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Abnormal Psychology 3rd Edition

Beidel Test Bank

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Chapter 8
Gender Dysphoria, Sexual Dysfunctions, and Paraphilic

Multiple Choice:
1) From the list below, identify the person(s) responsible for one of the first formal attempts to
study human sexuality using interviews of thousands of Americans.
A) B. F. Skinner
B) William Masters and Virginia Johnson
C) Helen Singer Kaplan
D) Alfred Kinsey

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 273
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

2) Masters and Johnson’s empirical work in human sexuality differed from that of earlier
researchers because they also
A) interviewed adults instead of just conducting survey-based research.
B) observed and recorded subjects’ physical responses during sexual activity.
C) interviewed couples together instead of just conducting individual interviews.
D) conducted longitudinal research on the psychosexual development of couples.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 273
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

3) The first phase of Masters and Johnson’s sexual response cycle is

A) plateau.
B) resolution.
C) orgasm.
D) desire.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 273
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

4) Select the answer that is TRUE regarding the sexual response cycle.

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A) The desire phase begins in response to some external cue.
B) The arousal phase involves purely physical signs of arousal.
C) In the orgasm phase, only females experience a subjective sense of pleasure based in the
D) The resolution phase is more common in men than in women.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 274
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Conceptual

5) A consistent finding across all sex surveys is that

A) women think about sex more frequently.
B) men have a higher capacity for sex in terms of duration of activity.
C) men engage in more frequent sexual activity than women.
D) women have fewer orgasms than men.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 274
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

6) According to surveys of sex practices, differences exist in sexual functioning. Women have a
A) preference for variety in sex practices.
B) capacity for sex.
C) need for a resolution phase.
D) number of fantasies.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 274
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

7) In men, the effects of age on sexual functioning may be seen in

A) an increased focus on sexual activity with one person only.
B) an increased need for intimacy.
C) a change in genital response.
D) a decline in sexual interest.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 274
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

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8) In a study of males ages 18 to 30 and females 18 to 22, it was found that the least reported
sexual activity was
A) oral sexual stimulation by a partner.
B) oral sexual stimulation of a partner.
C) vaginal intercourse.
D) anal intercourse.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 275
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

9) Select the statement below that most accurately reflects a finding in a study of men and
women ages 40 to 80.
A) Overall, men and women between the ages of 40 and 49 are no longer sexually active.
B) Satisfactory sexual functioning is important to most adults over 40.
C) Women in the study did not regard satisfactory sex as important to maintaining a
D) Sexual interest on the part of men declines sharply after middle age.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 275
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

10) In many studies of sexual functioning, cultural differences have not been considered. Choose
the statement below that is TRUE of the limited research reported in your text on this topic.
A) Sexual experiences among Hispanic students in the U.S. are very different from those
among non-Hispanic white students.
B) Asian students report greater participation in sexual intercourse, oral sex, and
masturbation than white students.
C) African American women were more likely to endorse the importance of sexual activity
than were white women.
D) Hispanic men had lower levels of sexual permissiveness than Hispanic women.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 275
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

11) In one of the first surveys to ask young men about same-sex activities (Billy et al., 1993),
_______ percent reported that they had engaged in such activities.
A) 2.3
B) 22.4
C) 4.6
D) 10.7
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Diff: 1 Page Ref: 276
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

12) Until about 25 years ago, a homosexual orientation

A) was never viewed as abnormal.
B) was considered to be a mental disorder.
C) was viewed as an orientation chosen by an individual.
D) was thought to be fairly prevalent in the general population.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 276
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

13) Which of the following sex differences might reflect greater erotic plasticity in women?
A) Women are more likely than men to be attracted to the same sex.
B) Most women prefer monogamy in long-term relationships.
C) Women are more likely than men to describe themselves as attracted to both sexes.
D) In short-term relationships, women are less selective in choosing mates.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 276
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Conceptual

14) There are sex differences in the strength of same-sex attraction, such that
A) women are more likely to describe themselves as attracted to both sexes.
B) women are more exclusively same-sex attracted.
C) men’s sex drive is more likely to be influenced by social and cultural factors.
D) many more women than men prefer short-term romantic relations with the same-sex.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 276
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Conceptual

15) According to the Research Hot Topic box, The Internet and Cybersex, what is known about
people at risk for overuse of cybersex?
A) They tend to be unemployed males between the ages of 18 and 30.
B) No empirical data are available addressing this issue.
C) Persons who have obsessive-compulsive disorder are at higher risk.
D) Females who are single and live alone are at slightly higher risk.

