iGEM-Common Error Codes and Solutions
iGEM-Common Error Codes and Solutions
FULLY-FATAL D Error/event is logged as specified above, filling is terminated and both dispenser
sides are closed.
CATASTROPHIC E Error/event is logged as specified above, filling is terminated and both dispenser
sides are closed, power cycle must be done.
INDICATION F Error/event is not logged, but certain message on display gives information
about error.
70 No Flow Timeout Filling was started but no fuel has been Verify nozzle function. B
dispensed for configurable time Verify programming F17.03
( -> F17.03 ) Verify fuel tank level.
Exchange proportional
Exchange iGEM
72 Flow Lost Timeout Flow was lost for configured maximum Verify timeout settings. B
time ( -> F17.03 & F54.10 ) Verify fuel tank levels.