Analysis of SRAM Bitcells Using Ultralow-Voltage Schmitt-Trigger Based Design

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-4, April 2014

Analysis of SRAM bitcells using Ultralow-Voltage

Schmitt-Trigger based Design
Krishnaprasad.S, Manibharathi.N, Devasenathipathi.P.R

cross-coupled inverter stability is important to achieve better

Abstract Schmitt-Trigger (ST) based differential sensing Read & Write Stability. The main objective is to achieve Low
static random access memory (SRAM) bitcells for ultralow power, Low voltage, and Lower Leakage Current design
voltage operation is analyzed. The fundamental conflicting SRAM design and provide the better Read Stability & Write
design requirement of the read versus write operation of a
conventional 6T bit cell is addressed by ST-based differential
sensing SRAM bitcells. The ST operation gives better
To maximize the battery lifetime, each electronic devices
read-stability as well as better read-failure probability consume very low power. Various techniques have been
compared to the standard 6T bitcell. The proposed ST based implemented to minimize the power consumption [1]. The
bitcells incorporate a built-in feedback mechanism. Balancing significant impact on the overall power dissipation is Supply
the trade-offs between small areas, low powers, fast reads/writes voltage scaling. In the supply voltage reduction, the dynamic
are an essential part of SRAM design. That is, SRAM design power quadratically reduced while the leakage power reduces
requires to balancing among the various design criteria such as linearly [1]. Due to the supply voltage is reduction, the
minimizing cell area using smaller transistor, maintaining sensitivity of circuit parameters and process variations
read/write stability, minimizing power consumption by reducing
increases. This variation limits the circuit operation
power supply, minimizing read/write access time, minimizing
leakage current, reducing bit-line swing to reduce power
particularly for SRAM bitcells employing minimum-sized
consumption. A detailed comparison of 6T bitcell shows that the transistors [2], [3]. These minimum geometry transistors are
ST based bitcell can operate at lower supply voltages. vulnerable to inter-die as well as intra-die process variations.
Measurement results carried out in 180-nm CMOS technology Intra-die process variations include line edge roughness
and various SRAM metrics has been compared. (LER) and random dopant fluctuation (RDF). This may result
in the threshold voltage mismatch between the adjacent
Index Terms Schmitt-Trigger, Static RAM, Read-stability, transistors in a memory bitcell, resulting in asymmetrical
Read-failure, Power consumption. characteristics [4]. The effects of the lower supply voltage
along with the increased process variations may lead to
increased memory failures such as hold-failure read and write
I. INTRODUCTION failure, and access-time failure [4]. Moreover, occupy a
significant portion of the total die area, it is predicted that
The power requirement for battery operated devices such embedded cache memories, which are expected to failures
as cell phones and medical devices is even more stringent with with scaling [2].
the scaling of the device dimensions. Reducing the supply In a given process technology, the maximum supply
voltage reduces the dynamic power quadratic ally and leakage voltage (referred to as Vmax) for the transistor operation is
power linearly. This has resulted in circuits operating at a determined by the process constraints such as gate-oxide
supply voltage lower than the threshold voltage of a transistor. reliability limits Vmax is reducing with the technology scaling
However, the reduction in supply voltage may lead to due to gate-oxide thickness scaling. The get the minimum
increased memory failures such as read-failure, hold failure supply voltage for SRAM bitcells, for a given performance
and write-failure. For a stable SRAM bitcell operating at requirement (referred to as Vmin), is limited by the increased
lower supply voltages, the inverter pair stability should be process variations (both random and die-to-die) and the
improved. The proposed Schmitt trigger based differential increased sensitivity of circuit parameters at lower supply
bitcell having built-in feedback mechanism for improve the voltage. In the technology scaling Vmin is increasing, and the
stability of the inverter pair under low voltage operation. gap between Vmax and Vmin is very close together [5]. For a
Lowering the supply voltage is an effective way to achieve wide voltage range to enable SRAM bitcell operation, Vmin
ultra-low-power operation. Here we evaluated ST-based has to be further lowered. Various design solutions such as
SRAM bitcells suitable for ultra-low-voltage applications. read and write assist techniques and bitcell configuration
The built-in feedback mechanism in the ST bitcell can be techniques have been explored. Read and write assist
effective for nanoscaled technologies. The ST operation gives techniques control the magnitude and the duration of different
better read-stability as well as better write-ability compared to node biases (such as bit-line, word-line, bitcell VSS and
the standard 6T bitcell. For successful SRAM operation the VCC). In this case, SRAM Vmin can be lowered without
adding extra transistors to the sixtransistor (6T) bitcell. To
Manuscript received April 19, 2014. enable low-voltage operation, various bitcell topologies are
S. Krishnaprasad, M.E degree in Applied Electronics in Dr.Pauls also proposed. In this work, focus only on various bitcell
Engineering College, Anna University, Chennai, India. configurations and believe that read and write assist circuits
N.Manibharathi, M.E degree in Applied Electronics in Dr.Pauls
Engineering College, Anna University, Chennai, India can be applied to these bitcell configurations for further Vmin
P.R.Devasenathipathi, Professor in Dr.Pauls Engineering College, reduction.
Anna University, Chennai, India.

