10 General Aptitude - GQB (Ddpanda)

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101 General Aptitude

Topics Page No.

#1. Questions 661 – 700

#2. Answer Keys and Explanations 701 – 729


Syllabus for General Aptitude

Verbal Ability: English Grammar, Sentence Completion, Verbal Analogies, Word Groups, Instructions,
Critical Reasoning and Verbal Deduction.

Numerical Ability: Numerical Computation, Numerical Estimation, Numerical Reasoning and Data

Analysis of GATE Papers


2016 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00

2015 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00

2014 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00

2013 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00

2012 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00

2011 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00

2010 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00

Overall Percentage 15.00 % 15.00 % 15.00 % 15.00 % 15.00 % 15.00 %

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General Aptitude

GATE-2010 difference between any two successive

1. Which of the following options is closest siblings (that is born one after another) is
in meaning to the word Circuitous? less than 3 years. Given the following
(A) cyclic (C) confusing facts:
(B) Indirect (D) crooked a. Hari’s age + Gita’s age > Irfan’s age +
Saira’s age.
2. The question below consists of a pair of b. The age difference between Gita and
related words followed by four pairs of Saira is 1 year. However Gita is not the
words. Select the pair that best expresses oldest and Saira is not the youngest.
the relation in the original pair. c. There are no twins.
Unemployed: Worker In what order were they born (oldest
(A) fallow: land first)?
(B) unaware: sleeper (A) HSIG (C) IGSH
(C) wit: jester (B) SGHI (D) IHSG
(D) renovated: house
7. 5 skilled workers can build a wall in 20
3. Choose the most appropriate word from days: 8 semi-skilled workers can build a
the options given below to complete the wall in 25 days; 10 unskilled workers can
following sentence: build a wall in 30 days. If a team has 2
If we manage to ____________ our natural skilled, 6 semi- skilled and 5 unskilled
resource, we would leave a better planet workers, how long will it take to build the
for our children. wall?
(A) uphold (C) cherish (A) 20 days (C) 16 days
(B) restrain (D) conserve (B) 18 days (D) 15 days

4. Choose the most appropriate word from 8. Modern warfare has changed from large
the options given below to the complete scale clashes of armies to suppression of
the following sentence: civilian populations. Chemical agents that
His rather casual remarks on ___________ do their work silently appear to be suited
his lack of seriousness about the to such warfare; and regretfully, there
politics subject. exist people in military establishments
(A) masked (C) betrayed who think that chemical agents are useful
(B) belied (D) suppressed tools for their cause.
Which of the following statements best
5. 25 persons are in a room. 15 of them play
sums up the meaning of the above
hockey, 17 of them play football and 10 of
them play both hockey and football. Then
(A) Modern warfare has resulted in civil
the number of persons playing neither
hockey nor football is:
(B) Chemical agents are useful in
(A) 2 (C) 13
modern warfare.
(B) 17 (D) 3
(C) Use of chemical agents in warfare
would be undesirable.
6. Hari (H), Gita (G), Irfan (I) and Saira (S)
(D) People in military establishments
are siblings (i.e. brothers and sisters). All
like to use chemical agents in war.
were born on 1st January. The age

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9. Given digits 2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4 how many 16. P, Q, R and S are four types of dangerous
distinct 4 digit numbers greater than microbes recently found in a human
3000 can be formed? habitat. The area of each circle with its
(A) 50 (C) 52 diameter printed in brackets represents
(B) 51 (D) 54 the growth of a single microbe surviving
human immunity system within 24 hours
10. If + how much is of entering the body. The danger to
+ ? human beings varies proportionately with
(A) 534 (C) 1623 the toxicity, potency and growth
(B) 1403 (D) 1513 attributed to a microbe shown in the

milligrams of microbes required to

destroy half of the body mass in kg
( )
11. If g ( ) ( ⁄ ) g( ) ( ⁄ )
g( ), then which of the following
options is TRUE?

( )
(A) (C)
(B) (D) ( ) S( )

12. Which of the following options is the . . . .

closest in the meaning to the word below: ( r a i it t at i r e Will overcome human immunity)
Inexplicable A pharmaceutical company is system)

(A) Incomprehensible (C) Inextricable contemplating the development of a

(B) Indelible (D) Infallible vaccine against the most dangerous
microbe. Which microbe should the
13. Choose the word from the options given company target in its first attempt?
below that is most nearly opposite in (A) P (C) R
meaning to the given word: (B) Q (D) S
17. Few school curricula include a unit on
(A) merge (C) collect
how to deal with bereavement and grief,
(B) split (D) separate
and yet all the students at some point in
14. Choose the most appropriate word their lives suffer from losses through
from the options given below to death and parting.
complete the following sentence. If you Based on the above passage which topic
are trying to make a strong impression on would not be included in a unit on
your audience, you cannot do so by being bereavement?
understated, tentative or (A) How to write a letter of condolence
(A) hyperbolic (C) argumentative (B) What emotional stages are passed
(B) restrained (D) indifferent through in the healing process
(C) What the leading causes of death are
15. Choose the most appropriate word(s) (D) How to give support to a grieving
from the options given below to complete friend
the following sentence.
I contemplated Singapore for my 18. A container originally contains 10 litres of
vacation but decided against it. pure spirit. From this container 1 litre of
(A) to visit (C) visiting spirit is replaced with 1 litre of water.
(B) having to visit (D) for a visit Subsequently, 1 litre of the mixture is

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again replaced with 1 litre of water and 22. Choose the most appropriate word from
this process is repeated one more time. the options given below to complete the
How much spirit is now left in the following sentence:
container? It was her view that the country's
(A) 7.58 litres (C) 7 litres problems had been by foreign
(B) 7.84 litres (D) 7.29 litres technocrats, so that to invite them to
come back would be counter-productive.
19. A transporter receives the same number (A) Identified (C) Texacerbated
of orders each day. Currently, he has (B) Ascertained (D) Analysed
some pending orders (backlog) to be
23. Choose the word from the options given
shipped. If he uses 7 trucks, then at the
below that is most nearly opposite in
end of the 4th day he can clear all the
meaning to the given word:
order. Alternatively, if he uses only 3
trucks, then all the orders are cleared at
(A) periodicity (C) gradualness
the end of the 10th day. What is the
(B) rarity (D) persistency
minimum number of trucks required so
that there will be no pending order at the 24. Choose the most appropriate word from
end of the 5th day? the options given below to complete the
(A) 4 (C) 6 following sentence: Under ethical
(B) 5 (D) 7 guidelines recently adopted by the Indian
Medical Association, human genes are to
be manipulated only to correct diseases
20. The variable cost (V) of manufacturing a
for which unsatisfactory.
product varies according to the equation (A) Similar (C) Uncommo
V= 4q, where q is the quantity produced. (B) Most (D) Available
The fixed cost (F) of production of same
product reduces with q according to the 25. The question below consists of a pair of
equation F = 100/q. How many units related words followed by four pairs of
should be produced to minimize the total words. Select the pair that best
cost (V+F)? expresses the relation in the original
(A) 5 (C) 7 pair:
(B) 4 (D) 6 Gladiator: Arena
(A) dancer: stage
EC/EE/IN-2011 (B) commuter: train
(C) teacher: classroom
21. There are two candidates P and Q in an
(D) lawyer: courtroom
election. During the campaign, 40% of
the voters promised to vote for P, and rest 26. The fuel consumed by a motorcycle
for Q. However, on the day of election during a journey while travelling at
15% of the voters went back on their various speeds is indicated in the graph
promise to vote for P and instead voted below.
Fuel Consumption (km/h)

for Q. 25% of the voters went back on

their promise to vote for Q and instead 90
voted for P. Suppose, P lost by 2 votes, 60
then what was the total number of
voters? 30
(A) 100 (C) 90 0
(B) 110 (D) 95 0 30 45 60 75 90
Speed (km/h)

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The distances covered during four laps of diphtheria and tetanus were developed
the journey are listed in the table below this way. It can be inferred from the
Distance Average Speed passage that horses were
(kilometers) (km/h) (A) given immunity to diseases
P 15 15 (B) generally quite immune to diseases
Q 75 45 (C) given medicines to fight toxins
R 40 75 (D) given diphtheria and tetanus serums
S 10 10
From the given data we can conclude that CE/ME/CS-2012
the fuel consumed per kilometer was 31. Choose the most appropriate alternative
least during the lap from the options given below to
(A) P (C) R complete the following sentence:
(B) Q (D) S Despite several __________ the mission
succeeded in its attempt to resolve the
27. Three friends, R, S and T shared toffee conflict.
from a bowl. R took 1/3rd of the toffees, (A) attempts (C) meetings
but returned four to the bowl. S took 1/4th (B) setbacks (D) delegations
of what was left but returned three toffees
to the bowl. T took half of the remainder 32. The cost function for a product in a firm
but returned two back into the bowl. If the is given by 5q2, where q is the amount of
bowl had 17 toffees left, how many production. The firm can sell the product
toffees-were originally there in the bowl? at a market price of ₹ 50 per unit. The
(A) 38 (C) 48 number of units to be produced by the
(B) 31 (D) 41 firm such that the profit is maximized is
(A) 5 (C) 15
28. Given that f(y) = | y | / y, and q is any non-
(B) 10 (D) 25
zero real number, the value of
f( ) f( ) is 33. Choose the most appropriate alternative
(A) 0 (C) 1 from the options given below to
(B) (D) 2 complete the following sentence:
Sures ’s dog is the one ______ was hurt in
29. The sum of n terms of the series
the stampede.
+ + + is
(A) That (C) who
( ) ( )[ n ] (B) which (D) whom

( ) ( )[ n ] 34. Choose the grammatically INCORRECT

( ) ( )[ n ] (A) They gave us the money back less the
service charges of Three Hundred
( ) ( )[ n ]
(B) This untr ’s expenditure is not less
30. The horse has played a little known but than that of Bangladesh.
very important role in the field of (C) The committee initially asked for
medicine. Horses were injected with a funding of Fifty Lakh rupees,
toxins of diseases until their blood built but later settled for a lesser sum.
up immunities. Then a serum was made (D) This untr ’s expenditure on
from their blood. Serums to fight with educational reforms is very less.
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35. Which one of the following options is the S: Doubling each entry in a list leaves the
closest in meaning to the word given standard deviation of the list
below? unchanged
Mitigate (A) P, Q (C) P, R
(A) Diminish (C) Dedicate (B) Q, R (D) R, S
(B) Divulge (D) Denote
40. An automobile plant contracted to buy
36. A political party orders an arch for the shock absorbers from two suppliers X
entrance to the ground in which the and Y. X supplies 60% and Y supplies
annual convention is being held. The 40% of the shock absorbers. All shock
profile of the arch follows the equation absorbers are subjected to a quality test.
. where y is the height of The ones that pass the quality test are
the arch in meters. The maximum considered reliable. Of X’s shock
possible height of the arch is absorbers, 96% are reliable. Of Y’s shock
(A) 8 meters (C) 12 meters absorbers, 72% are reliable.
(B) 10 meters (D) 14 meters The probability that a randomly
chosen shock absorber, which is found
37. Wanted Temporary, Part-time persons to be reliable, is made by Y is
for the post of Field Interviewer to (A) 0.288 (C) 0.667
conduct personal interviews to collect (B) 0.334 (D) 0.720
and collate economic data.
Requirements: High School-pass, must EC/EE/IN-2012
be available for Day, Evening and 41. If ( . ) . and ( . )
Saturday work. Transportation paid, . , then ( . )
expenses reimbursed. (A) 2.23 (C) 11.37
Which one of the following is the best (B) 4.33 (D) 27.64
inference from the above advertisement?
(A) Gender-discriminatory 42. Choose the most appropriate alternative
(B) Xenophobic from the options given below to complete
(C) Not designed to make the post the following sentence:
attractive If the tired soldier wanted to lie down, he
(D) Not gender-discriminatory _________ the mattress out on the balcony.
(A) Should take
38. Given the sequence of terms, AD CG FK (B) Shall take
JP, the next term is (C) Should have taken
(A) OV (C) PV (D) Will have taken
(B) OW (D) PW
43. Choose the most appropriate word from
39. Which of the following assertions are the options given below to complete the
CORRECT? following sentence:
P: Adding 7 to each entry in a list adds 7 Given the seriousness of the situation that
to the mean of the list he had to face, his _____ was impressive.
Q: Adding 7 to each entry in a list adds 7 to (A) beggary (C) jealousy
the standard deviation of the list (B) nomenclature (D) nonchalance
R: Doubling each entry in a list doubles
the mean of the list

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44. Which one of the following options is the 48. There are eight bags of rice looking alike,
closest in meaning to the word given seven of which have equal weight and one
below? is slightly heavier. The weighing balance
is of unlimited capacity. Using this
(A) Eligibility (C) Coercion
balance, the minimum number of
(B) Freedom (D) Meticulousness
weig ing’s re uired t identif t e
45. One of the parts (A, B, C, D) in the heavier bag is
sentence given below contains an ERROR. (A) 2 (C) 4
Which one of the following is (B) 3 (D) 8
49. The data given in the following table
I requested that he should be given the
summarizes the monthly budget of an
driving test today instead of tomorrow
average household.
(A) Requested that
Category Amount (₹)
(B) Should be given
(C) The driving test Food 4000
(D) Instead of-tomorrow Clothing 1200
Rent 2000
46. One of the legacies of the Roman legions Savings 1500
was discipline. In the legions, military law Other expenses 1800
prevailed and discipline was brutal. The approximate percentage of the
Discipline on the battlefield kept units monthly budget NOT spent on savings is
obedient, intact and fighting even when (A) 10% (C) 81%
the odds and conditions were against (B) 14% (D) 86%
Which one of the following statements 50. A and B are friends. They decide to meet
best sums up the meaning of the above between 1 PM and 2 PM on a given day.
passage? There is a condition that whoever arrives
(A) Thorough regimentation was the first will not wait for the other for more
main reason for the efficiency of the than 15 minutes. The probability that
Roman legions even in adverse they will meet on that day is
circumstances (A) ¼ (C) 7/16
(B) The legions were treated inhumanly (B) 1/16 (D) 9/16
as if the men were animals
(C) Discipline was the armies' CE -2013
inheritance from their seniors 51. A number is as much greater than 75 as it
(D) The harsh discipline to which the is smaller than 117. The number is:
legions were subjected to led to the (A) 91 (C) 89
odds and nditi ns eing……against (B) 93 (D) 96
52. The professor ordered to the students
47. Raju has 14 currency notes in his pocket I II III
consisting of only ₹ 20 notes and ₹ 10 to go out of the class.
notes. The total money value of the notes IV
is ₹ 230. The number of ₹ 10 notes that Which of the above underlined parts of
Raju has is the sentence is grammatically incorrect?
(A) 5 (C) 9 (A) I (C) III
(B) 6 (D) 10 (B) II (D) IV

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53. Which of the following options is the In 2011, which of the following two
closest in meaning to the word given categories have registered increase by
below: same percentage?
Primeval (A) Raw material and Salary & wages
(A) Modern (C) Primitive (B) Salary & wages and Advertising
(B) Historic (D) Antique (C) Power & fuel and Advertising
(D) Raw material and Research &
54. Friendship, no matter how __________ it is, Development
has its limitations.
(A) cordial (C) secret 59. A firm is selling its product at ₹ 60 per
(B) intimate (D) pleasant unit. The total cost of production is ₹ 100
and firm is earning total profit of ₹ 500.
55. Select the pair that best expresses a Later, the total cost increased by 30%. By
relationship similar to that expressed in what percentage the price should be
the pair: increased to maintained the same profit
Medicine: Health level.
(A) Science: Experiment (A) 5 (C) 15
(B) Wealth: Peace (B) 10 (D) 30
(C) Education: Knowledge
(D) Money: Happiness 60. Abhishek is elder to Savar, Savar is younger
to Anshul. The correct relations is
56. X and Y are two positive real numbers (A) Abhishek is elder to Anshul
such that 𝟐𝐗 + 𝐘 ≤ 𝟔 and 𝐗 + 𝟐𝐘 ≤ 𝟖. For (B) Anshul is elder to Abhishek
which of the following values of (X, Y) the (C) Abhished and Anshul are of same age
function (𝐗, 𝐘) = 𝟑𝐗 + 𝟔𝐘 will give (D) No conclusion can be drawn
maximum value?
(A) (4/3, 10/3) (C) (8/3, 10/3) CS/ME-2013
(B) (8/3, 20/3) (D) (4/3, 20/3) 61. Which one of the following options is the
closest meaning to the word given below?
57. If |𝟒𝐗 𝟕| = 𝟓 then the values of 𝟐 Nadir
|𝐗| 𝐗 | is: (A) Highest (C) Medium
(A) 2, 1/3 (C) 3/2, 9 (B) Lowest (D) Integration
(B) 1/2, 3 (D) 2/3, 9
62. Complete the sentence:
58. Following table provides figures (in Universalism is to particularism as
rupees) on annual expenditure of a firm diffuseness is to __________
for two years – 2010 and 2011. (A) Specificity (C) Generality
Category 2010 2011 (B) Neutrality (D) Adaptation
Raw material 5200 6240
Power & fuel 7000 9450 63. What will be the maximum sum of 44, 42,
Salary & wages 9000 12600 …?
Plant & machinery 20000 25000 (A) 502 (C) 506
Advertising 15000 19500 (B) 504 (D) 500
Research & Development 22000 26400
64. Were you a bird, you ___________ in the sky.
(A) Would fly (C) Should fly
(B) Shall fly (D) Shall have flown

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65. Choose the grammatically INCORRECT 69. A tourist covers half of his journey by
sentence: train at 60 km/h. Half of the remainder by
(A) He is of Asian origin bus at 30 km/h and the rest by cycle at 10
(B) They belonged to Africa km/h. The average speed of the tourist in
(C) She is a European km/h during his entire journey is
(D) They migrated from India to (A) 36 (C) 24
Australia (B) 30 (D) 18

