LJ University - SIP Report Format

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LJ University

LJ Institute of Management Studies

SIP Report Format (if research based – in case student’s project in

the company was a research study)
Title Page

Offer Letter

Certificate of Completion

Student Declaration


Executive Summary

Table of Content


• About the industry

• About the company
• About the topic
• Industry analysis (if required)

Review of Literature (if research based)

Research Methodology (if research based)
• Research problem
• Research objective
• Research design

Data Analysis and Interpretation (if research based)

Theoretical and Managerial Implications/Recommendations
LJ University
LJ Institute of Management Studies

SIP Report Format (other than research project)

Title Page

Offer Letter

Certificate of Completion

Student Declaration


Executive Summary

Table of Content

Industry Overview

• Basic overview of the industry

• Major players
Industry analysis if required (PESTEL, SWOT analysis)
Company Overview
• History
• Vision, Mission
• Management
• Products/services
• Overview of different departments

Project Overview
• About the project
• Weekly/daily overview of internship activity
• Target achieved/tasks achieved
Learnings from the summer training project
• Application and insights of concepts, tools, techniques and skills learnt in year
• New knowledge, tools, techniques or skills that you may have picked up
• Future learning and skill development direction

Formatting Specifications
The page for project should be A4 size paper.
Font Type – Times New Roman.
Font size o For the Main heading: 16 (Bold Font, Capitalize Each Word) o For the Sub
heading: 14 (Bold Italics Font (Capitalize Each Word)
For the text of project: 12 (Unbolded, non-italics)
Line spacing should be 1.5
Maintain Single inch Margin on all four sides of A4 size paper.
Each page should have a Page number.
All tables, charts, graphs, big equations should be numbered properly
Below each table and figure the source of data must be mentioned
Content on each page should be justified aligned
Report should be hardbound with black colour, with Front Page Title as per the format.
The front title page should be on the cover page.
The student should ensure that there are no grammatical and spelling errors in the report.
Follow American Psychological Association (APA) Guidelines for preparation of manuscript
Title Page

Summer Internship Report

A Study on…… (Title of the Study)

Prepared By

(Student Name)

Enrollment Number

Batch and year

Under the Guidance of

(Name of the Faculty Guide)

Academic Year

Submitted To

LJ Institute of Management Studies

LJ University

Certificate of Completion by the Institute

This is to Certify that this Summer Internship Project Report Titled “” of Name and Surname
of student was carried out under my supervision. I also certify futher, that to the best of my
knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of any other project report or
dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on
this or any other candidate. I also certify that the project work done by the done is his/her
original and not copied.

Name and signature of the faculty supervisor

Name, and signature of director of the Institute

Stamp of the institute

Certificate of Completion by the Organization

This is to certify that Mr./Ms. Name and Surname is a bonafide student of MBA, LJ
University has successfully completed 8/10 weeks from ______ to ______ date of
summer internship in Name of Company in ___ profile/specialization. During his/her
internship the student was found _____list the skills.


Name of Company Person

Student’s Declaration

(On separate page)

I hereby declare that the Summer Internship Project Report titled “In (Name Of the
Company / Organization) is a result of my own work and my Indebtedness to other work
publications, references, if any, have been duly acknowledged. If I am found guilty of
copying from any other report or published information and showing as my original work,
or extending plagiarism limit, I understand that I shall be liable and punishable by the
university, which may include ‘Fail’ in examination or any other punishment that
university may decide.

Student Name:

Enrolment Number:




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