Energy Grid-Projects Tracker 2023W45

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North Axis
TRACKER UPDATED - 2023-10-31
Projects: JPH Electrical phase 1 (PJ-DAP substation, B & C plans,...), JPH Electrical phase 2, PJ52, JPH Electrical phase 3 Wave II PJ DEM

Date Project Subject Notes/Actions In Charge Priority Status Progress

=> Construction of 60/10kV PJ-DAP substation to feed 107D, E & F lines (incl. OSBL)
=> Construction of 60kV UG-HV lines between PJ-DAP & PDE
2023-01-10 JPH PH I Scope of work => MV lines (B-plans) : JFC2-DAP D & OSBL, JFC4-OFAS & JFC4-Handling and storage NA
=> Metring system realization

As of today :
=> The completion date for substations (excluding Lot 4) is scheduled for the end of Feb. 2023 - HV completed, CRP FAT on Wk 13
(installation to be completed on Wk14) done, UG under prgress (completion 1st circuit 21/04/2023) (warning letter sent to Cegelec to
complete their scope by 30/04/2023, response to Cegelec feedback on the letter to prepare "letter to share on Wk17" ), follow up with
Cegelec on the Wk 21, the forecast completion for the HV scope by late June, (Meeting held with cegelec W22, commitements for
completion connection 1 by 25'Jun/23 and connection 2 by 15'July/23 ( Follow up with cegelec to maintain this dates (connection1 by late
15'July 22'July ( ground in progress by late 05'August 23) , connection 2 by 30'August 23) )( New followup meeting, mechanical completion
for the connection 1 by 15'August and commissionning by 22'August, mechanical completion of connection 2 by 30'August and
commissionning by 10'Sept 23) ( New follow up meeting on the Wk 15'August , forecast for mechanical completion connection 1 30'August
and connection 2 by the 22'sept)(test progress at 90%, commissioning started the Wk 12'Sept Walkdown MC HV connection 1 completed
the Wk 19'Sep, the walkdown MC of lighting almost completed, testing HV cable under progress completion by late 19'OCT (Test done, some
2023-05-23 JPH PH I Progress / Milestones fault on cables need correction (localisation of fault under progress)) (MC walkdown fo the incomer adn bay transformer 1 Done) the Fourat / Redouane High Ongoing 94%
MCWD for bay transformer and auxilaries done remain (control comand) the majority for priority 1 will be finished by late the Wk 02'Nov
=>MV spare pannel equiped and Busbar delivered, HVAC/SID and VDS under progress (completion 30/04/2023), final MV pannel installaiton
remaining (FAT fixed on 5th may 2023 - confirmed by client) - FAT performed (Follow up with contractor, waiting facility performarnce for
Jesa's remarks) (Temporary MV panel have been supplied and prepared) (Meeting scheduled 22'Jun with centrelec to take an action plan and
date finish by late July)done(Panels to be installed by late 10'August more delay forecast completion by late August 23 ) (meeting to
scheduled the Wk 24'August to follow up with centrelec the status of MV panels provision and the progress of construction and MC, Arrival
of MV panels and under equipement prevision for installation in the site 18'SEPT) (Installation of the first MV Panel Done , the second MV
panel delivred and installed on the site almost completed) (HVAC almost completed (remain cable puling / (sprinkler and fire detection will
be finished the Wk 14'OCT/ Gaz novec almost completed (remain colector forcast delivery the Wk'16'OCT/ (MV Panel N°3 delivred,
installation under progress finishing by late the Wk of 20'Oct (Done)) ((progress construction Lot 4 at 94% / HVAC, FF will be completed by
late the Wk 27'Oct 02'NOV and Access control VDS by late the Wk 30'Oct except ( remain the collector(Gaz Novec) ,external linking for water
circuit of sprinkler and VDS Switch )
=> Lot 4 expected completion by late April.2023
=> Remaining B-plans (Handling & OFAS) by late Feb.2023- Remaining OFAS only (completion by 15/04/2023) (completed remaining CRP set
up "REF 615" to be supplied)-completed

=> First WO revised version (incl CN) approved

2023-03-07 JPH PH I WO => Revision 2 of the WO is under OCP approval (to be issued by 15/01/2023) - Not received yet, demobilization E-mail sent to Fourat / Redouane High Ongoing 90%
client to clear WO signature bef. 31/01/2023 (start of demobilization date ), meeting scheduled with OCP PM on 24th jan.2023
=> WO OCP signature under progress, deadline 10/02/2023, signed on 10th 02/23.(Done)
=> (WOR) is under progress. The price sheet has been prepared and submission to the client is planned for Week 22 (Waiting
Approval of OCP, meeting schedule the W23 )Reminder sent to the PM OCP waiting feedback ( note to be prepared justify the
the CN , sent and waiting feedback from ocp)still pending (Meeting scheduled with OCP on 19'Oct to check the RWO )

=> Delay on Lot4, specially MV pannels (Eaton brand)

