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ADWA Water Supply Development Project


Submitted to the Department of WRIE

School of Water Technology




Above all, thanks to the almightily God for granting me his limitless care ,love, and
blessing all along the way including this for the completeness of this project. My sincere
gratitude goes to my project advisor Mr.ZEWDU for all his regular advice and guidance
from the beginning until the completion of this work. After that I would like to express
my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to company manager Mr.G/her Asmelash for giving
me general ideas and orientation about the Awso Company. And I would like to thank all
the company engineer (like Mr.Alem technical engineer and lab workers) for their
showing practically during my site visiting.

Finally i am very much happy to express my special thanks to my friends and family
members who helped me materially, morally and financially to finalize my project
Adwa town which is located in Tigray National Regional State at a distance of 1,006 km
from Addis Ababa on Addis Ababa- Adigrate road via Dessie and Mekelle, and about
193 km from the regional capital Mekelle city and approximately defined by the
coordinates 14010 °N latitude and 38052 ° E longitude.

The main problem of Adwa water treatment plant (midmar dam) is naturally pollute due
to agricultural activities , dead animals and erosion of the catchment area ,because there
is no screening at the inlet of the dam. The water in Adwa town is not enough to satisfy
the demand. In order to minimize this problem, the Adwa town water supply office
decided to supply water by shifting.

The main objective of this water supply project is to distribute potable and safe water
with sufficient quantity and quality to the customer.This report presents some
construction aspects of Adwa water supply and treatment of new project as well as the
existing treatment plant and its distribution system.

Table of Contents page
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..........................................................................................................II
Table of Contents.........................................................................................................................III
LIST OF FIGURES.........................................................................................................................V
LIST OF TABLES..........................................................................................................................VI
CHAPTER ONE...............................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................1
1.1 General project descriptions...................................................................................1
1.2 History of the company..........................................................................................1
1.2.1 Vision..................................................................................................................2
1.2.3 Mission................................................................................................................2
1.3 overall organization structures and work flow of AWSATP.................................3
1.3.1 Summarized functional responsibilities of existing organizational units............3
1.3.2 General Manager of Awso..................................................................................3
1.3.3. Plan preparation, monitoring and evaluation and information team case..........4
1.3.4. Water supply administration core process and scheme......................................4
1.3.5. Human resource management support process..................................................4
1.3.6. Procurement, finance and property administration support process..................4
1.4 Main service and end user of the company............................................................5
1.5 objective of the project...........................................................................................5
1.5.1 General objective.................................................................................................5
1.5.2 Specific objective................................................................................................5
1.6 statement of the problem........................................................................................6
2.0 MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY USED....................................................................7
2.1 Materials used.........................................................................................................7
2.2 methodology used................................................................................................10
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................11
3. DATA ANALYSIS, RESULT AND DESIGN WORK.........................................................11
3.1 data analysis and result.........................................................................................11
3.2 Existing water treatment plant..............................................................................11
3.2.1 water supply source.......................................................................................................11
3.2.2 Criteria for selecting potential water source..................................................................12
3.2.3 Water quality characteristics..........................................................................................13
3.2.4 Source of water pollution...............................................................................................15
3.2.5 distribution reservoir......................................................................................................20
3.2.6 Accesseries of reservoir.................................................................................................21
3.2.7 Backwash reservoir........................................................................................................22
3.3 Expansion of new water treatment plant in Adwa................................................................23
3.3.1 Objective of the project..................................................................................................23
3.3.2 Design period.................................................................................................................25
3.3.3 Population forecasting...................................................................................................25
3.3.4 Water demand Assessment............................................................................................27
3.3.5 Criteria for selection of water treatment site.................................................................28
3.3.6 Component of the new treatment plant.........................................................................29
3.3.7 Distribution reservoir.....................................................................................................32
3.4 Environmental Impact and Assessment............................................................................33
3.4.1 Negative environmental impact.....................................................................................33
3.4.2 Positive environmental impacts.....................................................................................34
4.0 ASSESSMENT OF THE INTERNSHIP..............................................................................35
4.2 practicall skill I have gained during internship period.....................................................35
4.3 Upgrading theoretical knowledge.....................................................................................35
4.5 The influence of the internship for the future career plan................................................36
4.6 Correlation of theoretical knowledge with internship activities.......................................36
CHAPTER FIVE........................................................................................................................38
5.1 CONCLUSIONS..................................................................................................................38
CHAPTER SIX...............................................................................................................................39
6.1 Recommendations........................................................................................................39


Figure 1: current organizational structure of AWSATP..................................................................3
Figure 2:gate valve..........................................................................................................................8
Figure 3: Stainless steel...................................................................................................................8
Figure 4:DCI pipe............................................................................................................................9
Figure 5:midmar dam (source of water supply)............................................................................12
Figure 6: raw water intakes structure of Midmar dam..................................................................15
Figure 7:circular aeration...............................................................................................................16
Figure 8:Clarifier water(sedimentation tank)................................................................................18
Figure 9:existing clear water reservoir..........................................................................................21
Figure 10:During back washing sand filter..................................................................................22
Figure 11: rectangular aeration structures.....................................................................................29
Figure 12:chemical house..............................................................................................................30
Figure 13:construction of sedimentation tank...............................................................................30
Figure 14:sand filter.......................................................................................................................31
Figure 15:construction of pumping house.....................................................................................31
Figure 16:distribution reservoir.....................................................................................................33
Table 1:location and dimension of pipes aligned in the systen...........................................9
Table 2:Physical characteristics of water recorded from laboratory.................................15




1.1 General project descriptions

Water is one of the major important natural resources for the life existence. Since without
it life will not exist and most industries will not operate properly. Human life will exist
without food for many days but cannot exist for few days without water. The presence of
safe and reliable water is the prerequisite for sustainable community. Unless and other
wise nomadic way of life will be practiced. Safe drinking water and good hygiene are
fundamental to health, survival, growth, development and also the provision of clean
water supply is one of the major factors that greatly contribute to the socio-economic
transformation of a country by improving the health there by increasing life standard and
economic productivity of the society. Most of the developing country like Ethiopia has
still low potable water supply and sanitation coverage that expose the citizens to water
born and water related disease. In order to insure the availability of sufficient quantity
and good quality of water to the people, the water supply work needs qualified
individuals who can plan, design and build water supply scheme. Water is also one of the
necessities for human being and for all living things.

Most towns of Ethiopia have a problem of adequate and potable supply of

water.similarly Adwa and Axum has a series water problem. In ordered to overcome the
above short coming and to ensure the availability of sufficient quantity and acceptable
quality of water supply, there is a new project which is 3 times the existing treatment
plant but it is under construction.