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Diff: 2 Page Ref: 277
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

16) Of the following statements, which accurately depicts our current state of knowledge about
the development of sexual orientation?
A) In cultures that frown on same-sex behavior, homosexual orientation is rare.
B) Five percent of men and women develop same-sex orientation worldwide.
C) It appears that sexual orientation is biologically based.
D) There is greater erotic plasticity among men than among women.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 277
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

17) Homosexual or same-sex orientation

A) has heritability estimates of approximately 95%.
B) appears to be at least in part genetically determined.
C) has heritability estimates of less than 1%.
D) does not appear to have a genetic basis.

Diff: 1 Page Ref. 277
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

18) Atypical levels or timing of androgens present during fetal development

A) may alter genital anatomy but do not influence sexual orientation.
B) may affect a person’s sexual orientation.
C) always create differences in secondary sex characteristics.
D) have no influence on genital anatomy or sexual orientation.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 277
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

19) According to the androgen theory, the likelihood of a male being gay is increased as the
number of his older brothers increases because
A) as the number of male offspring increases, the fetus’s immune system creates antibodies
that increase the influence of estrogen.
B) as the number of male offspring increases, the mother’s body responds to male androgens
with antibodies that cross the placental barrier.
C) the mother’s immune system is compromised and unable to develop antibodies to curb
the influence of androgens.
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D) the fetus is unable to produce enough androgen to affect fetal masculinization.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 278
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Conceptual

20) Gender identity as a concept

A) has not been widely studied in the U.S.
B) is aligned with a person’s biological sex.
C) has not been shown to be a reliable predictor of relationship satisfaction.
D) is one’s personal understanding of oneself as male or female.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 279
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Conceptual

21) Gender dysphoria is characterized by a strong and persistent cross-gender identification and
A) a desire for the cultural advantages of the opposite sex.
B) sexual arousal in wearing clothes of the opposite sex.
C) persistent discomfort with one’s own biological sex.
D) a fetish involving wardrobe of the opposite sex.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 279
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Conceptual

22) Monique is seven years old and prefers wearing her older brother’s clothes to the frilly
dresses her mother wants her to wear. She has gone so far as to repeatedly insist that she is a boy
and she chooses only male playmates at school. Most likely, Monique is showing the childhood
correlates of
A) gender dysphoria.
B) transvestic fetishism.
C) transgender behavior disorder.
D) transsexual gender disorder.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 279
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Applied

23) Which of the following is indicative of transgender behavior in adolescents?

A) Males writing prose and poetry
B) Males demonstrating a preference for stereotypically female occupations
C) High school females demonstrating a preference for “shop classes” over sewing classes
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D) Females refusing to wear dresses or other feminine attire

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 279
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Conceptual

24) Those who have gender dysphoria may be at comorbid risk for anxiety, depression, and
A) schizophrenia.
B) personality disorders.
C) substance abuse.
D) suicide attempts.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 279
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Factual

25) Although western cultures recognize only two gender categories, some other countries have
more classifications. For example, in India, “hijra”
A) are females with very masculine qualities.
B) are males who have undergone sex reassignment surgery.
C) are considered to be asexual persons.
D) are not viewed as male or female but possess elements of both.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 282
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Conceptual

26) A hormonal condition in which too much of the hormone androgen is produced during the
prenatal period and the first few years of life is known as congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).
This condition causes
A) transvestism in boys as early as 4–6 years of age.
B) extremely feminine behavior in young boys.
C) hyperfeminine behavior in young girls.
D) early and exaggerated male sex characteristics in both sexes.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 282
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Conceptual

27) The case of John, whose parents decided to raise him as a girl after a circumcision injury, is
presented in your text. Despite hormone replacement therapy and his parents’ efforts to raise him
as a girl, John never felt like a girl. This case shows that
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A) environmental efforts alone cannot overcome biology.
B) sex reassignment surgery is not an appropriate intervention for gender dysphoria.
C) environmental factors influence a person’s decision to accept a new sexual identity.
D) the biosociological theory of gender dysphoria is incorrect.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 283
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Conceptual

28) Sex reassignment surgery

A) involves only medical procedures.
B) includes both medical and behavioral procedures.
C) has not been demonstrated to be an effective intervention for gender dysphoria.
D) is often chosen by transvestites.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 284
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Conceptual

29) In the first stage of the sex reassignment process, the individual lives in the new gender role
for at least
A) 6 months.
B) 1 year.
C) 18 months.
D) 2 years.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 284
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Factual

30) Frank asked his boss for a meeting yesterday, during which he explained that he would be
returning to work next week dressed in women’s clothes, and at that point, would like to be
called Frances. He explained that this was an important part of a process for the treatment of his
A) homosexual disorder.
B) gender fetish disorder.
C) gender dysphoria.
D) hermaphroditic disorder.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 284
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Conceptual