=> Manpower and material mobilization (TSF) for Centrelec done, meeting held ( on 18th 01/23) due date for completion late Feb.2023
=> Meeting to held with Safarelec B plan lines on 18th 01/23 done - end date for JFC4-OFAS and JFC4-Handling fixed 28th 02/23 with
=> follow up meeting held with Cegelec on 02nd 02/23 requested date for completion late Feb 2023
2023-03-20 JPH PH I Notes => follow up with Cegelec on 08nd 02/23 requested date to ensure one HV line by late Feb 2023, completed. Fourat / Redouane High Ongoing 92%
=> follow up (MoM) with Centrelec on 17th 02/23 requested to equipements of provisional switchgear to be provide by late Feb and
complete (HVAC & FF) by mid Mar 2023
=> follow up with Cegelec on 22th 02/23 request to ensure one line by late 15th Mar/23 ( follow up with Cegelec on 01th 03/23 request to
mobilize more resources :: other meeting fixed on 07th 03/23) - deadline fixed for 21st 03/23 to energize 1st line
=> Plan B Line JFC4-Handling completed (waiting for shutdown authorization from JFC4 to energize the line and connection to PTR) - Fully
=> ETAP simulation completion due date (20th January 2023), phase 1A and B projects simulation completed, phase 2 under
progress will be resumed as per 24th 01/23 water program meeting done, and 31th 01/23 water program (session N°2 :
desalination projects dessalination) to be done by the 15th Feb 2023 (results of ETAP simulation 1A & 1B to be presented on the
28th Feb/23 ( MoM shared for Etap simulation phase 1A&1B results and project list for phase II, phase II simulation in progress
after icluding water projects and agreement with client on overall phase II projects list) - under progress, deadline for Phase II
Etap completion 20th 03/23 - Phase II completed and presented to client expecting results presentation and MoM for client
To be confimed
approval to moveafterforward
ETAP simulation,
for ITBs -previous scope
done, 2nd detailed
meeting toasbebelow :
scheduled with OCP operations team for final approval - done
=> 225kV
(Client OCP PGD
request to substation extension
increase the power(including 225kV TL portion)
of the transformer up to 150managed
MVA under
, ONEEagreement N° stand
ITB part on PA by) - simulation completed,
2023-01-10 JPH PH II Scope of work 2020/2 signed
remaining between
letter OCPwith
to share and ONEE
ONEE as an official requirement, meeting scheduled with ONEE on 24th 05/23 (Done, MoM sent NA
=> 60kV and
substation extension
waiting approval, forecast for ONEE study completion by late Jun'23)
=> Implementation of Reactive Power Compensation System at 10kV level for Various Substations (only
=> 10kv compensation package to be launched on Aconex (under progress)(the pre qualification have been prepared )(the ITB to
be launched by procurement the W23)(Package to be sent to procurement the W24) (package sent, waiting the feedback of
estimating this week)( ITB launched, forcast reicept offers 19'August , extension of the deadline of reiception offers to 28'July
contractors visit to the site planned for the wk of 26'July (Site visit done and Reciept of ITB from contractors 31'July 23 )
(extension of the deadline for reicepting technical offers by 23'August 23)
=> Need power water program send on 10th Feb /23 and still waiting feedback, meeting schedules on 17th 02/23 with water
team(Done) List water program need for phase II sent and waiting confirmation (update 24Feb/2023)(waiting feedback EDB
=> site visite with civil and SID descipline to the PDE substation to be done next week (suspended) (to be planned next week)
( Meeting held with the Owner technical performing,Site visit to PGD/PDE scheduled for 07'Jun/23)( site visit done, remarks
taken by the engineering team) ( technical offers recived from biders the Wk 03' August'23)(Reciept of technical offers from
contractors, RFC under preparation)(sent the RFC to contractors, forcast date for responding 12'Sept 23, the update recived
under review, (check with OCP for list of brand ))
=> ITB PDE part preparation completed, ONEE PGD study part under progress (site visit done ) reciept planned this week
( reciept of the ONEE tender, review done and remarks sent to ONEE to rectify (forcast for reciept 26'July , the estimation to be
2023-05-23 JPH PH II Progress / Milestones reciept the Wk 17'July (recipt of the estimation on the Wk of 25'July the tender to be launched by the Wk of 31'July 2023 - Fourat / Redouane High To Do 50%
under progress (Waiting the feedback of ONEE to launch the ITB by late the Wk of 02'August'23 )Done (ITB completed, forcast of
launching the ITB the Wk 08'August) the ITB send to the procurement ( forcast launching the Wk 15'Aug) (the ITB launched on
18'August 23 and deadline for technical offers by 07'sept 23)( extension of deadline for submiting offers to 25'SEPT 23 , schedule
a site visite for Bidders (the visit Done)in coordination with ONEE and OCP, and check the ONEE Protocol to be approved by
OCP(under progress)
=> PGD/PDE: Technical offers to be recived on 13'OCT / Meeting with the client to be scheduled the Wk 12'OCT to present Etap
Simulation result/ CES session with OCP done, technical offers for PGD still pending until the Wk 25'Oct
=> PFIC: the RFC 1 to sent to bidders the 11'OCT/the RFC1 response recived from bidders on 18'OCT under review, the face to
face harmonisation forcast by WK 27'Oct 2023

=> WO signed and submitted on 25th 11/22, returned for clarification by OCP PC Director on 26th 12/22 and responded by JESA on 28th
2023-03-07 JPH PH II WO => Staffing reduction request received on 09th 01/23 (by Mr Metwali). Optimization E-mail sent to E&D HoD, discussion with PCM to check Fourat / Redouane High Done 100%
staffing optimization otherwise JESA will maintain its position in terms of ressources staffing. Meeting scheduled with OCP PM on 24th
jan.2023. Meeting held with OCP PCM on 02nd 02/23 and WO resubmitted same day, under OCP approval - Action to follow up with OCP
mgt (WO approved and signed )

=> KOM to schedule on 26th 04/25 - done

2023-05-23 JPH PH II Notes => IAP session to be fixed acording to the updated scope. To be scheduled after KOM Meeting ( scheduled this Week)(Done still performing) Fourat / Redouane High Done 100%

=> Construction of PJ52 HV substation : 2 PTR 50MVA each, Double bus bar, 2 Feeder bays, 2 MV pannels
2023-01-10 PJ52 Scope of work => Including : 60kV UG-HV connection between PJ52 & PDE 60kv NA
=>10kv connection between the PJ52 & SAP-E MT/LV substation

=> Project to be completed within 13 months time - Planning lev1. completed (created for staffing request) Fourat /
2023-01-10 PJ52 Progress / Milestones => Lev.4 Planning and progress file to be shared by contractor Jesa revision done and remarks have been shared with contractors, waiting Redouane / High To Do
their feedback by late 6'Jun/23 ( Planning L4 rivised recived ) Contractor

=> To be prepared for phase 4 to 7 (Construction) bef 30th 01/23

=> Staffing requested on 18th 01/23, completed
2023-05-23 PJ52 WO => WO Pricesheet submitted for client review and approval WO submitted and commented by OCP, updated version submitted bef. 17th Fourat / Redouane High Done 100%
02/23 and approval by late on week of 20th 02/23 (in progress)- meeting scheduled with OCP on 6th 04/23 for both PP & SSTN WO review
and final approval, no action required for SSTN WO- Under progress - Action to follow up with OCP (WO signed)

