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Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Phase 3 - Participant - Observation Practice

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación

Course: Foreign Language Acquisition and Learning
Code: 518015

Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric – Phase 3 – Observation Practice

1. Activity Description

Type of activity: Individual

Evaluation moment: Intermediate Unit 2
Highest score of the activity: 115 points
The activity starts on: Sunday, March The activity ends on: Saturday, April 22,
26, 2023 2023
With this activity, you are expected to achieve the following learning

Compare the main theories on foreign language acquisition within the context of the
pedagogical practice scenario.
The activity consists of:

Theoretical Part

Step 1

Attend and participate in the web conference of the course (fill the attendance form),
if you can not participate you can check the recording and make a summary of it
(add your summary to the final document).

Step 2

Go to the learning environment and check the contents included in Unit 2 - Learning
trends in Foreign Language.

Step 3

Based on the information and the different methodologies and approaches you can find
in the bibliographic references included in unit 2, make a comparative chart where you
identify the following using your own words:

Main characteristic
Role of the student
Roles of the teacher

Post your chart directly on the forum and make meaningful comments about your
classmates’ work.

Step 4

Please check the following situations, identify the methodology you consider
they are using and advice the teachers about the methodology or approach
they must use to improve the performance of their students. Support your proposal
for each teacher with strong arguments and based on the theories but using your
own words.

I teach adults in a virtual university; they are studying to become

English teachers but some of them do not like to have active
participation in the classes, especially in those where we have to
speak and that is the skill where I focus my classes. In the classes
we try to use real context and I prefer the role plays over the
Teacher Viviana worksheets, but their participation is really low and their
performance too.

I have just changed to teaching teenagers who are fifteen and

sixteen years old. They are not able to read and write in English, but
they have superb communicative skills in their mother thong, for
that reason I like to use Spanish for giving instructions, writing on
the board and so on. I like to give them text in Spanish, and they
Teacher Samuel use their dictionaries to translate the text, but I have figured out
they are not learning new vocabulary, their grammar level is low and
the speaking part s like a horror movie for them.

I teach adults in a language institute. I try to make the lessons fun
and interesting, so I have lots of activities
and games, but I have noticed that some of them feel uncomfortable
with that because according to them, I make them feel like children,
and they consider my classes nonproductive. The problem is they
Teacher Lina do not feel comfortable with the class even when they have noticed
the improvement.
They really get angry and frustrated sometimes. Should I stop using
games and only follow the guidebook?

I teach young children in first grade. They do not have yet correctly
developed their communicative skills in their L1, for that reason, I
tried to use realia in my classes and the idea is helping to learn
Spanish and English at the same time, for now I am focus on speaking
but I think it is too much for them because at the end just three or
four caught the idea and the rest lost the interest in the class.
Teacher Roberto

Step 5: Prepare a PDF document and send it to the evaluation environment with the

• Cover-page
• Summary of the web conference if you did not attend
• Comparative chart
• Proposal with the advice for each teacher.
• References

- Upload a PDF file with the task’s evidence. Identify your file as
follows: 518015 - Phase 3 – Your Full Name.pdf

Practical Part

Step 6

Once you are allowed to start your practice you need to download the following forms
from the learning environment phase 3 and complete them as state here:

This phase does not need a new plan de trabajo. You just must fill this form once
during the course but if you need to modify the dates or topics you can change it.

• Diario de Campo: Allows you to systematically register the participant
observation, experience, and perception the students have of the different classes you
attend. (Fill out 1 Diario de Campo in phase 3)

• Formato de Asistencia al Lugar de Práctica: This form is to register the

attendance to the participant observation practice, it needs to have the dates,
length of time, and the signature of the supervisor (teacher, academic
coordinator or principal) in the institution where you will be developing your
practice. The dates you register in this form must match with the ones you
include in Plan de Trabajo form.

10 hours for this phase distributed in this way:

• 8 hours for observation and class support,

• 2 hours for developing material,

Step 7

• Material-evidence: For this phase you must take two hours to design original
didactic material to be used in the classes where you are developing your
pedagogical practice. Upload all the material you have designed for the school
on your e-portfolio using the template you will find the learning environment
phase 3.

This material must be designed by you, and it is totally forbidden to download

and use information from other authors.

Designing guides for the school will not be allowed as Material Evidence.

Step 8

• Photo-evidence: During the development of the 10 hours corresponding to this

phase you have to the photo evidence of each activity you include in Formato de
Asistencia and Plan de Trabajo.