1.2 History of the company

Adwa is one of the ancient historical and tourist attractive towns of Ethiopia. It is found
in Tigray National Regional State at a distance of 1,006 km from Addis Ababa on Addis
Ababa- Adigrate road via Dessie and Mekelle, and about 193 km from the regional
capital Mekelle city. It is located on the main road between Adigrat and Axum about 129
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km from Adigrat and 21 km from Axum and it is surrounded by mountains. Generaly
there are 4 main roads in Adwa. These are Adwa-Mekelle, Adwa-Adigrat, Adwa-Rama
and Adwa-Axum-Shire. So Adwa is comfortable place for trade. Adwa town is located at
an average elevation of 2130 a .m,s.l and the geographic coordinates of the town are
latitude 14010 °N and longitude 38052 ° E. The town has relatively hot climate
throughout the years. However according to Ethiopian temperature zoning Adwa belongs
predominantly to woinadega zone.

The Adwa Water Supply And Treatment Plant (AWSATP) was established in 1985 E.C
and starts the work on Nov. 1993E.C. since after the construction of midmar dam with
comprising of 50 workers. The dam is earth fill dam constructed by the help of federal
government. The total annual capacity of the dam is 10,000,000m3 from this 7.75million
m3 is used by the customer the rest 2.25million m3 is dead storage. The dam is located at
a distance of 3.5km from Adwa town 2.5km from the company and the company is
located at a distance of 1km from main road. The major reason for the establishment of
the Adwa town water supply and treatment plant office works are.

 To supply potable, clean and safe water to all consumers with sufficient quantity.
 To prevent the disease of the people that coming by pollutant water.
 To solve the problem of shortage of water in Adwa town and its surrounding area.
 To increase the productivity of the farmers in the rural areas around the mid mar
dam and the project.

1.2.1 Vision
 To be strong and efficient in water treatment system and looking continuous
development in the region as well as in the country.
 In the coming 20 years to distribute water sufficiently, treated and safe sustainable
water to the consumers.

1.2.3 Mission
 To prevent the city from pollution and devastation of natural resources.
 To enable the city dwellers to keeps their rights live in clean and healthy environment.
 To ensure a sustainable development and natural use.
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1.3 overall organization structures and work flow of AWSATP

Head manager

Water supply and Human resource Plan preparation, monitoring Procurement, Finance and
administration core management support and evaluation of information administration support
process case team

Adwa branch

Adiabun branch

Debrichi branch

Adiabun water
treatment branch

Figure 1: current organizational structure of WSATP

1.3.1 Summarized functional responsibilities of existing organizational units

With the exception of the general manager the functional responsibilities of all the rests
of organizational units of the utility are summarizes from the business process re-
engineering (BPR) study documents.

1.3.2 General Manager of AWSATP

The general manager is responsible to plan, organize, direct coordinate, and control the
overall activity. He/she is responsible to prepare and submit annual budgets and work
program to the board; and implement the same up on approval. Another duty of the office
manager is preparing meeting for different section heads for reviewing schedules, better
understanding of problems and solutions.

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Administers the employees as per current national labor law; prepares and submits
directives and internal working manuals to the board and implement the same up on
approval; responsible for adequate production, treatment and distribution of potable
water; and controls the proper and timely collections of water service charges, control
financial expenditure, and keeps proper book of accounts of the utility as well as the
proper handling and utilization of property and equipment’s as per rules and regulation of

1.3.3. Plan preparation, monitoring and evaluation and information team case
The case team officer is responsible for leading and coordinating the preparation of the
utility’s five year strategic and annual operation consolidated plan, preparation of
consolidated as new members require time to grasp the situation and understand the
utility’s operations.
Moreover, it is found that the board lacks internal structure setup to facilitate its decision
making process and management tools such as performance agreement of follow up and
monitor performance the utility.

1.3.4. Water supply administration core process and scheme

The water supply and scheme administrative core process is responsible for water
production (from source of both surface and ground), treatment and distribution control
and produced water, performing preventive minor and medium level maintenance of
electromechanical equipment and to oversee the branch office operations.

1.3.5. Human resource management support process

Human resource management support process is responsible for man power planning,
recruitment, transfer and promotion, administering employee benefits, providing office
service, security, janitor activities, maintenance of personal records and general archives,
and preparing periodic performance reports.

1.3.6. Procurement, finance and property administration support process

The procurement, finance and property administration support process is responsible for
preparing consolidated budget, controlling revenue, executing payment as per the
approved budget and regulation, preparing consolidated procurement plan, purchasing of

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goods and services, and administrating ware house, recording all day to day financial
transactions as well as the receipt and issue of materials using computer software, and
preparing periodic financial, procurement of and stores administration performance

1.4 Main service and end user of the company

 Main service
 Preparing and distributing pure water
 Distributing potable water for customers up to their home
 New water line and sewer line installation
 Replacing and transferring pipe line
 Different kinds of maintenance
 Collect tax from customer
 End user of the company
The communities of Adwa town will get direct benefit from the project. Some of the
beneficiaries are:-
 Institutions like school, hospitals, public parks and gardening
 Commercial centers like hotels, shopping centers, cinema house, restaurants etc.
 Firefighting.
 Industries such as factories, cotton miles.
 Domestic water user such as drinking, bathing, washing etc.

1.5 objective of the project

Project aims to meet future water demand of the project area since existing system is inadequate
to meet future demand.

1.5.1 General objective

 The general objective of the project is
 To increase access to sustainable water supply.
 To improve the health and living condition of the community through the provision of
adequate and safe water supply for the future years.
 To provide supplementary water supply for the town.

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1.5.2 Specific objective
Some of the major specific objectives of the project are:

 Save time and energy saving in fetching of drinking water especially the burden of
women and child in fetching of water from other sources can be reduced.
 Proved better quality and sustainable water supply for the project area
 Easy control of hazards (like fire).
 Prevent disease transmission.
 To create job opportunity for the local community.

1.6 statement of the problem

The main problem of Adwa water treatment plant (midmar dam) is naturally pollute due
to agricultural activities , dead animals and erosion of the catchment area ,because there
is no screening at the inlet of the dam. The water in Adwa town is not enough to satisfy
the demand. In order to minimize this problem, the Adwa town water supply office
decided to supply water by shifting (i.e. once every three days).

The following are some of the major problems in identified with the water treatment plant
system as well as the Midmar dam.

 There is a shortage of water.

 There is leakage of water but not known the specific place.
 Some part of the dam is filling by soil which comes from the agricultural activities.
 In adequate capacity of existing reservoir.
 There are broken materials in laboratory.
 The back wash indicator is not working now.
 There is no fire hydrant reservoir.
 There is a broken pipe line around the aeration structure etc.
 Material and equipment of the new treatment plant are not delivered on time.

