Behavioural Psychology 6th Semester BSN Notes
Behavioural Psychology 6th Semester BSN Notes
Behavioural Psychology 6th Semester BSN Notes
Unit 1 Platform AD
Unit 8
Stress and its effects
Unit 9
Theories of personality and behavior
Unit 10
Educational Platform AD
Behavioral Psychology
Ashfaq Ahmad sahil
Lecturer INS (KMU)
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• “Psychology is the scientific study of behavior
and mental processes …. Human or Animal”
• Behavior is overt, manifest, obvious, and easy
to study; the mental processes that help
carryout these behaviors are covert,
underlying, hidden, and not easy to study.
• Besides behavior, what causes these behaviors
to occur and the mental processes involved in it
is an important area of interest for a psychologist.
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Goals of Psychology
• To understand the nature and mechanisms of
behavior and mental processes
• To develop an understanding of the relationship
between behavior and mental processes.
• To apply this understanding to real life situations
and, on the basis of this understanding, predict
for the future.
• To employ the scientific approach for developing
this understanding.
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5 Goals of Psychology
1. Observe
– Exam, watch, or interview a person’s behavior.
2. Describe
– Record specific behavior under certain situations.
3. Explain
– Give reasons for behavior in terms of feeling of anxiety or
– Determine how a person will behave under a certain situation.
5. Control
– Change the behavior or mental process by teaching patient
new ways of keeping their anxiety under control.
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Study of Soul
Study of Mind
Study of
Study of
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Study of Soul
• In 1590, Rudolf Goeckel used the term “psychology”. This
word is the combination of two Greek words “ psyche” and “
logos”, the former means the “ soul” and the later “ discursive
• Thus literally, psychology means the science of soul.
• Aristotle gave a very important place to soul in human life.
• Life has no meaning without soul. But he couldn’t explain the
relationship of the soul to the body.
• The problem of the relationship between body and soul
persisted for centuries.
• Later on, the spiritual aspect was discarded altogether and
substituted by a more comprehensive word “mind”.
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Study of Mind
• Psychology was also defined as the “science of mind”. But
psychologists were never satisfied with this definition
because mind was a vague term that could not be defined
in objective terms.
• Mind and mental experiences were primarily subjective in
nature. Therefore the later psychologists switched their
positions and began investigations into behavior that was
an objective and observable phenomenon.
• The “mind approach” in psychology was rejected because
mind can not be studied using scientific procedures;
besides there is no scientific way to determine whether an
entity such as mind actually exists.
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Study of Consciousness
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Study of Behavior
• Modern psychologists define it as a science of behavior,
both of animals and humans.
• It was Watson, the founder of the behaviorist school of
thought, who postulated this definition.
• This definition is comprehensive in the sense that it
identifies behaviors that are overt and can be observed. But
this definition also has some limitations.
• This definition takes behavior in a very narrow sense;
behavior, as Watson saw it, was merely stimulus-response.
• Behavior, for modern psychologists, includes both the overt
behavior as well as the mental processes that accompany
those behaviors i.e., the inner experiences that carry out
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th ose behaviors
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What is Behavior?
–Physical movements
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• Neurotransmitters and Their Role
• Acetylcholine: Learning, Memory and Muscle control
• Dopamine: Motor activity, Coordination, Emotion and
• Epinephrine: Emotion, Stress
• GABA (Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid): Anxiety,
Arousal, Learning
• Serotonin: Sensory Processing, Sleep, Arousal
• Glutamate: Anxiety, Mood
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Psychodynamic Approach
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• One of the main ideas is that there is an inner
tension for the fulfillment of instincts, the tension
leads to action for fulfillment, the fulfillment leads
to reduced tension.
• Psychodynamic Model of Personality is a three-
part structure of the mind; containing id, ego and
super ego.
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• The Law of Effect: Any response that leads to an
outcome that is satisfying for the organism is likely to be
repeated; a response leading to an outcome that is not
satisfying is not likely to be repeated.
Humanistic Approach
• The psychological model, that suggests that people are in control of
their lives.
• It is considered as one of the most recent approaches to
• This approach rejected the view, that predetermined, automatic,
biological forces, unconscious processes or the environment
determines behavior.
• It proposes that people themselves decide about their lives.
• A failure in being capable of doing so leads to psychological
• It also stresses the idea that people, by nature, tend to move
towards higher levels of maturity and maximum potential.
• Free will: Humans possess the ability to make decisions about their
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Cognitive Approach
Evolutionary Approach
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Sociocultural Perspective
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At the end of this unit learners will be able to:
• Discuss biological influences on behavior
• Discuss how heredity and environment interact to
produce the development of behavior.
• Discuss research methods used in behavior genetic
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Diathesis-Stress Theory
• Predisposition i.e., diathesis (including genes) and stressful
environment combine together to cause abnormal behavior.
• Traits are influenced by genes and by environment
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Focus of Study
• The synapse of the neuron releases special
chemicals “neurotransmitters”
• Existence of neurotransmitters has been known since
1920’s; but the evidence of their relationship
• with psychological disorders has been found and
known since 1950s.
• More than 50 neurotransmitters exist in human body.
