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PGR Application Form Final

This document is an application form for postgraduate research degrees at Manchester Metropolitan University. It requests information such as personal details, nationality and residence status, details of proposed research area and supervisors, education history and qualifications, research experience, language proficiency, and a research proposal. Applicants are asked to submit completed forms to the Postgraduate Recruitment and Admissions office by email or post.

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PGR Application Form Final

This document is an application form for postgraduate research degrees at Manchester Metropolitan University. It requests information such as personal details, nationality and residence status, details of proposed research area and supervisors, education history and qualifications, research experience, language proficiency, and a research proposal. Applicants are asked to submit completed forms to the Postgraduate Recruitment and Admissions office by email or post.

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Rahul Yadav
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Application form to study for a Postgraduate Research Degree

Please read the accompanying Guidelines for Applicants (at the back of this form). The completed form should be returned to:
Postgraduate Recruitment & Admissions, Manchester Metropolitan University, Business School and Student Hub, All Saints Campus, Oxford Rd,
Manchester M15 6BH
Or, email your completed form to: pgradmissions@mmu.ac.uk

1. Application Information

If you are applying for multiple scholarships/research projects, please complete a separate application for each one.
For applicants proposing their own research project, please note that a reference number may not be relevant, please use N/A.

Research project/Scholarship Reference Number (if applicable):

Title of project:

2.Personal Details

Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss) Surname/Family Name First Name(s)/Given Name Gender – M /F/Other

Correspondence address Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):

(This address will be used for all correspondence)
Previous Surname (if applicable)
Permanent Home Address

(if different from correspondence address)


Mobile number

Other contact number Postcode

Email address

Skype address

3. Nationality/Residence/Visa/Finance Details

Applicants not born in the United Kingdom please state

Country of Birth Date of first entry to the UK

Country of permanent residence
Date of most recent entry to
the UK (excluding holidays)
Who is expected to pay your Tuition
fees? (see section 3 of ‘Guidelines for dd/mm/yyyy
Applicants’ & enter the correct number)
Have you been granted
Indefinite Leave to
If you have chosen code 09 ‘other’ Enter/Remain in UK? Yes/No
please explain

If you are a non-British EU National who is not living in the

Yes No UK, will you have been resident in the EU for 3 years prior to
Do you intend to carry out your research the 1st of September of the year in which the course begins?
in the UK? Not Yet Known Yes No

Do you need a Visa to study in the UK? Yes No If yes, please provide your passport number:
If no, and you are entering the UK to study, under what Tier will you enter the UK?

Have you previously been granted a visa to study in the UK? (If yes, please attach a copy of any such visas to your application form)
Yes No
4. Research Degree Programme

Please state which postgraduate research degree you wish to apply for:

(Please tick)

MA By Research Master of Research (MRes) Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

in Education & Society
MSc By Research Doctor of Education (EdD)
Master of Research (MRes)
LLM By Research in Management & Business Professional Doctorate programme in Health

MPhil PhD

Other (Please State)

Proposed mode of study: Full-time Part-time Distance Learning Other (Please State)

Proposed enrolment period (please note that the Faculty of Business & Law offers January and September entry only):
September January April

Proposed Year of entry

Proposed Campus: Manchester Cheshire

Please note: If your application is relating to a University-funded scholarship, please check the scholarship advert for information on
your options regarding your mode of study, enrolment period and campus etc.

5. Details of the subject area of your proposed research programme

Please state the subject area in which you wish to undertake the research, e.g., Business, History, Biology, Art & Design, Education, etc.

Please indicate if you have had preliminary discussions with a member of staff within the University to discuss a research project:

(State name(s)):

If you are applying in response to a specific advertisement for a scholarship, please indicate:
a. where you saw the advert
b. if unsuccessful in an application for a scholarship, do you wish to be contacted about self-funded research degree opportunities?
6. Education and Qualifications gained * Academic or Professional

These qualifications can be academic or professional. Should you need to, please continue on another sheet.

