the output D1504.
The pulse/pause times depend on the status of the system:
• In 'off' status, no impulses are output. In this status, the "Oil-air lubrication, prelu-
brication" function, section 3.33 can be called up.
• In the 'startup' status, the impulse time T1511 and the break time T1512 are used.
• In all other statuses, the impulse time T1513 and the break time T1514 are used.
The assembly has an oil vessel, the filling level is monitored using a level switch,
see section 3.30.

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The function of the unit is also monitored by the control unit. Each lubrication point
and the oil unit are equipped with a pressure switch which switches when exceeding
a preset pressure. A check is carried out to ascertain whether pressure increase
occurs at every lubrication point following a lubrication pulse.
The signals D1501, D1502 and D1530 of the three pressure switches must increase
within the impulse time of the oil impulse, otherwise a fault has occurred.
The control unit counts the faults for the two lubrication points and the oilunit sepa-
rately in the counters C1523, C1524 and C1531:
• If the pressure signal is missing, the relevant counter is increased by one.
• If the pressure signal is correct, the relevant counter is reduced by one, the mini-
mum value is zero.
➢ If the fault memory C1523 reaches a value of S1521, a warning message is is-
sued, see section 8.5.13.
➢ If the fault memory C1524 reaches a value of S1521, a warning message is is-
sued, see section 8.5.12.
➢ If the fault memory C1531 reaches a value of S1521, a warning message is is-
sued, see section 8.5.67.
➢ If the fault memory C1523 reaches a value of S1522, an alarm is triggered, see
section 4.47.
➢ If the fault memory C1524 reaches a value of S1522, an alarm is triggered, see
section 4.48.
➢ If the fault memory C1531 reaches a value of S1522, an alarm is triggered, see
section 4.48.
The alarms and the corresponding fault messages are deleted if:
• the system is in the 'off' status.
• the corresponding alarm message has been acknowledged by the user.

3.32 "Deactivate oil-air lubrication" function

Call-up via function:
• "Switching into the status: Off" function, section 3.10
Objective: to prematurely terminate the "Activate and monitor oil-air lubrication" func-
tion, section 3.31.

3.33 "Oil-air lubrication, prelubrication" function

Call-up: button Operating unit "Oil-air lubrication, prelubrication" button, section
Objective: to safeguard the oil feed following maintenance.
Variables used:
• T1511: Oil impulse pulse / startup, 10 sec
• T1512: Oil impulse pause / startup, 15 sec
• T1517: prelubrication service, 3600 sec
• D1504: YS air/oil, digital, PID: 10-7-032, device: I
Lubrication is started for the time T1517 and then immediately thereafter automati-
cally switches off.
During the prelubrication, the output D1504 is switched with the impulse time T1511
and the break time T1512.
The function of the unit is monitored in the same way as outlined in "Activate and
monitor oil-air lubrication" function, section 3.31.

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During this time, the decanter centrifuge can not be started

3.34 "Oil-air lubrication, cancellation, prelubrication" function

Call-up: button Operating unit "Oil-air lubrication, prelubrication" button, section
Objective: to prematurely terminate the "Oil-air lubrication, prelubrication" function,
section 3.33.

3.35 "Safe monitoring of temperature, bearing, solids side" function

Call-up: The function is carried out via hardware and is therefore always active.
Objective: monitoring of the bowl bearing temperature solids side, safe switch off.

Fig. 5

Variables used:
• A1311: TE solids side, PID: 10-9-021/B1, device: E
• H1314: bearing temperature solids side stage 2, 140 °C, PID: 10-9-021/TAHH
• D1318: signal bearing temperature solids side stage 2, digital, PID: 10-9-
A device measures the temperature of the bearing by evaluating the signal A1311
coming from the interface 9.12.
If the temperature exceeds the value H1314, these steps will follow:
➢ The Signal D1318 is activated.
➢ Safe switch off is initiated, see "Safe switch off" function, section 3.49.
Additionally the device generates a signal to evaluate the temperature in the control
unit. This is passed on to the Control cabinet <=> control unit: bearing temperature
solids side, section 9.2.20.

3.36 "Monitoring of temperature, bearing, solids side" function

Call-up via function:
• "Control unit start" function, section 3.1
Objective: the solid-side bowl bearing temperature is measured; warnings or alarms
are triggered.

Fig. 6

Variables used:
• C1317: solids side temperature display, in °C, PID: 10-9-021/TI
• H1312: bearing temperature solids side stage 1, 120 °C, PID: 10-9-021/TAH

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• T1313: delay bearing temperature solids side stage 1, 5 sec

• H1314: bearing temperature solids side stage 2, 140 °C, PID: 10-9-021/TAHH
• T1315: delay bearing temperature solids side stage 2, 5 sec
The display value C1317 is supplied by the interface 59.2.20.
➢ The value is added to the display, see section 8.3.51.
➢ If the limit value H1312 is exceeded for a period longer than T1313, a warning is
issued, see section 8.5.50.
➢ If the limit value H1314 is exceeded for a period longer than T1315, an alarm is
triggered, see section 4.22.
➢ If the measuring detects a wire break an alarm is triggered, see section 4.23.
The various alarms are deleted if
• the display value undershoots the corresponding limit value once again and
• the corresponding alarm message has been acknowledged by the user.

3.37 "Safe monitoring of temperature, bearing, liquid side" function

Call-up: The function is carried out via hardware and is therefore always active.
Objective: Monitoring of the bowl bearing temperature liquid side, safe switch off.

Fig. 7

Variables used:
• A1301: TE bearing liquid side, PID: 10-9-011/B1, device: D
• H1304: bearing temperature liquid side stage 2, 140 °C, PID: 10-9-011/TAHH
• D1308: signal bearing temperature liquid side stage 2, digital, PID: 10-9-
A device measures the temperature of the bearing by evaluating the signal A1301
coming from the interface 9.12.
If the temperature exceeds the value H1304, these steps will follow:
➢ The Signal D1308 is activated.
➢ Safe switch off is initiated, see "Safe switch off" function, section 3.49.
Additionally the device generates a signal to evaluate the temperature in the control
unit. This is passed on to the Control cabinet <=> control unit: bearing temperature
liquid side, section 9.2.21.

3.38 "Monitoring of temperature, bearing, liquid side" function

Call-up via function:
• "Control unit start" function, section 3.1
Objective: the liquid-side bowl bearing temperature is measured; warnings or alarms
are triggered.

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Fig. 8

Variables used:
• C1307: liquid side temperature display, in °C, PID: 10-9-011/TI
• H1302: bearing temperature liquid side stage 1, 120 °C, PID: 10-9-011/TAH
• T1303: delay bearing temperature liquid side stage 1, 5 sec
• H1304: bearing temperature liquid side stage 2, 140 °C, PID: 10-9-011/TAHH
• T1305: delay bearing temperature liquid side stage 2, 5 sec
The display value C1307 is supplied by the interface 9.2.21.
➢ The value is added to the display, see section 8.3.45.
➢ If the limit value H1302 is exceeded for a period longer than T1303, a warning is
issued, see section 8.5.28.
➢ If the limit value H1304 is exceeded for a period longer than T1305, an alarm is
triggered, see section 4.24.
➢ If the measuring detects a wire break an alarm is triggered, see section 4.25.
The various alarms are deleted if
• the display value undershoots the corresponding limit value once again and
• the corresponding alarm message has been acknowledged by the user.

3.39 "Safe monitoring of solids side vibrations" function

Call-up: The function is carried out via hardware and is therefore always active.
Objective: Monitoring of the vibrations on the solids side, safe switch off.

Fig. 9

Variables used:
• D1343: Signal vibration solids side stage 2, digital, PID: 10-9-022/VZHH
• H1326: vibration solids side stage 2, 20 mm/s, PID: 10-9-022/VAHH
The alarm output D1343 of the vibration sensor is connected via the Interface control
cabinet <=> terminal box X11, section 9.14.
If the vibrations exceed the level H1326 the contact is opened and the following steps
will follow:
➢ Safe switch off is initiated, see "Safe switch off" function, section 3.49.
➢ Issue an alarm, see sectionAlarm: VZHH solids side, section 4.26.

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3.40 "Monitoring of solids side vibrations" function

Call-up via function:
• "Control unit start" function, section 3.1
Objective: the solid-side vibrations are monitored; warnings or alarms are triggered.

Fig. 10

Variables used:
• C1333: VT display solids side, PID: 10-9-022/VI
• H1324: vibration solids side stage 1, 18 mm/s, PID: 10-9-022/VAH
• T1325: delay vibration solids side stage 1, 10 sec
• H1326: vibration solids side stage 2, 20 mm/s, PID: 10-9-022/VAHH
• T1327: delay vibration solids side stage 2, 5 sec
• D1348: starting phase, vibration suppression, digital
• D1349: shutdown phase, vibration suppression, inactive, digital
The display value C1333 is delivered by the interface 9.2.27.
➢ The value is added to the display, see section 8.3.62.
➢ If the display value C1333 exceeds the limit value H1324 for a period longer than
T1325, a warning is issued (see section 8.5.53) if D1348 is deactivated. The warn-
ing is not issued in the statuses 'flushing sequence' and 'castor' if D1349 is active.
➢ If the display value C1333 exceeds the limit value H1326 for a period longer than
T1327 an alarm is triggered (see section 4.27) if D1348 is deactivated. The alarm
is not issued in the statuses 'flushing sequence' and 'castor' if D1349 is active.
➢ If the measuring detects a wire break an alarm is triggered, see section 4.28.
The various alarms are deleted if
• the display value once again undershoots the corresponding limit value or again
exceeds a value of 0 mm/s and
• the corresponding alarm message has been acknowledged by the user.

3.41 "Safe monitoring of liquid side vibrations" function

Call-up: The function is carried out via hardware and is therefore always active.
Objective: Monitoring of the vibrations on the liquid side, safe switch off.

Fig. 11

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Variables used:
• D1344: Signal vibration liquid side stage 2, digital, PID: 10-9-012/VZHH
• H1331: vibration liquid side stage 2, 20 mm/s, PID: 10-9-012/VAHH
The alarm output D1344 of the vibration sensor is connected via the Interface control
cabinet <=> terminal box X12, section 9.15.
If the vibrations exceed the level H1331 the following steps will follow:
➢ Safe switch off is initiated, see "Safe switch off" function, section 3.49.
➢ Issue an alarm, see sectionAlarm: VZHH liquid side, section 4.29.

3.42 "Monitoring of liquid side vibrations" function

Call-up via function:
• "Control unit start" function, section 3.1
Objective: the liquid side vibrations are monitored; warnings or alarms are triggered.

Fig. 12

Variables used:
• C1334: VT display liquid side, PID: 10-9-012/VI
• H1329: vibration liquid side stage 1, 18 mm/s, PID: 10-9-012/VAH
• T1330: delay vibration liquid side stage 1, 10 sec
• H1331: vibration liquid side stage 2, 20 mm/s, PID: 10-9-012/VAHH
• T1332: delay vibration liquid side stage 2, 5 sec
• D1348: starting phase, vibration suppression, digital
• D1349: shutdown phase, vibration suppression, inactive, digital
The display value C1334 is delivered by the interface 9.2.28.
➢ The value is added to the display, see section 8.3.63.
➢ If the display value C1334 exceeds the limit value H1329 for a period longer than
T1330, a warning is issued (see section 8.5.55) if D1348 is deactivated. The warn-
ing is not issued in the statuses 'flushing sequence' and 'castor' if D1349 is active.
➢ If the display value C1334 exceeds the limit value H1331 for a period longer than
T1332 an alarm is triggered (see section 4.30) if D1348 is deactivated. The alarm
is not issued in the statuses 'flushing sequence' and 'castor' if D1349 is active.
➢ If the measuring detects a wire break an alarm is triggered, see section 4.31.
The various alarms are deleted if
• the display value once again undershoots the corresponding limit value or again
exceeds a value of 0 mm/s and
• the corresponding alarm message has been acknowledged by the user.

3.43 "Monitor production release" function

Call-up via function:
• "Switching into the status: operation" function, section 3.15

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Objective: External processes or devices signal operational readiness, this is moni-

Variables used:
• D5206: Release production external, digital
➢ If the release signal is not activated or if it is interrupted for a period longer than
five seconds, an alarm is triggered, see section 4.38.
The alarm is deleted if
• the release signal is activated and
• the corresponding alarm message has been acknowledged by the user.

3.44 "Deactivate monitoring production release" function

Call-up via function:
• "Switching into the status: Off" function, section 3.10
Objective: to terminate the "Monitor production release" function, section 3.43.

3.45 "Open product discharge isolation valve" function

Call-up via function:
• "Switching into the status: product" function, section 3.16
Objective: The isolation valve in the product discharge is opened. Purpose of the
valve is to avoid return flow into the decanter centrifuge. When multiple decanter
centrifuges are installed in parallel, the valve is positioned preferably near to the
collecting pipe.

Fig. 13

Variables used:
• D5501: Activation of isolation valve, digital, PID: 13-7-047
• D5504: Activation of drain valve, digital, PID: 13-7-048
• T5506: Delay close drain valve, 1 sec
➢ The digital value D5501 is activated and opens the isolation valve.
➢ After a time T5506, the digital value D5504 is activated and the drain valve is
➢ The time T5506 is set to rule out pressure peaks and minimize product loss.
The corresponding valves and piping are not included in the scope of delivery of the
decanter centrifuge.

3.46 "Close product discharge isolation valve" function

Call-up via functions:
• "Switching into the status: Off" function, section 3.10

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Functions BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

• "Switching into the status: startup" function, section 3.13

• "Switching into the status: Operation" function, section 3.14
• "Switching into the status: operation" function, section 3.15
• "Switching into the status: flushing" function, section 3.17
• "Switching into the status: flushing sequence" function, section 3.18
• "Switching into the status: castor" function, section 3.19
Objective: to terminate the "Open product discharge isolation valve" function, section
Variables used:
• D5501: Activation of isolation valve, digital, PID: 13-7-047
• T5503: Delay close isolation valve, 1 sec
• D5504: Activation of drain valve, digital, PID: 13-7-048
➢ The digital value D5504 is deactivated and opens the drain valve.
➢ After a time T5503, the digital value D5501 is deactivated and the isolation valve
is closed.
➢ The time T5503 is set to rule out pressure peaks and minimize product loss.

3.47 "Open discharge line control valve completely" function

Call-up via function:
• "Switching into the status: Off" function, section 3.10
• "Switching into the status: startup" function, section 3.13
• "Switching into the status: Operation" function, section 3.14
• "Switching into the status: operation" function, section 3.15
• "Switching into the status: flushing" function, section 3.17
• "Switching into the status: flushing sequence" function, section 3.18
• "Switching into the status: castor" function, section 3.19
Objective: Open the valve in the discharge line completely.
Variables used:
• C5523: control value discharge valve, in %
➢ The control value of the proportional valve C5523 is set to 100%, the valve opens
➢ The output of the control value is done continuously via the interface Control cab-
inet <=> control unit: control value discharge valve, section 9.2.43.

3.48 "Discharge line control valve, activate pressure controlling and

monitoring" function
Call-up via function:
• "Switching into the status: product" function, section 3.16
Objective: Controlling and monitoring the pressure in the product discharge line.
Variables used:
• C5522: display value discharge pressure, in bar, PID: 13-9-046/PI
• C5523: control value discharge valve, in %
• R5524: setpoint discharge pressure during product, 1 bar

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• R5531: setpoint discharge pressure during flushing and CIP, 3 bar

• S5525: measuring range discharge pressure, 4 bar
• S5527: PI-controller discharge pressure Kp, 0.2
• S5528: PI-controller discharge pressure Tn, 20 sec
• H5530: pressure max. discharge, product, 4 bar, PID: 13-9-046/PAH
➢ The output of the control value is done continuously via the interface Control cab-
inet <=> control unit: control value discharge valve, section 9.2.43.
➢ The control value of the proportional valve C5523 is set to 100% at the beginning
and the valve opens completely.
➢ After switching into the status 'product' the controller of the discharge pressure
and the pressure monitoring are activated after elapsing a delay of 30 seconds.
➢ In the 'product' status, the setpoint R5524 is used:
The controller for the setpoint R5524 is a PI controller. For calculation of the control
value C5523 of the controller, the parameters Kp S5527 and Tn S5528 are used.
Depending on the version of the hardware, it is necessary to adapt these two param-
➢ After switching into the 'flushing' status the controller of the discharge pressure
and the pressure monitoring are activated after elapsing a delay of 30 seconds.
➢ In the 'flushing' status, the setpoint R5531 is used:
The controller for the setpoint R5524 is a PI controller. For calculation of the control
value C5523 of the controller, the parameters Kp S5527 and Tn S5528 are used.
Depending on the version of the hardware, it is necessary to adapt these two param-
➢ The control value of the proportional valve C5523 actuates the proportional valve.
➢ If the display value C5522 exceeds the limit value H5530 in 'product' and 'flushing'
statuses an alarm is triggered, see section 4.32.