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• Every human being is born as a result of conception
which takes place due to certain biological Factors and
• The child carries with himself several physiological and
psychological uniqueness that are present in the parents.
• In fact it is the heredity that determines structure,
complexion, structure of hair, height. Facial features nasal
index etc. of the child.
• Thus different types of the genes help in the formation of
a body.
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Basics of Genetics
• Environment is nothing but the sum total of the
surroundings in which an individual has to live.
• Both heredity and environment have their share in
molding the life and personality of the individual.
• Heredity is responsible for all the inborn traits, the
instincts, emotions, I.Q., reflex action and physical
• Environment is responsible for the growth and
development of the physical, mental and social traits.
• The two forces heredity and environment are not
opposed to each other, but are complementary like
seed and soil.
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• The heredity is the raw material out of which the
object is to be prepared, and environment in the
technique and other material for the manufacture.
• Two individuals of the same heredity might differ
when put in dissimilar environments
• Again two individuals of differing heredity would
probably differ in spite of identical environments.
• So we can predict that if we change either factor, the
product is changed.
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Twin studies
• Twin studies
compare similarities between different types of twins
to determine the genetic basis of specific traits.
Behavior Genetics
Identical Fraternal • Identical Twins
twins twins
• develop from a single
zygote (fertilized egg)
that splits in two, creating
two genetic replicas
• Fraternal Twins
• develop from separate
• genetically no closer than
brothers and sisters, but
they share the fetal
Same Same or
sex only opposite sex
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• Identical twins look exactly the same because each twin shares the same
genes as their identical sibling. Why?
• When a mother is pregnant, the fertilized egg holds the mixture of genes
from both the mother and father.
• Occasionally this fertilized egg splits into two eggs with the exact same
mixture of genes.
• This results in two identical people who are similar to one another in the
way they look and behave.
• Genes can carry instructions that can make it more likely for you to
develop certain illnesses or conditions.
• For example, Jennifer and Karen both have genes associated with
obesity. Their genes could tell their body to:
increase the size of their fat cells or dictate how they use fat in their body
release chemicals (like hormones) which control hunger and appetite
influence behavior as Jennifer and Karen interact with their
environment. For example, if Karen begins to gain weight, she may seek
out fewer opportunities to exercise because going to the gym makes
her feel uncomfortable.
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• Karen however is raised by low-income parents who live
in an area where fresh, healthy food is scarce and
• Because her parents can’t afford fruits and vegetables,
Karen eats a lot of frozen, packaged meals and fast food,
which are higher in sugar, fat, and salt.
• Her parents both work multiple jobs, and Karen spends
her time alone in front of the television.
• Karen’s eating and physical activity habits enhance the
expression of her genes for obesity.
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At the end of this unit learners will be able to:
Understand basic principles of social perception.
Understand the process of self and other perception and
sources of errors involved in formulating such
Discuss perceptual inaccuracy with reference to
Identify ways to approach self and others positively.
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Social Psychology
The branch of psychology that studies how people think, feel,
and behave in social situations.
Two Basic Areas of Social Psychology:
“A way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting
something; a mental impression”
“Perception is the organization, identification, and
interpretation of sensory information in order to
represent and understand the presented
information, or the environment.”
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Person perception
In social psychology, the term person perception refers to
the different mental processes that we use to form
impressions of other people.
This allows us to make snap judgments and decisions, but it
can also lead to biased or stereotyped perceptions of other
There are two types on person perception. Indirect Person
Perception and direct person perception.
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You are buying a used car.You asked
the owner whether there is anything
wrong with it. He looks you in the
eye and says, “No way! This car is in
perfect shape.” Do you believe him?
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Imagine that you are a professor.The day
after you give a midterm exam to your
class, one of the students comes to see
you and, with a look of pure innocence,
says: “I’m sorry i missed the exam, due
to death of my uncle and I want to take a
makeup exam?” Do you accept this story?
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“An active process (or set of processes) through which we
seek to know and understand others”.
It is one of the most basic—and important aspects of social
We try to understand other person’s current feelings, moods
and emotions—how they are feeling right now, often
provided by nonverbal cues involving facial expressions, eye
contact, body posture and movements.
We attempt to understand the more lasting causes behind
others’ behavior—the reasons why they have acted in certain
ways—motives, intentions and traits.
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Attribution is being able to successfully identify a person's
behavior based on the current context of the situation
Attribution is the process through which we link behavior to
its causes - to the intentions, dispositions and events that
explain why people act the way they do.
For example, if you are at a wedding, you attribute
everyone's happiness because getting married is a cause to
Attribution helps individuals understand and rationalize the
behavior of others through the use of information gathered
by observation.
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Types of Attribution
Dispositional Attribution
Dispositional attribution assigns the cause of behavior to some
internal characteristic of a person, rather than to outside
Situational Attribution
The process of assigning the cause of behavior to some situation
or event outside a person's control rather than to some internal
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Consensus: the extent to which other people behave in the same
way in a similar situation.
For example: If everybody in the audience is laughing, the consensus
is high. If onlyTom is laughing consensus is low.
