Class - 8 LKG: Holiday Homework

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New Varanasi Public School Summer Holiday Homework 2022-23 | Class 8

Holiday Homework

Class – 8th

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Name : ………………………………………………………………………….

Class : …………….………… Sec : …………. Roll No : ……………..

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New Varanasi Public School Summer Holiday Homework 2022-23 | Class 8

Dear Parents,
The rapid spread of COVID-19 across the world continues to dominate the
headlines, the pandemic has altered our daily lives……it has taken too much
from us but at the same time it has given us the chance to spend time with
our families….during this time children might have tried to explore the new
side of their personalities… enhancing the cooking, skills, singing,
dancing, gardening, writing, painting etc……and a very new thing they have
learnt is studying through virtual classes. And now it’s a time for summer
break….an exciting time for all the kids to rejuvenate from their daily
routine. Summer breaks are provided to students to give them a space from
the study pressure of the entire year.

Dear Children,
The long awaited summer vacation is here, bringing with it the gift of
enjoyment that is spent in exploring books, storytelling and playing games.
We have planned some activities for you to keep your energies well directed
and engaged positively.
Write few lines below for your Teacher.

Dear Teacher,
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New Varanasi Public School Summer Holiday Homework 2022-23 | Class 8

Class – 8th
ह िंदी और ह िंदी व्याकरण
1. अतिति आने पर आपके घर कौन-कौन से पकवान बनाए जािे ैं? स्िान में तितिए- ( पेज सिंख्या 23 पर )
2. ददए गए तित्र में सुन्दर रिं ग भररए और बिाइए दक गुरूजी कौन-कौन से पकवान िा र े ैं? ( पेज सिंख्या 24 पर )
3. भारि में बने दकन् ी िीन गुफा मिंददरों के तित्र तिपकाए ििा उनके नाम तितिए- ( पेज सिंख्या 30 पर )
सिंस्कृ ि 1. ‘डॉ राजेंद्र प्रसादः’ के बारे में 10 वाक्य तितिए|
2. ‘अतिवक्ता’ और ‘सेवा’ का शब्द रूप तितिए- ( पेज सिंख्या 15 पर )
3. पयाायवािी-म ोदति, वायु, सरस्विी, गणेशः|
Moral Science
1. How can you say that God lives everywhere? Write a short note on “ Rani Laxmibai”.
2. Do all the work of Moral science in fill page and make a bill for it.

Computer 1 . Make a project on any one topic . Types of software ,or Uses of Internet
2. Draw four input devices on chart paper.
Social Study
1. Draw/Make a chart on the solar system and colour it along with their name, to paste in the class.
2. On the outline Map of India show the following:
a. Himalaya regions
b. River- Ganga, Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Narmada, Kaveri
c. Coast- Konkar Coast, Malabar Coast
d. Plateaus- Malwa, Deccan Plateaus, Tibet Plateaus
e. Andaman & Nicobar island, Lakshadweep, Sri Lanka, Indira Point
3. Answer the following question in short:
a. How many kind of resources?
b. What are the significance of natural resources?
c. What do you mean sustainable development?
d. Define republic.
e. What do you mean by the directive principal of state?
f. What are the judicial system in India. Write in details with example.
4. Do map work of India about British empire during 1947.
Make separate copy for holiday homework.
Chapter 1 Crop production and management Activity Page 18
Chapter 2 Synthetic fibres and Plastics Activity Page 41
Chapter 11 Force and Pressure Numerical Activity 1 to 5 Page 129
1. Create and display advertisement for the newspaper to sell the new range of gel pens that your company is to
launch in the market.
2. Make a poster on the topic “smoking kills”.
1. Rational Numbers Ex-1h and Test Paper-1
Exponents Ex-2C and Test Paper2
Squares and Square Roots Ex-2H and Test Paper-3
Cubes and Cube Roots Ex-4D and Test Paper-4
English Worksheet 1,2,3,4,5,6,15,16,18,19,21,25,26 Page 2 to 8, 18 to 20, 22,23,26,30,31

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New Varanasi Public School Summer Holiday Homework 2022-23 | Class 8

Work Sheet
Hindi Worksheet 1,2,3,13,14,15,16,17,25,27,28,29,30 Page 3 to 5, 15 to 19, 27, 29 to 32
Science Worksheet 1,4,5,16,17,18,24,28,29,30 Page 2,5,6,17,18,19,25,29,30,31,32
Maths Worksheet 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,13,14,15,16,17,36 Page 3 to 11, 18 to 22, 43
S.St Worksheet 1,2,12,18,20 Page 2,3,16,23,25
Computer Worksheet 1,2 Page 2 to 4
G.K Worksheet 1 to 20 Page 2 to 24

Good health may seem natural at a young age, but maintaining physical and emotional
wellbeing often requires us to develop healthy lifestyle. Having a healthy lifestyle, eating
well and being physically active helps children to build strong bones, Grow and develop
healthily, Improve their concentration and make them active and alert. Jump, Run, Hop
and have fun. Practice Aerobics ,exercises and Dancing . Simple yoga exercises can help
them to improve their immunity system which is very important now due to covid-19.


Healthy eating habits are more likely to stay with you if learn them as a child. That’s why
it’s important to teach children healthy eating habits so that they can stick with these habits
for life long and that will help them to avoid developing chronic diseases. Make sure that your
ward should learn to wash hand every and now. Also train your ward to use face mask

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New Varanasi Public School Summer Holiday Homework 2022-23 | Class 8

Look at the picture given below and write the story in your own word.

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New Varanasi Public School Summer Holiday Homework 2022-23 | Class 8

 Parents can be the facilitators for the child at home but the
child needs to complete the work in his/her handwriting.

 Holiday homework will be graded under CCE & add 5 Marks in

Half Yearly Examination hence submission of work on time
post vacation is mandatory for all the students.

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New Varanasi Public School Summer Holiday Homework 2022-23 | Class 8

Picture Analogies

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