Vtu Bengk106 Model QP 2023 Feb

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USN . . 0 ~1cstion Paper Version : :

First Semester B.IU B.Tcch. lkgrc1.' Examination, .Jan./Fcb. 2021'

Communicative Eng!~sh

Time; i hr. I l1'v1:1x~s-::)



1: .'\nswcr all the fifty questions, each qucs1ion carries one mar ·
2. Use unly Black ball point pen for writing / darkenin f the c·r
3. For each question, after selecting your answer, d propri:itc circle
corresponding to the snmc qu<'stiou number on t
4. Darkening two circles lor the :-:innc q~icsrion mnke
5. Damngiug/overwriting, osiT1g ~1•hitcncrs -,~, strictly


1. The synon ym of"lkndil'' is .- --- --··

j)(yicld b) ticndit d) non.: t>f I hc:sc

2. Th t.: ,intonyms of " Crn7y" is - --,,;!~

:JISan..: b) Insane d) (a) & lb}

3. Please gin: me a peac~ lj>i_ecc or

a) peac..: YJ p c) B(llh (aJ & (b) d) None oftheSL'

4. Th.: closest meaning oft h

;lslim ,.' Cl Weak . ,. d) Poor

5. The day of Judgcm·en '.-0fi:

r)oomsd;1y . .
' .
'• ' .
1.-c ,(b)
dl N1>nc of'th.:sc

6. She
d) l'a gt n way

7. '. ,:-;,r,whilc wa iling ai tli L' dm;tor <

jr I hrcw up {' ) Threw NI: d) Threw do11 n

8. Tl tht: word ··wo rth" i:;.

~0~ 1 b) worthless c) worthy d) 11011..: c,Cthese
ucstion Tags :
' Y•·reaching by Tomorrow·.
·en't they hJ arc they -------··-cl both d ) 11011,: o I° these

ou ' 1old me this 'earlier '

idn't you? h) Did}'OU? - d) Do they'!
11. Trans1.:ription of the won! "'Tu1nh" ii
.i) l tum' tj i lll:rll' - - ~)- tum:/

12. There i,:-., _ _ _ sounds in fnt: 11, h_

/44 b) 12 C) 24 dJ 8

U. Silent leucr in "Castle".
!Ii c) a dJ,
14. Div 1sioi) Qfthe syllable '"infornin1 1on" is

11) infor~ ma-tion b) 1n-for-111a tion ~7.'1-fi:ir-nm-1mn

. 15. I low many consonants arc thcrn III English?
uJ -1 b) I:! s/24
16. !low many Vcwe !sarc there in !. ngii~h'
ll) 44 h) 12 c) 24 O

17. Di.;1~1011 of the syllable ~f "\,' 'll;do ,v" 1., _ __ . ,

i>( \\ nM.low h) \V1-11d\1w c) ~ V1- -Jo~ di Wmd-ow
IX. Silent leucr in the word "Knee" ,~
l!)lk b) n - - - - c) d) No rw of these
l'J. Co111m11ni1:nt1011 1s the _ _ __ ofbusi11. ._....._..
~a,k bone b) bloou cl n d) hand
20. lucnl ily the word with one syllnhk m
f/ grass bJ tu lfil d) <.:011qucr

lde111if, the Parts of speec h of 1h

21. 1-it ~_,_i;_J\.Jl\!Sh.Was an inspir.11 ·
ar ,.:rh -. • ~ 1" c1 di ad,nb
2Z. Ab!>trm:1 noun form or:-. ··
.o{,;;tarvation d) Ncrnc ul' thcsc

V. WJ.>~'. 1 \Ve won th

B) AdJec1iw c) Noun d) \ \Tb

2-1. <,andhij . o _ JQl\:J)YY

,, ) l\'.t.llfll ou:1 c) Verb ~ b, trac:1-Noun

25. In !!,·ncr ot c - like lnd ii,. ,r 1s <Jnl y wmtrrs 1h,11 <>trc ca n c' \ fl<"I JC" ri.·,· the -~ QI/J)1itig
n) -~04qnJt. b) Noun d) ,\ dv~rb
•roposa ls prepared for submission 10 the buss
Upw~ b) Dnw111< ard c) lfor i1u raa i d) Vc·rt irnl

Jil~il!.'.ll~ ' c ling and trainm[;

" ' ' H lt.\!Hd •, h) l,J pWj\t., ' . ) : d) Sptr.rl

28. 0111 con_

1 nwnicntion is different from written communication as i_t is.
qspoken and s1nictun:d b) Spoken and t~·ansJtory .
c) Spoken and Permanent d) Spoken and t1111c consuming

29. Who Encodes the message'!

.,fsc11d::r b) Receiver c-) Transmiuing media d) Hoth ( u

30. Which one oft.he follow~g is not a lcatu1-c ofgrapt>viuc i:01111m111icatirn1~J

n) Rapid l)f'FLmmil c) Mult1d1rcctmnal d) Clu,;tc


Which of the foll.owing is oral comnHrnication'.'
jlfDictation b) Brochure . c) ·Noti~~ · .

Jn communication the observation ofn rncciwr ' s response i:. callc

~Feedback h) Survey c) Channel

33. Badly encoded mcs,wgc leaves its I c::<.·c1vcr con !use d and o
_!!)lf'ruc b) False c) Both n 1c ,,fthcsc

34. Among the following clements, \\ Inch clement 1 through which 111<.?ssagc is
u) Sender !)tthannel d) Noise

35. This type ofcon1111u11i~1H!W1 takes place w ·

a) Extra_pcrsonal !lYJ ntrapcrsonal d) I ntcrpcrsonal

36. ' "!\pc~ of Cancer" can be presented b ·

u) Top ica l pattern
c) Psychological pat:crn

37. The \Vcak form of the is, .

.jf ?,;_:) C) ~T: cl) None of these
38. The syllable of the wo
pcv-cv ,c) eve d ) None ol'thcsc
39. Words ending in /
y.iudgc c) their d) be low
40. Ex.imple
i ~'ry-1 c) Pull-Pool d ) Cab-Cap
~{~ccivi:d Pronunciation
' :. d) None 0-f I hesc
h!chjthcse should be avoir.lcd for an ulfrc:tive spec.ch ')
n encc Ii) Clarity c) Pauses
~ ttdcncss
Pl1 o_f these should be avoided during delive ry of speech')
1m111~g of speech 11 ) 1-Ong I) mises·
~-ong sentences
Version - 3 of 4
44. The ucronym of ' QA' is _ _ _ _
:i) Question & Answer _jw'Quality Assurance

,·) Quali1y Assist d) None of1hcsc

45. The s imple prcscn1 of this below ~L·ntcm;e - The fruit is smelling swec1,
Jtlhc fruit smdls sweet h) The fr11i1 i,. sweet
c) Both (a) & (b) d) None 1> flil csc

One word -~ubs.t ifution :

46. Saying things in i:i roundabout wa y.
a) Circumlocution b) Straig h! away y Around abo u1 . 6
47. Som..:onc who compiles a dk,1io11ary.
u) Calligrapher b) Tectolllllcr c) both ·og rapher
Choow the word that can fill the gap Uf)propriatcl_y :
48. Man is a _ _ _ __ of circumstances.
a) Master b) Compim ion d) Slnve
49. I ha ve been ill _____ last 1\fonday.
y sim.:c b) fro m d) by
SO. A Judy' s purse_·_ __
a ) Parasol b) P:inlominl'
d) Vertibulc

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