Distinctiveness: the extent to which the person behaves in the same
way in similar situations.
For example: IfTom only laughs at this comedian, the distinctiveness
is high. IfTom laughs at everything, then distinctiveness is low.
Consistency: the extent to which the person behaves like this every
time the situation occurs.
For example: IfTom always laughs at this comedian the consistency is
high. IfTom rarely laughs at this comedian, then consistency is low.
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Errors in perception
The mental processes that people use to make sense out of their
social environment.
1. Implicit personality theory
2. Projection
3. Halo effect
4. Stereotypes
5. Selective perception
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Selective Perception
perceptual selectivity refers to the tendency to select certain
objects from the environment.
The objects which are selected are those which are relevant
and appropriate for an individual or those which are
consistent with his existing beliefs, values and needs.
Selectivity enables the perceiver to screen out others, but in
this there is a risk of drawing an inaccurate picture.
Because we see what we want to see, we can draw
unwarranted conclusions from an ambiguous situation.
People, sometimes, distort meanings so that they may fit
with what they want.
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Stereotyping means judging someone on the basis of one’s
perception of the group to which that person belongs.
This is a basic human tendency to perceive an individual as
belonging to a single class or category and hence, attributing
favorable or unfavorable characteristics to the individual
based upon a widely held generalization about the group.
Some examples of common stereo types are that Americans
are materialistic, Japanese are nationalistic and Germans are
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Halo effect
The halo effect refers to the tendency of judging people on
the basis of a single trait which may be good or bad,
favourable or unfavourable.
The halo effect is very similar to stereotyping, whereas in
stereotyping the person is perceived according to a single
category, under the halo effect the person is perceived on the
basis of a single trait.
Sometimes, we judge a person by one first impression about
him or her. For example, if a person is kind he may also be
perceived as good, able, helpful, cheerful, nice, intelligent
and so on.
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It is easy to judge others if we assume that they are similar to
us.When one’s own personal attributes are assigned to
others, then projection takes place.
A manager who loves challenging work may assume that all
others like challenging work too.
If you yourself are honest and trustworthy you take it for
Learn to take criticism in a healthy way
Positive Posture
Eat healthy
Get enough quality sleep
Share your issues
Find the positive viewpoint in a negative situation
Add value and positivity to someone else’s life.
Leave work at work
Give yourself a break
keep learning
Reward yourself for your accomplishments
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Communication is the activity of conveying information
through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or
information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or
A process by which information is exchanged between
individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or
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Effective Communication
Effective communication is a process of exchanging ideas,
thoughts, knowledge and information such that the
purpose or intention is fulfilled in the best possible
In simple words, it is nothing but the presentation of
views by the sender in a way best understood by the
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Clear Message:The message which the sender wants to
convey must be simple, easy to understand and
systematically framed to retain its meaningfulness.
Correct Message:The information communicated must
not be vague or false in any sense; it must be free from
errors and grammatical mistakes.
Complete Message: Communication is the base for
decision making. If the information is incomplete, it may
lead to wrong decisions.
Precise Message:The message sent must be short and
concise to facilitate straightforward interpretation and
take the desired steps.
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Reliability:The sender must be sure from his end that
whatever he is conveying is right by his knowledge. Even
the receiver must have trust on the sender and can rely
on the message sent.
Consideration of the Recipient:The medium of
communication and other physical settings must be
planned, keeping in mind the attitude, language,
knowledge, education level and position of the receiver.
Sender’s Courtesy:The message so drafted must reflect
the sender’s courtesy, humbleness and respect towards
the receiver.
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Observance: A person must possess sharp observing skills to
gain more and more knowledge and information.
Clarity and Brevity:The message must be drafted in simple
words, and it should be clear and precise to create the desired
impact over the receiver.
Listening and Understanding:The most crucial skill in a
person is he must be a good, alert and patient listener. He must
be able to understand and interpret the message well.
Emotional Intelligence: A person must be emotionally aware
and the ability to influence others from within.
Self-Efficacy: Also, he/she must have faith in himself and his
capabilities to achieve the objectives of communication.
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Self-Confidence: Being one of the essential communication skills,
confidence enhances the worthiness of the message being delivered.
Respectfulness: Delivering a message with courtesy and respecting
the values, believes, opinions and ideas of the receiver is the essence
of effective communication.
Non-Verbal Communication:To connect with the receiver in a
better way, the sender must involve the non-verbal means
communication too.These include gestures, facial expressions, eye
contact, postures, etc.
Selection of the Right Medium: Choice of the correct medium for
communication is also a skill. It is necessary to select an appropriate
medium according to the situation, priority of the message, the
receiver’s point of view, etc.
Providing Feedback: Effective communication is always a two-way
process.A person must take as well as give feedback to bring forward
the other person’s perspective too.
Using effective communication in
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complex situations
Handling disgruntled clients is always a challenge, but
there is a step-by-step process that works in almost every
Once you know what to do and say, and how to say it,
you should be able to save the day and maybe even
improve the relationship.
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Step 1: Listen
It may be tempting to react immediately, especially if you
feel the client is being rude or unreasonable, but you
must resist. Remember, they are unhappy with the quality
of the service they’ve received, not with you, so don’t
take it personally.
