DLP ENGLISH 3 Fiction and Non Fiction

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SCHOOL Grade Level 3



A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of fiction and
non-fiction texts by distinguishing between the two,
identifying key characteristics of each, and explaining
how they serve different purposes.
B. Performance Standard The learner consistently maintains proficiency in
identifying, analyzing and applying their understanding in
various context.
C. Learning Competency/Objectives LC Code: EN3LC – IVi – j - 3.5

1. To identify and differentiate fiction from
nonfiction information/text.
2. To demonstrate an understanding of the key
characteristics of fiction and non-fiction text.
3. To apply appropriate strategies, comprehend and
respond to both academic and real-world context.
A. References
1. Textbook pages ENGLISH 3-QUARTER 4 PAGE 7
B. Other Learning Resources Google.com, Visual Aid, PowerPoint presentation, TV,
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Preparatory Activity
1. Prayer
• Let’s all stand and pray. • Student will lead the prayer.
Dear Lord . . .
2. Greetings
• Good Morning Class! • Good Morning Ma’am!

3. Classroom Rules
• Pick some papers and arrange your • Students will pick papers and arrange their
chairs. chairs.

• That’s good! So always be guided by • Yes, ma’am.

our classroom rules.

4. Checking of Attendance
• Class monitor, who is absent today?
• No one is absent today Ma’am!
• Thank you class!

A. Reviewing a previous lesson or presenting the

new lesson
 Before we proceed to our next lesson for
today, last time I have given you an
assignment, please pass it forward.  Students passing their assignments.

 Who can recall the lesson we discussed

last meeting?  Our lesson last meeting was all about
Informational text.
 Excellent! What is informational text?
 An informational text is a nonfiction type of
literature or reading materials based in facts.

 How about the examples of informational  Some examples of informational text ma’am are
text? Lions are large mammals in the cat family and the
lifespan of a gorilla is between 30-50 years.
 Awesome kids! I am happy to know that
you mastered the lesson yesterday.

B. Establishing a purpose of the lesson

 Now, let’s read altogether our learning  Objectives:
goals for today. 1. To identify and differentiate fiction from
nonfiction information/text.
2. To demonstrate an understanding of the key
characteristics of fiction and non-fiction text.
3. To apply appropriate strategies, comprehend and
respond to both academic and real-world context.
 Thank you, class! Direction: Pick and Separate the words which you
 I have an activity which we will call think belong to Fiction and non-fiction.
“Pick and separate ME”
Here is the direction:

 Now, let’s separate the words that

belongs to fiction and non-fiction.

 Students are answering

 Nice Job, class!

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new

 (Students are answering)

 I have here a short video clip, all you have to
do is to watch and listen carefully for our
discussion later. Am I understood?
 Yes Ma’am

 (The teacher will show the video

 (Students watching the video clips)

• Base to our video, what is our
lesson for today?
• (Students are raising their hands)
• Yes Carla?

• I think Ma’am our lesson is all about fiction and non-

• Very Good! All of your ideas are fiction.

• Our lesson for today is all about

fiction and non-fiction.

• Nonfiction is writing about facts or real


• Fiction is something told or made up story

based on imagination. It is not true.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new

skills #1
• I will group you class by row and
get a ½ crosswise.

• In the video that I showed

you earlier, describe and
differentiate fiction from

 Am I clear?

 I will give you 5 minutes to do it. You

may start now. • Yes, Ma’am!
• (The students are discussing by group.)
 Since everyone are done, we’ll proceed
to our reporting. Row 3 will be the first,
followed by row 2 and next is row 1.

• (Students answers may vary)

 Thank you class for your cooperation.
Give everyone a big round of applause.

E. Developing mastery (leads to

Formative Assessment) • (Students are clapping)!

• It seems that you know how to identify

and differentiate fiction from non-fiction

• I will going to group you into two to do

this activity.

• This activity will be called “Think-Pair

Share” in which you will discuss your answer
with your partner to test if you really understand
the topic.
Guided Activity 1
Directions: Check the appropriate box on your answer sheet if
the statement states a fiction or a non-fiction.

Fiction Non-Fiction

1. Birds can fly. _______ _________

• Did you understand? 2. Fish can live on land. _______ _________
3.Hippopotamus can
Breath under water. _______ _________
• You have 5 minutes to answer this 4. Spider can walk. _______ _________
activity. 5. Dog has four legs. _______ _________

 Yes, ma’am.

• And after that let’s have a short

discussion about your answers.

• Okay times up! Two pairs from row 1

will start followed by row 2.

• Thank you class for that very good

F. Finding practical application of
concepts and skills in daily living.

• In a 1 whole clean paper list down at • (Students are thinking, writing their answer)
least three (3) things that you observe
that belongs to Fiction and non-fiction.

• I will giving you 5 minutes to answer

and later on you will going to pass it

• Your paper serve as a quiz and your

attendance also.

• Your time starts now!

G. Making Generalizations and

abstractions about the lessons.

• Overall, Fictional stories are made up by the

author and are not based on real events or people.
• They often include imaginary characters, settings,
and events.

• Non-fiction
• Non-fiction texts provide information about real
people, places, events, or ideas.

• They are based on facts and are meant to inform

or explain something to the reader.

H. Evaluating Learning

• Now, let’s see if you really master our lesson. Get

¼ sheet of paper answer the following question.

Direction: Give the correct answer and write it in the
• I will give you 5 minutes to answer and later on I space provided. Choose the correct answer inside the box.
will collect your answers. Understood?

1. _______ is writing about facts or real events.

2. Something told or made up story based on
imagination is considered as ___________?
3. A _________ is an information known or proved
to be true based on evidence.
4. A __________ is a nonfiction type of literature or
reading materials based in fact.
• Pass your papers forward.
• Yes, ma’am.

I.Additional activities for application or


• For your assignment. Research story that belongs

to Fiction and nonfiction.

• Okay Class these are all for today. Goodbye.

• Goodbye, teacher!

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