66. Find the sum of the expression 70. The current erection cost of a structure is
+ + + + ₹ 13,200. If the labour wages per day
√ +√ √ +√ √ +√ √ +√ increases by 1/5 of the current wages and
(A) 7 (C) 9 the working hours decrease by 1/24 of
(B) 8 (D) 10 the current period, then the new cost of
erection in ₹ is
67. Out of all the 2-digit integers between 1 (A) 16,500 (C) 11,000
and 100, a 2-digit number has to be (B) 15,180 (D) 10,120
selected at random. What is the
probability that the selected number is EC/EE/IN-2013
not divisible by 7? 71. A car travels 8 km in the first quarter of
(A) 13/90 (C) 78/90 an hour, 6 km in the second quarter and
(B) 12/90 (D) 77/90 16 km in the third quarter. The average
speed of the car in km per hour over the
68. After several defeats in war, Robert Bruce entire journey is
went in exile and wanted to commit (A) 30 (C) 40
suicide. Just before committing suicide, he (B) 36 (D) 24
came across a spider attempting tirelessly
to have its net. Time and again the spider 72. Find the sum to n terms of the series 10 +
failed but that did not deter it to refrain 84 + 734 + …
from making attempts. Such attempts by ( + ) ( )
the spider made Bruce curious. Thus, ( ) + ( ) +n
Bruce started observing the near – ( ) ( )
impossible goal of the spider to have the ( ) + ( ) +n
net. Ultimately, the spider succeeded in
having its net despite several failures. 73. Statement: There were different streams
Such act of the spider encouraged Bruce of freedom movements in colonial India
not to commit suicide. And then, Bruce carried out by the moderates, liberals,
went back again and won many battle, radicals, socialists, and so on.
and the rest is history. Which one of the following is the best
Which one of the assertion is best inference from the above statement?
supported by the above information? (A) The emergence of nationalism in
(A) Failure is the pillar of success colonial India led to our
(B) Honesty is the best policy Independence
(C) Life begins and ends with adventures (B) Nationalism in India emerged in the
(D) No adversity justifies giving up hope context of colonialism
(C) Nationalism in India is homogeneous
(D) Nationalism in India is

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74. The set of values of p for which the roots 80. They were requested not to quarrel with
of the equation + + ( ) others.
are of opposite sign is Which one of the following options is the
(A) ( , 0) (C) (1, ) closest in meaning to the word quarrel?
(B) (0, 1) (D) (0, ) (A) make out (C) dig out
(B) call out (D) fall out
75. What is the chance that a leap year,
selected at random, will contain 53 CE – 2014
Sundays? 81. A student is required to demonstrate a
(A) 2/7 (C) 1/7 high level of comprehension of the
(B) 3/7 (D) 5/7 subject, especially in the social sciences.
The word closest in meaning to
76. Choose the grammatically CORRECT comprehension is
sentence: (A) understanding (C) concentration
(A) Two and two add four (B) meaning (D) stability
(B) Two and two become four
(C) Two and two are four 82. Choose the most appropriate word from
(D) Two and two make four the options given below to complete the
following sentence.
77. Statement: You can always give me a ring One of his biggest ______ was his ability to
whenever you need. forgive.
Which one of the following is the best (A) vice (C) choices
inference from the above statement? (B) virtues (D) strength
(A) Because I have a nice caller tune
(B) Because I have a better telephone 83. Rajan was not happy that Sajan decided to
facility do the project on his own. On observing
(C) Because a friend in need in a friend his unhappiness, Sajan explained to Rajan
indeed that he preferred to work independently.
(D) Because you need not pay towards Which one of the statements below is
the telephone bills when you give me logically valid and can be inferred from
a ring the above sentences?
(A) Rajan has decided to work only in a
78. In the summer of 2012, in New Delhi, the group.
mean temperature of Monday to (B) Rajan and Sajan were formed into a
Wednesday was 41ºC and of Tuesday to group against their wishes.
Thursday was 43ºC. If the temperature on (C) Sajan had decided to give in to
Thursday was 15% higher than that of ajan’s re uest t w rk wit i .
Monday, then the temperature in ºC on (D) Rajan had believed that Sajan and he
Thursday was would be working together.
(A) 40 (C) 46
(B) 43 (D) 49 84. If + then the tangent at x = 0,
79. Complete the sentence: (A) passes through x = 0, y = 0
Dare ____________ mistakes. (B) has a slope of +1
(A) commit (C) committed (C) is parallel to the x-axis
(B) to commit (D) committing (D) as a s e f

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85. A foundry has a fixed daily cost of (A) (B) (C) (D)
₹ 50,000 whenever it operates and a Anuj 6 2 4 2
variable cost of ₹ 800Q, where Q is the Bhola 2 6 2 4
daily production in tonnes. What is the Chandan 5 5 6 6
cost of production in ₹ per tonne for a Dilip 1 1 3 1
daily production of 100 tonnes? Eswar 3 3 1 3
Faisal 4 4 5 5
86. Find the odd one in the following group:
ALRVX, EPVZB, ITZDF, OYEIK 88. The smallest angle of a triangle is equal to
(A) ALRVX (C) ITZDF two thirds of the smallest angle of a
(B) EPVZB (D) OYEIK quadrilateral. The ratio between the
angles of the quadrilateral is 3:4:5:6. The
87. Anuj, Bhola, Chandan, Dilip, Eswar and largest angle of the triangle is twice its
Faisal live on different floors in a six- smallest angle. What is the sum, in
storeyed building (the ground floor is degrees, of the second largest angle of the
numbered 1, the floor above it 2 and so triangle and the largest angle of the
on). Anuj lives on an even-numbered quadrilateral?
floor. Bhola does not live on an odd
numbered floor. Chandan does not live on 89. One percent of the people of country X are
an f t e f rs e w Faisa ’s f r. i i taller than 6 ft. Two percent of the people
does not live on floor number 2. Eswar of country Y are taller than 6 ft. There are
does not live on a floor immediately thrice as many people in country X as in
above or immediately below Bhola. Faisal country Y. Taking both countries together,
lives three floors above Dilip. Which of what is the percentage of people taller
the following floor-person combinations than 6 ft?
is correct? (A) 3.0 (C) 1.5
(B) 2.5 (D) 1.25

90. The monthly rainfall chart based on 50 years of rainfall in Agra is shown in the following figure.
Which of the following are true? (k percentile is the value such that k percent of the data fall below
that value)
700 5 percentile
600 95 percentile

Rainfall (mm)




Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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(i) On average, it rains more in July than in December

(ii) Every year, the amount of rainfall in August is more than that in January
(iii) July rainfall can be estimated with better confidence than February rainfall
(iv) In August, there is atleast 500 mm of rainfall
(A) (i) and (ii) (C) (ii) and (iii)
(B) (i) and (iii) (D) (iii) and (iv)

CE/IN – 2014 96. In a group of four children, Som is

91. Choose the most appropriate word from younger to Riaz. Shiv is elder to Ansu.
the options given below to complete the Ansu is youngest in the group. Which of
following sentence. the following statements is/are required
ers n suffering fr z ei er’s to find the eldest child in the group?
disease __________ short-term memory loss Statements
(A) experienced (C) is experiencing 1. Shiv is younger to Riaz.
(B) has experienced (D) experiences 2. Shiv is elder to Som.
(A) Statement 1by itself determines the
92. Choose the most appropriate word from eldest child.
the options given below to complete the (B) Statement 2 by itself determines the
following sentence. eldest child.
____________ is the key to their happiness; (C) Statements 1 and 2 are both required
they are satisfied with what they have. to determine the eldest child.
(A) Contentment (C) Perseverance (D) Statements 1 and 2 are not sufficient
(B) Ambition (D) Hunger to determine the eldest child.

93. Which of the following options is the 97. Moving into a world of big data will
closest in meaning to the sentence below? require us to change our thinking about
“ s a w an I ave n untr .” the merits of exactitude. To apply the
(A) Women have no country. conventional mindset of measurement to
(B) Women are not citizens of any country. the digital, connected world of the
(C) W en’s s idarit kn ws n twenty-first century is to miss a crucial
national boundaries. point. As mentioned earlier, the obsession
(D) Women of all countries have equal with exactness is an artifact of the
legal rights. information-deprived analog era. When
data was sparse, every data point was
94. In any given year, the probability of an critical, and thus great care was taken to
earthquake greater than Magnitude 6 avoid letting any point bias the analysis.
occurring in the Garhwal Himalayas is Fr “ IG T ” Vikt r Mayer-
0.04. The average time between Schonberger and Kenneth Cukier
successive occurrences of such The main point of the paragraph is:
earthquakes is ________ years. (A) The twenty-first century is a digital
95. The population of a new city is 5 million
(B) Big data is obsessed with exactness
and is growing at 20% annually. How
(C) Exactitude is not critical in dealing
many years would it take to double at this
with big data
growth rate?
(D) Sparse data leads to a bias in the
(A) 3-4 years (C) 5-6 years
(B) 4-5 years (D) 6-7 years

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98. The total exports and revenues from the 100. 10% of the population in a town is HIV .A
exports of a country are given in the two new diagnostic kit for HIV detection is
pie charts below. The pie chart for available; this kit correctly identifies HIV
exports shows the quantity of each item individuals 95% of the time, and HIV
as a percentage of the total quantity of individuals 89% of the time. A particular
exports. The pie chart for the revenues patient is tested using this kit and is
shows the percentage of the total revenue found to be positive. The probability that
generated through export of each item. the individual is actually positive is _______
The total quantity of exports of all the
items is 5 lakh tonnes and the total CS/EE – 2014
revenues are 250 crore rupees. What is 101. While trying to collect an envelope
the ratio of the revenue generated I
through export of Item 1 per kilogram to from under the table, Mr. X fell down
the revenue generated through export of II III
and was losing consciousness.
Item 4 per kilogram?
Exports Which one of the above underlined parts
of the sentence is NOT appropriate?
(A) I (C) III
Item 6 Item 1
16% 11% (B) II (D) IV

Item 5 Item 2
12% 20% 102. If she _____ how to calibrate the instrument,
she ______ done the experiment.
(A) knows, will have
Item 4 Item 3
22% (B) Knew, had
(C) Had known, could have
(D) Should have known, would have
103. Choose the word that is opposite in
Item 1 meaning to the word “ erent”.
Item 6 (A) Sticky (C) Rambling
(B) Well-connected (D) friendly
Item 2
20% 104. Which number does not belong in the
Item 5
series below? 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, 50, 64
(A) 17 (C) 64
Item 4 Item 3 (B) 37 (D) 26
6% 23%
105. The table below has question-wise data
(A) 1 : 2 (C) 1 : 4 on the performance of students in an
(B) 2 : 1 (D) 4 : 1 examination. The marks for each question
are also listed. There is no negative or
99. X is 1 km northeast of Y. Y is 1 km partial marking in the examination.
southeast of Z. W is 1 km west of Z. P is 1 Q No. 1 2 3
km south of W. Q is 1 km east of P. What is Marks 2 3 2
the distance between X and Q in km? Answered Correctly 21 15 23
(A) 1 (C) √ Answered Wrongly 17 27 18
(B) √ (D) 2 Not Attempted 6 2 3

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What is the average of the marks obtained (iii) Stars are important objects in the
by the class in the examination? universe
(A) 1.34 (C) 3.02 (iv) Experimental evidence was important
(B) 1.74 (D) 3.91 in confirming this paradigm shift
(A) (i), (ii) and (iv) (C) (i) and (iv)
106. A dance programme is scheduled for (B) (iii) only (D) (iv) only
10.00 a.m. Some students are
participating in the programme and they 108. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in
need to come an hour earlier than the Rupees grew at 7% during 2012-2013.
start of the event. These students should For international comparison, the GDP is
be accompanied by a parent. Other compared in US Dollars (USD) after
students and parents should come in time conversion based on the market exchange
for the programme. The instruction you rate. During the period 2012-2013 the
think that is appropriate for this is exchange rate for the USD increased from
(A) Students should come at 9.00 a.m. and ₹ 50/ USD to ₹ / US . India’s G in
parents should come at 10.00 a.m. USD during the period 2012-2013
(B) Participating students should come at (A) increased by 5 %
9.00 a.m. accompanied by a parent, (B) decreased by 13%
and other parents and students (C) decreased by 20%
should come by 10.00 a.m. (D) decreased by 11%
(C) Students who are not participating
should come by 10.00 a.m. and they 109. The ratio of male to female students in a
should not bring their parents. college for five years is plotted in the
Participating students should come at following line graph. If the number of
9.00 a.m. female students in 2011 and 2012 is
(D) Participating students should come equal, what is the ratio of male students
before 9.00 a.m. Parents who in 2012 to male students in 2011?
accompany them should come at
9.00 a.m. All others should come at
Ratio of Male to Female

10.00 a.m. 2.5


107. By the beginning of the 20th century, 1

several hypotheses were being proposed, 0
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
suggesting a paradigm shift in our
understanding of the universe. However, (A) 1:1 (C) 1.5:1
the clinching evidence was provided by (B) 2:1 (D) 2.5:1
experimental measurements of the
position of a star which was directly 110. Consider the equation:
behind our sun. (7526)8 (Y)8 = (4364)8 , where (X)N
Which of the following inference(s) may stands for X to the base N. Find Y.
be drawn from the above passage? (A) 1634 (C) 3142
(i) Our understanding of the universe (B) 1737 (D) 3162
changes based on the positions of
stars 111. Choose the most appropriate phrase from
(ii) Paradigm shifts usually occur at the the options given below to complete the
beginning of centuries following sentence.
India is a post-colonial country because
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(A) it was a former British colony (A) Kaliningrad was historically Russian
(B) Indian Information Technology in its ethnic make up
professionals have colonized the (B) Kaliningrad is a part of Russia
world despite it not being contiguous with
(C) India does not follow any colonial the rest of Russia
practices (C) Koenigsberg was renamed
(D) India has helped other countries Kaliningrad, as that was its original
gain freedom Russian name
(D) Poland and Lithuania are on the route
112. Who ___________ was coming to see us this from Kaliningrad to the rest of Russia
(A) you said (C) did you say that 117. The number of people diagnosed with
(B) did you say (D) had you said dengue fever (contracted from the bite of
a mosquito) in north India is twice the
113. Match the columns. number diagnosed last year. Municipal
Column 1 Column 2 authorities have concluded that measures
1. eradicate P. misrepresent to control the mosquito population have
2. distort Q. soak completely failed in this region. Which one of the
3. saturate R. use following statements, if true, does not
4. utilize S. destroy utterly contradict this conclusion?
(A) 1:S, 2:P, 3:Q, 4:R (A) A high proportion of the affected
(B) 1:P, 2:Q, 3:R, 4:S population has returned from
(C) 1:Q, 2:R, 3:S, 4:P neighbouring countries where
(D) 1:S, 2:P, 3:R, 4:Q dengue is prevalent
(B) More cases of dengue are now
114. What is the average of all multiples of 10 reported because of an increase in
from 2 to 198? t e Muni i a Offi e’s ad inistrative
(A) 90 (C) 110 efficiency
(B) 100 (D) 120 (C) Many more cases of dengue are being
diagnosed this year since the
introduction of a new and effective
115. The value of √ +√ +√ + is diagnostic test
(A) 3.464 (C) 4.000 (D) The number of people with malarial
(B) 3.932 (D) 4.444 fever (also contracted from mosquito
bites) has increased this year
116. The old city of Koenigsberg, which had a
German majority population before 118. If x is real and + then
World War 2, is now called Kaliningrad. possible values of + include
After the events of the war, Kaliningrad is (A) 2, 4 (C) 4, 52
now a Russian territory and has a (B) 2, 14 (D) 14, 52
predominantly Russian population. It is
119. At what time between 6 am and a
bordered by the Baltic Sea on the north
will the minute hand and hour hand of a
and the countries of Poland to the south
clock make an angle closest to 60°?
and west and Lithuania to the east
(A) 6: 22 am (C) 6: 38 am
respectively. Which of the statements
(B) 6: 27 am (D) 6: 45 am
below can be inferred from this passage?

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120. The ratio of male to female students in a 124. The statistics of runs scored in a series by
college for five years is plotted in the four batsmen are provided in the
following line graph. If the number of following table. Who is the most
female students doubled in 2009, by what consistent batsman of these four?
percent did the number of male students Standard
Batsman Average
increase in 2009? deviation
3.5 K 31.2 5.21
Ratio of Male to Female

3 L 46.0 6.35
M 54.4 6.22

1.5 N 17.9 5.90
1 (A) K (C) M
0.5 (B) L (D) N
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
125. What is the next number in the series?
12, 35, 81, 173, 357 ________
ECE – 2014
121. Choose the most appropriate phrase from 126. Find the odd one from the following
the options given below to complete the group:
following sentence. W,E,K,O I,Q,W,A F,N,T,X N,V,B,D
The aircraft _________ take off as soon as its (A) W,E,K,O (C) F,N,T,X
flight plan was filed. (B) I,Q,W,A (D) N,V,B,D
(A) is allowed to
(B) will be allowed to 127. For submitting tax returns, all resident
(C) was allowed to males with annual income below ₹ 10
(D) has been allowed to lakh should fill up Form P and all resident
females with income below ₹ 8 lakh
122. Read the statements: should fill up Form Q. All people with
All women are entrepreneurs. incomes above ₹ 10 lakh should fill up
Some women are doctors. Form R, except nonresidents with income
Which of the following conclusions can be above ₹ 15 lakhs, who should fill up Form
logically inferred from the above S. All others should fill Form T. An
statements? example of a person who should fill Form
(A) All women are doctors T is
(B) All doctors are entrepreneurs (A) a resident male with annual income ₹
(C) All entrepreneurs are women 9 lakh
(D) Some entrepreneurs are doctors (B) a resident female with annual
income ₹ 9 lakh
123. Choose the most appropriate word from (C) a non-resident male with annual
the options given below to complete the income ₹ 16 lakh
following sentence. (D) a non-resident female with annual
Many ancient cultures attributed disease income ₹ 16 lakh
to supernatural causes. However, modern
science has largely helped _____such 128. A train that is 280 metres long, travelling
notions at a uniform speed, crosses a platform in
(A) impel (C) propel 60 seconds and passes a man standing on
the platform in 20 seconds. What is the
(B) dispel (D) repel
length of the platform in metres?