3.49 "Safe switch off" function

Call-up: the function is carried out via hardware and is therefore always active.
Objective: Decanter safe switch off
Variables used:
• D1112: signal overspeed, digital, PID: 10-9-051/SZHH
• D1139: safe torque off bowl, digital
• D1140: safe torque off secondary motor, digital
• D1308: signal bearing temperature liquid side stage 2, digital, PID: 10-9-
• D1318: signal bearing temperature solids side stage 2, digital, PID: 10-9-
• D1343: Signal vibration solids side stage 2, digital, PID: 10-9-022/VZHH
• D1344: Signal vibration liquid side stage 2, digital, PID: 10-9-012/VZHH
• D1353: Emergency stop, digital, PID: 10-9-056/HZ
• D1901: LS oil gear, digital, PID: 10-9-031/B1, device: L
• D2504: release chamber, pre-flushing & pressure OK (hardware), digital
The function monitors the signals Emergency stop (D1353), overspeed (D1112),
bearing temperature liquid side (D1308), bearing temperature solids side (D1318),

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vibration solids side (D1343), vibration liquid side (D1344), level oil gear (D1901),
release chamber, pre-flushing and pressure OK (D2504). Once a signal is tripped, a
safe switch off is initiated:
➢ Bowl drive switched off safely by deactivating the output D1139, see section 9.8.3.
➢ Secondary drive switched off safely by deactivating the output D1140, see section
Safe torque off means: The Performance Level of the entire measurement chain and
switch-off need to be equal or better than the required Performance Level which was
determined in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1. GEA has determined Performance
Level C.

3.50 "Safe monitoring of emergency stop circuit" function

Call-up: the function is carried out via hardware and is therefore always active.
Objective: monitoring of the emergency stop circuit, safe switch off.
Variables used:
• D1353: Emergency stop, digital, PID: 10-9-056/HZ
If the emergency stop circuit D1353 is interrupted, these steps will follow:
➢ Safe switch off is initiated, see "Safe switch off" function, section 3.49.
➢ Triggering of an alarm, see section Emergency stop alarm, section 4.1.
The alarm Emergency stop alarm, section 4.1 is deleted if
• the emergency stop circuit is closed again and
• the corresponding alarm message has been acknowledged by the user, see sec-
tion 3.9.1.

3.51 "Safe monitoring inertisation" function

Call-up: the function is implemented in hardware and is therefore always active.
Objective: Safe monitoring of the pressure in the release chamber, safe monitoring
of gas supply during pre flushing, safe interlocking.
Variables used:
• D2503: flow low, release chamber, digital, PID: 20-9-212/FZL/FSL, dimension
drawing: "N4"
• D2504: release chamber, pre-flushing & pressure OK (hardware), digital
• D2509: pressure release chamber low stage 2, digital, PID: 20-9-222/PZLL
• T2516: pre-flushing time release chamber (hardware), 1440 sec
• L2525: Low pressure stage 2 (hardware), release chamber, 35 mbar, PID: 20-9-
• T2528: Delay alarm (hardware) low pressure, release chamber, 60 sec
• L2536: min. flow pre-flushing release chamber, 13000 Nl/h, PID: 20-9-
• D2538: start impulse, blanketing, digital
• D2539: stop impulse, blanketing, digital
After the main switch is pressed, the signal D2504 is deactivated. As long as the
signal D2504 is deactivated, the decanter remains switched off safely, see "Safe
switch off" function, section 3.49.
The setpoint D2503 at the flowmeter is set to the value L2536 by hardware.

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The setpoint D2509 at the pressure switch is set to the value L2525 with a delay time
T2528 by hardware.
The monitoring of the pre-flushing is activated when a start impulse is given via the
signal D2538 by the "Switching into the status: Inertisation" function, section 3.12.
➢ Afterwards the signal D2504 is activated by the circuid if for a time T2516 both
signals D2503 and D2509 have indicated continuously that both flow and pressure
were over the limits.
The pre-flushing time T2516 is to be determined and set by the operator according
the manual for the inert gas supply unit.
➢ After the signal D2504 was activated by the circuit only the signal D2509 is mon-
itored furthermore by the circuit. If this is falling, then the sircuit deactivates the
signal D2504 and safe switch off is initiated, see "Safe switch off" function, section
➢ The circuit is if the control unit sends outputs a stop impulse via signal D2539. The
circuit then deactivates the signal D2504; for a new activation a start impulse and
pre-flushing is required again as described before.

3.52 "Measurement of blanketing and sealing pressures" function

Call-up via function:
• "Control unit start" function, section 3.1
Objective: Measring the pressures and monitoring the sensors.

Fig. 14

Variables used:
• C2510: pressure release chamber, in mbar, PID: 20-9-222/PI
• C2511: pressure sealing chamber solids side, in mbar, PID: 20-9-243/PI
• C2512: pressure sealing chamber liquid side bowl, in mbar, PID: 20-9-244/PI
• C2513: pressure sealing chamber liquid side feed tube, in mbar, PID: 20-9-245/PI
The display value C2510 is delivered by the interface 9.2.38.

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➢ The value is added to the display, see section 8.3.76.

➢ If the measuring detects a wire break an alarm is triggered, see section 4.13.
The display value C2511 is delivered by the interface 9.2.39.
➢ The value is added to the display, see section 8.3.77.
➢ If the measuring detects a wire break an alarm is triggered, see section 4.14.
The display value C2512 is delivered by the interface 9.2.40.
➢ The value is added to the display, see section 8.3.78.
➢ If the measuring detects a wire break an alarm is triggered, see section 4.15.
The display value C2513 is delivered by the interface 9.2.41.
➢ The value is added to the display, see section 8.3.79.
➢ If the measuring detects a wire break an alarm is triggered, see section 4.16.

3.53 "Monitoring blanketing" function

Call-up via function:
• "Switching into the status: Inertisation" function, section 3.12
Objective: Monitoring the pressures in the sealing chambers.
Variables used:
• C2511: pressure sealing chamber solids side, in mbar, PID: 20-9-243/PI
• C2512: pressure sealing chamber liquid side bowl, in mbar, PID: 20-9-244/PI
• C2513: pressure sealing chamber liquid side feed tube, in mbar, PID: 20-9-245/PI
• S2529: Set pressure sealing chamber, 150 mbar, PID: 20-7-231/-232/-233/PI set
• L2530: Low pressure sealing chamber, 120 mbar, PID: 20-9-243/-244/-245/PAL
• T2531: Delay warning low pressure sealing chamber, 30 sec
• T2532: Delay alarm low pressure sealing chamber, 60 sec
The pressures in the sealing chambers are monitored. If a sensor signals a failed
pressure, a warning message is issued, followed by an alarm.
The pressures in the sealing chambers are set to the value S2529. This increased
pressure prevents the penetration of liquids or impurities into the bowl bearings.
➢ If the display value C2511 falls below the limit value L2530 for a period longer
than T2531, a warning is issued, see section 8.5.36.
➢ If the display value C2511 falls below the limit value L2530 for a period longer
than T2532 an alarm is triggered, see section 4.10.
➢ If the display value C2512 falls below the limit value L2530 for a period longer
than T2531, a warning is issued, see section 8.5.38.
➢ If the display value C2512 falls below the limit value L2530 for a period longer
than T2532 an alarm is triggered, see section 4.11.
➢ If the display value C2513 falls below the limit value L2530 for a period longer
than T2531, a warning is issued, see section 8.5.40.
➢ If the display value C2513 falls below the limit value L2530 for a period longer
than T2532 an alarm is triggered, see section 4.12.

3.54 "Monitoring pre-flushing and post-flushing" function

Call-up via function:
• "Switching into the status: Inertisation" function, section 3.12

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Objective: Monitoring of the gas supply during inerting and during start up of the
Variables used:
• T1122: Decanter startup, 450 sec
• D2503: flow low, release chamber, digital, PID: 20-9-212/FZL/FSL, dimension
drawing: "N4"
• D2504: release chamber, pre-flushing & pressure OK (hardware), digital
• D2509: pressure release chamber low stage 2, digital, PID: 20-9-222/PZLL
• T2517: pre-flushing time release chamber (software), 1470 sec
• T2521: Delay stage 1, release chamber, 5 sec
• L2524: Low pressure stage 2 (software), release chamber, 40 mbar, PID: 20-9-
• L2525: Low pressure stage 2 (hardware), release chamber, 35 mbar, PID: 20-9-
• T2527: Delay alarm low pressure, release chamber, 60 sec
• T2528: Delay alarm (hardware) low pressure, release chamber, 60 sec
• L2536: min. flow pre-flushing release chamber, 13000 Nl/h, PID: 20-9-
• D2537: YS ignition shield gas shut off, digital, PID: 20-7-201
• D2543: pressure release chamber low stage 2, digital, PID: 20-9-222/PALL
• T2545: Delay alarm difference hardware/software pre-flushing time, 60 sec
For the runtime of the function the pressure in the release chamber is monitored
• The switching point D2543 at the pressuremeter is set to the value L2524 by hard-
➢ If the signal D2543 indicates a time longer than T2527 an undershooting of the
limit L2524 an alarm is issued, see section 4.9. See section 3.9 for conditions for
acknowledging and clearing this alarm.
• The switching point D2509 at the pressuremeter is set to the value L2525 with a
delay time T2528 by hardware.
➢ If the signal D2509 indicates an undershooting of the pressure limit then the igni-
tion shield gas is shut off by signal D2537 and an alarm is issued, see section 4.7.
See section 3.9 and 3.9.2 for conditions for acknowledging and clearing this alarm.
The switching point D2503 at the flowmeter is set to the value L2536 by hardware.
➢ On start of the function the timer T2517 is started.
➢ If the signal D2503 indicates an undershooting of the limit L2536 while the timer
is running, an alarm is issued, see section 4.5. See section 3.9 and 3.9.2 for con-
ditions for acknowledging and clearing this alarm.
Additionally the time difference between the hardware release (indicated via signal
D2504) and the expiry of the software timer T2517 is determined.
➢ The hardware release may come before or after the expiry of the software timer,
but the time difference must not exceed T2545, otherwise an alarm is issued, see
Alarm difference hardware/software, pre-flushing time, section 4.6. See section
3.9 for conditions for acknowledging and clearing this alarm.
The function is terminated when the startup is completed, recognizable by the timer

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3.55 "Monitoring pressure drop blanketing and forced flushing" function

Call-up via function:
• "Switching into the status: startup" function, section 3.13
Objective: Monitoring the pressure superposition in the product space. Reaction on
falling pressure.
Variables used:
• D2500: YS ignition shield gas pre-flushing, release chamber, digital, PID: 20-7-
213, dimension drawing: "N4"
• D2509: pressure release chamber low stage 2, digital, PID: 20-9-222/PZLL
• C2510: pressure release chamber, in mbar, PID: 20-9-222/PI
• S2518: Set pressure release chamber, 60 mbar, PID: 20-7-211/PI set 20-9-222
• L2524: Low pressure stage 2 (software), release chamber, 40 mbar, PID: 20-9-
• T2526: Delay warning low pressure, release chamber, 30 sec
• T2527: Delay alarm low pressure, release chamber, 60 sec
• L2534: trigger pressure forced flushing, release chamber, 47 mbar, PID: 20-9-
• D2537: YS ignition shield gas shut off, digital, PID: 20-7-201
• D2543: pressure release chamber low stage 2, digital, PID: 20-9-222/PALL
• H2547: Upper limit forced flushings per hour, 10 , PID: 20-9-222/PALR
• H2552: stop pressure forced flushing, release chamber, 60 mbar, PID: 20-9-
The pressure in the release chamber is adjusted to the value S2518 mechanically.
The function monitors the pressure in the release chamber in direction of falling pres-
➢ If the signal D2509 indicates an undershooting of the pressure limit then the igni-
tion shield gas is shut off by signal D2537 and an alarm is issued, see section 4.7.
See section 3.9 and 3.9.2 for conditions for acknowledging and clearing this alarm.
➢ If the signal D2543 indicates a time longer than T2527 an undershooting of the
limit L2524 an alarm is issued, see section 4.9. See section 3.9 for conditions for
acknowledging and clearing this alarm.
When the pressure drops, a forced flushing is carried out before reaching the alarm
➢ If the display value C2510 falls below the limit value L2534, then the pre-flushing
valve is opened via the output D2500 and the timer T2526 is started.
➢ If the display value C2510 exceeds the limit H2552 during the runtime of T2526
again, then output D2500 is deactivated and timer T2526 is terminated, otherwise
the pre-flushing valve is closed when the timer ends.
➢ If the display value C2510 has not exceeded the limit value L2534 at the end of
the timer T2526 then a warning is issued, see section 8.5.31.
➢ If the forced flushing is triggered more than H2547 times an hour, a further warning
is issued, see section 8.5.30.

3.56 "Monitoring pressure rise blanketing and forced venting" function

Call-up via function:
• "Switching into the status: Inertisation" function, section 3.12

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Objective: Monitoring the pressure superposition in the product space. Reaction on

rising pressure.
Variables used:
• D2501: YS exhaust, release chamber, digital, PID: 20-7-214, dimension drawing:
• C2510: pressure release chamber, in mbar, PID: 20-9-222/PI
• S2518: Set pressure release chamber, 60 mbar, PID: 20-7-211/PI set 20-9-222
• H2519: Overpressure stage 1, release chamber, 80 mbar, PID: 20-9-222/PAH
• H2520: Overpressure stage 2, release chamber, 100 mbar, PID: 20-9-222/PAHH
• T2522: Timer forced venting, release chamber, 30 sec
• T2523: Delay stage 2, release chamber, 30 sec
• H2533: trigger pressure forced venting, release chamber, 80 mbar, PID: 20-9-
• H2546: Upper limit forced ventings per hour, 10 , PID: 20-9-222/PAHR
• L2551: stop pressure forced venting, release chamber, 60 mbar, PID: 20-9-
The pressure in the release chamber is adjusted to the value S2518 mechanically.
The function monitors the pressure in the release chamber in direction of rising pres-
➢ If the display value C2510 exceeds the limit value H2520 for a period longer than
T2523 an alarm is triggered (see section 4.8. See section 3.9 for conditions for
acknowledging and clearing this alarm.
When the pressure increases, a forced venting is carried out before reaching the
alarm value:
➢ If the display value C2510 exceeds the limit value H2533 then the exhaust valve
is opened via output D2501 and the timer T2522 is started.
➢ If the display value C2510 falls below the limit L2551 during the running time of
T2522, output D2501 is deactivated and timer T2522 is terminated.
➢ After expiry of T2522 the output D2501 is deactivated and the venting valve is
➢ If the display value C2510 still exceeds the limit value H2519 after expiry of the
timer T2522 then a warning is issued, see section 8.5.32.
➢ If the forced venting is triggerd more than H2546 times an hour, a further warning
is issued, see section 8.5.33.

3.57 "Deactivate blanketing and its monitoring" function

Call-up via function:
• "Switching into the status: Off" function, section 3.10
Objective: to terminate blanketing and the corresponding monitoring
Variables used:
• D2537: YS ignition shield gas shut off, digital, PID: 20-7-201
• D2537: YS ignition shield gas shut off, digital, PID: 20-7-201
• D2537: YS ignition shield gas shut off, digital, PID: 20-7-201
• D2539: stop impulse, blanketing, digital
➢ The "Monitoring blanketing" function, section 3.53 is terminated if it is active.

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➢ The "Monitoring pre-flushing and post-flushing" function, section 3.54 is termi-

nated if it is active.
➢ The "Monitoring pressure drop blanketing and forced flushing" function, section
3.55 is terminated if it is active.
➢ The "Monitoring pressure rise blanketing and forced venting" function, section
3.56 is terminated if it is active.
➢ The gas supply valve is closed by the signal D2537.
➢ The pre-flushing valve is closed via the output D2500.
➢ The exhaust valve is closed by the signal D2501.
➢ A stop impulse is sent via the signal D2539 for one second. Thereby the hardware
circuit for monitoring the pre-flushing is reset, see section 3.51.

3.58 "Safe monitoring of bowl speed" function

Call-up: The function is carried out via hardware and is therefore always active.
Objective: monitoring of the bowl speed, safe switch off.
Variables used:
• D1101: SE bowl, digital, PID: 10-9-051/B1, device: C
• S1151: bowl pulse, 2
• H1111: overspeed, 4305 rpm, PID: 10-9-051/SAH/SZHH
• D1112: signal overspeed, digital, PID: 10-9-051/SZHH
A device measures the speed of the bowl.
This is done by evaluating the pulses of signal D1101 coming from the interface 9.12.
If the bowl speed exceeds the value H1111, these steps will follow:
➢ The Signal D1112 is activated.
➢ Safe switch off is initiated, see "Safe switch off" function, section 3.49.
➢ Issue an alarm, see section Alarm: SZHH bowl speed, section 4.33.
The Alarm: SZHH bowl speed, section 4.33 is deleted if
• the signal D1112 indicates the bowl speed is below the limit value H1111 and
• the corresponding alarm message has been acknowledged by the user.

