ATEX - (DDW-) TSR XX - Operating Instructions (Rev.3.0 - April 2017)
ATEX - (DDW-) TSR XX - Operating Instructions (Rev.3.0 - April 2017)
ATEX - (DDW-) TSR XX - Operating Instructions (Rev.3.0 - April 2017)
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Device assignment
Device names: (DDW-) TSR xx
Device variant: ATEX
Document status: Original
Type of document: Operating instructions
File designation: e2030057
Document ID: 057
Revision: 3.0
Date: 17-04-05
Editor: Brabender Technologie GmbH & Co. KG
Copyright: © 2017, Brabender Technologie GmbH & Co. KG
Imprint ........................................................................................................ 2
1. Safety ................................................................................................... 5
Use of the device.......................................................................................... 6
Safety instructions........................................................................................ 8
Specifications for the operating licence of the device.......................... 8
Qualification of the operating personnel ............................................. 8
Dangerous contact voltages on the device ........................................... 8
Disconnection of the device ................................................................. 9
Discharge of residual energy storages .................................................. 9
Earthing of the device ........................................................................... 9
Sound level............................................................................................ 9
Sharp-edged components................................................................... 10
Specification for the operation of the screw feeder .......................... 10
Warnings on the device ...................................................................... 11
Residual dangers ........................................................................................ 12
2. The description of the device .............................................................. 14
Description of the construction of the device ........................................... 15
Component groups of the device............................................................... 16
The hopper.......................................................................................... 16
Feeding organ and feed drive ............................................................. 18
The weighing of the device ................................................................. 22
Technical data ............................................................................................ 24
3. Mounting ........................................................................................... 25
Mounting instructions................................................................................ 26
Place of the installation.............................................................................. 27
Mounting work........................................................................................... 28
Installation on site .............................................................................. 28
Connection inlet/outlet ...................................................................... 28
Connection ventilation/deaeration .................................................... 29
Electrical mounting work ........................................................................... 30
This chapter describes the use of the device and the safety instructions for the
use of the device.
Intended purpose The “TSR xx“ is a metering feeder for the feeding of bulk solids that can be fed
by means of a screw (= feeding device) and a trough agitator.
The product is filled into the hopper, from there it is conveyed into the agitator
trough, where an agitator rotates vertically. The agitator permits an improved
and more even filling ratio of the screw. The rotating screw transports the
product to the outlet of the device from where it falls freely into the
downstream equipment. The screw is driven by a drive motor (= feed drive)
that is controlled by means of a suitable drive controller. The working point of
the device, the feed rate (= product quantity/unit of time) is adjusted by
means of the determination of the speed of the feed drive.
Appropriate products Bulk solids (no liquids) with the following product characteristics are
appropriate for being discharged/fed with the device:
• Suitable size of product particles
• Appropriate flowability
• Free from contamination, foreign bodies etc.
• No ignition capability due to friction or strokes
• No explosive characteristics
• No change of the product characteristics due to
- the feeding operation
- the operation of an agitator
• No inadmissibly high wear of the machine parts in contact with the
Specifications for use The standard dimensioning of the device requires the following environmental
and operating data for the field of application:
Required component Electrical assemblies are required for the following control functions (minimum
groups for the operation requirement):
• Start/stop of the operation of the device
• Determination of the working point of the device (= speed setting)
Adaptation to the The device is dimensioned according to the application conditions known
application on site when awarding the contract. They result from the customer’s indications
• the products employed and their characteristics,
• the environmental and operating conditions,
• the desired feed rate range.
Sound level
The sound level of the device is < 70dB (acc. to DIN45635)
Sharp-edged components
The device has sharp-edged components that present a danger of injury (cuts)
even if the drive is not on:
• the vertically rotating agitator
• the screw
Before the start of any work the device has to be disconnected from the mains
and protected against unauthorised reconnection.
In case of non-respect there is a considerable danger of injuries caused by
Disconnect the device
dangerous voltages.
from the mains
Do not put arms/fingers into the rotating agitator and use long-shafted gloves
during work on the agitator at standstill.
In case of non-respect there is a considerable danger of injuries caused by the
Disconnect the device
sharp-edged agitator.
from the mains
Foreign bodies Danger: Foreign bodies in the product area of the device
Effects: • Operational failures
• Damage of the device
Measures: • Employ clean product
• Circumspection/special care must be taken when
working on the device
This chapter describes the construction and the function of the device and of
individual component groups.