Educational Establishment Result/Class Full-time

Year From/To Subject
(Including City/Country) Obtained* of Award or Part-time
7. Work history

Give details of your work experience, training and employment. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

Start date End date

Job Title Name and address of
Full or part-time
Nature of work/Training employer
Month Year Month Year
8. English language

Is English your first language? Yes No

All applicants whose first language is not English, must provide evidence that they meet the minimum English Language
requirements, which is IELTS 6.5 (or equivalent) with no element below 6.0. Please confirm below if you have completed an
English Language qualification and provide documentary evidence of your results. Applicants must have completed an
English Language test within two years of the starting date of the selected course. For guidance on the full array of English
tests recognised by Manchester Metropolitan University, please see the English Language requirements page:

Name of English language qualification Awarding body/ Date qualification Result

obtained/date you are
Type of test taken College/University
taking the qualification
9. Details of previous research experience.

This can include, but is not limited to, research undertaken as part of an undergraduate or masters qualification. Please provide evidence
of how your past research activity maps onto your proposed project or, for specific project applications, the advertised post. Please also
include any publications or outputs produced or connected to previous work experience.

Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

10.Personal Statement

This section should be used to provide a personal statement including a detailed explanation of your reasons for applying.
This should include:
1. The skills you possess that are specifically relevant to the project you are proposing or applying to join
2. Why you have chosen to study at Manchester Metropolitan University
3. Your reasons for applying for a Postgraduate Research Degree
4. Your future career aspirations following your successful completion of a Postgraduate Research Degree
11. Research Proposal

This section relates to how you would plan to carry out your research project
Please provide details of the general research area in which you would like to undertake research. If you are applying for a
scholarship, please give information in the context of the project details provided.
(It is not necessary to have a fully formulated proposal at this stage).

Give a brief synopsis (c.500 words) of your personal research project and interest. The main thrust of this section should
be the research problems or questions you intend to address.
You should use the following headings to structure your case - more guidance is available in the guidelines at the back of
this form:
1. Brief title for your proposed programme of research
2. Your reasons and purposes for undertaking this project
3. Your research project
4. Training and Preparation

Arts and Humanities applicants:

- If your proposal will involve practice-led research in art and design, please provide a sample pdf of up to 10 images of the work, with
titles, size, and media.
- If your proposed project involves an element of creative writing, please provide a sample of your recent creative writing. As a general
measure, this might consist of 8-10 poems (regardless of word/line count), or a chapter of prose fiction.
12. Further Information

Please answer the following three questions:

1. In what way did you learn about research degrees at Manchester Metropolitan University? (e.g. through work, a
previous contact with the University, a web search etc.).

2. Have you previously been registered for a postgraduate research degree in this or any other institution?
* Yes No
*(If yes please specify which course and institution.)

3. Have you made an application for admission to any other research programme in this or any other institution?
+ Yes No
+ (If yes, please specify which course and institution.)

13. Disability/Special Needs 14. Criminal Convictions

Please enter the appropriate code in the box Please read the Guidelines for Applicants at
provided if you have a disability which may in some the back of this form before replying to this
way affect your studies or may require special question.
facilities or treatment.

If you have a relevant criminal conviction,

Refer to the Guidelines for Applicants at the back of this please place an ‘X’ in the box.
form for the appropriate code.
15. References

Where possible, both referees must be academic referees. It is your responsibility to contact your referees and ensure
references reach Manchester Metropolitan University. To assist your referees with completing your reference, please refer
to the Reference Completion Guidance at the end of this form.

Name Post Held Address Telephone No Email

I declare that the information on this form is correct. I understand that any offer of a place is subject to my acceptance of
the University's terms and conditions. I accept that if I do not fully comply with these requirements Manchester Metropolitan
University reserves the right to cancel my application.

I agree that Manchester Metropolitan University may record and process the information contained in this form for
statistical and administrative reasons in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Applicant’s Signature: Date:

(Can be inserted electronically)
Monitoring Form

Planning Statistics

This page of the application form is for equal opportunities monitoring only and will not be used for selection

Please only complete this page if you have stated in section 3 above that your country of permanent residence is
in the UK.

