Selection 2 2014

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Selection Test 4

8 March, 2014
Total: 100 marks (20 marks for each question), Time allowed: 180 minutes

Answer all questions.


1. A capacitor consists of parallel plates A and B, each of area S and they are separated by a vacuum
gap of width D. For (a)-(e), suppose the capacitor is charged up by a battery with voltage V. The
capacitor is then isolated from the battery.
(a) What is the charge density on each plate?
(b) What is the electric field near plate A due to plate B?
(c) What is the force of attraction between the two plates?
(d) What is the electrical field energy in the gap?
(e) What is the mechanical work done by the electrical force when the gap separation is reduced from
D to D/3?
(f) Suppose the capacitor is charged up by a battery with voltage V. With the battery remains
connected, the gap separation is reduced from D to D/3. What is the mechanical work done by the
electrical force?
(g) Explain whether the results in (e) and (f) are the same or different. Support your argument with
calculations of energy terms.

2. As shown in the figure, the vacuum is enclosed between two parallel metal plates normal to the x
axis representing the cathode and anode. They are separated by distance s. The potential difference
generates an electric field E in the negative x direction. A magnetic field B is applied in the z
direction. Electrons are emitted from the cathode at the position (x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0) with effectively
zero initial velocity. The mass and electric charge of an electron are denoted as m and −e
respectively. Derive the trajectory of the electrons in the following steps.

差所產生的電場為E,方向為負x。在z方向施加一個磁場B。電子由陰極上的位置(x, y, z)=(0,
0, 0)射出,其有效初始速度為零。電子的質量和電荷分別為m和-e。試透過以下步驟,推導

B cathode anode


(a) Consider a particle whose velocity v in the xy plane is described by the vector equation

dv  
= ω×v

ω is a vector independent of position and time, and is perpendicular to the xy plane. What is the

trajectory of v in the xy plane? What is the period in time, if the trajectory is periodic?
  
考慮速度為 v 的粒子,速度 v 處於xy平面上。 v 滿足以下向量公式

dv  
 
ω 是一支與位置和時間無關的向量,並且垂直於xy平面。 v 在xy平面上的軌跡是甚麼?如果
(b) Now consider the trajectory of electrons in the figure. Using (a), describe the trajectory of the
 
vector v × B in the xy plane that satisfies the initial condition of zero velocity. Sketch the
trajectory in your answer book with the x and y axes labeled. What is the period in time, if the
trajectory has a periodic component?
 
現考慮圖中電子的軌跡。利用(a),描述滿足初始條件為零,向量 v × B 於xy平面上的軌跡。
 
(c) Denote the unit vector along the z axis as k̂ . Given the vector v × kˆ and that the velocity v lies

in the xy plane, what is the magnitude and direction of the vector v ? Hence describe the trajectory

of the vector v in the vxvy plane that satisfies the initial condition of zero velocity. Sketch the
trajectory in your answer book with the x and y axes labeled.
  
以 k̂ 表示沿z軸的單位向量。給定向量 v × kˆ 和速度 v 都是處於xy平面上, v 的長度和方向是

甚麼?由此,描述滿足初始速度為零的向量 v 在vxvy平面上的軌跡。將軌跡畫在答題簿,並

(d) Sketch the trajectory of the electron in the xy plane with the x and y axes labeled. What is the
radius of the circular motion component? What is the displacement along the y direction if the
electron hits the cathode again?
(e) What is the minimum potential difference V between the cathode and anode for the electrons to
reach the anode? What is the displacement along the y direction when it hits the anode at this
voltage V?

3. As shown in the following figure, two parallel metal rails, connected to the two terminals of an
ideal battery E, are aligned in vertical direction. The rails are at a distance L from each other. A
metal rod with mass m and resistance R can move freely along the rails without any friction. The
gravitational force G on the metal rod is parallel to the rails along the downward vertical direction.
A homogeneous magnetic field of magnitude B points perpendicularly into the page. The electrical
resistance of the rails can be neglected. The metal rod is released from rest at time t = 0.
插入頁面。導軌的電阻可忽略不計。在t = 0時,金屬棒從靜止釋放。

metal rod


(a) At t = 0, what is the emf ε1 of the battery that is just enough to create a force canceling the
gravitational force? Express your answer as a function of G, B, R and L.
在t = 0時,由電池產生的力剛好抵銷重力,電池的電動勢是甚麼?答案以G, B, R及L表示。