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2.1 Materials used
Since without the use of material is not give a sense and meaning full efforts, so material
is very essential in construction. Therefore, the following materials or instruments were
used during in my intern ship when I am writing my report, I have used different
materials like personal computers, note book, pen, design documents of the projects and
other resources.

Equipments used on the existed treatment plant are:

 Flow meter
 Valve material
 Pipe material
 sand
 ladder
 alum
 chlorine

Flow meter: - is used to measure the passing of water from the source to the
treatment plant.

Air release valve: - the location of air release valve is constructed at the peak area,
because when the water is pressurized from lower to the higher elevation, there is
high accumulation of air which may cause the pipe to vibrate or penetrate around the
joints. It is always opened and it used to release unwanted air during system

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Gate valve: - the purpose of this valve is on-off services. They are located at regular
intervals throughout the distribution system and junctions.

Figure 2:gate valve

The function of this valve is to control the flow fluid within the system in one or more of
the following ways:-

 to turn the flow on

 to turn the flow off
 to regulate the pressure of flow

Check valve:-this valve permits water to flow in only one direction and commonly
used to prevent reversal of flow when pumps are closed.Because of this it is called
non-return valves.

Pipe material: - generally there are more types of pipe used in the system started
from the dam or from the source to the customer . some of them are named as DCI
pipe, GS, SS, HDP and PVC.

Figure 3: Stainless steel

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DCI pipe: - the profile of this DCI pipe is started from the out let of the dam.
Generally the topography of the area of the project has more roughness area, small cross
rivers and soft rocks. With this type of topographical area, the DCI pipe selected from the
other pipe. This is due to the high strength when exposed, high stiffness, resistance to
water hammer.

Figure 4:DCI pipe

Table 1:location and dimension of pipes aligned in the systen

s/ Types of Diameter of pipe Location where they are placed

N pipe
1 DCI 350 From power house to aeration
2 DCI 400 From aeration to flocculation chamber
3 DCI 350 From flocculation chamber to clear water reservoir
4 DCI 350 From clear water to pump house
5 DCI 350 From pump house to elevated reservoir(found in
enda gewergis)
6 DCI 400 From elevated reservoir to break chamber( found in
adi Haki)
7 DCI 300 $ 150 From break chamber to customer
 Sand: - this sand is used in the filtration area to filter the water.
 Aluminum salphate (Al2so4): is a chemical used as a coagulant.
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 Chlorine (cl):- is a chemical used to kill microorganism

On the construction of new treatment plant uses different materials such as:

 cement:- is a powder like construction material

 Aggregate: - is one of the major ingredients in concrete production.
 Water: - is used for mixing concrete mortar and free from objectionable organic
 Mixer: - is a machine used to mix the ingredients like cement, water, aggregate
and sand.
 Standard box: is a material which is used to measure the amount of course
aggregate and fine aggregate (sand).

2.2 methodology used

The methods of data collection that I am used during writing my report are:

A. Direct data collection method: - as its name indicates, this method helps us to
collect the relevant information (data) directly from its source. I have used this
method by involving myself on the site and asking directly to the site Engineers,
formals as well as daily workers on the project.

B Indirect data collection method: - the source of this method is secondary data’s. I
have used different written materials to gather more information’s. For instance, written
reports of the project those are located at different branches of Adwa water treatment

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3.1 data analysis and result
As I have mentioned earlier, I have used both direct and indirect method of data
collections and general to specific method of data analysis to write my report.

Overall activity on the project is managed and reported by the site engineer. I am closely
work with him. He permits me to ask any question which is complicated to understand
during daily activity after that he replies and shows me how could I understand and pass
such problem. Adwa water treatment project includes both existing treatment plant as
well as new treatment plant. Existing treatment plant includes aeration structure,
coagulation chamber, sedimentation tank, filtration and reservoir similarly the new
treatment plant includes all the above structure but it is under construction process.

3.2 Existing water treatment plant

The existing water treatment system of Adwa includes:-
 Source of water
 Transmission line (pipes)
 treatment process(from source up to chlorination)
 Chemical house
 Pump house
 service reservoir

3.2.1 water supply source

The existing source of water supply of Adwa is Midimar dam. To have efficient water supply
scheme, requires permanent source of water. In general, there are a number of sources to
implement water supply and treatment project:-

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 Surface water source
 River/stream
 It is formed by the runoff from the mountain and hill area.
 Some rivers are perennial (water available throughout the year) and some rivers
are non-perennial (water available in rainy season only).
 Ponds/lakes
 It is a natural or artificial depression where surface runoff is collected in rainy
 Storage reservoir
 This source is always preferred for large water supply projects.
So the source of the new as well as the existing Adwa water treatment plant is surface
water (midmar dam) and its capacity is 10 million m 3 which is surrounded one side by
Soloda Mountain.
Some information about the dam are also listed below
 Total height of dam = 32.7 m including free board
 Crest length of dam = 310m
 Catchment area =75 km2
 Spill way length of dam = 60m
 Design period =20 years
 Tributary rivers =5 rivers from five tabia

Figure 5:midmar dam (source of water supply)

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3.2.2 Criteria for selecting potential water source
During the design of any water treatment project or any structure which have direct
contact with water engineers should have responsibility in order to choice and select the
potable source of water depending on the following criteria; especially those an hydraulic
engineers are:-
 Location: - the source of water should be as near as possible to the town.
If there are both surface and ground water sources available to the town
the selection will be deciding by considering other factors also.
 Quantity of water: - the source of water should have sufficient quantity of water
to meet up all the water demands of city such as domestic, industrial, firefighting,
public…throughout the design period or year. There should be sufficient extra
quantity of water to be required in the future while expansion of the town is done.
 Quality of water: - the quality of water should be good which can easily and
cheaply treat. It should not contain disease, germs or other pathogen which may
endanger the health of public. Therefore as far as possible the source of water
should be safe and free from pollution.
 Cost: - the cost of water treatment project should also be taken in to account
while selecting the source of water. The cost of the water supply schemes should
be minimum. The cost of water treatment scheme depends on many factors as
system of treatment, ground levels of town, distance between source and
distribution system etc. if the water flows under the gravitational force it will be
cheap, but if it to be pumped it will be costly. so that Adwa water treatment plant
is constructed by considering this criteria and uses gravitational force to flow the
Generally, the selection of the source of water treatment is done on the above points and
the source which will give good quality and quantity at less cost will be selected.

