BSBLDR402 Assessment 1

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Leading effective workplace relationships


Employee engagement
Employee engagement is an approach used by the firms to increase the participation and

efforts of the employees towards their work by making them feel passionate about their tasks.

Employee engagement is an effort which the organization will use to ensure that the emplo0yees

will increase its hard work and concentrate on their output. Though the development of proper

employee engagement aids the firm in having positive employee relationships and hence aids

then firm in achieving its objectives. The employee engagement is inscribed in the company’s

culture and aids the firm in ensuring that there is total cooperation from all the employees and all

the employees are passionate about their work hence increasing their effort. This will at long last

lead to an increase in the productivity of the firm.

Importance of organizations to invest in employee satisfaction

Employee satisfaction describes the employees’ contentedness on their job. The firm

needs to ensure that its employees are satisfied and contented with their tasks and roles in the

firm. The firm will benefit a lot when the employees are satisfied. First and foremost, employee

satisfaction will help the firm reduce employee turnover. With proper strategies to ensure that the

employees are contented with their tasks, the staff will have higher motivation and will work.

Higher turnover as O'Connell and Kung (2007) state is costly to the firm. With employees

exiting the firm, there will need to perform employment to replace the skills gap and employee

shortage. This will lead to low production during employee shortage and during recruiting and

training a new employee. Also, the firm will not retain the best skills and talent and hence will

have poor innovation due to high employee turnover.

Secondly, employee satisfaction has been seen to increase productivity and profitability

in a company. With the employees contented with their tasks, they will tend to put more effort

into the production of goods and services. Employee satisfaction will lead to increased employee

skills. This is due to the motivation of the employees to the work. They will thence increase their

effort in their tasks. The employees will also have a passion for their tasks. This will increase the

productivity of the employees. An increase in employee productivity will increase the firm's

revenue and hence increase the chance of the firm to achieve its objective. The employees will

be passionate about their job and work to ensure customer satisfaction.

Innovation and creativity are instigated by employees. With employees being contented

with their tasks and responsibilities, they will concentrate on how best they can improve the

production of goods and services (Sarwar & Abugre, 2013). Through this effort, the employees

will be able to create new ideas and strategies to improve the production and delivery of services.

The employees will be so passionate about their tasks and will air out any improvement ideas.

The employees will better understand their roles and will hence have ideas that should be used to

improve the system of the firm. The management of the firm should adequately engage their staff

to learn any improvement strategies to better the production of goods and services of the firm.

Strategies to use to ensure positive employee engagement

Employee engagement is very important in the success of all organizations. The firms

should design the strategies to ensure that the employees are adequately engaged in all the

factors of the firm. The employees can be given a chance to set their career and task goals. This

will increase employee engagement in the determination of the production targets of the firm.

The employees should understand the objectives and the vision of the firm to be able to develop

good production targets. This is because the self-targets of the employees should be directed

towards the achievement of the firm's objective and the fulfilment of the vision. Through setting

the targets, the employees will feel valued and hence work towards the achievement of these

targets. Also, the targets will have reasonable and achievable targets since they have an

understanding of the tasks, processes, and needs.

Good employee relationships and leadership also helps the firm engage the staff. The

employees should have a positive relationship among themselves and the management. This will

enable the firm to have positive employee relations and teamwork that will aid in production

processes. By having good employee relationships, the employees will be able to raise issues that

will aid in improving the production processes and assisting the management better understand

the processes of the firm. The employees will have better relationships and work as a team and

hence join hands to ensure that the production of the good and services is a shared task to ensure

the achievement of its vision.

The employees can also be engaged through involvement in decision-making processes.

The employees will have wide experience with the production process and can help the

management in making critical decisions that will aid the firm in the achievement of its

objectives. The management of the firm should involve the staff adequately in making critical

decisions that affect them and the production processes. This will not only increase their work

morale but will also help them understand the systems of the firm hence assisting in developing

leadership skills among the staff of the firm. Through employee involvement in decision-making

processes, the firm will have the trust of the employees and also will have its employees have job

satisfaction which will boost the production of the firm.

Reasons for the importance of effective leadership in the business

Effective leadership is very critical in the achievement of the firm’s objective. The

success of the firm in serving its customers and achieving both the short-term and long-term

objectives is tied to the leadership of the firm. First and foremost, effective leadership is

important in the provision of a direction in the firm. With proper leadership, the firm will be

purpose-driven and all the activities of the firm will be tied to the achievement of the firm's

objectives. This insinuates that all the employees of the firm will be working towards the

achievement of the set targets and the achievement of the firm’s objectives. Effective leadership

will bring together the employees from diverse groups and unite them under shared vision hence

providing a driving factor towards the achievement of the firm’s objectives.

Effective leadership motivates and develops the employees (Wang & Hsieh, 2013).