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129. The exports and imports (in crores of ₹) 133. 'Advice' is _______
of a country from 2000 to 2007 are given (A) a verb (C) an adjective
in the following bar chart. If the trade (B) a noun (D) both a verb and a noun
deficit is defined as excess of imports over
exports, in which year is the trade deficit 134. The next term in the series
1/5th of the exports? … is ___________
Exports Imports
135. In which of the following options will the
110 expression P < M be definitely true?
(A) M < R > P > S (C) Q < M < F = P
60 (B) M > S < P < F (D) P = A < R < M
10 136. Find the next term in the sequence: 7G,
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 11K, 13M, _________
(A) 2005 (C) 2007 (A) 15Q (C) 15P
(B) 2004 (D) 2006 (B) 17Q (D) 17P

130. You are given three coins: one has heads 137. The multi-level hierarchical pie chart
on both faces, the second has tails on both shows the population of animals in a
faces, and the third has a head on one face reserve forest. The correct conclusions
and a tail on the other. You choose a coin from this information are:
at random and toss it, and it comes up
Bettle Tiger
heads. The probability that the other face
is tails is Red-Ant
(A) 1/4 (C) 1/2

(B) 1/3 (D) 2/3

M amm a

Honey I nsect
131. “India is a untr of rich heritage and Bee

u tura diversit .”
Which one of the following facts best
supports the claim made in the above Reptile
Moth B ird Snake

(A) India is a union of 28 states and 7

Dr on

i le

union territories.


(B) India has a population of over 1.1

billion. (i) Butterflies are birds
(C) India is home to 22 official languages (ii) There are more tigers in this forest
and thousands of dialects. than red ants
(D) The Indian cricket team draws (iii) All reptiles in this forest are either
players from over ten states. snakes or crocodiles
(iv) Elephants are the largest mammals
132. The value of one U.S. dollar is 65 Indian in this forest
Rupees today, compared to 60 last year. (A) (i) and (ii) only
The Indian Rupee has __________ . (B) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(A) depressed (C) appreciated (C) (i), (iii) and (iv) only
(B) depreciated (D) stabilized (D) (i), (ii) and (iii) only

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138. A man can row at 8 km per hour in still 142. Choose the most appropriate word
water. If it takes him thrice as long to row from the options given below to
upstream, as to row downstream, then complete the following sentence.
find the stream velocity in km per hour. He could not understand the judges
awarding her the first prize, because he
139. A firm producing air purifiers sold 200 thought that her performance was quite
units in 2012. The following pie chart __________
presents the share of raw material, (A) superb (C) mediocre
labour, energy, plant & machinery, and (B) medium (D) exhilarating
transportation costs in the total
manufacturing cost of the firm in 2012. 143. In a press meet on the recent scam, the
The expenditure on labour in 2012 is minister said, "The buck stops here".
₹ . In 2013, the raw material What did the minister convey by the
expenses increased by 30% and all other statement?
expenses increased by 20%. If the (A) He wants all the money
company registered a profit of ₹ 10 lakhs (B) He will return the money
in 2012, at what price (in ₹) was each air (C) He will assume final responsibility
purifier sold? (D) He will resist all enquiries

Transpor 144. If (z + ⁄z) = 98, compute (z + ⁄z )

145. The roots of a + + are real and
Raw positive. a, b and c are real. Then
Plant and
Machinery Material a + + has
30% 20% (A) no roots (C) 3 real roots
(B) 2 real roots (D) 4 real roots
146. The Palghat Gap (or Palakkad Gap), a
region about 30 km wide in the southern
part of the Western Ghats in India, is
140. A batch of one hundred bulbs is inspected lower than the hilly terrain to its north
by testing four randomly chosen bulbs. and south. The exact reasons for the
The batch is rejected if even one of the formation of this gap are not clear. It
bulbs is defective. A batch typically has results in the neighbouring regions of
five defective bulbs. The probability that Tamil Nadu getting more rainfall from the
the current batch is accepted is South West monsoon and the
neighbouring regions of Kerala having
EE – 2014 higher summer temperatures.
141. Which of the following options is the What can be inferred from this passage?
closest in meaning to the phrase (A) The Palghat gap is caused by high
underlined in the sentence below? rainfall and high temperatures in
It is fascinating to see life forms cope with southern Tamil Nadu and Kerala
varied environmental conditions. (B) The regions in Tamil Nadu and
(A) adopt to (C) adept in Kerala that are near the Palghat Gap
(B) adapt to (D) accept with are low-lying

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(C) The low terrain of the Palghat Gap below. What percent of respondents do
has a significant impact on weather not own a scooter?
patterns in neighbouring parts of Own vehicle Do not
Tamil Nadu and Kerala own
(D) Higher summer temperatures result Car Scooter Both vehicle
in higher rainfall near the Palghat Men 40 30 60 20
Gap area Women 34 20 46 50

147. Geneticists say that they are very close to

ECE/ME – 2014
confirming the genetic roots of
151. Choose the most appropriate word from
psychiatric illnesses such as depression
the options given below to complete the
and schizophrenia, and consequently, that
following sentence.
doctors will be able to eradicate these
Communication and interpersonal skills
diseases through early identification and
are ______ important in their own ways.
gene therapy.
(A) each (C) all
On which of the following assumptions
(B) both (D) either
does the statement above rely?
(A) Strategies are now available for
152. Which of the options given below best
eliminating psychiatric illnesses
completes the following sentence?
(B) Certain psychiatric illnesses have a
She will feel much better if she ____________
genetic basis
(A) will get some rest
(C) All human diseases can be traced
(B) gets some rest
back to genes and how they are
(C) will be getting some rest
(D) is getting some rest
(D) In the future, genetics will become
the only relevant field for identifying
153. Choose the most appropriate pair of
psychiatric illnesses
words from the options given below to
complete the following sentence. She
148. Round-trip tickets to a tourist destination
could not _______ the thought of ________ the
are eligible for a discount of 10% on the
election to her bitter rival.
total fare. In addition, groups of 4 or more
(A) bear, loosing (C) bear, losing
get a discount of 5% on the total fare. If
(B) bare, loosing (D) bare, losing
the one way single person fare is ₹ 100, a
group of 5 tourists purchasing round-trip
154. A regular die has six sides with numbers 1
tickets will be charged ₹ ______
to 6 marked on its sides. If a very large
number of throws show the following
149. When a point inside of a tetrahedron (a
frequencies of occurrence:
solid with four triangular surfaces) is
→ . ; → . ; → . ;
connected by straight lines to its corners,
→ . ; → . ; → .
how many (new) internal planes are
We call this die
created with these lines? ______________
(A) irregular (C) Gaussian
150. In a survey, 300 respondents were asked (B) biased (D) Insufficient
whether they own a vehicle or not. If yes,
they were further asked to mention 155. Fill in the missing number in the series.
whether they own a car or scooter or 2, 3, 6, 15 ____ 157.5, 630
both. Their responses are tabulated

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156. Find the odd one in the following group

Q,W,Z,B B,H,K,M W,C,G,J M,S,V,X Item 1
(A) Q,W,Z,B (C) W,C,G,J 11%
(B) B,H,K,M (D) M,S,V,X Item 6
157. Lights of four colors (red, blue, green, Item 5 Item 2
yellow) are hung on a ladder. On every 12% 20%
step of the ladder there are two lights. If
one of the lights is red, the other light on Item 4 Item 3
22% 19%
that step will always be blue. If one of the
lights on a step is green, the other light on
that step will always be yellow. Which of
the following statements is not
necessarily correct? Item 1
Item 6
(A) The number of red lights is equal to 12%
the number of blue lights
Item 2
(B) The number of green lights is equal
to the number of yellow lights Item 5
(C) The sum of the red and green lights 20%
is equal to the sum of the yellow and Item 3
blue lights 23%
Item 4
(D) The sum of the red and blue lights is 6%
equal to the sum of the green and
(A) Item 2 (C) Item 6
yellow lights
(B) Item 3 (D) Item 5

158. The sum of eight consecutive odd

160. It takes 30 minutes to empty a half-full
numbers is 656. The average of four
tank by draining it at a constant rate. It is
consecutive even numbers is 87. What is
decided to simultaneously pump water
the sum of the smallest odd number and
into the half-full tank while draining it.
second largest even number?
What is the rate at which water has to be
pumped in so that it gets fully filled in 10
159. The total exports and revenues from the
exports of a country are given in the two
(A) 4 times the draining rate
charts shown below. The pie chart for
(B) 3 times the draining rate
exports shows the quantity of each item
(C) 2.5 times the draining rate
exported as a percentage of the total
(D) 2 times the draining rate
quantity of exports. The pie chart for the
revenues shows the percentage of the
161. Which of the following options is the
total revenue generated through export of
closest in meaning to the word
each item. The total quantity of exports of
underlined in the sentence below?
all the items is 500 thousand tonnes and
In a democracy, everybody has the
the total revenues are 250 crore rupees.
freedom to disagree with the government.
Which item among the following has
(A) dissent (C) decent
generated the maximum revenue per kg?
(B) descent (D) decadent

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162. After the discussion, Tom said to me, The expenditure on labour in 2012 is
'Please revert!’ ₹ . In 2013, the raw material
He expects me to _____________ expenses increased by 30% and all other
(A) retract (C) move in reverse expenses increased by 20%. What is the
(B) get back to him (D) retreat percentage increase in total cost for the
company in 2013?
163. While receiving the award, the scientist
said, "I feel vindicated". Which of the ation Labour
following is closest in meaning to the 10% 15%
w rd ‘vindi ated’?
(A) punished (C) appreciated
Plant and Raw
(B) substantiated (D) chastened Machinery Materials
30% 20%
164. Let f( ) . If x is doubled and
y is halved, the new value of f is Energy
(A) (C) (n )
(B) (D) ( n)

165. In a sequence of 12 consecutive odd

numbers, the sum of the first 5 numbers 170. A five digit number is formed using the
is 425. What is the sum of the last 5 digits 1,3,5,7 and 9 without repeating any
numbers in the sequence? of them. What is the sum of all such
possible five digit numbers?
166. Find the next term in the sequence: 13M, (A) 6666660 (C) 6666666
17Q, 19S, _______ (B) 6666600 (D) 6666606
(A) 21W (C) 23W
(B) 21V (D) 23V CE – 2015
171. Which word is not a synonym for the
167. If ‘K FTS ’ stands f r ‘ est f u k’ and word vernacular?
‘SHSW G’ stands f r ‘g d wis es’ w i (A) Regional (C) Indigent
ft ef wing indi ates ‘a e t e e a ’? (B) Indigenous (D) Colloquial
(B) MXHTC (D) XMHTC 172. Mr. Vivek walks 6 meters North-east, then
turns and walks 6 meters South-east, both
168. Industrial consumption of power doubled at 60 degrees to east He further moves 2
from 2000-2001 to 2010-2011. Find the meters South and 4 meters West What is
annual rate of increase in percent the straight distance in metres between
assuming it to be uniform over the years. the point he started from and the point he
(A) 5.6 (C) 10.0 finally reached?
(B) 7.2 (D) 12.2 (A) √ (C) √
(B) 2 (D) ⁄√
169. A firm producing air purifiers sold 200
units in 2012. The following pie chart 173. Four cards are randomly selected from a
presents the share of raw material, pack of 52 cards If the first two cards are
labour, energy, plant & machinery, and kings, what is the probability that the
transportation costs in the total third card is a king?
manufacturing cost of the firm in 2012.
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(A) / teach all three subjects, i.e, EM, ES and TD.

(B) / 4 can teach ES and TD. How many can
(C) ( / ) ( / ) teach both ES and EM but not TD?
(D) ( / ) ( / ) (/ ) (A) 1 (C) 3
(B) 2 (D) 4
174. Choose the most appropriate word from
the options given below to complete the 178. How many four digit numbers can be
following sentence. f r ed wit t e digits … if n
The official answered ________ that the number can start with 0 and if repetitions
complaints of the citizen would be looked are not allowed?
(A) Respectably (C) Reputably 179. T e w rd si i ar in eaning t ‘drear ’ is
(B) Respectfully (D) Respectively ___________
(A) Cheerful (C) Hard
175. Choose the statement where underlined (B) Dreamy (D) Disma
word is used correctly.
(A) The minister insured the victims that 180. The given question is followed by two
everything would be all right. statements: select the most appropriate
(B) He ensured that the company will option that solves the question
not have to bear any loss. Capacity of a solution tank A is 70% of the
(C) The actor got himself ensured capacity of tank B. How many gallons of
against any accident. solution are in tank A and tank B?
(D) The teacher insured students of good Statements:
results I. Tank A is 80% full and tank B is 40%
176. Read the following table giving sales data II. Tank A if full contains 14,000 gallons
of five types of batteries for years 2006 to of solution
2012: (A) Statement I alone is sufficient.
Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 (B) Statement II alone is sufficient.
Type I 75 90 96 105 90 (C) Either statement I or II alone is
Type II 144 126 114 90 75 sufficient.
Type III 114 102 75 150 135 (D) Both the statements I and II together
Type IV 102 84 105 90 75 are sufficient
Type V 108 126 135 75 90
Out of the following, which type of battery
CS/EE – 2015
achieved higher growth between the
181. Based on the given statements, select the
years 2006 and 2012?
most appropriate option to solve the
(A) Type V (C) Type II
given question.
(B) Type III (D) Type I
What will be the total weight of 10 poles
each of same weight?
177. There are 16 teachers who can teach
Thermodynamics (TD). 11 who can teach
I. One fourth of the weight of a pole is 5
Electrical Sciences (ES) and 5 who can
teach both TD and Engineering Mechanics
II. The total weight of these poles is 160
(EM). There are a total of 40 teachers. 6
kg more than the total weight of two
cannot teach any of the three subjects; i.e,
EM, ES or TD. 6 can teach only ES. 4 can

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(A) Statement I alone is not sufficient. 187. In a triangle PQR, PS is the angle bisector
(B) Statement II alone is not sufficient. of QPR and QPS = 60°. What is the
(C) Either I or II alone is sufficient. length of PS?
(D) Both statements I and II together are P
not sufficient.
q r
182. Consider a function f( ) n
≤ ≤ . The value of x at which the S
function attains a maximum and the Q R
maximum value of the function are: ( + r)
(A) (C) ( ) ( ) √( +r )
(B) (D) r ( + r)
( ) ( )
( + r) r
183. We ___________ ur friend’s irt da and
we _________ how to make it up to him.
188. Four branches of a company are located
(A) completely forgot --- don't just know
at M, N, O, and P. M is north of N at a
(B) forgot completely --- don't just know
distance of 4 km; P is south of O at a
(C) completely forgot --- just don't know
distance of 2 km; N is southeast of O by 1
(D) forgot completely ---- just don't know
km. What is the distance between M and
184. A generic term that includes various P in km?
items of clothing such as a skirt, a pair of (A) 5.34 (C) 28.5
trousers and a shirt is (B) 6.74 (D) 45.49
(A) fabric (C) fibre
(B) textile (D) apparel 189. If p. q, r. s are distinct integers such that:
f (p, q, r, s) = max (p. q, r, s)
185. Choose the statement where underlined g (P, q, r, s) = rain (p, q, r, s)
word is used correctly. h (p, q, r, s) = remainder of (p q) / (r
(A) The industrialist had a personnel jet. s) if (p q) > (r s) or remainder of
(B) I write my experience in my (r s)/( ) if (i s) > ( )
personnel diary. Also a function fgh (p, q, r, s) = f (p, q, r, s)
(C) All personnel are being given the day g (p, q, r, s) h (p, q, r, s)
off Also the same operations are valid with
(D) Being religious is a personnel aspect.
too variable functions of the form f (p, q).
186. Out of the following four sentences, select What is the value of fg(h(2, 5, 7, 3), 4, 6,
the most suitable sentence with respect to 8)?
grammar and usage:
(A) Since the report lacked needed 190. If the list of letters. P, R, S, T, U" is an
information, it was of no use to them. arithmetic sequence, which of the
(B) The report was useless to them following are also in arithmetic sequence?
because there were no needed I. 2P, 2R 2S, 2T, 2U
information in it. II. P-3, R-3, S-3, T-3, U-3
(C) Since the report did not contain the III. S T U
needed information, it was not real (A) I only (C) II and III
useful to them. (B) I and II (D) I and III
(D) Since the report lacked needed
information, it would not had been
useful to them

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191. Which one of the following combinations 196. The pie chart below has the breakup of the
is incorrect? number of students, from different
(A) Acquiescence - Submission departments in an engineering college for
(B) Wheedle - Roundabout the year 2012. The proportion of male to
(C) Flippancy - Lightness female students in each department is 5 : 4.
(D) Profligate - Extravagant There are 40 males in Electrical Engineering.
What is the difference between the numbers
192. idn’t u u _________ w en u went of female students in the Civil department
shopping? and the female students in the Mechanical
(A) any paper (C) no paper department?
(B) much paper (D) a few paper

193. Based on the given statements, select the

most appropriate option to solve then Electrical
given question. Computer
If two floors in a certain building are 9 Mechanical science
10% 40%
feet apart, how many steps are there in a
set of stairs that extends from the first
floor to the second floor of the building? 30%
I. Each step is 3/4 foot high.
II. Each step is 1 foot wide. 197. The number of students in a class who
(A) Statement I alone is sufficient, but have answered correctly, wrongly, or not
statement II alone is not sufficient attempted each question in an exam, are
(B) Statement II alone is sufficient, but listed in the table below. The marks for
statement I alone is not sufficient each question are also listed. There is no
(C) Both statement together are negative or partial marking.
sufficient, but neither statement
Answered Answered Not
Q. No.