=> Handover is scheduled for 10th 01/23 - done

=> KOM with client / contractor to schedule during Wk3 - fixed on 25th 01/2023 done
=> Georadar field scan completed on Wk03 report awaited
=> Survey on 24th 01/23
=> Soil investigation on 27th 01/23
=> Package has been issued to procurement ( Annexs had been signed ) and the contract under revision of the contractor
=> HSE session with contractors done 03rd 02/23
=> Aconex session to be held by 9th 02/23 Done
=> Quality surveillance done the W23
=> Follow up meeting to held by 9th 02/23 Done , request made to expidite the opening of the site and complete the geotechnical surveys
during the week of 13 Feb/23 postponed to 21 Feb/23 (geotechnical surveys Done)
=>outline areas of TSF on 27 Feb/23 (plan sent to Ocp for approval update made for the TSF plan and resent to OCP, TSF location confirmed,
Cegelec to share updated version of TSF implementation drawing (Done)
=>Meeting alignement review of substation civil guide plan on 27 Feb/23 (comments sent to cegelec), updated and shared with Electrical dpt
feed back given by JESA to Cegelec.the Wk22
=> Weeding and area cleaning operations of the zone are under progress - done - TSF and plot leveling under progress
=>Construction started( earthworks plan and foundation validated and earthworks started) (Reviwed plans shared with contractors to be
performed )Fundation excavation works in progress ( carne platrorm completed)
=> Follow up meeting with Cegelec to assess the progress and make commitements , 1er Mng Meeting scheduled the W23
2023-05-23 PJ52 Notes => Engineering equipments review via Aconex in progress (Transformer,disconnector, HT cable approval C2) : Engineering preliminary Fourat / Redouane High To Do 28%
comments shared with contractor (files to complete)(engineering in progress 20%) ( civil drawing and calculation note treated C2 andbe
performed by late 22' (meeting scheduled for 26'July (need for reienforce ressources make 2 shifts)
=> contract signature to be completed during the week of 13 Feb/23 - (Done)
=> Invoicing schedule and advance payment to prepare for Cost+fee PJ 52 contract : order number to be requested to client not received yet-
Reminded - completed ( Rollup 01 of Cegelec recived and performed) (Rollup validated, invoice to be submited on DSN this week,
preparation of rollup 02 under progress, to be submited by late 26'Jun) Done
=> Follow up with cegelec and UMGC (demand to reinforce by two shift and respect the deadlines ( superstructure by 30'Sept'23),
management meeting scheduled for 08'August '23)( New meeting planned with contractor on the Wk 23'August 23 for the planning lecture
and request to reinforce ressources to catch up the delay )
=> Follow up with Cegelec/UMGC MoM' of 29'August , delay on civil construction at the progress 20%, (an action plan to be presented by
contractor along with the planning on 7'Sep 23) ( Meeting scheduled to present an action plan by UMGC on the Wk of 12'Sep( The IAP
session done and the MoM for action plan and planning shared with contractor.follow up in a weekly basis (UMGC need to perform there
materials (Scaffolding and concret format ) (UMGC started concrete for strip beams of foundations, civil construction under progress (22%) )
=> New Follow with UMGC/CEGELEC the Wk 05'OCT MoM shared (fixed date to delivere the HT Room on 21'Nov 23/ the rest of the building
the 15'SEPT 23) (New follow :up the Pouring of HT columns at 10M at 80% and completion of the concreting for MT columns (Scaffolding to
be delivred by late the Wk 23'Oct) (Construction at 23% of progress for the building)
=> Jorf Khouribga Pipeline Ultimate need configuration to check with electrical dpt.(session of 7th 02/23 , 2nd session scheduled on 17th
02/23), final need to will be included in Phase II

=> Extension of 60kV Building & Tranformer Bay incl. trafo foundaion.
=> 1 x 50MVA 60/10kV Power Transformer.
Jorf Desalination Phase III => 60kV Bus Bar extension.
7/25/2023 Wave II Scope of work => 1 x 60kV Transformer feeder. NA
PJ DEM => 10kV switchgear (approx. 13 panels incl. Bus Coupler).
=> CRP & SCADA Systems (addition & interfacing with exisitng system).
=> AC & DC Systems (addition & interfacing with exisitng system).

=> Phase 3 Wave II Desalination project : 60Mm3/y to take into consideratoin (50MVA), based on PJ52 material and due to emergency of the
project (SOP Q1 2024), we are trying to prepare an amendment based on engineering outputs; - Done
Jorf Desalination Phase III => Change Note for Amendment Order for Management approval - Done
10/19/2023 Wave II Notes => Engineering alignment meeting done 24th 05/2023 - Engineering team completed uploading of RFQ & other required documents for ITB in Kushal High ongoing 75%
PJ DEM JPI Database on 27th June & 10th July 2023,
=> RCF done with Risk team on 27th 09/2023
=> EMS initiation meeting done with Quality team on 16th 10/2023

=> Price Sheet - Shared with OCP on 07th 06/2023 for information
=> Work Order - WO added in Jsign for JESA management apporval on 19th 06/2023, WO submitted to OCP on 20th June 2023,
OCP responded on 03rd July to include this WO in Global WO for Water Program and same has been communicated to PM of
Jorf Desalination Phase III Water Program - Awaiting approval of WO (Reimbursible) from OCP, WO added in Global WO for Water Program
10/30/2023 Wave II Work Order Kushal / Fourat High ongoing 85%
PJ DEM => Work Order (Cost + Fees) - Submitted to OCP on 03rd 08/2023, approved on 04th 10/2023 and approval of WO
(Reimbursible) still awaited from OCP, follow-up reminders sent to OCP, alignment meeting with OCP team done at JORF on 10th
10/2023; further reminder sent to Water team on 18th 10/2023 to update WO approval status, Water team informed that WO is
approved by OCP

Jorf Desalination Phase III

7/25/2023 Wave II Estimation => Estimation team shared Tender Check (Class-2) estimate with Procurement team on 17th 07/2023 - DONE Kushal High done 100%

Jorf Desalination Phase III => Schedule updated Project completion by end of Feb'2024 (SOP Q1 2024) - DONE
10/31/2023 Wave II Schedule Detailed schedule - Received from CEGELEC on 21st Aug; Revised scheduled to be requested from CEGELEC after KOM propsed to scheduled Kushal High ongoing 90%
PJ DEM on 2nd Nov 2023 awaiting availability confirmation from OCP

