Astrology and Ayurvedic Plants

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Papers Astrology and
Ayurvedic Plants
Company ©Ramesh Waygaonkar and Dr. Radha Raman Das
This is a research paper on
astrological factors and the efficacy of Ayurvedic plants based
ಕನ್ನಡ on a study
undertaken by the authors who are from Indira Gandhi Academy of
ವಿಭಾಗ Environmental Education, Research and Eco planning,
University ,
Gwalior . -
©Editor astrological
magazine February 2202

and links Introduction
About Us EVER SINCE the birth of human
beings on planet earth, man has been completely
Disease dependent on natural resources
around him for his survival and basic needs. The story of
evolution of
civilization is the story of acquisition of knowledge regarding these natural
resources and their utilisation for human welfare.
Since the very beginning, men have
used plants for' their basic requirements
of food, fodder, fuel, fiber, spices, condiments,
oil, timber and medicine.
If plants can express themselves, they will have the same
opinion for men as
man has for the parasite like the flea and germ living on him.
Life Style The stars and
planets seen in the sky must have bewildered man since the very
The changing pattern of stars and planets in the sky and the happenings on
the surface of the earth must have prompted him to correlate the happenings
of the sky
with the events occurring on the surface of the earth. The
relation between lunar cycle
and tides was established, perhaps, since
beginning of the civilization. The recurring
changes resulting in .seasons
must have fascinated man and he would have attempted to
draw its relation
with the combinations of heavenly bodies which is termed as

The stars
and planets act merely as pointers to the auspicious and inauspicious periods
for a particular happening in the life of human beings. For the success,
therefore, human
effort and auspicious moments are both essential. Man's
efforts yield maximum benefits
only when they are made at an auspicious
period. Man plunges into action with full
vigour but often meets with failure during inauspicious moments, but when he acts at
auspicious moment, his achievements are phenomenal. The planets also effect plants and
animals. The falling and formation of
leaves, flowering and fruiting occur during a
particular season. The
sunflower capitultim moves with the movement of the
opening and closing its flowers in a diurnal cycle. These are examples
of the relation
between planetary movements and biological activities

The planets
exert their effect on plants and their medicinal properties too. Despite the
uses of all pathological and sonographical tests,
often it becomes difficult for the medical
practitioner to diagnose disease
correctly and such patients are used as experimental,
tools. Disease
diagnosis is infalliable in astrology. Disease
diagnosis requires remedial
measures for early recovery or eradication of
ailment. Shushruta and Charaka have
given various good Muhurthas for treatment and administration of medicines in
Ayurvedic treatises such a
Charaka Samhita. Shushruta Samhita, Nighantu, Rajnighantu
etc. It has clearly been mentioned in these treatises mat the medicinal
efficacy of plants is
best exhibited when they are collected during die
period of a particular Nakshatra.
Preparation of medicine should also be done
during the period of that Nakshatra. The
medicine so prepared, if used by the
patient on the day of the Nakshatra, will lead to
early recovery. It
therefore warrants an investigation to find out if there is any change in
chemical composition of the ingredients when plants are collected and
processed for
medicine in particular Nakshatras.

Indian scriptures have reference to medicinal plants being used as drugs.
descriptions are found in all the four Vedas. The earliest reference is
found in the Rig-
Veda. It has a description of 67 medicinal plants. There is
a separate chapter as Oushadha
Sookta. Rig-Veda
10:96/1-23 sonnets and Yajurveda sonnets 12/77, 89,
18/12 give a list of 81
medicinal plants, whereas Atharva Veda sonnets 8/7/14 and 11/6/16-17 describes 291
medicinal plants. Ayurveda is a branch of the Atharva Veda. Elaborate descriptions are
available in Agni purana, Padma purana, Varaha Purana etc. which are of
a later date.
Padma Purana Srishti Khanda 28-32, Uttara Khanda 28/13-18 and Srimad Bhagwatam,
Chapter X
22/34-35 carry references to the significance of plants. Agni purana gives a
clear description of medicinal importance
for anatomical and physiological diseases in
the human body. Rig-Veda,
Chapter VI-22 says "Oh Almighty God. They Grace protects
water and drugs
that are beneficial to mankind like a best friend." Ayurveda is closely
connected with the Rigveda and Atharvaveda. In the
ancient Vedic period, various
therapies were adopted to combat ailments and
various practices have been evolved as
an aid to Ayurveda. Many formulae have
been prescribed in Ayurveda, though the most
frequently and popularly used
formulations are thousands in number. The basic
classification of plants with
reference to stars and planets has been described in Narada
Purana, Narada Samhita, Sharda Tilak, Vidyarnava Tantra, Trishkandha Purana and
Brihat Sushruta. But nowhere has, a detailed study of chemical
ingredients of plants been
given for such classification.