alone is sufficient Marks

Correctly Wrongly Attempted
(D) Statement I and II together are not
sufficient 1 2 21 17 6
2 3 15 27 2
194. Given Set A = {2, 3, 4, 5} and Set B = {11, 3 1 11 29 4
12, 13, 14, 15}, two numbers are 4 2 23 18 3
5 5 31 12 1
randomly selected, one from each set.
What is the average of the marks obtained
What is the probability that the sum of by the class in the examination?
the two numbers equals 16? (A) 2.290 (C) 6.795
(A) 0.20 (C) 0.30 (B) 2.970 (D) 8.795
(B) 0.25 (D) 0.33
198. The probabilities that a student passes in
195. Which of the following options is the Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry are m,
closest in meaning to the sentence below? p and c respectively. Of these subjects, the
She enjoyed herself immensely at the
student has 75% chance of passing in at
(A) She had a terrible time at the party least one, a 50% chance of passing in at
(B) She had a horrible time at the party least two and a 40% chance of passing in
(C) She had a terrific time at the party exactly two. Following relations are drawn
(D) She had a terrifying time at the party in m, p and c:

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1. p + m + c = 27 / 20 202. Select the pair that best expresses a

2. p + m + c = 13 / 20 relationship similar to that expressed in
3. (p) × (m) × (c) = 1 / 10 the pair.
Children: Pediatrician
(A) Only relation 1 is true
(A) Adult : Orthopadist
(B) Only relation 2 is true
(B) Females : Gynaecologist
(C) Relations 2 and 3 are true
(C) Kidney : Nephrologist
(D) Relations 1 and 3 are true.
(D) Skin : Dermatologist

199. The given statement is following by some 203. The Tamil version of _________ John
courses of action. Assuming the statement Abraham-Starrer Madras Café _______
to be true, decide the correct option. cleared by the Censor Board with no cuts
Statement: ast week ut t e fi ’s distri ut r’s
There has been a significant drop in the ________ no takers among the exhibitors for
water level in the lakes supplying water to a release in Tamil Nadu _______ this Friday.
the city. (A) Mr., was, found, on
Course of action: (B) a, was, found, at
I. The water supply authority should (C) the, was, found, on
impose a partial cut in supply to tackle (D) a, being, find at
the situation.
II. The government should appeal to all 204. If ROAD is written as URDG, then SWAN
the residents through mass media for should be written as:
minimal use of water. (A) VXDQ (C) VZDP
III. The government should ban the water (B) VZDQ (D) UXDQ
supply in lower areas.
(A) Statement I and II follow 205. A function f(x) is linear and has a value of
(B) Statement I and III follow 29 at and at . Find its
value at .
(C) Statement II and III follow
(A) 59 (C) 43
(D) All statements follow
(B) 45 (D) 35

200. Select the alternative meaning of the 206. Alexander turned his attention towards
underlined part of the sentence. India, since he had conquered Persia.
The chain snatchers took to their heels Which one of the statements below is
when the police party arrived. logically valid and can be inferred from
(A) took shelter in a thick jungle the above sentence?
(B) open indiscriminate fire (A) Alexander would not have turned his
(C) took to flight attention towards India had he not
(D) unconditionally surrendered conquered Persia.
(B) Alexander was not ready to rest on
CE/CS– 2015 his laurels, and wanted to march to
201. Extreme focus on syllabus and studying India.
for tests has become such a dominant (C) Alexander was completely in control
concern of Indian students that they close of his army and could command it to
their minds to anything ________________ to move towards India.
the requirements of the exam. (D) Sin e e ander’s kingd e tended
(A) Related (C) Outside to Indian borders after the conquest
(B) Extraneous (D) Useful of Persia, he was keen to move
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207. Most experts feel that in spite of

Exports Imports
possessing all the technical skills required
to be a batsman of highest order, he is 120
unlikely to be so due to lack of requisite
temperament he was guilty of throwing 60
away his wicket several times after 40
working hard to lay a strong foundation. 20
His critics pointed out that until he 0
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
addressed this problem, success at the
highest level will continue to elude him. 210. The head of a newly formed government
Which of the statement (s) below is/are desires to appoint five of the six selected
logically valid and can be inferred from members
the above passage? P, Q, R, S, T and U to portfolios of Home,
(i) He was already a successful batsman power, Defense, Telecom and Finance. U
at the highest level. does not want any portfolio if S gets one
(ii) He has to improve his temperament of the five. R wants either Home of
in order to become a great batsman. Finance or no portfolio. Q says that if S
(iii) He failed to make many of his good gets either power or Telecom, then she
starts count. must get the other one. T insists on a
(iv) Improving his technical skills will portfolio if P gets one.
guarantee success. Which is the valid distribution of
(A) (iii) and (iv) portfolios?
(B) (ii) and (iii) (A) P-Home, Q-Power, R-Defense,
(C) (i), (ii) and (iii) S-Telecom, T-Finance
(D) (ii) only (B) R-Home, S-Power, P-Defense,
Q-Telecom, T-Finance
208. Choose the most appropriate equation for (C) P-Home, Q-Power, T-Defense,
the function drawn as a thick line, in the S-Telecom, U-Finance
plot below. (D) Q-Home, U-Power, T-Defense,
y R-Telecom, P-Finance

( ) x ECE/ME– 2015
211. Find the missing sequence in the letter
series below:
( )
(A) (C) + (B) MNO (D) NOPQ
(B) ( ) (D) ( + )
212. If x > y > 1, which of the following must
209. The exports and import (in crores of Rs.) be true?
of a country from the year 2000 to 2007 (i) n > n
are given in the following bar chart. In (ii) e > e
which year is the combined percentage (iii) >
increase in imports and exports the (iv) s > s
highest? (A) (i) and (ii) (C) (iii) and (iv)
(B) (i) and (iii) (D) (ii) and (iv)

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213. Choose the correct verb to fill in the blank (C) Ms. X will be only in Kochi for one
below: Let us ______ day in May.
(A) introvert (C) atheist (D) Only Ms. X will be in Kochi for one
(B) alternate (D) altruist day in May.

214. Choose the most suitable one word 218. From a circular sheet of paper of radius
substitute for the following expression: 30 cm, a sector of 10% area is removed. If
Connotation of a road or way the remaining part is used to make a
(A) Perrinacious (C) Clandestine conical surface, then the ratio of the
(B) Viaticum (D) Ravenous radius and height of the cone is __________

215. Choose the most appropriate word from 219. In the following question, the first and the
the options given below to complete the last sentence of the passage are in order
following sentence. and numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the
If the athlete had wanted to come first in passage is split into 4 parts and
the race, he _________ several hours every numbered as 2, 3, 4 and 5. These 4 parts
day. are not arranged in proper order. Read
(A) should practise the sentences and arrange them in a
(B) should have practised logical sequence to make a passage and
(C) practiced choose the correct sequence from the
(D) should be practicing given options.
1. On Diwali, the family rises early in the
216. Ram and Shyam shared a secret and morning.
promised to each other that it would 2. The whole family, including the young
remain and the old enjoy doing this.
between them. Ram express himself in 3. Children let off fireworks later in the
one of the following ways as given in the night with their friends.
choices below. Identify the correct way as 4. At sunset, the lamps are lit and the
per standard English. family performs various rituals.
(A) It would remain between you and 5. Father, mother and children visit
me. relatives and exchange gifts and
(B) It would remain between I and you. sweets.
(C) It would remain between you and I. 6. Houses looks so pretty with lighted
(D) It would remain with me. lamps all around.
(A) 2, 5, 3, 4 (C) 3, 5, 4, 2
217. Ms. X will be Bagdogra from 01/05/2014 (B) 5, 2, 4, 3 (D) 4, 5, 2, 3
to 20/05/2014 and from 22/05/2014 to
31/05/2014. On the morning of 220. g tan +
21/05/2014, she will reach Kochi via g tan + + g tan is ______
Mumbai. (A) 1 (C) 0
Which one of the statements below is (B) ⁄√ (D)
logically valid and can be inferred from
the above sentences? 221. Ram and Ramesh appeared in an
(A) Ms. X will be in Kochi for one day, interview for two vacancies in the same
only in May. de art ent. T e r a i it f a ’s
(B) Ms. X will be in Kochi for only one selection is 1/6 and that of Ramesh is 1/8.
day in May.
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What is the probability that only one of 226. Given below are two statements followed
them will be selected? by two conclusions. Assuming these
(A) 47/48 (C) 13/48 statements to be true, decide which one
(B) 1/4 (D) 35/48 logically follows.
222. Choose the appropriate word/phrase. out I. All film stars are playback singers
of the four options given below, to II. All film directors are film stars.
complete the following sentence: Conclusions:
Dhoni, as well as the other team members I. All film directors are playback singers.
of Indian team _________ present on the II. Some film stars are film directors.
occasion. (A) Only conclusion I follows
(A) Were (C) Has (B) Only conclusion II follows
(B) Was (D) Have (C) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
(D) Both conclusions I and II follow
223. An electric bus has onboard instruments
that report the total electricity consumed 227. In the following sentence certain parts
since the start of the trip as well as the are underlined and marked P, Q and R.
total distance covered. During a single One of the parts may contain certain error
day of operation, the bus travels on or may not be acceptable in standard
stretches M. N. O. and P. in that order. The written communication. Select the part
cumulative distances travelled and the containing an error. Choose D as your
corresponding electricity consumption answer if there is no error.
are shown in the Table below: The student corrected all the errors that
Cumulative Electricity P
distance (km) used (kWh) the instructor marked on the answer book.
M 20 12 Q R
N 45 25 (A) P (C) R
O 75 45 (B) Q (D) No Error
P 100 57
The stretch where the electricity 228. If a + + . Then ab+ bc + ac lie
consumption per km is minimum is in the interval
(A) M (C) O (A) [ / ] (C) [ / ]
(B) N (D) P (B) [ / ] (D) [ ]

224. Choose the word most similar in meaning 229. A tiger is 50 leaps of its own behind a
to the given word: deer. The tiger takes 5 leaps pel minute to
Awkward the deer's 4. If the tiger and the deer
(A) Inept (C) Suitable cover 8 metre and 5 metre per leap
(B) Graceful (D) Dreadful respectively, what distance in metres will
the tiger have to run before it catches the
225. What is the adverb for the given word deer?
Misogynous 230. Lamenting the gradual sidelining of the
(A) Misogynousness (C) Misogynously arts in school curricula. A group of
(B) Misogynity (D) Misogynous prominent artists wrote to the Chief
Minister last year, asking him to allocate
more funds to support arts education in
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schools. However, no such increase has 235. Choose the most appropriate word from
been announced in this year's Budget. the options given below to complete the
The artists expressed their deep anguish following sentence.
at their request not being approved, but The principal presented the chief guest
many of them remain optimistic about with a ___________, as token of appreciation.
funding in the future. (A) momento (C) momentum
Which of the statement(s) below is/are (B) memento (D) moment
logically valid and can be inferred from
the above statements? 236. Fill in the missing value
(i) The artists expected funding for the
arts to increase this year
(ii) The Chief Minister was receptive to
the idea of increasing funding for the
(iii) The Chief Minister is a prominent
artist. ?
(iv) Schools are giving less importance to
arts education nowadays.
237. The following question presents a
(A) (iii) and (iv) (C) (i), (ii) and (iv)
sentence, part of which is underlined.
(B) (i) and (iv) (D) (i) and (iii)
Beneath the sentence you find four ways
of phrasing the underlined part.
ECE– 2015
Following the requirements of the
231. If g (5/7) = 1/3, then the value of x
standard written English, select the
answer that produces the most effective
(A) / (C) /
(B) / (D) /
Tuberculosis, together with its effects,
ranks one of the leading causes of death
232. Choose the appropriate word/phrase, out
in India.
of the four options given below, to
(A) ranks as one of the leading causes of
complete the following sentence:
Frogs ______________
(B) rank as one of the leading causes of
(A) croak (C) hiss
(B) roar (D) patter
(C) has the rank of one of the leading
causes of death
233. Choose the word most similar meaning to
(D) are one of the leading causes of death
the given word:
“Edu e”
238. A cube side 3 units is formed using a set
(A) Exert (C) Extract
of smaller cubes of side 1 unit. Find the
(B) Educate (D) Extend
proportion of the number of faces of the
smaller cubes visible to those which are
234. Operates and → are defined :
NOT visible.
a a+
a ;a ;a → a (A) 1 : 4 (C) 1 : 2
a+ a
(B) 1 : 3 (D) 2 : 3
(A) (C)
(B) 1 (D) 2

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239. Humpty Dumpty sits on a wall every day ME/IN– 2015

while having lunch. The wall sometimes 241. Fill in the blank with the correct
breaks. A person sitting on the wall falls if idiom/phrase.
the wall breaks. That boy from the town was a _______ in
Which one of the statements below is the sleepy village.
logically valid and can be inferred from (A) Dog out of herd
the above sentences? (B) Sheep from the heap
(A) Humpty Dumpty always falls while (C) Fish out of water
having lunch (D) Bird from the flock
(B) Humpty Dumpty does not fall
sometimes while having lunch 242. Choose the statement where underlined
(C) Humpty Dumpty never falls during word is used correctly.
dinner (A) When the teacher eludes to different
(D) When Humpty Dumpty does not sit authors, he is being elusive.
on the wall, the wall does not break (B) When the thief keeps eluding the
police, he 15 being elusive.
240. Read the following paragraph and choose (C) Matters that are difficult to
the correct statement. understand, identify or remember
Climate change has reduced human are allusive.
security and threatened human well- (D) Mirages can be allusive, but a better
being. An ignored reality of human way to express them is illusory.
progress is that human security largely
depends upon environmental security. 243. Choose the appropriate word/phrase, out
But on the contrary, human progress of the four options given below, to
seems contradictory to environmental complete the following sentence:
security. To keep up both at the required Apparent lifelessness _______ dormant life
level is a challenge to be addressed by one (A) Harbours (C) Supports
and all. One of the ways to curb the (B) Leads to (D) Affects
climate change may be suitable scientific
innovations, while the other may be the 244. Tanya is older than Eric.
Gandhian perspective on small scale Cliff is older than Tanya.
progress with focus on sustainability. Eric is older than Cliff
(A) Human progress and security are If the first two statements are true, then
positively associated with the third statement is:
environmental security. (A) True (C) Uncertain
(B) Human progress is contradictory to (B) False (D) Data insufficient
environmental security.
(C) Human security is contradictory to 245. Five teams have to compere in a league,
environmental security. with every team playing every other team
(D) Human progress depends upon exactly once, before going to the next
environmental security. round. How many matches will have to be
held to complete the league round of
(A) 20 (C) 8
(B) 10 (D) 5

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246. In the given figure angle Q is a right angle. Statements:

PS: QS = 3:1, RT:QT = 5:2 and PU:UR = (I) No manager is a leader.
1:1. If area of triangle QTS is 20 , then (II) All leaders are executives.
the area of triangle PQR (in )is Conclusions:
___________ (I) No manager is an executive.
R (II) No executive is a manager.
U (A) Only conclusion I follows
T (B) Only conclusion II follows.
(C) Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
S Q (D) Both conclusions I and II follow.

247. Right triangle PQR is to be constructed in ECE/ME – 2016

the xy - plane so that the right angle is at 251. Which of the following is CORRECT with
P and line PR is parallel to the x-axis. The respect to grammar and usage?
x and y coordinates of P, Q and R are to be Mount Everest is ____________
integers that satisfy the inequalities: (A) The highest peak in the world
≤ ≤ and ≤ ≤ . How many (B) Highest peak in the world
different triangles could be constructed (C) One of highest peak in the world
with these properties? (D) One of the highest peak in the world
(A) 110 (C) 9,900
(B) 1,100 (D) 10,000 252. The policeman asked the victim of a theft,
“W at did u_________?”
248. A coin is tossed thrice. Let X be the event (A) Loose (C) Loss
that head occurs in each of the first two (B) Lose (D) Louse
tosses. Let Y be the event that a tail occurs
on the third toss. Let Z be the event that
253. es ite t e new edi ine’s_________ in
two tails occur in three tosses. Based on
treating diabetes, it is not _________ widely.
the above information, which one of the (A) Effectiveness --- prescribed
following statements is TRUE?
(B) Availability --- used
(A) X and Y are not independent
(C) Prescription --- available
(B) Y and Z are dependent (D) Acceptance --- proscribed
(C) Y and Z are independent
(D) X and Z are independent
254. In a huge pile of apples and oranges, both
ripe and unripe mixed together, 15% are
249. Select the appropriate option in place of
unripe fruits. Of the unripe fruits, 45% are
underlined part of the sentence.
apples. Of the ripe ones, 66% are oranges.
Increased productivity necessary reflects
If the pile contains a total of 5692000
greater efforts made by the employees.
fruits, how many of them are apples?
(A) Increase in productivity necessary
(A) 2029198 (C) 2789080
(B) Increase productivity is necessary
(B) 2467482 (D) 3577422
(C) Increase in productivity necessarily
(D) No improvement required
255. Michael lives 10 km away from where I
live. Ahmed lives 5 km away and Susan
250. Given below are two statements followed
by two conclusions. Assuming these lives 7 km away from where I live. Arun is
farther away than Ahmed but closer than
statements to be true, decide which one
Susan from where I live. From the
logically follows.

