Subject Class Level of Proficiency Enrolment Date Day Time Theme Topic Language Content Integrated Skill Content Standard

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Subject : English Language

Class : 3 Usaha

Level of proficiency : Mixed-ability

Enrolment : 19

Date :5th February 2015

Day : Thursday

Time : 8.15 – 9.45a.m. (1 hour 30 minutes)

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic : Things I Do

Language content : Grammar (Common Nouns and Proper Nouns)

Integrated skill : Listening and speaking, reading and writing

Content standard : 5.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils
will be able to use different word classes correctly and

Learning standard : 5.1.1 Able to use nouns correctly and appropriately:

(a) common nouns

(b) proper nouns

Behavioural objectives : By the end of the lesson, students must be able to:

(a) say at least one common noun and one proper noun in
production stage

(b) arrange the word strips according to the category.

Educational emphases : 1.Critical and creative thinking skills.

2. Creativity and innovation

Teaching aids : Jigsaw puzzles. mahjong paper, envelope, common
nouns and proper nouns chart, word strips, ball, songs,
worksheet and circle map.

Previous knowledge : 1. Students are familiar with nouns.

2. Students are familiar with words.

Moral values : 1.Cooperation

2. Mutual respect
Stages / Content Teaching and Learning Rationale Remarks
Time Strategies

Set induction Nouns: Jigsaw Puzzle Whole class

(±7 minutes)  School Instructions:
 House
 Pupils complete the jigsaw
 Petronas
puzzle given in groups. - To arouse
Twin Tower
1.Teacher calls the group leader pupils’ interest
 Proton Saga Jigsaw
of every group and let them to pick and curiosity.
 hospital puzzles.
an envelope containing jigsaw
- To activate mahjong
related schemata. paper,
2.Teacher gives a mahjong paper envelope
to every group.

3.Teacher instructs pupils to

complete the jigsaw puzzle and
paste on the mahjong paper.

4.Groups which complete the task

raise their hands and show their

Presentation Questions: Nouns Group activity

(±25 minutes)  What picture Instructions:

is this? -To encourage
 Pupils describe the pictures.
 How do you cooperation
1.Teacher asks questions to each
spell it?
groups. -To reinforce the Jigsaw puzzle
language focus
2.Pupils describe the pictures.

Common Nouns and Proper


 Pupils repeat after their
Questions: Common
1.Teacher pastes common nouns
nouns and
What are examples and proper nouns chart on the -To reinforce the
proper nouns
of adjectives? board. language focus
2.Teacher explains the nouns to

3.Pupils repeat after their teacher.

Practice  Ali Group the Word Strips Whole class

 Kuala involvement
(±30 minutes) Instructions:
 Malaysia  Pupils arrange the word strips
 teacher according to the groups.
 sister 1.Teacher pastes word strips on
 milk the board. -To incorporate Word strips

 Tun Fatimah the elements of

2.Pupils read the word strips.
Hospital fun in language
 book 3.Teacher explains the task to learning.

 mosque pupils.
-To reinforce the
 Science 4.Teacher calls pupils in front to language focus
arrange the word strips.

Complete the Task


 Pupils complete the
worksheet given. Individual activity
Fill in the blanks with
correct nouns. 1.Teacher distributes worksheet to
-To reinforce the
pupils. Worksheet
language focus
 The ____ is 2.Teacher describes the task to
checking the pupils.
boy’s teeth.
3.Pupils complete the task.
 Halim uses a
___ to clean 4.Teacher discusses the answers
the with pupils.
Underline the proper

- Puan Hamidah
brought her son,
Ali to the
National Park
last weekend.
Production Common Nouns Musical Activity
Individual activity
(±20 minutes)  mother Instructions:
 father
 Pupils say common nouns -To reinforce the
 baker Ball and songs
and proper nouns. language focus
 doctor
1.Teacher plays the song and
 hospital -To incorporate
pupils start to pass the ball.
 bakery the elements of
2.Pupils who are holding the ball fun in language
Proper Nouns when the music stops must give learning.
examples of common nouns and
 Ali
proper nouns.
 Abu
 Batu Pahat 3.The activity continues.

Closure Brainstorming Using Circle

(±8 minutes)  Common nouns
 Proper nouns Instructions:
Individual activity
 Pupils complete the circle
-To reinforce the Circle map
1.Teacher tells pupils to complete
language focus
the circle map.

2.Pupils complete the circle map.

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