 An English astronomer, herbalist, doctor and

astrologer, Nicholas Culpepper, in the 17th
century, correlated stars,
planets and herbs according to ruler ship e.g., chamomile
having volatile
oil, yellow in colour containing anthemic acid,
tannic acid and glucosides
as governed by the Moon.
It is used for diseases caused by the Moon as an antispasmodic
in treating
cough and cold tod is tonic. Mars rules Capsicum
annum (cayenne pepper)
whose chief chemical is cayennin and is associated with heat like fever and swelling.

Medication for the cure of

diseases is based on the chemicals derived from chemicals
directly or the
synthesis of the chemicals in laboratory. Thus, classification is based on
either the plant or chemical derived from the herbs e.g. the Sun governs the
annus (sunflower) plant. Whose main
chemical are ergosterol and calciferol which are
also, therefore, governed by the Sun and either directly from the
sunflower plant or
produced through chemical synthesis. Jupiter mainly
governs the chemical pyridoxine
which is predominantly found in musa sapientum (plantain). This
plant is also governed
by Jupiter.


The present
work has been undertaken with a view to study in depth the characteristics
plants said to be associated with planets and Nakshatras.
The work entails scientific
analysis of the claims made in oriental treatises
and by doctors (Vaidyas) and astrologers
providing a scientific basis to the knowledge embodied m oriental treatises.
medicinal system throughout the world uses certain herbs predominantly
for the cure of
human diseases. The treatises of Ayurveda contain much
information about tat curative
properties of various plants when collected at
a particular time. Present paper deals with
scientific evaluation of efficacy
of plants when collected underthe constalation to which
the plants have been attributed.

Plants coming
under various Nakshatras growing in die Upper Gangetic Plain have been
identified and were collected
during the relevant Nakshatras. These plants were
analysed for their active principle contents,
the analysts being done as per standard
method of analysis

Chemical and physiological

changes in plants:  Star day vis a vis general Day.

The physio-chemical characteristics of nine commonly used

plants in Ayurveda and
assigned to the nine planets Sun, Moon, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu
with their respective Nakshatras were collected and classified into General Day and
Nakshatra Day sample.
These were dried and pulverised to powder to study
their various
physio-chemical properties of active chemicals and their

1.         Moisture Contents: By infrared moisture balance.

2.         Solubility: Soluble in water or alcohol.

3.         pH of Solution : pH was measured

on Elico Digital pH meter.

4.         Ash Contents: The pulverised powder was dried and burnt. The weight of ash was
taken and percentage
calculated. The ash was dissolved in hydrochloric acid and heated
for further
dissolution. It was filtered by filter paper. The  weight  of insoluble  was 
taken  and percentage was
calculated. This was tested for alkaloids, flavinoids, quinones,
and steriods as
specific chemicals.

Observations from Ancient


Plants and Planets

The affinity
of a plant by a governing planet is analysed on the
basis of duration and
period of flowering and fruiting of a plant and period
of the star. The plant of the star
used to cure the diseases and those
diseases governed by a planet or combination of
planets are noted. Plants are
used as remedies for diseases. The rulership of
planet over
plants can be shown by some illustrations. The fruits of juglanas regia (walnut) appear
circumvolutions of the brain.

