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Name of SDO- Malabon City

School Tinajeros National High School

Members Cocharo, Karina A.
De Guia, Nesofel B.
Escober, Jerick N.
Loya, Mary Ruth D.
Sanchez, Reycelle R.

Quarter: 1
Week: 1

MELC/s: Describe and relate the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and major mountain belts to Plate Tectonic Theory
(S10ES –Ia-j-36.1)
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of the relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake epicenters,
and mountain ranges.
Performance Standard: The learner is able to demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis, and
volcanic eruptions.
Mode of Delivery: Blended Learning (Model A - 2 Days In, 3 Days Out)

No. of Objectives Topic/s Classroom-based Activities Home-Based Activities

The learners should Begin with Classroom Routine: Ask the learners to read their Self-
2 be able to: a. Prayer Learning Module, Science Quarter 1
Module 1 b. Reminders of the classroom health Module 1.
1. Answer the 30 and safety protocols
Volcanoes, ● What I Know on pages 1 to 3
items Multiple c. Checking of Attendance
Choice Questions Earthquakes, and d. Quick “Kumustahan” ● What’s New on page 4
(Pre-Test). Mountain Ranges
A. Recall (Elicit) ● What I Have Learned on page 7
2. Recall important Pre Test
● What I Can Do on page 8
words related to Students will answer the 30 item multiple
volcanoes and choice questions.
earthquakes through Let them accomplish the given activities
Fill in the Blanks. B. Motivation (Engage) in a separate sheet of paper. Learners
Let the students recall important words can take a photo of their output and
3. Trace the related to volcanoes and earthquakes submit it to the teacher via messenger
distribution/location through fill the missing letters. Read the or google form.
of active volcanoes, definition on the left side to complete each
earthquake word on the right side.
epicenters, and
major mountain

C. Discussion (Explore)
Let the learners analyze the Layers of the
Earth and the Plate Tectonic Map then
identify the different plates.

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

Present the different layers of the Earth and
the plates found in the Plate Tectonic Map.

E. Application and Generalization

Let the learners answer the questions “Are
the plates moving? What could be the
effects when the plates move?

F. Evaluation

G. Additional/Enrichment Activity (Extend)

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