Take some pictures of your Participant – observation practice and save evidence
of the support you give to carry out the classes or the material you have created
for the classes (Please avoid taking pictures of the kids).

• Organize your evidence in a chronological order, upload it on your e-portfolio
using the template you will find the learning environment phase 3.

Step 9

When you have finished the 10 hours corresponding to this phase you must compile
the following information and send it to the e-portfolio in the space created for this
activity. This space is going to be so important during this course because in that space
will be used as our logbook. (The link to access to the e-portfolio will be sent to your
institutional email Ex. [email protected]).

Your e-portfolio will be just for you, so you can not share the link with anybody else,
because it is personal and non-transferable. Each practical course will have its own e-
portfolio so please be sure you will not get confused with the link.

On your E-portfolio you will have the following folders, so you do not need to create
any other folder you just need to upload the required documents:

Administrative Folder

Phase 2
•Material Evidence
•Photo Evidence
Phase 3
•Material Evidence
•Photo Evidence
Phase 4
•Simulated Escenario Evidence
•Photo Evidence

For the Phase 3 you must organize your documents in the following way for the Phase

Upload the following document to this folder, all the document must be in PDF format:
Forms Diario de Campo form:
Please identify your file as follows: Diario de Campo_Your Full Name_ID Number. Upload a
PDF file.

Diario de Campo_Monica Del Rosario Guillen_123456789.PDF

Upload the following document to this folder, all the document must be in PDF format:
Formato de Asistencia al Lugar de Practica:
Please identify your file as follows:
Formato de Asistencia al Lugar de Practica_Your Full Name_ID Number. Upload a PDF file.

Formato de Asistencia al Lugar de Practica_Monica Del Rosario Guillen_123456789.PDF

Material Upload the following document to this folder, all the document must be in PDF format:
Material Evidence:

Evidence Please identify your file as follows:

Material Evidence_Creation Date_Your Full Name_identification #. Upload a PDF file, PPT, Video.
It depends on the kind of material you have designed.
Material Evidence_ February 12th_Monica Del Rosario Guillen_123456789.PDF

Photo Upload the following document to this folder, all the document must be in PDF format:
Photo Evidence: Please identify your file as follows: Photo Evidence _Your Full Name_ID
Evidence Number. Upload a PDF file.
Photo Evidence_Monica Del Rosario Guillen_123456789.PDF

This information must be in the e-portfolio filled and delivered before the deadline.
The forms that you upload must be completely filled and you can not change the size,
color, or any other characteristic that the original document has.

Due to you need to add your digital signature in some of the forms I share with you
the following tutorial that will help you to know how to do it:


For the development of the activity consider that:

In the Initial Information Environment, you must:

- Check the Course Agenda to organize your time.

- Check all available forums, introduce yourself in the General Forum.
- Verify the dates of the Web Conferences so that you can plan your participation
- Verify your tutors’ synchronous attention by Skype.

In the Learning Environment, you must:

- Download the Syllabus of the course to read.
- Go to the discussion forum for the task and get familiar with your collaborative

In the Evaluation Environment, you must:

For the theoretical part:

Prepare a PDF document and send it to the evaluation environment with the

• Cover-page
• Summary of the web conference if you did not attend
• Comparative chart
• Proposal with the advice for each teacher.
• References

- Upload a PDF file with the task’s evidence. Identify your file as
follows: 518015 - Phase 3 – Your Full Name.pdf

In the e-portfolio you must:

Prepare the documents, fill out the forms and upload them to your e-portfolio. Check
the way you must name and organize the documents in the different folders see step

Evidence of individual work:

The individual evidence to be submitted is:

For the theoretical part:

Prepare a PDF document and send it to the evaluation environment with the

• Cover-page
• Summary of the web conference if you did not attend
• Comparative chart
• Proposal with the advice for each teacher.
• References

Upload a PDF file with the task’s evidence. Identify your file as follows: 518015 - Phase 3
– Your Full Name.pdf

For the practical part:

Prepare the documents, fill out the forms and upload them to your e-portfolio. Check
the way you must name and organize the documents in the different folders see step

Evidence of collaborative work:

No collaborative evidence is required in this activity.

2. General Guidelines for the Development of Evidence to Submit

For Individual evidence, consider the following:

For the theoretical part:

Prepare a PDF document and send it to the evaluation environment with the

• Cover-page
• Summary of the web conference if you did not attend
• Comparative chart
• Proposal with the advice for each teacher.
• References

- Upload a PDF file with the task’s evidence. Identify your file as
follows: 518015 - Phase 3 – Your Full Name.pdf

For the practical part:

Prepare the documents, fill out the forms and upload them to your e-portfolio. Check
the way you must name and organize the documents in the different folders see
step 9.

