B. Introduction

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Brief summary of a research article, thesis or any in depth analysis of a particular subject and
it is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper’s
a. Dedication
b. Introduction
c. Abstract
d. Acknowledgement
2. It is done for the development of theories and principles.
a. Applied research
b. Pure research
c. Exploratory research
d. Experimental research
3. This kind of research aims to quantify or numerically reflect the observations obtained
regarding the traits of the population being studied.
a. Qualitative Research- focus on verbal description
b. Explanatory research
c. Quantitative research
d. Exploratory research
4. This kind of research looks at a situation or state of things in terms of particular traits or
a. Intervention research
b. Extensive research
c. Correlation research
d. Descriptive research
5. It is a negative statement that claims there is no connection or correlation between two
a. Alternative Hypothesis
b. Null hypothesis
c. Research Hypothesis
d. Hypothesis
6. A research designed to understand or explain a present situation or shed light on the logic
behind a probable connection between variables that may have already been identified in
explanatory investigations.
a. Exploratory Research
b. Explanatory Research
c. Keen Research
d. Pure basic Research
7. What is chapter IV of the Thesis?
a. Problem and its setting
b. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of data
c. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
d. Research Methodology
e. Review of Related Literature
8. This is a form of interview in which the interviewer asks questions that haven't been prepared
ahead of time. Instead, in a free-flowing discourse, questions occur naturally.
a. Structured Interview
b. Unstructured Interview
c. Focus Group Interview
d. Semi Structured Interview
9. It is referred to as a systematic and scientific process of gathering, analyzing, classifying,
organizing, presenting and interpreting data for the solution of a problem. 
a. Problem solving
b. Hypothesis
c. Assumption
d. Research
10. What research investigates relationships between factors or variables? 
a. Descriptive research
b. Correlation research
c. Historical research
d. Experimental research
11. It is the “blueprint” of the study. It guides the collection, measurement and analysis of data – 
a. Research outline
b. Research framework
c. Research chart
d. Research Design
12. In defining the research problem, what is the important thing for the researcher to present
for the conduct of the study? 
a. Valid ID
b. Certificate
C. Valid justification
D. Present relevant data
13. This type of research attempts to explain possible factors related to problems which have
been observed in a descriptive study. 
a. Explanatory research
b. Exploratory research
c. Descriptive research
d. Historical Research
14. A kind of research with the goal of applying the results by testing the efficacy of the theories
and principles. 

a. Analytical
b. Holistic
c. Pure
d. Applied
15. It is usually used when the intention of the researcher is to ascertain the quality of message
or information found in a document or in mass media. 

a. Content Analysis
b. Survey method
c. Experimental Method
d. Historical Method
16. A category of research that studies the effects of the variables on each other. 

a. Exploratory
b. Applied
c. Experimental
d. Descriptive
17. A classification of research that attempts to identify and isolate the components of the
research situation. 

a. Action
b. Applied
c. Holistic
d. Analytical
18. A classification of research that attempts to begin with a total situation focusing attention on
the system first then on its internal relationship. 

a. Applied
b. Action
c. Analytical
d. Holistic
19. People and things change over time and this change can threaten the validity of conclusions

a. Selection
b. Instrumentation
c. Mortality
d. Maturation
20. The act of officially saying that something was created for a particular purpose or to
remember or honor a particular person – 

a. Dedication
b. Abstract
c. Introduction
d. Acknowledgment
21. A type of research that utilizes inferential statistics to determine the results of the study such
as comparison studies and cause-and-effect relationship. 

a. Experimental
b. Developmental
c. Non-quantitative
d. Quantitative
22. A type of research that utilizes the description of results rather than statistical presentation. 

a. Experimental
b. Evaluation
c. Non-quantitative
d. Quantitative
23. One of the major researches that utilize a time element that describes what will be. 

a. Experimental
b. descriptive
c. Historical
d. Statistical
24. In studies that take a long time to finish, say, one year or more, like cohort studies, where
the subjects (the same people) are followed up overtime, some cases may drop out, thus
resulting in a loss of cases 

a. Selection
b. Instrumentation
c. Mortality
d. Maturation
25. It is used to determine the effectiveness of a treatment or an intervention or the “cause and
effect” relationship of certain phenomena under controlled conditions. 

a. Content Analysis
b. Survey method
c. Experimental Method
d. Historical Method
26. A type of source which results from many research studies that are published in journals or
monographs. These articles or reports are generally written by those who actually conducted
the study – 

a. Glossary
b. General reference
c. Primary sources
d. Secondary sources
27. It is one of the parts of literature reviews that “ties together” the major findings of the studies
reviewed. It represents a general picture of what has been known or thought of about the
problem to date. 