31) Sex reassignment surgery eliminates gender dysphoria, improves both body satisfaction
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and interpersonal relationships, and
A) is a comparatively simple procedure.
B) reduces anxiety and depression.
C) improves sexual performance.
D) requires only minor alteration of the original reproductive organs.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 284
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Conceptual

32) Different studies investigating patient satisfaction with sex reassignment surgery have shown
that at least _______ percent responded positively to the intervention.
A) 30
B) 54
C) 72
D) 95

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 284
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Factual

33) Psychological approaches to the treatment of gender dysphoria in children have typically
focused on reinforcing same-sex activities and friendships, spending time with the same-sex
parent, and
A) immersing the child in cultural stereotypes of male and female.
B) having play dates with same-sex peers.
C) using cartoons to teach appropriate gender roles.
D) providing play therapy to assess role identification.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 285
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Factual

34) An absence or impairment of some aspect of sexual response is called

A) organismic disorder.
B) gender dysphoria.
C) male hypoactive sexual desire disorder.
D) sexual dysfunction.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 285
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual
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35) Sheldon has been married for two years and his wife is on the verge of leaving him. Within
the last 6 months, he has not been sexually intimate with her. He admits that he rarely thinks
about sex, has sexual fantasies, or masturbates. Before this recent decline in sexual interest,
Sheldon reports that his marriage was “strong, loving and highly sexual.” Which of the following
disorders fits Sheldon’s clinical picture?
A) Male erectile disorder
B) Sexual aversion disorder
C) Male hypoactive sexual desire disorder
D) Sexual dysfunction disorder

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 286
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Applied

36) In the U.S., _____% of men and _____% of women ages 19 to 59 express dissatisfaction
with their level of sexual desire.
A) 5; 15
B) 5; 30
C) 15; 30
D) 15; 50.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 287
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Conceptual

37) Unlike other disorders of sexual functioning, ___________ might be considered by some
men to be an advantage to their partner in that it allows them to continue to function sexually for
an extended period of time.
A) hypoactive sexual desire
B) delayed ejaculation
C) male erectile disorder
D) dyspareunia

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 288
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Conceptual

38) Select the statement below about premature ejaculation that is FALSE.
A) There are many definitions of the phenomenon.
B) It is a common male sexual dysfunction.
C) It may be viewed as a dysfunction of the couple.
D) It is termed “secondary” when related to substance abuse.
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Diff: 2 Page Ref: 290–291
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Conceptual

39) Chuck has been experiencing high levels of stress because of financial losses in his company.
He and his wife, Melissa, have had a satisfying sexual relationship until recently. Now Chuck
typically experiences an ejaculation within a minute of initiating sex. Chuck is most likely to be
suffering from
A) homosexual disorder.
B) gender identity disorder.
C) primary premature ejaculation.
D) secondary premature ejaculation.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 291
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Applied

40) Approximately _______ percent of gay men report anodyspareunia during receptive anal
A) 14
B) 30
C) 50
D) 70

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 291
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual

41) During routine gynecological visits, approximately _____ percent of women report pain
from sexual activity.
A) 10
B) 26
C) 43
D) 72

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 291
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual

42) Many women cannot have sexual intercourse due to pain in the outer part of their vagina.
Such women may not allow gynecologists to perform a pelvic exam because a speculum cannot
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be inserted without causing extreme pain from muscle spasms. Which of the following disorders
do these women most likely have?
A) Dyspareunia
B) Dyspepsia
C) Vaginismus
D) Anorgasmia

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 292
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Applied

43) Vaginismus occurs

A) primarily in teenage females.
B) in response to either psychological or physical factors.
C) in women who report high degrees of marital dissatisfaction.
D) primarily during gynecological examinations.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 292
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Conceptual

44) Which of the following statements best reflects what has been learned about sexual
dysfunction from population surveys?
A) For both sexes, sexual dysfunctions decrease with age.
B) Sexual dysfunctions are rare among young people but begin to appear in middle age.
C) Only a minority of the population ever experiences a sexual dysfunction.
D) Despite being fairly common, sexual dysfunctions usually do not lead people to seek help
for their problems.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 292
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual

45) Concerning the findings of the National Health and Social Life Survey, which statement is
A) The presence of some sexual dysfunctions increases with age.
B) The study was conducted using anonymous surveys.
C) More women than men reported sexual dysfunctions.
D) Erectile dysfunction in men increased with age.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 293
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
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Skill: Factual

46) The results of the Boston Area Community Health Survey (BACH) reveal that
A) when females are questioned in an anonymous survey, reported rates of sexual
dysfunction increase.
B) reported rates of sexual dysfunction are always affected by a hesitation to discuss sex,
even under anonymous conditions.
C) health differences between ethnic groups may be the result of social and environmental
D) independent of health status, white males report higher rates of sexual dysfunction than
male Hispanics.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 294
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual

