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Lec-4 Kinematic Behaviour of 4R 4bar Mechanisms

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Studying the Kinematic behaviour of a 4R 4bar mechanism and its Inversions through Grashoff’s criterion

We have studied earlier that all the inversions of a 4R 4bar mechanism will have the characteristics that the ends of the
two links, which are connected to the base, will have circular loci. The link is called a ‘crank’, if the locus is a complete
circle and is called a ‘rocker’, if the circle is incomplete. All the inversions will be one of the three combinations, which
are (crank-crank), (crank-rocker) and (rocker-rocker).

1. We shall be able to determine the nature of motion of the two links by applying the Grashoff’s criterion. The
nature of motion of the coupler is also determined by applying the criterion.
2. By extending the criterion to 3R-1P chain, we shall also be able to predict the nature of motion of the links, as the
prismatic pair is a special case of a revolute pair as the link length tends to infinity.

The next slide is a recapitulation of what was presented earlier.

The concept of Inversion

To construct any mechanism, one of the links must be fixed, else, it is not possible to operate it. If the fixed link is
changed, i.e. if another link in the linkage is fixed and the link originally fixed is freed, then a different kind of motion
may be created. This gives rise to different mechanisms, which are the inversions of the original mechanism.

Linkage with no link fixed (not


Mechanism with link 1 fixed

Mechanism with link 2 fixed

Mechanism with link 3 fixed

Mechanism with link 4 fixed

4 Revolute 4 bar or 4R4bar mechanism, and its inversions

Please remember that in this process the pair between two links is not altered and, therefore, the relative motion between two
links remains unchanged.
09/11/2020 2
Grashoff’s criterion

Suppose we have the following kinematic diagram of a 4R 4bar mechanism O2ABO4, where

O2O4 is the fixed link of length ℓfr

O2A is the link connected to the base with length ℓin
AB is the coupler with length ℓco and
O4B is the link connected to the base and is of length ℓfl.

The subscripts ‘fr’, ‘in’, ‘co’, and ‘fl’ stand for the words ‘frame’, ‘input’, ‘co’ and ‘follower’. These are names to begin
with and may not mean technically, how their motion may be.

Kinematic diagram of a 4R 4bar mechanism O2ABO4. Its degree of B

freedom = 1. The physical degree of freedom is the angle AO2O4 = θ. Kinematic
diagram of a 4R
Let the longest of these links is of length ‘ℓ’, the shortest of length 4bar mechanism
‘s’ and the intermediates have lengths ‘p’ and ‘q’. O2ABO4

Grashoff’s criterion says that if ℓ + s < p+q, then at least one link
will make complete rotation about its hinge point. Such 4R 4-bar
O2 O4
mechanisms are called Grashoffian.
For Grashoffian (ℓ + s < p+q), 4R 4-bar mechanisms there are four inversions.

1. We shall get one inversion, where both input link and the follower will rotate completely about their hinge points. This
may be called ‘crank-crank’ or double crank.

2. Two inversions will have the combinations of ‘crank-rocker’, where one of the links attached to the ground will rotate
completely and the other will oscillate about the hinge point or rock.

3. Another inversion will have rocking or oscillating motion of both the links connected to the ground. This inversion is
called ‘rocker-rocker’ or double rocker

The 4R-4-bar mechanism is called non Grashoffian, if ℓ + s > p+q. For this, all the inversions will be ‘rocker-rocker’ or
double rocker.

A special situation arises if ℓ + s = p+q. In this case all the inversions will be either double cranks or crank-rockers.
However, in this case due to equality, the links will coalesce and there may be a situation, of uncertainty in the direction of
rotation. Such situations should either be avoided or the linkage should be properly guided to cross this situation.

We shall prove all these statements geometrically.

Inversions of a Grashoffian 4R 4 bar mechanism

Crank A
Rocker Rocker
B Rocker
Crank Crank

AB = ℓfr , AD = ℓin, CD = ℓco, BC = ℓfl, AB is the shortest member.

Summary of type of motion of a Grashoffian 4R 4bar planar mechanism

When the shortest member is fixed, both the links fixed to the ground are able to rotate completely.

When the shortest link is the coupler, the links connected to the ground oscillate.