A. Summary/synthesis
B. Introduction
C. Body
D. Conclusion
28. It is one of the parts of literature reviews that describes briefly the nature of the research
problem and explains what led the researcher to investigate the question – 

A. Summary/synthesis
B. Introduction
C. Abstract
D. Conclusion
29. It refers to the consistency, stability and dependability of the data. A reliable measuring
device is one which, if used for the second time, will yield the same results as it did the first time

A. Validity
B. Statistics
C. Reliability
D. Variable
30. When a research instrument, such as a questionnaire or a measuring device, like a
weighing scale or a thermometer is changed during the study period between the pretest and
the posttest – 

a. Selection
b. Instrumentation
c. Testing
d. Maturation
31. When are we going to define a problem? 

a. When the solution is already done
b. When the problem is partially solved
c. When the problem is already identified
d. When the solution is already discovered
32. Major variables of the study should be measurable and should be specified in the problem
statement. The used of ambiguous terms must be avoided – 

a. A research problem must be feasible
b. A research problem must be clear.
c. research problem must be ethical
d. A research problem must be appropriate
33. The type of research which is conducted because a problem has not been properly defined.
It is likewise used to determine the best research design, data collection method and collection
of subjects. 

a. Historical Research
b. Qualitative Research
c. Quantitative Research
d. Exploratory Research
34. It is a process of collecting selecting, and reading books, journal articles, reports, abstracts,
and other reference materials, including electronic sources (CD-ROM) and the World Wide Web
(www/http) to get relevant information about the problem under investigation – 

a. Research Problem
b. Collecting resources
c. Investigation
d. Review of related literature
35. In an experimental study, a threat to validity occurs when the elements or subjects selected
for the experimental group is very different from those selected for the control group – 

a. Selection
b. History
c. Testing
d. Maturation
36. The most common type of instrument used in quantitative research. 

a. Interview
b. Questionnaire
c. Closed form item
d. Observation
37. This type of research attempts to describe an existing situation and/or explain certain
patterns of behavior using either qualitative and quantitative research techniques. 

a. Pure basic Research
b. Explanatory research
c. Qualitative research
d. Keen research
38. These are unpublished materials such as manuscripts, theses and dissertations from the
country of origin of the researcher.

a. Foreign Studies
b. Local Studies
c. Foreign Literature
d. Local Literature
39. Its purpose is to study intensively the background, current status, and environmental
interactions of a given social unit: an individual, group, institution or community.

a. Survey
b. Case Study
c. Ethnographic
d. None of them
40. A variable that is “assumed caused” of a problem. It is an assumed reason for any “change”
or variation

a. Dependent variable
b. Independent variable
c. Antecedent variable
d. Assumption variable
41. What should the researcher used in searching for relevant primary and secondary sources
guided by the search terms?

a. Indexes
b. Sources
c. References
d. Glossary
42. It is a factor or a characteristic which is found before the independent variable.

a. Dependent Variable
b. IndependentVariable
c. Antecedent Variable
d. InterveningVariable
43. A _____ does not specify the direction of the relationship between variables. It merely states
the presence or absence of a relationship between two variables or that one variable influences
another –

a. Alternative Hypothesis
b. Directional Hypothesis
c. Hypothesis
d. Non-directional Hypothesis
44. A category that do not overlap. It is ______ when a respondent cannot be assigned to more
than one category.

a. Exhaustive Categories
b. Mutually Exclusive Categories
c. Exclusive Categories
d. Mutual Categories
45. When to start reviewing related literature?

a. When research problem is still being conceptualized
b. When research problem is still on data analysis
c. When research problem is being defined
d. When research problem is partially over
46. What is the first thing to remember in defining a research problem?

a. Examine current available data/statistics
b. Seeks educated opinions from persons concerned with the problem
c. Determine the probable reasons for the existence of the problem
d. Review relevant literature and previous studies on the problem
47. What is a way of looking at natural phenomena that encompasses a set of philosophical
assumptions and guide one’s approach to inquiry?

a. Paradigm
b. Examples
c. Objective
d. Model
48. Some researchers cannot answer their research questions because they do not have clear
measures of their variables. A variable must be _____ according to how it is used in the study,
so that it can be properly measured –

a. Learned correctly
b. Operationally defined
c. Precisely Observed
d. Analyze
49. This type of research emphasizes verbal descriptions of human behavior and practices in an
attempt to understand how the units or members of the study population experience or explain
their own world.

