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A Detailed Lesson Plan About Literary Types

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A Detailed Lesson Plan

Literature: Literary Types

Time Frame: 40 Minutes

Prepared by: Rufa Mae F. Baid

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
 identify literary types through the given words and images;
 explain the different types of Literature; and
 show appreciation on the literary works of our country
by citing their significance in our culture.
II. Contents
Topic References Materials
Intensive and
Literature: Reflexive
Literary Types Reflexive and Intensive
http://education- PowerPoint
Pronouns Pronouns: Definition, Examples,
portal.com/academy/lesson/litera Presentation
& Exercise by The Albert Team
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Good day, students!” “Good afternoon, Ma’am!”

“How are you today?” “We’re fine ma’am!”

“Good to hear that you are all doing (One student will lead the Prayer)
fine. Before we start, let us offer our
prayers first to the Almighty Father.”

“Please be seated everyone. Remind “It was great, ma’am!”

me to check the attendance later,
okay? So, how was your weekend my
dear students?”

“Wow? That’s good to know. I had a

great weekend as well.”
2. Priming

2.1. Motivation

Teacher Students
“So, class do you like writing poems? “Yes, ma’am!”
How about essays? Inspirational story
or either love story?”

“How about reading novels? Who “Me ma’am.”

likes watching narrative or theatrical
play? Who likes listening and singing
love song?”

“So let’ find out what literary types do “Okay ma’am.”

you like.”

“Do you want to play a game?” “Yes ma’am. What kind of game,
“That’s good, you are going to find “Alright ma’am.”
the missing letter by using picture
clues and word clues. I will flash
literary images and your job is to
complete the word. Are you now

“Am I clear class? Let’s start.” “Yes ma’am!”

The teacher will flash the picture.
“Narrative Poetry, ma’am.”
1. It’s a literary type that
describes important events in
life real or imaginary. What is

“You’re right. Why do you say “Because when we narrate we tell

so?” the truth and we act within the

2. Next, a long narrative divided “Novel.”

into chapters.
3. An account of person’s life “Autobiography.”
written or otherwise recorded
by that person.
Teacher Students
4. A lyric poem of 14 lines “Sonnet”
dealing with an emotion, a
feeling of an idea. William
Shakespeare was known
because of this literary type.
What is it?

“Do you know that William

Shakespeare made 154 Sonnets
and known as the greatest writer
in the English language.”

5. It’s a literary type that is “Song.”

slowly sung to the
accompaniment of a guitar or
Banduria That’s good.
6. An extended narrative about “Epic.”
heroic exploits.
7. Involves the hero struggling “Tragedy.”
mightily against dynamic
forces; he meets death or ruin
without success and

“Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?” “William Shakespeare, ma’am.”

“Very good class you still remember.“

“Why do you think people in general “People are interested in love stories
interested in love stories?” because they can relate to the story,
for inspiration, triumphs, and to
remember the past.”
“Nice idea.”
“Do you know some of the Philippine “Yes, Ma’am Florante at Laura. Ibong
Literary love stories? What are these?” Adarna.”

“Very good Class.”

“Aside from love story, what forms of “Songs, Poems, Play, Drama,
stories do you know?” Narrative.”

“That’s good.”
2.2. Introduction
The teacher will now introduce the topic.

Teacher Students
“Alright, moving forward. Everyone, (Students will read the objectives on
please read.” the screen)

“Good job, class! All your answers (One student will volunteer to
earlier were correct. And now, before answer)
we proceed to our next activity. Let me “All about literature, ma’am.”
ask you this question first. What do
you think will be our topic today?”

“Literature? Yes. It’s all about literature

but we are going to tackle the Literary

“Maybe some of you are already “Okay, ma’am.”

familiar with some of these Literary
Types and some are clueless too. So,
without further ado, I will introduce
you to our next activity.”