=> CN under review with Procurement deptt.; - Procurement team concluded CN and share to us for WO preparation on 28th 07/2023.
Jorf Desalination Phase III Procurement / Change Notice / => WO alongwtih CN - submitted to OCP on 04th 08/2023; OCP requested for explanation for change note & same has been responded on
10/24/2023 Wave II Work Order (C+F) / Purchase 11th 08/2023, further reminder sent on 31st 08/2023 & 06th 09/2023 for approval of WO, follow-up reminder to be sent by 03rd 10/2023, Kushal / Fourat / High ongoing 95%
PJ DEM Order Closed as WO approved on 04th 10/2023 Procurement
=> PO for CEGELEC; PAP approved and Project is released in SAP system, Purchase requisition raised in SAP on 23rd 10/2023 approval
excpected by 24th 10/2023; Purchase Order & Contract amendment signed & issued to CEGELEC

=> RFC & BID Documents - RFC and other bid documents shared with CEGELEC for confirmation on 07th & 10th 07/2023, received of signed &
Jorf Desalination Phase III stamped documents on 13th 07/2023 & 24th 07/2023, Remarks from Engineering team on datasheets expect (Parafoudeur) recevied on 10th
10/19/2023 Wave II RFC & BID Update Aug & 04th Sep'2023; JESA remarks shared to CEGELEC on 10th Aug & 04th Sep'2023; CEGELEC response to JESA clarifications received on Kushal / High done 100%
PJ DEM 18th 09/2023 and shared with Engineering team for review, Engineering team response received on 27th 09/2023 & shared with CEGELEC to Engineering Team
close the Open points - CEGELEC response recevied on 17th 10/2023 and further shared with Engineering team and all points are closed.

JORF Desalination Phase II

(Emergency plan Project and
Pipeline Jorf-Khouribga UN), => Scope TBD based on the capacities to be communicated by Water program, clarification meeting scheduled on 17st 02/23 - done
7/25/2023 and the Evaluate (for Notes => Staffing requested by axis feedback fixed on 14th 03/23 - delayed - closed Kushal / Fourat High done 100%
Desalination => Workshop to schedule for phase II projects configuration with attendance of water program representant - Wk12/13 - done
extension Project)

JORF Desalination Phase II

(Emergency plan Project and => WO submitted to client for signature on 23rd 05/2023, Reminder sent on 07th 06/2023 & 19th 06/2023; OCP responded on 19th 06/2023
Pipeline Jorf-Khouribga UN), that WO is returned to OCP Project team for SGID remarks; Meeting with OCP done on 10th 07/2023, details requested by OCP shared on
10/31/2023 and the Evaluate (for Work Order (FEED Phase) 11th 07/2023 & follow-up reminder sent on 20th 07/2023, 25th 07/2023, 31st 08/2023 & 06th 09/2023, 03rd 10/2023, 19th 10/2023 for Kushal / Fourat High Ongoing 50%
Desalination approval of WO, further reminder to be sent on 31st 10/2023
extension Project)

61mw - 84mw resp. march 24-Aug 24, 2025 to 2030 173 to 912mw power needs action plan to initiate, Discussed with PM in charge, Meeting
2023-03-07 Project AZ Notes held on 27th 02/2023, Electrical FB will be shared by 03rd 02/23 on integration of first need Fourat High To Do
Central Axis
TRACKER UPDATED - 2023-10-31
Projects: Mzinda Substation and Transmission Lines, SPH 400/60 KV GIS and Transmission Lines, Benguérir Substation and Transmission Lines and MPH Cogeneration, PS for Deslination Plants in SAFI

Date Project Subject Notes/Actions In Charge Priority Status Progress

=> Jorf - Chemmaia 400 kV DC transmission line Lilo to be connected to the new Susbstation;
=> 2x400 Kv incoming feeders;
2023-01-02 MPH Scope of work => 3 x 400 kV transformers feeders (200 MVA each with one on stand-by); NA
=> 60 KV AIS with 15 outgoing feeders.
=> Interfaces with the other projects defined

=> Convention initiated by ONEE and to be signed by OCP asap; PA modified and resubmitted for OCP signature, to be done bef. 31st 01/23 -
modified twice "commercial terms update", under OCP signature, new target date to be shared with ONEE on 28th feb.2023 (still under OCP
signature) - Action to follow up with OCP mgt. (*) - Email prepared by JESA management and ready to be shared with OCP mgt (all red below
mentioned points). signed by OCP and shared with ONEE-BE - under ONEE signature - signed ONEE
=> Communication to ONEE with reg. to 3rd PTR feeder bay to be iniated by OCP
2023-05-23 MPH ONE Convention / Protocole d'accord => Official bidder and suppliers list request to ONEE for TL & SSTN Assia / Fourat High To Do 80%
-PA- => Signature to be activated, meanwhile ONEE started working on tender documents and initiated site visit, technical documents to be
shared by ONEE bef. 31st/01 23. tender prepred and ready to be shared remaining ONEE internal tender check committee '' done ", new
target date Wk09 instead of Wk06 : ONEE are waiting for PA to share tender - depending on (*) - Action to follow up with ONEE. ONEE are
working on 400kV tender documents for official submission- done
=> Substation land to be confirmed to ONEE to launch the topographic studies. (done), substation plot plan with lambert cooridnates shared
with ONEE on Wk02 - completed

=> Project is not in the critical path;

=> 02 months floating
2023-05-23 MPH Progress/Schedule => Class.4 estimate request made to estimating team, clarification meeting scheduled on 07th 02/23 - postponed to Wk09 based on ONEE Laila/Drissi Medium ongoing 50%
tender documents delay (EHV SOW to be included)- Initiated waiting for ONEE tender documents, actual scope to be shared by Eletrical lead -
Datas shared with estimating for EHV and PDE - Class 4 estimate under progress. Initial estimate for AMI and tender launch to be received by
estimating dpt.