3.59 "Measurement and monitoring of bowl speed" function

Call-up via function:
• "Control unit start" function, section 3.1
Objective: the bowl speed is measured; warnings or alarms are triggered.
Variables used:
• D1101: SE bowl, digital, PID: 10-9-051/B1, device: C
• C1106: bowl speed, in rpm, PID: 10-9-051/SI
• H1111: overspeed, 4305 rpm, PID: 10-9-051/SAH/SZHH
• L1114: Bowl VFD, minimum frequency, 2 Hz
• S1117: maximum permissible bowl speed, 4100 rpm
• S1118: Bowl VFD, frequency at maximum permissible speed, 56.2 Hz
• T1122: Decanter startup, 450 sec
• C1127: bowl drive variable, in %

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• S1151: bowl pulse, 2

• S1156: speed measurement, measuring range minimum value, 40 rpm
• C1163: underspeed, in rpm, PID: 10-9-051/SAL
The speed of the bowl is determined by evaluating signal D1101.
The signal D1101 is coming from the interface 9.2.17.
To determine the speed, the impulses are counted in a sliding time window (10 s)
and the value S1151 is then used to calculate a speed measured value.
If this speed measured value is below the value S1156, it is set to zero.
The direction of rotation cannot be determined with this measurement. The positive
direction for speeds is defined by the direction assigned to the bowl drive in the di-
mension sheet. Speeds with this direction are signed positive.
This calculated speed is not output directly, but is provided in the form of a moving
average over a period of 10 seconds as measured value C1106.
➢ The value is added to the display, see section 8.3.1.
➢ The value is used for calculating the differential speed.
➢ If the absolute value of the bowlspeed exceeds the limit value H1111, an alarm is
triggered, see section Alarm: SAH bowl speed, section 4.34.
➢ If the absolute value of the bowlspeed falls by a mechanical or electrical defect to
zero, an alarm is triggered, see section Alarm: SAH bowl speed, section 4.34.
➢ The limit value C1163 is calculated as a function of the actual control point C1127
of the bowl drive:
𝐶1127 𝑆1117
𝐶1163 = ((𝑆1118 − 𝐿1114) ∙ + 𝐿1114) ∙ − 100 rpm
100% 𝑆1118

➢ If the limit value C1163 is undershoot for a time longer than 5 s just when the timer
T1122 has elapsed, an alarm is triggered, see section Alarm: SAL bowl speed
startup, section 4.35.
➢ If the limit value C1163 is undershoot for a time longer than 5 s, a warning is
issued while the condition is met in the 'flushing' status, see section Operating
unit, warning/alarm message display: SAL bowl speed, section 8.5.5.
➢ If the limit value C1163 is undershoot for a time longer than 5 s, an alarm is trig-
gered in the 'operation' and 'product' statuses, see section Alarm: SAL bowl
speed, section 4.36.
The limit value C1163 is also queried from the "Implement flushing sequence" func-
tion, section 3.70 in some situations.
The Alarm: SAH bowl speed, section 4.34 is deleted if
• the bowl speed C1106 is below the limit value H1111 and
• the corresponding alarm message has been acknowledged by the user.
The alarms regarding to low speed are deleted if
• the bowl speed C1106 is above the value C1163 and
• the corresponding alarm messages have been acknowledged by the user.

3.60 "Measurement of gearbox input speed" function

Call-up via function:
• "Control unit start" function, section 3.1
Objective: to measure the speed of the gearbox input shaft.

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Variables used:
• D1102: SE gear input, digital, PID: 10-9-052/B1, device: B
• S1156: speed measurement, measuring range minimum value, 40 rpm
• S1152: gear input pulse, 2
• C1108: input speed, in rpm, PID: 10-9-052/SI
The speed of the input shaft is determined by evaluating signal D1102.
The signal D1102 is coming from the interface 9.2.18.
To determine the speed, the impulses are counted in a sliding time window (10 s)
and the value S1152 is then used to calculate a speed measured value.
If the absolute value of the measured speed is below the value S1156, it is set to
The direction of rotation cannot be determined with this measurement. The positive
direction for speeds is defined by the direction assigned to the bowl drive in the di-
mension sheet. Speeds with this direction are signed positive.
The direction of the secondary drive is given in the dimension sheet, the measured
speed of the input shaft is signed negative.
The calculated speed is not output directly, but in the form of a moving average over
a period of 10 seconds as measured value C1108.
➢ The value is added to the display, see section 8.3.2.
➢ If the absolute value of the speed falls by a mechanical or electrical defect to zero,
an alarm is triggered, see section Alarm: SAL differential speed, section 4.39.
➢ The value is used for calculating the differential speed.

3.61 "Calculation and monitoring of differential speed" function

Call-up via function:
• "Control unit start" function, section 3.1
Objective: to calculate the differential speed between scroll and bowl.
Variables used:
• C1106: bowl speed, in rpm, PID: 10-9-051/SI
• C1108: input speed, in rpm, PID: 10-9-052/SI
• S1262: gear ratio bowl (iT), -627
• S1264: gear ratio input (iE), -72.7
• C1105: differential speed, in rpm, PID: 10-9-058/SDI
• L1113: minimum differential speed, limit value, 0.5 rpm, PID: 10-9-058/SDAL
• T1168: delay alarm minimum differential speed, 5 sec
The differential speed is always calculated using the following formula:
𝐶1108 𝐶1106
𝐶1105 = +
𝑆1264 𝑆1262
The calculated value is not adopted directly, but a moving average is formed taken
from the last 10 seconds.
The differential speed C1105 is monitored as follows:
➢ In the statuses 'operation', 'product' and 'flushing', if the differential speed C1105
undershoots the limit value L1113 for a time longer than T1168, an alarm is trig-
gered, see section Alarm: SAL differential speed, section 4.39.
The alarm is deleted if

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• the differential speed C1105 is above the limit value L1113 and
• the corresponding alarm message has been acknowledged by the user.

3.62 "Measurement and monitoring of scroll torque" function

Call-up via function:
• "Control unit start" function, section 3.1
Objective: the torque between scroll and bowl is determined, warnings or alarms are
Variables used:
• C1271: torque secondary motor, in %
• H1251: stage 1 torque, 90 %, PID: JAH
• H1253: stage 2 torque, 110 %, PID: JAHH
• H1274: stage 3 torque, 120 %, PID: JAHHH
• T1252: delay stage 1 torque, 5 sec
• T1254: delay stage 2 torque, 1 sec
• T1275: delay stage 3 torque, 1 sec
• S1260: Torque suppression, 0 %
• S1261: Decanter factor, 1.00
• C1265: torque display, in %, PID: JI
• C1276: Gearbox overload counter
The control unit receives the current torque of the secondary motor via the interface
Control cabinet <=> control unit: secondary drive, feedback torque, section 9.2.15.
This interface also reports any wire breakages.
The displayed torque C1265 is calculated according to the following formulas de-
pending on the level of this torque C1271:
𝐶1271 · 𝑆1261 ≤ 𝑆1260 : 𝐶1265 = 0

𝑆1260 < 𝐶1271 · 𝑆1261 𝐶1265 = 𝐶1271 · 𝑆1261 −

: (100−𝐶1271·𝑆1261)·𝑆1260
≤ 100

𝐶1271 · 𝑆1261 > 100 : 𝐶1265 = 𝐶1271 · 𝑆1261

➢ The value is added to the display, see section 8.3.33.

➢ The value is used for controlling the scroll torque, see section 3.63.
➢ If the limit value H1251 is exceeded for a period longer than T1252, an alarm is
triggered, see section 4.40.
➢ If the limit value H1253 is exceeded for a period longer than T1254, an alarm is
triggered, see section 4.41.
➢ If the limit value H1274 is exceeded for a period longer than T1275, an alarm is
triggered, see section 4.42.
➢ If the torque C1265 exceeds the value 100% the counter C1276 is increased as
follows (t=step time in s):
𝐶1276 = 𝐶1276 + (𝐶1265 − 100%)2 · 𝑡

➢ If the torque C1265 is below 100% and the counter C1276 is greater than zero
then the counter C1276 is reduced by the threefold steptime t:

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𝐶1276 = 𝐶1276 − 3 · 𝑡

➢ The max value of counter C1276 is limited to 6003

➢ If the counter C1276 exceeds the value 3000, a warning is triggered, see section
➢ If the counter C1276 exceeds the value 6000, an alarm is triggered, see section
➢ If the measuring detects a wire break an alarm is triggered, see section 4.44.
The various alarms are deleted if
• the torque C1265 lies below the limit value H1251, the counter C1265 lies below
6000 or a wire breakage is no longer present and
• the corresponding alarm message has been acknowledged by the user.

3.63 "Differential speed control" function

Call-up via function:
• "Switching into the status: startup" function, section 3.13
Objective: The controller adjusts the differential speed between scroll and bowl de-
pending on the current torque. At status 'flushing sequence' the differential speed
control is deactivated, and a constant speed setpoint for the secondary drive is ap-
plied instead.
Variables used:
• S1143: minimum differential speed, 1 rpm
• R1256: Basic differential speed, 2 rpm
• S1144: maximum differential speed, 17 rpm
• R1257: Control begin, 30 %
• R1258: Control gradient, 10 %
• R1259: Delay time, 10 sec, minimum value: 2 sec
• H1251: stage 1 torque, 90 %, PID: JAH
• C1265: torque display, in %, PID: JI
• C1105: differential speed, in rpm, PID: 10-9-058/SDI
• C1150: maximum differential speed for actual bowl speed, in rpm
• C1148: gear input speed for basic differential speed, in rpm
• C1149: gear input speed for differential speed C1150, in rpm
• C1161: scroll drive variable for basic differential speed, in %
• C1162: scroll drive variable for differential speed C1150, in %
• C1109: scroll drive variable, in %
• C1106: bowl speed, in rpm, PID: 10-9-051/SI
• C1108: input speed, in rpm, PID: 10-9-052/SI
• S1262: gear ratio bowl (iT), -627
• S1264: gear ratio input (iE), -72.7
• S1119: Scroll VFD, minimum frequency, 10 Hz
• S1120: Scroll VFD, maximum frequency, 60 Hz

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• S3413: secondary motor CIP frequency, 50 Hz

The control point C1109 has a value range of 0-100% and is the speed specification
for the secondary drive. The direction of action between the control point and differ-
ential speed is defined so that the differential speed has a small value with
C1109=0% and a large value with C1109=100%
If the current torque C1265 is below the value for the set control begin R1257 the
control seeks to achieve the basic differential speed R1256.
If a torque C1265 occurs during operation that is above the set control begin R1257,
the control increases the differential speed.
The greater the control gradient R1258 the greater the amount by which the control
increases the speed.
The control is carried out in the following steps:
➢ First of all, a calculation is carried out to determine the maximum differential speed
C1150 which can be achieved at the actual bowl speed. The most recently output
control point C1109_L is used therefore. Set C1109_L to zero during first cycle:

( C1109_L ∗ C1108) − C1108
S1119 + (S1120 − S1119) ∗
C1150 = C1105 + 100
➢ If C1150 is bigger than S1144, it is set: C1150= S1144
➢ Then is determined which speeds C1148 and C1149 the gear box input shaft has
to adopt for the differential speeds R1256 and C1150 to be reached:
𝐶1148 = 𝑆1264 · (𝑅1256 − )
𝐶1149 = 𝑆1264 · (𝐶1150 − )
➢ Next, the control points C1161 and C1162 belonging to these speeds are pro-
jected proportionally using the most recently output control point C1109_L and the
other data of the setting area:

C1148 100
𝐶1161 = C1108
∗ S1120 − S1119 ∗
S1120 − S1119
S1119 S1120 − S1119 C1109_L
+ ∗
( S1120 S1120 100 ) )

C1149 100
𝐶1162 = C1108
∗ S1120 − S1119 ∗
S1120 − S1119
S1119 S1120 − S1119 C1109_L
+ ∗
(( S1120 S1120 100 ) )
➢ If the torque C1265 lies below the control begin R1257, the following is set: new
control point C1109_N = C1161
➢ If the torque lies above the control begin R1257, the following is set: C1109_N =
C1161 + (C1265 – R1257) • R1258 • 0.085
➢ The following is set in the 'flushing sequence' status regardless of the torque:
𝑆3413 − 𝑆1119
𝐶1109_𝑁 = ∗ 100
𝑆1120 − 𝑆1119
➢ If C1109_N is bigger than C1162, then C1109_N is set to C1162.
The new control point is not passed on by the controller directly. Damping is carried
out beforehand with the delay time to prevent sudden changes:
➢ C1109 = C1109_L + (C1109_N - C1109_L) / R1259

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Functions BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

The controller timing is influenced with the help of the delay time R1259. A long delay
time leads to a slow reaction of the controller.
If the control function is executed multiple times per second in the control unit (with
frequency f), the term R1259 should be replaced by (R1259·f) in the above-men-
tioned formula, in which f shall be given as numerical value in Hz without the unit.
➢ If the control point C1109 obtained in this way exceeds the value range 0…100%,
it is set to the nearest upper range value (0% or 100%).
➢ The control point C1109 is then output on the control cabinet via the interface
Control cabinet <=> control unit: secondary drive, setpoint, section 9.2.12.

3.64 "Activate feed" function

Call-up via function:
"Switching into the status: product" function, section 3.16
Objective: To start product inlet
Variables used:
• D5304: activation of feed, digital, PID: 11-7-039
➢ Digital output D5304 is activated.

3.65 "Deactivate feed" function

Call-up via functions:
• "Switching into the status: Off" function, section 3.10
• "Switching into the status: Operation" function, section 3.14
• "Switching into the status: operation" function, section 3.15
• "Switching into the status: flushing" function, section 3.17
• "Switching into the status: flushing sequence" function, section 3.18
• "Switching into the status: castor" function, section 3.19
Objective: to terminate the "Activate feed" function, section 3.64.
Variables used:
• D5304: activation of feed, digital, PID: 11-7-039
➢ Digital output D5304 is deactivated.

3.66 "Open feed flushing valve" function

Call-up via functions:
• "Switching into the status: Off" function, section 3.10
• "Switching into the status: flushing" function, section 3.17
• "Implement flushing sequence" function, section 3.70
• "Switching into the status: castor" function, section 3.19
Objective: feed of flushing liquid via the feed tube
Variables used:
• D5311: Activation of feed flushing valve, digital, PID: 15-7-042
➢ The digital output D5311 is activated.
The corresponding valve and piping are not included in the scope of delivery of the
decanter centrifuge.

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3.67 "Close feed flushing valve" function

Call-up via functions:
• "Switching into the status: Off" function, section 3.10
• "Switching into the status: flushing" function, section 3.17
• "Implement flushing sequence" function, section 3.70
• "Switching into the status: flushing sequence" function, section 3.18
• "Switching into the status: castor" function, section 3.19
Objective: to terminate the "Open feed flushing valve" function, section 3.66.
Variables used:
• D5311: Activation of feed flushing valve, digital, PID: 15-7-042
➢ Digital output D5311 is deactivated.

3.68 "Activate flushing connections housing" function

Call-up via function:
• "Switching into the status: operation" function, section 3.15
Objective: feed of flushing liquid to prevent caking in the frame and in the bowl.

Fig. 15

Variables used:
• C1106: bowl speed, in rpm, PID: 10-9-051/SI
• T3101: delay, flushing feed, 5 sec
• D3240: PS feed flushing valves, digital, PID: 10-9-019/PAL
• T3241: Delay pressure low CIP feed flushing valves, 120 sec
• S3415: speed of flushing valves group 1 closed, 850 rpm
The digital outputs used for the flushing valves are described in section 9.6 "Interface
control cabinet <=> Housing flushing valves".
For every flushing connection, times are specified in which the valve for the connec-
tion is alternately opened ("pulse") and closed ("pause"). There is a separate timer
for every status. This enables the amount of flushing liquid to be optimally adjusted.
The default setpoints for these timers are listed in the separate document "set val-
The flush valves remain closed until the system is switched into a status for which
pulse/pause times are specified in the document. They are closed if a switch is car-
ried out into a status for which no pulse/pause tines are defined.
If the puls/pause times of the new status are the same as those of the status before
then pulse/pause cycle is continued evenly.
If the puls/pause times of the new status differ from those of the status before then
the new pulse/pause cycle starts with a pulse in the moment of status switch.

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The switch into the status 'flushing' is an exception. By this switch, the correspondig
valves are closed first. Only after the time on the timer T3101 has elapsed, the cycles
start with a pulse.
The flushing liquid has to be provided with sufficient pressure, that is monitored:
➢ The feed pressure for the flushing valves is monitored with a pressure switch.
After activation of the flush media for this pipe, if the signal D3240 indicates a too
low pressure for a time longer than T3241, a warning message is issued, see
section 8.5.75.
After call-up of this function the timers are started and actuate the valves listet below.
For the flushing valves of group 1 there is the additional condition that these are only
actuated if the bowl speed C1106 is bigger than the value S3415 and that they are
de-activated if the bowl speed falls below this value.
Flushing valves group 1:
• D3204: Flushing valve E1.1, digital, PID: 10-7-070
• D3206: Flushing valve E1.5, digital, PID: 10-7-011
• D3208: Flushing valve E6.1, digital, PID: 10-7-006

3.69 "Deactivate flushing connections housing" function

Call-up via functions:
• "Switching into the status: Off" function, section 3.10
• "Switching into the status: startup" function, section 3.13
Objective: to terminate feed of flushing liquid in the frame and in the bowl.
➢ The timers for the flushing connections activated in section 3.68 are terminated.
➢ The monitoring of the feed pressure for flushing valves activated in section 3.68
is stopped.