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information provided here, what is one (C) Shiva is a better chess player than
possible distance (in km) at which I live Pavithra.
fr run’s a e? (D) Pavithra is the youngest of the three.
(A) 3.00 (C) 6.02
(B) 4.99 (D) 7.01 259. If r and

256. A person moving through a tuberculosis s t en t e va ue f a is

prone zone has a 50% probability of (A) (r s) (C) 1
becoming infected. However, only 30% of (B) (D) r + + s
infected people develop the disease. What
percentage of people moving through a 260. P, Q, R and S are working on a project. Q
tuberculosis prone zone remains infected can finish the task in 25 days, working
but does not show symptoms of disease? alone for 12 hours a day. R can finish the
(A) 15 (C) 35 task in 50 days, working alone for 12
(B) 33 (D) 37 hours per day. Q worked 12 hours a day
but took sick leave in the beginning for
257. In a world filled with uncertainty, he was two days. R worked 18 hours a day on all
glad to have many good friends. He had days. What is the ratio of work done by Q
always assisted them in times of need and and R after 7 days from the start of the
was confident that they would project?
reciprocate. However, the events of the (A) 10:11 (C) 20:21
last week proved him wrong. (B) 11:10 (D) 21:20
Which of the following inference(s) is/are
logically valid and can be inferred from 261. Based on the given statements, select the
the above passage? appropriate option with respect to
(i) His friends were always asking him grammar and usage.
to help them. Statements
(ii) He felt that when in need of help, his (i) The height of Mr. X is 6 feet
friends would let him down. (ii) The height of Mr. Y is 5 feet
(iii) He was sure that his friends would (A) Mr. X is longer than Mr. Y
help him when in need. (B) Mr. X is more elongated than Mr. Y
(iv) His friends did not help him last (C) Mr. X is taller than Mr. Y
week. (D) Mr. X is lengthier than Mr. Y
(A) (i) and (ii) (C) (iii) only
(B) (iii) and (iv) (D) (iv) only 262. The students ___________ the teacher on
tea ers’ da f r twent ears f
258. Leela is older than her cousin Pavithra. dedicated teaching.
avit ra’s r t er S iva is der t an (A) facilitated (C) fantasized
Leela. When Pavithra and Shiva are (B) felicitated (D) facillitated
visiting Leela, all three like to play chess.
Pavithra wins more often than Leela does. 263. fter India’s ri ket w r d u vi t r in
Which one of the following statements 1985, Shrotria who was playing both
must be TRUE based on the above? tennis and cricket till then, decided to
(A) When Shiva plays chess with Leela concentrate only on cricket. And the rest
and Pavithra, he often loses. is history.
(B) Leela is the oldest of the three.

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What does the underlined phrase mean in were intended to further the colonial
this context? interest. In the time of globalization and
(A) history will rest in peace the economic rise of postcolonial
(B) rest is recorded in history books countries like India, conventional ways of
(C) rest is well known knowledge production have become
(D) rest is archaic obsolete.
Which of the following can be logically
264. Given ( in es) ( . ards) , which inferred from the above statements?
one of the following statements is TRUE? (i) Social science disciplines have
(A) 3 inches = 0.5 yards become obsolete.
(B) 9 inches = 1.5 yards (ii) Social science disciplines had a pre-
(C) 9 inches = 0.25 yards colonial origin.
(D) 81 inches = 0.0625 yards (iii) Social science disciplines always
promote colonialism.
265. S, M, E and F are working in shifts in a (iv) Social science must maintain
team to finish a project. M works with disciplinary boundaries.
twice the efficiency of others but for half (A) i only (C) ii and iv only
as many days as E worked. S and M have 6 (B) i and iii only (D) iii and iv only
hour shifts in a day, where as E and F
have 12 hours shifts. What is the ratio of 268. Two and a quarter hours back, when seen
contribution of M to contribution of E in in a mirror, the reflection of a wall clock
the project? without number markings seemed to
(A) 1:1 (C) 1:4 show 1:30. What is the actual current
(B) 1:2 (D) 2:1 time shown by the clock?
(A) 8:15 (C) 12:15
266. The Venn diagram shows the preference (B) 11:15 (D) 12:45
of the student population for leisure
activities. 269. M and N start from the same location. M
Read books Watch TV travels 10 km East and then 10 km North-
East. N travels 5 km South and then 4 km
13 19 South-East. What is the shortest distance
7 (in km) between M and N at the end of
44 17 their travel?
(A) 18.60 (C) 20.61
(B) 22.50 (D) 25.00
Play sports
270. A wire of length 340 mm is to be cut into
From the data given, the number of
two parts. One of the parts is to be made
students who like to read books or play
sports is __________ into a square and the other into a
(A) 44 (C) 79 rectangle where sides are in the ratio of
(B) 51 (D) 108 1:2. What is the length of the side of the
square (in mm) such that the combined
267. Social science disciplines were in area of the square and the rectangle is a
existence in an amorphous form until the MINIMUM?
colonial period when they were (A) 30 (C) 120
(B) 40 (D) 180
institutionalized. In varying degrees, they

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ME – 2016 276. Students taking an exam are divided into

271. The volume of a sphere of diameter 1 unit two groups, P and Q such that each group
is ________ than the volume of a cube of has the same number of students. The
side 1 unit. performance of each of the students in a
(A) least (C) lesser test was evaluated out of 200 marks. It
(B) less (D) low was observed that the mean of group P
was 105, while that of group Q was 85.
272. The unruly crowd demanded that the The standard deviation of group P was 25,
accused be _________ without trial. while that of group Q was 5. Assuming
(A) hanged (C) hankering that the marks were distributed on a
(B) hanging (D) hung normal distribution, which of the
following statements will have the highest
273. Choose the statement(s) where the probability of being TRUE?
underlined word is used correctly: (A) No student in group Q scored less
(i) A prone is a dried plum. marks than any student in group P.
(ii) He was lying prone on the floor. (B) No student in group P scored less
(iii) People who eat a lot of fat are prone marks than any student in group Q.
to heart disease. (C) Most students of group Q scored
(A) (i) and (iii)only marks in a narrower range than
(B) (iii) only students in group P.
(C) (i) and (ii) only (D) The median of the marks of group P
(D) (ii) and (iii) only is 100.

274. Fact: If it rains, then the field is wet. 277. A smart city integrates all modes of
Read the following statements: transport, uses clean energy and
(i) It rains promotes sustainable use of resources. It
(ii) The field is not wet also uses technology to ensure safety and
(iii) The field is wet security of the city, something which
(iv) It did not rain critics argue, will lead to a surveillance
Which one of the options given below is state.
NOT logically possible, based on the given Which of the following can be logically
fact? inferred from the above paragraph?
(A) If (iii), then (iv) (i) All smart cities encourage the
(B) If (i), then (iii) formation of surveillance states.
(C) If (i), then (ii) (ii) Surveillance is an integral part of a
(D) If (ii), then (iv) smart city.
(iii) Sustainability and surveillance go
275. A window is made up of a square portion hand in hand in a smart city.
and an equilateral triangle portion above (iv) There is a perception that smart
it. The base of the triangular portion cities promote surveillance.
coincides with the upper side of the (A) (i) and (iv) only
square. If the perimeter of the window is (B) (ii) and (iii) only
6 m, the area of the window in is ______ (C) (iv) only
(A) 1.43 (C) 2.68 (D) (i) only
(B) 2.06 (D) 2.88

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278. Find the missing sequence in the letter ( )

series. .
B, FH, LNP, ________
279. T e inar erati n is defined as a .
= ab+(a+b), where a and b are any two
real numbers. The value of the identity
element of this operation, defined as the ECE/IN – 2016
nu er su t at a a, for any a, is. 281. An apple costs ₹ 10. An onion costs ₹ 8.
(A) 0 (C) 2 Select the most suitable sentence with
(B) 1 (D) 10 respect to grammar and usage.
(A) The price of an apple is greater than
280. Which of the following curves represents an onion.
the function (B) The price of an apple is more than
( )|]
n (|e[| |) f r ? onion.
Here, x represents the abscissa and y (C) The price of an apple is greater than
represents the ordinate. that of an onion.
( ) (D) Apples are more costlier than onions.
282. T e udd a said “H ding n t anger is
. like grasping a hot coal with the intent of
throwing it at someone else; you are the
. ne w gets urnt.”
Select the word below which is closest in
. meaning to the word underlined above.
( ) (A) burning (C) clutching
(B) igniting (D) flinging

283. M has a son Q and a daughter R. He has no
other children. E is the mother of P and
daughter-in-law of M. How is P related to
(A) P is the son-in-law of M
( ) (B) P is the grandchild of M
. (C) P is the daughter-in law of M
(D) P is the grandfather of M
284. The number that least fits this set: (324,
441, 97 and 64) is ________
(A) 324 (C) 97
(B) 441 (D) 64

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285. It takes 10 s and 15 s, respectively, for 288. A flat is shared by four first year
two trains travelling at different constant undergraduate students. They agreed to
speeds to completely pass a telegraph allow the oldest of them to enjoy some
post. The length of the first train is 120 m extra space in the flat. Manu is two
and that of the second train is 150 m. The months older than Sravan, who is three
magnitude of the difference in the speeds months younger than Trideep. Pavan is
of the two trains (in m/s) is ____________ one month older than Sravan. Who should
(A) 2.0 (C) 12.0 occupy the extra space in the flat?
(B) 10.0 (D) 22.0 (A) Manu (C) Trideep
(B) Sravan (D) Pavan
286. The velocity V of a vehicle along a straight
line is measured in m/s and plotted as 289. Find the area bounded by the lines
shown with respect to time in seconds. At + in the first
the end of the 7 seconds, how much will quadrant.
the odometer reading increase by (in m)? (A) 14.95 (C) 15.70
V(m/s) (B) 15.25 (D) 20.35

2 290. A straight line is fit to a data set (ln x, y).

This line intercepts the abscissa at ln x =
1 . and as a s e f . . W at is t e
value of y at x = 5 from the fit?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Time(s) (A) 0.030 (C) 0.014
1 (B) 0.014 (D) 0.030

(A) 0 (C) 4 CS/CE– 2016

(B) 3 (D) 5 291. Out of the following four sentences, select
the most suitable sentences with respect
287. The overwhelming number of people to grammar and usage.
infected with rabies in India has been (A) I will not leave the place until the
flagged by the World Health Organization minister does not meet me.
as a source of concern. It is estimated that (B) I will not leave the place until the
inoculating 70% of pets and stray dogs inister d esn’t eet e.
against rabies can lead to a significant (C) I will not leave the place until the
reduction in the number of people minister meet me
infected with rabies. (D) I will not leave the place until the
Which of the following can be logically minister meets me.
inferred from the above sentences?
(A) The number of people in India 292. r i edes said “Give e a ever ng
infected with rabies is high. enough and a fulcrum on which to place
(B) The number of people in other parts it and I wi ve t e w r d.”
of the world who are infected with The sentence above is an example of a
rabies is low. _________ statement.
(C) Rabies can be eradicated in India by (A) figurative (C) literal
vaccinating 70% of stray dogs. (B) collateral (D) figurine
(D) Stray dogs are the main source of
rabies worldwide.

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293. A rewording of something written or Which of the following can be logically

spoken is a ________ inferred from the above sentence?
(A) paraphrase (C) paradigm (A) India is a county of exactly seventeen
(B) paradox (D) paraffin languages.
(B) Linguistic pluralism is the only
294. If ‘re ftaga’ eans arefree ‘ taga’ eans indi at r f a nati n’s diversit .
arefu and ‘Fertaga’ eans are ess (C) Indian currency notes have sufficient
which of the following could mean space for all the Indian languages.
‘after are’? (D) Linguistic pluralism is strong
(A) zentaga (C) tagazen evidence of India’s diversit .
(B) tagafer (D) relffer
298. Consider the following statements
295. The cube is built using 64 cubic blocks of relating to the level of poker play of four
side one unit. After it is built, one cubic player P, Q, R & S
block is removed from every corner of the 1. P always beats Q
cube. The resulting surface area of the 2. R always beats S
body (in square unit) 3. S loses to P only sometimes
After the removal is_______ 4. R always loses to Q
(A) 56 (C) 72 Which of the following can be logically
(B) 64 (D) 96 inferred from the above statement?
(i) P is likely to beat all the three other
296. A shaving set company sells 4 different players
types of razors, Elegance, Smooth, Soft (ii) S is the absolute worst player in the
and Executive Elegance sells at Rs.48. set
Smooth at Rs.63 Soft and Rs.78 and (A) (i) only (C) (i) and (ii)
Executive at Rs.173 per piece. The table (B) (ii) only (D) Neither (i) nor (ii)
below shows the number of each razor
sold in each quarter of a year. 299. If f( ) + which of the
Quarter/ following is a factor of f( )?
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Product (A) ( + ) (C) ( )
Elegance 27300 25222 28976 21012 (B) ( ) (D) ( + )
Smooth 20009 19392 22429 18229
Soft 17602 18445 19544 16595 300. In a process, the number of cycle to
Executive 9999 8942 10234 10109 failure decreases exponentially with an
Which product contributes the greatest increases in load
fraction to the revenue of the company in At a load of 80 units, it takes 100 cycles
that year? for failure. When the load is halved, it
(A) Elegance (C) Smooth takes 10000 cycles for failure. The load
(B) Executive (D) Soft for which the failure will happen in 5000
cycles is ___________
297. Indian currency notes show the (A) 40.00 (C) 60.01
denomination indicated in at least (B) 46.02 (D) 92.02
seventeen languages. If this is not an
indi ati n f t e nati n’s diversit
nothing else is.

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CS/EE– 2016 307. Computers were invented for performing

301. The man who is now Municipal only high-end useful computations.
Commissioner worked as _______________ However, it is no understatement that
(A) the security guard at a university they have taken over our world today.
(B) a security guard at the university The internet, for example, is ubiquitous.
(C) a security guard at university Many believe that the internet itself is an
(D) the security guard at the university unintended consequence of the original
invention. With the advent of mobile
302. Nobody knows how the Indian cricket computing on our phones, a whole new
team is going to cope with the difficult dimension is now enabled. One is left
and seamer-friendly wickets in Australia. wondering if all these developments are
Choose the option which is closest in good or, more importantly, required.
meaning to the underlined phrase in the Which of the statement(s) below is/are
above sentence. logically valid and can be inferred from
(A) put up with (C) put down to the above paragraph?
(B) put in with (D) put up against (i) The author believes that computers
are not good for us.
303. Find the odd one in the following group of (ii) Mobile computers and the internet
words. mock, deride, praise, jeer are both intended inventions
(A) mock (C) praise (A) (i) only
(B) deride (D) jeer (B) (ii) only
(C) Both (i) and (ii)
304. Pick the odd one from the following (D) Neither (i) nor (ii)
(A) CADBE (C) XVYWZ 308. All hill-stations have a lake. Ooty has two
(B) JHKIL (D) ONPMQ lakes.
Which of the statement(s) below is/are
305. In a quadratic function, the value of the logically valid and can be inferred from
product of the r ts (α β) is . Find t e the above sentences?
value of (i) Ooty is not a hill-station.
α +β (ii) No hill-station can have more than
α +β one lake.
(A) n (C) (A) (i) only
(B) (D) (B) (ii) only
(C) Both (i) and (ii)
306. Among 150 faculty members in an (D) Neither (i) nor (ii)
institute, 55 are connected with each
other through Facebook® and 85 are 309. In a 2 × 4 rectangle grid shown below,
connected through WhatsApp®. 30 faculty each cell is a rectangle. How many
members do not have Facebook® or rectangles can be observed in the grid?
WhatsApp® accounts. The number of
faculty members connected only through
Facebook® accounts is ______________.
(A) 35 (C) 65 (A) 21 (C) 30
(B) 45 (D) 90 (B) 27 (D) 36

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310. original number by 54, find the original

f( ) number.
(A) 39 (C) 66
(B) 57 (D) 93
316. Two finance companies, P and Q, declared
. fixed annual rates of interest on the
amounts invested with them. The rates of
interest offered by these companies may
. differ from year to year. Year-wise annual
Choose the correct expression for f(x) rates of interest offered by these
given in the graph companies are shown by the line graph
(A) f( ) provided below.
(B) f( ) +
(C) f( ) .
(D) f( ) +
. .
CE– 2016
311. If I were u I __________ t at a t . It’s
much too expensive.
(A) W n’t u (C) W u dn’t u If the amounts invested in the companies,
(B) S an’t u (D) Would buy P and Q, in 2006 are in the ratio 8:9, then
the amounts received after one year as
312. He turned a deaf ear to my request. interests from companies P and Q would
What does the underlined phrasal verb be in the ratio:
mean? (A) 2:3 (C) 6:7
(A) Ignored (C) Twisted (B) 3:4 (D) 4:3
(B) Appreciated (D) Returned
317. Today, we consider Ashoka as a great
313. Choose the most appropriate set of words ruler because of the copious evidence he
from the options given below to complete left behind in the form of stone carved
the following sentence. edicts. Historians tend to correlate
________ _______is a will, _________ is a way. greatness of a king at his time with the
(A) Wear, there, their availability of evidence today.
(B) Were, their, there Which of the following can be logically
(C) Where, there, there inferred from the above sentences?
(D) Where, their, their (A) Emperors who do not leave
significant sculpted evidence are
314. (x % of y) + (y % of x) is equivalent to. completely forgotten.
(A) 2 % of xy (C) xy % of 100 (B) Ashoka produced stone carved edicts
(B) 2 % of (xy/100) (D) 100 % of xy to ensure that later historians will
respect him.
315. The sum of the digits of a two digit (C) Statues of kings are a reminder of
number is 12. If the new number formed their greatness.
by reversing the digits is greater than the (D) king’s greatness as we kn w i
today, is interpreted by historians.