a. Qualitative Research
b. Explanatory research
c. Quantitative research
d. Exploratory research
50. Scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection, presentation, analysis and
interpretation of facts that links man’s speculation with reality.

a. Experiment
b. Analysis
c. Research
d. Prediction
51. A tentative conclusion or answer to specific question raised at the beginning of the

investigation. It is an educated guess about the answer to a specific question.

a. Assumption
b. Conclusion
c. Hypothesis
d. Research
52. It is a wise guess that is formulated and temporarily adopted to explain the observed

facts covered by the study.

a. Assumption
b. Variable
c. Theoretical framework
d. Hypothesis
53. It is an act of incorporating into one’s work of another without indicating the source

a. Infringement
b. Plagiarism
c. Immerging
d. Deductive
54.A part of a research in which the constructs are derived from abstract concepts of the

theoretical framework.

a. Hypothetical framework
b. Conceptual framework
c. Intervening framework
d. Concluding framework
55. In criminological research and statistics, the facts and observations that researchers by their
own measurements for the purpose of a particular study is called:

a. Substitute data
b. Primary data
c. Secondary data
d. tertiary data
56. It is the locality of the study, a place where the study is to be conducted.

a. Setting of the study
b. Conceptual framework
c. Population of the study
d. Dedication
57. It is a reflection of the eagerness of a researcher to undertake reflective thinking and

inquiry of things, situations and problems around him

a. Prudence
b. Intellectual advancement
c. Intellectual curiosity
d. Resourcefulness
58. A research to be empirical requires the researcher to have _____________

a. knowledge of the problem
b. direct experience or observation
c. complete description of the problem
d. confidence
59. This method of research is concerned with conditions of relationship that exist, practices that
prevail, beliefs and processes that are going on, effects that are being felt,

or trends that are developing

a. Descriptive
b. experimental
c. Phenomenal
d. Empirical
60. A research technique wherein a group who share some common characteristics is observed
over a period of time.

a. Observation
b. Experimental
c. Survey
d. Cohort
61. It is a technique of discovering information by simply trying something in order to see what
a. Observational
b. Analysis
c. Empirical
d. Experimental
62. It is defined as any integrated narrative or descriptive of past events or facts written ina spirit
of critical inquiry for the whole truth.

a. Historical method
b. Systematic method
c. Sequential method
d. Analysis of past events method
63. Which of the following steps that is not a part of Scientific Method?

a. Data collection
b. Identification of a problem
c. Drawing of conclusion
d. Information Dissemination
64. All but one are the steps in making research

a. statistical analysis
b. selection of research topic
c. decision of hypothesis
d. rigid control of the research
65. It is a set of concepts that explains the occurrence of a certain phenomenon.

a. Theory
b. Conclusion
c. Introduction
d. Hypothesis
66. The ultimate aim of research is 

a. To test a theory
b. To solve problem
c. To develop new theory or product
d. All of them
67. This part of research includes the works and only those works cited in the text. 

a. Appendices
b. Bibliography
c. References
d. B and C only
e. All of the above
68. When a research instrument, such as a questionnaire or a measuring device, like a
weighing scale or a thermometer is changed during the study period between the pretest and
the posttest –

a. Maturation
b. Mortality
c. Validity
d. Instrumentation
69. It is a type of sources of information for a research problem that show where to locate other
sources of information related to a certain topic. Example of this are indexes, reviews and
a. Primary Sources
b. Secondary Sources
c. General References
70. Listed below is the several functions of a research. What is not?

a. It helps us answer questions, solve problems and make decisions
b. It enables us to see and understand how and why a situation or a problem exists.
c. It helps us help discover new things and ideas.
d. All of the choices above
71. These are addressed to those concerned to help solve the problem, guided by the research

a. Presentation of Data
b. Conclusion
c. Recommendation
d. Introduction
72. It is defined as the report of a scholar upon some piece of research which he has

a. Thesis
c. Term paper
b. Dissertation
d. Report
73. This type of research has restricted scope to solve a specific problem.

a. Action research
b. Holistic research
c. Evaluation Research
d. Analytical Research
74. It is used to determine the degree or magnitude of association between two variables.

a. Parametric Test
b. Descriptive Statistics
c. Inferential Statistics
d. Correlational Statistics
75. It is an academic requirement in college and sometimes in high school.