2023-01-02 MPH General considerations => Back up feeders to be considered for Safi, Mzinda, Benguerir and future Jorf to keep the possibility to connect thos four sites through a HV Fourat High done 100%

=> Workshop for entire Centrale axe electrical program vision scheduled on 19th 01/23 to discuss : progress, issues, coordination with other
=> 02 months floating
=> Prequalification for TL communicated to procurement, under preparation for substation
=> Bidder list for TL communicated to procurement
=> CSS performed on 22nd 05/23 -done (score 96%)
=> PC assessment scheduled on june 23 month
=> CN related to time extension under client discussions - Signed
=>PASS GATE A -done (follow up with actions)

=>Value Creation Worshop -done

2023-05-23 MPH Notes / Actions =>MPH Interface Review with all program - ongoing Laila/Drissi Medium ongoing 50%
=>ISO9001 External Audit - Done
=> ONEE JESA Coordination meeting - done 16/06
=> Site visit avec ONEE au site M'ZINDA le 11-12 /10 done
=> Date décharge déblai à fixer
=> Project Management Assessment for MPH -Done
=>schedule a worshop with OCP to validate the different deliverables - done
=>ONEE must officially send the specifications documents.-received 20.09
=>Programm a meeting with construction team to discuss TSF
=>Uploader Cdc à jour sur Aconex -done
=>Surveillance Change managment on sept 20th - done
=>Lancement des ITB / OHL 400 kV - 400 kV Substation - done
=> CRR1 To pass 02/11/2023

=> FEED phases WO under OCP signature - Action to follow up with OCP mgt.- WO signed (PO number to request) - done
2023-05-23 MPH WO Assia Normal done 100%
=> CN related to time extension under client discussions -Done

2023-03-06 MPH Contracting strategy => Project contracting strategy workshop performed and report shared with client Assia Normal done 100%
=> Possiblity of PTR package consolidation (with SPH Projects) due to delivery issues related to 400kV PTR

1.4 Mm3 of bulk is discharged in the substation location. '

Clarification of who will be in charge of the earthwork / Awaiting of client feedback - Action to follow up with OCP mgt. OCP requeseted
2023-05-23 MPH Substation location change of MPH Electrical project position, JESA team has given till late june 2023 to remove extra soil - Action delayed waiting for a Assia High ongoing 50%
confirmation from Central axis team reg. removal start date (as per SteerCo meeting Central axis program manager comitted completion by
late August 2023) - A new location frizeen after coordination meeting on 06th -done
2023-03-06 MPH ESIA Line Formalization of " occuppations temporaires " of property all along OHL part : Awaiting of answer from CRI Assia High ongoing 0%

=> Double circuit 400 kV OHL from Chemmaia-Safi (49km) and 400kV OHL single circuit from safi-Safiec (11km);
=>3 x 400kV line Outgoing feeders (2 from Chemaia and 1 from Safiec)
=>4 x 400kV PTR GIS feeder bay (supply-erection of 4 x200MVA 400/60kV PTR)
2023-01-02 SPH Scope of work =>4*400/60kV transformers (Each 200MVA capacity and 1 syand-by) NA
=>400kV GIS Double-busbar
=> 60 KV GIS (20+ feeders);
=> Connection to Safiec to be finalised.

=> Transmission line, Poste 60/6,6 to be completed as an independant project once all the data is available.
=> 100MV Power supply to provide by late 2024 EHV/HV Safi SSTN vs New HV 60kV TL connected to desalination HV Substation, solutions to
2023-03-06 SPH Dessalination requirement discuss during Wk04 OCP / JESA Meeting discussed a long with updated water program overall requirement in the frame of central and north Fourat Low done 100%
axe programs : meeting held with pipeline team on 24th 01/23 (data to be completed) and also held with dasalination team on 31th 01/23 -
Electrical dpt integration / adaptation performed and shared on 10th 02/23 with water team, feedback given on 23th 02/23- Projects status
will be shared on Wk 08 - Completed

=> 400 kV OHL: TBA completed, Commercial proposals opend, Négotiations ongoing; Bid summary fully signed C+F WO pending at MD level
for signature : delayed because of OCP - JESA TVA issue, Big P process initiated with OCP, waiting for NA from OCP to notify contractor -
Action to follow up with OCP mgt.
2023-05-23 SPH Progress/Schedule =>Follow up with OCP for the NTP to proceed Contract Award of 400kv OHTL SAFI-CHEMAIA-SAFIEC Projects. NA
=> Cegelec offer validity expired on 31st Oct'23 , new request sent by procument to CEGELEC, waiting for the response.
=> 400 and 60KV GIS: ITB launched on 10th May'23, site visit was conducted on 30 & 31st May'23 with 4 bidders and waiting for submission
of technical bids by all the Biders. Date for the technical bids submission fixed as 22nd june'23.
=>Technical offers received from bidders namely GE, Hyosung and SIEMENS on 14th July'23.
=>Technical offers concerned of 400/60/30kV GIS and Chemaia extensions have been shared with ONEE for the examination.
=> Response received from ONEE on 30th Oct'23, shared with JESA engineering teams to consolidate the responses of other desciplines also
to share the final RFC with bidders and to schedule F/F Meetings for technical Harmonization.
=> Meeting was carried out with ONEE on 02.11.23, to discuss about the 2nd Examination carried out by them and to have clarifications of
certain points, before sharing the responses to Bidders.
=> Class.4 estimate meeting to be held and to communicate project TIC, delayed, performed with est. Dpt. Head remaining final meeting
with MD to schedule requested for Wk11 - Estimate will be shared by JESA mgt. with OCP mgt. for approval (SSTN package) - under progress
=>Class 4 estimation is under progress

=> Construction WO to be launched; Request launched Staffing plans received from some disciplines - to be closed by Wk06 and PS to be
shared for client review, delayed remaining FEED : clarif. Meeting fixed on 14th 02/23 and SCM - Closed
=> Project Management Assessment conducted on 30th & 31st 01/23, result = Green- project scored “Green” showing that main controls and
2023-03-27 SPH Notes / Actions requirements are implemented and the project is in very good shape. Expecting ass. report on Wk08.- Awaited close out fixed on 21st 03/23 - Abdelkrim High To Do 50%
done and assessment report shared on 21st 03/23
=>Monthly risk review conducted -Done
=> Schedule for Pass-Gate review with Gate Keeper- to be done (Waiting for confirmation of date)
=> Lessons Learned session -Done
=> Survelliance of risk managemenr- Done
=> Type-2 Risk workshop- Done
=> CRR-1 Review- (Schedueld on 27th Oct'23) (Done)
=> Customer satisfaction survey (CSS)- (to be shared by QA)
=> Schedule meeting with Bidders for technical harmonization.