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318. Fact 1: Humans are mammals. 324. R2D2 is a robot. R2D2 can repair
Fact 2: Some humans are engineers. aeroplanes. No other robot can repair
Fact 3: Engineers build houses. aeroplanes.
If the above statements are facts, which of Which of the following can be logically
the following can be logically inferred? inferred from the above statements?
I. All mammals build houses. (A) R2D2 is a robot which can only
II. Engineers are mammals. repair aeroplanes
III. Some humans are not engineers. (B) R2D2 is the only robot which can
(A) II only (C) I, II and III repair aeroplanes
(B) III only (D) I only (C) R2D2 is a robot which can repair
only aeroplanes
319. A square pyramid has a base perimeter x, (D) Only R2D2 is a robot
and the slant height is half of the
perimeter. What is the lateral surface area 325. If , then / is __________
of the pyramid? (A) 0 (C) /
(A) (C) 0.50 (B) + / (D) Undefined
(B) 0.75 (D) 0.25
326. A poll of students appearing for masters
in engineering indicated that 60% of the
320. Ananth takes 6 hours and Bharath takes 4
students believed that mechanical
hours to read a book. Both started
engineering is a profession unsuitable for
reading copies of the book at the same
women. A research study on women with
time. After how many hours is the
masters or higher degrees in mechanical
number of pages to be read by Ananth,
engineering found that 99% of such
twice that to be read by Bharath? Assume
women were successful in their
Ananth and Bharath read all the pages
with constant pace.
Which of the following can be logically
(A) 1 (C) 3
inferred from the above paragraph?
(B) 2 (D) 4
(A) Many students have misconceptions
regarding various engineering
EE– 2016
321. The chairman requested the aggrieved
(B) Men with advanced degrees in
shareholders to ___________ him.
mechanical engineering believe
(A) bare with (C) bear with
women are well suited to be
(B) bore with (D) bare
mechanical engineers
(C) Mechanical engineering is a
322. Identify the correct spelling out of the
profession well suited for women
given options:
with masters or higher degrees in
(A) Managable (C) Mangaeble
mechanical engineering
(B) Manageable (D) Managible
(D) The number of women pursuing
higher degrees in mechanical
323. Pick the odd one out in the following:
engineering is small
13, 23, 33, 43, 53
(A) 23 (C) 43
327. Sourya committee had proposed the
(B) 33 (D) 53
establishment of Sourya Institutes of
Technology (SITs) in line with Indian
Institutes of Technology (IITs) to cater to

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the technological and industrial needs of a 328. S a ui e O’ Nea is a % areer free

developing country. throw shooter, meaning that he
Which of the following can be logically successfully makes 60 free throws out of
inferred from the above sentence? 100 attempts on average. What is the
Based on the proposal, probability that he will successfully make
(i) In the initial years, SIT students will exactly 6 free throws in 10 attempts?
get degrees from IIT. (A) 0.2508 (C) 0.2934
(ii) SITs will have a distinct national (B) 0.2816 (D) 0.6000
(iii) SIT like institutions can only be 329. The numeral in the units position of
established in consultation with IIT. + is ________
(iv) SITs will serve technological needs of
a developing country.
(A) (iii) and (iv) only
(B) (i) and (iv) only
(C) (ii) and (iv) only
(D) (ii) and (iii) only

330. The following graph represents the installed capacity for cement production (in tonnes) and the
actual production (in tonnes) of nine cement plants of a cement company. Capacity utilization of a
plant is defined as ratio of actual production of cement to installed capacity. A plant with installed
capacity of at least 200 tonnes is called a large plant and a plant with lesser capacity is called a
small plant. The difference between total production of large plants and small plants, in tonnes is

Installed Capacity Actual Production

Capacity/Production (tonnes)
















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Plant Number

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Answer Keys & Explanations

GATE-2010 5. [Ans. D]
1. [Ans. B] Using the set theory formula
Circuitous: Deviating from a straight n(A): Number of people who play hockey
course ⇒ Indirect = 15
(A) Cyclic: Recurring in cycle n(B): Number of people who play football
(B) Indirect: Not leading by straight line = 17
(C) Confusing: Lacking clarity n B : Persons who play both hockey
(D) Crooked: For shapes (irregular in and football = 10
shape) n B : Persons who play either hockey
or football or both
2. [Ans. A] Using the formula
Unemployed: Worked ⇒ Here one is n B n n B n B
opposite to other. n B
(A) Fallow: Land ⇒ Fallow means Thus people who play neither hockey nor
undeveloped land football
(B) Unaware: Sleeper ⇒ Both are same
unaware or asleep 6. [Ans. B]
(C) Wit: Jester ⇒ Wit means ability to Suppose: Hari’s age: H, Gita’s age: G,
make jokes and jester is a joker Saira’s age: S, Irfan’s age: I
(D) Renovated: House ⇒ Renovate  H G S
means to make better and house can  Using Statement (2) both G S or
be renovated S G : G can’t be oldest and S can’t
be youngest
3. [Ans. D]  There are no twins thus using
(A) Uphold: cause to remain ⇒ not statement 2 either GS or SG possible.
appropriate (A) HSIG: not possible as there is I
(B) Restrain: keep under control ⇒ not between S and G which is not
appropriate possible using statement (3)
(C) Cherish: be fond of ⇒ not related (B) SGHI: SG order is possible.
(D) Conserve: Keep in safely and protect S G H I and G H S I
from harm, decay, loss, or (possible)
destruction ⇒ most appropriate Because id {S G : and G H
and H I then G I
4. [Ans. C] G I}
(A) Masked: Hide under a false (C) IGSH: according to this I G and
appearance ⇒ opposite S H thus adding these both
(B) Belied: Be in contradiction with ⇒ inequalities we get I S G H
not appropriate which is opposite of statement (2)
(C) Betrayed: Reveal unintentionally ⇒ thus not possible
most appropriate (D) IHSG: according to this I H and
(D) Suppressed: To put down by force or S G thus adding both inequalities
authority ⇒ irrelevant I S H G which is opposite of
statement (2) thus not possible

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7. [Ans. D] 9. [Ans. B]
Per day work or rate of 5 skilled workers As the number is greater than 3000. So
thousand’s place can be there or . Let’s
consider the following two cases
⇒ Per day work or rate of one skill worker Case I: When thousand’s place is 3. 3 a b c
If there is no restriction on number of
two’s, three’s and four’s. Then each of a, b,
Similarly per day work or rate of 8 c can be filled with 2 or 3 or 4 each in 3
semiskilled workers
So numbers are there. Out
⇒ Per day work or rate of one semi-skill of which 3222, 3333 are invalid as 2 can
be used twice and three thrice only so
worker number of such valid numbers beginning
And per day work or rate of 10 unskilled with 3 are .
Case II: When thousand’s place is 4 a b c
workers Without restriction on number of ’s, ’s
⇒ Per day work or rate of one semi-skill and ’s a, b, c as explained in case I can
be filled in 27 ways.
Out of these 27 numbers, 4 2 2 2 is only
Thus total per day work of 2 skilled, 6 invalid as two have to be used twice only.
semiskilled and 5 unskilled workers So valid number are .
Total numbers form Case I and Case II

10. [Ans. C]
Thus time to complete the work is 15
days This is a octahedral addition thus

8. [Ans. D]
(A) Modern warfare has resulted in civil CE/ME/CS-2011
strife: There is no direct 11. [Ans. B]
consequence of warfare given, so it is log P log R
not appropriate
(B) Chemical agents are useful in P b , b ,R b
modern warfare: Passage does not ow, b b PR
say whether chemical agents are
useful or not, so not appropriate 12. [Ans. A]
(C) Use of chemical agents in warfare Inexplicable means not explicable; that
cannot be explained, understood, or
would be undesirable: Given that accounted for. So the best synonym here
people in military think these are is incomprehensible.
useful, undesirables is wrong
(D) People in military establishments 13. [Ans. D]
like to use chemical agents in war: Amalgamate means combine or unite to
Correct choice as last statement tells form one organization or structure. So
that military people think that best option here is split. Separate on the
other hand, although a close synonym, it
chemical agents are useful toos for
is too general to be the best antonym in
their cause (work silently in the given question while Merge is the
warfare) synonym; Collect is not related.

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14. [Ans. B]
⇒ x
Tone of the sentence clearly indicates a
word that is similar to understated is ⇒x
needed for the blank. Alternatively, word
should be antonym of strong (fail to make
inimum Possible
strong impression). Therefore, best
choice is restrained which means
20. [Ans. B]
controlled/ reserved/timid.
olume of sludge,
,S .P
15. [Ans. C] P
Contemplate is a transitive verb and
hence is followed by a gerund. Hence the
correct usage of contemplate is verbing [Volume of sludge varies inversely with
form. the percentage of solid matter contained
in the sludge)
16. [Ans. A] P

By observation of the table, we can say S ( )
P Q R S ⇒P
Requirement 800 600 300 200
Potency 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.8 EC/EE/IN-2011
21. [Ans. A]
17. [Ans. C] P Q
Given passage clearly deals with how to 40% 60%
deal with bereavement and grief and so
after the tragedy occurs and not about
precautions. Therefore, irrespective of the 49% 51%
causes of death, a school student rarely 2% = 2
gets into details of causes—which is 100% = 100
beyond the scope of the context. Rests all
are important in dealing with grief. 22. [Ans. C]
The clues in the question are ---foreign
18. [Ans. D] technocrats did something negatively to
the problems – so it is counter-productive
( ) ( )
to invite them. All other options are non-
. litres negative. The best choice is exacerbated
which means aggravated or worsened.
19. [Ans. C]
Let each truck carry 100 units 23. [Ans. B]
n e The best antonym here is rarity which
means shortage or scarcity.
where, n normal
n e 24. [Ans. D]
Where, e excess pending The context seeks to take a deviation only
n when the existing / present / current /
alternative treatments are unsatisfactory.
e So the word for the blank should be a
close synonym of existing / present /
⇒ days x current / alternative. Available is the
closest of all.
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25. [Ans. D] 29. [Ans. C]

The given relationship is worker: Let,
workplace. A gladiator is S
i. A person, usually a professional
combatant trained to entertain the
public by engaging in mortal combat { }
with another person or a wild.
ii. A person engaged in a controversy or { n}
debate, especially in public.
{ n}
26. [Ans. A]
Fuel Consumption Actual { n }

P 60 kmpl
30. [Ans. B]
Q 90 kmpl From the passage it cannot be inferred
that horses are given immunity as in (A),
R 75 kmpl since the aim is to develop medicine and
in turn immunize humans. (B) is correct
S 30 kmpl since it is given that horses develop
immunity after some time. Refer “until
27. [Ans. C] their blood built up immunities”. Even (C)
Let the total number of toffees in bowl be x is invalid since medicine is not built till
immunity is developed in the horses. (D)
R took of toffees and returned to bowl
is incorrect since specific examples are
cited to illustrate and this cannot capture
umber of toffees with R
the essence.
Remaining no. of toffees in bowl
o. of toffees with S ( ) 31. [Ans. B]

Remaining toffees in bowl ( ) 32. [Ans. A]

o. of toffees with T ( ( ) )
Total cost
SP of 1 unit
Given, ( ( ) ) So, total SP = 50 q
P = profit = SP CP
⇒ ( ) ⇒x dp
To maximi e P,
28. [Ans. D] ⇒ units
|y| | |
Given, f y ⇒f
y 33. [Ans. B]
| | | |
34. [Ans. A]
| | | | | |
|f f |
35. [Ans. A]

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36. [Ans. B] will get the heavier group. Now divide the
x . x heavier group of four bags in two groups
ou won’t get valid value of x for as of two bags each. Weigh this group and
or 12. So the maximum value of y will be you will again get the heavier group of
10 only them. Now weigh the two bags of this
heavier group and you will get the heavier
37. [Ans. D] bag. So in 3 weighing, you can identify the
heavier bag.
38. [Ans. D]
49. [Ans. D]
39. [Ans. C] The Total monthly budget = 10500
Savings = 1500
40. [Ans. B] Not spend on savings= 105001500=9000
Probability = Reliable shock absorber Approximate Percentage not spend on
made by Y/ Total shock absorbers savings = 9000/10500 100 = 86%
= 72% of 40% of Total/ Total
= 0.288 50. [Ans. A]
The time gap between their arrivals could
EC/EE/IN-2012 be anything within an hour. But for them
41. [Ans. D] to meet, the time gap should not be more
a a a than 15minutes. So the probability that
. . . they will meet = 15/60 = ¼
. . .
CE -2013
42. [Ans. A] 51. [Ans. D]

43. [Ans. D] 52. [Ans. B]

44. [Ans. B] 53. [Ans. C]

45. [Ans. B] 54. [Ans. B]

Friendship, No matter how intimate it is,
46. [Ans. A] has its limitation. Intimate refers to close
personal relations, e.g. an intimate friend.
47. [Ans. A] It is also characterized by or involving
Let the number of 20 notes be X and the warm friendship or a personally close or
number of 10 notes be Y. familiar association or feeling.
20X + 10Y = 230 55. [Ans. C]
X+Y = 14 Medicine leads to good health. Similarly,
Solving these two simultaneous Education leads to Knowledge. Science
equations, we will get , does not lead to experiment. Wealth may
not necessarily lead to peace. Also money
48. [Ans. A] may not also lead to happiness all the
First divide the eight bags in two groups time
of four bags each. Weigh them and you

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56. [Ans. A] 66. [Ans. B]

. . √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
option B and C is rejected because X √ √ √ √ √ √
is not greater than 1.33 (√ ) (√ ) (√ ) (√ ) (√ )
Option (D) is rejected because it’s not √ √
greater than 10/3.
√ √
57. [Ans. B]
| | 67. [Ans. D]
or or . The number of 2 digit multiples of 7 = 13
| | | | Probability of choosing a number
or | | | | ot divisible by

58. [Ans. D] 68. [Ans. D]

increase in raw material 69. [Ans. C]

Let the total distance covered be ‘D’
% increase research and development D
ow, average speed
Total time taken
59. [Ans. A] [ ]

60. [Ans. D] km hr

CS/ME-2013 70. [Ans. B]

61. [Ans. B] Let ‘W’ be the labour wages, and ‘T’ be the
working hours.
62. [Ans. A] Now, total cost is a function of W× T
The relation is that of antonyms. Increase in wages = 20%
Diffuseness means spreading widely. Revised wages = 1.2 W

63. [Ans. C] Decrease in labour time [ ]

The maximum sum is the sun of , , …, .
Revised time [ ]T T

Revised Total cost . WT . WT

=2(sum of first 22 digits)
n n .
[ ] , where n
sum [ ] 71. [Ans. C]
Total distance
verage speed
Total time
64. [Ans. A]
km hr
65. [Ans. C]

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72. [Ans. D] ⇒ T W ⁄
Explanations:-Using the answer options, ⇒ T W ……….
substitute n = 2. The sum should add up The mean temperature of Tuesday to
to 94 Thursday was
⇒ T W Th ⁄
Alternative Solution:
⇒ T W Th ……….
The given series is
⇒ Th ……….
n terms Temperature on Thursday was 15%
higher than that of Monday
n terms ⇒ Th . ……….
n terms From and ,
n terms . ⇒ ⁄ . ⇒ Th
. ⁄ .
a r 79. [Ans. B]
s r
( r )
and sum of first n odd natural 80. [Ans. C]
numbers is n
81. [Ans. A]
73. [Ans. D] Comprehension means ability to
understand something. The closest
74. [Ans. B]
meaning of the word in the options is
option (A) understanding. Hence
Since the roots are of opposite sign, the
appropriate option is (A)
product of roots will be negative.
p p
82. [Ans. B]
The missing word should mean a
⇒p p
behavior which shows high moral
⇒ p p
standards which is option (B) ‘virtues’.
⇒ p
Hence appropriate option is (B)
Thus the required set of values is (0, 1).

75. [Ans. A] 83. [Ans. D]

Explanations:-There are 52 complete The paragraph clearly points that Sajan
weeks in a calendar year preferred to word independently and
days Rajan expected that they work in a group,
Number of days in a leap year = 366 failing which Rajan was unhappy. Hence
most appropriate option is (D)
Probability of Saturdays
84. [Ans. C]
76. [Ans. D] First we find the slope of the tangent by
taking derivative of y at x = 0
77. [Ans. C] y= x
dy dy
78. [Ans. C] x⇒ |
dx dx
Let the temperatures on Monday, Slop of the tangent is 0
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is M,
i.e. parallel to x – axis
T, W and Th respectively.
The mean temperature of Monday to Hence option (C) is the correct option
Wednesday was

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85. [Ans. *] Range 1300 to 1300 4. Is satisfied

Total cost = fixed cost +variable cost 5. Is satisfied
= 50000+800Q 6. Is satisfied
For Q = 100 tones Hence correct option is (B)
Total cost = 50000 + 800(100)
= 50000 + 80000 88. [Ans. *] Range 180 to 180
= 130000 INR Let smallest angle of quadrilateral = 3x
For 100 tones cost = 130000 Let smallest angle odd triangle = 2x
Now x x x x (sum of
For tone cost
angles in quadrilateral = )
I R per ton = 18x = 360 ⇒ x
Thus smallest angle of triangle =
86. [Ans. D] Largest angle of triangle =
A–1 F–6 K – 11 P – 16 U – 21 Z – 26 2nd largest angle of triangle
B–2 G–7 L – 12 Q – 17 V – 22 =
C–3 H–8 M – 13 R – 18 W – 23 2nd largest angle of triangle + largest
D–4 I–9 N – 14 S – 19 X – 24 angle of quadrilateral
E – 5 J – 10 O – 15 T – 20 Y – 25 =
12 7 4 2
89. [Ans. D]
1 11 18 22 24
Let people in Y = x
5, 16, 22 People in X = 3x
9 x x
of x ⇒ of x
We see that the first 3 words first x
Total person more than ft
alphabet inc by ‘4’ expect 4th word hence
it is odd one out. Hence (D) is odd one out Total population x
87. [Ans. B] taller than ft .
Anuj – A, Bhola – B, Chandan – C,
Dilip – D, Eswar – E, Faisal – F 90. [Ans. B]
According to arguments Statement (i) is correct as average rainfall
(1) A – even no in Jul – 650mm & Dec – 50mm
(2) B – not odd no ⇒ even no. Statement (ii) is not correct as this graph
(3) C – is above F’s floor in on average value so cannot surely
(4) D – all except 2 comment on the data of every year
(5) E – immediate – not ‘B’ (6) f D+3 Statement (iii) is correct as narrower the
In option A 5 percentile & 95 percentile curve
1. Is satisfied average can be better estimated hence for
2. Is satisfied July it can be better estimated
3. Is satisfied Statement (iv) is not correct as the value
4. Is satisfied are average. So cannot comment
5. Not satisfied as E is 3 & B is 2 Hence option (B) is correct.
In option B
1. Is satisfied 91. [Ans. D]
2. Is satisfied Present Continuous Tense
3. Is satisfied

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92. [Ans. A]
lakh ton
Hunger cannot be key to happiness
They cannot have satisfaction when they , tonnes
still have ambition or perseverance as Total profit earned for item 4 is %
they are yet unattained so – contentment crore

93. [Ans. C]
Revenue generated per kgs for item 4
94. [Ans. *] Range 25 to 25 .
Average time period
Ratio of revenue generated of item 1 to
T years item 4
P . = 5.4646 : 1.3636 = 4 : 1

95. [Ans. A]
99. [Ans. C]
Using Geometric growth method
r W( , ) ( , ) x( , )
P P ( ) √ √ √ √ √ √

( )
y ,
n . years
log . P(


) (



96. [Ans. A] By distance formula

Riaz > Som > Shiv > Ansu √ x x y y

97. [Ans. C] √( ) ( )
√ √ √ √
98. [Ans. D]
Total export = 5 lakh tonnes √( ) √
Total revenue = 250 crore rupees √ √
For item 1
Export percentage of item 1 is 11% 100. [Ans. *] Range 0.48 to 0.49
means total quantity of item 1 exported Let total population = 100
HI patients = 10
lakh tonnes
For the patient to be +Ve, should be either
tonnes +VE and test is showing the or the patient
Total profit earned from item 1 = 12% should be – Ve but rest is showing +Ve
Total profit ( ) earned in item 1 is . .
⇒ .
crores . . . .