47) Which of the following sexual dysfunctions is most common among adolescent and young
adult men?
A) Premature ejaculation
B) Hypoactive sexual desire disorder
C) Sexual aversion disorder
D) Male erectile disorder

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 295
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual

48) Selective serotonin uptake inhibitors

A) increase sexual response.
B) hasten organism.
C) reduce sexual desire.
D) retard ejaculation.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 295-
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual

49) Alcohol and drugs may have a temporary disruptive effect on sexual functioning involving
_________ in men and _________ in women.
A) premature ejaculation; vaginismus
B) retarded ejaculation; vaginismus
C) premature ejaculation; orgasmic disorder
D) retarded ejaculation; anodyspareunia
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Diff: 3 Page Ref: 295
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Conceptual

50) As noted in the text, psychological factors such as ___________________ may be associated
with sexual dysfunction in both men and women.
A) negative mood states
B) communication skills
C) birth order
D) assertiveness

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 296
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual

51) The success of PDE5 inhibitors for male erectile dysfunction has
A) led to questions about the underlying psychopathology of the disorder.
B) encouraged their use in clinical trials for female sexual arousal disorder.
C) demonstrated that the prevalence of the disorder was overestimated.
D) come despite the drugs’ poor performance versus placebo in many studies.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 297
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Conceptual

52) The sexual dysfunction most often responsive to pharmacologic treatment is

A) hormonal insufficiency.
B) erectile dysfunction.
C) female sexual arousal disorder.
D) vaginismus.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 297
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual

53) Physical treatments for erectile dysfunction

A) are commonly used for psychological disturbances of sexual functioning.
B) have not been shown to be effective overall.
C) are efficacious but cumbersome.
D) decrease sexual desire in female partners.

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Diff: 1 Page Ref: 297
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual

54) The treatment of sexual dysfunctions using psychological interventions has been shown to be
effective. Among these techniques is
A) sensate focus.
B) invivo arousal technique.
C) demand pleasuring.
D) time-centered relaxation.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 297
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual

55) Katelyn has been diagnosed as having a sexual dysfunction. Her psychologist has suggested
an intervention that involves sexually erotic cues and graduated stimulation to the genital area.
What is the name of this technique?
A) Sensate focus
B) Pleasure touching
C) Directed masturbation
D) Nondemand pleasuring

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 298
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Applied

56) Which of the following is TRUE of paraphilic disorders?

A) All paraphilic disorders involve some form of criminal activity.
B) Some sexual offenders commit crimes because of paraphilic disorders.
C) To be labeled a paraphilia, a behavior must result in distress or functional impairment.
D) Paraphilic disorders center on objects and activities only.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 299
Topic: Paraphilic Disorders
Skill: Conceptual

57) Transvestic disorder is the desire to dress in clothes of the opposite sex for sexual
gratification. This disorder is
A) diagnosed in men only.
B) found in both men and women.
C) common in homosexuals.
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D) diagnosed in transsexuals.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 301
Topic: Paraphilic Disorders
Skill: Conceptual

58) Raphael can only become sexually aroused when he is wearing his wife’s slip. Although she
had caught him earlier wearing her slip, he had promised to stop the behavior. Recently, his wife
was cleaning house and found several of her slips beneath a cushion on the sofa. What paraphilic
condition is Raphael most likely to have?
A) Exhibitionistic disorder
B) Transvestic disorder
C) Frotteuristic disorder
D) Voyeuristic disorder

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 301
Topic: Paraphilic Disorders
Skill: Applied

59) Choose the statement below about pedophilia that is FALSE.

A) Someone with pedophilic disorder will always act on fantasies.
B) Not all pedophiles are child molesters.
C) Girls are more often victims.
D) Its prevalence in the general population is not known.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 301
Topic: Paraphilic Disorders
Skill: Conceptual

60) The most common pedophilic acts are

A) intercourse and rape.
B) voyeurism and frotteurism.
C) incest and use of pornography.
D) fondling and genital exposure.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 302
Topic: Paraphilic disorders
Skill: Factual

61) Which of the following is considered to be a “high victim” sexual behavior?

