EP4321746A1-Variable Pitch Fans For Turbomachinery Engines

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(11) EP 4 321 746 A1

(43) Date of publication: (51) International Patent Classification (IPC):

14.02.2024 Bulletin 2024/07 F02K 1/66 (2006.01) F02K 3/02 (2006.01)
F02C 3/107 (2006.01)
(21) Application number: 23187962.8
(52) Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC):
(22) Date of filing: 26.07.2023 F02K 1/66; F02C 3/107; F02C 7/36; F02C 9/20;
F02K 3/00

(84) Designated Contracting States: (72) Inventors:

GR HR HU IE IS IT LI LT LU LV MC ME MK MT NL Cincinnati, 45215 (US)
Designated Extension States: Cincinnati, 45215 (US)
BA • DAGGETT, Nicholas
Designated Validation States: Cincinnati, 45215 (US)
KH MA MD TN • KROGER, Christopher
Cincinnati, 45215 (US)
(30) Priority: 12.08.2022 US 202217819438 • PRENTICE, Ian
Cincinnati, 45215 (US)
(71) Applicant: General Electric Company
Schenectady, NY 12345 (US) (74) Representative: Openshaw & Co.
8 Castle Street
Farnham, Surrey GU9 7HR (GB)


(57) A turbomachinery engine (100) includes a fan ratio divided by the fan pressure ratio. The second VPF
assembly (104) with a plurality of variable pitch fan blades parameter is within a range of 1-30 lbf/in2 and is defined
(108). The fan blades are configured such that they define as the bearing spanwise force divided by the fan area.
a first Variable Pitch Fan (VPF) parameter and a second The turbomachinery engine further includes a vane as-
VPF parameter. The first VPF parameter is within a range sembly, a core engine, and a gearbox.
of 0.10 to 0.40 and is defined as the hub-to-tip radius
EP 4 321 746 A1

Processed by Luminess, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 4 321 746 A1 2

Description change.
[0010] Despite certain advantages, engines compris-
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION ing a gearbox and/or a variable pitch fan can have one
or more drawbacks. For example, including a gearbox
[0001] This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. 5 and/or a variable pitch fan in a turbofan engine introduces
Patent Application No. 17/176,101, filed February 15, additional complexity to the engine. This can, for exam-
2021. The prior application is incorporated by reference. ple, make engine development and/or manufacturing sig-
nificantly more difficult. As such, there is a need for im-
FIELD proved turbofan engines comprising a gearbox and/or a
10 variable pitch fan. There is also a need for devices and
[0002] This disclosure relates generally to turboma- methods that can be used to develop and manufacture
chinery engines including fan assemblies and, in partic- geared turbofan engines with variable pitch fans more
ular, to apparatus and methods of directed to variable efficiently and/or precisely.
pitch fans for certain turbomachinery engine configura-

BACKGROUND [0011] Aspects and advantages of the disclosed tech-

nology will be set forth in part in the following description,
[0003] A turbofan engine includes a core engine that or may be obvious from the description, or may be
drives a bypass fan. The bypass fan generates the ma- 20 learned through practice of the technology disclosed in
jority of the thrust of the turbofan engine. The generated the description.
thrust can be used to move a payload (e.g., an aircraft). [0012] Various turbomachinery engines and gear as-
[0004] In some instances, a turbofan engine is config- semblies are disclosed herein. The disclosed turboma-
ured as a direct drive engine. Direct drive engines are chinery engines comprise a variable pitch fan ("VPF").
configured such that a power turbine (e.g., a low-pres- 25 The disclosed engines can also comprise a gearbox in
sure turbine) of the core engine is directly coupled to the some configurations. The disclosed variable pitch fans
bypass fan. As such, the power turbine and the bypass are characterized by a plurality of fan parameters includ-
fan rotate at the same rotational speed (i.e., the same ing a first VPF parameter defined as the hub-to-tip radius
rpm). ratio ("RR") divided by the fan pressure ratio ("FPR") and
[0005] In other instances, a turbofan engine can be 30 a second VPF parameter defined as the bearing span-
configured as a geared engine. Geared engines include wise force ("F_span") divided by the fan area ("F_area").
a gearbox disposed between and interconnecting the by- The disclosed VPF parameters may also be used, for
pass fan and power turbine of the core engine. The gear- example, to aid the development of variable pitch fans
box, for example, allows the power turbine of the core and/or other engine configurations. The VPF parameters
engine to rotate at a different speed than the bypass fan. 35 thus provide improved variable pitch fans and/or can help
Thus, the gearbox can, for example, allow the power tur- simplify one or more complexities of variable pitch fans
bine of the core engine and the bypass fan to operate at and/or geared turbomachinery engine development.
their respective rotational speeds for maximum efficiency [0013] In some examples, a turbomachinery engine in-
and/or power production. cludes a fan assembly including a plurality of fan blades.
[0006] In some instances, a propulsor of a turboma- 40 The fan blades are configured such that they define a
chinery engine can be a fan encased within a fan case first VPF parameter and a second VPF parameter. In
and/or nacelle. This type of turbomachinery engine can some instances, the first VPF parameter is within a range
be referred to as "a ducted engine." of 0.10 to 0.40, and the second VPF parameter is within
[0007] In other instances, a propulsor of a turboma- a range of 1-30 1bf/in2. In some examples, the turboma-
chinery engine can be exposed (e.g., not within a fan 45 chinery engine further includes a pitch change mecha-
case or a nacelle). This type of turbomachinery engine nism, a vane assembly, a core engine, and a gearbox.
can be referred to as "an open rotor engine" or an "un- The pitch change mechanism is coupled to the plurality
ducted engine." of fan blades and configured for adjusting a pitch of the
[0008] In some instances, a turbofan engine can com- plurality of fan blades. The vane assembly includes a
prise a fixed pitch fan, which typical in commercial en- 50 plurality of vanes disposed aft of the fan blades. The core
gines. In such configuration, the pitch of the fan is static engine includes one or more compressor sections and
and configured to accommodate various engine operat- one or more turbine sections. The gearbox includes an
ing conditions (e.g., takeoff, climb, cruise, approach, input and an output. The input is coupled to the one or
etc.). more turbine sections of the core engine and comprises
[0009] In other instances, a turbofan engine can in- 55 a first rotational speed, and the output is coupled to the
clude a variable pitch fan. In such configurations, the pitch fan assembly and has a second rotational speed, which
(or blade angle) of the fan can be adjusted to improve is less than the first rotational speed.
propulsive efficiency as the engine operating conditions [0014] These and other features, aspects, and/or ad-

