Geo p1

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Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education 2020

312/ 1 - Geography - Paper 1

Trial 1 2020 Time: - 2 ¾ hours
Name …………………………………………….……… Index Number…………………………..

Candidate’s Signature ………………….…...……….. Date …………………………………


a) This paper has two sections A and B

b) Answer ALL the questions in section A.
c) answer questions 6 and any other TWO questions from section B
d) The paper consist of 5 printed pages
e) Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all pages are as printed and that no
question are missing
f) Candidates should answer the question in English

Section Question Maximum’s Candidate’s

Score Score

A 1-5 25

B 6 25

7 25

9 25

10 25


1 Turn over
T1Geo 2020
1. a) Name two elements of weather that can be recorded at a school weather station (2 marks)
b) The diagram below represents a weather measuring instrument. Use it to answer the questions that

(i) Which element of weather is measured using the instrument shown above (1 mark)
(ii) Describe how the above instrument is used (2 marks)
2. a) Define the term rotation of the earth. (2 marks)
b) State three factors that contribute to the geoid spheroid shape of the earth (3 marks)
3. (a) Distinguish between aridity and desertification. (2 marks)
(b) State three causes of climate change. (3 marks
4. (a)What is weathering? (2 marks)
(b) Give three processes of chemical weathering. (3 marks)

5. a) State two factors which influence occurrence of surface run-off (2 marks)

b) The diagram below shows a waterfall. Name the features marked X, Y and Z (3 marks)

Answer question 6 and any other two questions from this section.
6. Study the map of Migwani (1:50,000) provided and answer the following questions.
(a) Give the adjoining sheet found to the East of the provided Migwani Map. (1mark)
(b) Give two methods used to represent relief on the map provided. (2marks)
(c) Describe the relief of the area covered by the map. (4marks)
(d) Using a vertical scale of 1cm represents 20m, draw a cross-section between grid references 060700
to 130700. (3marks)
On the cross section:
(i) Name and mark the following:-
 River Ikoo
 Road
 Water pipe
(ii) Calculate the vertical exaggeration (V.E). (2marks)
(e) Citing evidence from the map, state three services provided at Gwani centre. (3marks)
(f) Students from Usiani School (grid square 9568) carried out a field study on vegetation around the school.
(i) State two objectives of their study. (2marks)
(ii) Give two types of data the students would collect. (2marks)
Give three importance of a work schedule. (3marks)
7. a) i) What is a rock? (2 Mks)
ii) State two reason why sedimentary rocks are wide spread in the Coastal plain (2 Mks)
b) For each of the following rocks, name the resultant rock formed after metamorphism
(i) Sandstone (1 Mk)
(ii) Limestone (1 Mk)
(iii) Granite (1 Mk)
c) Describe how extrusive igneous rocks are formed (4 Mks)
ii) List two examples of extrusive rocks (2 Mks)
d) Explain three economic significance of rocks in Kenya. (6 Mks)
e) Students carried out a field study on rocks around their school.
(i) State two objectives they formulated (2 Mks)
(ii) Give two reasons why they prepared a route map. (2 Mks)
(iii) Give two activities that the students were involved in during the field study (2 Mks)
8. a) What is magma? (l mark)
b) i) Using a diagram describe how a lava plateau is formed. (7 marks)
ii) Give two examples of lava plateaus in Kenya . (2 marks)
c) i) Name three volcanic features found in the rift valley of Kenya. (3marks)
ii) Explain three negative effects of vulcanicity in Kenya. (6marks)
d) i) State four reasons why it is necessary to conduct a reconnaissance in a field study of a volcanic
ii) During your field study you intend to study volcanic rocks, state two problems you are likely to
encounter during the field study. (2marks)
9. (a )Describe how a river erodes its channels by the following process.
(i) Hydraulic action (2marks)
(ii) Abrasion (2marks)
b) i) Explain three factors that lead to rejuvenation of a river (6marks)
ii) Describe the process of a river capture. (6marks)
c) Some students carried out a field study on the feature found on a long profile of a river,
i) List three features formed as a result of river erosion. (3marks)
ii) State two methods that students may have used to record their data (2marks)
iii) Explain two ways in which features resulting from river deposition are of significance to human
activities. (4marks)
10. a i) Name three components of soil (3 marks)
ii) Differentiate between Zonal soils and intra zonal soils (2 marks)
b i) Explain how the following processes of leaching occur
 Elluviation (3 marks)
 Salinisation (3 marks)
 Ferralization (3marks)
ii) Explain three factors that cause soil erosion (6marks)
c) You are supposed to carry out a field study on an eroded area
i What information would you collect through observation that would indicate that the area is severely
eroded (2marks)
ii State three recommendations you would give to control soil erosion (3marks)



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