Mercury governs the brain and its activity is governed by the Sun. Both
planets govern the walnut The two lobes of the' seeds of coffea arabica (coffee) are
apparently identical to the
two cerebral lobes of the brain which are governed by
. The seeds of dolichus labab (kidney bean) and anthyllis vulneraria (kidney
vetch) resemble the kidneys. Venus governs kidneys and these plants
are also governed
by Venus. Sabal serrlata governs the diseases of kidney, prostate and
ovaries which are
again ruled by Venus. The Sun governs cardiospermum viola which is used for relief m
cardiac troubles. The Moon governs lunuraria annua (moonwort) and pennisetvm sagina
Mercury governs mercurialis anuua (Mercury weed). Tylophora asthmatica is
governed by by Moon and acts as a medicine for
the cure of asthma which is also
governed by the Moon. Jupiter governs liver
and Jupiter governs marchantia potymorpha
(liverwort) is used as a medicine for the cure of liver attaints. Saturn
governs gout and
also aeogopodbm padagraric (goutwort), a
medicine for gout Mercury governs memory
and bacopa moniera (Brahmi) governed
by Mercury acts as a medicine for memory. This
clearly indicates that the
plants, which are governed by a particular planet, have the
property to cure
the diseases caused by the respective planet Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi)
and Ocimum album chiefly govern skin diseases,, worms, leprosy
and chronic disorders.
Mercury and Venus govern all these diseases as well as
both the plants at the time of
flowering. Strobilathus kuchenchinevsis flowers after 18 years and
astrologically, the 18-
year period is assigned to Rahu.

Herbs and Stones

Another type
of analogy between planets and herbs is that some parts of herbs used as a
substitute for a particular gem are assigned to a planet as has been shown in
Table I.

To reduce
the ill-effects of planets, meditation, contemplation, havan and precious
were often   resorted to, but
precious stones being costly, were, at
times, not within the
reach of the common man. Therefore, roots of the plants have been used as a substitute
for precious stones as shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Plants, Planets and


SI. Na Botanical name of Vernacular Name Planet Stone or Gem


1 Aegle marmelos Bael Sun Ruby

2 Mimusops hexandra Khimi Moon Pearl

3 Hemidesmus indicus Indian sarsaparilla Mars Coral

4 Opuntia dillenii Nagfani Mars Coral

5 Clerodendron Bharangi Jupiter Topaz


6 Curcuma longa Haldi Jupiter Yellow sappier

7 Musa saplmtum Keta Jupiter Yellow agate

8 Tephrosia purpuma Purple Venus Diamond

9 Punfca granatum Anar Venus Diamond

to Rubia cordifolia Indian maddar Venus Diamond

11 Ricinus commnuis Eranda Venus Zircon

12 Rumex vesicarkis Sorrel Venus Zircon

13 Lettsomia nervosa Argyreta Mercury Emerald

14 Pterocarpus Latchandan Saturn Blue sapphire


15 Santalum album Chandan Rahu Gomed

16 Rauwolphia Sarpagandha Rahu Alexandria


17 Withania somnifera Ashwagandha Keta Cats eye

Indeed, havan is a scientific

method to cure disease though inhalation of the vapour and
smoke emanating through the havan. Plants were classified into 9 groups to
match the 9
planets for offering into the havan as samidha.
Table 2 shows the classification as given
in Garuda Purana.

Table 2

Samidha for Planets

Planet Vernacular Name Latin Name

sun ArK (Niaoar) Calotropis procera

Moon Palash (Dhak) Butea monosperma

Mars Khadir (Khair) Acacia catechu

Mercury Apamarg (LaQira) Achyranthus aspera

Jupiter Pipal Ficus religiosa

Venus Audumbar (gular) Ficus glomerata

Saturn Shami Prosopis cineraria

Rahu Durva Cynadon dactylon

Ketu Kusha Desmostachya biptnoata


In Ayurvedic
treatises each Nakshatra period has been assigned certain plants. These
Nakshatras are said to be responsible for certain
diseases. Some of the common plants
growing in the Upper Gangetic Plain, assigned to various Nakshatras, are listed
in Table 3
with details of their vernacular name, botanical name, and family,
the part of the plant
used as medicine, active chemicals and therapeutic use.