=> PO N° for Q8001111 to be shared by OCP - done communicated by OCP

=> Contruction staffing shared by JESA for OCP approval bef. Accepted by client - WO under preparation for official submission, WO
submitted for client signature on 16th 05/23
=> Required Expression de Besoin document to process the WO- Client committed to provide the same bu 11th July'23 (Reminder sent to
2023-05-23 SPH WO client on 01st Aug'23) Abdelkrim / Fourat High To Do 50%
=> CN submitted for client signature on 05/06/2023 Wk23 and waiting for feedback-
=>Client committed to provide feed back on 07th July '23, but not received. (Reminder sent to client on 01st Aug'23)
=> Regarding CN, response received from client on 02nd Oct'23 and requesting to prepare a new work order considering the delays occured
and submit for the approval.
=> PEP prepared and to be reviewed internally before sharing with Client for review.
=> Revised Staffing prepared and Price sheet shared with Client for feedback.

=> ONEE/Meeting;
=> Commercial proposal at 200 MMAD (without the transmission line);
2023-01-02 SPH SAFIEC Connection => OCP to take the lead or to be present in the meetings with ONEE; Fourat High done 100%
=> Reminder sent to ONEE and response received stating that Discussions with M/s Hyosung are in progress in order to finalize the safiec

=> We need to take the lead on:

- Discussions with ONEE to get the convention signed;
2023-02-20 Benguerir Scope of work - Scope of the project for the development needs (Axe centre and Renewables connection) Assia / Fourat High done 100%
Letter prepared to request ONEE power supply connection thoughout 400kV / 60kV - completed (PV scope also included), discussions with
ONEE under progress, expecting Benguerir Electrical confirguration on Wk08 by ONEE
- "profil de charge journalier" requested by ONEE - Sent to client inculding all center axis sites on 09th 02/23 - completed

2023-03-06 Benguerir Substation position / footprint Meeting to be held with PV project to discuss best substation position (done) Assia / Fourat High done 100%

=> Staffings Requested on 16th 03/23, waiting for major disciplines sttafing : staffings received and PS shared with client for approval -
2023-05-23 Benguerir WO completed PS shared with client for approval - on hold Assia / Fourat High To Do 50%

2023-05-23 Benguerir ONE Convention / Protocole d'accord Fourat /

-PA- => Benguerir Grid Configuration requested by OCP, expecting ONEE-BE feedback to initiate the PA - On hold Abdelhadi
High To Do 50%

=> KOM to schedule with client To be planned

2023-05-23 Benguerir Notes / Actions => Discussions between SGID and OGE for taking in charge Benguerir Electrical project (Power balance to be communicated to OCP) Laila/Drissi High To Do 20%
=> Attente expression de besoin de la part de l'OCP
=> Meeting with OGE to discuss energy need for all projects in benguerir area. 17.08.2023

=> Scope TBD based on the capacities to be communicated by Water program, done on 03st 01/23, after Electrical dpt and project analysis,
feedback has been given to water prog on 10th 02/23, feedback given on 23th 02/23
=> Mapping program meeting (2nd session) held between JESA and OCP on 10th 02/23 - updated status shared with water team on 24th
2023-07-25 SAFI Desalination Notes 02/2023 Kushal / Fourat High Ongoing 60%
PH 2 => Staffing requested to prepare overall central axis WO (Cllarification meetings held with SCM & E&D dpts) - only E&D staffing pending
=> Review meeting made with water team, Price Sheet shared with OCP for approval bef. official submission.
=> Pipe line 1 & 2 Project - Electrical Engineering team requested for KOM with all concerned disciplines before assigning LEAD engineer for
the Project, KOM date to be finalized & intimated to all concerned after apporval of WO by OCP.

=> WO submitted to client for signature on 23rd 05/2023, Reminder sent on 07th 06/2023 & 19th 06/2023; OCP responded on 19th 06/2023
2023-10-31 SAFI Desalination Work Order (FEED Phase) that exorbitant amount & scope redefinition and to asked for meeting; Meeting with OCP done on 10th 07/2023, details requested by OCP Kushal High Ongoing 50%
PH 2 shared on 11th 07/2023 & follow-up reminder sent on 20th 07/2023, 25th 07/2023, 31st 08/2023 & 06th 09/2023, 03rd 10/2023, 19th
10/2023 for approval of WO, further reminder to be sent on 31st 10/2023

2 Sr PEs (for SPH and Water Grid) under progress "delayed" 1 Sr PE joined and 1 PE (for MPH) closed joined. New hiring profiles have been
2023-07-18 Central axis PE/PMs HR hiring process identified after OCP / JESA water program meeting held on 07th 02/23 : 1 PM Approved for water and 1 PE Kushal / Fourat High To Do 0%
projects Remaining 1 PM, 1 Sr PE & 1 Associate PE for PS water (to be hired) intimated to HR for Interview of shortlisted candidates, yet to get
boarding confimation from HR
South Axis
TRACKER UPDATED - 2023-10-31
Projects: 225kV GIS, Electrical Distribution, SCADA

Date Project Subject Notes/Actions In Charge Priority Status Progress

=> Existing 225 kV transmission line to be dropped on the new Susbstation;

=> 225 kV transmission line to link the existing and the new 225kV Susbstations;
=> 3x225 Kv outgoing feeders;
=> 2 x 225 kV transformers feeders;
=> 2 x 225/132 kV transformers (80/100 MVA each with one on stand-by);
2023-04-07 PFC - 225kV GIS Scope of work => 4x132kV feeders. 2 for the mine and 2 for PFC NA
Optional Lot for the operator :
=> 2x132kV transformers feeders
=> 2x132/30kV transformers (50/62.5MVA each with one on stand-by);
=> 30kV switchgear
=> 30kV link with the existing MV building
=> Interfaces with the other projects defined

2023-05-23 PFC - 225kV GIS Notes => Presentation related to comparaison study case for rushing delivery of existing 30/132kV upgrade (construction of new 225/132/30kV Fourat / Khalil High done 100%
SSTN vs 30/132 tranformation upgrade) shared with client showing that advantage has been given to the 225/132/30kV PFC SSTN) - done