3.70 "Implement flushing sequence" function

Call-up via function:
• "Switching into the status: flushing sequence" function, section 3.18
Objective: Clean machine prior to switch-off to ensure product discharge is removed.
Variables used:
• C1106: bowl speed, in rpm, PID: 10-9-051/SI
• R3401: upper flushing speed, 1050 rpm
• C1163: underspeed, in rpm, PID: 10-9-051/SAL
• T1122: Decanter startup, 450 sec
• S3402: speed of feed flushing valve closed, 600 rpm
• R3403: lower flushing speed, 175 rpm
• T1124: castor time, 900 sec
• C3408: upper limit flushing speed, in rpm
• C1125: bowl speed target value, flushing sequence and CIP speed, in rpm
• S3404: flushing cycles, 3
• T3411: upper flushing time, 300 sec
• T3412: lower flushing time, 300 sec
• T3414: pause, 30 sec

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• S1262: gear ratio bowl (iT), -627

• S1264: gear ratio input (iE), -72.7
• S3413: secondary motor CIP frequency, 50 Hz
• C3407: bowl speed for differential speed 0.5 rpm, in rpm
• C1130: Ratio of frequency of secondary motor to input speed, in operation
• S1142: maximum bowl speed, 4100 rpm
• C1108: input speed, in rpm, PID: 10-9-052/SI
• C1162: scroll drive variable for differential speed C1150, in %
• S1119: Scroll VFD, minimum frequency, 10 Hz
• S1120: Scroll VFD, maximum frequency, 60 Hz
• D3232: flushing sequence after product pending, digital
The procedure consists of one or more flushing cycles in which the flushing liquid is
added via the feed line.
The secondary motor is operated during the entire procedure with the constant fre-
quency S3413. Depending on this frequency and on the set values for the flushing
speeds, there may come up situations in which a negative differential speed could
occur. In order to prevent this, the set values for the flushing speeds are checked.
Should a set value lead to a negative differential speed, this will not be taken, instead
of that a proper reduced value will be taken.
For determination of the limits, first of all the bowl speed is calculated at which a
differential speed of 0.5 rpm is reached for the given secondary motor frequency:
𝐶1130 · 𝑆3413
𝐶3407 = (0,5 − ) · 𝑆1262

𝐶1130 =
𝐶1162 ∙ (𝑆1120 − 𝑆1119) + 𝑆1119
The upper limit for the flushing speed C3408 is set to C3407 if the condition 0 <
C3407 < S1142 is fulfilled, otherwise it is set to S1142.
➢ If at the start of the procedure the bowl speed C1106 is above S3402 then the
feed flushing valve is activated, see section 3.66.
➢ Next the speed setpoint C1125 for the bowl drive is set to zero. It is achieved
hereby that the drive approaches the lowest possible speed.
➢ As soon as the bowl speed undershoots the speed S3402, the flushing valve is
deactivated, see section 3.67.
➢ If the bowl speed is above the lower flushing speed R3403, a pause is done until
the bowl speed falls below. If this is not a case after a time T1124 an alarm is
issued, see section Alarm: flushing sequence speed not reached, section 4.37.
➢ The timer pause T3414 is activated if the bowl speed is below the lower flushing
speed R3403.
➢ If the timer pause T3414 is not zero, the bowl drive is deactivated, see section
The flushing cycles start after the time on the timer T3414 has elapsed.
A number of S3404 flushing cycles is carried out.
Every flushing cycle consists of these program steps:
➢ The speed setpoint C1125 for the bowl drive is set to the upper flushing speed
R3401 (but maximum to the corresponding limit for the flushing speed).
➢ If the timer pause T3414 is not zero, the bowl drive is activated, see section 3.21.

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➢ Within the time T1122 the bowl speed must exceed the value C1163 otherwise an
alarm is issued, see Alarm: flushing sequence speed not reached, section 4.37.
➢ As soon as the speed set point is reached the flushing valve is activated, see
section 3.66.
➢ The timer for the upper flushing time T3411 is activated.
➢ After the time on the timer has elapsed, the speed setpoint for the bowl drive
C1125 is set to zero. It is achieved hereby that the drive approaches the lowest
possible speed, see section 3.21.
➢ As soon as the bowl speed undershoots the speed S3402, the feed flushing valve
is deactivated, see section 3.67.
➢ If the bowl speed is above the lower flushing speed R3403, a pause is done until
the bowl speed falls below. If this is not a case after a time T1124 an alarm is
issued, see section Alarm: flushing sequence speed not reached, section 4.37.
➢ As soon as the bowl speed undershoots the lower flushing speed, the lower flush-
ing time T3412 is activated and C1125 is set to the set value of the lower flushing
speed R3403, but maximum to the corresponding limit for the flushing speed. The
value is approached, see section 3.21.
➢ After the lower flushing time has elapsed, the timer pause T3414 is activated.
➢ If the timer pause T3414 is not zero, the bowl drive is deactivated, see section
A flushing cycle is terminated after the timer pause T3414 elapses.
➢ As soon as all flushing cycles have been processed, the digital value D3232 is set
to zero, which indicates that the procedure has been completed
➢ After all flushing cycles have been processed, the system is switched to status
'off', see section 2.2.

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4 Alarms

4.1 Emergency stop alarm

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Safe monitoring of emergency stop circuit"
function, section 3.50.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.2.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.2 Alarm vibrotest solids side

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Switching into the status: vibro test" func-
tion, section 3.11.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.22.

4.3 Alarm vibrotest liquid side

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Switching into the status: vibro test" func-
tion, section 3.11.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.23.

4.4 Alarm plausibility test flow/pressure

The alarm is triggered by the "Switching into the status: Inertisation" function, section
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.24.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.5 Alarm FAL/FZL release chamber

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Monitoring pre-flushing and post-flushing"
function, section 3.54.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.25.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.6 Alarm difference hardware/software, pre-flushing time

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Monitoring pre-flushing and post-flushing"
function, section 3.54.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.26.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.7 Alarm PZLL release chamber

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Monitoring pre-flushing and post-flushing"
function, section 3.54 and by the "Monitoring pressure drop blanketing and forced
flushing" function, section 3.55.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.29.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.8 Alarm PAHH blanketing release chamber

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Monitoring pressure rise blanketing and
forced venting" function, section 3.56.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.35.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

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4.9 Alarm PALL blanketing release chamber

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Monitoring pre-flushing and post-flushing"
function, section 3.54 and by the "Monitoring pressure drop blanketing and forced
flushing" function, section 3.55.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.34.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.10 Alarm PAL sealing pressure solids side

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Monitoring blanketing" function, section
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.37.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.11 Alarm PAL sealing pressure liquid side

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Monitoring blanketing" function, section
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.39.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.12 Alarm PAL sealing pressure inlet tube

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Monitoring blanketing" function, section
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.41.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.13 Alarm wire break pressure superposition housing

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Measurement of blanketing and sealing
pressures" function, section 3.52.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.42.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.14 Alarm wire break sealing pressure solids side

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Measurement of blanketing and sealing
pressures" function, section 3.52.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.43.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.15 Alarm wire break sealing pressure liquid side

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Measurement of blanketing and sealing
pressures" function, section 3.52.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.44.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.16 Alarm wire break sealing pressure inlet tube

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Measurement of blanketing and sealing
pressures" function, section 3.52.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.45.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

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4.17 Bowl motor alarm

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Activate and monitor bowl drive" function,
section 3.21.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.46.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.18 Secondary motor alarm

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Activate and monitor secondary drive"
function, section 3.25.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.47.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.19 Alarm: startup delayed

The alarm is triggered by the "Switching into the status: startup" function, section
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.3.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.20 Alarm: operation without feed

The alarm is triggered by the "Switching into the status: Operation" function, section
3.14 or the "Switching into the status: operation" function, section 3.15.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.10.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.21 Alarm: LZL oil, gearbox

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Safe monitoring of oil vessel level" func-
tion, section 3.29.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.9.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.22 Alarm: TAHH bearing, solids side

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Monitoring of temperature, bearing, solids
side" function, section 3.36.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.17.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.23 Alarm: wire break, bearing temperature, solids side

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Monitoring of temperature, bearing, solids
side" function, section 3.36.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.51.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.24 Alarm: TAHH bearing, liquid side

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Monitoring of temperature, bearing, liquid
side" function, section 3.38.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.16.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

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4.25 Alarm: wire break, bearing temperature, liquid side

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Monitoring of temperature, bearing, liquid
side" function, section 3.38.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.52.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.26 Alarm: VZHH solids side

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Safe monitoring of solids side vibrations"
function, section 3.39.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.19.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.27 Alarm: VAHH solids side

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Monitoring of solids side vibrations" func-
tion, section 3.40.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.19.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.28 Alarm: wire break, vibration, solids side

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Monitoring of solids side vibrations" func-
tion, section 3.40.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.54.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.29 Alarm: VZHH liquid side

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Safe monitoring of liquid side vibrations"
function, section 3.41.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.18.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.30 Alarm: VAHH liquid side

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Monitoring of liquid side vibrations" func-
tion, section 3.42.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.18.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.31 Alarm: wire break, vibration, liquid side

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Monitoring of liquid side vibrations" func-
tion, section 3.42.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.56.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.32 Alarm: PAH Drain pressure

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Discharge line control valve, activate
pressure controlling and monitoring" function, section 3.48.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.58.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

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4.33 Alarm: SZHH bowl speed

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Safe monitoring of bowl speed" function,
section 3.58.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.1.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.34 Alarm: SAH bowl speed

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Measurement and monitoring of bowl
speed" function, section 3.59.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.1.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.35 Alarm: SAL bowl speed startup

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Measurement and monitoring of bowl
speed" function, section 3.59.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.4.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.36 Alarm: SAL bowl speed

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Measurement and monitoring of bowl
speed" function, section 3.59.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.5.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.37 Alarm: flushing sequence speed not reached

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Implement flushing sequence" function,
section 3.70.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.14.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.38 Alarm: no production release

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Monitor production release" function, sec-
tion 3.43.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.15.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.39 Alarm: SAL differential speed

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Calculation and monitoring of differential
speed" function, section 3.61.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.6.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.40 Alarm: JAH torque

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Measurement and monitoring of scroll
torque" function, section 3.62.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.7.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

GEA Westfalia Separator Group 67

Alarms BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

4.41 Alarm: JAHH torque

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Measurement and monitoring of scroll
torque" function, section 3.62.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.8.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.42 Alarm: JAHHH torque

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Measurement and monitoring of scroll
torque" function, section 3.62.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.20.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.43 Alarm: Gearbox overload

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Measurement and monitoring of scroll
torque" function, section 3.62.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.21.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.44 Alarm: wire break, torque

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Measurement and monitoring of scroll
torque" function, section 3.62.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.60.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.45 Alarm: wire break, motor power

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Activate and monitor bowl drive" function,
section 3.21.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.61.

4.46 Alarm: LAL oil-air lubrication

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Monitoring of oil-air lubrication level" func-
tion, section 3.30.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.11.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.47 Alarm: oil pulse, oil-air lubrication, solids side

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Activate and monitor oil-air lubrication"
function, section 3.31.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.68.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

4.48 Alarm: oil pulse, oil-air lubrication, liquid side

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Activate and monitor oil-air lubrication"
function, section 3.31.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.69.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

68 GEA Westfalia Separator Group

BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23 Alarms

4.49 Alarm: oil pulse, oil-air lubrication, oil unit

The alarm is triggered and deleted by the "Activate and monitor oil-air lubrication"
function, section 3.31.
➢ The alarm is displayed, see section 8.5.70.
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table.

GEA Westfalia Separator Group 69

Limit values BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

5 Limit values

5.1 H1111: overspeed, 4305 rpm, PID: 10-9-051/SAH/SZHH

See section 8.3.3 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

5.2 L1113: minimum differential speed, limit value, 0.5 rpm, PID: 10-9-
See section 8.3.4 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

5.3 H1251: stage 1 torque, 90 %, PID: JAH

See section 8.3.19 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

5.4 H1253: stage 2 torque, 110 %, PID: JAHH

See section 8.3.21 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

5.5 H1274: stage 3 torque, 120 %, PID: JAHHH

See section 8.3.21 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

5.6 H1302: bearing temperature liquid side stage 1, 120 °C, PID: 10-9-
See section 8.3.40 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

5.7 H1304: bearing temperature liquid side stage 2, 140 °C, PID: 10-9-
See section 8.3.42 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

5.8 H1312: bearing temperature solids side stage 1, 120 °C, PID: 10-9-
See section 8.3.46 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

5.9 H1314: bearing temperature solids side stage 2, 140 °C, PID: 10-9-
See section 8.3.48 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

5.10 H1324: vibration solids side stage 1, 18 mm/s, PID: 10-9-022/VAH

See section 8.3.53 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

5.11 H1326: vibration solids side stage 2, 20 mm/s, PID: 10-9-022/VAHH

See section 8.3.55 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

5.12 H1329: vibration liquid side stage 1, 18 mm/s, PID: 10-9-012/VAH

See section 8.3.58 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

5.13 H1331: vibration liquid side stage 2, 20 mm/s, PID: 10-9-012/VAHH

See section 8.3.60 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

5.14 H2519: Overpressure stage 1, release chamber, 80 mbar, PID: 20-9-

This value is not displayed and cannot be edited.

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BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23 Limit values

5.15 H2520: Overpressure stage 2, release chamber, 100 mbar, PID: 20-9-
This value is not displayed and cannot be edited.

5.16 L2524: Low pressure stage 2 (software), release chamber, 40 mbar,

PID: 20-9-222/PALL
This value is not displayed and cannot be edited.

5.17 L2525: Low pressure stage 2 (hardware), release chamber, 35 mbar,

PID: 20-9-222/PZLL
This value is not displayed and cannot be edited.

5.18 L2530: Low pressure sealing chamber, 120 mbar, PID: 20-9-243/-244/-
This value is not displayed and cannot be edited.

5.19 H2533: trigger pressure forced venting, release chamber, 80 mbar,

PID: 20-9-222/PSH
See section 8.3.86 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

5.20 L2534: trigger pressure forced flushing, release chamber, 47 mbar,

PID: 20-9-222/PSL/PAL
See section 8.3.87 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

5.21 L2536: min. flow pre-flushing release chamber, 13000 Nl/h, PID: 20-9-
This value is not displayed and cannot be edited.

5.22 H2546: Upper limit forced ventings per hour, 10 , PID: 20-9-222/PAHR
• Minimum value: 20
See section 8.3.88 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

5.23 H2547: Upper limit forced flushings per hour, 10 , PID: 20-9-222/PALR
• Minimum value: 20
See section 8.3.89 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

5.24 H5530: pressure max. discharge, product, 4 bar, PID: 13-9-046/PAH

See section 8.3.98 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

5.25 H5532: pressure max. discharge, CIP, 4 bar, PID: 13-9-046/PAH

See section 8.3.100 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

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Settings BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

6 Settings

6.1 S1117: maximum permissible bowl speed, 4100 rpm

See section 8.3.5 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.2 S1118: Bowl VFD, frequency at maximum permissible speed, 56.2 Hz

See section 8.3.6 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.3 S1119: Scroll VFD, minimum frequency, 10 Hz

See section 8.3.7 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.4 S1120: Scroll VFD, maximum frequency, 60 Hz

See section 8.3.8 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.5 S1128: power bowl drive, upper range value of 4-20 mA signal, 55 kW
See section 8.3.13 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.6 S1141: minimum bowl speed, 1000 rpm

See section 8.3.14 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.7 S1142: maximum bowl speed, 4100 rpm

See section 8.3.15 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.8 S1143: minimum differential speed, 1 rpm

See section 8.3.16 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.9 S1144: maximum differential speed, 17 rpm

See section 8.3.17 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.10 S1146: Bowl drive, startup ramp, 420 sec

See section 8.3.18 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.11 S1255: torque secondary motor, upper range value, 150 %

See section 8.3.23 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.12 R1256: Basic differential speed, 2 rpm

• S1143: minimum differential speed, 1 rpm
• S1144: maximum differential speed, 17 rpm
See section 8.3.24 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.13 R1257: Control begin, 30 %

See section 8.3.25 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.14 R1258: Control gradient, 10 %

See section 8.3.25 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.15 R1259: Delay time, 10 sec

See section 8.3.27 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

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6.16 S1260: Torque suppression, 0 %

See section 8.3.28 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.17 S1261: Decanter factor, 1.00

See section 8.3.29 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.18 S1262: gear ratio bowl (iT), -627

See section 8.3.30 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.19 S1263: gear ratio exchangeable pulley (iW), 65.1

See section 8.3.31 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.20 S1264: gear ratio input (iE), -72.7

See section 8.3.32 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.21 S1306: Correction factor bearing temperature liquid side, 5 °C

See section 8.3.44 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.22 S1316: Correction factor bearing temperature solids side, 5 °C

See section 8.3.50 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.23 S1328: Measuring range vibration, 50 mm/s

See section 8.3.57 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.24 S2514: pressure measuring range min. value, release chamber, -100
This value is not displayed and cannot be edited.

6.25 S2515: pressure measuring range max. value, release chamber, 200
This value is not displayed and cannot be edited.

6.26 S2518: Set pressure release chamber, 60 mbar, PID: 20-7-211/PI set
This value is not displayed and cannot be edited.

6.27 S2529: Set pressure sealing chamber, 150 mbar, PID: 20-7-231/-232/-
233/PI set
This value is not displayed and cannot be edited.

6.28 S2549: pressure measuring range min. value, sealing chamber, -100
This value is not displayed and cannot be edited.

6.29 S2550: pressure measuring range max. value, sealing chamber, 200
This value is not displayed and cannot be edited.

6.30 R5524: setpoint discharge pressure during product, 1 bar

See section 8.3.93 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

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Settings BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

6.31 S5525: measuring range discharge pressure, 4 bar

See section 8.3.94 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.32 S5526: control value range discharge valve, 100 %

See section 8.3.95 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.33 S5527: PI-controller discharge pressure Kp, 0.2

See section 8.3.96 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.34 S5528: PI-controller discharge pressure Tn, 20 sec

See section 8.3.97 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

6.35 R5531: setpoint discharge pressure during flushing and CIP, 3 bar
See section 8.3.93 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

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BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23 Timer

7 Timer

7.1 T1122: Decanter startup, 450 sec

See section 8.3.9 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table, see
section 2.7.

7.2 T1123: delay time for decanter off / running idle, 1800 sec
See section 8.3.10 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table, see
section 2.10.

7.3 T1124: castor time, 900 sec

See section 8.3.11 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ A switch to the next status is carried out according to the transition table, see
section 'off' status, section 2.2.

7.4 T1168: delay alarm minimum differential speed, 5 sec

This value is not displayed and cannot be edited.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ An alarm is triggered, see section 4.39.

7.5 T1252: delay stage 1 torque, 5 sec

See section 8.3.20 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ An alarm is triggered, see section 4.40.