3.2.3 Water quality characteristics

 Physical characteristics
 Biological characteristics
 Chemical characteristics

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Physical characteristics
Turbidity: is the characteristics of water which is caused due to presence of suspended
and colloidal solids i.e. silt, clay rock fragments and metal oxides from soil. The degree
of turbidity is varies on seasons; during summer season turbidity is high due to rain.
Color: is caused by materials in solution or colloidal condition and should be
distinguished from turbidity.
Tastes and odor: this occurred due to organic material, minerals, metals and soils.
Consumer must have able to find as possible as test less and odor less water b/c they are a
health threat.
Chemical characteristics
The chemical characteristics of water are
 Total solids: include the solids in suspension colloidal and in dissolved form.
 Alkalinity: it is defined as the quantity of ions in water that will react to neutralize
hydrogen ions. The most constitute of alkalinity in natural waters are carbonate
(CO32), bicarbonate (HCO3) and hydroxide (OH-).they forms non pleasant taste.
 PH: this is the measure of the concentration of free hydrogen ion in water. this is
not a problem in Adwa water supply and treatment due to the reason of location
and the catchment area is free from acidic behavior.
 Dissolved oxygen: dissolved oxygen is present in variable quantities in water. its
content in surface water is depending up on the amount and character of the
unstable organic matter in addition to this clean water is saturated are normally
saturated with dissolved oxygen.
 Hardness: is caused by the sum of the alkali earth elements in water although the
major constituents are usually calcium and magnesium.
Generally a hardness of 100 to 150mg/l is desirable according to WHO. Excess of
hardness is leads to different problems.
 Large soap consumption in washing
 Not fit for industries
 Very hard water is not palatable etc.
But Adwa raw water is soft and free from hardness

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 Biological characteristics
A features of most natural water they contain a wide variety of microorganism i.e.
bacterium, protozoa, algae etc. generally all the characteristics of water are checked in the
laboratory house.

Table 2:Physical characteristics of water recorded from laboratory

Samples Raw water Clarifier water Filter water

Electric conductivity 230 238 238
Turbidity(mg/l) 435 0.8 0

3.2.4 Source of water pollution

Domestic sewage: that means the waste that comes from the house hold.
Industrial wastes: industrial wastes are thrown in to water bodies without proper
treatment. if the source of the water supply is located at higher elevation, this is not a
problem for water pollution. The industrial wastes may carry harmful substances such as
grease, oil, and explosive substances.
Catchment area: This is main problem of surface water pollution of the source of water
just by washing out the catchment such as fertilizers, organic and non-organic maters,
soils etc.
 Water treatment process
Source of water screening aeration coagulation flocculation sedimentation
filtration chlorination pure water reservoir
Source of water: As it is explained in the above the source of the Adwa water supply
and treatment plant is surface water. Location of
screening and
tower intake

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Figure 6: raw water intakes structure of Midmar dam

Aeration: it is the process of bringing water in intimate contact with air and the water
absorbs oxygen from air. The raw water is coming by350mm DN of DCI pipe from the
source. (The pipe that is used to bring water from the source up to aeration is DCI pipe
which has 350mm DN.)
Aeration is used:-
 To remove undesirable gases dissolved in water i.e. CO2, H2S
 To add oxygen to water in order to convert iron, manganese to more manageable
 To remove bad smell from water by the form of air
Classification of aeration
 Based on their shape
 Based on their design and operation method
Classification of aeration based on their shape
 Circular: it is complex to construct and aerates small amount of water than
rectangular aeration. This type of shape is found on the existing treatment plant.

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Figure 7:circular aeration

 Rectangular shape: it is simple to construct as well as to aerate large capacity of
water. This kind of shape is found on the new treatment plant construction.
Classification based on design and operation
 Gravity aerator
 Spray aerator
 Air diffuser
 Mechanical aerator
On my internship gravity aerator is selected for both the new as well as the existing
treatment plant due to the suitability of the topography.
Screening: used to remove large particles and solids i.e. dead animals, leaves,large
suspended particles etc.
Coagulation: the objective of coagulation is to unit several colloidal particles together to
form bigger sized settable flock which may settle down in the tank. It uses a chemical of
aluminum sulfate (Al2 (SO4)3 18H2O) which acts as a coagulant and mixed on the wire
mixer device their amounts are varies with the incoming discharge.
Factor affecting coagulations are
 Type of coagulant
 Dose of coagulant
 Characteristics of water
 Time and method of mixing
The reasons for selection of alum (Aluminum sulfate) as coagulant on my internship are
 Easily manufactured on our country and efficient
 It is very cheap(economic consideration)

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 It’s simple in working
 Not harm to health
 It removes taste as well as color
Flocculation chamber: is the structure used to make slow movement of water through
the flock chamber so as to change the particles to large size with the requirement of time.
The water moves slowly on the flock chamber for the time interval of 20 min- 30min by
passing through the holes of the flock chamber. Finally the waste particles are settling
down as sludge on the sedimentation tank.
Plain sedimentation (Clarification): sedimentation is solid liquid separation process
utilizing gravitational settling to remove suspended solids from the water (also called
clarification). It is also one of the cheapest and easiest ways of liquid removing
suspended solids. The water collected at the clarifier passes through the top of laterals
holes and sent to the filters. Rectangular sedimentation basin is the simplest design
allowing water to follow horizontally through a long tank.

Figure 8:Clarifier water(sedimentation tank)

Filtration:Filtration process is the most important part of water consists of
passing water through a thick layer of sand. Filtration is also done to ensure safe, clear
and attractive water During filtration process:-

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 Fine suspended and colloidal matter which may be present in water is removed
almost completely.
 Chemical characteristics of water get reduced.
There are two types of filters
 Rapid sand filter
 Slow sand filter
On my internship rapid sand filter is used than slow sand filter due to
 Have the ability to produce or filter large amount of water than other and
 It needs small area
Rapid sand filter
Is consists a rectangular water tight tank made from stone masonry or concrete.
The rapid sand filter is the most common type used in water treatment to remove
non-settlable floc remaining after chemical coagulation and sedimentation
process. during filtration, water pass down ward through the filter bed by a
combination of water pressure from above and suction from bottom. Sand filters
are cleaned by backwashing ( reversing the flow) up ward through the bed.
Generally the comparison of slow sand filter and rapid sand filter is:-
Rapid sand filter is:
 Requires small area for its installation.
 Construction is complex.
 Low initial cost of both land and material.
 It has high efficient removal of color and turbidity.
 Method of cleaning is short and speedy.
 Skilled man power is essential.
 Rate of filtration is high.
Slow sand filter
 Requires large area for installation.
 Coagulation is not required.
 Construction is simple.
 High initial cost of both land and material.