101. [Ans. D]
Revenue generated per kg for item 1 The sentence is in past perfect tense
ton kgs whereas part IV is in past continuous
which is making sentence unstable.
= 5.4545
For item 4
Export % of item 4 is 22%

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102. [Ans. C] does not change because of position of

This sentence is in past conditional tense stars
that if ‘she’ had known then she could Option (ii) cannot be correct as nowhere
have done in paragraph it is written that paradigm
shift occurs in beginning of centuries. Its
103. [Ans. C] just that by 20th century beginning there
Coherent means being logical and were several hypotheses.
consistent Option (iii) cannot be correct as nowhere
Here sticky means any material can stick in paragraph it is said that stars are
Well-connected means logical and being important objects in universe only
consistent Option (iv) can be inferred
Rambling means length and confusing Hence option (D) is correct
friendly means being kind and pleasant
Hence option (C) is the correct option of 108. [Ans. D]
being opposite to cohereat Let GDP during starting of
2012 – 2013 = x
104. [Ans. C] Let GDP @ the end of
The difference between the number are in 2012 – 2013 = 1.07x
an A.P except 64 GDP in USD at starting of
2 5 10 17 26 37 50 64 2012 – 2013 = x/50
GDP in USD at starting of
3 3 3 5 3 7 3 9 3 11 3 13 3 14X3
3 2012 – 2013 = 1.07 x/60
Difference between 64 and previous no is
3 5 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 . x x
14 instead of 15 and hence does not . x . x
belong to the5 group
7 11 7 11 7 11 7 11 7 11
There is a decrement
11 13 11 13 11 13 11 13 . x . x
105. [Ans. C] dec
. x
Total number of student64
= 13 14x13 14x13 14x . . Dec
no. of students no. of student answered
( ) ( 14x differ
14x) differ
⏟answered correct wrong no. of attempted
ent ent 109. [Ans. C]
for a single ues differ Let no. of female student in 2011 & 2012
= 21 + 17 + 6 = 44 ent
be x
arks obtained o. of female Ratio of male
( student ) ( student )
arks obtained in x in .
average marks o. of male Ratio of male
Total no. of student
( student ) ( student )
106. [Ans. B] in . x } in
Participation students + their one parent = 1.5 : 1
should come by 9.00 am
And other student + their parent should 110. [Ans. C]
come by 1.00 am Here we convert octal to decimal
Thus option (B) suits the best instruction

107. [Ans. D] = 3926

Option (i) cannot be correct as the
understanding of universe necessarily
= 2292

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Hence, 116. [Ans. B]

⇒ Option A can’t be correct because no
where is passage it is stated that
ow kaliningard was Russian in tis ethnic
Hence Y = 3142. option (B) is correct because after was it
is stated that it is Russian territory
111. [Ans. A]
India is post-colonial means it was under 117. [Ans. D]
particular colony pre-independence. Option (A) contradicts the statement as it
Hence option (A) matches the perfect and is not relevant whether affecte population
hence the correct option. have returned or not
Option (B) untradict because efficiency of
112. [Ans. B] administration is nowhere mentioned in
The sentence is in past perfect tense thus passage
Option (C) contradicts because new test
the fill up option must be past perfect.
in fo is not mentioned in passage
Option (C) can’t be the option as after that
Option (D) doesn’t contradicts as number
we can’t used verb ‘was’
of dengue fever has become twice implies
dengue fever has inc, this year
113. [Ans. A]
1. Eradicate means to end S destroy
118. [Ans. D]
utterly as to end
|x x |
2. Distort means to thirst pout of shape
⇒x x x s
P misrepresent
⇒x x x x
3. Saturate means nothing more can be
⇒x , x imaginery roots
added Q soak completely
| x x x|for x
4. Utilize means to make use of R use
| |
114. [Ans. B] for x ;| |
Multiples of 10 10, 20, 30, …190 , are possible values option D

vg 119. [Ans. A]
sum of P with d 360 in 60 min; 1 min 6 degree
For 60 the difference is minutes = 10 min
Between 6 and 7 the hour hand in
between 6 and 7 i.e. min the
minute hand should be at minute
115. [Ans. C] or 40 45 minute
Only 6:22 am is the correct answer
Let y √ √ √
120. [Ans. *] Range 140 to 140
√ Let females in x
⇒y √ √
ales in . x
⇒y y ⇒y y Females in x
⇒ y y males in x x x
⇒ y , x . x
s uare root produces the value male in C
. x
y .

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121. [Ans. C] 127. [Ans. B]

It is simple past tense. So, (C) was allowed The answer is B
to || is most appropriate here. Because resident female having income <
8 lakh should fill form Q,
122. [Ans. D] And resident people in having income >
(A) is not the answer as, some women are 10 lakh should fill form R.
doctors. So a resident female having income 9 lakh
(B) is not answer, because there may be is in others category, so form T.
some male doctor who are not
entrepreneurs. 128. [Ans. *] Range 560 to 560
(C) is not answer, because there may be The train passes 280 m in 20 sec,
some male entrepreneurs.
So, speed of train m sec
123. [Ans. B] So length of platform
Dispel is the answer, as it means make m
disappear a believe
129. [Ans. D]
124. [Ans. A] Deficit is there for year 2003 to 2007
Batsman K is most consistent as his (A) For 2004 deficit = 10,
Standard deviation is least.
export ,

125. [Ans. *] Range 725 to 725 For deficit ,

export ,

For 2006 deficit = 20, export = 100,
The differences are in GP series

130. [Ans. B]
The probability of tail on bath faces is
So, last no. is zero. First the two (both heads, normal
coin) can be chosen from there by
probability ⁄ ,
126. [Ans. D] Now chance of getting normal coin from
W E K O 23 5 11 15 the two ⁄
I Q W A Representing 9 17 23 1
F N T X by numbers 6 14 20 24 So probability ⁄
N V B D 14 22 2 4

↔ ↔ ↔ 131. [Ans. C]

↔ ↔ ↔ 132. [Ans. B]
↔ ↔ ↔ The value of Indian rupee diminished in
↔ ↔ ↔ Odd So, depreciated (B) is the correct choice.
[26 are added to numbers which are less
than the no. ahead it] 133. [Ans. B]
Advice is a noun
Advise is a verb
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134. [Ans. *] Range: 16 to 16 In , profit was lakh.

81, 54, 36, 24,… So total sells in 2012 = 30+10 =40 lakh.
It is a GP series with common ratio = 2/3 So price of each purifier in 2012
So next term

135. [Ans. D] 140. [Ans. *] Range: 0.80 to 0.82

P<M, Total number of bulbs in the batch =100
From A and B it can’t be said wheather M Number of defective blubs = 5,
is more than P or not. So, the group of bulbs is accepted if the 4
From D we see we see M is more than A=P bulbs are chosen from the remaining 95
So, M > P bulbs.
∴ D is definitely true So, probability of the batch’s acceptance
136. [Ans. B] C
The no. left to the alphabet shows its
position in 26 English alphabets. 141. [Ans. B]
Position of Q, is 17th, and P is 16th, so 17Q
is the next term. 142. [Ans. C]

137. [Ans. D] 143. [Ans. C]

From the pie chart,
It is seen butterfly fall under bird 144. [Ans. *] Range: 96 to 96
( )
So, (i) is true,
The population of tiger is more than red
ant. So (ii) is true.
There are only snake and crocodile in
reptile category So (iii) is true. 145. [Ans. D]
The pie chart do not tell anything about Given ax bx c
size it only showed the population. Roots are real and positive
So (iv) is false. For e.g.,
So (D) is correct conclusion. x x roots are ,
Then roots of ax b|x| c
138. [Ans. *] Range: 4 to 4 Then roots of x |x|
Let stream velocity = v km/hr. |x| |x|
v if x
So, }x x
|x| x
v x x x , are roots
4v=16 if x
}x x
|x| x
v= 4 km/hr
x x x , are roots
So if x x has two real roots
139. [Ans. *] Range: 20000 to 20000
Then |x| |x| has real roots
In 2012, Labor cost = 15% of total
ax bx c has real roots
manufacturing cost =4.5 lakh
. Then ax b|x| c has real roots
So total manufacturing cost lakh

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146. [Ans. C] which is , i.e. no of ways to select a

combination of things from a given set of
147. [Ans. B] n things.
Here n = 4 (as total 4 vertices, A, B, C and
148. [Ans. *] Range: 850 to 850 And r = 2 (as we need two corners at a
One way fare of single person = 100 time)
Undiscounted rounded trip fare of single Thus, =6
person = 100
Undiscounted rounf trip fare of five 150. [Ans. *] Range 48 to 48
persons 1000 Following table can be redrawn
Round trip will result in a discount of Own vehicle Do not
10%, also additional discount of 5% on own
Car Scooter Both vehicle
total fare for 4 more person
So a term of 5 person will be eligible for Men 40 30 60 20
overall discount of (10% 5%) 15% Women 34 20 46 50
discount Total 74 50 106 70
Discounted round trip for 5 persons Now following Venn-diagram can be
. drawn

149. [Ans. *] Range 6 to 6
The Tetrahedron has 4 triangular 106
74 50
surfaces with 4 vertices/corners (say A, B,
C and D). 70
Now if you take a point inside a
tetrahedron (suppose O) and connect it So % people not owing a scooter
with any two of its corners which are
nothing but vertices (suppose A and B), [( ) ]
you will get 1 internal plane as OAB.
So we can see from here that, no of new 151. [Ans. B]
internal planes = no of different pair of
corners or vertices
Similarly you can take any other 2 corners 152. [Ans. B]
like (A, C) or (A, D) or (B, C) or (B, D) or
(C, D), hence total possible pair of corners 153. [Ans. C]
are 6. Therefore 6new internal planes
possible. 154. [Ans. B]
We could also calculate the possible
corners by using combinations formula,

155. [Ans. *] Range 45 to 45


. increase in each case

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156. [Ans. C] 160. [Ans. A]

Let tank is filled up from empty by
, , , , , ,
pumping done is in x minutes
In 60 minutes requires to empty a full
i ii
tank by draining it
In 20 minutes it get filled up when both
W C G J S pipe works.
, , , , , ,
iii iv Thus, ⇒x mm

B So, pumping rate ( )

C times the draining rate

W D 161. [Ans. A]
E Dissent synonums disagreement, lack
of agreement, difference of opinion,
dispute, demur, disapproval
In (i) 2nd alphabet – 1st alphabet = 6 It is a noun referring to public
3rd alphabet – 2nd alphabet = 3 disagreement
4th alphabet – 3rd alphabet = 2
162. [Ans. B ]
In (ii) those are 6, 3, 2
Revert → return to (a previous state,
In (iii) 6, 4, 3
practice, topic etc.)
In (iv) 6, 3, 2
Synonyms: return, go back, come back
So, WCGJ odd one

157. [Ans. D] 163. [Ans. B]

Red Blue Vindicated substantiated
Green Yellow
164. [Ans. A]
158. [Ans. *] Range 163 to 163 y
x x y
x + x + 2 + x + 4 + x + 6 + x + 8 + x + 10 + x
+ 12 + x + 14 = 656; x = 75 y y x .y
f ( x, ) x ( )
y + y + 2 + y + 4 + y + 6 = 4*87; y = 84
.x .y .P
x + y + 4 = 75 + 84 + 4 = 163
165. [Ans. *]Range 495 to 495
159. [Ans. D]
Let the 12 consecutive odd number be
This is a tricky equation not be solve
a, a ,a ,a …a
Sum of first five(a) + a a
Item 1 11% exports 12% revenue
a a
Item 2 20% exports 20% revenue
a ⇒a
Item 3 19% exports 23% revenue
Sum of last five
Item 4 22% exports 6% revenue
a a a
Item 5 12% exports 20% revenue
a a
maximum revenue
Item 6 16% exports 19% revenue
So item 5 maximum revenue/kg
166. [Ans. C]

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167. [Ans. B] 171. [Ans. C]

Remove all the vowels and read it from Vernacular- expressed or written in the
backward then ace the exam = HTC native language of a place
Indigent -deficient in what is requisite
168. [Ans. B]
If annual rate of increase is i% and 172. [Ans. A]
consumption in 2000 to 2001 is x unit, The given conditions can be drawn as
i below (Vivek starts from A):
consumption in to x( )
Similarly consumption in
i B
to is x ( )
So, x ( ) x
i 7.2

169. [Ans. *]Range 22 to 22 W E G W C

Total manufacturing cost in 2012 m
F m
. D
Raw material expenses in Triangle ABC is an equilateral triangle
. AC = 6 m
So Raw material expenses in From the diagram, GF = AG = 2 m
=600000\times 1.3 = 780000 F √ √ m
Other expenses in 2013
173. [Ans. B]
There are 4 kings in a pack of 52 cards.
If 2 cards are selected and both are kings,
Total expenses in
remaining cards will be 50 out of which 2
will be kings.
So percentage increase in total cost
174. [Ans. B]

175. [Ans. B]
170. [Ans. B] Insured-the person, group or organization
whose life or property is covered by an
insurance policy
The sum of the number in any position is Ensured- to secure or guarantee

176. [Ans. D]
So, Type-I achieved a growth of 53% in the
period which is higher than any other type
600 of battery

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177. [Ans. A] 181. [Ans. C]

TD ES Let weight of each pole be x
I. Given, x⁄ kg
⇒x kg
all poles are of same weight
weight of poles x
E II. Given, 10x = 2x + 160
⇒ x kg ⇒ x kg
178. [Ans. *]Range: 4536 to 4536 weight of poles x
In thousands place, 9 digits except 0 can kg
be placed
In hundreds place, 9 digits can be placed 182. [Ans. C]
(Including 0, excluding the one used in For, x , |x| . f x will be
thousands place) maximum when |x| is minimum,
In tens place, 8 digits can be placed i.e. |x| = 0 ⇒ x = 0
(Excluding the ones used in thousands maximum value of f(x) = 1 0 = 1
and hundreds place)
183. [Ans. C]
In ones place, 7 digits can be placed
(Excluding the one used in thousands,
184. [Ans. D]
hundreds and tens place)
Apparel-clothing, especially outerwear;
Total number of combinations
garments; attire; raiment

185. [Ans. C]
179. [Ans. D] Personnel-people employed in an
Dreary-depressingly dull and bleak or organization or engaged in an organized
repetitive undertaking such as military service.

180. [Ans. D] 186. [Ans. A]

Statement I can be used to solve the (A) There was no needed information
question if capacity of both tanks is (B) Not really useful
already known Statement-II can be used (C) Would not have been
if it is known what quantity of each tank
is full/empty. Therefore, by using both 187. [Ans. B]
statements Use direct Formula
Let capacity of tank B is x P

⇒x gallons r q
Solution in tank
Solution in tank B
. |P |. |PR| PR
gallons . cos ( )
|PR| |P |
Total solution . r. r
gallons . cos
r r
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188. [Ans. A] II. 0,1,2,3,4 n=1 and they are in

M arithmetic sequence
O ⁄√ III. 9,16,25,36,49 n=7,9,11,13 they are
D 4
not in an arithmetic sequence
2 E N 191. [Ans. B]

192. [Ans. A]
D 193. [Ans. D]
cos ⇒ D √
D 194. [Ans. A]
sin ⇒D √ Total mass
OE= DN OD= PQ=1/√ ,

EP= P E MQ = MN + NQ } favorable
√ ,
EP= NQ= √ ,
= √ .
195. [Ans. C]
√( ) ( ) √ ⁄
√ √ √
196. [Ans. *] Range 32 to 32
√ √ √ . . Electrical male students = 40
Electrical female students
189. [Ans. *] Range: 8 to 8 Total number of student = 72
h(p, , r, s) remainder of p r s Female
if p r s for mechanical
remainder of r s⁄p for Civil 30 48
if r s p So, Difference is
h( , , , )
p 197. [Ans. C]
, ,R ,
p , R s
198. [Ans. D]
since r s p
h( , , , ) 199. [Ans. A]
remainder of r s p
g h , , , , , , g , , , 200. [Ans. C]
f h , , , , , , f , , ,
fg h , , , , , , 201. [Ans. B]
f h , , , , , , , g h , , , , , , , The sentence implies that students study
only that which is prescribed within the
syllabus and nothing beyond it.
190. [Ans. B] ‘Extraneous’ means ‘not important’.
‘ utside cannot be used as ‘to’ is present
Let us take the numbers as 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
after the blank. ‘ utside to’ is
n=1 and they are in arithmetic sequence ungrammatical. The other choices are
I. 6,8,10,12,014 n=2 and they are in irrelevant to the given sentence.
arithmetic sequence

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202. [Ans. B] 210. [Ans. B]

A pediatrician treats children. In the same Since U does not want any portfolio, (C)
context, a gynecologist treats females. and (D) are ruled out. R wants Home, or
Though a nephrologist treats kidneys and Finance or No portfolio, (A) is not valid.
a dermatologist treats the skin, kidneys
Hence option (B) is correct.
and skin are not living beings or humans.