A) Transvestic disorder
B) Pedophilic disorder
C) Exhibitionistic disorder
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D) Frotteuristic disorder

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 304
Topic: Paraphilic Disorders
Skill: Conceptual

62) Exhibitionistic disorder may not be diagnosed in cultures

A) where clothing is not traditionally worn.
B) that do not use the DSM-IV-TR.
C) who have open attitudes toward sex.
D) where group sex is considered normal.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 304
Topic: Paraphilic Disorders
Skill: Conceptual

63) Mark is a college student who engages in a secret behavior. During university football
games, rubbing his body against that of an unsuspecting female sexually arouses him. This
contact causes him to become sexually aroused but he typically ends the incident by saying,
“excuse me.” What behavior is Mark most likely to be engaging in?
A) Exhibitionistic disorder
B) Pedophilic disorder
C) Voyeuristic disorder
D) Frotteuristic disorder

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 304
Topic: Paraphilic disorders
Skill: Applied

64) A life-threatening form of sexual masochism described in the case of Jack, presented in the
text, involves
A) humiliation regarding physical stature.
B) cutting off oxygen flow during sexual activity.
C) beating with a metal chain.
D) being spanked.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 305
Topic: Paraphilic disorders
Skill: Factual

65) In nonsexual areas of functioning, people with paraphilic disorders are often
A) indistinguishable from other people.
B) obvious by their anxious manner.
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C) maladjusted single persons.
D) divorced males with a history of other crimes against persons.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 305
Topic: Paraphilic disorders
Skill: Factual

66) The most common age of onset for all paraphilic disorders is
A) adolescence to young adulthood.
B) adulthood to middle age.
C) middle age to later life.
D) childhood.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 306
Topic: Paraphilic disorders
Skill: Factual

67) The position that child abusers were abused as children themselves
A) is strongly supported by numerous epidemiological studies of sex offenders.
B) fails to consider that the vast majority of abused children do not become child abusers.
C) does not take into account the changing societal and cultural definitions of child abuse.
D) does not explain why child abuse is a self-perpetuating cyclical problem.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 307
Topic: Paraphilic disorders
Skill: Conceptual

68) Which of the following is TRUE regarding treatment of paraphilic disorders?

A) Persons with paraphilic disorders are often not motivated to change because the act
causes a pleasurable state.
B) Those with paraphilic disorders tend to become overly dependent on therapy as a method
for coping.
C) Electroconvulsive shock therapy has been very effective as a therapeutic intervention.
D) Family counseling coupled with individual psychotherapy is an evidence-based
intervention program for adolescents suffering from paraphilic disorders.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 307
Topic: Paraphilic disorders
Skill: Factual

69) The penile ____________ measures physical changes in the penis when a man is shown
sexually arousing or nonarousing stimuli.

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A) tumescence tube
B) refractory guage
C) erectographic gauge
D) plethysmograph

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 308
Topic: Paraphilic disorders
Skill: Factual

70) Antiandrogen medications are used to treat some forms of paraphilia. They work by
A) lowering the recidivism rate through selective sedation.
B) decreasing the sexual drive by reducing testosterone levels.
C) eliminating recidivism through chemical castration.
D) increasing normal heterosexual behaviors by decreasing leuprolide actate.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 308
Topic: Paraphilic disorders
Skill: Factual

71) Treatments for paraphilic disorders that eliminate or decrease inappropriate sexual arousal
A) satiation, covert sensitization, and olfactory aversion.
B) rational emotive and cognitive-behavioral therapy.
C) social skills training and sex education.
D) couples therapy and sensate focus.

Diff: 2 Page 309-310
Topic: Paraphilic disorders
Skill: Conceptual

72) Although many people in this country suffer from sexual dysfunction, few actually seek
treatment for it.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 272
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

73) The work of Alfred Kinsey on human sexuality was controversial and criticized as being
seriously flawed on the basis that survey respondents were not representative of the general
population of the U.S.
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Diff: 1 Page Ref: 273
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

74) The resolution phase of the sexual response cycle is more common in women than in men.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 274
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

75) There is no universal standard of “normal sexuality” or sexual behavior.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 276
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

76) Sexual orientation develops as a result of family dynamics.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 277
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

77) Gender identity typically emerges by the age of 3 or 4.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 279
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Factual

78) Transsexualism is a type of gender dysphoria.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 279
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Conceptual

79) Gender dysphoria in children always results in significant functional impairment.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 280
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
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Skill: Factual

80) Given the low incidence of gender dysphoria, there are no controlled trials for treatment.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 284
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Factual

81) Your text maintains that the past psychological approach to the treatment of children with
gender dysphoria reinforces gender-specific stereotypes and may have moral and ethical

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 285
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Conceptual

82) The rate at which women experience a sexual desire disorder is twice that of men.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 287
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual

83) For females, symptoms of female sexual interest/arousal disorder are primarily

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 287
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Conceptual

84) Premature ejaculation is the most common male sexual dysfunction.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 290
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual

85) Dyspareunia is a condition limited to females.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 291
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Conceptual
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86) Few studies have addressed the validity of the diagnostic category “vaginismus.”