B. Lesson Proper

1. Discussion

Based from the previous activity, the class will now be divided into five
groups. Grouping will be done through counting from one to three. All
numbers 1 will be group 1 and so on.
The first group will work on making a creative presentation about the
classification of Prose which is Fiction; the next group will work on
Nonfiction, the group 3 will make a creative presentation about the
classification of poetry which is Lyrical Poetry. Group 4 about Narrative
Poetry and Group 5 about dramatic poetry.

After 5 minutes of collaboration, each group through a representative will be

given 2-3 minutes to present their output.

After the group presentation, the teacher will sum up the lesson by
presenting a power point presentation to the class.
Teacher Students
“This day you will show a
creative presentation about the literary
types that will be assigned to your
group.” (Students will group themselves by
counting from 1 to 5)
“Group yourselves into five. Are you “Yes ma’am!”
now in your group?”

“The first group will work on making a

creative presentation about the
classification of Prose which is Fiction;
the next group will work on
Nonfiction, the group 3 will make a
creative presentation about the
classification of poetry which is Lyrical
Poetry. Group 4 about Narrative
Poetry and Group 5 about dramatic
“Yes, ma’am!”
poetry.” (Student’s assigned literary
types will be shown on the ppt.)

“Please assign a head number per

group. Decide who will be the “Yes, ma’am!”
presenter for each group and please
note that you will be graded by the
following Criteria;

Content - 25
Delivery - 15
Creativity - 5
Teamwork – 5
Total: 50 points

“The points earned by each group in

this activity will be recorded as part of
their recitation.”

“I’ll just give you 3 minutes for your “Okay ma’am!”

group discussion and three minutes for
your creative group presentation.”

“Time’s-up, please turn on your (Students will clap their hands.)

camera group 1. Let’s welcome group 1
for their creative group presentation.
Let’s give them a round of applause
Teacher Students
“A job well done everyone. I am (Students will clap their hands)
pleased with your participation in this
activity. Please give yourselves around
of applause please. Now, I have here a
PowerPoint presentation about
Literary Types.”

“Please listen to my discussion “Yes ma’am!”



2. Developing mastery

The students will participate in answering questions such as the following:

1. As a student, how will you preserve the literary pieces of our country?
2. What is the significance of the literary works in our culture? How do you
appreciate a certain literary work?

Teacher Students
“So, who can give an answer to (One student will volunteer to
question number 1? Anyone?” answer question number 1 and
another student for question number
“Yes, Miss. You may share your answer
with us.” “I can preserve literary pieces of our
country by not forgetting it in a sense
that I will still read and sing some of

“Very good! Please answer question The significance of Literary works in

number 2, Ramos.” our culture is it shows how unique
and creative Philippine Literature is.
It also promotes the rich culture of
the Filipinos by including it in some
of the literary types. I can appreciate
a certain literary work by promoting
it to my classmates by sharing to
them what makes it unique and
interesting. In this way I can
encourage my friends to read it for
their own consumption.
C. Generalization
Ask the students the following questions as far as their understanding of the
lesson is concern:

1. Give the common Literary Types.

2. What is the difference between fiction and nonfiction?
3. Give an example of autobiography.

Teacher Students

“Who can answer these question (One student will volunteer to

based only on your own understanding answer questions)
about our lesson. Anyone?”

D. Evaluation

Arrange each rumbled letters into its proper form. Write your answer in a
1/4th sheet of paper. (14 points.)

1. LETEONVEL - An extended prose narrative or short novel.

2. DOANECTES - main aim is to bring out lessons to the readers and attitudes.
3. AUOGRATOBIPHY - An account of person’s life written or otherwise
recorded by that person.
4. ARRANTIVE PETORY - describes important events in life real or imaginary.
5. EGYEL - This is a lyric poem, which expresses feelings of grief and
melancholy and whose theme is death.
6. DOE- A poem of noble feeling, expressed with dignity, with no definite
7. ARFCE - Exaggerated comedy, situations are too ridiculous to be true

What to do: With your group, create a 10 line song about the insights that you have
learned today.
Where to write: One short bond paper
When to submit: Thursday, 23rd of June 2022

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