Stay cool, invite them to go over what happened and hear
them out without interrupting them.You need to
understand the problem fully - from the client’s point of
view - before attempting to solve it.
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Say “No” to unreasonable demands, but be prepared
to manage any adverse reaction
Do not tell the person that you know how they feel
but do try to see the situation from their perspective
Show warmth and empathy
Do not let a bad experience with one person affect
your whole day/shift or your family life – keep a sense
of perspective and a professional attitude.
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Self-disclosure is the process of passing on information
about yourself to someone else – whether you intend
to or not! The details can range from the superficial,
such as your favorite food orTV show, to deeply
personal information, such as religious beliefs, and big
turning points in your private life.
Through self-disclosure, two individuals get to know
one another.
Self-disclosure is considered a key aspect of developing
closeness and intimacy with others, including friends,
romantic partners, and family members
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There are two types of self-disclosure: verbal and
We self-disclose verbally, for example, when we tell
others about our thoughts, feelings, preferences,
ambitions, hopes, and fears.
And we disclose nonverbally through our body
language, clothes, tattoos, jewelry, and any other clues
we might give about our personalities and lives.
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Role of self-disclosure in
psychological health and its use
in interpersonal conflicts
Group Discussion
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At the end of this unit learners will be able to:
• Demonstrate understanding about
stereotypes attached to gender
• Discuss impacts of adhering to traditional
gender roles on behavior.
• Discuss changing gender roles.
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Gender Stereotype
• Gender stereotype is beliefs about the personal
attributes of females and males.
• Personal attributes basically means traits that
make up your personality, which define who you
are as a person.
• Wrongful gender stereotyping is a frequent cause
of discrimination against women and a
contributing factor in violations of a vast array of
rights such as the right to health, adequate
standard of living, education, marriage and family
relations, work, freedom of expression, freedom
of movement, political participation and
representation, effective remedy, and freedom
from gender-based violence.
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Gender Roles
• “The degree to which a person adopts the gender-specific
behaviors ascribed by his or her culture”
• Men have greater body mass and strength and are better
equipped for hunting, warfare, and land clearing.
Where Do
Gender Role
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• CHILDCARE: The pressures of supporting a family and
perhaps paying for childcare has changed the role for
women, from the one most associated with the past, a full-
time stay at home mother. Now most women work full-
time or at least part-time, so that they can contribute
towards the family’s finances.
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At the end of this unit learners will be able to:
Discuss Adult developmental transitions in
martial and intimate relationship.
Discuss age roles and social clocks and its
influences on behavior.
Discuss issues in marriage, leading to
Discuss adjustment to divorce and its impact
on individual and family behavior.
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The pattern of movement or change that
begins at conception and continues through
the human life span.
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Involve changes in the individual’s physical
nature such as:
Height and weight gains
The development of the brain
Changes in motor skills
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Involve changes in the individual’s thought,
intelligence, and language such as:
Watching a mobile swing above a crib
Creating a two-word sentence
Memorizing a poem
Imagining being a movie star
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Involve changes in the individual’s relationships
with other people, changes in emotions, and
changes in personality such as:
An infant smiling from her mother’s touch
A young boy hitting a playmate
A girl’s joy at her senior prom
The affection of an elderly couple
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The prenatal period
Early childhood
Middle and late childhood
Early adulthood
Middle adulthood
Late adulthood
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Focus on survival value
Mating a selective process to ensure survival of
the species
Cross-cultural studies suggest
• Men prefer physically attractive, younger
• Men lower their standards on the basis of
• Women prefer men whose socio-economic
status is higher than their own, who offer
earning potential and stability
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Many adults single by preference
Associated with greater autonomy and capacity
for personal growth
Many adults participate in intimate
relationships that do not involve cohabiting
or marriage—”partnered”
Close relationships with families of origin
likely to be a source of support
Close friends play prominent role in social
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9 out of 10 women aged 18 to 34 either are or
expect to become a parent
Donald Super’s Model
Several stages of career development
Growth stage—learn about one’s abilities
Exploratory stage—decide on job or career
Establishment stage—early steps on the career
Maintenance stage—ends at retirement but
may need to learn new skills on the job
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Intimacy involves the feeling of being in a close,
personal association and belonging together.
It is a familiar and very close
affective connection with another as a result of a
bond that is formed through knowledge and
experience of the other.
Genuine intimacy in human relationships requires
vulnerability, and
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An intimate relationship is an
interpersonal relationship that involves physical
or emotional intimacy.
Although an intimate relationship is commonly a
sexual relationship, it may also be a non-
sexual relationship involving family, friends, or
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Emotional intimacy involves feelings
of liking or loving one or more people, and may result in
physical intimacy.
Physical intimacy is characterized by romantic
love, sexual activity, or other passionate attachment.
These relationships play a central role in the overall
human experience.
Humans have a general desire to belong and to love,
which is usually satisfied within an intimate relationship.
Such relationships allow a social network for people to
form strong emotional attachments
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A simple way to understand why people would follow a
social clock is the idea of fitting in.