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 292
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual

87) The results of the Boston Area Community Health Survey (BACH) reveal that
environmental conditions and social factors are not responsible for differences in sexual
dysfunction between ethnic and racial groups.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 294
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual

88) Certain medical conditions may cause a person to experience sexual dysfunction.
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 295
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual

89) Pelvic surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation treatment have been associated with
dyspareunia and hypoactive sexual desire.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 295
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Conceptual

90) Under stressful conditions, erectile dysfunction may be the result of a self-fulfilling

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 296
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual

91) Testosterone replacement therapy may be effective for both men and women in overcoming
some sexual dysfunctions.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 296
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual
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92) Physical treatments for erectile dysfunction almost always produce satisfactory results.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 297
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual

93) Systematic desensitization has been used effectively as a treatment for vaginismus in
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 299
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Factual

94) Men who cross-dress whether they become aroused or not suffer from transvestic disorder.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 301
Topic: Paraphilic disorders
Skill: Conceptual

95) Pedophilic disorder is only found among men.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 302
Topic: Paraphilic disorders
Skill: Factual

96) Voyeuristic disorder involves sexually arousing urges.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 305
Topic: Paraphilic disorders
Skill: Factual

97) Sexual sadism disorder involves the infliction of pain or humiliation.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 305
Topic: Paraphilic disorders
Skill: Factual

98) People who suffer from paraphilia often have more than one type.

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Diff: 1 Page Ref: 305
Topic: Paraphilic disorders
Skill: Factual

99) The most common age of onset for all paraphilic disorders is adolescence to young

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 306
Topic: Paraphilic disorders
Skill: Factual

100) A history of child abuse is neither necessary nor sufficient for an individual to become a

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 307
Topic: Paraphilic disorders
Skill: Factual

Student answers will vary but should include elements of the suggested answers given below.

101) Discuss the sex differences in human sexual response as outlined in the text.

ANSWER: All surveys of sexual practices indicate that men engage in more frequent sexual
activity than do women. Most people assume that males have a stronger biological drive
(craving for sexual activity and pleasure) than women, but that is not necessarily true.
Men think about sex more often, are more frequently sexually aroused, have more
frequent and different fantasies, desire sex more often, desire more partners, masturbate
more often, are less able or willing to go without sex, more often initiate sex, less often
refuse sex, use more resources to get sex, make more sacrifices for sex, have a more
favorable attitude toward and enjoy a wider variety of sexual practices, and rate
themselves as having stronger sex drives than women. However, women have a higher
capacity for sex, are biologically capable of engaging in sexual behavior for a longer
period of time, are capable of more orgasms than men, and do not have a refractory
There are also differences in how each sex defines sexual drive. For many men
sexual desire is defined primarily by physical pleasure and sexual intercourse. However,
women appear to define sexual desire more broadly and include in their definition the
need for emotional intimacy. Female sexual responses may be more complicated than a
biological-affective drive marked by sexual thoughts, fantasies, and a conscious urge to
engage in sexual activity. Thus, sexual desire may exist equally in both sexes when
different definitions are applied.
Diff: 3 Page Ref: 274
Topic: Human Sexuality
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Skill: Conceptual

102) How does the influence of culture affect our definition of sexuality and sexual behavior?

ANSWER: What constitutes sexuality and sexual behavior varies a great deal across cultures.
Some researchers have suggested that sexual attraction is not simply biological or
sociocultural—it is an integrated response. Within a sociocultural context, sexual
relationships exist within societies that in turn exist within a larger culture and also within
a historical context. Among the Khumbo of Nepal, children are considered sexual beings
at age 5, when they must begin to cover their genitalia with clothing, behavior that is
expected of adults but not the younger children. Therefore, there is no universal standard
of “normal” sexuality or sexual behavior. In fact, one new type of sexual behavior, called
cybersex, is becoming more common, as more and more people have access to the
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 276
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Conceptual

103) How has our perspective on and understanding of homosexuality shifted over the last 25
years? Despite certain empirical challenges, what does existing research tell us about patterns of
sexual behavior in this country and other westernized countries?

ANSWER: People may engage in sexual behavior with someone of the opposite sex
(heterosexuality), someone of the same sex (homosexuality) or in some instances,
partners of either sex (bisexuality). Until about 25 years ago, many people considered a
homosexual orientation to be a mental disorder, but for a long time it was not clear how
many people engaged in sexual behaviors with someone of the same sex. One reason was
that, given how difficult it is to get people to discuss sexuality, questions about same-sex
practices were rarely included in surveys of adult sexual behaviors. In one of the first
surveys (Billy et al., 1993), 2.3% of young men aged 20 to 39 reported that they had
engaged in same-sex activity. This rate was consistent with a survey of men and women
in the United States aged 18 to 70; 2% reported exclusive same-sex activity or sexual
activity with both sexes. These rates are also consistent with other Western countries.
Population surveys of adults in Britain and France revealed that 3.6% of British men had
engaged in sexual activity with another man on at least one occasion, as had 4.1% of
French men. Overall, it appears that between 2 and 5% of men and 1 and 2% of women
are exclusively same-sex attracted.
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 276
Topic: Human Sexuality
Skill: Factual

104) Present an overview of gender and gender identity. Review the diagnostic criteria and
associated features of gender dysphoria.