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 Rate of filtration is low.
 High efficient in removal of bacteria but less efficient in removal of color and
 Skilled man power is not essential.
 The filter can be constructed of local labor and material; it is suitable for small
towns and villages.
Chlorination: this is the final stage of the water treatment and also acts as a disinfectant.
As we know there are various methods of disinfection but in my internship chlorination is
selected due to the following reason
 Quick and effective at killing micro organism
 Ready soluble at the concentration needed for disinfection
 Taste and odorless at the required concentration
 Cheap
 Nontoxic to human; time consideration
 Easy to handle, transport, apply etc.
There is various chlorination compounds available i.e. calcium hypo chlorite, sodium
hypo chlorite, free chlorine but in my internship calcium hypo chlorite is selected and
produce as powder form.
The Reasons for selection of calcium hypo chlorite in my internship is due to
 Economic consideration
 Easily produce in our country
Chlorine applied at various stages of treatment and distribution accordingly they are
known as pre, post and re-chlorination.
a) Pre-Chlorination: Chlorine applied prior to the sedimentation and filtration process is
known as Pre-chlorination. This is practiced when the water is heavily polluted and to
remove taste, odor, color and growth of algae on treatment units. Pre-chlorination
improves coagulation and post chlorination dosage may be reduced.
b) Post Chlorination: When the chlorine is added in the water after all the treatment is
known as Post-chlorination. After chlorination water is sent for distribution to the
consumers. In our internship only post chlorination has been used.

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c) Re-Chlorination: In long distribution systems, chlorine residual may fall tendering
the water unsafe. Application of excess chlorine to compensate for this may lead to
unpleasant smell to consumers at the points nearer to treatment point in such cases
chlorine is applied again that is re-chlorinated at intermediate points generally at service
reservoirs and booster pumping stations.

3.2.5 distribution reservoir

The filtered water is stored in 500 m3 clear well under the filters. The treated water
quality during both rainy and dry season meets WHO standard in its physical, chemical
and bacteriological characteristics. The treated water characteristics such as measurement
of chlorine residuals, PH and turbidity determination and other analysis essential for the
control of the unit processes being used are checked in a small laboratory. After this
processes from this reservoir treated water is pumped to service tank (elevated). This
service tank used to distribute the treated water to the city by gravitational force system.

Figure 9:existing clear water reservoir

3.2.6 Accesseries of reservoir
Inlet pipe:- is a pipe used to entry of water to the reservoir. It is is connected with pipe
diameter of under recommended and gate valve must be laid on the pump not to be on the
reservoir to ensure the safty of the pump. The pipe we use is guiding on the different
criterias like capacity, strength, cost, weather condition and and resist high pressure.

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Out let :- it is an accessories of reservoir in which water is exited from the reservoir to
the distribution system to access each community. Water meter and gate valve is
installing on the out let.
Over flow pipe:- it is used for the exits of water above full supply level.
Wash out pipe:- are pipe in which used for removing water after cleaning or during
cleaning of reservoir.
Ladder (external and internal):- it is constructed on reservoir for the purpose of
reaching on the reservoir during operation and maintainance.
Valves and fittings
Fittings:-Adwa water supply and treatment plant distribution system is installed different
fittings such as
Tee:- it is used to reduce the size of pipes from maximame to minimum and vice versa.
Coupling:- it is to connect similar pipes. After joining the pipe is not separated easily.
Gasket:-a piece of compressible material used to make a joint between flat surface.
Reducer:- it is used to connect two or three pipes having different sizes of diameter and
it uses to change the flow of water from high to small diameter and vice versa.

3.2.7 Backwash reservoir

This reservoir stores pure water which is comes from the pure water reservoir by
pumping system used just to wash out the treatment system and also it have the capacity
of 500 m3. It is found in Adi berak.
The aeration, sedimentation tank, distribution reservoir are cleaned out by man power at
least once in a month without stopping its service but the filtration area is washing each
filter by electro mechanical, pure water, compressed air system.

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Figure 10:During back washing sand filter

The filters are back washed by the use of treated water and compressed air. Steps of
washing the sand filters are placed below.

 The first “washing” phase consists of closing the filter shatter, closing the clear
water influent valve, opening the drainage valve and starting the air blower (with
back wash water pump switched off) for one minute and washed with both water and
air for four minutes.
 In the second “air scour” phase, the air scour valve is opened and as soon as the air is
properly distributed, the wash water pump, discharged to the bypass, is started up in
order to supply the reduced flow of water add during air scour.
 The third stage that is “rinsing” phase consists of closing the air scour valve, opening
the bypass valve to admit a large volume of rinsing water, starting the wash water
pump, and switching off the air blower for four minute.
 The final “shut down” phase involves closing the wash water valves, and switching
off the pump.
 To place the filter back in operation the filter shatter valve is opened.
Sludge accumulated on the sand is removed back washing the filter. This back wash
water, along with accumulated sludge is piped to the same channel which discharges
excess clarifier sludge in to the river downstream from the treatment plant.

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3.3 Expansion of new water treatment plant in Adwa
This water treatment plant has more capacity than the former one. This is designed
because of the expansion of the Adwa city and consideration of the historical place Axum
and its surroundings. The treatment is one of the modern treatment plants in this century.
It has all compartments which able to conduct the treatment activities in efficient way.
The design of this treatment is done by bureau of water resources Tigray region. Now
almost all construction activities of the treatment plant have been completed by the

3.3.1 Objective of the project

Project aims to meet three times future water demand of the project area than the
existing; since existing system is inadequate to meet future demand.
About the project
The project is planned to be undertaken in line with the Government of Ethiopia objective
of 100% coverage i.e. all residents and institutions of the town and its suburban have easy
access to safe, potable and adequate water supply system and for the purpose of reduction
in water borne disease.
The project aims to set up an additional water treatment plant with maximum capacity.
Along with the two new reservoirs will be constructed in Adwa and Almeda with 4000m 3
and 2000 m3 capacity respectively. Raw water from Midimar reservoir will be transported
to the treatment plant by gravity through a new transmission main. Further two new
transmission lines of 3,050m and 4,000m will be laid to transfer water from treatment
plant to Adwa and Almeda reservoirs respectively.
The pumping station will have a total of seven horizontal surface centrifugal pumps.
Three pumps in a (2+1) arrangement will be used to boost the water from the station to
Adwa Town reservoir, two pumps in a (1+1) arrangement will be used to boost water to
Almeda reservoir and two pumps (1+1) will be used for backwash water. The pumps will
have water discharge capacity equal to the sum of maximum day demands of the two
Project Components

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The proposed project will meet the demand for next 20 years excluding the construction
period of 15 months. This is suggested based on the level of town growth, the existing
water supply situation of the town, and the assumption that the sources and availability of
finance for implementing the proposed project can be guaranteed.
The construction activities that are going to be implemented are described below:

 Construction of water treatment plant containing aerator, balancing tank,

flocculation chamber ,sedimentation tank, rapid sand filter, Backwash tank,
clear water tank, chemical building, clear water pumping station, Managerial
dwellings, guard house, generator house etc. almost these are completed
 Construction of 2,000m3 capacity Almeda reservoir
 Construction of 4,000m3 capacity Adwa reservoir
 Construction of administrative building.

