Week13 Turbomachine I
Week13 Turbomachine I
Week13 Turbomachine I
(2) Dynamic pumps add momentum to the fluid by means of fast-
moving blades or vanes, such as centrifugal or axial pump
Chap 11.2 Centrifugal Pumps
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centrifugal_pump http://www.pumpfundamentals.com/
• Fluid is sucked into the eye and flows radially outward along impeller blades into
a casing.
• Impeller blades are usually backward curved to prevent unstable flow conditions.
Basic Output Parameters
• Net head H (head added to fluid, We
used hp in Chapter 6)
⎛ p2 V22 ⎞ ⎛ p1 V12 ⎞
H =⎜ + + z2 ⎟ − ⎜ + + z1 ⎟ = hs − h f
⎝ γ 2g ⎠ ⎝ γ 2g ⎠
Pump Efficiency P
W from shaft
Sources of loss:
• Efficiency of the pump: • fluid-fluid friction and flow separation
Pw γ QH • friction in the bearings and shaft seal
η= = • impeller drag
bhp ω T
• internal leakage due to clearances
Pump Efficiency (Cont.)
• Volumetric efficiency Q
ηv =
Q + QL
• Hydraulic Efficiency hf
ηh = 1−
• Mechanical Efficiency Pf
ηm = 1−
• It is common to assume that Reynolds Number (in this case )
and relative roughness have a constant effect, thus
approximately: C H CQ
C H ≈ C H (CQ ) C P ≈ C P (CQ ) η≡ = η (CQ )
• Exp: From data of 11.7, the nondimensional plot of the pump
performance data are plotted into 11.8.
BEP: !max=0.88, CQ*=0.115, CH*=5.0, CP*=0.65,
These values can be used to estimate the BEP performance of
any size pump in this geometrically similar family. Shutoff head
CH(0)=6.0, shutoff power CP(0)=0.25, and the max discharge
CQmax=0.23 Fig. 11.8 Nondimensional plot of the
pump performance data from Fig.
11.7. These numbers are not
representative of other pump
Example 11.3
Similarity Rules
• If pump 1 and pump 2 are from the same
geometric family and are operating at
homologous points (same dimensionless
position on a chart such as Fig. 11.8)
Q2 n2 ⎛ D2 ⎞
= ⎜ ⎟
Q1 n1 ⎝ D1 ⎠
2 2
H 2 ⎛ n2 ⎞ ⎛ D2 ⎞
=⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
H1 ⎝ n1 ⎠ ⎝ D1 ⎠ Similarity rules are used to estimate the effect of changing the
3 5 fluid, speed, or size on any turbomachine with geometrically
P2 ρ2 ⎛ n2 ⎞ ⎛ D2 ⎞ similar family.
= ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
P1 ρ1 ⎝ n1 ⎠ ⎝ D1 ⎠
Similarity Rules (Cont.)
• You can also write the previous three equations in this way:
!" !$
# = # = %%
"" #" "$ #$
&" &$
$ $ = $ $ = %&
"" #" "$ #$
'" '$
# ' = # ' = %(
(" "" #" ($ "$ #$
Similarity Rules (Cont.)
• Efficiency:
1− η2 ⎛ D1 ⎞
• Size changes: ≈⎜ ⎟
1− η1 ⎝ D2 ⎠
0.94 − η2 ⎛ Q1 ⎞
• Flow rate changes ≈⎜ ⎟
0.94 − η1 ⎝ Q2 ⎠
Be careful when using the pump scaling laws.
(1) The pump scaling laws require that ALL dimensions be scaled the same
(impeller, casing, etc.).
• In practice, often different diameter impellers are used in the same casing.
• General rule of thumb – If D does not change by more than ~20%, the
pump similarity laws still produce reasonable results.
(2) The effects of roughness and viscosity are neglected in the similarity laws,
but can become important for small pumps or very viscous fluids.
Problem 11.34
• Consider a pump geometrically
similar to the 9-in-diameter
pump of Fig. P11.34 to deliver
1200 gal/min of kerosene at
1500 rpm. Determine the
appropriate (a) impeller
diameter; (b) BEP horsepower;
(c) shut-off head; and (d)
maximum efficiency.
• For kerosene, take ρ ≈ 1.56 slug/ft3
Chap 11.4 Choose the right type of pumps
• Centrifugal pump is a high-head, low-flow machine. It is not
convenient for applications requiring low head and high discharge. In
that case, mixed-flow (part radial, part axial) and axial-flow (propeller-
type) families of dynamic pump are more suitable.
• The specific speed is used to help select an appropriate (most efficient) pump.
• Assuming your pump will operate at ω, Q, and H near peak efficiency. Ns is applied only
to BEP. Thus a single number characterizes an entire family of pumps.
n ( Q *) n ( Q *)
1/2 1/2
C Or, more commonly
N =
' Q*
= Ns =
C 3/4
(gH*) 3/4
(BG or SI units) (n in rpm, Q in gpm, H in ft)
• Ns = 500-4000 radial flow pumps (low Q, high H)
• Ns = 4000-10000 mixed flow pumps
• Ns = 10000-20000 axial flow pumps (high Q, low H)
Example: Specific Speed
• A ME 3111 student needs a pump to provide 60 ft of head at a flowrate of 70 gpm. The only
motor lying around will make the pump shaft rotate at 1750 rpm.
N =
ss 3/4
Or N ss = 3/4
(gNPSH ) ⎡⎣ NPSH ( ft) ⎤⎦
(BG or SI units) (n in rpm, Q in gpm, NPSH in ft)
• As a rule of thumb, keep Nss < 8100 to avoid performance losses and
inlet cavitation.
• (http://www.pump-magazine.com/pump_magazine/pump_articles/article_03/article_03.htm)
Example: Suction Specific Speed
• If you select a pump to do the job in the
previous page, whose manufacture
performance data is shown in the figure
on the right.
• What is the suction specific speed?
n (Q )
N ss = 3/4
⎡⎣ NPSH ( ft) ⎤⎦
1750 70 "
= # = 3819 < 8100