According to
Ayurvedic literature, the curative properties of plants differ from Nakshatra
to Nakshatra, their collection in a particular period and the processing of
drugs as
affected by the Nakshatra. The Nakshatra-wise list of plants growing
in the Upper
Gangetic Plain has been drawn and
their active principles identified. Nine plants each
assigned to a planet and
a Nakshatra have been selected for the study. The active
principles of these
plants were identified. They were collected during the Nakshatra to
they are assigned and also on a general day. The analysis with respect to
content, solubility, pH of solution, total ash contents and acid ash
test has been carried
out. The results are given in Table 4. Table 4
indicates that ash content and acid ash test
indicative of curative
characteristics are quantitatively higher in samples collected
during the
Nakshatra to which the plant is assigned, as compared to the same estimated
for the sample of the plant collected on a general day without reference to
the Nakshatra.

Table 3 Nakshatras,
Plants and Diseases Ruled by Nakshatras Proof not corrected

ID Nakshatra Name Family Botanical Name Part Name Active Chemical Therapeutic Use

1Aswini Kutaki Scrophularieceae Picronhizea Root Picrorrtizin, Meningitis high

kurroa cathartic acid,  fever
glucose, wax

2Aswini Rakhiphool Passsfioraceae Passiflora Leaves Passiflorine Spasm


3Aswini Coffee Rubiaceae Coffea arabica Seeds, leaves Caffeine Migraine,


4Bharani Eranda (oil) Euphorbiaceae Ricinus Root, leaves, seed Ricin, oilate, Liver disorder
communis oil palmtin-synin

5Bharani Dhataki Lytheraceae Woodfordia Flower Tanin Vaginal discharge


6Bharani Gwarpatha Berberidaceae Aloe vera Flower and leavesBarbaric acid Pulmonary catarrh

7Bharani Isabgole Plantaginaceae Plantago major Full plant Mucilage Mucus reins

8Krutika Harsingar Oleaceae Nyctanthus Leaves, bark Nyctan-thine Malaria


9Krutika Chawal Poacaae Oryza sativa Seeds, leaves Fats, vitamins Piles, indigestion

10Mrigasira Shunti Scitaminaceae Zingiber Stem Malic acid, alkali Indigestion,

offtinale flatulence

11Mrigasira Pyaj Liliaceae Allium cepa Bulb, leaves Cholesterol Pains, sciatica,
skin disease

12Mrigasira Kuchla Loganiceae Strychnos Seed, fruit Alkaloid Itching,

nuxvomica strychina, brucia haemoptyasis

13Aridra Pipata (bark) Urticaceae Flcus mligiosa Bark, fruit, leaf Tannicadd, Bronchial asthma,
rubber wax bronchitis

14Aridra Tambakoo Solanaceae Nicotiana Leaves Nicotine, Eosinophila,

tabacum nicotinamide Giddiness, injury

15Punarvasu Hingu Umbelliferae Ferula foetida Latex Alkyl per sulphide Indigestion,
asaresinotannot, gastritis
mafic, formic,
valoriamic, actitic
and ferullic acid

16Punarvasu Kalmegha Acenthaceae Andrographis Root, stem, fruit, Kalmeghin Liver disorder
paniculata leaves chlorohyil Nad, K-

17Punarvasu Arka Asclipiadeceae Calatropis Flower, roots, Malic acid, Dropsy, worms
procera leaves potash

18Pushya Babool Fabaceae Aicacia arebica Fruit, bark leaf, Taminic acid, Dental disorders,
stem, gum Arabic acid Ca, pyorrhoea
Mg, K. Gum