Legend The illustration shows the construction of the device (without hopper):
No Meaning
1 Agitator drive motor
2 Screw drive motor
3 Rear cover for screw trough
4 Mounting plate
5 Screw
6 Screw trough
7 Outlet
8 Front bearing of screw
9 Front cover for screw trough
10 Cover cleaning opening
11 Agitator
12 Agitator trough
The hopper
The hopper stores the product to be fed, in a next step the product is
conveyed to the feeding unit.
Safety equipment The hopper is a protective device. It prevents the operator from putting
hands/fingers into the rotating component groups of the device. The protective
function is obtained by different measures (combinations are possible):
• the size of the hopper
• a mounted safety grid
• a safe screwing of the hopper or the hopper cover.
Fastening Hopper
As a rule, the hopper is fixed by a screw connection to the screw/agitator
trough. A sealing material is employed between both components, if the
tightening force of the screw connection is sufficient the connection is tight.
Hopper cover
The hopper cover is screwed tightly to the hopper. A sealing material is
employed between both components, if the tightening force of the screw
connection is sufficient the connection is tight.
Exception :
Hopper cover fits loosely
Feed drive A threephase motor (1) is employed as feed drive. The threephase motor is
operated by means of a suitable drive controller (frequency converter). The
adjustment of the motor to the drive controller and the field of application is
made by means of the parameterisation of the drive controller. Thus, the
parameterisation is part of the dimensioning of the device.
The working point of the device is adjusted by means of the determination of
the operating speed (=speed specification) of the feed drive. The speed
specification is a function of the execution of the drive controller and is made
by means of an analogue or serial control signal.
Speed monitoring The speed monitoring is provided by an inductive proximity switch (2) the
pulses of which are evaluated by a suitable electrical unit. The speed
monitoring has the function to monitor the specified limit values, minimum
and maximum speed.
Trough cover The cover (5) of the screw trough is protective equipment. It protects the
product area against the entry of foreign bodies and prevents from reaching into
the rotating screw. The protective function is obtained by different measures:
• The trough cover is screwed tightly.
• When using quick release fastenings (instead of screwing) the parts of the
trough cover that have not been screwed down are equipped with a
position monitoring (e.g. magnetic field sensor).
Special design
As a special design the drive motor is speed controlled via a drive controller.
The adjustment of the motor to the drive controller and the field of application
is made by means of the parameterisation of the drive controller. Thus, the
parameterisation is part of the dimensioning of the device.
Vertical outlet The vertical outlet (4.1) as a termination of the screw trough contains the front
bearing of the screw shaft. Here the connection is made to the downstream
In case of a leaking sealing product will leak out along the drive shaft and to
the opening for product and form a deposit in the zone (A). In this case all
sealing elements have to be exchanged.
Construction and For weighing, the feeding device is mounted on a weighing system with 4 load
function cells (2). The weighing system permits to sense the product weight, it is then
available as electrical weighing signal for further evaluation. The product
weight is computed from the difference (actual weight – empty weight of the
device). The most important fields of application for weighing are
• the execution as loss-in-weight feeder (DDW-….)
• the monitoring of hopper filling level (MS-…)
Weighing system types The type of the weighing system is determined by the load cell employed.
Type Load cell(s)
MS x analogue load cell (x = construction size, weighing range)
Transport catches
Execution - are red metal elements the number and shape of which
are a function of the construction of the device.
Use - are always completely fastened and loosened.
- are kept within reach of the place of use of the device
Fastening - are fastened before the start of any work on the device
or a transport of the device.
Loosening - are loosened before the start of the operation.
Specifications for use The standard dimensioning of the device requires the following environmental
and operating data for the field of application:
Nameplate The nameplate indicates the type of device, the machine number and the year
of construction of the device.
Clear marking of the device: Machine number
This chapter describes the mounting work required to make the system ready
for operation.
The descriptions were formulated in a very general manner and only take into
account the standard assemblies of the manufacturer.
Assembly execution Make sure to observe the following points for mounting:
• Horizontal alignment
• Max. 2mm offset for the connection of the device to equipment on site
• Connection of the device to an equipment on site via a flexible connection
The following connections are allowed (direction of view is the direction of the
product flow):
• From a smaller cross-section to a larger cross-section
• Both product lines have the same cross-section.