Purpose of water treatment

The purpose of water treatment is:-

 To convert the water taken from the surface source, the raw water in to a
drinking water suitable for domestic use.
 To remove pathogenic organisms, toxic substances such as heavy metals
causing health hazards.
 To remove suspended matters causing turbidity, iron and manganese
 To remove the dissolved gases and color of water.

3.3.2 Design period

Is the number of years for which the design of the water works have been done. Hence a
new water supply scheme is normally made large enough to meet the needs of growing
communities for an economically justifiable number of year in future, huge and costly
construction works like reservoir’s, treatment plant and distribution pipe lines are
required for a complete water supply scheme. Hence, these works should be designed for
sufficient capacity to meet the future demand of the town for an established length of

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time. This length of time or the number of years for which the design of the water supply
works has done is known as design period.
The design period should neither be too long that the financial burden is the thrown on
the future generation nor should be too small that the whole financial burden is thrown on
the present generation and the design of water work becomes an economical. The design
period is not only limited by general economic consideration but also the following
 Useful life of component
 Resource availability
 Anticipated expansion rate of the town.
For design of water supply schemes for small towns, a design period of 20-25
years is considered appropriate.
After analyzing all the above mentioned constraints, the design period of Adwa town
is fixed 25years because it is a large town.

3.3.3 Population forecasting

After deciding the design period, the next step is forecasting the population in which the
project is going to feed without shortage of supply in the future. Plenty method of
population forecasting are exercised. The methods are selected if they are most
appropriate and they can fit for the project area.
The selection is usually done by comparing which method is suitable for the given design
and city or town.
The methods of forecasting future population are discussed below
Factors affecting population growth
There are several factors that affect population growth. Among these the following points
are the major ones.
 Accidents in the nature of big fires, epidemic, floods, earth quacks, war etc…
 Change in education , politics, recreation etc
 Economic change, development of new industries
 Increase in facilities of transport system
 Unforeseen circumstances such as discovery of oil, mine

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 Sudden increase in religious importance of the city
 Political change in the adjoining country and nearness to the national borders
Methods of forecasting population
The following are the common methods by which the projection of population is
 Arithmetic increase method
 Geometric increase method
 Incremental increase method
From all the above method of population fore casting, geometric is the appropriate
method of population forecasting for Adwa town. This is illustrated by taking absolute
error and comparing each other, after that take small value. This method is generally
applicable for growing cities.
Geometric increase method
This method is based on the assumption that the percent increase in population from
decade to decade remains constant. In this method the average percentage of growth of
last few decades is Determined. The population forecasting is done on the basis that
percentage increase per decade will be the same.
This method is expressed as follows;
Pn=po (1+k) 1/k
Where, po = initial population
Pn = population at nth decade
n = number of decades, k = geometric increase rate

3.3.4 Water demand Assessment

During design and execution of any water treatment plant requires an estimation of the
total amount of water required by community.
A water treatment system capable of supplying sufficient quantity of potable water is
necessary for the demand
When designing the water supply scheme for a town, it is necessary to determine the total
quantity of water required for various proposes. Some of the factors that affect water
demand are given below

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 Climatic condition
 Size of the town
 Culture of people
 Industries
 Cost of water
 Quality of water
 System of supply
When Designing the water supply scheme for a town or city, total water demand is
determine by analysing water demanded for various purpose as discussed earlier such as;
1. Domestic demand
2. Commercial demand
3. Industrial demand
4. Fire demand
5. Loss and wastes
6. Institutional water demand
1) Domestic water demand
The water demand for actual household activity is known as domestic water demand. It
includes the quantity of water required in the house for drinking, cooking, bathing,
washing of clothes, flushing toilet, etc. The quantity of water required for domestic use
mainly depends on the habits, social status, climatic condition and customs of the people.
2) Commercial demand
The quantity of water used for commercial buildings and commercial centers such as
hotels, shopping centers, restaurants etc.
3) Industrial water demand:- This includes the amount of water required by factories
such as paper mills, cotton mills, cloth mills etc. The water required for this purpose is
mainly depending on the type of industries, which exist in the city.
4) Fire fighting water demand
The quantity of water required for firefighting purpose is a function of population, but
within minimum limit. Because the greater the population, the greater will be the number
of buildings and hence greater risk of fire. The required amount of water for firefighting

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will not be more than the amount of water distributed during the maximum day water
Therefore, the water required for firefighting will be stored in the reservoir, with 10% of
the storage volume of the reservoir and will be meeting from the storage but not from the
5) Loss and waste
These include the quantity of water due to wastage, losses thefts etc.
 Waste in the pipe line due to defective pipe joints, cracked and broken pipes, faulty
valves and fittings.
 Water that lost when consumers keep open their taps and public taps even when they
are not using water and allow continuous wastage of water.
 Water that is lost due to unauthorized and illegal connection.
6) Institutional water demand
This is also known as public demand and it includes the quantity of water required for
various public utility purposes. The water required for various public buildings and the
Institutions, public parks, playgrounds, gardening, sprinkling on roads etc will come
under this demand.

3.3.5 Criteria for selection of water treatment site

The site of treatment plant should be located
 Near to the town to which water is to be supplied and near to the source of supply
 Away from any source of pollution
 Away from the border of other country
 At higher elevation if topography permit
 As much as possible its elevation should be lower than its sources to be suitable
for gravitational reception and distribution system if the source is surface water.
Criteria for selection of pure water reservoir, sedimentation tank, pumping house
construction site
 Site should be checked for possible zone land slide and earth quake
 Check the existence of crack which are the potential source of leakage
 Load carrying capacity and impermeability of the foundation should be checked

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 Availability of material-easily available materials reduce the cost of transportation
Technical and functional requirements of pure water reservoir and treatment
construction site

3.3.6 Component of the new treatment plant

Aeration structure: this is structure used for bringing water in intimate contact with air
and the water absorbs oxygen from air. The new aeration structure has its rectangular
shape and gravity aerator system.

Figure 11: rectangular aeration structures

Chemical house: this is a G+2 structure and acts as a center of laboratory house. All
the chemical added to the raw water are expected to place on that.
Component of the structure

Figure 12:chemical house

Wire mixer: a structure which is used to mix alum chemical (coagulant) with the raw
water rapidly and the mixing device is a hydraulic jump.