19Pushya Kutaja Apocynaceae Holarrhena Seed, bark Kurchichicine, Diarrohoea,

anlidysentehca kuchine dysentry

20Pushya Vijaysar Fabaceae Ptemcaipus Bark Kinotanic acid, Diabetes

santotinus Pyrocatichin,
Galic acid

21Pushya Hadjod Vitiaceae Vitis Stem, leaves Resins Diarrhoea some

quadrangularis junction

22Aslesha Sonpha Umbelliferae Foeniculum Seeds, fruits Anethote Diarrhoea,

vugare dysentery,

23Aslesha Tulsi Labiate Ocimum Leaf, root seed Yellow green oil Cough
sanctum basi, camphor

24Aslesha Kassni Asteraceae Cichorium Root Aconite Mg, Dyspepsia

endivia Alumina

25Makha Shirisha Fabaceae Albizzia lebbeck Bark, seed, leaf, Saponin Bronchial asthma

26Makha Raasna Orchidaceae Vanda roxburgxiiSeed Glucosides Arthritis, gout

27Jyeshta/ AsleshaVidhara Conolvulaceae Lettsoinia leaves Kamferien Cuteneous

nervosa affections

28Poorvaphakjuni Pudina Labiate Mentha virktis Leaf, stem Piperment Vomiting


29Poorvaphakjuni Satawari Liliaceae Asparagus Stem Starch General tonic


30Poorvaphalguni Seb Rosaceae Pyrus ma/us Fruit Ferric contents Aneurysm, cardiac

31Uttaraphalguni Bel/ bilva Rutaceaa Aegle Marmelos Root, bark, leaf, Mucilage, pectin, Diarrhoea,
fruit tanin, dysentery, heart
marmetosione disease

32Uttaraphalguni Neema Meliacae Azadirachta Flower, seed, Margosine, Piles, scabies

Indica leaves, bark volatile oil, bowels
margosa oil,
afkali, K. Fe.

33Hasta Palasha Fabaceae Butea Bark, flower, seed, Kitonamic acid, Worm infestation
monosperma leaf galic acid,
moodooga oil or
kino oil

34Hasta Dhaniya Umbelliferae Coriandrium Seed, root, flower Malic add Fever, typhoid
sativum stem coriander oil
geranial babini oil

35Hasta Loonuk Portulaceae Portulaca Fruit, leaves Olicadd Fever, anxiety


36Chitta Vidanga Myrsinaceae Emblia ribes Fruit Embelic add, Worm infestation
volatile oil, rot,
alkali, tannic acid

37Chitta Ashoka Fabaceae Saraca indica Bark, seed, flower Haematoxylin vaginal discharge
tanin, cataohini

38Chitta Ashwagandha Solanaceae Withania Root ■ Somniferin alkali Anxiety neurosis,

somnifera mild

39Chitta Kapikachhu Fabaceae Mucuna prunius Seed, root Rol, lamun, Mn Neurosis worms

'40 Chitta Beltari Cucurbitaceae Bryonia alba Leaves, fruit Requinane Fever
crossferic acid

41Swati Kanta karanja Fabaceae Caesalpinia Seed, fruit, root Protein, starch Malaria, eczema
bonducella nalina, banducin
42Vishaka Bharangi Verbenaceae Cterodendron Root Starch, Rol,
fat Bronchial asthma
senatum alkali

43Vishaka Haridra Scitaminaceae Curcuma longa Stem Curvumin Uraemina, diabetes,

turmeric oil, rol, asthma, wounds
alkali, vermonine

44Anuradha Parasika yavaniSolanaceae Hyoscyamus Leaf, seed Hyoscyamine Pain in abdomen,

niger hyosdne cough, diarrhoea

45Anuradha Afim Papevaraceae Papavar Latex, seed Sedatives Narcotic effects


46Jyeshta Aanvla Euphorbiaceae Emblica Fruit Galic add, tank; Peptic ulcer, uterine
offidnalis add, albmin ulcer, syndrome
cellulose vit. C.