When other configurations are used, one link connected to the ground is able to rotate completely and the other rocks.
Grashoffian 4R 4-bar Mechanism (ℓ + s < p + q)
Say O2ABO4 be the Grashoffian mechanism, where O2O4 = ℓfr, O2A = ℓin, AB = ℓco, O4B = ℓfl. Let us analyse the condition
for complete rotation of the link O2A. In order to rotate completely the link O2A should be able to reach two extremes, 1) the
left extreme where θ = 180 degree when measured from O2O4 in an anti-clockwise sense and 2) the right extreme, when the
link O2A makes an angle of θ = 0 degree with O2O4.
Condition for forming the triangle:
ℓfr + ℓin < ℓco + ℓfl
If this inequality is satisfied, then
θ the link O2A will be able to reach
A O2 O4 the 180 degree extreme.
O2 O4 The orientation for θ = 180 degree
There are two conditions for the formation of the triangle ABO4. The conditions are

ℓco < ℓfl + (ℓin ~ ℓfr)

ℓfl < ℓco + (ℓin ~ ℓfr)
If any one of the above inequations is violated, the triangle will not be formed,
and, as a result, the link O2A will not be able to reach the 0 degree extreme.
O2 O4 A

The orientation for θ = 0 degree The sign ‘~’ means that from the bigger quantity, the smaller quantity has to be
subtracted, so that the quantity within the brackets is positive. Considering that
ℓin > ℓfr, we get the three inequalities as

ℓfr + ℓin < ℓco + ℓfl … (1)

ℓfr + ℓco < ℓin + ℓfl … (2)
ℓfr + ℓfl < ℓco + ℓin … (3)

If these conditions are satisfied, the input link O2A of length ℓin will be able to rotate
completely about the hinge point O2.
Adding the inequations (1) and (2), we get the condition ℓfr < ℓfl.
Adding the inequations (2) and (3), we get the condition ℓfr < ℓin.
Adding the inequations (1) and (3), we get the condition ℓfr < ℓco.

Therefore, we may conclude that for link input link to rotate completely, or to behave as a ‘crank’, the shortest
link of all the four in the kinematic diagram should be the fixed link.

Let us find the condition of complete rotation of the follower or the link O4B of length ℓfl. Swapping or Interchanging the
link lengths ℓin and ℓfl in the inequations (1) to (3) we shall get the same set of inequations and therefore, the above
condition, that the shortest link in the kinematic diagram should be the fixed link, also ensures the complete rotation of
the follower.

Similarly swapping ℓin and ℓco in the inequations will also result in the same set of inequality and ensure that coupler i.e.
link AB (length ℓco) should rotate completely about the ground.

However, it should be noted that the coupler does not rotate completely about either the input link or the follower.
With another diagram, illustrated below, the rotation of the coupler about the base may be illustrated also.

B The diagram is constructed by adding two extra links BD and O2D (shown with
dotted lines ----) and putting two extra revolute pairs at B and D. In this AB = O2D
D and BD = O2A, and the resulting linkage has 6 links, connected by 7 revolute pairs, 2
each at O2 and B and 1 each at A, O4 and D.
Note that, AO2DB is a parallelogram for all instants. In this process the link AB, a
floating link is brought to the base, from where we shall be able to see its motion

O2 O4 Also note that, if O2A rotates, with that the link O2D and in that way the link AB,
which is the coupler, also rotates completely.

However, it should be noted that the coupler does not rotate completely about either the input link or the follower.
The nature of motion is preserved in an inversion, and so we shall be able to predict the nature of motion for
different inversions.
To summarize, we may say that,

1. If the shortest link is the fixed member or the frame, then the inversion will lead to a ‘crank-crank’ type inversion, in
which, both the input and the follower will rotate completely about their hinge points on the ground.

2. The coupler, the link joining the links hinged to the ground and a floating link, will also rotate about the ground.

3. The link AB oscillates about or does not rotate completely about either A or B. This kinematic behaviour will be
maintained when either O2A or O2B is fixed and O2O4 is freed. This nature will yield two inversions which are

4. Considering the inversion when AB is fixed and O2O4 is freed, we shall be logical to think intuitively that the links
connected to it, O2A and O4B will both oscillate, as the relative motion already was, and the coupler O2O4 in this case
will rotate completely about both O2 and O4. Please note that, this inversion results in the inversion ‘rocker-rocker’,
when the shortest member of a Grashoffian 4R-4bar mechanism is the coupler.

We shall solve a problem and also solve problems in our tutorial class to prove these points in detail.
The inequalities and their violations
The inequalities:
ℓfr + ℓin < ℓco + ℓfl … (1) co corresponding to θ = 180 degree

ℓco < ℓfl + (ℓin ~ ℓfr) … (2)
θ corresponding to θ = 0 degree
ℓfl < ℓco + (ℓin ~ ℓfr) … (3)
O2 O4
It is seen that the condition corresponding to θ = 0 degree may be violated in two ways.