203. [Ans. C] 211. [Ans. C]

John-Abraham starrer Madras Café talks ( ) , CD ( ) , GHI ( ) , P( ),U W
about the movie not the person, so Mr. is
ruled out. ‘Find no takers’ is not the
212. [Ans. A]
correct phrase. At the Friday is incorrect.
For whole numbers, greater the value
So, option C is correct.
greater will be its log. Same logic for
power of e.
204. [Ans. B]
R U, R, D, D G
213. [Ans. B]
S ,W , D,

205. [Ans. C] 214. [Ans. B]

Let f x ax b where a and b are
constants f and f 215. [Ans. B]
a b and a b For condition regarding something which
Solving these, a and b already happened, should have practiced
⇒f x x is the correct choice
216. [Ans. A]
206. [Ans. A]
217. [Ans. B]
207. [Ans. B]
We are given that Mr. X will be in
Bagdogra from 01/05/2014 to
208. [Ans. B]
20/05/2014 and 22/05/2014 to
Given, x for y 3/05/2014 and he will reach Kochi on
x y for y 2/05/2014. But again on 22/05/2014 Mr.
From the options, X will be in Bagdogra. This means that Mr.
Choice (A) ⇒ x for y X will be in Kochi for only one day in May.
x y for y
Choice (B) ⇒ x for y
218. [Ans. *] Range: 1.9 to 2.2
x y for y
Choice (C) ⇒ x y for y Area of the sector is 10% of the area of
x for y the circular sheet.
Choice (D) ⇒ x y for y Central angle of the sector is 10% of
x for y x y |y| i.e.
Remaining part is a sector whose central
209. [Ans. *]Range: 2006 to 2006 angle is
The remaining part is used to make a
Increase in exports in conical surface
rc length of the remaining part is the
circumference of the base of the cone.
Increase in imports in Also the radius of the sector is the slant
height of the cone.
. Let the radius of the cone be r.
Which is more than any other year
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227. [Ans. B]
( ) r⇒r
Slant height of the cone = 30 228. [Ans. B]
Height of the cone (h) √ a b c a b c
√ a b c ab bc ca
r: h i. e. , ab bc ca
√ √
Hence, the correct answer is 9: √ ab bc ca
Also, a b b c c a
219. [Ans. B] a b c ab bc ca
ab bc ca lies in the interval [ , ]
220. [Ans. C]
log tan log tan log tan tan
229. [Ans. *] Range: 800 to 800
log tan cot
Tiger leap ⇒ meter
Speed leap⁄hr m⁄min
Deer leap meter
Using the same logic total sum is ‘ ’
Speed hr m⁄min
Let at time ‘t’ the tiger catches the deer.
221. [Ans. B]
Distance travelled by deer initial
P Ram ⁄ p Ramesh ⁄ distance between them
p only at ⇒ m
p Ram p not Ramesh p Ramesh distance covered by tiger
p n R ⇒ t t
⁄ ⇒t min

⇒ ⁄ ⇒ total distance ⇒ t ms

230. [Ans. B]
222. [Ans. B]
231. [Ans. A]
223. [Ans. D]
Electricity consumption per km x ⇒ x ⇒( ) ⇒x .
Electricity used
Distance tralvelled in km
The electricity consumptions per km over 232. [Ans. A]
the stretches M, N, O, P are Frogs make ‘croak’ sound.
233. [Ans. C]
, , ,
Respectively i.e., 0.6, 0.52, 0.6, 0.48 234. [Ans. C]
The stretch where the electricity
consumption per km is minimum is P.

224. [Ans. A]

225. [Ans. C]
235. [Ans. B]
226. [Ans. D]

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236. [Ans. *]Range: 3 to 3 243. [Ans. A]

Middle number is the average of the Apparent: looks lie
numbers on both sides. Dormant: hidden
Average of 6 and 4 is 5 Harbor: give shelter
Average of (7+4) and (2+1) is 7 Effect (verb): result in
Average of (1+9+2) and (1+2+1) is 8
Average of (4+1) and (2+3) is 5 244. [Ans. B]
Therefore, Average of (3) and (3) is 3
245. [Ans. B]
237. [Ans. A] For a match to be played, we need 2
238. [Ans. C] No. of match = no. of ways of selections 2
team out of 5

246. [Ans. *] Range: 280 to 280

Let area of triangle P R be ‘ ’
rea of TS S T

( P ) ( R)
umber of faces per cube
( P R)
Total number of cubes
rea of P R
Total number of faces
Total number of non visible faces given cm

umber of vissible faces cm

Umber of non visible faces
247. [Ans. C]
239. [Ans. B]

240. [Ans. B] Chairs

241. [Ans. C] Total triangles
From the statement, it appear that boy
found it tough to adapt to a very different 248. [Ans. B]
situation. Let, Y as tail occurred in third toss and Z
as two tails in third toss which can be
242. [Ans. B] {TTH, THT, HTT} Y = {TTH, TTT}
Elusive: Difficult to answer Both Y and Z are dependent.

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249. [Ans. C] ‘availability’ for treating a disease.

‘Proscribed’ means forbidden by law. In
250. [Ans. C] case we use ‘acceptance…proscribed’ the
Executive sentence will not make any sense because
it will mean that though the medicine is
L NL accepted widely, it is not forbidden by
Therefore concluding diagram can be
It can be manager that is manager can be
254. [Ans. A]
executive also.
Let T = total no of fruits = 5692000
Some executives are also leader that is
R = Ripe fruits; U = Unripe fruits
not a manger.
A = Apple; O = Oranges
251. [Ans. A] Given U of T
The sentence is stating the highest peak in
the world. Since it is a specific thing, we
R = T – U= 4838200
need to use the definite article ‘the’ before
it. Also the sentence is using the U of U:
superlative degree and so we say ‘the
highest peak in the world’ making option
1 the correct answer. There cannot be R of R:
many highest peaks in the world and so
options 3 and 4 are incorrect. U R

252. [Ans. B] 255. [Ans. C]

The context of the sentence is asking a km Possible
person who has been deprived of km places where
something because of a theft. The word to Arun live
be used to fill the blank is ‘lose’ which Me Ahmed Susan
means to be deprived of something. In question it is given that Ahmed is 5 km
‘Loose’ means something that is not fitted. away and Susan is 7 km away from where
‘Louse’ is the singular form of the word I live. Further it is given that Arun is
‘lice’ that is a parasite that lives in the skin farther away than Ahmed from where I
of mammals and birds. ‘Loss’ is a noun live and not as far as Susan. That means
that means the process of losing someone Arun must be living at distance more than
or something. Eg: He suffered tremendous 5 km but less than 7 km from my house
loss in his business. which is according to given options can be
6.02 km.
253. [Ans. A] Note: Information about Michal is
The sentence is looking for a contrast as it unnecessary and just given to confuse.
is joined by the conjunction ‘despite’.
The best pair of words that can fit the 256. [Ans. C]
context of the sentence is ‘effectiveness… Percentage probability of being infected
prescribed’. Though the medicine is = P(A) = 50%
‘effective’ in treating diabetes, it is not Percentage probability of infected person
being ‘prescribed’ widely. new medicine developing disease is having system,
cannot have a ‘prescription’ or = P(B) = 30%

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Percentage probability of infected abc log log r log s log r log s log
person not showing symptoms abc
= P(B
Percentage probability of person 260. [Ans. C]
moving though a TB prone zone
Man Work

remaining infected but not showing

hours/piece done per
of work hour
P ̅
.P B
Q 25 12 25×12
257. [Ans. B]
The paragraph states that the subject was
R 50 12 50×12
very confident about his good friends
helping him in his times of need because S
he had always helped them before in their After 7 days from start of project:
time. Thus, inference iii follows. Q took sick leave on first 2 days
Since the events of the last week proved an hours by
him wrong, this means that his confidence
Work done by
was broken and his friends had not
helped him. Thus inference iv also an hours by R
Work done by R
258. [Ans. D]
According to given information the points
we got are Ratio of work done by Q to work done
(A) Shiva is brother of Pavithra by R
(B) Shiva and Pavithra are cousins of
(C) According to their ages Shiva > Leela
> Pavithra 261. [Ans. C]
(D) They all live play chess In degrees of comparison Mr. X is taller
(E) Pavithra wins more often than Leela than Mr. Y is apt.
but information about winning cases Positive degree – tall
of Shiva is not given. Comparative degree – taller
So from the given options statement Superlative degree – tallest
which is clearly true is that Pavithra is the
youngest of all. 262. [Ans. B]
The student felicitated the teacher on
259. [Ans. C] teacher’s day for twenty years of
dedicated teaching
r and s
r s
r r s and s 263. [Ans. C]
alog log r … … . ‘Rest is history’ is an idiomatic expression
nd b log r log s … … . which means ‘rest is well known
nd c log s log … … .
ultiplying e uations , and

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264. [Ans. C] 269. [Ans. C]

inches . yards
S uaring on both sides km

inches . yards

265. [Ans. B] √
‘ ’ works with twice efficiency as E but
worked for half as many days. So in this √
repsect they will do equal work if their √

shifts would have been for same timings.
But ’s shift is for hrs, while E’s shift for
hrs. Hence E will do twice the work as M. See the adjoining figure for solution
Ratio of contribution of M : E in work, 1 : 2 √ √ √
√ √ √
266. [Ans. D] √
Read books n R
√( √ ) ( √ ) .
Play Sports n s
270. [Ans. B]
n R S x x⁄
n R S n R n S n R S

267. [Ans. A] Square Rectangle
Until the colonial period means pre- x x
colonial origin. ther options can’t be Perimeter of rectangle [ ] x
inferred. Perimeter of s uare x
268. [Ans. D] Length of s uare
Total area ( ) x f x
f x x

⇒ x x ⇒x
Length of s uare mm

271. [Ans. B]

Mirror image of 1 : 20 is 10 : 30 272. [Ans. A]

10 : 30 was the time two and quarter
273. [Ans. D]
hour back so time now will be 12 : 45

274. [Ans. C]

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275. [Ans. B] median = mean for normal distribution.

x x C is correct answer.

277. [Ans. C]
x x
278. [Ans. C]

x 279. [Ans. A]
x x a x a ⇒ ax a x a
x ⇒x
x ⇒x is the identity element

rea of s uare 280. [Ans. C]

√ √ 281. [Ans. C]
rea of triangle l
The information given to us about both
√ apples and onions is its price. We see that
an apple costs more than an onion. The
√ best way to frame the information with
( ) .
respect to grammar and usage in the
given options is option . ‘ ore costlier’ is
276. [Ans. C] wrong grammatically because ‘costlier’ is
68-95-97 rule the comparative degree of comparison
P and hence does not re uire ‘more’ before
it. Since the prices are being compared,
we cannot say the price of an apple is
greater than an onion. Thus option 1 is
also wrong. Option 2 is incorrect without
any article before ‘onion’. Thus, option
that correctly compares the price of both
the items is the correct answer.

282. [Ans. C]
‘Burning’ or igniting’ means to give fire to
something. ‘Clutching’ means to hold on
to something. ‘Flinging’ means to hurl
something forcefully. From the options,
we see that the word closest in meaning
to the word ‘grasping’ is clutching’.

283. [Ans. B]
‘P’ is grandchild of

95% of students in P scores between 284. [Ans. C]

65 to 150 324, 441, 97, 64
95% of students in Q score between ll are s uare without 97
75 to 95
D is not correct
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285. [Ans. A] 289. [Ans. B]

S m⁄s S m⁄s B x y

S m⁄s S m⁄s
E x y
S S | | .
286. [Ans. D] D
Odometer reading = Overall Area
x y x y
( , ) B ,

C ( , ) D ( , )
E ,

BDE ( )( ) .
287. [Ans. A]
The information given in the passage does CD .
not help us conclude whether stray dogs
Reguired area is ⇒ BDE CD .
are the main source of rabies globally.
Thus option 4 cannot be inferred.
290. [Ans. A]
It is said that 70% of both pets and stray
dogs need to be inoculated to reduce the
291. [Ans. D]
number of people infected with rabies.
‘until’ itself is negative so it can’t take one
Thus option 3 also cannot be inferred.
more negative i.e., ‘does not’. Hence,
No information about the number of
Option (D) is the right answer
people infected in other parts of the
world has been given. Thus option 2 is
292. [Ans. A]
also eliminated.
‘figurative’ means representing by a
The passage states that WHO is concerned
figure or resemblance or expressing one
because of the huge number of rabies
thing in terms normally denoting another
patients in India. This means that the
with which it may be regarded as
number is quite high otherwise the WHO
would not have been concerned. Thus
option 1 is the correct inference.
293. [Ans. A]
288. [Ans. C] ‘paraphrase’ means a restatement of a
Manu is two months older than Sravan, text, passage or a rewording of something
who is three months younger than written or spoken.
Trideep, that means
Trideep anu Sravan 294. [Ans. C]
onth onth From given codes
Pavan is one month older than Sravan Relftaga ⇒ carefree
So,Trideep anu Pavan Sravan Otaga ⇒ careful
onth onth onth Fertaga ⇒ careless
That means Trideep is the oldest among From these codes, clearly known that
then and hence occupy the extra space in “care” means “taga,” from given
the flat. alternatives, option ‘C’ is correct.

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295. [Ans. D] 297. [Ans. D]

If seventeen languages were not an
indication of the nation’s diversity,
nothing else is. If nothing else is so the
best inference is option ‘D’.

298. [Ans. D]

299. [Ans. B]
f x x x for x =1 the equation
is satisfied.
From given data, 64 cubic blocks of one
The factor is x–
Sizes are formed
300. [Ans. B]
No. of faces of the
load cycles for failure exponentially
Cube is ‘ ’
E.g. load = x
No. of corners of the
Cycles for failure = y
Cube is ‘ ’ x x x
After removing one Cubic block from each y , y , y
corner, By elimination procedure from options,
The resulting surface area of the body Option (A)
sq. Units Load = 40units, it says that, the load is
halved, it takes 10,000 cycles for failure.
296. [Ans. B]
Total No. of razors Elegance type from all
four quarters = 27300 + 25222 + 28976 40 units = 10,000 cycles, it is not
+ 201012 = 10,2510 Option (D)
Total No. of razors of Smooth type from Load = 92.02 units means it is more than
all four quarters = 20009 + 19392 + 80 units, so it is not.
22429 + 18229 = 8,0059 Option (C)
Total No. of razors of Soft type from all Load = 60.01 units
four Quarters = 17602 + 18445 + 19544 units . units
+ 16595 = 7,2186
From the given relation
Total No. of razors of Executive type from

all four Quarters = 9999 + 8942 + 10234 units
+ 10109 = 3,9286 .
The revenue of the company in that year It is not
of 4 different types of razors Option (B) only possible
Elegance = 10,2510 48 = 49,20,480 At the load of 46.02 units, the failure
Smooth = 8,0059 63 = 50,43,717 will happen in 5000 cycles.
Soft = 7,2186 78 = 56,30,508
Executive = 3,9284 173 = 67,96,132 301. [Ans. B]
The Executive of razors contributes the The man who is now municipal
commissioner worked as a security guard
greatest revenue of the company in that
at the university

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302. [Ans. A] One figured rectangles = 8

Nobody knows how the Indian cricket Two figured rectangles = 10
team is going to put the difficult and Three figured rectangles = 4
seamer friendly wickets in Australia Four figured rectangles = 5
Six figured rectangles = 2
303. [Ans. C]
Eight figured rectangles = 1
Mock, Deride, Jeer all are synonym
Total No. of rectangles = 30
304. [Ans. D] The o. of rectangles observed in the
In option A, B, C 2nd letter and 1st letter is given grid = 30.
2. In option D it is 1.
310. [Ans. C]
305. [Ans. B]
Let n , then

n , then
At x = 0 f(0) = 1
n , then
Put x = 0 in all options. You will get
f x |x | |
So, for n, solution is Rest of the option do not match

306. [Ans. A] 311. [Ans. C]

150 faculty member, don’t have
Facebook or whatsapp. Thus, 120 are 312. [Ans. A]
connected by whatsapp or Facebook.
Among then, 85 connected through 313. [Ans. C]
whatsapp, the, (120 85)
= 35 connected only through Facebook 314. [Ans. A]
x xy
x of y y
307. [Ans. D] y xy
The first and second sentences tell us that y of x y
computers are invented for computation
and internet for intended invention. x of y y of x xy of xy
These sentences lead to option ii so
option (B) is the right inference. 315. [Ans. A]
Let the original number be xy
308. [Ans. D] y … … . unit digit of xy
Statement (i) is not true because Ooty is a x y ………
hill station due Ooty has two lakes y x x y
statement (ii) is also not true, because in x y ………
given statements, for hill station one lake Solving & we get, x=3 and y=9
is compulsory but not mentioned about So the number is .
number of lakes.
316. [Ans. D]
309. [Ans. C] Let the deposited money in the company
In given 2 × 4 rectangle grid, the P is 8x
following type of rectangles are present. And the deposited money in the company
Q is 9x
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Interest after one year from the company P 324. [Ans. B]

x( )
325. [Ans. C]
Interest after one year from the company | y |
x( ) ⇒ Either y or y

x ⇒ [y ]or [y ]
Ratio of Interest y
x [y ]

317. [Ans. D] Put y ( )

318. [Ans. B] or y Put y ,

319. [Ans. D] 326. [Ans. C]

Base perimeter of square pyramid = x = p
Slant height l 327. [Ans. A]
Lateral surface area of pyramid
328. [Ans. A]
Base perimeter p slant height l
Probability of free throw .
p l Probability of T free throw . .
x So required probability of exactly 6
throws in 10 attempts will be given by
x C . . .

. x 329. [Ans. *] Range: 7 to 7

Unit digit of
320. [Ans. C]
Ananth covers 1/6 of the book in 1 hour.
Bharath covers 1/4 of the book in 1 hour
330. [Ans. *] Range: 120 to 120
( )x According to information in question
Large plants are 1, 4, 8, 9 which are having
( )
installed capacity of at least 200 tonnes.
⇒ Total production of large plant
[ ] 770
⇒x hours Remaining plant number 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 all are
small plants with capacity less than 200
321. [Ans. C] tonnes.
Total production of small plants
322. [Ans. B]
323. [Ans. B]
, , , are all prime numbers
nly is composite ,
dd one out is .

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