3.1 Preliminary Examination

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Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. What is the process of directing the movement of a ship from one point to other in a shortest,
convenient and safest way
a. Terrestial Navigation c. Navigation
b. Coastal Navigation d. Piloting
____ 2. What is a conventional representation, usually on a plane surface, of all or part of the physical
features of the Earth’s surface.
a. Coastal chart c. Map
b. Synoptic chart d. Chart
____ 3. What is a kind of navigation which make use of lighthouse, buoys, headlands as a means of
determining the position of the ship.
a. Terrestial Navigation c. Piloting
b. Coastal Navigation d. Navigation
____ 4. This describe to a structure with a powerful light built on or near the shore to guide the ship away
from danger.
a. Buoy c. Beacon
b. Lighthouse d. Headlands
____ 5. This describe to a floating object moored to the bottom to mark a channel or something lying
underwater (such as shoal).
a. Lighthouse c. Buoys
b. Beacons d. Racons
____ 6. This is to identify a point of usually high lands jutting out into a body of water.
a. Beacons c. Racons
b. Headlands d. Buoys
____ 7. This express to a chart which used for a long voyage
a. Sailing chart c. Harbor chart
b. Coastal chart d. General chart
____ 8. This illustrate to a chart which are intended for coastwise navigation outside outlying reefs and
a. Coastal chart c. General chart
b. Sailing chart d. Harbor chart
____ 9. A chart used for entering and leaving bays of considerable width, and navigating large waterways.
a. Sailing chart c. General chart
b. Coastal chart d. Harbor chart
____ 10. This illustrate to a chart with specially designed and intended primarily use for navigation.

a. Coastal chart c. General chart

b. Harbor chart d. Nautical chart
____ 11. What is a chart presents in graphic form and averages obtained.
a. Sailing chart c. Coastal chart
b. Pilot chart d. General chart
____ 12. What is a topographic chart of the bed of a body of water, or part of it.
a. Sailing chart c. Isomagnetic chart
b. Pilot chart d. Bathymetric chart
____ 13. What is a chart usually showing a graticule and compass rose designed to be ancillary to standard
nautical chart.
a. Sailing chart c. Plotting chart
b. Pilot chart d. Bathymetric chart
____ 14. This describe to a chart on which tidal current data are depicted graphically.
a. Pilot chart c. Synoptic chart
b. Tidal current chart d. Isomagnetic chart
____ 15. This is describe to a Charts showing lines of equality of some magnetic elements.
a. Isomagnetic chart c. Bathymetric chart
b. Synoptic chart d. Weather chart
____ 16. This describe to a type of cylindrical map projection in which the lines of latitude and longitude
intersect at right angles.
a. Polyconic projection c. Gnomonic projection
b. Mercator projection d. Universal transverse mercator
____ 17. This describe to a standard set of map projections with a central meridian for each six-degree wide
UTM zone.
a. Polyconic projection c. Gnomonic projection

b. Mercator projection d. Universal transverse mercator

____ 18. This illustrate to a map projection consisting of a composite series of concentric cones each of
which before being unrolled has been placed over a sphere so as to be tangent to a different parallel
of latitude.
a. Polyconic projection c. Gnomonic projection
b. Mercator projection d. Universal Transverse mecator
____ 19. This illustrate to a map projection displays all great circles as straight lines, resulting in any straight
line segment on a gnomonic map showing a geodesic, the shortest route between the segment's two
end points.
a. Mercator projection c. Gnomonic projection
b. Polyconic projection d. Universal Transverse mercator
____ 20. 125 Nautical Mile is how many degrees on the Latitude scale?
a. 2 degrees c. 1 degree
b. 1 degree and 55 minutes d. 2 Degree and 5 minutes
____ 21. What is a comprehensive reference in graphical and textual form of all charts and publication
a. Catalogue c. catalogue of chart
b. NP 132 catalogue d. Admiralty chart catalogue
____ 22. What is no. 2 contents of a Admiralty Chart Catalogue
a. Overview c. Digital services
b. Charts d. Planning chart
____ 23. What is no.3 contents of a Admiralty chart catalogue
a. Charts c. Digital services
b. Overview d. Planning charts
____ 24. This express in Admiralty standard nautical charts index AA stands for_____________.
a. The world c. Southwest England, Britany
b. Planning charts d. Irish sea, East england
____ 25. This express in Admiralty standard nautical charts index B3 stands for_____________.
a. Irish sea, East of England c. North sea, Skagerrak
b. Scotland & adjacent Islands Iceland d. Kattegat, Baltic Entrances
____ 26. This express in Admiralty standard nautical charts index C stands for_____________.
a. Scotland & adjacent Islands Iceland c. North sea, Skagerrak
b. Irish sea, East England d. Kattegat, Baltic Entrances
____ 27. This express in Admiralty standard nautical charts index D1 stands for_____________.
a. North sea, Skagerrak c. Scotland & adjacent Islands Iceland
b. Kattegat, Baltic Entrances d. Irish sea, East England
____ 28. This illustrate and simplifies the passage planning process by making the identification of T&P NMs
relevant to the intended voyage quick and easy.
a. Admiralty list of light c. Admiralty list buoys
b. ADMIRALTY Digital Catalogue d. Admiralty list of chart