47Jyeshta Haritiki Combretaceae Terminalia Fruit Tanic, galic acid, Constipation, piles,
chebula chelrilinic add bowels, fistula

48Jyeshta Lodra Symplonaceae Symplocus Root, leaves, fruit, Salidficadd, vaginal discharge
recemosa leaves, bud potassium, leucorrhoea

49Moola Bhringaraja Asteraceae Eclipta alba Leaves Eciptine Peptic ulcer,


50Poorvashada Baragad Urticaceae ficus Bark, leaves, fruit, Tanin, rubber Diabetes
bangalensia stem

51Uttarashadha Bakuchi Fabaceae Psoralia Seed oil, seeds Rol, alkali, Leucoderma    
corylifolia vermonine             •

52Rohini Kantakari Solanacae Solanum Leaf, flower, fruit Solamine, Kd, K. Cough, bronchial
xanthocerpum seed,
bark, stem No3 Fe asthma

53Sravana Punamava Nyctaginaceae Boerhaavia Root seed, leave, Punamavine, Oedema

drffusa flower,
fruit, stem alkali, K. no3 fat .

54Sravana Apamarag Amaranthaceae Acbyranthes Root, seed, leaf, Alkali, potash Leprosy
aspera stem, fnit, flow&r

55Sravana Bishloomba Cucurbitaceae Citrullus Root, leaves Colosynthin, Goul, rheumatism

cotosynthis ferulic acid

56Sravana Adusa Acanthaceae Adhatoda vasicaRoot, leaf, flower Oil fat, fol, Cough
aadhatodic acid,

57Dhanishta Lahasuna Liliaceae Allium sativum Stem, oil Allumin, volatile Indigestion, heart
OH, sulphur tonic

58Poorvabhadra Sankhapushpi Convolvulaceae Evotwkis Root stem, fruit, Alsenoiden, Anxiety, neurosis,
alsenoides flower crepic acid mild

59Uttasabhadra Gokharu Zygophyllacae Tribulus Fruit, root, stem, Berberine strach Urinary tract, oleos,
tenesths leaf,
flower infection,

60Utarabnadra Guggulu Burseraceae Commiphom Latex Gumerol Arthritis


61Uttarabhadra Karpoor Lauraceae Cinnamomum Latex, root Volatile oil Sprain, anodyne,
camphora adynaemia

62Revathi Baheda Comberetaceae Terminalia Bark CaCo, Ca. salt, Heart tonic, elixir
be/erica tannin, Al. Mg.

63Revathi Guductii Menispimacae Tinospora Stem Berberine Fever


64Revathi Chirboii Solanaceae Physalis indica Leaves, bark Alkaloids Gout

65Revathi Badi Sounf Apiaceae Pimpinella Roots, fruits Thymol, anethol Flatulence,
anethum abdominal

Table 4

Qualitative and Quantitative Characteristics of Plants

Assigned to Planets and Nakshatras

Planet Nakshatra Botanical

Name vernacular
Name Moist Solubility pHSol Ash
total Acid
Ash Quantitative ve Chemical
Cont % % Test%

Sun Uttamphalguni Aegle marmetos Bihwa 6-25 18-48 7-0 13-57 4.25 Quinons Pectin

Day Aegb marmetos Bihwa 6-60 18-50 7-3 7.57 1.43 Quinons Pectin

Moon Rohini Acorns calamus vacha 9-82 10-78 5.6 10-61 4-39 Quinons Acorin starch,
alkaloids calcium oxalate

Day Acoms calamus Vacha 10-03 18-28 5-71 5-01 0.47 Quinons Acorin starch,
alkaloids calcium oxalate

Mara Chitta Ptstada Karkatashrungi 4-08 31-7 4-80 5.45 0-865 Flavanoids, Corticosteroids
intsgerrima alkaloids

Day Ptstada Karkatashrungi 4.40 30.8 5.80 4.49 0.865 Flavanoids, Corticosteroids
intsgerrima alkaloids