Transport to the place of Suitable lifting equipment (fork lift truck, crane, etc.) permits to transport the
the installation following items to the place of the installation.
Flexible connection
The connection of solid/rigid product/media lines must not cause any
disturbances of operation. Therefore the connection to equipment on site has
to be carried out in a flexible manner between a downstream connection point
on the device and a fixed point on site. The description of the connection of
the inlet/outlet shows the principle of the flexible connection.
Installation on site
Assembly of the device at the place of the installation:
1. Transport the device to the place of the installation.
2. Align the device at the place of the installation.
3. Align the device in horizontal position.
4. Screw the device to the floor construction.
Connection inlet/outlet
The connection of the inlet/outlet of the device to equipment on site has to be
executed in a flexible manner. The materials for a flexible connection are
delivered with the device.
The illustration shows the construction principle of a flexible connection of two
product line ends to a step bellow:
No Meaning
1 Line 1
2 Clamping ring 1
3 Step bellow
4 Clamping ring 2
5 Line 2
Junction boxes The connection of the electrical assemblies in junction boxes is provided in our
works in order to facilitate the connection on site. The junction boxes are
marked “-JB n” (n= 1, 2, 3,…). The following assignments apply to the junction
• The marking ”-JB 1“is reserved for the junction box of the weighing system
and is only employed, if the device is mounted on a weighing system.
• The electrical assemblies of the device are connected in the junction boxes
“-JB 2,3,4,…“. The number is adapted to demand.
• In case of a standard execution the terminals are connected according to
the determined terminal assignment of the junction boxes.
• Executions that deviate from the standard are described in the specific
wiring plans related to the order. Due to the specific execution a deviation
from the standard terminal assignments is possible. The wiring plans are a
separate document and complement the operating instructions.
Junction boxes With an ISC execution of the device the junction boxes also include the control
ISC plus electronics of the device (feeding controller, drive controller) for the operation
of the device. The ISC-components are described in the separate manual of the
ISC system.
Cable screwings The following illustration shows the correct use of the metallic cable screwings.
The cable is isolated according to the illustration and inserted into the cable
screwing. The screening (A) is pushed over the metal cap (M), then the
screwing is tightened.
Establishment of an An interlocking chain is an electrical cabling,
interlocking chain
• that takes into account additional start conditions for the start enable of
the feeding operation (e.g. closed circuit breaker or operational readiness
of the connected equipment).
• that stops the feeding operation immediately, if one operating condition is
not complied with (e.g. tripping of a circuit breaker).
Wiring plan and Please find below the different wiring plans for the electrical connection of the
execution of the device device. Each wiring plan is designed for a specific execution of the device.
WP = “working point“ (operating speed, vibration amplitude etc.)
Wiring plan
ISC plus
Wiring plan In the wiring plans the connection possibilities are identified by the numbers
legend (1, 2, etc.). The identifications (“ident.“) have the following meaning:
Ident. Meaning
1 Connection to mains supply on site
2 Connection of the digital inputs (“DI2“ – “DI4“)
3 Connection of BT fieldbus interface
The arrows mark the signal direction of the line.
4 Connection of the ProfiBus DP interface
The arrows mark the signal direction of the line.
5 Connection of Ethernet, ProfiNet interface
The connection requires an appropriate plug.
6 Connection of the digital outputs (“DO2“ – “DO4“)
7 Connection of the operating unit OP1 T
The connection is provided by means of a ready-made cable.
Wiring plan CBplus Identifications (“ident.”) used in the connection plan “CBplus“ :
Components in the control cabinet/box:
Ident. Meaning
F Protection
FC Frequency converter
CB plus Feeding controller CB plus
DI Digital inputs (DI1-4)
DO Digital outputs (DO1-4)
K2,3,4 External relay in the control cabinet
GND Ground potential
Cable colours Abbreviations (Abbr.) used for the cable colours in the wiring plans:
Abbr. Colour Abbr. Colour Abbr. Colour
BN Brown GN Green BU/WH Blue/White
BK Black GY Grey WH/BU White/Blue
BU Blue PK Rose GNYE Green/yellow
WH White RD Red
VT Violet YE Yellow
This chapter describes the activities required for the commissioning of the device.