7.6 T1254: delay stage 2 torque, 1 sec

See section 8.3.22 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ An alarm is triggered, see section 4.41.

7.7 T1266: delay reset in statuses 'off' and 'castor', 1800 sec
See section 8.3.34 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ Counter C1268 is set to zero, see section 3.9.3.

7.8 T1267: delay reset in other statuses, 1800 sec

See section 8.3.35 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ Counter C1268 is set to zero, see section 3.9.3.

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Timer BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

7.9 T1303: delay bearing temperature liquid side stage 1, 5 sec

See section 8.3.41 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ A warning message is displayed, see section 8.5.28.

7.10 T1305: delay bearing temperature liquid side stage 2, 5 sec

See section 8.3.43 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ An alarm is triggered, see section 4.24.

7.11 T1313: delay bearing temperature solids side stage 1, 5 sec

See section 8.3.47 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ A warning message is displayed, see section 8.5.50.

7.12 T1315: delay bearing temperature solids side stage 2, 5 sec

See section 8.3.49 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ An alarm is triggered, see section 4.22.

7.13 T1321: delay vibration on, after start product, 0 sec

See section 8.3.52 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

7.14 T1347: delay vibration on, after startup, 0 sec

See section 8.3.65 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.

7.15 T1325: delay vibration solids side stage 1, 10 sec

See section 8.3.54 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ A warning message is displayed, see section 8.5.53.

7.16 T1327: delay vibration solids side stage 2, 5 sec

See section 8.3.56 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ An alarm is triggered, see section 4.27.

7.17 T1330: delay vibration liquid side stage 1, 10 sec

See section 8.3.59 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ A warning message is displayed, see section 8.5.55.

7.18 T1332: delay vibration liquid side stage 2, 5 sec

See section 8.3.61 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ An alarm is triggered, see section 4.30.

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BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23 Timer

7.19 T1511: Oil impulse pulse / startup, 10 sec

See section 8.3.66 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ Oil supply pauses, see section 3.31.

7.20 T1512: Oil impulse pause / startup, 15 sec

See section 8.3.67 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ Oil supply is started, see section 3.31.

7.21 T1513: Oil impulse pulse / after startup, 10 sec

See section 8.3.68 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ Oil supply pauses, see section 3.31.

7.22 T1514: Oil impulse pause / after startup, 50 sec

See section 8.3.69 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ Oil supply is started, see section 3.31.

7.23 T1517: prelubrication service, 3600 sec

See section 8.3.70 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ A switch to the 'off' status is carried out, see section 2.2.

7.24 T1518: minimum oil level oil+air-lubrication warning delay, 1 sec

See section 8.3.71 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ A warning message is displayed, see section 8.5.66.

7.25 T1519: minimum oil level oil+air-lubrication alarm delay, 25000 sec
See section 8.3.72 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ An alarm is triggered, see section 4.46.

7.26 T1903: minimum oil level alarm delay, 900 sec, PID: 10-9-031/LAL
See section 8.3.75 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ An alarm is triggered, see section 4.21.

7.27 T2516: pre-flushing time release chamber (hardware), 1440 sec

This value is not displayed and cannot be set in the control cabinet only.

7.28 T2517: pre-flushing time release chamber (software), 1470 sec

See section 8.3.80 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:

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Timer BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

➢ The input D2504 is checked.

7.29 T2521: Delay stage 1, release chamber, 5 sec

This value is not displayed and cannot be edited.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ A warning message is displayed, see section 8.5.

7.30 T2522: Timer forced venting, release chamber, 30 sec

See section 8.3.81 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ See 3.56.

7.31 T2523: Delay stage 2, release chamber, 30 sec

This value is not displayed and cannot be edited.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ An alarm is triggered, see section 4.8.

7.32 T2526: Delay warning low pressure, release chamber, 30 sec

See section 8.3.82 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ A warning message is displayed, see section 8.5.31.

7.33 T2527: Delay alarm low pressure, release chamber, 60 sec

See section 8.3.83 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ An alarm is triggered, see section 4.9.

7.34 T2528: Delay alarm (hardware) low pressure, release chamber, 60 sec
This value is not displayed and cannot be set in the control cabinet only.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ An alarm is triggered, see section 4.7.

7.35 T2531: Delay warning low pressure sealing chamber, 30 sec

See section 8.3.84 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ A warning message is displayed, see section

7.36 T2532: Delay alarm low pressure sealing chamber, 60 sec

See section 8.3.85 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ An alarm is triggered, see section

7.37 T2541: Timer plausibility test step 2 hardware alarm, 65 sec

This value is not displayed and cannot be edited.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ An alarm is triggered, see section 4.4.

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BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23 Timer

7.38 T2542: Timer plausibility test, 90 sec

This value is not displayed and cannot be edited.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ An alarm is triggered, see section 4.4.

7.39 T2545: Delay alarm difference hardware/software pre-flushing time, 60

This value is not displayed and cannot be edited.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ An alarm is triggered, see section 4.6.

7.40 T2548: Delay ignition shield gas shut off, 30 min

• Minimum value: 0 min
• Minimum value: 9999 min
See section 8.3.85 for how to display and edit the value and for the authorisations.
Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ The blanketing and its monitoring is deactivated.

7.41 T3101: delay, flushing feed, 5 sec

Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ Activate flushing valve, see section 3.66.
➢ The timer T3102 is started.

7.42 T3102: flushing feed, 300 sec

Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ Deactivate flushing valve, see section 3.67.

7.43 T3411: upper flushing time, 300 sec

7.44 T3412: lower flushing time, 300 sec

7.45 T3414: pause, 30 sec

Actions after the time on the timer has elapsed:
➢ Initiate the next flushing cycle, see "Implement flushing sequence" function, sec-
tion 3.70.

GEA Westfalia Separator Group 79

Human-machine interface BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

8 Human-machine interface

In order to ensure that all security aspects are covered, the access rights are classi-
fied into five user groups.
There are the following priority-based used groups:
• Ad, highest access level
• Co
• Se
• Su
• Op, lowest access level
The access rights of a superordinate group include those of its subordinate group(s)
in each case.
Depending on the hardware version, the shape and position of the display and set-
ting values may vary. The shape and position are described in the enclosed docu-

8.1 Control cabinet: main switch

8.1.1 Control cabinet: main switch

➢ When the main switch is operated, all the security functions that are implemented
via hardware are activated. The control unit is started and it begins with "Control
unit start" function, section 3.1.

8.1.2 Control cabinet: emergency stop button

The emergency stop button is integrated into the emergency stop circuit. Actions are
triggered by the "Safe monitoring of emergency stop circuit" function, section 3.50.

8.2 Operating unit: Operating elements and status display

8.2.1 Operating unit "Decanter on" button

The "Decanter on" function, section 3.2, is called up.

8.2.2 Operating unit "Decanter on" display

The "Decanter on" button contains a light. Management via "Decanter on" function,
section 3.2 and "Decanter off" function, section 3.3.

8.2.3 Operating unit "Decanter off" button

The "Decanter off" function, section 3.3, is called up.

8.2.4 Operating unit "Decanter off" display

The "Decanter off" button contains a light. Management via "Decanter on" function,
section 3.2 and "Decanter off" function, section 3.3.

8.2.5 Operating unit "Product / Flush off" button

The "Product/Flush off" function, section 3.6, is called up.

8.2.6 Operating unit "Product on" button

The "Product on" function, section 3.4, is called up.

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BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23 Human-machine interface

8.2.7 Operating unit "Flush on" button

The "Flush on" function, section 3.5, is called up.

8.2.8 Operating unit "Service" button

When the button is pressed, the "active failure" window is displayed. When the but-
ton is pressed again, the service buffer is displayed. The user can then switch be-
tween both windows by pressing the button additional times. The "Service" function,
section 3.7, is called up.
For more information, see section Operating unit, service messages display, section

8.2.9 Operating unit "Failure message" button

When the button is pressed, the failure buffer is displayed. If a current message is
present, the "active failure" window is then shown and the user can switch between
both windows by pressing the button additional times. For more information, see
section Operating unit, warning and alarm messages display, section 8.5.

8.2.10 Operating unit "Acknowledgement" button

The "Acknowledge warning and alarm messages, clear alarms" function, section 3.9,
is called up.

8.2.11 Operating unit "Oil-air lubrication, prelubrication" button

This button is only operable in status 'off'. Pressing the button alternately calls up
"Oil-air lubrication, prelubrication" function, section 3.33 and "Oil-air lubrication, can-
cellation, prelubrication" function, section 3.34.
Activation is available from user group: Su

8.2.12 Operating unit, status display

The current status is displayed.
Display is available from user group: Op

8.3 Operating unit: Settings, readings, limit values, timers

8.3.1 Operating unit, value C1106: bowl speed display

Display is available from user group: Op

8.3.2 Operating unit, value C1108: input speed display

Display is available from user group: Op

8.3.3 Operating unit, setting H1111: overspeed

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.4 Operating unit, setting L1113: minimum differential speed, limit value
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.5 Operating unit, setting S1117: maximum permissible bowl speed

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

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8.3.6 Operating unit, setting S1118: Bowl VFD, frequency at maximum

permissible speed
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.7 Operating unit, setting S1119: Scroll VFD, minimum frequency

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.8 Operating unit, setting S1120: Scroll VFD, maximum frequency

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.9 Operating unit, time value T1122: Decanter startup

Display is available from user group: Op

It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.10 Operating unit, time value T1123: delay time for decanter off / running
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.11 Operating unit, time value T1124: castor time

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.12 Operating unit, setting S1126: target percentage for bowl speed
• Entry of 0%: minimum bowl speed
• Entry of 100%: maximum bowl speed

8.3.13 Operating unit, setting S1128: power bowl drive, upper range value of
4-20 mA signal
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.14 Operating unit, setting S1141: minimum bowl speed

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.15 Operating unit, setting S1142: maximum bowl speed

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.16 Operating unit, setting S1143: minimum differential speed

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.17 Operating unit, setting S1144: maximum differential speed

Display is available from user group: Op

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It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.18 Operating unit, setting S1146: Bowl drive, startup ramp

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.19 Operating unit, limit value H1251: stage 1 torque

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.20 Operating unit, timer T1252: delay stage 1 torque

Display is available from user group: /
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Ad

8.3.21 Operating unit, limit value H1253: stage 2 torque

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.22 Operating unit, time value T1254: delay stage 2 torque

Display is available from user group: /
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Ad

8.3.23 Operating unit, setting S1255: torque secondary motor, upper range
Display is available from user group: /
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Ad

8.3.24 Operating unit, setting R1256: Basic differential speed

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Su

8.3.25 Operating unit, setting R1257: Control begin

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Su

8.3.26 Operating unit, R1258: Control gradient

Display is available from user group: Op

8.3.27 Operating unit, setting R1259: Delay time

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Su

8.3.28 Operating unit, setting S1260: Torque suppression

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.29 Operating unit, setting S1261: Decanter factor

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

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8.3.30 Operating unit, setting S1262: gear ratio bowl (iT)

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.31 Operating unit, setting S1263: gear ratio exchangeable pulley (iW)
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.32 Operating unit, setting S1264: gear ratio input (iE)

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.33 Operating unit, value C1265: torque display

Display is available from user group: Op

8.3.34 Operating unit, time value T1266: delay reset in statuses 'off' and
Display is available from user group: /
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Ad

8.3.35 Operating unit, time value T1267: delay reset in other statuses
Display is available from user group: /
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Ad

8.3.36 Operating unit, value C1270: power bowl drive display

Display is available from user group: Op

8.3.37 Operating unit, setting S1272: Torque reserve

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Su

8.3.38 Operating unit, limit value H1274: stage 3 torque

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Ad

8.3.39 Operating unit, time value T1275: delay stage 3 torque

Display is available from user group: /
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Ad

8.3.40 Operating unit, limit value H1302: bearing temperature liquid side
stage 1
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.41 Operating unit, time value T1303: delay bearing temperature liquid
side stage 1
Display is available from user group: /
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Ad

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8.3.42 Operating unit, limit value H1304: bearing temperature liquid side
stage 2
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.43 Operating unit, time value T1305: delay bearing temperature liquid
side stage 2
Display is available from user group: /
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Ad

8.3.44 Operating unit, setting S1306: Correction factor bearing temperature

liquid side
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.45 Operating unit, value C1307: liquid side temperature display

Display is available from user group: Op

8.3.46 Operating unit, limit value H1312: bearing temperature solids side
stage 1
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.47 Operating unit, time value T1313: delay bearing temperature solids
side stage 1
Display is available from user group: /
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Ad

8.3.48 Operating unit, limit value H1314: bearing temperature solids side
stage 2
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.49 Operating unit, time value T1315: delay bearing temperature solids
side stage 2
Display is available from user group: /
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Ad

8.3.50 Operating unit, setting S1316: Correction factor bearing temperature

solids side
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.51 Operating unit, value C1317: solids side temperature display

Display is available from user group: Op

8.3.52 Operating unit, time value T1321: delay vibration on, after start
Display is available from user group: Op

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It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Su

8.3.53 Operating unit, limit value H1324: vibration solids side stage 1
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.54 Operating unit, time value T1325: delay vibration solids side stage 1
Display is available from user group: /
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Ad

8.3.55 Operating unit, limit value H1326: vibration solids side stage 2
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.56 Operating unit, time value T1327: delay vibration solids side stage 2
Display is available from user group: /
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Ad

8.3.57 Operating unit, setting S1328: Measuring range vibration

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.58 Operating unit, limit value H1329: vibration liquid side stage 1
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.59 Operating unit, time value T1330: delay vibration liquid side stage 1
Display is available from user group: /
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Ad

8.3.60 Operating unit, limit value H1331: vibration liquid side stage 2
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.61 Operating unit, time value T1332: delay vibration liquid side stage 2
Display is available from user group: /
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Ad

8.3.62 Operating unit, value C1333: VT display solids side

Display is available from user group: Op

8.3.63 Operating unit, value C1334: VT display liquid side

Display is available from user group: Op

8.3.64 Operating unit, value C2257: VT display Rotodiff

Display is available from user group: Op

8.3.65 Operating unit, time value T1347: delay vibration on, after startup
Display is available from user group: Op

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It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Su

8.3.66 Operating unit, time value T1511: Oil impulse pulse / startup
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.67 Operating unit, time value T1512: Oil impulse pause / startup
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.68 Operating unit, time value T1513: Oil impulse pulse / after startup
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.69 Operating unit, time value T1514: Oil impulse pause / after startup
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.70 Operating unit, time value T1517: prelubrication service

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.71 Operating unit, time value T1518: minimum oil level oil+air-lubrication
warning delay
Display is available from user group: /
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Ad

8.3.72 Operating unit, time value T1519: minimum oil level oil+air-lubrication
alarm delay
Display is available from user group: /
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Ad

8.3.73 Operating unit, time value S1521: pulses limit 1

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.74 Operating unit, time value S1522: pulses limit 2

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.75 Operating unit, time value T1903: minimum oil level alarm delay
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Ad

8.3.76 Operating unit, value C2510: pressure release chamber display

Display is available from user group: Op

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8.3.77 Operating unit, value C2511: pressure sealing chamber solids side
Display is available from user group: Op

8.3.78 Operating unit, value C2512: pressure sealing chamber liquid side
bowl display
Display is available from user group: Op

8.3.79 Operating unit, value C2513: pressure sealing chamber liquid side
feed tube display
Display is available from user group: Op

8.3.80 Operating unit, setting T2517: pre-flushing time release chamber

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.81 Operating unit, setting T2522: Timer forced venting, release chamber
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.82 Operating unit, setting T2526: Delay warning low pressure, release
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.83 Operating unit, setting T2527: Delay alarm low pressure, release
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.84 Operating unit, setting T2531: Delay warning low pressure sealing
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.85 Operating unit, setting T2532: Delay alarm low pressure sealing
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.86 Operating unit, setting H2533: trigger pressure forced venting, release
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.87 Operating unit, setting L2534: trigger pressure forced flushing,

release chamber
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

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8.3.88 Operating unit, setting H2546: Upper limit forced ventings per hour
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.89 Operating unit, setting H2547: Upper limit forced flushings per hour
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.90 Operating unit, setting T2548: Delay ignition shield gas shut off
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.91 Operating unit, value C5522: display value discharge pressure display
Display is available from user group: Op

8.3.92 Operating unit, value C5523: control value discharge valve display
Display is available from user group: Op

8.3.93 Operating unit, setting R5524: setpoint discharge pressure during

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Su

8.3.94 Operating unit, setting S5525: measuring range discharge pressure

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.95 Operating unit, setting S5526: control value range discharge valve
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.96 Operating unit, setting S5527: PI-controller discharge pressure Kp

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.97 Operating unit, setting S5528: PI-controller discharge pressure Tn

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.98 Operating unit, setting H5530: pressure max. discharge, product

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.3.99 Operating unit, setting R5531: setpoint discharge pressure during

flushing and CIP
Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Su

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8.3.100 Operating unit, setting H5532: pressure max. discharge, CIP

Display is available from user group: Op
It is possible to carry out editing from user group: Co

8.4 Operating unit, service messages display

The following information is displayed for every message:
• Message number
• Date and time
• Status of message, e. g. 'arrived' or 'acknowledged'
• Message in plain text
Two windows are used to display the messages:
➢ In the "active failure" window, the upcoming maintenance intervals are displayed
including the number, time, date and status. When acknowledged by the user, the
message disappears from the failure window. As long as there is a message in
this window, the light for the service button flashes.
➢ Service messages that are created are written in the "failure buffer". Whenever
the state of a service message changes (arrived/gone), a new entry is made in
the service buffer.