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Sedimentation tank: Sedimentation is the removal of particles (silt, sand, clay, etc.)
through gravity setting in basins. No chemical is to enhance the sedimentation process.

Components of sedimentation tank

 Drainage(waste out let) structure

 Flocculation chamber structure
 Inlet structure

Figure 13:construction of sedimentation tank

Construction of filtration

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As I have mentioned above filtration is used to remove suspended matter and colloidal
matter, to reduce bacteria, algae and to change chemical characteristics of water.

Figure 14:sand filter

.Construction of pumping house
Water passes from distribution reservoir to pumping house by gravitational force and
then pumping to the service reservoir by pressurized form. The pumping house has a G+1
floor and the structure needs a very skill and technical b/c the pumps have high vibration
force. So the structure must be safe for all internal and external (site condition) force.
Centrifugal type of pump is expected to install on the pumping house.

Figure 15:construction of pumping house

Pipe installation within the structure
When, during the construction of the treatment plant a DCI type pipe is installed on the
inter part of the structure i.e. on the aeration, weir mixer, flocculation chamber, sewage
out let, filtration areas and power house which is difficult to insert after construction.
Pipe size selection

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Pipes are made from different materials like cast iron, wrought iron, asbestos, steel,
plastic etc so that the material should be selected keeping in mind the following points:-
A pipe material selected based on various conditions like,
 Cost
 Type of water to be conveyed
 strength, durability & life of pipe
 carrying capacity of the pipe
 Type of water to be converged & it’s possible corrosive effect on the pipe
 Ease of transportation, handling & installation
 Tightness of joints & ease to tap for making connections
 Maintenance cost, repair
The pipe material which fulfills the above criteria and also gives less cost will be selected
because it will be most economical.

3.3.7 Distribution reservoir

The distribution reservoirs is the structure which store water for different purpose, which
are situated at suitable elevation to command the distribution system regulating the
minimum and maximum pressure requirement during peak hour demand to lower point.
Distribution reservoir requires storing the treated water for supplying water to the users.
The reservoir balances the hourly fluctuation in the water demand. To store and supply
purified water and to treat the residual effluent will build structure are required. It is
important to restrain cracking so that cracking will be minimum (do not take place). The
design is generally governed by the requirements of the serviceability, service state, but
stability considerations are important and design must take careful account of the
construction methods to be used
Criteria for selection of reservoir construction site
 Site should be checked for possible zone land slide and earth quake
 Check the existence of crack which are the potential source of leakage
 Load carrying capacity and impermeability of the foundation should be checked
 Availability of material-easily available materials reduce the cost of transportation

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Location of distribution reservoir
The distribution reservoirs is the structure which store water for different purpose, which
are situated at suitable elevation to command the distribution system regulating the
minimum and maximum pressure requirement during peak hour demand to lower point.
Distribution reservoir requires storing the treated water for supplying water to the users.
The reservoir balances the hourly fluctuation in the water demand. To store and supply
purified water and to treat the residual effluent will build structure are required. It is
important to restrain cracking so that cracking will be minimum (do not take place.
Any ways, in our site the distribution reservoir located as lower as the elevation of the
clarifier and filtration so as suitable for gravitational flow system.

Figure 16:distribution reservoir

Design parameter
 Volume = 500m3
 Height = 5m
 Area = 114m2
 Diameter = 12m
 Intake pipe diameter = 300mm=0.3m
 Out let pipe diameter = 350mm=0.35m
 Radius = 6m

3.4 Environmental Impact and Assessment

3.4.1 Negative environmental impact

 Destruction of fauna and flora

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 Impacts on land use pattern.
 Public Disturbance and Health
 Pollution of the environment during sanitation system
 Risks of soil erosion.
 Impacts on infrastructure.

3.4.2 Positive environmental impacts

Positive environmental impacts include
a) improvement of health and standard of Living.
The provision of potable and adequate water supply would have a remarkable
improvement in the living standards of the community. In particular, there will be
considerable savings in times and energy, since the water is brought to the community at
reasonable distances.
b) Job opportunity
The construction of the Adwa town water supply system will provide employment for a
large number of local skilled and unskilled workers which are part of the community.
c) Public health benefit
A number of diseases are carried and spread through untreated water supplies; hence the
provision of safe and adequate water supply will improve the health and productively of
the community of Adwa town.
d) Increased industrialization of the town
Even through industries are required to provide their own water for their industries, the
availability of enough water with good quality may attract investors to build new
industries. This will allow the town people to be employed, and get industrial product
with less cost.
e) Commercial center
f) Used for educational center
g) Productivity benefit
h) Fire protection

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4.1 overall benefits I have gained during my internship period
As we know, the purpose of internship is to increase or improve the capacity and
capability of students practically. Basically the benefits of the internshipprogram were
gained interms of:-

 I improved my practical skill that I had learnt theoretical application

 Upgrading theoretical skill
 I improving team playing skill
 Improving leadership skill
 Understanding about work ethics related issues
 I improving entrepreneurship skills
 I have learned problem solving

4.2 practicall skill I have gained during internship period

In the university life I have been learn most things theoretically, but in the field practice
area this was changed in to practical skill.. A skill which has the ability to change the
theoretical knowledge to that of we can touch and see.

From this, in Awso water supply project, I gained so many practical skills. Some of them

 I have learned how can fit pipes with each other by using fittings
 I have learned how to treat the raw water practically from beginning up to ending.
 I have gained how I interacted with internal and external clients( adopt social
interaction in work place).
 I understand how to manage time and goods in work place within a given time
schedule budget to complete specific task.

4.3 Upgrading theoretical knowledge

Theoretical knowledge was first obtained from the university within the 31/2 years
duration.during this duration the learning curriculum have been not more than enough

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supported by practical skill.because of this, the knowledge that I have gained from the
duration years was not more clearly,but in my internship program this problem was
minimized and developed the ability to understanding fromtime to time.Initial theoretical
knowledge developed to practical knowledge and finally the result of those two things
developed to modified theoretical knowledge that obtained from the field work.

4.4 Interpersonal communication skill

Interpersonal communication is a way of communication that a person have with other

people who might have contact with . The internship program plays a great role in
improving interpersonal communication skill. In this manner, internship and
communication skills are interconnected to each other.

4.5 The influence of the internship for the future career plan
Internship program is fundamental and essential for all engineering students to capture
new knowledge and to upgrade the theoretical knowledge of the students. Furthermore, it
is a good way to create skill full, responsible, honest, strong, problem solver and
successive engineer in the country.