Adults who follow a social clock can easily relate
themselves to others, enhancing their understanding of
their place in society.
Like other social rules that members of society use, a
social clock can help individuals know when it’s
appropriate to perform certain life events.
Cultural norms can vary based on social classes,
genders, religions, and even occupations.
Adhering to or diverging from the social clock can be a
major source of adult personality change, according to
Laura Berk in “Developing Through the Lifespan.”
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Most couples argue over bills, debt,
spending, and other financial issues.
How you decide to deal with money
problems in your marriage will determine
whether those problems has a negative or
positive effect on your marriage.
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Discipline, diet, and other parenting issues
can be sources of disagreement between
A child is the number one stressor in a
marriage and can accentuate differences in
beliefs on issues like how to discipline, who
is responsible for most of the child care or
what educational options to choose.
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3. SEX
Frequency, quantity, quality, and infidelity are
all common sources of stress and
disharmony in a marriage.
Cheating on a spouse destroys trust.
Sex can be a HUGE issue when it comes to
undoing the vows you took.
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Time apart and a lack of quality time
together causes couples to become out
of sync with each other.
Having shared interests and activities
you participate in on a regular basis
helps couples stay connected.
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Many couples argue over equitable
distribution of household work, and
how to do it.
Instead of sitting down and dividing
household chores fairly they quibble
over who did or didn’t do what.
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Not all friends are helpful to
relationships some of them are toxic.
Be sure you know the difference
between a friend who will enhance
your relationship and one who will
break it down.
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Many people are married to someone
who has one or more habits they find
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In-laws, siblings, children and step-
children can all create stress within a
When coping with negative issues
because of family step gently.
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We all go into marriage with certain
Most of the time, marriage is the
opposite of what we expected.
Unmet expectations are a major
source of conflict in marriages.
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A divorce is a formal ending of a
It's more permanent than a separation
and involves a legal process.
If you get a divorce, that means the
marriage is officially over.
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Health problems
False intimacy
Substance abuse
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Lost social network
Fading relationships with co-workers.
Distancing of close friendships
Decreased contact with children
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Divorce is the legal termination of a marriage, and
slightly less than half of all first marriage send in
divorce in the U.S.
Because divorce is replete with losses resulting from
the multiple changes in family life.
Adjustment to divorce can be challenging and
occurs in both public and private domains.
A number of factors affect adjustment, including
individual characteristics like age and employment
and relational characteristics such as connections
with others.
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Exercise often
Eat a healthy diet
See friends often
Keep a journal
See a therapist
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It can be very helpful if you work with
a parenting expert, or a family therapist who has
experience with divorce and can give you guidance
on how to handle tough situations that arise.
Be aware that when a family is going through a
divorce, children can act up, withdraw or regress.
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Psychologist Daniel Goleman is known for developing
the components of emotional intelligence at work in
the 1990s.
Social skills
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At the end of this unit learners will be able to:
Identify determinants of people’s health
related behavior.
Develop understanding about the role of
locus of control and attribution styles in
serving as protective measures for
psychological health.
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Health psychology can be defined as the
application of psychological knowledge and
methods to the study, prevention, and
management of physical diseases and
Emotional adaptation and mental health are
considered in health psychology only to the
extent that they influence—or are influenced
by—physical health and illness (Schwarzer
and Gutiérrez 2000).
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Health psychology measurement is
undertaken in order to understand
behavioral and psychological processes in
health, illness, and health care.
Measures are used to address three main
theoretically, based questions concerning:
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(i)The assessment of psychological and behavioral
guides of the status or amount of health, illness, or
health care;
(ii)The assessment or evaluation of the psychological
and behavioral consequences of health, illness, or
health care;
(iii)The assessment of psychological and behavioral
factors as predictors or explanations of health, illness,
or health care.
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Conducting research on prevention of and
intervention in health problems
Improving doctor-patient communication
Improving adherence to medical advice
Finding treatments to manage pain.
Teaching coping skills
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Any behaviour that affects a person's health status,
either positively or negatively, is considered to be a
health-related behaviour.
Daily habits involving diet, exercise, safety practices
and substance use are not only related to the
prevention of disease, but also affect the
management of chronic illness and degree of
disability (Fries, 2002).
It is difficult to imagine any activity or behaviour that
does not affect our health in some way, either
directly or indirectly.
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The determinants of
health related behavior
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Locus of control is an individual’s belief
system regarding the causes of his or her
experiences and the factors to which that
person attributes success or failure.
This concept is usually divided into two
categories: internal and external.
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If a person has an internal locus of control, that person attributes
success to his or her own efforts and abilities.
A person who expects to succeed will be more motivated and
more likely to learn.
Locus of control is often viewed as an inborn
personality component.
However, there is also evidence that it is shaped
by childhood experiences—including children’s interactions with
their parents.
Children who were raised by parents who encouraged their
independence and helped them to learn the connection between
actions and their consequences tended to have a more well
developed internal locus of control.
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A person with an external locus of control,
who attributes his or her success to luck or
fate, will be less likely to make the effort
needed to learn.
People with an external locus of control are
also more likely to experience anxiety since
they believe that they are not in control of
their lives.