8.5 Operating unit, warning and alarm messages display

The following information is displayed for every message:
• Message number
• Date and time
• Status of message, e. g. 'arrived' or 'acknowledged'
• Message in plain text
Lists are used to display the messages:
➢ "active alarm messages/warnings" list
➢ "alarm memory" list
The messages are acknowledged using the Operating unit "Acknowledgement" but-
ton, section 8.2.10.

8.5.1 Operating unit, alarm message display: SAH bowl speed

Message number: D000
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D000 SAH overspeed"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.2 Operating unit, alarm message display: emergency stop

Message number: D001
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D001 Emergency stop"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.3 Operating unit, alarm display: startup delayed

Message number: D006
Plain text for the message "Alarm D006 SALL bowl speed"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

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8.5.4 Operating unit, warning message display: SAL bowl speed startup
Message number: D013
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D013 bowl speed startup"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.5 Operating unit, warning/alarm message display: SAL bowl speed

Message number: D015
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D015 SAL bowl speed"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.6 Operating unit, alarm message display: SAL Differenzdrehzahl

Message number: D016
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D016 SDAL differential speed"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.7 Operating unit, alarm message display: torque stage 1

Message number: D017
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D017 JAH torque"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.8 Operating unit, alarm message display: torque stage 2

Message number: D018
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D018 JAHH torque"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.9 Operating unit, alarm display: oil level, gearbox

Message number: D020
Plain text for the message "Alarm D020 LAL oil gear / decanter stop"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.10 Operating unit, alarm display: Operation running without production

Message number: D023
Plain text for the message "Alarm D023 decanter running without product"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.11 Operating unit, alarm message display: oil level, oil-air lubrication
Message number: D024
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D024 LAL oil bearing / decanter stop"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.12 Operating unit, warning message display: pulse, oil-air lubrication,

liquid side
Message number: D004
Plain text used for the message: "Warning D004 PQAH oil liquid side"
➢ Display as described in section

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8.5.13 Operating unit, warning message display: pulse, oil-air lubrication,

solids side
Message number: D005
Plain text used for the message: "Warning D005 PQAH oil solids side"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.14 Operating unit, alarm message display: flushing sequence speed not
Message number: D028
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D028 flushing program"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.15 Operating unit, alarm message display: no production release

Message number: D029
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D029 disable production"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.16 Operating unit, alarm message display: temperature, bearing, liquid

Message number: D030
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D030 TAHH liquid side"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.17 Operating unit, alarm message display: temperature, bearing, solids

Message number: D032
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D032 TAHH solids side"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.18 Operating unit, alarm message display: vibration, liquid side

Message number: D034
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D034 VAHH vibration liquid side"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.19 Operating unit, alarm message display: vibration, solids side

Message number: D036
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D036 VAHH vibration solids side"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.20 Operating unit, alarm message display: torque stage 3

Message number: D051
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D051 JAHHH torque"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.21 Operating unit, alarm message display: gearbox overload

Message number: D052
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D052 JAHH gear overload"

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➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.22 Operating unit, alarm display: vibrotest solids side

Message number: D068
Plain text for the message "Alarm D068 vibrotest solids side"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.23 Operating unit, alarm display: vibrotest solids side

Message number: D069
Plain text for the message "Alarm D069 vibrotest liquid side"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.24 Operating unit, alarm display: Plausibility check pressure/flow release

Message number: D076
The step of the plausibility check which issued the alarm is given in the message
(step 1, 2 or 3). For step 1 the plain text is for example "Alarm D076 plausibility check
N2 flow / pressure release chamber -9-212/ -9-222 step 1"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.25 Operating unit, alarm display: Flow low release chamber

Message number: D077
Plain text for the message "Alarm D077 FAL/FZL release chamber -9-212"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.26 Operating unit, alarm display: Difference hardware/software, pre-

flushing time
Message number: D079
Plain text for the message "Alarm D079 difference hardware/ software pre-flush time
release chamber"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.27 Operating unit, alarm display: stop relais decanter

Message number: D080
Plain text for the message "Alarm D080 stop relais decanter"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.28 Operating unit, warning message display: temperature, bearing, liquid

Message number: D031
Plain text used for the message: "Warning D031 TAH liquid side"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.29 Operating unit, alarm message display: PZLL release chamber

Message number: D078
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D078 PZLL release chamber hardware -9-
222 (restart possible by standstill)"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

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8.5.30 Operating unit, warning display: PALR release chamber

Message number: D116
Plain text for the message "Warning D116 PALR release chamber -9-222"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.31 Operating unit, warning display: PAL release chamber

Message number: D117
Plain text for the message "Warning D117 PAL release chamber -9-222"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.32 Operating unit, warning display: PAH blanketing release chamber

Message number: D118
Plain text for the message "Warning D118 PAH release chamber -9-222"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.33 Operating unit, warning display: PAHR blanketing release chamber

Message number: D119
Plain text for the message "Warning D119 PAHR release chamber -9-222"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.34 Operating unit, alarm display: PALL release chamber

Message number: D120
Plain text for the message "Alarm D120 PALL release chamber -9-222"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.35 Operating unit, alarm message display: PAH blanketing release

Message number: D121
Plain text for the message "Alarm D121 PAHH release chamber -9-222"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.36 Operating unit, warning display: PAL sealing pressure solids side
Message number: D080
Plain text for the message "Warning D080 PAL sealing chamber solid side -9-243"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.37 Operating unit, alarm display: PAL sealing pressure solids side
Message number: D081
Plain text for the message "Alarm D081 PAL sealing chamber solid side -9-243"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.38 Operating unit, warning display: PAL sealing pressure liquid side
Message number: D082
Plain text for the message "Warning D082 PAL sealing chamber liquid side -9-244"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

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8.5.39 Operating unit, alarm message display: PAL sealing pressure liquid
Message number: D083
Plain text for the message "Alarm D083 PAL sealing chamber liquid side -9-244"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.40 Operating unit, warning display: PAL sealing pressure inlet tube
Message number: D084
Plain text for the message "Warning D084 PAL sealing chamber inlet pipe -9-245"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.41 Operating unit, alarm message display: PAL sealing pressure inlet
Message number: D085
Plain text for the message "Alarm D085 PAL sealing chamber inlet pipe -9-245"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.42 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break blanketing

pressure release chamber
Message number: A017
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm mA A017 PIZALAH -9-222 release chamber"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.43 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break sealing pressure
solids side
Message number: A018
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm mA A018 PSAL -9-243 pressure monitoring
sealing chamber solid side"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.44 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break sealing pressure
liquid side
Message number: A019
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm mA A019 PSAL -9-244 pressure monitoring
sealing chamber liquid side"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.45 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break sealing pressure
inlet tube
Message number: A020
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm mA A020 PSAL -9-245 pressure monitoring
sealing chamber feed tube"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.46 Operating unit, alarm display: main motor

Message number: M000
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm M000 bowl motor"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

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8.5.47 Operating unit, alarm display: secondary motor

Message number: M001
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm M001 secondary motor"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.48 Operating unit, alarm display: solids pump drive

Message number: M___
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm M___ solids pump"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.49 Operating unit, warning display: oil level, gearbox

Message number: D003
Plain text used for the message: "Warning D003 LAL oil gear"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.50 Operating unit, warning display: temperature, bearing, solids side

Message number: D033
Plain text used for the message: "Warning D033 TAH solids side"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.51 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break, temperature,

bearing, solids side
Message number: A004
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm mA A004 TI solids side"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.52 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break, temperature,

bearing, liquid side
Message number: A005
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm mA A005 TI liquid side"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.53 Operating unit, warning message display: vibration, solids side

Message number: D037
Plain text used for the message: "Warning D037 VAH vibration solids side"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.54 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break, vibration, solids
Message number: A002
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm mA A002 VI vibration solids side"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.55 Operating unit, warning message display: vibration, liquid side

Message number: D035
Plain text used for the message: "Warning D035 VAH vibration liquid side"

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➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.56 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break, vibration, liquid
Message number: A006
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm mA A006 VI vibration liquid side"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.57 Operating unit, alarm message display: failure, isolation valve

Message number: ----
Plain text used for the message: "Failure isolation valve"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.58 Operating unit, alarm message display: failure, PAH discharge

Message number: D088
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D088 PAH discharge pressure ready PSH -
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.59 Operating unit, warning message display: gearbox overload

Message number: D053
Plain text used for the message: "Warning D053 gear overload"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.60 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break, torque

Message number: A001
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm mA A001 torque"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.61 Operating unit, alarm message display: wire break, motor power
Message number: A---
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm mA A--- motor power"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.62 Operating unit, warning message display: Flushing valve E1.1

Message number: D---
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm_D--- flushing valve E1.1"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.63 Operating unit, warning message display: Flushing valve E1.5

Message number: D---
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm_D--- flushing valve E1.5"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

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8.5.64 Operating unit, warning message display: Flushing valve gas

blanketing E1.1
Message number: D---
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm_D--- flushing valve gas blanketing E1.1"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.65 Operating unit, warning message display: Flushing valve gas

blanketing E1.5
Message number: D---
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm_D--- flushing valve gas blanketing E1.5"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.66 Operating unit, warning message display: oil level, oil-air lubrication
Message number: D024
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm_D024_LAL oil air lubrication"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.67 Operating unit, warning message display: pulse, oil-air lubrication, oil
Message number: D___
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm_D____PAL oil unit"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.68 Operating unit, alarm message display: pulse, oil-air lubrication,

solids side
Message number: D027
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D027 PQAHH oil solids side"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.69 Operating unit, alarm message display: pulse, oil-air lubrication, liquid
Message number: D026
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm D026 PQAHH oil liquid side"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.70 Operating unit, alarm message display: pulse, oil-air lubrication, oil
Message number: D026
Plain text used for the message: "Alarm_D026_PAL oil unit"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.71 Operating unit, warning message display: Flushing canceled after

Message number: D104
Plain text used for the message: "Warning D104 Abort flushing after production"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

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8.5.72 Operating unit, warning message display: flushing sequence canceled

Message number: D105
Plain text used for the message: "Warning D105 Abort Decanter flushing sequence"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.73 Operating unit, warning message display: CIP without flushing

Message number: ----
Plain text used for the message: "CIP without prior flushing"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.74 Operating unit, warning message display: CIP without flushing

Message number: D115
Plain text used for the message: "Warning D115 CIP without Decanter flushing se-
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

8.5.75 Operating unit, warning message display: pressure low flushing

Message number: ----
Plain text used for the message: "PAL flushing valves"
➢ Display as described in section 8.5.

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9 Control cabinet, interfaces

The terminal assignment in the control cabinet and the cable layout are detailed in
the order-specific documentation for the control cabinet.

9.1 Power supply

For power connection, see circuit diagram for system.

9.2 Interface control cabinet <=> control unit

9.2.1 Control cabinet <=> control unit: decanter start/stop, external

The following signals are connected:
• D1354: decanter start, external, digital
• D1383: decanter stop, external, digital
Ouputs of the control cabinet. The signals come from the superordinate control, see
section 9.3.1. The reaction of the control unit is described there, too.

9.2.2 Control cabinet <=> control unit: product/flush start/stop, external

The following signal is connected:
• D1358: product start, external, digital
• D1385: flush start, external, digital
• D1384: product / flush / CIP stop, external, digital
Ouputs of the control cabinet. The signals come from the superordinate control, see
section 9.3.2. The reaction of the control unit is described there, too.

9.2.3 Control cabinet <=> control unit: decanter status machine

The following signals are connected:
• D1387: decanter status machine: off, digital
• D1389: decanter status machine: startup, digital
• D1390: decanter status machine: operation (alarm), digital
• D1355: decanter status machine: operation, digital
• D1391: decanter status machine: castor, digital
• D1359: decanter status machine: product, digital
• D1393: decanter status machine: flushing, digital
• D1394: decanter status machine: flushing sequence, digital
• D1398: decanter status machine: vibro test, digital
• D1399: decanter status machine: Inertisation, digital
Input of the control cabinet. The control unit outputs these signals; they are passed
to the interface 9.3.3 by the control cabinet. The operation of the signal is described
there, too.

9.2.4 Control cabinet <=> control unit: feed line valve product feed
The following signal is connected:
• D5304: activation of feed, digital, PID: 11-7-039
Input of the control cabinet The signal is passed on to the feed line valve of the
product feed, see section 9.4.

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The value is output by the "Activate feed" function, section 3.64.

9.2.5 Control cabinet <=> control unit: feed flushing valve

The following signal is connected:
• D5311: Activation of feed flushing valve, digital, PID: 15-7-042
Input of control cabinet. The control cabinet uses the signal to actuate the feed flush-
ing valve, see section 9.5.
The value is output by the "Open feed flushing valve" function, section 3.66.

9.2.6 Control cabinet <=> control unit: Housing flushing valves

The following signals are connected:
• D3208: Flushing valve E6.1, digital, PID: 10-7-006
• D3204: Flushing valve E1.1, digital, PID: 10-7-070
• D3206: Flushing valve E1.5, digital, PID: 10-7-011
Inputs of the control cabinet. The signals are passed on to the housing flushing
valves, see section 9.6.
The value is output by the "Activate flushing connections housing" function, section

9.2.7 Control cabinet <=> control unit: bowl drive, setpoint

Variables used:
• C1127: bowl drive variable, in %
• A1133: frequency setpoint bowl, in mA, PID: 10-1-001/M1
Input of the control cabinet The control unit outputs the frequency setpoint as a 4-20
mA signal.
The value range of the variable 0…100% is transferred to the 4-20 mA signal as
𝐴1133 = 4 + 16 ·
In the control cabinet, the signal is passed on to the interface Control cabinet <=>
bowl drive: Setpoint, section 9.8.1.
The value C1127 is output by the "Activate and monitor bowl drive" function, section

9.2.8 Control cabinet <=> control unit: bowl drive, start/stop

The following signal is connected:
D1131: actuating bowl, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M1
Input of the control cabinet. The control unit outputs the start/stop command as a
digital signal.
Start: The signal is set to logical "1".
Stop: The signal is set to logically "0".
In the control cabinet, the signal is passed on to the interface Control cabinet <=>
bowl drive: start/stop, section 9.8.2.
The value D1131 is output by the "Activate and monitor bowl drive" function, section

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9.2.9 Control cabinet <=> control unit: bowl drive, feedback operation
The following signal is connected:
D1132: feedback bowl, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M1
Signal logically "1" means: Drive functioning without problems
Signal logically "0" means: Fault or drive off
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the bowl drive, see Control
cabinet <=> bowl drive: feedback operation, section 9.8.4.
The value D1132 is queried by the "Activate and monitor bowl drive" function, section

9.2.10 Control cabinet <=> control unit: bowl drive, feedback power
Variables used:
C1270: power bowl drive display, in kW, PID: 10-9-041/JI

• A1110: power bowl drive, in mA, PID: 10-9-041/JI

• S1128: power bowl drive, upper range value of 4-20 mA signal, 55 kW
Output of the control cabinet. The 4-20 mA signal from the frequency converter is
output on the control unit. The control unit then calculates the power C1270 from this
signal as follows:
𝐴1110 − 4
𝐶1270 = · 𝑆1128
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the bowl drive frequency con-
verter, see Control cabinet <=> bowl drive: feedback power, section 9.8.5.
The value is queried by the "Activate and monitor bowl drive" function, section 3.21.

9.2.11 Control cabinet <=> control unit: Space heater main motor
The following signal is connected:
D1834: Space heater main motor, digital, PID: 10-1-001/H1
Input of the control cabinet. The control cabinet uses the signal to actuate the space
heater of the main motor, see section 9.9.
The value D1834 is output by the "Activate space heater main motor" function, sec-
tion 3.23.

9.2.12 Control cabinet <=> control unit: secondary drive, setpoint

Variables used:
C1109: scroll drive variable, in %
A1136: speed setpoint secondary motor, in mA, PID: 10-1-001/M2
Input of the control cabinet The control unit outputs the setpoint as a 4-20 mA signal.
The value range of the variable 0…100% is transferred to the 4-20 mA signal as
𝐴1136 = 4 + 16 ·
In the control cabinet, the signal is passed on directly to the interface Control cabinet
<=> secondary drive: Setpoint, section 9.10.1.
The value C1109 is output by the "Differential speed control" function, section 3.63.

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9.2.13 Control cabinet <=> control unit: secondary drive, start/stop

The following signal is connected:
D1134: actuating secondary motor, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M2
Input of the control cabinet. The control unit outputs the start/stop command as a
digital signal.
Start: The signal is set to logically "1".
Stop: The signal is set to logically "0".
In the control cabinet, the signal is passed on to the interface Control cabinet <=>
secondary drive: start/stop, section 9.10.2.
The value D1134 is output by the "Activate and monitor secondary drive" function,
section 3.25.

9.2.14 Control cabinet <=> control unit: secondary drive, feedback operation
The following signal is connected:
D1135: feedback secondary motor, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M2
Signal logically "1" means: Drive functioning without problems
Signal logically "0" means: Fault or drive off
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the secondary drive frequency
converter, see Control cabinet <=> secondary drive: feedback operation, section
The value D1135 is queried by the "Activate and monitor secondary drive" function,
section 3.25.

9.2.15 Control cabinet <=> control unit: secondary drive, feedback torque
Variables used:
• C1271: torque secondary motor, in %
• A1104: torque secondary motor, in mA, PID: 10-9-055/JI
• S1255: torque secondary motor, upper range value, 150 %
Output of the control cabinet. The 4-20 mA signal from the frequency converter is
output on the control unit. The control unit then calculates the torque C1271 from
this signal as follows:
𝐴1104 − 4
𝐶1271 = · 𝑆1255
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the secondary drive frequency
converter, see Control cabinet <=> secondary drive: feedback torque, section 9.10.5.
The value is queried by the "Measurement and monitoring of scroll torque" function,
section 3.62.