=> PA initiation letter initiated by JESA and shared with OCP, meeting held with OCP 20th 04/23 and OCP confirmed that they will
share the letter ASAP - letter shared by OCP
=> ONEE to include 225kV SSTN part along with TL portion - Deviation list to be communicated by ONEE on Wk22 (Based on the
list OCP will choose the option selected) - OCP has to confirme if they received the deviation list sent by ONEE - JESA will make a
note to advise OCP which ONEE option has to be choosen - Options list received unofficially by JESA; Upon mutual agreement Fourat /
31/10/2023 PFC - 225kV GIS ONE Convention / Protocole d'accord Mohammed / High ongoing 50%
-PA- JESA/OCP, feeding of the new substation will be through ONEE proposed variant N°1 : feeder 1, single circuit line from PV Abdelhadi
Laayoun substation + feeder 2 from existing line; A draft letter (answer from OCP to ONEE) has been issued and need to be
validated to be sent to OCP - The letter for choosing the connection variante has been sent by OCP to ONEE - 225kV technical
part (CEGELEC & SAFARELEC) extracted and to be shared with ONEE for analysis. BUTEC has only signed JESA document without
filling them. BEST has submitted their technical offers. GR SHAKER HOLDING / CONISYS SPA, ELSEWEDY, L&T has declined
=> Unofficial discussion with ONEE - Under progress
=> JESA has requested from OCP to send a letter to ONEE to act as a "MOD" in order to ease the process to finalize the "Protocol
=> ITB to be discussed with ONEE - tender launched
=> ONEE tender documents to be ammended to 225kV GIS part and shared with bidders bef. 09/06/2023 - under progress (ONEE
tender documents expected on 14/06) - submitted to bidders 16/06

=> Project is not in the critical path;

=> No months floating Fourat /
=> Class.3 estimate request made to estimating team. Meeting scheduled with estimating on 23rd 05/23 to discuss estimation made for Mohammed /
31/10/2023 PFC - ENERGY GRID Estimation entire project - All MTOs received from engineering team and shared with estimation team - completed Class 4 estimation - Finalised by High ongoing 80%
Estimation team to be shared with Project Managment Team. Estimation shared with client Estimating dpt
=> Class 4 estimation updated by removing the amount for the lot 2 of the GIS 225kV substation following the alignment meeting with the
client => DONE

Project start up assessment:

=> PEP update : DONE Mohammed /
31/10/2023 PFC - ENERGY GRID Quality => Initiation task list : Done High ongoing 20%
=> Type 1 risk register: DONE and performed monthly

=> Schedule updated (GIS substation & Electrical distribution)- SOP DATE end 2024 - DONE Mohammed/
2023-06-20 PFC - ENERGY GRID Schedule Khalil/Schedule High ongoing 80%
=> Schedule update SCADA - CN sent to client 16/06 - Awaiting client approval for CN

2023-06-20 PFC - 225kV GIS Progress => As per the cost control, the harmonisation phase can not be added to the phase 3 basic design progress / S-Curve Khalil Medium To Do 0%

Fourat /
=> 1st Meeting held with the client on 06/04/2023 Mohammed
2023-05-23 PFC - 225kV GIS Technical optimisations => 132kV insulation level changed from 170kV to 145kV and other optimisations discussed High done 100%
=> Engineering is working on additionnal optimisations Engineering

=> CN under preparation by engineering, to be shared with client on Wk18 at latest. CN shared with client & under discussion - metting
scheduled 06/06/2023 to try to optimize the CN as requested by the client - Optimisations have been done; CN sent to client 14/06 - Another Fourat
31/10/2023 PFC - 225kV GIS Change Notice optimisation done and explanation provided to the client about the amount on the chnage, a meeting was held between PM, PCM of OCP and /Mohammed/ High ongoing 80%
JESA to discuss the change. a meeting will be held on 24th of August for change review with OCP PC team (meeting postponed to the 29th of Khalil
August) - CN signed by OCP PM- RWO under preparation - Scope Change Order (SCO) sent to client for signature to be added to the RWO
=> Clarification meeting scheduled on 11/04/2023 in order to explain the project split in 2 lots

=> The ITB has to be updated in order to take into consideration the split in 2 lots and the agreed technical optimisations with the client - Fourat /
2023-05-23 PFC - 225kV GIS ITB update Khalil High done 100%
under progress - completion comitted by eng. Dpt on 20th 05/23 - completed

=>The deadline to submit the technical offers was the 24th may.JESA has given to the suppliers addition time to submit their technical offer +
commercial offer (deadline : 15th june) - As per ONEE tender documents to be ammended to 225kV GIS part, the new deadline for technical
& commercial offer is 30/06/2023 -
Technical offer (initiale deadline 28/06) Mohammed/
31/10/2023 PFC - 225kV GIS RFC + Commercial offer - CEGELEC, BUTEC & SAFARELEC have submitted their offers on 28th June, BEST on 20/07, RFC under progress (deadline TBD). High ongoing 60%
- Larsen & Toubro, ELSEWEDY ELECTRIC T&D & GR SHAKER HOLDING / CONISYS SPA have declined. Procurement
- RFC sent to bidders, feedback expected on 25/08/2023 - RFC rev 1 sent to bidders, face to face meeting held with BEST et SAFARELEC on
19th October and on 25th October with CEGELEC. BUTEC didn't attend to the meeting scheduled on 20/10.
Clemessy has been contacted to bid on this project. A meeting has been scheduled on 31/10 with Elsewedy to present them the project so
they can submit a technical offer.