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For example, let's say you're a person with an internal locus of
control and you get a promotion at work or achieve some other
type of success. You will probably attribute that positive end result
to the work you put in. In other words, your success was a direct
result of your hard work.
If, on the other hand, you have an external locus of control, you
might attribute that promotion or success to external or
environmental factors, such as luck, fate, timing, other people or
some type of divine intervention.
Let's use the same example and say that you were denied a
promotion. If your locus of control is internal, you would find a way
to blame yourself for the perceived failure. If your locus of control
is external, it would be easy, even natural, to blame outside
sources beyond your control.
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But if you have a negative attributional style, you’re
more likely to say something like: “I’m bad at maths.
This result shows what a bad student I am. Nothing
is going to change. And it means I’m bad at other
hard subjects as well. I’m not going to do well at
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Maria’s car breaks down on the freeway.
If she believes the breakdown happened
because of her ignorance about cars, she is
making an internal attribution.
If she believes that the breakdown happened
because her car is old, she is making an
external attribution.
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Farhan gets a D grade on his psychology
term paper.
If he attributes the grade to the fact that he
always has bad luck, he is making a stable
If he attributes the grade to the fact that he
didn’t have much time to study that week, he
is making an unstable attribution.
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If you have a positive attributional style,
you’re more likely to use active problem
solving techniques to change them.
If you have a positive attributional style,
you’re more likely to reframe the negative
event in more helpful ways.
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At the end of this unit learners will be able to:
Define stress and adaptation.
Identify types of stress.
Identify major sources of psychological
Explain effects of stress on the body.
Discuss different kind of indicators of
Describe General adaptation syndrome
Identify factors influencing stress
Develop understanding about achieving
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Stress is a state of emotional strain or
pressure, whether it is physical or
psychological. (Atkison , Berne &
Stress is the body's reaction to any
change that requires an adjustment or
The body reacts to these changes with
physical, mental, and emotional
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Types of Stress
Stress due to an excess of adaptive demands
placed upon us. The demands are so great
that they lead to bodily and mental damage.
e.g.: unexpected death of a loved one.
Unlike bad stress, or distress, eustress can
help with motivation, focus, energy, and
performance.. e.g.: praise from a superior for
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The process by which human system
modifies itself to follow the environment.
It is a change that results from response
to stress
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Sources of stress
There are many sources of stress, these
are broadly classified as:
Internal stressors: they originate
within a person e.g.: cancer, feeling of
External stressors: it originates
outside the individual e.g.: moving to
another city, death in a family.
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Developmental stressors: It occurs
at predictable times throughout an
individual„s life. e.g.: child- beginning of
Situational stressors: They are
unpredictable and occur at any time
during life. It may be positive or negative.
e.g.: death of family member, marriage/
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Physiological Indicators
Dilated pupils
Increased blood flow to the muscles
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Increased blood clotting
Skin pallor
Water retention, Sodium retention
Dry mouth, decrease peristalsis
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Psychological indicators
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Cognitive Indicators
Problem solving
Self control,
Suppression and fantasy
Thinking responses of the individual
toward stress
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Stress can be heightened when one is
not aware of what to expect in the
stressful situation.
It is easier to cope when you have
knowledge about stress
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Hopefulness & confidence about the
future or success.
People who tend to be optimistic in all
spheres of life tend to cope better with
stress than those who are pessimistic.
Concentrate on the positive, are more
willing to get social support
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Hardiness is a personality syndrome
marked by control, challenge, and
commitment that is relatively linked to
strong stress resistance.
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Sensation seeking
Thrill seeking
Excitement seeking
Tendency to pursue new and different
situations, feelings and experiences.
People who are high in sensation tend
to enjoy challenges.
Usually engage in stressful activities and
take it as a normal way of life.
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Social support:
Its different support and aids provided
by members of your social network.
It is associated with mental health.
Serves as a protective shield for the
individual which minimizes the negative
impact of the stressor.
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Stress Relief Strategies:
Body relaxation exercises - breathing
techniques - guided imagery
Physical exercise -yoga -work out
Counseling -Talk therapy -Life coaching
Changing perceptions and expectations
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Self-monitoring is a form of feedback.
Monitoring progress toward goal attainment helps one
to concentrate on goal-relevant activities.
Self-monitoring helps us to become experts on our
The more you want the goal, the more likely you are
willing to make the efforts and sacrifices required to
achieve it.
The strength of people‟s commitment to something
depends on its value to them and the chance that the
value will, in fact, occur.
This means that there will be no motivation to pursue
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An important component of motivation is the
person‟s self-perceived ability to achieve it.
People won‟t build up much motivation for
change if they believe it is impossible for
Willpower represents strength or
psychological energy that one uses to resist
other temptations in order to work toward
one‟s goal.
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Self-Control as a Pattern of Behavior
Self-control refers to your ability to manage your
behavior in order to achieve goals, improve positive
outcomes, and avoid negative consequences
While the physical independence of today and
tomorrow is real enough, the fact remains that actions
today affect actions tomorrow.
Psychologist Howard Rachlin argues that self-control
comes from choosing “patterns” of behavior over time
rather than individual “acts.”