If the first condition is violated then, it will be

ℓfr + ℓin > ℓco + ℓfl ℓco
In this case, the link O2A will not be able to reach the angle 180 degree with O2O4,
and will at the most make an angle 𝛉𝟏 with O2O4. The configuration, called the
ℓin ℓfl
locking or extreme configuration, is shown on the right. The value of this angle 𝛉𝟏
𝛉𝟏 may be found out from cosine relationship.

Let us suppose that the first of the two inequalities ℓco < ℓfl + (ℓin ~ ℓfr) for the 0-degree extreme for the input link O2A
is not satisfied.

Therefore, the inequality becomes ℓco > ℓfl + (ℓin ~ ℓfr)

It will be logical to interpret this condition physically, and then draw the locking or extreme configuration of the linkage.

Thinking intuitively, it may be said that the length of the coupler is more than necessary, and this is the reason that
the input is not able to complete a full rotation. We describe this reason of this violation by stating that
“The coupler is too long”. The corresponding locking configuration is given below. The angle 𝛉𝟐 of the input link
O2A is found out from the cosine rule.

A O2O4 = ℓfr, O2A = ℓin, AB = ℓco, O4B = ℓfl

𝛉𝟐 O4

Let us suppose that the second of the two inequalities, ℓfl < ℓco + (ℓin ~ ℓfr) for the 0-degree extreme of the input link
O2A is not satisfied.

Therefore, the inequality becomes ℓfl > ℓco + (ℓin ~ ℓfr)

It will be logical as before to interpret this condition physically, and then draw the locking or extreme configuration of the

Thinking intuitively, it may be said that the length of the follower is more than necessary, and this is the reason that
the input is not able to complete a full rotation. We describe this reason of violation by stating that
“The follower is too long”.
The corresponding locking configuration is given below. The angle 𝛉𝟐 of the input link O2A is found out from the
cosine rule.
O2O4 = ℓfr, O2A = ℓin, AB = ℓco, O4B = ℓfl

O2 O4
The inversions when (ℓ + s = p+q)

In this case, the inversions will be same as the case (ℓ + s < p+q), ‘crank-crank’, ‘crank-rocker’ and ‘rocker-rocker’.
There may be two cases: 1) A pair of links in the kinematic diagram may have equal length like (ℓ, ℓ, s, s)
In this case all inversions will be ‘crank-crank’
2) All the links in the kinematic diagram may have different lengths, like (ℓ, s, p, q)

In the case 1) two configurations are possible a) the equal links are adjacent and b) the unequal pair of links are adjacent.

a) If the unequal pair of links are adjacent, b) If the equal pair of links are adjacent
the mechanism is the ‘Parallelogram’ mechanism the mechanism is a Deltoid mechanism

For both parallelogram and deltoid

mechanisms, the problem of change
ℓ of configuration exists. This may be
ℓ overcome by guiding the mechanism
ℓ properly through these situations.
s s
For deltoid linkage, one revolution
ℓ s s of the longer link results in two
revolutions of the smaller link.
A way to overcome the uncertainty of configuration in parallelogram linkages

In the figure, the parallelograms ABCD

and DCEF are out of phase in the sense
that when the links of ABCD coalesce, and
B reach the configuration which may cause
uncertainty, the links of DCEF are away
from the uncertainty configuration and
vice versa. Therefore a parallelogram
mechanism helps its neighbour to maintain
its configuration.
Application of Grashoff’s criterion to slider crank mechanisms.

In the slider crank mechanism, OA is the crank, and AP is the

connecting rod with their lengths written. Let ℓcr be < ℓco.
Let us find out the condition that this slider crank mechanism is
ℓcr ℓco Grashoffian.
We may substitute the prismatic pair by putting an infinite link
(say of length M, suppose M is a very big value. This link is POI.
So, at the instant POI is the follower.
The frame is OOI. However, we shall not join them, as both the
links are infinitely long and become parallel.
So ℓ = M, s = ℓcr p = ℓco.

Then applying Grashoff’s criterion, we get,

M + ℓcr < M + ℓco
from which we get the condition ℓcr < ℓco
Let us study the motion characteristics of a Grashoffin 4R 4 bar mechanism the link lengths of which in the
kinematic diagram are 3, 6, 7, 8 unit.

Check: ℓ = 8, s = 3 p = 6 and q = 7 unit and ℓ + s = 11 < p + q = 13


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