ANSWER: Traditionally, sex was considered to be determined by genes, hormones, and

physical genitalia, whereas gender could be defined as categories of male or female
Copyright © 2014, 2012, 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

defined by cultural role expectations. Some researchers consider these definitions to be
very simplistic, and the complex issue of defining these terms is outside the scope of
abnormal psychology. Gender identity is the personal understanding of oneself as male or
female. Gender identity typically develops by age 3 or 4. Usually, biological sex and
gender identity match—boys who are genetically male describe themselves as boys, and
girls who are genetically female describe themselves as girls. However, in some cases,
biological sex and gender identity do not match, leading to distress and impairment. In
such cases, the person is considered to have a gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is not
simply a momentary wish to be the opposite sex because of cultural or social advantages.
It is strong and persistent cross-sex identification—a person’s biological sex is
inconsistent with his or her gender identity. This discrepancy leads to persistent
discomfort with one’s own sex or sense of inappropriateness in the gender role of one’s
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 279–280
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Conceptual

105) Outline the process one encounters in choosing sex reassignment surgery.

ANSWER: Currently, treatment focuses on helping adults live as their chosen gender
identity, maximizing their psychological and social adjustment. There are three phases to
the intervention: living as the desired gender, hormone therapy, and sex reassignment
surgery. Not every person who begins treatment completes the sex reassignment surgery
In the first stage, the person lives in the new gender role for at least two years.
The person dresses and socializes consistent with the desired gender role, allowing the
person to examine how this change affects every aspect of life. This step is considered
absolutely necessary for the treatment program. The second step is hormone therapy.
Testosterone is given to biological females and estrogen to biological males, reducing
unwanted secondary sex characteristics and leading to the secondary sexual
characteristics of the preferred sex. The third and final phase is the actual surgery. For
males transitioning to females, this includes surgical removal of the penis and the
creation of a clitoris, labia, and artificial vagina. For females transitioning to males, it
includes removal of the breasts, vagina, and uterus and the formation of a scrotum,
testicular prostheses and the creation of a neophallus (an artificial penis). The goal is to
try to preserve sexual functioning in order to achieve optimal quality of life.
Diff: 3 Page Ref: 284
Topic: Gender Dysphoria
Skill: Conceptual

106) Present an overview of the two orgasmic disorders presented in the text: orgasmic disorder
(male and female) and premature ejaculation.

ANSWER: The diagnostic criteria for female or male orgasmic disorder are very similar.
Male orgasmic disorder (delayed ejaculation) is the delay of or inability to achieve
orgasm despite adequate sexual stimulation (APA, 2000). This disorder is not as common
Copyright © 2014, 2012, 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

as premature ejaculation. Some men might consider delayed ejaculation to be an
advantage as it could increase the sexual pleasure of a partner. In these cases, a diagnosis
may not be warranted because there would not be any distress or functional impairment.
Female orgasmic disorder (or anorgasmia) is also defined as persistent and recurrent
delay or absence of orgasm following the normal excitement phase. It is a common
complaint among women. Before making a diagnosis, it is necessary to consider age,
adequacy of sexual stimulation, and sexual experience. Premature ejaculation (rapid
ejaculation) is the most common male dysfunction. It is consistent ejaculation with
minimal sexual stimulation before, immediately upon, or shortly after penetration and
before the person wishes it (APA, 2000).
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 288–290
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Conceptual

107) Masters and Johnson (1970) originally proposed the concept of “sex therapy” involving
several psychosocial techniques as being effective in the treatment of sexual dysfunction.
Explain the rationale for their approach. Select two of the techniques discussed in the text and
discuss how they are used in this treatment paradigm.