=> New P1 / P0 Electrical HV/MV - MV/MV substations

PFC - Electrical => MV network (MV consumers feeding lines)
2023-04-14 Scope of work => 10kV Diesel generator NA
=> OSBL package : Extension of MV-LV pannels in P0 SSTN
=> E&I Handling Electrical substations

=> P0/P1 Package under technical harmonizations

PFC - Electrical => 2 bidders, meeting with clemessy and SCM scheduled on 14/04/2023 to bring them back to technical phase after their renounce due to Fourat /
2023-05-23 Notes legal exclusions : Legal accepted responsibility limitation throughout a comfort letter (Eiffage), Butec (Ex Engie) have been also added and High done 100%
distribution Khalil & Fouad
15days have been given to them to submit their technical offer
Eiffagge Clemessy have not accepted exclusions

=> Technical RFC shared with bidders 06/02/2023 - feedback expected by latest 06/07/2023 end of the day
=> Administratif RFC to be shared with bidders by 06/06/2023 - Done; technical and administrative feedback expected 06/14/2023 - Technical
offers received from (BEST 16/06 & CEGELEC 19/06) incomplet ; new deadline given to bidders (20/06 end of the day) to receive tehnical
offers + RFC & Electrical datasheet updated - CEGELEC & BEST ELEKTRIK have submitted their technical offers on the 28th june, technical and Fourat/
2023-09-12 PFC - P0/P1 Technical harmonization administratif analysis under progress (deadline 14/07). BUTEC hasn't submitted their technical offer yet (deadline was on 28th june) - Mohammed/ High ongoing 95%
CEGELEC has submitted the 132 kV GIS part on 24/07 Khalil/Engineering
TBA finalisation set to be done on 11 aug 23
Technical harmonisation - RFC signed by bidders
TBA including the exclusion of Clemessy - signed and sent to procurement

=> In order to ask the bidders to submit their commercial offers, updated BOQ have been required from Engineering : Done for all disciplines
except Elec & VDS (under progress) - All BOQ submitted to procurement 16/06, awaiting confirmation from procurement to know if they have
submited to bidders - Procurement have sent to bidders the BOQs and have requested the commercial offers by 6th July. BOQ GC have been
updated (the underground trench btw P0 & P1 have been removed) - TO BE SUBMITTED TO BIDDERS
31/10/2023 PFC - P0/P1 Commercial offers BUTEC & BEST have requested an extention of time (BUTEC: 20/7 ; BEST : 27/07). CEGELEC has declared that they can not submit their ENG/PM/PE/ High ongoing 50%
commercial offer as the technical harmosation is not closed yet.- Commercial offers requested (deadline Extended to : 13/10) 2 offers PROCUREMENT
received on 13/10 (CEGELEC & BEST), BUTEC requested an extension. In order to give this extension of time JESA required from BUTEC to
clarify officially whether they are interested on this project. The contract template has been updated and sent to the bidders for signature
(deadline 24/10). As per the modified contract, Clemessy has been requested to submit their technical offer on 03/11 and commercial offer
by 15/11.

2023-07-25 PFC - P0/P1 P0/P1 - Power Blance Engineering is updating the power balance according to the updated needs expressed by the units. The power need will be split between ENG High ongoing 100%
P0/P1 in order to avoid affect the initial design used to launch the ITB - Done

EDG: Awaiting for the awarding of mechanical packages within the PFC Program to get a required inputs Fourat/
2023-10-31 EDG/MV ITB MV Network: Civil & Cable : Cable and trench routing design under progress as VRD and others disciplines have not finalised their routing / Mohammed/ High ongoing 30%
Network/OSBL Trench technical solution under progress to be shared with client for approval - Khalil/Engineering
OSBL: Awaiting for inputs from PP and Air compressor projects -

2023-06-20 PFC - EDG Engineering => Basic design have been initiated by engineering team ENG

Monitoring of the followings :

a- PFC program
b- Existing value chain from the Boucraa mine to the chemical complex in Laayoune (This item is not part of the WO. During the KOM, the
2023-05-23 SCADA Scope of work client raised this need. A change notice must be made) N/A
1) FO link from PFC program to the SCADA system
2) Computer rack on each units to connect the SCADA FO to the Unit FO

=> Make the CN - Done and submitted to client 14/06, awaiting validation from client - CN to be approved by client (same as CN GIS 225kV). a Fourat
23/10/2023 SCADA CN meeting will be held on 24th of August for change review with OCP PC team (meeting postponed to the 29th of August) - RWO under progress /Mohammed/ High Ongoing 90%
- Scope Change Order (SCO) sent to client for signature to be added to the RWO Khalil / EM / PCM
=> Schedule a workshop with PM to validate the CN before sending it to the PCM - meeting scheduled with PM 06/06/2023

Shared with client for approval on 24/07 Fourat

2023-07-25 FTTX ITB /Mohammed/ High Ongoing 60%
client request a meeting to discuss FTTX & SCADA
Khalil / EM

=> Inputs requested to client

=> A workshop has been done with the ENG team in order to list the needed inputs Fourat
31/10/2023 SCADA Inputs OCP /Mohammed/ High Ongoing 50%
=> Meeting held with client on 18th to have the requested inputs
=> A meeting has been held with ENG & client on 24/10 to present the progress and the DIGITAL general concept & KPIs Khalil

=> Price sheet submitted and accepted by the client - done

132kV SUBSTATION => Preliminary PEP preparation -done Fourat
23/10/2023 WO => submission to client of WO for signature on the 31/08/2023 /Mohammed/ High Ongoing 80%
=> WO signed by the client, KOM held on 23rd October 23 Khalil
=> Mobilization of the team requested to head of disciplines in E&D department
Africa Axis, Tenders
TRACKER UPDATED - 2023-10-31
Tenders: Gridco, Ghana ;

Date Project / Tender Subject Notes/Actions In Charge Priority Status Progress

=> PQ for FORM6 - Human Resource Profiles; Required Human Resource profiles to meet the PQ requirements of Form6 have been updated,
330 kV Accra - awaiting profiles of Geotechnical expert & Surveyor profiles
Kumasi Prequalification => PQ for FORM5 - Experience for 8 nos. Similar Projects; Requisite Project details to meet the PQ requirements of Form5 have been
2023-10-31 Transmission Line for updated, awaiting project references for 4 nos. Similar Projects meeting criteria for Environmental & Social - RAP, LRP Fourat / Kushal / High ongoing 70%
and Associated Implementation Consultant => PQ for FORM6 - Human Resource Profiles (Local for Environmental & Social/RAP Expert); Awaiting profiles of Environmental & Social/RAP Adil / Eddy
Substations Expert from Local parties (Transient & Mansa).
Submission Deadline - 09th Nov'2023

AO Cote d'ivoire – Prequalification Fourat / Kushal /

2023-06-26 Power Grid for Done High done 100%
Adil /
Availability Implementation Consultant
To Do High
Ongoing Normal
To be Approved Medium
Done Low

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