(b) Now we reduce the emf of the battery to ε = ε1/3. The metal rod starts to slide downwards. What is
the maximum speed vm the rod can reach?
現在,我們將電池的電動勢減至ε = ε1/3。金屬棒開始向下滑落。金屬棒可以達到的最大速度
(c) At time t, the velocity of the metal rod is given by v(t) = vm[1 − exp(−λt)]. What is the expression
for λ? When will the velocity reach vm/2?
在時間t,金屬棒的速度為v(t) = vm[1 − exp(−λt)]。λ的表達式是甚麼?速度何時會達至vm/2?
(d) After the rod reaches its maximum speed, what is the thermal power dissipated from the resistance
of the rod? What is the output power of the battery? What is the power provided by the
gravitational force?
(e) Following (d), explain whether the law of energy conservation is upheld.

4. As shown in the figure, a circular coil with radius a and center at O is held in a vertical plane. A
current I flows in the coil. OP is a line through O and is normal to the plane containing the circular
ring. The length of OP is h. A small metal ring is placed at P, with the center of the ring located at
P. The radius b of the ring is much smaller than a and h. The plane of the ring is also normal to
OP, that is, the planes of the circular coil and the small ring are parallel.

I ω
O h P

(a) Find the magnetic field at point P.


For (b)-(d), the current I in the circular coil is constant, and the small ring rotates about the vertical axis
through P at an angular velocity ω. The electrical resistance of the small ring is R, and its
self-inductance is negligible.
在(b)-(d),線圈內的電流I是常數。小環繞着通過P的垂直軸轉動,角速度為 ω。小環的電阻為R,
(b) Find the induced current in the small ring.
(c) Find the external torque exerted on the small ring that maintains its angular velocity at a constant.
(d) Find the mutual inductance between the circular coil and the small ring, and the induced emf
experienced by the circular coil from the small ring.

5. The tunnel paradox is often raised to ridicule the prediction of length contraction in special
relativity. According to the paradox, a train travels through a tunnel with a natural length shorter
than that of the train. However, according to a ground observer, the train can just fit the tunnel due
to length contraction. Suppose the front and back gates of the tunnel close at the instant when the
train just fits into the tunnel, and then open immediately. Then there are no collision events
between the train and the tunnel gate.
However, according to an observer on the train, the tunnel is shorter than the train due to length
contraction. So when the front and back tunnel gates close, the gates are expected to collide with
the train!
In this problem, we will resolve this paradox, assuming that: (1) the natural lengths of the train and
the tunnel are 100 m and 60 m respectively, (2) the train travels at 0.8c, where c is the speed of
light, (3) the reference frames on the ground and the train are (x, ct) and (x’, ct’) respectively, (4)
when the train starts to enter the tunnel, the clock on the train and the clock on the ground are
synchronized to ct = ct’ = 0, and the coordinates of the tunnel entrance gate are set to x = x’ = 0.
ct)和(x', ct'),(4)當列車開始進入隧道時,在列車上和在地面上的的時鐘皆同步至ct = ct'=
0,並且在隧道入口處的坐標被設置為x = x'= 0。

(a) According to the ground observer, what are the lengths of the tunnel and the train?
(b) According to the train observer, what are the lengths of the tunnel and the train?
(c) Draw a diagram with axes x and ct. On the diagram, draw the world lines of the tunnel and the
train, and the following 4 events:
(1) P: the front end of the train enters the tunnel,
(2) Q: the front end of the train exits the tunnel,
(3) R: the back end of the train enters the tunnel,
(4) S: the back end of the train exits the tunnel.
(1) P:列車前端進入隧道,
(2) Q:列車前端離開隧道,
(3) R:列車後端進入隧道,
(4) S:列車後端離開隧道。
(d) According to the ground observer, what are the coordinates of the events P, Q, R and S?
(e) Draw a diagram with axes x’ and ct’. On the diagram, draw the world lines of the tunnel and the
train, and the events P, Q, R and S.
(f) According to the train observer, what are the coordinates of the events P, Q, R and S?
(g) Explain why the tunnel paradox can be resolved.


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