ENMA650 Homework 4

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ENMA650 Homework 4

Weijian Xian
Fall 2023

Problem 1 Monatomic linear lattice

A longitudinal wave
us = ucos(ωt − sKa )

Part a Because the total energy equals to the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy of the particles.
E = EK + EP
The kinetic energy of a particle: E = 1/2mv 2
sum over s and the mass of the atoms M:
EK = 1/2M v 2 = 1/2M (dus /dt)2
s s

C is the interaction constant, the displacement is us − us+1 , using the harmonic oscillator approximation for
the potential energy => EP =P 1/2C(us − us+1 )2
sum over s we got EP = 1/2C s (us − us+1 )2
Hence, X X
E = 1/2M (dus /dt)2 + 1/2C (us − us+1 )2
s s

Part b Plug in us = ucos(ωt − sKa ) for us

For the Kinetic energy, we have

EK = 1/2M (dus /dt)2 = 1/2M ω 2 u2 (cos(ωt − sKa ))2

Because the time average of cos2 x = 1/2

===> EK = 1/4M ω 2 u2 For the potential enrygy part, using the trigonometric identity to evaluate the
us − us+1 and simplify using the time average value for trigonometric function, we have:
us − us+1 = u2 (1 − cos(Ka))
Therefore, we have
E = 1/4M ω 2 u2 + 1/2Cu2 (1 − cos(Ka))
Using the dispersion relation from the book, we have 1/2Cu2 (1 − cos(Ka)) = 1/4M ω 2 u2
E = 1/4M ω 2 u2 + 1/2Cu2 (1 − cos(Ka)) = 1/2M ω 2 u2

Problem 2 Atomic vibrations in a metal
Part a Because the electrostatic force

F = −e2 /r2 ∗ 3/(4πR3 ) ∗ 4πr3 /3 = −e2 r/R3

d2 r
M = −e2 r/R3
Rerange and let k = e2 /R3 , we get p p
ω= k/M = e2 /(M R3 )

Part b Using the sodium atom number form the book, I got ω ≈ 1.3 ∗ 1013 Hz

Part c Because k = 2π/R

==> velocity = v = ≈ 6.2 ∗ 103 m/s

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