Purposive Communication Analysis

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Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University

College of Education
Department of English
City of Malolos, Bulacan
Tel/Fax (044) 919-7800 to 99 loc. 1047


This research investigated The research conducted by

the impact of media and Al Zou'bi, R. M. (2022)
information literacy (MIL) aims to know the
on education faculty capabilities of students in
students’ acquisition of the education faculty regarding
skills needed to detect fake fake news detection.
news. Al Zou'bi, R. M.
(2022). The Impact of
Media and Information
Literacy on Students’
Acquisition of the Skills
Needed to Detect Fake

The results indicated that It was stated that studying

studying MIL has an Media and Information
impact on students’ Literacy has an impact for
acquisition of the skills the students on how they
needed to detect fake should detect such fake
news. news.



Nowadays, people spend In the modern world,

long periods on social people tend to ignore the
media, ignoring the implications of consuming
implications this carries in most of their time using
daily life. Karina Polanco- social media according to
Levicán et al. Int J Environ Karina Polanco-Levicán et
Res Public Health. 2022. al. Int J Environ Res Public
Health. 2022.
Republic of the Philippines
Bulacan State University
College of Education
Department of English
City of Malolos, Bulacan
Tel/Fax (044) 919-7800 to 99 loc. 1047

The concept of social In addition, there is a

media literacy, an relevance in the
emerging concept scarcely developing literature with
developed in the literature, social media literacy.
is relevant.

This study sought to The main definitions and

analyze, descriptively, the competences regarding
main definitions and social media literacy were
competences of the tried to be analyzed more
concept of social media specifically by this
literacy. The methodology research using a
included a systematic systematic method of
search of literature in the searching relevant
databases Web of literature on databases.
Science, PubMed, and
Scopus between 2010 and
2021, applying filters for
English and Spanish,
including only scientific

The findings indicate that The results of the research

the concept of social media conclude that there's a big
literacy is based on media connection between social
literacy to then integrate media literacy and media
the characteristics and the literacy that can address
implications of digital the distinction of

This is linked to the

development of cognitive
competences, where
critical thinking, socio-
emotional competences,
and technical competences
are fundamental,
considering the social

The development of socio-

Republic of the Philippines
Bulacan State University
College of Education
Department of English
City of Malolos, Bulacan
Tel/Fax (044) 919-7800 to 99 loc. 1047

emotional competences
stands out since social
media are a frequent place
of interaction between



developing a computational
model that considers the
characteristics of news
consumption environments
leveraging insights from
social science. Kim B,
Xiong A, Lee D, Han K
(2021) A systematic review
on fake news research
through the lens of news
creation and consumption:
Research efforts,
challenges, and future

understanding the diversity

of news consumers
through mental models,
and increasing consumers’
awareness of the
characteristics and impacts
of fake news through the
support of transparent
information access and

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