Ethnic Origin

Please state the research degree which you are applying for:

Please choose from the ethnic origin terms printed here the code which you feel most closely describes your ethnic origin
and enter the code in the box below:

Ethnic Origin Codes

33 Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi

10 White
34 Chinese
14 Irish Traveller
39 Other Asian background
21 Black or Black British – Caribbean
42 Mixed – White & Black African
22 Black or Black British – African
43 Mixed – White & Asian
29 Other Black background
49 Other Mixed background
31 Asian or Asian British – Indian
80 Other Ethnic background
32 Asian or Asian British – Pakistani
Application Form to study for a Postgraduate Research Degree
Reference Completion Guidance
This section is for the applicant to provide to two referees as a guide on what to include in a reference.
- Where possible, both referees must be academic (if this is not possible, please see the ‘Mature Students’ note in the
Confidential Statement section below).
- It is preferable that the application is received complete with references attached. However, if this would delay
submission beyond the deadline, references can be submitted separately, as soon as possible after the deadline, by
the referees in line with the requirements below.
Please request that referees send the completed reference through to Admissions at pgradmissions@mmu.ac.uk

Applicant Information

All references should include the following Applicant information:

 Full Name of the Applicant
 (if known) The Scholarship Reference Number

Referee Information

All references need to include the following information about the Referee:

 Name
 Post/ occupation
 Relationship to the Applicant
 Address
 Telephone
 Email

Confidential Statement

We ask that referees provide the following information and consider the questions below regarding the Applicant’s
application for their chosen research degree in order to ensure the reference received is robust enough to meet Manchester
Metropolitan’s selection requirements:

1. In what capacity have you known the applicant and for how long?
2. What is your estimate of the applicant’s suitability for undertaking a research degree and, where relevant, the
particular research project being applied for?
3. To what extent are you able to verify the academic qualifications claimed by the applicant?
4. What intellectual and personal qualities does the applicant bring? Including:
(a) Development to date and previous examination performance – with special reference to any factors which may,
in your opinion, have adversely influenced the result.
(b) Present performance.
(c) The Applicant’s potential, including any assessment of the probable results of any pending examinations
(d) The Applicant’s career aspirations

Mature Students:
Referees may have difficulty commenting on the academic abilities of mature applicants who may not have any recent
educational experience and, in these circumstances, it is understood that references will need to reflect this and need not
cover all of the above points.

Reference Submission

 All references need to be sent from an official email address e.g. (academic) forename.surname@mmu.ac.uk
 Wherever possible, all references should be on either a letter headed document, or one which bears a university
 All references should be signed and dated by the Referee
 If being submitted separately to the application form, references should be sent to pgradmissions@mmu.ac.uk
Application Form to Study for a
Postgraduate Research Degree 3. Nationality/Residence/Visa/Finance details
Please complete this section as fully as possible.

Guidelines for Applicants Finance

General Please give details of how you will finance yourself at

Before completing this form, PLEASE ENSURE THAT Manchester Metropolitan University or enter one of the
YOU READ THESE NOTES CAREFULLY. following codes in the box.
You should also read the current institution literature List of fee payers and codes
relating to the programme or research area for which you
are applying in order to ensure that you are familiar with 01 Research Council
the curriculum and entry requirements. The Research 02 University Scholarship
Degree Regulations are available on the Graduate School 03 Industry
website 04 Part industry and part self funded
http://www2.mmu.ac.uk/graduate-school/ 05 Self funded
06 NHS
Exclusions 07 Overseas government, university, industry or
You should NOT use this form when applying for entry to agency
any course other than a research degree. 08 Staff development/departmental funding
(Manchester Metropolitan University staff only)
Mature Applicants 09 Other (please state in Section 2)
The University welcomes mature students including those 10 Not known
who do not have conventional qualifications for admissions
Visa requirement
to higher education. Full account is taken of relevant
In order to support the processing of documentation
experience and other educational achievements.
required for visa applications, applicants requiring a visa to
study in the UK should indicate by ticking the appropriate
Data Protection Act
box. If you are entering the UK under a different visa
The information which you give on your application form
please indicate which Tier you are entering under.
will be used for the following purposes only:
1. To enable your application for entry to be considered. 4. Details of course(s) to which you wish to apply
2. To enable the University to complete statistics, or to Please tick the appropriate box for the postgraduate
assist other organisations or individual research workers to research degree you wish to apply for.
do so, provided that no statistical information which would
identify you as a person will be published. Proposed mode of study. Please indicate whether you
3. To enable the University to initiate your student record. plan to study full-time or part-time.

