Professional Development Application Form 2020
Professional Development Application Form 2020
Please complete this Application Form using the Notes for Applicants
MEd/Dip/Cert Inclusive Practice PG Cert Teaching and Learning in the Primary Context
MEd/Dip/Cert Autism and Learning MEd/Dip/Cert Pastoral Care, Guidance and Pupil Support
Section 4 Educational (Higher and Further) and Other Relevant Qualifications (BLOCK Letters
Please list below, in chronological order, your educational, professional and other relevant qualifications for entry
including those you hope to obtain. Include College and University programmes only. Please enclose a transcript
of your main degree qualification(s) (translated into English where appropriate).
Qualification Title, Subject and Level University/College of Study (if not Result or Date of Award or
(e.g. BSc Biology, MBBS) UK, please state which country) Grade Anticipated
Section 6 English Language Proficiency (please complete if your first language (‘mother tongue’) is not
(If you have not yet taken a test please state your anticipated test date)
Please provide a copy of your English Language Proficiency.
UK/EU National, resident in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland for last 3 years
If you have a disability not listed above, please give brief details
If you are a UK undergraduate are you in receipt of Disabled Students Allowance? Yes No
Section 11 How did you hear about this Programme? (Insert an ‘X’ in the relevant box below)
1. University Prospectus 6. University Visit to your 11. Academic
Institution Department
2. WWW 7. Aberdeen International 12. Your own teaching
Officer staff
3. Higher Education Convention or 8. Family/Friends 13. Word of mouth
4. British Council 9. Open Day 14. Other (please
5. Your own School 10. Newspaper/Journal
(please specify):
I certify that the information given in this application is correct and complete. If I am admitted to the
University I undertake to observe the University’s Regulations and to ensure payment of tuition fees and other
financial liabilities to the University. I agree that the University of Aberdeen may process personal data
contained in this form, or other data which the University may obtain from me or other people whilst I am an
applicant and student, for any purposes connected with my application or for any other legitimate reason.
Section 13
Please remember to include the following documentation:
Degree certificates and transcripts
A valid IELTS certificate or proof of your language proficiency (if applicable)
Two references
Fee and curriculum confirmation form
If you do not submit the required documents with your application it cannot be processed
The information on this page is required for statistical purposes only and will not be made available to staff
considering the application for admission. Please tick the appropriate boxes.
Black or Black British
Caribbean African Other Black Background
Asian or Asian British
Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi
White & Black Caribbean White & Black African White & Asian
Entered HE via Scottish Wider Access Programme Entered HE via another Access Programme
Incoming SOCRATES-ERASMUS Student Other Incoming Exchange or Visiting Student
(Institutional Contract)
Not Applicable
(if you are the first person in your household to go to University please insert a cross in the Yes box)