The decision to stop smoking is, in effect, a decision
to begin a pattern of behavior.
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Ashfaq Ahmad Sahil
Lecturer INS (KMU)
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At the end of this unit learners will be able to:
• Understand theories of personality and
• Discuss the relevance of these theories to
the development of healthy personality.
• Identify various ways of assessing
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Definition of Personality?
Personality refers to the relatively enduring
characteristics that differentiate one person from
another and that lead people to act in a
consistent and predictable manner, both in
different situations and over extended periods of
Personality is defined as: the enduring or lasting
patterns of behavior and thought (across time
and situation).
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Four Major Perspectives on Personality
Psychoanalytic - unconscious motivations
Trait - specific dimensions of personality
Humanistic - inner capacity for growth
Social-Cognitive - influence of environment
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Freud‟s Theory of Personality
Three levels of consciousness:
Conscious mind: mind things we are focusing
Preconscious mind: mind things are not
currently aware of but which we could focus on.
Unconscious mind: mind that which we are
unaware of.
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Freud‟s Theory of Personality
Freud‟s theory suggest that personality is composed of
the id, the ego, and the superego.
• id: id the unorganized, inborn part of personality
whose purpose is to immediately reduce tensions
relating to hunger, sex, aggression, and other
primitive impulses.
• ego: ego restrains instinctual energy in order to
maintain the safety of the individual and to help the
person to be a member of society.
• superego: superego the rights and wrongs of society
and consists of the conscience and the ego-ideal.
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Psychosexual Stages
• Oral (0-18 mos) - centered on the mouth
• Anal (18-36 mos) - focus on bowel/bladder
• Phallic (3-6 yrs) - focus on genitals/“Oedipus
Complex” (Identification & Gender Identity)
• Latency (6-puberty) - sexuality is dormant
• Genital (puberty on) - sexual feelings toward
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4: agreeableness versus disagreeableness:
• Kind, trusting, helpful VS ruthless, suspicious,
5: conscientiousness versus undependable:
• Organized, careful, disciplined VS disorganized,
careless, impulsive.
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Bandura also emphasized the importance of
cognition in personality development.
People develop a sense of self-efficacy
Self-efficacy: Our beliefs about our ability to
achieve goals.
Individuals with higher self-efficacy accept
greater challenges. And try harder to meet
Bandura also discusses the notion of Reciprocal
Determinism: The individual and the environment
continually influence one another.
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Personality Assessment
Personality assessment involves the techniques
for systematically gathering information about a
person in order to understand and predict
Goal of personality assessment: to obtain
reliable, assessment valid measures of individual
differences that will permit the accurate prediction
of behavior.
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(1) Interview
Ask the person about themselves.
Obtain information that reveals personality.
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Examples of objective personality measures:
• The MMPI (the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
• The 16 PF (the Sixteen Personality Factor
Questionnaire). The NEO-PI (the NEO Personality
The most commonly used self-report measure is the
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-
2), designed to differentiate people with specific 2)
sorts of psychological difficulties from normal
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• The 2 most frequently used projective tests are:
• The Rorschach: reactions to inkblots are
employed to Rorschach classify personality
• The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT): stories
about (TAT) ambiguous pictures are used to draw
inferences about the storyteller‟s personality.
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At the end of this unit learners will be able to:
⚫ Define Counseling.
⚫ Identify that what issues does counseling addressed.
⚫ Describe roles of counseling psychologist.
⚫ Explain types and functions of counseling.
⚫ Describe major counseling perspectives.
⚫ Demonstrate understanding of the counseling process.
⚫ Demonstrate understanding of applying counseling
techniques in various scenarios.
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What is Counseling?
⚫ Counseling is a face to face relationship between counselor
and client.
⚫ Definition:
⚫ Counseling psychology can be defined as a professional
psychology field that pays attention to the “emotional, social,
vocational, educational, health-related, developmental, and
organizational concerns.
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Group counseling
⚫ Group counseling is a form of therapy where people
with similar experiences/issues come together with a
professional therapist.
⚫ It’s usually focused on a particular issue, like:
⚫ Addiction
⚫ Eating disorder
⚫ Bereavement
⚫ Depression
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⚫ Therapy, also called psychotherapy or counseling, is the
process of meeting with a therapist to resolve problematic
behaviors, beliefs, feelings, relationship issues.
⚫ Psychotherapy can be helpful in treating most mental health
problems, including:
⚫ Anxiety Disorder
⚫ Mood disorder
⚫ Addiction
⚫ Personality disorder
⚫ Schizophrenia
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⚫ Improving relationship
Types of Counselors
⚫ Career Counselor/Counseling:
Also known as career guidance, is counseling designed to help
with choosing, changing, or leaving a career and is available at
any stage in life.
School Counselor
⚫ In a school setting they may offer therapy to students,
depending upon their training. May also help parents and
students develop life skills or plan for college.
Rehabilitation counselor:
⚫ They work with disabled individuals to build skills, cope
with feelings of anxiety and depression, and find solutions to
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Function of counselor
⚫ To provide a relationship between counselor and
⚫ To provide an alternative in self-understanding.
