MV - Application Guide - CB - 05-Motor Switching - Rev 2 - 2016-11
MV - Application Guide - CB - 05-Motor Switching - Rev 2 - 2016-11
MV - Application Guide - CB - 05-Motor Switching - Rev 2 - 2016-11
Circuit Breaker
Application Guide
05 – Motor Switching
Revision 2
November 2016
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1 Motor switching guide
1.1 Introduction
Maintenance free
Long life
Environment friendly
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In the case of an induction machine, all the voltage applied on the
terminals is also applied on the motor internal impedance. This
impedance has a highly inductive nature. This is what makes motor
starting one of the applications requiring special attention since the
commutation on a motor, during its starting mode may lead to
overvoltages which could stress the insulation of the equipment and may
damage the motor in some instances.
The usage of autotransformer for the motor start will move the
overvoltages from the motor terminals to those of the transformer. Since
such applications are seldom, they are not covered by this guide.
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maximum peak value. Therefore a sudden current interruption will be
followed by an overvoltage. The overvoltage transient is the natural way
of the system to adapt itself to this new “configuration”. The transient
obtained after current interruption is a function of several factors:
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The following mathematical expression gives the relationship between
the obtained overvoltage peak at the motor side of the interrupter and
the system/interrupter characteristics:
15 Interruption
in the next phase
V, [kV]
in the first phase
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
t, [ms]
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Voltage on motor side, interruption with reignitions and surge arrester
Voltage escalation
V, [kV]
-40 of the protection
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
t, [ms]
The arc reignition means that a current will restart to flow between the
source and the motor. This current will have two components, one at
rated frequency and another which will have a much higher frequency
determined by the relevant network parameters during the current
interruption. One of the characteristics of the vacuum as an isolating
medium is to interrupt currents which have very steep front at zero. This
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characteristic will lead to an extinction of the arc current if it crosses
zero. The zero crossing will come from the high frequency transient
component of the current.
1. Instant of motor switch off with respect to the time elapsed from
start – the motor becomes more and more equivalent to a
resistance with speed increase, which modifies the phase shift
between current and voltage, i.e. if interruption occurs the
voltage will not be at its peak but on a smaller value
2. Instant of motor current interruption with respect to the time
elapsed from contact separation, meaning contacts of the
breaker poles. It has been observed that a time interval of more
than several hundreds of micro seconds will often allow the
dielectric strength to grow enough to withstand the first
overvoltage peak and slope and therefore interrupt without any
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several kV of voltage drop at high frequencies thus the surge arrester
does not see the ‘true’ voltage on the motor terminals.
3.6 10 4.81
7.2 20 4.81
12 28 4.04
TABLE 1 Standard insulation levels for applications 1kV‐245kV, at rated frequency, IEC
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However it does not mean that for motor switching the overvoltage will
be limited to a maximum of 3.0 p.u. if multiple reignitions occur.
According to Figure ‐3, the maximum limitation level for motor switching
overvoltage protection can be fixed at 5.0pu. This is also somehow
compliant with the values used in rated frequency routine and type tests
given in TABLE 1. Such overvoltage limits imply that the motor is seldom
switched off during starting. So that probability of switching overvoltages
is low. This insulation level will be considered for the general
recommendations of protection means. A reduced level of 3.0pu will be
also discussed, since some protection solutions may limit the
overvoltages to even lower than 3.0pu levels. It will concern motors
frequently switched off during start.
R. Pretorius, "Guide for the Application of Switching Surge Suppressors to
Medium Voltage Motors", Electric Power Co-ordinating Committee, Aug. 1992
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1. Surge arresters
2. Wave‐slopping capacitors (surge capacitors)
3. RC snubbers (resistance in series with capacitor)
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2 Guide for equipment selection
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For such motors surge arresters will have a limited application due to the
physical arrangement of the connections. Their effectiveness will be also
related to the motor connecting cable length. They will be efficient for
cables whose equivalent phase to earth capacitance is higher than 350nF
(1km of cable, one conductor per phase).
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2.1.2 Wave-slopping capacitors application, target
limitation level 3.0pu (frequently switching off
during motor starting):
Generally this solution is not applicable for motors above 300 A starting
current. In fact analyses show that the application of surge capacitors is
very dependent of motor starting current; a 500nF capacitor will reduce
overvoltages to 3.0pu for motors of less than 300A starting current, for
system voltage of 3.3kV and 100A for motors at 11kV (around 500kW at
The connection of the protection, motor side or interrupter side will not
have an impact on the effectiveness of this solution.
Note that surge capacitors have very binary effectiveness: they will either
limit the overvoltages very low, up to 3.0pu, or they could contribute to
voltage escalation and virtual current chopping between phases.
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Reference documents:
[1] IEC 60071-1: Insulation co-ordination – Part 1: Definitions,
principles and rules
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Project name:
Project leader:
Feeder circuit:
Short‐circuit power: ................................................ MVA
Rated operating voltage:......................................... kV
Rated frequency: ..................................................... Hz
Neutral earthing factor: ...........................................
Duration of earth fault current: ............................... s
M Motor(s):
Rated apparent power: ............................................ MVA
Rated active power: ................................................. MW
Rated voltage: .......................................................... kV
Rotation speed: ........................................................ rpm
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