ANSWER: Sex therapy consists of teaching couples about sexual functioning, enhancing
communication skills, and eliminating performance anxiety through specific couples’
exercises. Sensate focus and nondemand pleasuring treatment focuses on decreasing
performance anxiety and increasing communication. There are three steps in sensate
focus. Both partners must become comfortable at each level of intimacy before
proceeding to the next step. The first step focuses simply on pleasurable, nonsexual
touching. Partners take turns touching the other’s body, but they are prohibited from
touching the genitals and breasts. During the second step, partners touch any part of the
other’s body, including the genitals and breasts. The focus remains on the sensation of
touching. Intercourse is not allowed. The third step involves mutual touching, eventually
leading to sexual intercourse.
In the “stop-squeeze” technique, the sexual partner stimulates the penis until an
ejaculatory urge occurs. At that point, sexual stimulation stops and the partner squeezes
the glans of the penis (the tip) until the urge disappears. This sequence is repeated until
the interval between initial sexual stimulation and ejaculatory urge lengthens. Then the
couple practices briefly inserting the penis into the vagina without thrusting, and the
practice continues until the man is able to control the timing of ejaculation and the couple
reports sexual enjoyment.
For female orgasmic disorder, directed masturbation is commonly prescribed by
therapists. Women focus on sexually erotic cues and use graduated stimulation to the
genital area, particularly the clitoris. Allowing the woman to focus on sexual stimulation
that is effective for her without worrying about a partner’s behavior enables her to more
effectively communicate her wishes to a partner. Treatment for vaginismus is based on
standard systematic desensitization and uses different-sized vaginal dilators. Using a
hierarchical approach, the dilators are inserted into the vagina, either by the woman or her
partner, while she practices relaxation. Over time, a woman becomes comfortable
engaging in sexual activity.
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Diff: 3 Page Ref: 297–299
Topic: Sexual Dysfunctions
Skill: Conceptual

108) List and define each of the four paraphilic disorders identified in the text as “sexual arousal
toward children and nonconsenting adults.”

ANSWER: Exhibitionistic Disorder: The person has consistent and intense sexually
arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving the exposing of the genitals to an
unsuspecting person.
Frotteuristic Disorder: The person has consistent and intense sexually arousing
fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving touching and rubbing against a
nonconsenting person.
Voyeuristic Disorder: The person has consistent intense sexually arousing
fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors centered on observing an unsuspecting person who is
naked, disrobing, or engaging in sexual activity.
Pedophilic Disorder: The person has consistent and intense sexually arousing
fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a child or children not
yet 14 years old. The person is at least 16 years old and at least 5 years older than the
child or children. This diagnosis does not include an older adolescent involved in an
ongoing sexual relationship with a 12- or 13-year-old.
Diff: 3 Page Ref: 301–303
Topic: Paraphilic Disorders
Skill: Conceptual

109) Provide an overview of pedophilic disorder. In your discussion, address the issue of
pedophiles as child molesters.

ANSWER: Pedophilic Disorder is characterized by sexual urges, fantasies, or actual

behavior directed toward a prepubescent child. The sexual arousal may be toward girls,
boys, or girls and boys. For this disorder, if the person has acted on the urges or fantasies,
the diagnosis is appropriate, even if the perpetrator denies distress or functional
impairment. Although the terms pedophile and child molester are sometimes used
interchangeably, they are not synonymous. Someone with pedophilic disorder could have
urges or fantasies involving sexual activity with a child but never act on them. That
person would not be a child molester. Yet much of what we know about pedophilic
disorder comes from samples of convicted child molesters and does not describe all those
who suffer from the disorder. The most common pedophilic acts are fondling and genital
exposure. Intercourse (oral, vaginal, or anal) is less common, and rape or abduction are
the least common. Perpetrators can be familial or nonfamilial. Although usually thought
to be a disorder of men, there now is evidence that some women suffer from pedophilia.
Diff: 3 Page Ref: 303–304
Topic: Paraphilic Disorders
Skill: Conceptual

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110) In general, the assessment and treatment of paraphilic disorders such as pedophilic disorder,
may be especially challenging in light of ethical, medical, and social concerns. Describe the
technique of penile plethysmography and its associated concerns.

ANSWER: The penile plethysmograph measures changes in penile tumescence when a man
is shown arousing or nonarousing stimuli (photographs). This technique identifies deviant
patterns of sexual arousal. It can distinguish between sexual and nonsexual offenders, can
predict recidivism among sexual offenders, and can provide information about the
efficacy of treatment.
Despite the advances in understanding sexual deviations made possible by
plethysmography, there are a number of ethical, social, and medical concerns about its
use. Because the assessment uses nude photographs, one concern is the potential
exploitation of children. Even when the photos are used solely for purposes of assessment
and treatment, transporting them across state lines can result in arrest for trafficking in
child pornography. Second, researchers must be concerned about the transmission of
HIV/AIDS when the plethysmograph is used. Third, the device is very intrusive because
it must be placed on the penis, and sometimes a technician’s assistance is required. This
raises questions about its use with adolescents, who later could accuse the technician of
abuse. Finally, although it is difficult, some men can “beat the machine” and control their
physiological response to appear less aroused than they actually are.
Diff: 3 Page Ref: 308
Topic: Paraphilic Disorders
Skill: Conceptual

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