9.2.16 Control cabinet <=> control unit: Space heater secondary motor
The following signal is connected:
D1874: Space heater secondary motor, digital, PID: 10-1-001/H2
Input of the control cabinet. The control cabinet uses the signal to actuate the space
heater of the secondary motor, see section 9.11.
The value D1874 is output by the "Activate space heater secondary motor" function,
section 3.27.

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9.2.17 Control cabinet <=> control unit: Impulse speed bowl

The following signal is connected:
• D1101: SE bowl, digital, PID: 10-9-051/B1, device: C
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the speed sensor, see section
The value is queried by the "Measurement and monitoring of bowl speed" function,
section 3.59.

9.2.18 Control cabinet <=> control unit: Impulse speed gearing input
The following signal is connected:
• D1102: SE gear input, digital, PID: 10-9-052/B1, device: B
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the speed sensor, see section
It is output on a suitable input on the control unit. The control unit uses the signal to
calculate the speed C1108.
The value is queried by the "Measurement of gearbox input speed" function, section

9.2.19 Control cabinet <=> control unit: gear box oil vessel level
The following signal is connected:
• D1901: LS oil gear, digital, PID: 10-9-031/B1, device: L
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the level switch of the gear box
oil vessel, see section 9.12.
The value is queried by the "Safe monitoring of oil vessel level" function, section

9.2.20 Control cabinet <=> control unit: bearing temperature solids side
Variables used:
• A1311: TE solids side, PID: 10-9-021/B1, device: E
• S1316: Correction factor bearing temperature solids side, 5 °C
• C1317: solids side temperature display, in °C, PID: 10-9-021/TI
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the temperature sensor, see
section 3.35.
The control unit evaluates the signal and calculates the measured value.
The value S1316 is added to the measured value, which can be used to take into
account an offset.
Result is the display value C1317.
The value is queried by the "Monitoring of temperature, bearing, solids side" function,
section 3.36.

9.2.21 Control cabinet <=> control unit: bearing temperature liquid side
Variables used:
• A1301: TE bearing liquid side, PID: 10-9-011/B1, device: D
• S1306: Correction factor bearing temperature liquid side, 5 °C
• C1307: liquid side temperature display, in °C, PID: 10-9-011/TI
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the temperature sensor, see
section 3.37.

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The control unit evaluates the signal and calculates the measured value.
The value S1306 is added to the measured value, which can be used to take into
account an offset.
Result is the display value C1307.
The value is queried by the "Monitoring of temperature, bearing, liquid side" function,
section 3.38.

9.2.22 Control cabinet <=> control unit: oil+air lubrication oil vessel level
The following signal is connected:
• D1503: LS air/oil , digital, PID: 10-9-034/B1, device: F
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the level switch of the oil+air
lubrication, see section 9.13.
The value is queried by the "Activate and monitor oil-air lubrication" function, section

9.2.23 Control cabinet <=> control unit: pressure switch liquid side oil+air
The following signal is connected:
• D1502: PS air/oil liquid side, digital, PID: 10-9-013/B1, device: G
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the pressure switch on the
liquid side of the oil+air lubrication, see section 9.13.
The value is queried by the "Activate and monitor oil-air lubrication" function, section

9.2.24 Control cabinet <=> control unit: pressure switch solids side oil+air
The following signal is connected:
• D1501: PS air/oil solids side, digital, PID: 10-9-023/B1, device: H
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the pressure switch on the
solids side of the oil+air lubrication, see section 9.13.
The value is queried by the "Activate and monitor oil-air lubrication" function, section

9.2.25 Control cabinet <=> control unit: pressure switch oil+air lubrication
The following signal is connected:
• D1530: PS air/oil unit, digital, PID: 10-9-036/B1, device: AZ
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the pressure switch on the
oil+air lubrication unit, see section 9.13 .
The value is queried by the "Activate and monitor oil-air lubrication" function, section

9.2.26 Control cabinet <=> control unit: solenoid valve oil+air lubrication
The following signal is connected:
• D1504: YS air/oil, digital, PID: 10-7-032, device: I
Input of the control cabinet. The signal is forwarded to the solenoid valve of the oil+air
lubrication, see section 9.13.
The value is output of the "Activate and monitor oil-air lubrication" function, section

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9.2.27 Control cabinet <=> control unit: vibrations solids side

Variables used:
• C1333: VT display solids side, PID: 10-9-022/VI
• A1322: VT solids side, in mA, PID: 10-9-022/B1, device: K
• S1328: Measuring range vibration, 50 mm/s
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the vibration sensor, see sec-
tion 9.14.
The 4-20 mA signal is output on the control unit. The control unit uses this signal to
calculate the vibration value C1333.
𝐴1322 − 4
𝐶1333 = · 𝑆1328
The value is queried by the "Monitoring of solids side vibrations" function, section

9.2.28 Control cabinet <=> control unit: vibrations liquid side

Variables used:
• C1334: VT display liquid side, PID: 10-9-012/VI
• A1323: VT liquid side, in mA, PID: 10-9-012/B1, device: J
• S1328: Measuring range vibration, 50 mm/s
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the vibration sensor, see sec-
tion 9.15.
The 4-20 mA signal is output on the control unit. The control unit uses this signal to
calculate the vibration value C1334.
𝐴1323 − 4
𝐶1334 = · 𝑆1328
The value is queried by the "Monitoring of liquid side vibrations" function, section

9.2.29 Control cabinet <=> control unit: Valve, ingnition shield gas, pre-
The following signal is connected:
• D2500: YS ignition shield gas pre-flushing, release chamber, digital, PID: 20-7-
213, dimension drawing: "N4"
Input of control cabinet. The control cabinet uses this signal to actuate the valve.
The value is output by the "Switching into the status: Inertisation" function, section
3.12, "Switching into the status: startup" function, section 3.13, "Monitoring pressure
drop blanketing and forced flushing" function, section 3.55 and "Deactivate blanket-
ing and its monitoring" function, section 3.57.
Signal activated: Valve open
Signal deactivated: Valve closed
In the control cabinet, the signal is passed on to the Interface control cabinet <=>
Inert-Gas Supply Unit, section 9.7.

9.2.30 Control cabinet <=> control unit: Valve, exhaust

The following signal is connected:
• D2501: YS exhaust, release chamber, digital, PID: 20-7-214, dimension drawing:

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Input of control cabinet. The control cabinet uses this signal to actuate the valve.
The value is output by the "Switching into the status: Inertisation" function, section
3.12, "Switching into the status: startup" function, section 3.13, "Monitoring pressure
rise blanketing and forced venting" function, section 3.56 and "Deactivate blanketing
and its monitoring" function, section 3.57.
Signal activated: Valve open
Signal deactivated: Valve closed
In the control cabinet, the signal is passed on to the Interface control cabinet <=>
Inert-Gas Supply Unit, section 9.7.

9.2.31 Control cabinet <=> control unit: Automatic stop valve, ignition shield
The following signal is connected:
• D2537: YS ignition shield gas shut off, digital, PID: 20-7-201
Input of control cabinet. The control cabinet uses this signal to actuate the valve.
The value is output by the "Switching into the status: Inertisation" function, section
3.12, "Monitoring pre-flushing and post-flushing" function, section 3.54, "Monitoring
pressure drop blanketing and forced flushing" function, section 3.55 and "Deactivate
blanketing and its monitoring" function, section 3.57.
Signal activated: Valve open
Signal deactivated: Valve closed
In the control cabinet, the signal is passed on to the Interface control cabinet <=>
Inert-Gas Supply Unit, section 9.7.

9.2.32 Control cabinet <=> control unit: start impulse, blanketing

The following signal is connected:
• D2538: start impulse, blanketing, digital
Input of control cabinet.
In the control cabinet, the signal is passed on to the "Safe monitoring inertisation"
function, section 3.51.

9.2.33 Control cabinet <=> control unit: stop impulse, blanketing

The following signal is connected:
• D2539: stop impulse, blanketing, digital
Input of control cabinet.
In the control cabinet, the signal is passed on to the "Safe monitoring inertisation"
function, section 3.51.

9.2.34 Control cabinet <=> control unit: flow low, release chamber
The following signal is connected:
• D2503: flow low, release chamber, digital, PID: 20-9-212/FZL/FSL, dimension
drawing: "N4"
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from flow meter, see section 9.7.
The value is queried by the "Switching into the status: Inertisation" function, section
3.12 and "Monitoring pre-flushing and post-flushing" function, section 3.54.

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9.2.35 Control cabinet <=> control unit: pre-flushing and pressure OK,
release chamber
The following signal is connected:
• D2504: release chamber, pre-flushing & pressure OK (hardware), digital
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the "Safe monitoring inertisa-
tion" function, section 3.51.
The value is queried by the "Switching into the status: Off" function, section 3.10,
"Switching into the status: Inertisation" function, section 3.12 and "Monitoring pre-
flushing and post-flushing" function, section 3.54.

9.2.36 Control cabinet <=> control unit: pressure low PZLL, release chamber
The following signal is connected:
• D2509: pressure release chamber low stage 2, digital, PID: 20-9-222/PZLL
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from pressuremeter, see section 9.7.
The value is queried by the "Switching into the status: Inertisation" function, section
3.12 and "Monitoring pre-flushing and post-flushing" function, section 3.54.

9.2.37 Control cabinet <=> control unit: pressure low PALL, release chamber
The following signal is connected:
• D2543: pressure release chamber low stage 2, digital, PID: 20-9-222/PALL
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from pressuremeter, see section 9.7.
The value is queried by the "Switching into the status: Inertisation" function, section
3.12, "Monitoring pre-flushing and post-flushing" function, section 3.54 and "Moni-
toring pressure drop blanketing and forced flushing" function, section 3.55.

9.2.38 Control cabinet <=> control unit: pressure release chamber

Variables used:
• A2505: PT release chamber, in mA, PID: 20-9-222/B1, dimension drawing: "P4"
• C2510: pressure release chamber, in mbar, PID: 20-9-222/PI
• S2514: pressure measuring range min. value, release chamber, -100 mbar
• S2515: pressure measuring range max. value, release chamber, 200 mbar
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from pressuremeter, see section 9.7.
Output of the control cabinet. The 4-20 mA signal from the pressure sensor is output
on the control unit. The control unit then calculates the power C2510 from this signal
as follows:
𝐴2505 − 4
𝐶2510 = · (𝑆2515 − 𝑆2514) + 𝑆2514
The value is queried by the "Monitoring pressure drop blanketing and forced flush-
ing" function, section 3.55 and by the "Monitoring pressure rise blanketing and forced
venting" function, section 3.56.

9.2.39 Control cabinet <=> control unit: sealing pressure solids side
Variables used:
• A2506: PT sealing chamber solids side, in mA, PID: 20-9-243/B1, dimension
drawing: "P1"
• C2511: pressure sealing chamber solids side, in mbar, PID: 20-9-243/PI
• S2549: pressure measuring range min. value, sealing chamber, -100 mbar

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• S2550: pressure measuring range max. value, sealing chamber, 200 mbar
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from pressuremeter, see section 9.7.
Output of the control cabinet. The 4-20 mA signal from the pressure sensor is output
on the control unit. The control unit then calculates the power C2511 from this signal
as follows:
𝐴2506 − 4
𝐶2511 = · (𝑆2515 − 𝑆2514) + 𝑆2514
The value is queried by the "Monitoring blanketing" function, section 3.53.

9.2.40 Control cabinet <=> control unit: sealing pressure liquid side
Variables used:
• A2507: PT sealing chamber liquid side bowl, in mA, PID: 20-9-244/B1, dimension
drawing: "P2"
• C2512: pressure sealing chamber liquid side bowl, in mbar, PID: 20-9-244/PI
• S2549: pressure measuring range min. value, sealing chamber, -100 mbar
• S2550: pressure measuring range max. value, sealing chamber, 200 mbar
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from pressuremeter, see section 9.7.
Output of the control cabinet. The 4-20 mA signal from the pressure sensor is output
on the control unit. The control unit then calculates the power C2512 from this signal
as follows:
𝐴2507 − 4
𝐶2512 = · (𝑆2515 − 𝑆2514) + 𝑆2514
The value is queried by the "Monitoring blanketing" function, section 3.53.

9.2.41 Control cabinet <=> control unit: sealing pressure inlet tube
Variables used:
• A2508: PT sealing chamber liquid side feed tube, in mA, PID: 20-9-245/B1, di-
mension drawing: "P3"
• C2513: pressure sealing chamber liquid side feed tube, in mbar, PID: 20-9-245/PI
• S2549: pressure measuring range min. value, sealing chamber, -100 mbar
• S2550: pressure measuring range max. value, sealing chamber, 200 mbar
Output of the control cabinet. The signal comes from pressuremeter, see section 9.7.
Output of the control cabinet. The 4-20 mA signal from the pressure sensor is output
on the control unit. The control unit then calculates the power C2513 from this signal
as follows:
𝐴2508 − 4
𝐶2513 = · (𝑆2515 − 𝑆2514) + 𝑆2514
The value is queried by the "Monitoring blanketing" function, section 3.53.

9.2.42 Control cabinet <=> control unit: discharge pressure

Variables used:
• A5520: PT discharge, in mA, PID: 13-9-046/B1
• C5522: display value discharge pressure, in bar, PID: 13-9-046/PI
• S5525: measuring range discharge pressure, 4 bar
A pressure transmitter in the discharge line measures the pressure in front of the
control valve.

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Control cabinet, interfaces BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

Output of the control cabinet. The 4-20 mA signal comes from the pressure meas-
urement and is output to the control unit. The control unit calculates the pressure
𝐴5520 − 4
𝐶5522 = · 𝑆5525
The value is queried by the "Discharge line control valve, activate pressure control-
ling and monitoring" function, section 3.48.

9.2.43 Control cabinet <=> control unit: control value discharge valve
Variables used:
• A5521: control value discharge valve, in mA, PID: 13-7-046
• C5523: control value discharge valve, in %
• S5526: control value range discharge valve, 100 %
Input of control cabinet. The control unit uses the control value C5523 to generate
the signal A5521 and outputs this to the control cabinet. The control cabinet forwards
the signal to the Interface control cabinet <=> proportional valve product discharge
line, section 9.16. The control unit calculates the signal A5521 as follows:
𝐴5521 = ∗ 16 + 4

The value is output by the "Discharge line control valve, activate pressure controlling
and monitoring" function, section 3.48.

9.3 Interface control cabinet <=> external control

9.3.1 Control cabinet <=> external control: Decanter start/stop, external

The following signals are connected:
• D1354: decanter start, external, digital
• D1383: decanter stop, external, digital
Inputs of the control cabinet. The signals are passed on to control unit, see section
A reaction on this signals follows there only if the system is configured for remote
➢ On an impulse of the signal D1354 (reaction follows on rising edge) the "Decanter
on" function, section 3.2, is called up.
➢ On an impulse of the signal D1383 (reaction follows on rising edge) the "Decanter
off" function, section 3.3, is called up.

9.3.2 Control cabinet <=> external control: product/flush start/stop, external

The following signals are connected:
• D1358: product start, external, digital
• D1385: flush start, external, digital
• D1384: product / flush / CIP stop, external, digital
Inputs of the control cabinet. The signals are passed on to control unit, see section
A reaction on this signals follows there only if the system is configured for remote
➢ On an impulse of the signal D1358 (reaction follows on rising edge) the "Product
on" function, section 3.4, is called up.

110 GEA Westfalia Separator Group

BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23 Control cabinet, interfaces

➢ On an impulse of the signal D1385 (reaction follows on rising edge) the "Flush on"
function, section 3.5, is called up.
➢ On an impulse of the signal D1384 (reaction follows on rising edge) the same
reactions follows as on corresponding keypress, see Operating unit "Product /
Flush off" button, section 8.2.5.

9.3.3 Control cabinet <=> external control: decanter status machine

The following signals are connected:
• D1387: decanter status machine: off, digital
• D1389: decanter status machine: startup, digital
• D1390: decanter status machine: operation (alarm), digital
• D1355: decanter status machine: operation, digital
• D1391: decanter status machine: castor, digital
• D1359: decanter status machine: product, digital
• D1393: decanter status machine: flushing, digital
• D1394: decanter status machine: flushing sequence, digital
• D1398: decanter status machine: vibro test, digital
• D1399: decanter status machine: Inertisation, digital
Output of the control cabinet. The signals operated by the "Signalise status" function,
section 3.20 are output here.
They come from the Control cabinet <=> control unit: decanter status machine, sec-
tion 9.2.3.

9.4 Interface control cabinet <=> feed line valve

The following signal is connected:
• D5304: activation of feed, digital, PID: 11-7-039, the signal comes from the control
unit, see section 9.2.4.
Information on the connection to the feed line valve can be found in the other project

9.5 Interface control cabinet <=> feed flushing valve

The following signal is connected:
• D5311: Activation of feed flushing valve, digital, PID: 15-7-042: activation of feed,
digital, the signal comes from the control unit, see section 9.2.5.
Information on the connection to the feed flushing valve can be found in the other
project documents.

9.6 Interface control cabinet <=> Housing flushing valves

The following signals are connected:
• D3208: Flushing valve E6.1, digital, PID: 10-7-006
• D3204: Flushing valve E1.1, digital, PID: 10-7-070
• D3206: Flushing valve E1.5, digital, PID: 10-7-011
The valves of the housing flushing are activated via the digital outputs named above,
the signals come from the control unit, see section 9.2.6.
Information on the connections to the housing flushing valves can be found in the
other project documents.