Despatch arrangements Proposed enrolment period Some Faculties only offer

Some research programmes may have a deadline by September and January enrolment each year i.e. the
which applications should be received. Please consult the Faculty of Business and Law, otherwise, the University
prospectus/advertisement and/or programme literature. It offers three enrolment periods for a research degree.
is preferable that your application is received complete Please indicate which point of entry you would wish to
with references. However, if waiting for a reference would enrol and the year. Please consult the
delay your application beyond the deadline, it is prospectus/advertisement and/or programme literature.
acceptable for the references to be provided separately.
Send the completed application form direct to the Proposed Campus Please indicate which main campus
University (contacts on first page of application form). you wish to study at as some subjects are offered at both
Manchester and Cheshire campuses.
1. Application Reference Number: If you have applied in 5. Details of the subject area of your proposed
response to a specific advert, please include the reference research programme
number from the advert in this field Please indicate the general subject area in which your
2. Personal details research interest falls.

Previous surname If you have been in contact with staff to discuss your
If you have changed your name by marriage or otherwise, application, please insert their full name. This may be
state your previous surname or family name. either to discuss your application or as a potential
Correspondence address
This address and your email address will be used for all If you are applying for a scholarship through an
correspondence unless an alternative is provided. advertisement, please indicate where you saw the advert.
Permanent Home Address Please also indicate if you wish to be contacted about self-
If different to Correspondence Address funded research opportunities.
6. Educational establishments attended and pursue this research project. How does your
qualifications gained proposed work relate to what you have studied
Enter the exact subject name used by the examination already? Where there is a significant overlap
board in the relevant column. between your Master’s dissertation (if you completed
one) and your doctoral study, you should
Applicants with qualifications obtained outside the UK demonstrate clearly how the project goes beyond
should give details of the examinations taken as a your Master’s study. How does it relate to your
preparation for entry to higher education. Some examples eventual career aims?
are: School and Higher School Certificates, Apolytyrion,
Baccaluareate, Diploma di maturita, Examen Artium, 3. Your research project (c. 300 words)
Reifezeugnis, Studentereksamen. Applicants with Give a brief synopsis of your proposed research
qualifications obtained in a language other than English project. The main thrust of this section should be the
should attach a certified English transcript to the form. research problems or questions you intend to
7. Work history address. These should be clearly defined in your
Please include all your work experience and training paid proposal. You should describe:
or unpaid, fulltime, in your home or outside • The research problems or questions you intend to
8. English Language qualifications
• The research context in which those problems or
The section should be completed if you are a non-native
questions are located. In describing the context, you
speaker. The minimum level of proficiency for English
should refer to the current state of knowledge and any
requirements is normally an IELTS score of 6.5 with no recent debate on the subject.
element below 6.0. Some subject areas may require a
higher IELTS score. If you do not meet the minimum • The particular contribution to knowledge and
IELTS score, it may be possible to attend a pre-sessional understanding in this area that you hope to make.
English programme. You should explain why the work is important. The
fact that an area has not been studied previously is
9. Details of previous research experience (if any) not, in itself, a case for the proposal to be accepted.
This can include, but is not limited to, research undertaken We are also seeking a description of relevance
as part of a previous qualification. For advertised beyond the development of your own skills or
scholarship and self-funded opportunity applications, experience, though this is important as well.
please provide evidence of how your past research activity
maps onto the advertised post. Please also include any •The research methods and critical approaches that
publications or outputs produced or connected to previous you plan to use to address the problems or questions
work experience. you have set.