Analysis of SRAM bitcells using Ultralow-Voltage Schmitt-Trigger based Design


Several SRAM bitcells have been proposed based on bit
density, area, timing specification and low voltage operation.
Fig. 1 lists the SRAM bitcells having four to ten transistors. In
the fourtransistor (4T) load less bitcell, pMOS devices act as
access transistors [6]. The design requirement is such that
pMOS OFF state current should be more than the pull-down
nMOS transistor leakage current for maintaining the data
value reliably 1. With increasing process variations and the
sub-threshold current on the threshold voltage is to satisfying
this design requirement by the different process, voltage, and
temperature (PVT) conditions may be challenging.
5T bitcell consists of asymmetric cross coupled inverters
with a single bitline [7]. Separate bitline precharge voltages
are used for read and write operations. The precharge voltage
in the intermediate read bitline requires dc to ac converter.
Across PVT corners to track the read precharge voltage 4TSRAM
would require additional design margins in bitcell sizing. A
6T bitcell comprises of two cross-coupled CMOS inverters, it
can be accessed by two nMOS access transistors. A
single-ended 6T bitcell uses a full transmission gate at one
side [8]. Write-ability is achieved by modulating the
virtual-VCC and virtual-VSS of one of the inverters. In the
single-ended 7T bitcell consists of single-ended write
operation and a separate read port.
The single-ended write operation in this 7T bitcell needs
either asymmetrical inverter characteristics or differential
VSS and VCC bias. The proposed another single-ended 7T
bitcell in which an extra transistor is added in the pull-down
path of one of the inverters. During this read mode, to
isolating the corresponding storage node from VSS when the
extra transistor is turned OFF. This gives results in 6T SRAM
read-disturb-free operation. The feedback between the two
inverters is cut off during the write operation in differential 7T
bitcell [12]. The successful write operation in an inverter
sizing produces asymmetrical noise margins. The extra
transistors are added to the conventional 6T bitcell to separate
read and write operation, it gives the single-ended 8T bitcell.
The 9T bitcell provides differential read-disturb-free
operation [18]. In a single-ended 9T bitcell, separate read port
is used to decouple read and write operation which is similar
to the single-ended 8T bitcell. In 9T bitcell the stacked read
access transistors are used to reduce the bitline leakage.
Recently, the differential 8T bitcells utilizing RWL/WWL
cross-point array and data-dependent VCC have also been
reported [13]. Single-ended 10T bitcells are similar to the 8T SRAM
single-ended 8T bitcell except for the read port
configurations. Here to control the read bitline leakage the
additional transistors are used [17], [18]. The single-ended
transmission-gate 10T bitcell contents are buffered using an
inverter and then transferred to the read bitline whenever the
bitcell is accessed. To eliminate domino-style read-bitline
sensing transmission gates are used.


