Templete Jurnal Muaddib
Templete Jurnal Muaddib
Templete Jurnal Muaddib
July-December 2023
Page: xxx-xxx
P-ISSN: xxxx-xxxx
Title: The Title Should be Short, Clear, and Informative, but does not
Exceed 15 Words
The introduction should briefly place the study in a broad context and highlight why it is
important. It should define the purpose of the work and its significance. The current state of the
research field should be reviewed carefully, and key publications cited. Please highlight controversial
and diverging hypotheses when necessary. Finally, briefly mention the main aim of the work and
highlight the principal conclusions. As far as possible, please keep the introduction comprehensible to
scientists outside your particular field of research. References should be cited as (Kamba, 2018) or
(Marchlewska et al., 2019) or (Cichocka, 2016; Hidayat & Khalika, 2019; Ikhwan, 2019; Madjid, 2002) or
(Miller & Josephs, 2009, p. 12) or Rakhmat (1989). See the end of the document for further details on
references. Technical terms should be defined. Symbols, abbreviations, and acronyms should be
defined the first time they are used. All tables and figures should be cited in numerical order.
The research method should be included in the Introduction. The method contains an
explanation of the research approach, subjects of the study, the conduct of the research procedure, the
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions
of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY) license
Published by Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo; Indonesia
Muaddib: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam
The results obtained from the research have to be supported by sufficient data. The research
results and the discovery must be the answers, or the research hypothesis stated previously in the
introduction part.
3.1. Subsection
First bullet
Second bullet
Third bullet
1. First item
2. Second item
3. Third item
All figures and tables should be cited in the main text as Figure 1, Table 1, etc.
Figure 1. This is a figure, Schemes follow the same formatting. If there are multiple panels, they should
be listed as: (a) Description of what is contained in the first panel; (b) Description of what is contained
in the second panel. Figures should be placed in the main text near to the first time they are cited. A
Table 1. This is a table. Tables should be placed in the main text near to the first time they are cited.
Author 1, Author 2 / Article Title
as follows:
Example text of a Quote. Quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote
quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote
quote quote quote. quote The text continues here. Proofs must be formatted as follows: quote
quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote,
Discussion: The discussion is highlighted through the title and subtitles of the section when needed
Authors should discuss the results and how they can be interpreted from the perspective of
previous studies and of the working hypotheses. The findings and their implications should be
discussed in the broadest context possible. Future research directions may also be highlighted.
The following components should be covered in the discussion: How do your results relate to
the original question or objectives outlined in the Introduction section (what/how)? Do you
provide interpretation scientifically for each of your results or findings presented (why)? Are
your results consistent with what other investigators have reported (what else)? Or are there any
The conclusion should answer the objectives of the research and research discoveries. The
concluding remark should not contain only the repetition of the results and discussions or abstract.
You should also suggest future research and point out those that are underway.
Muaddib: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam
The literature listed in the References contains only the sources referenced or included in the article.
Mendeley, EndNote, Reference Manager or Zotero to avoid typing mistakes and duplicated
references. Referral sources should provide 80% of journal articles, proceedings, or research
results from the last five years. Writing techniques bibliography, using the system cites APA
Journal Article
Cichocka, A. (2016). Understanding defensive and secure in-group positivity: The role of collective
Marchlewska, M., Cichocka, A., Łozowski, F., Górska, P., & Winiewski, M. (2019). In search of an
imaginary enemy: Catholic collective narcissism and the endorsement of gender conspiracy
Internet Website
Hidayat, R., & Khalika, N. N. (2019). Bisnis dan Kontroversi Gerakan Indonesia Tanpa Pacaran.
Kamba, M. N. (2018). Kids Zaman Now Menemukan Kembali Islam. Tangerang Selatan: Pustaka IIMaN.
Madjid, N. (2002). Manusia Modern Mendamba Allah: Renungan Tasawuf Positif. Jakarta: IIMaN &
Book Section
Ikhwan, M. (2019). Ulama dan Konservatisme Islam Publik di Bandung: Islam, Politik Identitas, dan
Tantangan Relasi Horizontal. In I. Burdah, N. Kailani, & M. Ikhwan (Eds.), Ulama, Politik, dan
Cichocka, A. (2016). Understanding defensive and secure in-group positivity: The role of collective
Hidayat, R., & Khalika, N. N. (2019). Bisnis dan Kontroversi Gerakan Indonesia Tanpa Pacaran.
Author 1, Author 2 / Article Title
Ikhwan, M. (2019). Ulama dan Konservatisme Islam Publik di Bandung: Islam, Politik Identitas, dan
Tantangan Relasi Horizontal. In I. Burdah, N. Kailani, & M. Ikhwan (Eds.), Ulama, Politik, dan
Kamba, M. N. (2018). Kids Zaman Now Menemukan Kembali Islam. Tangerang Selatan: Pustaka IIMaN.
Madjid, N. (2002). Manusia Modern Mendamba Allah: Renungan Tasawuf Positif. Jakarta: IIMaN &
Marchlewska, M., Cichocka, A., Łozowski, F., Górska, P., & Winiewski, M. (2019). In search of an
imaginary enemy: Catholic collective narcissism and the endorsement of gender conspiracy
Miller, A. E., & Josephs, L. (2009). Whiteness as pathological narcissism. Contemporary Psychoanalysis,
45(1), 93–119.