The descriptions were formulated in a very general manner and only take into
account the standard assemblies of the manufacturer.
Product feeding During commissioning the product feeding is started for the computation of
the feed rate of the device. An active product feeding requires
• a sufficient product quantity,
• free product flow into/out of the device,
• a receptacle for collecting the product quantity that has been fed. For this
purpose two possibilities are available
1. Feeding into downstream parts of the installation
2. Feeding into a collecting receptacle (possibly requires an additional
bypass line)
Evaluation unit
A suitable evaluation unit is required for weighing. The evaluation unit is
connected to the weighing system and processes the weight signal e.g. for a
weight display.
Loosen the transport Loosen the transport catch completely according to the description (see page
catch 22).
The test is completed, if the weight values (1) and (4) are identical. If the two
values differ from each other make sure to find and eliminate the cause for the
missing motion. Possible causes:
• The transport catch has not been loosened completely.
• The flexible connection of the inlet/outlet is not sufficient.
• The weighing system is impeded by foreign bodies/contamination.
• The cabling of the assemblies of the device, the adjustment of the overload
protection screw or other executions of the device are inaccurate.
Lever factor The lever factor (LF) permits to adjust the weight display of the evaluation unit
to the actual weight loading. The adjustment runs down as follows:
1. Read the actual weight value (W).
2. Place on a known test weight (WT).
The force shall be applied centrically on the weighing system.
3. Read the new weight value (W1).
4. Compute the difference (W1 - W0).
Check the new lever factor by a new test measurement and adjust it once
again, if required.
Functional testing The function of the weighing system is tested by means of three load
measurements over the complete weighing range. The free motion and the
lever factor are checked with each test measurement. The following test
weights are recommended:
1. Test weight ~10% of weighing range
2. Test weight ~50% of weighing range
3. Test weight ~90% of weighing range
Manual filling
The device is refilled manually by the operating personnel. The operator will fill
in the product into the hopper using a suitable aid. Please observe the
following points:
• Take care when filling in the product. A possibly available protective grid
impedes the product flow into the hopper.
• It is not allowed to remove the protective grid to simplify refilling (safety
• Terminate refilling if the hopper is approx. 80 % filled. The monitoring of
the filling level is made optically or via the evaluation unit if the system is
Determination type The feed rate can also be determined in some other way, if the device is
“Checking of max. operated with a feeding controller type Congrav®. A feeding controller type
output” Congrav® offers the function “checking of max. output". This function
computes and automatically memorises the feed rate (= “output”) for different
speed values. The characteristic curve that has thus been computed is
employed by the feeding controller for the control of the feeding operation.
Preparations The commissioning is terminated by making the system ready for operation. In
order to make the system ready for operation the following preparations are
• Remove auxiliary equipment (collecting receptacle etc.).
• Possibly reconnect separated connections (e.g. outlet).
• Possibly undo conversions (e.g. bypass).
• Discharge the device completely, if a replacement product has been
• If required, clean the device and the environment.
• Refill the device.
Volumetric product In case of volumetric product feeding the feeding operation functions with a
feeding constant control of the feed drive (fixed working point). The feed rate is not
sensed and not controlled. I.e. feed rate variations e.g. caused by a variating
filling degree of the feeding organ will not be detected and corrected.
Volumetric product feeding is mostly used, if the downstream processing
equipment does not require an even discharge rate or if it is not affected by
discharge rate fluctuations.
Required conditions for For gravimetric product feeding the equipment and the control of the device
gravimetric product have to comply with the following required conditions:
• The device is a loss-in-weight feeder (“DDW - …”) and is thus equipped
with a weighing system.
• A feeding controller type Congrav® or with comparable functions has to be
Gravimetric product During gravimetric product feeding the feeding operation is started with a
feeding determined discharge rate (product quantity /time unit). During feeding the
feed rate will be measured and controlled via a control circuit. The control
circuit modifies the control of the feed drive and thus tries to correct
variations, e.g. due to a fluctuating filling degree of the feeding organ.
Gravimetric feeding As a rule, the feeding controller is used to operate the gravimetric product
sequence feeding and it runs down as follows:
1. Set the desired feed rate as setpoint.
2. Start the feeding operation.
The start command starts the automatical control of the feeding operation by
the feeding controller. The further sequence of control and monitoring of the
feeding operation depends on the functions of the feeding controller and is
described in its documentation.