____ 29. This illustrate to a notes are indicative of the catalogue pages of the area's larger scale charts.
____ 30. This illustrate for the large scale chart series of Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean the
note ___________________ is printed on the catalogue notes.
____ 31. What is a circle on the surface of a sphere that lies in a plane passing through the sphere's center.
a. Small circle c. Spherical angle
b. Great circle d. Spherical triangle
____ 32. What is a circle formed on the surface of a sphere by the intersection of a plane that does not pass through the
center of the sphere.
a. Small circle c. Spherical angle
b. Great circle d. Spherical triangle
____ 33. What is an imaginary line drawn around the earth equally distant from both poles, dividing the earth into
northern and southern hemispheres and constituting the parallel of latitude 0°.
a. Meridian c. Latitude
b. Longitude d. Equator
____ 34. Prime Meridian is equal to how many degrees?
a. 180 degrees E c. 360 degree
b. 180 degrees W d. 0 degree
____ 35. South pole is equal to how many degrees from the equator?
a. 90 degrees S c. 180 degrees W
b. 180 degrees E d. 90 degrees N
____ 36. 1 Degree of Latitude is equal to how many Nautical Miles?
a. 6 N.M. c. 60 N.M.
b. 30 N.M. d. 70 N.M.
____ 37. 3 Degrees of Latitude is equal to how many Nautical Miles?
a. 150 N.M. c. 160 N.M.
b. 120 N.M. d. 180 N.M.
____ 38. This illustrate On which scale on a Mercator chart serves as the distance scale.

a. Longitude scale c. Compass rose scale

b. Latitude scale d. Meridians scale
____ 39. Instrument use to transfer the distance between two charted objects to the latitude scale or from the
latitude scale to any points on the chart.
a. Divider c. Graduated tringle
b. Parallel ruler d. Compass
____ 40. Instruments used by navigators to draw parallel lines on charts.
a. Divider c. Graduated tringle
b. Parallel ruler d. Compass
____ 41. What is Notice of Publication number does .Admiralty Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty
paper charts
a. NP131 c. NP100
b. NP5011 d. NP130
____ 42. What kind of buoy marks edge of channel
a. Lateral Buoy c. Isolated buoy
b. Cardinal buoy d. Safe water buoy
____ 43. What kind of buoy marks area to avoid
a. Isolated buoy c. Lateral buoy
b. Cardinal buoy d. Safe water buoy
____ 44. Is the study and description of the physical features of an area, for example its hills, valleys,
or rivers, or the representation of these features on maps.
a. Topography c. Biography
b. Hydrography d. Geography
____ 45. Is the branch of applied sciences which deals with the measurement and description of the physical
features of oceans, seas, coastal areas, lakes and rivers, as well as with the prediction of their change
over time, for the primary purpose of safety of navigation.
a. Topography c. Geography
b. Hydrography d. Biography
____ 46. In NP 5011 under topography content what letter “E” describes
a. Natural features c. Landmarks
b. Cultural features d. Ports
____ 47. In NP 5011 under Hydrography content what letter “H” describes
a. Depths c. Natures of the seabed
b. Tides, Current d. Offshore instillation
____ 48. Under aids to navigation and services Letter “P” stands for__________
a. Lights c. Fog signals
b. Buoys, Beacons d. Services
____ 49. This illustrate structure ( such as a tower) with powerful light that gives a continuous or intermittent
signals built on or near the shore to guide the ships away from danger.

a. Lighthouse c. Beacons
b. Buoys d. Headlands

____ 50. This illustrate to an object that floats on water in a lake, bay river, sea, etc., to show area that are safe or
dangerous for ship.
a. Buoys c. Headlands
b. Beacons d. Lighthouse
Answer Section


1. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1

TOP: Week 1 KEY: Knowledge
2. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 1 KEY: Knowledge
3. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 1 KEY: Knowledge
4. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 1 KEY: Understanding
5. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 1 KEY: Understanding
6. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 1 KEY: Understanding
7. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 1 KEY: Understanding
8. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 1 KEY: Proficiency
9. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 1 KEY: Proficiency
10. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 1 KEY: Proficiency
11. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 2 KEY: Knowledge
12. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 2 KEY: Knowledge
13. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 2 KEY: Knowledge
14. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 2 KEY: Understanding
15. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 2 KEY: Understanding
16. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 2 KEY: Understanding
17. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 2 KEY: Understanding
18. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 2 KEY: Proficiency
19. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 2 KEY: Proficiency
20. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.1
TOP: Week 2 KEY: Proficiency
21. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.c1 OBJ: LO 1.2
TOP: WEEK 3 KEY: Knowledge
22. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.2
TOP: Week 3 KEY: Knowledge
23. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.2
TOP: Week 3 KEY: Knowledge
24. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.2
TOP: Week 3 KEY: Understanding
25. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.2
TOP: Week 3 KEY: Understanding
26. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.2
TOP: Week 3 KEY: Understanding
27. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.2
TOP: Week 3 KEY: Understanding
28. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.2
TOP: Week 3 KEY: Proficiency
29. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.2
TOP: Week 3 KEY: Proficiency
30. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.2
TOP: Week 3 KEY: UNderstanding
31. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 4 KEY: Knowledge
32. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 4 KEY: Knowledge
33. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 4 KEY: Knowledge
34. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 4 KEY: Understanding
35. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 4 KEY: Understanding
36. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 4 KEY: Understanding
37. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: Lo 1.3
TOP: Week 4 KEY: Understanding
38. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 4 KEY: Proficiency
39. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 4 KEY: Proficiency
40. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.c1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 4 KEY: Proficiency
41. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 5 KEY: Knowledge
42. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 5 KEY: Knowledge
43. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 5 KEY: Knowledge
44. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 5 KEY: Understanding
45. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 5 KEY: Understanding
46. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 5 KEY: Understanding
47. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 5 KEY: Understanding
48. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 5 KEY: Proficiency
49. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 5 KEY: Proficiency
50. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: A-II/1F1.C1 OBJ: LO 1.3
TOP: Week 5 KEY: Proficiency

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