Mercury Jyeshta Baccopa monerria Bramhi 8-80 21.63 6.40 16-90 14-73 alkaloids Branhim alkali

Day Baccopa monerria Bramhi 7-90 16-49 6.45 13-78 9.49 alkaloids Branhim alkali

Jupiter Poorvattadra S*rfve//us Shankhapushpi 740 19-21 6-70 2741 254)4 Quinons Gelsin
efeemmfes alkaloids glucosides

Day Evolwlus Shankhapuihpi 6-4 10-78 6-71 2742 21-71 Quinons Gelsin
alsenokfos alkaloids glucosides

Venus Bharani Ocimum sanctum Tulsi 7.80% 15-48 5-25 6-74 2-79 Alkaloids Metatile oils,
flavanoids malarin

Day Ocimum sanctum Tulsi 8-20 15-10 6.40 5-28 1.59 Alkaloids Metatile oils,
flavanoids malarin

Saturn Anuradha Tinospora Guduchi 10-02 16-71 6.40 6.48 0.601 Alkaloid Glionin,
cordifolia steroids gliosterol,

Day Tinospora Guduchi 8.47 11.80 7-21 5-51 0-331 Alkaloid Glionin,
cordifolia steroids gliosterol,

Rahu Shatatarka, Plumbago Chitramul 5-2 7.80 5-85 3-78 1-09 Flavanoids Plumbagin
shatabhisha zylanicum alkaloid

Day Plumbago Chitramul 8-04 10.61 6..61 3-33 0-99 Flavanoids Plumbagin
zylanicum alkaloid

Ketu Makha Nardostychis Jatamasi 4-51 9-27 5-27 15-12 13-21 Alkaloid Esters
jatamasi Flavanoids

Day Nardostychis Jatamasi 8-01 12-12 5.61 14-52 10.38 Alkaloid Esters
jatamasi i Flavanoids

It has been
observed in many patients that the same drug administered at different times
manifests differently and exhibits variations in its curative properties. In
this case also, it has
been observed that the maximum efficacy is achieved
when the drug is administered during the
period of the Nakshatra to which
that herb is assigned. These facts clearly indicate that the
postulates laid down in astrological, Ayurvedic and ancient treatises
have great bearing both on
the commencing of the disease and its treatment by
specific herbs or the chemicals contained in
those herbs assigned to a planet
and / or Nakshatra. The science of astrology perceives a holistic
based on the twelve houses and the placement of the 9 planets in them, their
relationship and aspects. All
these together :        constitute  a  complicated  system  in which
perception and
prediction of the overall effect becomes extremely difficult. Coming to
conclusions without in depth and analytical study of the horoscope can make a
mockery of
medical astrology and astrological predictions. But a careful
analysis and scientific holistic
approach towards the reading of a horoscope
can easily translate into a scientific and statistically
analyzable reality.
The use of medical astrological principles can be quite helpful in correct
diagnosis of certain problematic diseases and their cure by carefully
selecting appropriate herbs
or chemicals contained in them.


Ancient Indian society utilised

all the axioms of knowledge gathered till then for all activities of
The cure of disease has also not remained in isolation from this belief of
the society. Thus a
very intimate and practical relation was drawn between astrological
principles and the herbs
attributed to a particular Nakshatra and / or planet
for the, cure of disease caused due to the
effect of those Nakshatras and planets. This worked very well in the cure
as well as abatement of
diseases. The “scientific revolution” has smothered
astrological knowledge and pushed it back
branding it mystical knowledge.
This has led to the neglect of astrology in the treatment of

The present research, therefore, has been undertaken to

reestablish the relationship between the
astrological diagnosis of a disease
and its cure through herbs of me active chemicals obtained
from herbs mat can
cure the disease. The analysis and the results obtained clearly prove
astrology is a valid science.

Thus, there is a great need to reform the disease

management, strategy through the use of
astrological principles and herbs
associated with specific Nakshatra planets to achieve the
required goal of
heath and happiness in society.

This article / paper

published in 2002 February astrological magazine.

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