Please keep in mind that all individual or collaborative written products must comply
with the spelling rules and presentation conditions defined in this activity guide.
Regarding the use of references, consider that the product of this activity must
comply with APA style.
In any case, make sure you comply with the rules and avoid academic plagiarism.
You can review your written products using the Turnitin tool found in the virtual

Under the Academic Code of Conduct, the actions that infringe the academic order,
among others, are the following: paragraph e) Plagiarism is to present as your own
work all or part of a written report, task or document of invention carried out by
another person. It also implies the use of citations or lack of references, or it
includes citations where there is no match between these and the reference and
paragraph f) To reproduce, or copy for profit, educational resources or results of

research products, which have rights reserved for the University. (Acuerdo 029 - 13
de diciembre de 2013, artículo 99)

The academic penalties students will face are:

a) In case of academic fraud demonstrated in the academic work or evaluation, the
score obtained will be zero (0.0) without any disciplinary measures being derived.
b) In case of proven plagiarism in academic work of any nature, the score obtained
will be zero (0.0), without any disciplinary measures being derived.

3. Evaluation Rubric Template

Type of activity: Individual

Evaluation moment: Intermediate Unit 2
The highest score in this activity is 115 points
First evaluation High level: The student made a well-constructed comparison
criterion: chart; the information is complete and fulfilling the instructions
given. The student created a proposal following the structure
The student given in this activity guide, the pieces of advice were good, the
develops the information was complete and reliable. The student provided
theoretical part of enough background information and the arguments to support
this phase fulfilling their ideas are coherent and strong.
the instructions If your work is at this level, you can get 50 points
Average level: The student made a well-constructed
This criterion comparison chart; the information is complete and fulfilling the
represents 50 instructions given. The student created a proposal following the
points of the total structure given in this activity guide, the pieces of advice were
of 115 points of good, the information was complete and reliable. The student
the activity. provided enough background information and the arguments to
support their ideas are coherent and strong. Most sentences are
well constructed with a few mistakes. Some attempts at complex
sentence structure are successful.
If your work is at this level, you can get 30 points

Low level: The student created the chart, but the comparisons
were not significant, or they were not correctly built. The student
did not make the proposal with the pieces of advice for the

teachers, or the proposal was incomplete and full of structural,
cohesion, coherence, and grammar mistakes or without a
theoretical support.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0
points and 16 points
Second evaluation High level: The student filled out correctly the forms included
criterion: for this phase according to the instructions given in the guide.
The student named all the documents correctly and they were
The student uploaded in the respective folders fulfilling the instructions
develops the provided in this activity guide. The format of all the documents
participant is PDF according to the orientations. All the information is
observation part of complete and the number of hours and evidence.
this phase fulfilling If your work is at this level, you can get 50 points
the instructions
given. Average level: The student filled out correctly the forms
included for this phase according to the instructions given in the
This criterion guide. The student named all the documents correctly and they
represents 50 were uploaded in the respective folders fulfilling the instructions
points of the total provided in this activity guide. The format of all the documents
of 115 points of is PDF according to the orientations. The student did not make
the activity. all the corrections according to the feedback given for the
previous phase.

If your work is at this level, you can get 30 points

Low level: The student did follow all the instructions provided
in this activity guide, some forms were not correctly filled out,
some information was not complete, some documents were
incorrectly uploaded, or they were not uploaded to the e-
portfolio. The student did not fulfill some of the requirements
described in any of the steps.
If your work is at this level, you can get 0 points
Third evaluation High level: The student took an active role in the development
criterion: of the task by completing each step of this phase in a timely
manner in accordance with the unit's contents and concentrating
The student takes in the instructions given. Their participation in the forum and the
an active role in the web conference was on time and meaningful.
development of the If your work is at this level, you can get 15 points
task, completing all

the steps in a timely Average level: The student tried their best to take an active
manner. role in the development of the task by partially completing the
steps of the phase. The student did not make any mistake
uploading the documents to the e-portfolio. The student did not
This criterion attend the web conference but sent an incomplete summary.
represents 15
points of the total If your work is at this level, you can get 9 points
of 115 points of
the activity. Low level: The student did not take an active role in the
development of the task. The student had a hard time following
the activity guide's recommendations to fulfill the different steps
of this phase.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0
points and 6 points


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