PR1 Reviewer

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Middle French Word – Recherché - Act of

searching closely (Re- again)

Search- to look for

Re+Search- looking for information once again

EXPLORATION - examine a little understood
issue phenomenon to develop preliminary ideas
and move toward refined research questions by
focusing on the "what" question
DESCRIPTIVE - to "paint a picture" using words
or numbers and to present a profile a • BUSINESS
classification of types, or a cutline of steps to
answer questions such as who, when, where, and • MEDICAL AND HEALTH ALLIED SERVICES
EXPLANATORY - to explain when events occur
and to build, elaborate, extend, or lest theory
WHY? • To discover new facts about a known
RESEARCH • To find answers to problems which are only
partially solved by existing methods and
1. Natural environment (natural setting) information.
2. Researcher as a key instrument (researcher as • Develop new instruments or products
key instrument).
• To provide basis for decision-making in
3. Multiple sources of data. business, industry, education, government, and in
4. Inductive data analysis. other undertakings.

5. The meaning of the participants (participant’s • To satisfy the researcher’s curiosity

meaning). • To find answers to queries by means of
6. Design that develops (emergent design). scientific methods

7. Theoretical perspective (theoretical lens). • To acquire a better and deeper understanding

about one phenomenon
8. Interpretive.
• Improve quality of graduates by upgrading
9. A holistic account. educational practices
RESEARCH PROCESS OVERVIEW • Promote health and prolong life
The preservation and improvement of the quality • Provide man with more of his basic needs
of human life. (Calderon and Gonzales, 1993).
• To make work, travel, and communication
The research process aims to identify a research faster, easier and more comfortable.
problem, understand its context through a
literature review, set research questions and
objectives, design a research study, select a
sample, collect data, analyze the data, and
present the findings in a research report.
CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD RESEARCH - Research is classified as qualitative if it
aims to describe a situation, phenomenon,
problem, or event (Kumar, 2014).
It follows an orderly and sequential procedure Primarily, qualitative studies are done to
that leads to the discovery of truth, solution of a uncover realities from different
problem, or whatever is aimed to be discovered. perspectives as many scholars note that
there isn’t necessarily a single truth in this
All variables except those that are tested or being
experimented upon are kept constant (not
allowed to change or vary)


All the procedures employed, and the data

gathered are perceived in the same manner by all
observers. For instance, one says that there are
five persons in the room, all agree to the
existence of the five persons. However, if one
says that there are five ghosts in the room, one
or none at all may believe it because not all
people believe in ghost. Ghost are examples of
data that are not empirical.


There is critical analysis of all the data used so 5 ? Qualitative Quantitative

that there is no error in their interpretation.
Epistemological Relationship of Dependent Independent
5. RESEARCH IS OBJECTIVE, the researcher
The researcher Research can
to the research
UNBIASED, AND LOGICAL is present. be conducted
even if the
researcher is
All the findings and conclusions are logically not around.
based on empirical data and no effort is made to
Methodological Process of the Inductive Deductive
alter the result of the research. Research
Specific to General to

Axiological Role of Values Biased Unbiased

This is to guide the investigation process. in
experimental studies, the specifics sub problems Ontological Nature of Subjective Objective
or specific questions serve as the hypotheses and Multiple Single Idea
thehypotheses are not proved.
Rhetorical Language of Informal Formal


- Qualitative research is one of the two RESEARCH DESIGN

major approaches to scientific inquiry; the
other being quantitative research.
qualitative researches are concerned with In phenomenological research, respondents are
the occurrence of an event (Pernia, 2009). asked to describe their experiences as they
- Qualitative studies do not focus on how perceive them. They may write about their
many times an event, situation, or experiences, but information is generally obtained
phenomena happened but are more through interviews.
concerned with describing and
Study of Essence
understanding the subject.
"Identity in Transition: A Phenomenological Study 4. HISTORICAL (NARRATIVE
of Career Change" ANALYSIS)

"Voices of Resilience: Understanding the Lived The data for historical research are usually found
Experiences of Refugees in a New Culture" in documents or in relics and artifacts.
Documents may include a wide range of printed
"Digital Disconnect: A Phenomenological
material. Relics and artifacts are items of physical
Exploration of Smartphone Addiction"
evidence. Historical data can also be obtained
"Existential Reflections: An Inquiry into the through oral reports. The material may be found
Meaning-Making Process Among Cancer in libraries, archives, or in personal collections.
Survivors" Much valuable material has probably been
discarded because no one recognized its
2. ETHNOGRAPHY importance.
In ethnographic research, the researcher "War and Memory: A Historical Study of
frequently lives with the people and becomes a Collective Remembrance in Post-Conflict
part of their culture. The researcher explores with Societies"
the people their rituals and customs. An entire
cultural group may be studied or a subgroup in "Resistance and Resilience: A Historical Analysis
the culture. of Civil Rights Movements in the 20th Century"

"Exploring Gender Roles: An Ethnographic Study "The Silk Road: Tracing the Historical Routes of
of a Traditional Indigenous Society" Cultural Exchange and Trade"

"Living on the Margins: Ethnographic Insights "Changing Perspectives: A Historical Study of

into Homelessness in Urban Settings" Women's Suffrage Movements in the United
"Street Art as Cultural Expression: An
Ethnographic Analysis of Urban Graffiti 5. CASE STUDY
Case studies are in-depth examinations of people
"Youth Subcultures in the Digital Age: An or groups of people. A case study could also
Ethnographic Examination of Online Gaming examine an institution, such as hospital care for
Communities" the dying. The researcher must be interested in
the meaning of experiences to the subjects
3. GROUNDED THEORY themselves, rather than in generalizing results to
The grounded theory method uses both an other groups of people. Case studies are not used
inductive and a deductive approach to theory to test hypotheses, but hypotheses may be
development. According to Field and Morse generated from case studies
(1985), “constructs and concepts are grounded in "Educational Innovations: A Case Study Analysis
the data and hypotheses are tested as they arise of Flipped Classroom Implementation"
from the research” (p. 23).
"Behind the Screens: A Case Study of User
Conducted to skilled workers. Experience Design in a Tech Startup"
"From Isolation to Connection: Grounded Theory "In the Eye of the Storm: A Case Study of
Analysis of Online Community Building" Emergency Management during Natural
"Bridging the Gap: A Grounded Theory Study of Disasters"
Cross-Cultural Communication in Multinational "Negotiating Change: A Case Study of Union-
Corporations" Management Relations in a Restructuring
"Unveiling the Process of Teacher Burnout: A Context"
Grounded Theory Approach" 6. ACTION RESEARCH
"The Journey to Addiction Recovery: A Grounded Action research is a type of qualitative research
Theory Study of Personal Transformation" that seeks action to improve practice and study
the effects of the action that was taken
(Streubert & Carpenter, 2002). In action
research, the implementation of solutions occurs
as an actual part of the research process. There
is no delay in implementation of the solutions.

Immediate solution/response once the problem


"Enhancing Student Performance: A Teacher-Led

Action Research Project on Homework Practices"
"Bridging the Digital Divide: A School-Based
Action Research Project on Technology Access"
"Parental Involvement in Education: An Action
Research Inquiry into Effective Strategies"
"Improving Classroom Engagement: An Action
Research Study on Interactive Teaching
7. Discourse/Conversation Analysis

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