Generally speaking, internship program influences my future career plan as follows:

 To be hard worker and focus works on their quality.

 To be punctual, responsible on my work and action.
 To have confidence during site and design works.
 It initiates me to continue my lesson so as become more skill full engineer.
 To be honest and success full leader.

4.6 Correlation of theoretical knowledge with internship activities

Internship program is a good chance to change the class room knowledge in to practical
activities. Nothing is different from the class room knowledge; the difference is only
applying the theoretical in to practical form. Internship activities are practical way of
obtaining knowledge and skill whereas; class room activities are formal way of getting

Generally, I have gained the following certain skills and knowledge from internship.

 Improving and upgrading practical and theoretical knowledge.

 Improving interpersonal communication.
 Team work.
 Improving my leader ship skills.

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 Understanding work ethics.
 Entrepreneurship skills.
 Problem solving etc.
 Challenges that were i faced in my internship period

When I was in the site to prepare and practice my internship some critical challenges
have been happened to me, those from those some are

 Lack of service (transportation problem).

 Lack of documents which are indirect source my internship.
 Hardship of the area due to high level of temperature.
 Lack of commitment among the intern due to exceeded number of intern.

 Mitigation to the challenges of my internship time

As I am an engineering student I have found some solutions to the problem. These

solutions includes

 Transportation on my foot as much as possible

 By go to Aksum university library refer some materials and using soft copy from
my computer.
 Asking many concerned bodies to find alternative information.
 Using different mechanisms to resist the temperature.
 Grouping the students in to four shifts for work conformability

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Water is one of the necessities for human being and for all living things. The life of
human and other living things is directly or indirectly depends on the availability and
quality of water. And it is the vital for human beings and other living species. The
objective of this company is to access, examine the problem of water supply and identify
its impacts and to design the possible solution for the problem.

The main aim of this internship program is to introducing the engineering students in to
practical work environment in order to development their theoretical knowledge and how
to apply it practically. The most purpose of taking this internship program is to overcome
the problem of understanding and introducing the real engineering work for
undergraduate students when they inter in to work place for their first time.

At this water treatment project there is a shortage of potable water. So to solve this
shortage of water, to decrease water born disease due to pure hygiene, to improve living
standard of community and to supply potable water in Adwa wereda and Axum zone
there is a new treatment plant but it is under construction.

Throughout the whole work of this project I have got so many fundamental knowledge
and experiences related to water supply system and distribution of water. Generally all
the project work process I have passed where every interesting and satisfactory the
general understanding of the project writing skill, whole theoretical and practical
concepts of water supply. As I can recognize from this project, designing of water supply
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systems needs especially care and treatment, because any carless practice can cause a
very series and devastating damage and extra cost over the human and time resource. To
minimize this risk proper design of the scheme and a strong management is very
mandatory and important.


6.1 Recommendations
As I am a student’s of hydraulics and water resource enginnering, for the problems that I
observed in the project, I have tried to put some constructive recommendations to the

 The work flow of the company had a good administration staff in coordinating and
monitoring the works. Therefore it shall continue.
 I want to appreciate to the company for accepting students.
 As I have considered from the project that constructed in the before in the area, they
were finished and they give a services but now some materials are not operating. For
instance in the pump house, chemical house and sand filter. So, to solve this problem
the material should be maintained and selected properly.
 The other problem I was facing during the internship is, there is no enough
transportation facilitates in the company. So, the organization shall have sufficient
 Until now the new project is unfinished it is better speedup the new project work to
solve the shortage of water or to satisfy the demand..
 In the main office there is shortage of documents that means there is no enough
written documents about the project, but it is good if there is a written document to
refer and understand background of the project.
 There is leakage in the pipes but not known th specific place, it is better to introduce
position indicator(PLC system) to know where the likeage should be happened.

Prepared by Atakilti w/gebreal And group students Department

HWRE Page 40

 During washing the sedimentation tank, flocculation chamber and aeration is washing
out by man power (labors) but this is not time saving and not completely washing. So,
it is better to use modernized techniques.
 The company should constructed good and sustainable access road for the project.
 The sand which uses for the sand filter is located on the sun .so, it is better to laid in
good condition.
 During back washing the sand filter, sedimentation tank, flocculation chamber,
aeration structure the water is directly flow to river. But it is better to use for
irrigation purpose or for the drinking purpose by constructing another reservoir and
then treat again.
 The lab workers are not used safety materials like helmet and glove to protect them
from accidental hand and head injury. Therefore it is better to use the safety materials
in order to create safe working. (The workers should be uses safety materials).
 Recommendations for the universty
 The university should be create a friendship relation with local and international
 The teaching/learning process method should be more practical than theoretical.
 The university should be send advisors to the company on time or attach by email
with the students.

Prepared by Atakilti w/gebreal And group students Department

HWRE Page 41


Project manager and site enginners oral interview

Hand out and reference book in water supply cource

 Water and Waste Water Engineering System, By D. Barnes, P.J. Bliss, B.W
Gould and H.R. Valentine, 1981
 Water and Waste Water Technology, Mark. J. Hammer
 Water Supply and Sewerage. By E. W. Steel and Terence J, Fifth Edition.
 Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, By Dr. P. N. MODI and Dr. S. M. Seth. Twelfth
edition 1998
 Water supply engineering. S.K. Garg, Khan Publisher
 Water supply and sanitation engineering. DL Gupta and Bharat single, 4th edition.

Prepared by Atakilti w/gebreal And group students Department

HWRE Page 42


Mr.- mister

m3- cubic meter

m- meter

mm- milli meter

km- kilometer

m3/day-meter cubic per day

m3/hr-meter cubic

mg/l- millli gram per litre

DN-Nominal Diameter


a.m.s.l-above mean sea level


E.C-Ethiopian Calander

HDPE- High Density PolyEthylene

DCI-Ductile Custe Iron

GS-Galvanized Iron

SS-Stainless steel

PVC-Plastisized PolyVinyl Chloride

BPR-Bussiness Process Re-engineering

WHO- World Health Organization

Prepared by Atakilti w/gebreal And group students Department

HWRE Page 43

AWSATP-Adwa Water Supply And Treatment Plant

Weir mixer: a structure located before the flocculation chamber used to mix raw water
with the coagulant chemical rapidly.

Mid mar dam:- is the name of the place which the source of the water supply

Appendix:- overall organization structures and work flow of AWSATP

Head office

Plan preparation, monitoring

and evaluation of information
case team

Water supply and Human resource Procurement, Finance and

administration core management support administration support

Adwa branch
Prepared office w/gebreal And group students
by Atakilti Department
HWRE Page 44
Adiabun branch office

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