Fig.1 Different SRAM bitcell configurations

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-4, April 2014
Thus, read bitline does not require precharge and keeper Fig.3 shows the schematics of the ST-1 bitcell. The ST-1
transistor. Also, the read-bitline toggling is avoided if the bitcell utilizes differential sensing with ten transistors, one
accessed data are unchanged. A differential 10T bitcell with word-line (WL), and two bitline (BL/BR). Transistors
two separate ports for read-disturb- free operation [19]. The PL-NL1-NL2-NFL forms one ST inverter while
read-disturb-free differential 10T bitcell is suitable for PR-NR1-NR2-NFR forms another ST inverter. Feedback
bit-interleaved architecture [20]. However, series-connected transistors NFL/NFR raise the switching threshold of the
write access transistors degrade the write-ability of the bitcell inverter during the 01 input transition giving the ST action.
and needs write-assist circuits such as word-line boosting for
a successful write operation.


In order to resolve the conflicting read versus write design

requirements in the conventional 6T bitcell, we apply the
Schmitt Trigger (ST) principle for the cross-coupled inverter
pair. To modulate the switching threshold of an inverter,
Schmitt trigger is used and it depending on the direction of the
input transition. The feedback mechanism is used only in the
pull-down path in the proposed ST SRAM bitcells. During
input transition, the feedback transistor (NF) tries to preserve
the logic 1 at output node by raising the source voltage of
pull-down nMOS (N1).

Fig.4 ST-2 Bitcell Schematics

The Fig.4 shows the ST-2 Bitcell Schematics. ST-2

bitcell utilizes the differential sensing with ten transistors, two
word-lines (WL/WWL), and two bitline (BL/BR). The WL
signal is asserted during read as well as the write operation,
while WWL signal is asserted during the write operation.
During the hold-mode, both WL and WWL are OFF. In the
ST-2 bitcell, feedback is provided by separate control signal
(WL) unlike the ST-1 bitcell, where in feedback is provided
by the internal nodes. In the ST-1 bitcell, the feedback
mechanism is effective as long as the storage node voltages
are maintained. Once the storage nodes start transitioning
from one state to another state, the feedback mechanism is
Fig.2 Conceptual ST schematics lost. To improve the feedback mechanism, separate control
signal WL is employed for achieving stronger feedback.
Since a read-failure is initiated by an input transition for
the inverter storing logic 1, higher switching threshold with
sharp transfer characteristics of the Schmitt trigger gives IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
robust read operation. This results in smooth transfer
characteristics that are essential for easy write operation. In In this section, we present simulation results to
the SRAM bitcell, input-dependent transfer characteristics of demonstrate the different SRAM bitcell schematics output.
the Schmitt trigger improves both read-stability as well as The SRAM bitcell configurations are simulated using
write-stability. HSPICE in 180nm technology. Typical NMOS (PMOS)
threshold voltage is 1V and temperature is 25c. The 6T and
the proposed ST based bitcells are compared for various
SRAM metrics. For the ST based SRAM bitcell, extra
transistors AXL2/NL2 are of minimum width 180 nm while
the other transistors have the same dimensions as those of the
6T cell.

Fig.3 ST-1 Bitcell Schematics

Analysis of SRAM bitcells using Ultralow-Voltage Schmitt-Trigger based Design

The simulation results are shown below:

Fig. 5 Output Schematic waveforms for 4T, 6T, 8T, 10T &
ST-1, ST-2 SRAM bitcell
No. of
Transist Ivdd Avg_ Avg_ Tplh Tphl
or delay power

6T 95.857 7.023n 95.504n 1.928n 12.12n


ST-1 2.838u 1.114n 2.747u 3.965n 6.19n


ST-2 2.821u 2.005n 2.731u 10.200 6.189n


Table 1: Characterstic comparison of 6T, ST-1 & ST-2


The proposed ST based SRAM bitcell gives more stability
in read operation with reduced power supply voltage and
correspondingly the read failure probability also decreases as
compare to conventional 6T SRAM bitcell. Lowering the
supply voltage is an effective way to achieve ultra-low-power
operation. Here the evaluated ST based SRAM bitcells
suitable for ultra-low voltage applications. The proposed ST
based bitcell can be effective for process-tolerant,
low-voltage SRAM operation in future nano scaled
technologies. Simulation results show that the ST based
bitcell can retain the data at low supply voltage.

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-4, April 2014
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