a. Thesis
b. Term Paper
c. Dissertation
d. Action Plan
76. This is a type of research wherein its focus is to provide accurate description of problems
w/o attempting to treat or employ sophisticated statistical tools or describe


a. Qualitative Research Design
b. Quantitative Research Design
c. Descriptive-Documentary Design
d. Historical Design
77. It is one kind of data analysis that appraises carefully the worthiness of the current study.

a. Evaluative
b. Descriptive
c. Normative
d. Comparative
78. The researcher takes the nearby individual as subjects of the study until the tester ranges
the preferred extent.

a. Purposive Sampling
b. Incidental Sampling
c. Quota Sampling
d. Cluster Sampling
79. It is a formal and lengthy research paper, especiallyone written in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for a master’s degree
a. Thesis
b. Term Paper
c. Dissertation
d. Action Plan
80. The population is grouped into small units and after will be selected by random sampling or
systematic sampling.

a. Multistage Sampling
b. Purposive Sampling
c. Incidental Sampling
d. Cluster Sampling
81. It is the best random sampling design because no restriction is imposed and every member
of the population has an equal chance of inclusion in the sample

a. Restricted Random Sampling
b. Unrestricted Random Sampling
c. Random Sampling
d. Systematic Sampling
82. Respondents are forced to answer the questions asked in the questionnaire.

a. Open-Ended Questions
b. Closed-Ended Questions
c. Restricted Questions
d. Limited Questions
83. Sampling design that is applied to those samples which are engaged because they are most

a. Purposive Sampling
b. Incidental Sampling
c. Quota Sampling
d. Cluster Sampling
84. The researcher provides answers based on the rating scales.

a. Open-Ended Questions
b. Closed-Ended Questions
c. Flexible questions
d. Unrestricted Questions
85. It determines the future operation of the variables under investigation with the aim of
controlling or redirecting such for the better.
A. Directive research
b. Illuminative research
c. Predictive research
D. Descriptive research
86. In listing a note or index card the bibliographical data of the pertinent sources selected it
includes the following, except:

a. Author of the source
b. Its title
c. Released date
d. Name of publication
87. This objective relates directly to the research problem and states clearly what the researcher
will do and expects to find out.

a. Specific objectives
b. Special objectives
c. Important objectives
d. General objectives
88. It is a concept that stands for a variation within a class of objectives or persons

a. Concept
b. Variables
c. Idea
d. Theory
89. It determines what should be done based on the findings. This is to remedy an
unsatisfactory condition, if there is any.

A. Directive research
b. Illuminative research
c. Predictive research
D. Descriptive research
90. It refers to the principles of scientific method that is setting up of standards or principles
which serve as basis for evaluating the findings of a study. This also refers to the accurate
statistical computation and interpretation of qualified data.

a. Rigid control
b. Rigorous standards
c. Systematic organization
d. Objectivity
91. All but one are the attributes of a good research problem. 
a. Specific
b. Measurable
c. Accurate
d. Realistic
92. A type of hypothesis that use to answer questions on the relationship or differences

of data obtained in descriptive questions.

a. Statistical Hypothesis
b. Descriptive Hypothesis
c. Null Hypothesis
d. Alternative Hypothesis/ Operational
93. It is used when in making inferences on the magnitude of differences of the samples from a
large universe.

a. Descriptive Statistics
b. Correlational Statistics
c. Inferential Statistics
d. Statistics
94. A type of data analysis that tests a single variable to determine whether the sample is
similar to the population from which it has been drawn. 

a. Bivariate
b. Univariate
c. Normative
d. Comparative
95. A type of data analysis that tests two variables on how they differ from each other.

a. Bivariate
b. Univariate
c. Normative
d. Comparative
96. The researcher considers at least two entities and establishes a formal procedure for
obtaining criterion data on the basis of which he can compare and conclude which of the two is

a. Bivariate
b. Univariate
c. Normative
d. Comparative
97. This is done to give meaning to data generated from the instrument to answer the problems
raised in the study.

a. Interpretation of Data
b. Theoretical Framework
c. Recommendation
d. Acknowledgement
98. Self-evident truth based upon known fact or phenomenon.

a. Hypothesis
b. Assumption
c. Variable
d. Statistics
99. Tentative conclusion or answer to specific questions.

a. Assumption
b. Hypothesis
c. Variable
d. Statistics
100. Weakness of the study beyond the control of the researcher.

a. Scope
b. Limitation
c. Vulnerability
d. Validity
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