Exchange of the screw The device is equipped with another screw execution.
The following process descriptions do not take into account influences that
occur due to product characteristics or the operation in a production plant. If
additional activities result from these influences they have to be integrated
into the corresponding processes.
Example: Product characteristics
In cases of a product that is not allowed to stay in the device, the device has to be
• discharged completely before shutdown and cleaned thoroughly after
• discharged by means of suitable measures after a fault shutdown, if the
elimination of the cause of the malfunction takes too long.
Immediate stop
The fault shutdown of the device may have an effect on
upstream/downstream production processes. Further measures are possibly
How to continue the Steps to be taken in order to continue the operation after a fault shutdown:
operation after a fault
1. Find the cause for the malfunction.
2. Eliminate the cause for the malfunction.
3. Make sure that the device is ready for operation.
This chapter describes the activities required for the maintenance of the
device. These activities include the general maintenance and the
disassembly/assembly of components that are subject to wear or require an
increased cleaning effort.
Subject Page
Notes on maintenance 53
Component list 54
Care and examination 56
Cleaning 58
Description for the disassembly of individual components 61
Sharp-edged components
» Danger of cuts caused by the agitator and the screws.
Caution Therefore
- Use gloves when working on these components.
W weekly 2W fortnightly
M monthly 3M three-monthly
Y yearly H biannually
Removal of defects
Allowed possibilities for the removal of identified defects:
1. Damaged component is professionally repaired.
2. Damaged component is replaced by a new component.
In general, all sealing elements have to be exchanged In case of a leaking shaft
Specifications for Permitted cleaning agents for the cleaning of components in contact with the
cleaning agents product have to comply with the following specifications:
• Not combustible
• Do not form any explosive or flammable vapours
• No scouring additives
• Temperature of use/working temperature ~ 20°C
• PH value between 4 - 10pH
• Comply with the requirements for the field of application of the device (e.g.
conformity to food processing regulations acc. to “NSF White Book™“)
Cleaning quality
For a consistent cleaning quality during the cleaning sequence be sure to observe
the “Sinner’s circle“. The cleaning quality is defined as the total sum from the
relation of the parameters temperature, time, chemistry and mechanics.
Dry cleaning During dry cleaning, contaminations will be eliminated without use of a liquid
cleaning agent.
• Remove loose contaminations by means of an appropriate auxiliary (e.g.
industrial vacuum cleaner).
• Remove adhesive contaminations by means of a cloth.
Controlled wet cleaning During a “controlled wet cleaning“ only components in product contact are
wet cleaned. The following specifications apply to a “controlled wet cleaning“:
• The following components have to be cleaned by means of a cloth, if required
the cloth can be moistened with water or a suitable cleaning agent.
- Bearings and electrical components
- Components that are not in contact with the product
- Lacquered components
• During wet cleaning of components in product contact, the components
stated above have to be protected from humidity.
• After cleaning
- the device/the component has to be dried thoroughly,
- remove standing moisture,
- possibly grease degreased components.
Disassembly of shaft
Assembly of shaft 1. Loosen the Prelon sealing from the sealing plate.
sealings 2. Clean all elements.
3. Insert a new Prelon sealing.
(Alignment of the sealing lips → see detail drawing!)
4. Slide a new sealing onto the shaft.
5. Slide on the sealing plate with the Prelon sealing.
6. Slide on and fasten the flange bearing.
7. Assemble the cover.
Assembly of shaft
1. Loosen the fastening of the retaining plate and remove the retaining plate.
2. Pull off the spacer with the Prelon sealing.
3. Remove the sealings from the shaft.
The following activity requires two people and a suitable carrying aid (lifting
equipment + 2 crane lugs).
This chapter describes the conditions for the storage and the disposal of the
device or of its individual components.
Subject Page
Storage of the device, of individual assemblies 68
Disposal of the device, of individual assemblies 69
Storage conditions Storage conditions for the storage of the device/individual assemblies:
Sharp-edged components
» Danger of cuts caused by the agitator and the screws.
Caution Therefore
- Use gloves when working on these components.
Before the disposal Before the disposal the following procedures have to be carried out:
1. Disconnect the device from all supply media.
2. Disassemble all connections from the device.
3. The device has to be disassembled completely.
4. The component groups have to be cleaned from product rests and
lubricant residues.