10. Personal Statement • The sources that you will use, if appropriate. You will
This is concerned with your personal reasons for applying need to state where these sources and materials
for a postgraduate research degree and your aspirations are located and how these will be accessed. It is
for the future in relation to this. sometimes helpful to put forward alternative
Using the questions as a guide, please provide information strategies or approaches if you are aware that
on: problems might arise.
1. Relevant skills for the research project such as
• You should say, as far as you can, how the project
practical, software, analytic, data gathering and
will develop over the period of study.
communication skills for example
2. Why Manchester Metropolitan? What attracted 4. Training and preparation (c. 100 words)
you? This could be reputation, supervisory offer, Give a brief indication of the training and preparation
location, recommended to you or any other you have already undertaken that is relevant to your
reasons that apply proposed study. Please say what further training you
3. Reasons for applying: examples of this could be will require. If you have already discussed your
career advancement, pursuit of knowledge and training needs with the university, include brief
academic excellence, curiosity, self-challenge, details and say how these needs will be met. For
development etc. practice based subjects, you should include details of
4. Your career aspirations: are you considering a your professional or work experience (including
career change or perhaps intend to pursue a relevant voluntary work or exhibitions). You should
specific role in academia or industry? give a realistic assessment of the academic
challenges you will face in undertaking the project,
11. Research Proposal and say how you will overcome them.
This section plays a key part in the assessment of your
application. The assessors are interested in your ability to 12. Further information
present your case clearly and concisely. Use the Please provide answers to the three additional questions.
subheadings below to set out as clearly as you can the
work you intend to undertake. 13. Disability, special needs or medical condition
1. Please give a brief title for your proposed programme We aim to create an environment that enables all students
of research to participate fully in university life. To help us make any
necessary reasonable adjustments, please use the
2. Your reasons and purposes for undertaking this following codes to indicate your specific needs.
project (c. 100 words) State briefly why you wish to
Completion Guidance earlier in this form and ensure
your referees have access to this guidance also.
00 No known disability
02 You are blind or partially sighted It is preferable that your application is received complete
03 You are deaf or hearing impaired with the references attached. However, if this would
delay your application beyond the deadline, your
04 You use a wheelchair or have mobility difficulties references can be submitted, as soon as possible after
05 You require personal care support the deadline, separately by your referee in line with the
06 You have mental health difficulties reference requirements which you will find in our
Reference Completion Guidance.
You have a disability that cannot be seen, for example
diabetes, epilepsy, asthma
In this case, please request that your referees send the
08 You have multiple disabilities completed reference through to:
You have Autistic Spectrum Disorder or Asperger pgradmissions@mmu.ac.uk
You have a specific learning difficulty, for example IMPORTANT NOTE
The University undertakes to take all reasonable steps to
You have a disability, special need or medical provide educational services in the manner set out in the
condition that is not listed here prospectus and in other documents. Should industrial
action or other circumstances beyond the control of the
institution interfere with its ability to provide such services,
14. Criminal Convictions the institution undertakes to use all reasonable steps to
Place an X in the box if you have a conviction (not minimise the resultant disruption to educational services.
including a motoring offence for which you received a fine
or three points, or a spent sentence*, as defined by the Declaration
Rehabilitation of offenders Act 1974). Leave the box blank Any offer of a place you may receive is made on the
if you have not been convicted of a criminal offence. understanding that in accepting, you agree to abide by the
* For some courses particularly in teaching, health, social rules and regulations of the University and by signing this
work and other courses involving work with children, you form you are confirming your agreement. Please use an
must disclose all criminal convictions including spent electronic signature if you are emailing the application
sentences and cautions (written or verbal). form.
Please ensure that the form is completed legibly in
15. References black ink or type written. Before submission, please
The two referees’ reports are an integral and important check that all sections of the form have been
part of the selection process, and the information provided completed correctly.
will help to guide the Research Degree Co-ordinators in
making their decisions.
In order to ensure that your reference fulfils all of the
required criteria, please refer to the Reference .

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