SOCIOL 2R03 Test 2 Review
SOCIOL 2R03 Test 2 Review
SOCIOL 2R03 Test 2 Review
Internal Colonialism
● Blauner argued that in fact these groups (Third World people) are also victims of
colonial oppression, only for them the oppression has occurred within their own
country rather than being imposed by a foreign power. Blauner termed this process
internal colonialism and outline its 4 basic elements
a. Control over a groups governance
■ The colonial group is allowed neither full autonomy nor full
participation in the national government
b. Restriction of freedom of movement
■ Colonial peoples are not willing immigrants but are involuntaryly
incorporated into the national society. Often their ability to choose
where they live and work is severely restricted
c. Colonial type of labour exploitation
■ A “cultural division of labour” exists in which the colonial peoples are
assigned to be the most enial or dangerous work and given the least
compensation for that work
d. Belief in group’s inferiority
■ In this model, prejudice follows from, target than causes,
discrimination. The exploitation of the colonial group must be
justified, and this is done through an ideology that asserts the group’s
moral, intellectual, and cultural inferiority. Thus the domination of the
group’s members by the others is “for their own good”.
Culture of Poverty
● “The culture of poverty, however, is not only an adaptation to a set of objective
conditions of the larger society. Once it comes into existence, it tends to perpetuates
itself from generation to generation because of its effect on the children. By the time
slum children are age six or seven, they have usually absorbed the basic values and
attitudes of their subculture”
○ People in poverty develop certain habits that cause their families to remain in
poverty over generations. These habits lead people in poverty to make choices
that eventually lead to their continuation in the poverty system.
○ Poor families develop fatalistic values and attitudes
○ Self-fulfilling prophecy, poverty causes more poverty
○ Deferred gratification vs immediate gratification
○ Cultural traits rooted in overall structure
○ Coined by Oscar Lewis
● Great discrepancy/disconnect between the country’s ideals of freedom and equality
and the reality that it was built on racial oppression and inequality
Social Reproduction of Poverty:
1. Culture of poverty puts the blame on the poor
2. Ignores or minimizes the structural basis of property
3. Ignores the history of many groups
Structural Causes of Poverty
● Loss of manufacturing jobs
● Expansion of service work
● Increase in precarious work
● Increase in low-paying jobs
● Increase in unemployment and underemployment
● In 2018, female employees aged 25 to 54 earned $4.13 (or 13.3%) less per hour, on
average, than their male counterparts. In other words, these women earned $0.87 for
every dollar earned by men
○ The reduction in the gender wage gap between 1998 and 2018 was largely
explained by changes in
1. The distribution of men and women across occupations;
2. Women’s increased educational attainment;
3. Decline in the share of men in unionized employment
○ Two largest factors explaining the remaining gender wage gap in 2018 were:
1. The distribution of women and men across industries and
2. Women’s overrepresentation in part time work
● The Gender Wage Gap in Canada: 1998 to 2018
○ The decrease in the wage gap occurred in a somewhat step-wise manner over
the period, with sharper declines observed during theearly 200s and around the
20098-2009. Both of these decreases reflect periods of stagnant or declining
wages among men, rather than notable increases in women’s wages
○ Variables to consider:
■ Human capital
■ Job Attributes
■ Occupational Segregation
■ Demographics
● Women currently earn about 77 cents for every dollar earned by men (Sernau, 2020)
○ Pay gap over the life span of a woman
○ Pay gap within occupations
○ Men outearn women in almost all occupations except the top category of
judges (although this is still a male dominated field)
Class Consciousness
● Worker’s need to see their common position and the develop a sense of solidarity
● False consciousness- inability of those within a specific class to recognize their class
● Class identity- an awareness of membership in a distinct class
● Class opposition- the belief that the interests of the workers and capitalists re
inherently opposed
Paradox of Democracy
● Increasing disillusionment with the political process and thus not exercising their
voting rights
Global Power: eonomic trend has been toward globalization (rising power of corporations)
Political Trend: toward democratization
Main points:
1. There is an unequal distribution of power
2. Class consciousness is weak in US and Canada
3. Concentration of economic power in a small group of giant private sector corporations