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9.7 Interface control cabinet <=> Inert-Gas Supply Unit

The following signals are connected:
• D2500: YS ignition shield gas pre-flushing, release chamber, digital, PID: 20-7-
213, dimension drawing: "N4", the signal comes from the control unit, see section
• D2501: YS exhaust, release chamber, digital, PID: 20-7-214, dimension drawing:
"V1", the signal comes from the control unit, see section 9.2.30.
• D2537: YS ignition shield gas shut off, digital, PID: 20-7-201, the signal comes
from the control unit, see section 9.2.31.
• D2503: flow low, release chamber, digital, PID: 20-9-212/FZL/FSL, dimension
drawing: "N4", the signal is passed on to the "Safe monitoring inertisation" func-
tion, section 3.51 and to the control unit, see section 9.2.34.
• D2509: pressure release chamber low stage 2, digital, PID: 20-9-222/PZLL, the
signal is passed on to the "Safe monitoring inertisation" function, section 3.51 and
to the control unit, see section 9.2.36.
• D2543: pressure release chamber low stage 2, digital, PID: 20-9-222/PALL, the
signal is passed on to the control unit, see secion 9.2.37.
• A2505: PT release chamber, in mA, PID: 20-9-222/B1, dimension drawing: "P4",
the signal is passed on to the control unit, see secion 9.2.38.
• A2506: PT sealing chamber solids side, in mA, PID: 20-9-243/B1, dimension
drawing: "P1", the signal is passed on to the control unit, see secion 9.2.39.
• A2507: PT sealing chamber liquid side bowl, in mA, PID: 20-9-244/B1, dimension
drawing: "P2", the signal is passed on to the control unit, see secion 9.2.40.
• A2508: PT sealing chamber liquid side feed tube, in mA, PID: 20-9-245/B1, di-
mension drawing: "P3", the signal is passed on to the control unit, see secion

9.8 Interface control cabinet <=> bowl drive

9.8.1 Control cabinet <=> bowl drive: Setpoint

The following signal is connected:
• A1133: frequency setpoint bowl, in mA, PID: 10-1-001/M1
The signal comes from the control unit, see section 9.2.7.
Output of the control cabinet. The setpoint is output as an 4-20 mA analogue signal
on the frequency converter, see section 10.1.

9.8.2 Control cabinet <=> bowl drive: start/stop

The following signal is connected:
• D1131: actuating bowl, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M1
The signal comes from the control unit, see section 9.2.8.
Output of the control cabinet. The signal is passed on to the bowl drive, see section

9.8.3 Control cabinet <=> bowl drive: safe torque off

The following signal is connected:
D1139: safe torque off bowl, digital
Output of the control cabinet. The control cabinet carries out a safe torque off of the
bowl drive via the signal D1139. The signal is generated by the function "Safe switch
off" function, section 3.49

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Output of the control cabinet. The signal is passed on to the bowl drive, see section

9.8.4 Control cabinet <=> bowl drive: feedback operation

The following signal is connected:
D1132: feedback bowl, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M1
Input of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the bowl drive, see section 10.1.
The signal is forwarded on the interface Control cabinet <=> control unit: bowl drive,
feedback operation, section 9.2.9.

9.8.5 Control cabinet <=> bowl drive: feedback power

The following signal is connected:
A1110: power bowl drive, in mA, PID: 10-9-041/JI
Input of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the bowl drive, see section 10.1.
The signal is forwarded on the interface Control cabinet <=> control unit: bowl drive,
feedback power, section 9.2.10.

9.9 Interface control cabinet <=> main motor

The following signals are connected:
• D1834: Space heater main motor, digital, PID: 10-1-001/H1, the signal comes
from the control unit, see section 9.2.11.
If the signal D1834 is activated, the control cabinet switches on the space heater of
the main motor. Information on the connection to the motor can be found in the other
project documents.

9.10 Interface control cabinet <=> secondary drive

9.10.1 Control cabinet <=> secondary drive: Setpoint

The following signal is connected:
• A1136: speed setpoint secondary motor, in mA, PID: 10-1-001/M2
The signal comes from the control unit, see section 9.2.12.
Output of the control cabinet. The setpoint is output as an 4-20 mA analogue signal
on the frequency converter, see section 11.1.

9.10.2 Control cabinet <=> secondary drive: start/stop

The following signal is connected:
• D1134: actuating secondary motor, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M2
The signal comes from the control unit, see section 9.2.13.
The signal is forwarded to the secondary drive, see section 11.1.

9.10.3 Control cabinet <=> secondary drive: safe torque off

The following signal is connected:
D1140: safe torque off secondary motor, digital
Output of the control cabinet. The control cabinet carries out a safe torque off of the
secondary drive via the signal D1140. The signal is generated by the function "Safe
switch off" function, section 3.49.
Output of the control cabinet. The signal is passed on to the secondary drive, see
section 11.1.

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9.10.4 Control cabinet <=> secondary drive: feedback operation

The following signal is connected:
D1135: feedback secondary motor, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M2
Input of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the secondary drive, see section
The signal is forwarded on the interface Control cabinet <=> control unit: secondary
drive, feedback operation, section 9.2.14.

9.10.5 Control cabinet <=> secondary drive: feedback torque

The following signal is connected:
• A1104: torque secondary motor, in mA, PID: 10-9-055/JI
Input of the control cabinet. The signal comes from the secondary drive, see section
The signal is forwarded directly on the interface Control cabinet <=> control unit:
secondary drive, feedback torque, section 9.2.15.

9.11 Interface control cabinet <=> secondary motor

The following signals are connected:
• D1874: Space heater secondary motor, digital, PID: 10-1-001/H2, the signal
comes from the control unit, see section 9.2.16.
If the signal D1874 is activated, the control cabinet switches on the space heater of
the secondary motor. Information on the connection to the motor can be found in the
other project documents.

9.12 Interface control cabinet <=> terminal box X7

The following signals are connected:
• D1101: SE bowl, digital, PID: 10-9-051/B1, device: C, the signal is passed on to
the control unit, see section 9.2.17.
➢ Additionally the signal D1101 is passed on to the 3.58.
• D1102: SE gear input, digital, PID: 10-9-052/B1, device: B, the signal is passed
on to the control unit, see section 9.2.18.
• D1901: LS oil gear, digital, PID: 10-9-031/B1, device: L, the signal is passed on
to the control unit, see section 9.2.19.
➢ Additionally the signal D1901 is passed on to the 3.29.
• A1311: TE solids side, PID: 10-9-021/B1, device: E, the signal is passed on to the
"Safe monitoring of temperature, bearing, solids side" function, section 3.35.
• A1301: TE bearing liquid side, PID: 10-9-011/B1, device: D, the signal is passed
on to the "Safe monitoring of temperature, bearing, liquid side" function, section
The connection to the decanter centrifuge takes place via terminal box X7, see sec-
tion 12.3.

9.13 Interface control cabinet <=> terminal box X9

The following signals are connected:
• D1503: LS air/oil , digital, PID: 10-9-034/B1, device: F, the signal is passed on to
the control unit, see section 9.2.22.
• D1502: PS air/oil liquid side, digital, PID: 10-9-013/B1, device: G, the signal is
passed on to the control unit, see section 9.2.23.

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BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23 Control cabinet, interfaces

• D1501: PS air/oil solids side, digital, PID: 10-9-023/B1, device: H, the signal is
passed on to the control unit, see section 9.2.24.
• D1530: PS air/oil unit, digital, PID: 10-9-036/B1, device: AZ, the signal is passed
on to the control unit, see section 9.2.25.
• D1504: YS air/oil, digital, PID: 10-7-032, device: I, the signal comes from the con-
trol unit, see section 9.2.26.
The connection to the decanter centrifuge takes place via terminal box X9, see sec-
tion 12.4.

9.14 Interface control cabinet <=> terminal box X11

The following signals are connected:
• A1322: VT solids side, in mA, PID: 10-9-022/B1, device: K, the signal is passed
on to the control unit, see section 9.2.27.
• D1343: Signal vibration solids side stage 2, digital, PID: 10-9-022/VZHH, the sig-
nal is passed on to the "Safe monitoring of solids side vibrations" function, section
The connection to the decanter takes place via terminal box X11, see section 12.5.

9.15 Interface control cabinet <=> terminal box X12

The following signals are connected:
• A1323: VT liquid side, in mA, PID: 10-9-012/B1, device: J, the signal is passed on
to the control unit, see section 9.2.28.
• D1344: Signal vibration liquid side stage 2, digital, PID: 10-9-012/VZHH, the signal
is passed on to the "Monitoring of liquid side vibrations" function, section 3.42.
The connection to the decanter centrifuge takes place via terminal box X12, see
section 12.6.

9.16 Interface control cabinet <=> proportional valve product discharge

The following signal is connected:
• A5521: control value discharge valve, in mA, PID: 13-7-046
Output of the control cabinet. The proportional valve in the product discharge line is
controlled with this signal.

GEA Westfalia Separator Group 115

Bowl drive, interfaces BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

10 Bowl drive, interfaces

For information on the functions of the bowl drive, see section 13.1.

10.1 Interface bowl drive <=> control cabinet

The following signals are connected with the control cabinet:
• A1133: frequency setpoint bowl, in mA, PID: 10-1-001/M1, see section 9.8.1.
• D1131: actuating bowl, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M1, see section 9.8.2.
• D1139: safe torque off bowl, digital, see section 9.8.3.
• D1132: feedback bowl, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M1, see section 9.8.4.
• A1110: power bowl drive, in mA, PID: 10-9-041/JI, see section 9.8.5.

10.2 Interface bowl drive <=> main motor

The following connections to the main motor need to be established. Details can be
found in the section 12.1 and the project documents.
• Power connection
• PTC thermistor

116 GEA Westfalia Separator Group

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11 Secondary drive, interfaces

For information the functions of the secondary drive, see section 13.2.

11.1 Interface secondary drive <=> control cabinet

The following signals are connected with the control cabinet:
• A1136: speed setpoint secondary motor, in mA, PID: 10-1-001/M2, see section
• D1134: actuating secondary motor, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M2, see section 9.10.2.
• D1140: safe torque off secondary motor, digital, see section 9.10.3.
• D1135: feedback secondary motor, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M2, see section 9.10.4.
• A1104: torque secondary motor, in mA, PID: 10-9-055/JI, see section 9.10.5.

11.2 Interface secondary drive <=> secondary motor

The following connections to the secondary motor need to be established. Details
can be found in the section 12.2 and the project documents.
• Power connection
• PTC thermistor

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Electrical interfaces at the decanter centrifuge BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

12 Electrical interfaces at the decanter centrifuge

12.1 Terminal box, main motor

The following points need to be connected at the main motor. Refer to the project
documents for details:
• Power connection
• PTC thermistor
These connections are established to the bowl drive, see Interface bowl drive <=>
main motor, section 10.2.
• Space heater
These connections are established to the control cabinet, see Interface control cab-
inet <=> main motor, section 9.9.

12.2 Terminal box, secondary motor

The following points need to be connected at the secondary motor. Refer to the pro-
ject documents for details:
• Power connection
• PTC thermistor
The connections are established to the secondary drive, see Interface secondary
drive <=> secondary motor, section 11.2.
• Space heater
These connections are established to the control cabinet, see Interface control cab-
inet <=> secondary drive, section 9.10.

12.3 Terminal box X7

The following components are connected in this terminal box. The connection to the
control cabinet needs to be created on-site. Refer to the project documents for de-
• "C" SE Speed initiator, bowl
• "A" SE Speed initiator, gear input
• "L" LSL Level switch, gearbox oil level
• "E" TE Temperature sensor, bearing temperature, solids side
• "D" TE Temperature sensor, bearing temperature, liquid side
The components are connected with the control cabinet, see Interface control cabi-
net <=> terminal box X7, section 9.12.

12.4 Terminal box X9

The following components are connected in this terminal box. The connection to the
control cabinet needs to be created on-site. Refer to the project documents for de-
• "F" LSL Level switch, oil-air lubrication
• "G" PSH Pressure switch, oil-air lubrication, liquid side
• "H" PSH Pressure switch, oil-air lubrication, solids side
• "AZ" PSH Pressure switch, oil-air lubrication, oil unit
• "I" YS Solenoid valve, oil-air lubrication

118 GEA Westfalia Separator Group

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The components are connected with the control cabinet, see Interface control cabi-
net <=> terminal box X9, section 9.13.

12.5 Terminal box X11

The following components are connected in this terminal box. The connection to the
control cabinet needs to be created on-site. Refer to the project documents for de-
• "K" VT Vibration pick-up, solids side, vertical
The components are connected with the control cabinet, see Interface control cabi-
net <=> terminal box X11, section 9.14.

12.6 Terminal box X12

The following components are connected in this terminal box. The connection to the
control cabinet needs to be created on-site. Refer to the project documents for de-
• "J" VT Vibration pick-up, liquid side, vertical
The components are connected with the control cabinet, see Interface control cabi-
net <=> terminal box X12, section 9.15.

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Additional notes for delivery without the frequency converters BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

13 Additional notes for delivery without the frequency converters

13.1 Functions bowl drive

Variables used:
• D1139: safe torque off bowl, digital
• A1133: frequency setpoint bowl, in mA, PID: 10-1-001/M1
• L1114: Bowl VFD, minimum frequency, 2 Hz
• C1116: Bowl VFD, frequency at maximum bowl speed, 56.2 Hz
• D1131: actuating bowl, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M1
• S1146: Bowl drive, startup ramp, 420 sec
• A1110: power bowl drive, in mA, PID: 10-9-041/JI
• S1128: power bowl drive, upper range value of 4-20 mA signal, 55 kW
• D1132: feedback bowl, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M1
The bowl frequency converter needs to be dimensioned to run the motor with the
rated power S1128. The rating is given in the motor data sheet which belongs to
project documentation.
• Safe torque off: By deactivation of input D1139 the output to the motor is switch
to high impedance. The gate drive of the output semiconductors is disabled safe.
• The output frequency of the frequency converter is proportional to the 4-20mA
signal A1133. 4mA corresponds to the frequency C1115 and 20mA corresponds
to the frequency C1116. The frequency converter is operated with the frequency
according to input A1133.
• The motor is started by activating the digital input D1131. The frequency converter
increases the frequency like a ramp. The steepness of the ramp depends on the
time S1146 and the maximum frequency C1116. The frequency converter indi-
cates the successful start by activating the signal D1132.
• If the signal A1133 is changed when the motor is already started, then the fre-
quency converter will change the frequency with the same ramp. If this is not pos-
sible due to the capabilities of the drive, then the variation is done slower.
• The frequency converter calculates the power which is emitted by the motor and
indicates the value with the signal A1110. 4 mA indicate a power of 0 kW and 20
mA indicate the value S1128.
• Deactivating the signal D1131 stops the drive of the main motor, and the motor
runs down freely.
• All error messages of the bowl drive are signalised to the control via the output
D1132. In the event of a fault, the output is deactivated.
• The PTC thermistor of the main motor is monitored by the bowl drive. If it is trig-
gered, the output D1132 is deactivated.
For information on the interfaces of the bowl drive, see section 10.

13.2 Functions secondary drive

Variables used:
• D1140: safe torque off secondary motor, digital
• A1136: speed setpoint secondary motor, in mA, PID: 10-1-001/M2
• S1119: Scroll VFD, minimum frequency, 10 Hz

120 GEA Westfalia Separator Group

BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23 Additional notes for delivery without the frequency converters

• S1120: Scroll VFD, maximum frequency, 60 Hz

• D1134: actuating secondary motor, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M2
• A1104: torque secondary motor, in mA, PID: 10-9-055/JI
• S1255: torque secondary motor, upper range value, 150 %
• D1135: feedback secondary motor, digital, PID: 10-1-001/M2
The secondary frequency converter needs to be dimensioned according to the rated
power of the secondary motor. The secondary motor is operated in 'constant torque'
mode in the frequency range from S1119 to S1120. The rating for this operating
mode is given in the motor data sheet which belongs to project documentation.
• Safe torque off: By deactivation of input D1140 the output to the motor is switch
to high impedance. The gate drive of the output semiconductors is disabled safe.
• The output frequency of the frequency converter is proportional to the 4-20mA
signal A1136. 4mA corresponds to the frequency S1119 and 20mA corresponds
to the frequency S1120. The frequency converter is operated with the frequency
according to input A1136.
• The motor is started by activating the digital input D1134. The frequency converter
increases the frequency like a ramp. The time from 0 Hz to the maximum fre-
quency S1120 shall be 10 seconds. The frequency converter indicates the suc-
cessful start by activating the signal D1135.
• If the signal A1136 is changed when the motor is already started, then the fre-
quency converter will change the frequency with the same ramp. If this is not pos-
sible due to the capabilities of the drive, then the variation is done slower.
• The frequency converter calculates the torque which is emitted by the motor and
indicates the value with the signal A1104. 4 mA indicate a torque of 0 Nm and 20
mA correspond the rated torque of the motor when operated by frequency con-
verter multiplied by S1255. The rated torque is given in the motor data sheet.
• The frequency converter is parameterised so that the motor does not emit more
than 110% of the rated torque at any time.
• Deactivating the input D1134 stops the drive of the secondary motor, and the mo-
tor runs down freely.
• All error messages of the secondary drive are signalised to the control via the
output D1135. In the event of a fault, the output is deactivated.
• The PTC thermistor of the secondary motor is monitored by the secondary drive.
If it is triggered, the output D1135 is deactivated.
For information on the interfaces of the secondary drive, see section 11.

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Additional notes for delivery without the frequency converters BFA8013-___EN / 24.01.23

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