⚫ To provide leadership in developing a healthy
psychological environment for his client .
⚫ To provide for improvement of the counseling process
through constant individual criticism.
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Psychoanalytic perspectives
⚫ Psychoanalytic therapy is a form of talking therapy based
on the theories of Sigmund Freud.
⚫ Freud is the founder of psychoanalysis.
⚫ Freud was really interested in neurotic disorders
(insomnia, fatigue, depression and paralysis)
⚫ According to Freud, the structure of personality consists
of three parts: Id Ego Superego
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Affective Approach
⚫ Client Centered Therapy
⚫ Client Centered Therapy, also known as Client-Centered
Counseling or Person-Centered Therapy
⚫ Client-center therapy was developed by CARL ROGERS
⚫ He emphasize the importance of the quality of the
relationship between the client and the therapist.
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Behavioral Perspectives
⚫ Behavioral refers to a wide range of ideas, practices, and
⚫ Behavioral approaches are designed to change unwanted or
maladaptive behavior through the application of basic
learning principals
⚫ Behavioral approaches maintain that both abnormal and
normal behaviors are learned.
⚫ Cognitive behavioral approaches maintain that behavior and
perception play a reciprocal role in the process of change
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Behavioral Perspective
Classical conditioning (respondent)
⚫ Pavlov's classical conditioning is the best example of
respondent learning, which occurs due to association
between two stimuli.
Operant conditioning (instrumental)
⚫ Condition occurs when a response is emitted in order to
obtain an outcome that reinforces the individual.
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Cognitive perspectives
⚫ Cognitions are thoughts, beliefs, and internal images that
people have about events in their lives.
⚫ Cognitive theories of counseling focus on these mental
processes and their influences on mental health.
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Counseling Process
Stage one: (Initial disclosure) Relationship building
⚫ The counseling process begins with relationship building.
⚫ This stage focuses on the counselor engaging with the client
to explore the issues that directly affect them.
⚫ The counselor focuses on using good listening skills and
building a positive relationship.
⚫ When successful, it ensures a strong foundation for future
dialogue and the continuing counseling process.
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Counseling Process………
Stage two: (In-depth exploration) Problem assessment
⚫ The counselor carefully listens and draws out information
regarding the client’s situation (life, work, home, education,
etc.) and the reason they have engaged in counseling.
⚫ Information crucial to subsequent stages of counseling
includes identifying triggers, timing, environmental factors,
stress levels, and other contributing factors.
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Counseling Process………
Stage three: (Commitment to action) Goal setting
⚫ Effective counseling relies on setting appropriate and realistic
goals, building on the previous stages.
⚫ The goals must be identified and developed collaboratively,
with the client committing to a set of steps leading to a
particular outcome.
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Counseling Process………
⚫ Stage four: Counseling intervention
⚫ This stage varies depending on the counselor and the theories
they are familiar with, as well as the situation the client faces.
⚫ For example, a behavioral approachmay suggest engaging in
activities designed to help the client alter their behavior. In
comparison, a person-centered approachseeks to engage the
client’s self-actualizing tendency.
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Counseling Process………
Stage five: Evaluation, termination, or referral
⚫ Termination may not seem like a stage, but the art of ending
the counseling is critical.
⚫ Drawing counseling to a close must be planned well in
advance to ensure a positive conclusion is reached while
avoiding anger, sadness, or anxiety
⚫ This may lead to a referral if required.
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Behavioral techniques
⚫ Techniques in behavioral therapies apply the learning
principles to change maladaptive behaviors.
Psychoanalytic Method
⚫ Psychoanalytic therapy looks at how the unconscious mind
influences thoughts and behaviors
⚫ Freud described the unconscious as the reservoir of desires,
thoughts, and memories that are below the surface of
conscious awareness
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Affective model of counseling
⚫ Client –center theory place little stress on techniques
⚫ It emphasizes the counselor’s person, belief, and attitude and
the counseling relationship itself.
Cognitive Behavioral Approach
⚫ The major techniques of REBT are labeled as directive
⚫ Cognitive behavioral therapy can be thought of as a
combination of psychotherapy and behavioral therapy.
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Techniques in rational emotive behavior therapy
⚫ Rational emotive behavior therapy was one of the first
cognitive behavior therapies.
⚫ It is also known as REBT.
⚫ It is a form of cognitive behavior therapy that emphasizes
reorganizing cognitive and emotional functions, redefining
problems, and changing attitudes in order to develop more
acceptable patterns of behavior.
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In REBT following emotional techniques are used;
⚫ Rational emotive imagery
⚫ Role playing
⚫ Humor
⚫ Shame attacking exercise
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⚫ Be able to experience and show empathy (rather than
⚫ See things from the client’s perspective
⚫ Have a genuine interest in others’ wellbeing
⚫ Use self-reflection to observe themselves and empathize with
⚫ Show accessibility and authenticity during counseling sessions
⚫ Be flexible in their views and thinking regarding differing
values and multicultural issues
⚫ Be able to maintain a sense of humor
⚫ Be resilient and able to bounce back from difficult situations
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⚫Lets watch
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