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Poor, Never/little Moderate, Sometimes Very Well, Always

Name (YOU): Hafsa Unwilling, Not Prepared Willing, Somewhat Over willing, All Prepared
1 2 3
Quality of Work X
Reliability - Punctuality/Attendance/Time Management X
Teamwork - Participation/Collaboration/Contribution X
Leadership/Accountability X
Communication X
Total /15
Contributions to the Group with Feedback: I was in
charge of doing Part 2 of the assignment which is how
management has changed their views on Teamwork in the
workplace. I also completed my section for the paper and
communicated with my group about my progress along
the way. The one piece of advice I would have for myself,
would be to look at the outline as I go. I would complete a
section, and then look back at the outline and see that I
didn’t do it correctly and have to complete it again. Using
the outline and rubric as a guide ensures that everything
is done correctly.

Poor, Never/little Moderate, Sometimes Very Well, Always

Name (Others): Sara Unwilling, Not Prepared Willing, Somewhat Over willing, All Prepared
1 2 3
Quality of Work X
Reliability - Punctuality/Attendance/Time Management X
Teamwork - Participation/Collaboration/Contribution X
Leadership/Accountability X
Communication X
Total /15
Contributions to the Group with Feedback: Sara was in
charge of doing the Part 4 of the assignment which is the
leading methods to improving the competency. She
finished her parts in the paper, and the PowerPoint slides.
She was also very informative and was open to
suggestions when decided who would take which parts of
the presentation. I honestly can’t say I have any feedback
for Sara, as she is a great person to have in your group.
She does her work on time and with her best efforts.

Poor, Never/little Moderate, Sometimes Very Well, Always

Name (Others): Nayelly Unwilling, Not Prepared Willing, Somewhat Over willing, All Prepared
1 2 3
Quality of Work X
Reliability - Punctuality/Attendance/Time Management X
Teamwork - Participation/Collaboration/Contribution X
Leadership/Accountability X
Communication X
Total /15
Contributions to the Group with Feedback: Nayelly was in
charge of doing Part 3 of the assignment which is what
the value of the competency is to modern-day employers.
She completed her part of the paper, and the PowerPoint
presentation. She is always proactive and tries to get
things done as soon as they are assigned. She provides
feedback when necessary, communicates with us
frequently, and offers to assist us in any way that we need
to. I have no feedback to provide to Nayelly, and she is a
great example of a responsible and organized student.

Poor, Never/little Moderate, Sometimes Very Well, Always

Name (Others): Anjila Unwilling, Not Prepared Willing, Somewhat Over willing, All Prepared
1 2 3
Quality of Work X
Reliability - Punctuality/Attendance/Time Management X
Teamwork - Participation/Collaboration/Contribution X
Leadership/Accountability X
Communication X
Total /15
Contributions to the Group with Feedback: Anjila was in
charge of Part 1 (as well as Thu Huyen) which is the
history of the competency. Anjila is very proactive and
always sends the documents that are necessary to our
group chat She is always willing to take on the work that
we assign for each member, and never complains about
anything. We motivate each other and encourage each
other to try our best. I have no feedback for Anjila, and I
hope to work with her in the future as well.

Poor, Never/little Moderate, Sometimes Very Well, Always

Name (Others): Thu Huyen Unwilling, Not Prepared Willing, Somewhat Over willing, All Prepared
1 2 3
Quality of Work X
Reliability - Punctuality/Attendance/Time Management X
Teamwork - Participation/Collaboration/Contribution X
Leadership/Accountability X
Communication X
Total /15
Contributions to the Group with Feedback: Thu Huyen
was in charge of completing Part 1 (with Anjila) which is
the History of the competency. She did a good job at
competing her work on time for each assignment, and has
a good attitude about group work.

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