DLP About Bias and Prejudices DDL Format
DLP About Bias and Prejudices DDL Format
DLP About Bias and Prejudices DDL Format
Grade Level
Time Allotment
I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as
means of preserving unchanging values in a changing world; also, how to use the features of a full-length
play, tense consistency, modals, active and passive constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable to
enable him/her competently performs in a full-length play.
B. Performance Standards
The learner competently performs in a full-length play through applying effective verbal and non-verbal
strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, and Dramatic
D. Learning Objectives
b. give examples of bias and prejudices according to their personal experiences in the school and in the
environment around them;
c. create a one-minute video that shows bias and prejudicial and ways to avoid them; and
Resources/Learning Materials
English 9 K-12 Curriculum Guide
III. Learning Procedures Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preparatory Activities a. Greetings
b. Prayer
c. Checking of Attendance
No one, Ma’am!
Yes, Ma’am!
Yes, Josh?
That is correct!
Yes, Ma’am!
Great! Good to know that you have
understood the lesson.
D. Motivation Class, I have here some pictures. I
want you to observe them carefully.
Yes, Rap?
Yes, Kyle?
Yes, Sheilla?
Yes, Judy?
Yes, Ma’am.
Yes, RJ?
Anything else?
(The students raise their hands)
Yes, Nela?
Why? Mac?
No, Ma’am.
I do not agree with the statement
because not all the disabled people are
Yes, that’s correct because some also mentally disabled.
disabled people are talented and
genius like Nick Vujicic.
Yes, Ma’am.
Okay. Great!
__________1. He is considered
dumb because his grades in all
subjects are poor.
H. Finding Practical
Application of Concepts
and Skills
Okay class, you will have an activity.
You will make a spoken poetry, or a
one-two minute video that shows
bias or prejudices and the ways to
avoid them. You will be graded
according to this criterion.
TOTAL 100%
I. Making generalization
I believe that you really understood
our lesson for today. So let me call
on Jeremy to differentiate bias and
Directions: Identify whether the statement for each item shows bias and prejudice. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
___________1. A mentally disabled person should not be allowed to go to school. They do not possess the
capacity to learn.
__________2. A big amount of food was shared with his closest neighbor only.
__________3. He’s considered dumb because his grades in all subjects are poor.
__________4. The newly opened hotel in our town accommodates only rich people.
__________5. Being a new member of the group, his opinion was rejected during the meeting as the senior
officers underrated this.
1. Prejudice
2. Bias
3. Prejudice
4. Bias
5. Prejudice
For your assignment. Give at least two examples of personal experience where you witness bias/prejudice in
your school or in the environment around you. Write your answers on your notebook.