Leadership is about the development of the skills and expertise of junior employees. Leadership

concentrates on the development and growth of the employees. Leadership works to develop the

essential employability skills that entail customer service delivery and good production. With

effective leadership in place, the firm will be able to instil the employees and develop their skills

through coaching and mentoring sessions. This will lead to well-skilled employees who will

deliver their services towards the achievement of the firm's goals. Effective leadership is linked

to customer satisfaction and customer loyalty to the firm. Through the management of the

employees, effective leadership will ensure that the staff provides exemplary services and

products to the customers. Effective leadership will enable the firm to understand its customer

and their needs and develop strategies to ensure that the needs are satisfied by its staff.

Effective leadership will lead to proper management of the staff of the firm. This is

because leadership will look into the employee needs and work to ensure that the employees of

the firm are satisfied. It will also lead to an assessment of the work needs and ways to better the

working environment to aid the employees to provide their best services in the production of the

firm's goods and services. Through leadership, the firm will engage the employees adequately to

ensure that the working processes are improved and hence there is continuous improvement in

the production process. Effective leadership will develop good management-employee

relationship will help in understanding the employees and the work processes. This will help the

management of the firm develop proper strategies towards the proper management of its staff

and work processes.

Importance of employee wellbeing

Employee wellbeing deals with ensuring that the employees of the firm have good mental

and physical health to perform their duties effectively. Concentration on employee wellbeing is

very beneficial to the firm. By ensuring employee wellbeing, the firm will reduce the costs used

in employee healthcare plans. The firm should concentrate on ensuring that there is a good plan

to achieve total employee wellbeing. This will reduce the costs that the firm will invest in the

provision of healthcare to sick employees. Additionally, employee wellbeing will eradicate the

work risks facing the employees in the firm as the employees will be healthy and hence able to

deliver their services in the production process of the firm.

Employee wellbeing will also reduce absenteeism among the staff of the firm will drag

the production process. With a healthy workforce, the firm will have its employees in the highest

attendance. With a full workforce in attendance, the firm will be able to manage the production

process. The tasks and responsibilities of the staff will be shared as required and will eradicate

the possibilities of delayed tasks or overworked employees. The employees will have good

health and will be available to work for the firm as needed.

Employee wellbeing will lead to an overall increase in productivity. With low or no

employee absenteeism caused by health issues, the workforce of the firm will be adequate to

ensure that the normal functions are done as needed. The employees will also be satisfied and

motivated since the firm is concerned about their wellbeing. This will motivate the employees

and lead to job satisfaction which will affect the productivity of the firm. Employee wellbeing

will ensure a healthy workforce that will concentrate on the achievement of the firm’s objective.

Importance for an organization to review the development of its staff

Development reviews are the process of identifying employee development needs. The

business environment is constantly changing and hence the firm should continuously assess the

employee training needs to match the market needs. The organization should perform a market

assessment and compare with the skills of the employees to identify any skills gap. This will help

the firm fill in the skills gap and lead to the achievement of the organizational goals.

Development reviews are therefore important in monitoring the areas requiring improvement.

This will help the business develop the employees in this sector to ensure that the products and

services match the market needs and customer satisfaction.

Secondly, development reviews lead to employee development which translates to an

increase in productivity of the employee. The employees of the firm will be developed in the

areas of underperformance or new market trends and hence lead to the development of critical

employee skills in the market. This will lead to employee satisfaction. With employee

satisfaction, the employees will be motivated and psyched up to perform their utmost services

towards the achievement of the firm's goals. This will aid the firm in the provision of the

required motivational factor to the employees and hence lead to an increase in productivity and

achievement of the firm's goals and objectives.

Impacts of cultural diversity, ethics, values, and interpersonal styles on organizational culture

Organizational culture is mainly dependent on the group of the employees, values, and

interpersonal styles of its stakeholders (Gordon, 2017). Organizational culture defines the

underlying beliefs, norms and practices of the firm. With a diverse workforce, the firm will have

a mix of the beliefs, traditions, and traditions which directly defines its organizational culture.

Also, the firm’s ethics and diversity will affect its decision making and ideation. The decision-

making process will entail a large pool of differing ideas and opinions that when critically

assessed, will lead to the development of the business best practice. The diverse workforce will

affect the firm's organizational culture since it will affect the mode of decision making as the

views and opinions of all the staff will be considered while arriving at the final decision.

Personal relationships will also be affected by the firm since there will be employees with

different behaviours and beliefs. This will impact the general interrelations of the employees and

hence affect how relationships are formed and maintained.



O'Connell, M., & Kung, M. C. (2007). The Cost of Employee Turnover. Industrial Management,


Gordon, G. (2017). Guiding Organizational Culture. In Leadership through Trust (pp. 53-62).

Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Sarwar, S., & Abugre, J. (2013). The influence of rewards and job satisfaction on employees in

the service industry. The Business & Management Review, 3(2), 22.

Wang, D. S., & Hsieh, C. C. (2013). The effect of authentic leadership on employee trust and

employee engagement. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 41(4),


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