3 EP 4 321 746 A1 4

vantages of the present disclosure will become better FIG. 10 depicts a cross-sectional schematic illustra-
understood with reference to the following description tion of an exemplary embodiment of a gearbox con-
and the claims. The accompanying drawings, which are figuration for a turbomachinery engine.
incorporated in and constitute a part of this specification,
illustrate embodiments of the disclosed technology and, 5 FIG. 11 depicts a cross-sectional schematic illustra-
together with the description, serve to explain the princi- tion of an exemplary embodiment of a gearbox con-
ples of the disclosure. figuration for a turbomachinery engine.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 12 depicts an exemplary range of a first VPF
10 parameter relative to an exemplary range of a sec-
[0015] ond VPF parameter, which can be particularly ad-
vantageous for a turbomachinery comprising a var-
FIG. 1 depicts a cross-sectional schematic illustra- iable pitch fan.
tion of an exemplary embodiment of a turbomachin-
ery engine configured with an open rotor propulsion 15 FIG. 13 depicts an exemplary range of a first VPF
system and a variable pitch fan. parameter relative to an exemplary range of a sec-
ond VPF parameter, which can be particularly ad-
FIG. 2 depicts a cross-sectional schematic illustra- vantageous for a turbomachinery comprising a var-
tion of an exemplary embodiment of a turbomachin- iable pitch fan.
ery engine comprising an open rotor propulsion sys- 20
tem, a variable pitch fan, a three-stream architecture, FIG. 14 depicts an exemplary range of a first VPF
and one or more heat exchangers in a third stream parameter relative to an exemplary range of a sec-
of the three-stream architecture. ond VPF parameter, which can be particularly ad-
vantageous for a turbomachinery comprising a var-
FIG. 3 depicts a cross-sectional schematic illustra- 25 iable pitch fan.
tion of an exemplary embodiment of a turbomachin-
ery engine configured with a ducted propulsion sys- FIG. 15 depicts an exemplary range of a first VPF
tem and a variable pitch fan. parameter relative to an exemplary range of a sec-
ond VPF parameter, which can be particularly ad-
FIG. 4 depicts a cross-sectional schematic illustra- 30 vantageous for a turbomachinery comprising a var-
tion of an exemplary embodiment of a turbomachin- iable pitch fan.
ery engine comprising a ducted propulsion system,
a variable pitch fan, a three-stream architecture, and FIG. 16 depicts an exemplary range of a first VPF
one or more heat exchangers in a third stream of the parameter relative to an exemplary range of a sec-
three-stream architecture. 35 ond VPF parameter, which can be particularly ad-
vantageous for a turbomachinery comprising a var-
FIG. 5 depicts a cross-sectional schematic illustra- iable pitch fan.
tion of an exemplary embodiment of a counter-rotat-
ing low-pressure turbine of a turbomachinery engine, FIG. 17 depicts an exemplary range of a first VPF
the low-pressure turbine having a 3x3 configuration. 40 parameter relative to an exemplary range of a sec-
ond VPF parameter, which can be particularly ad-
FIG. 6 depicts a cross-sectional schematic illustra- vantageous for a turbomachinery comprising a var-
tion of an exemplary embodiment of a counter-rotat- iable pitch fan.
ing low-pressure turbine of a turbomachinery engine,
the low-pressure turbine having a 4x3 configuration. 45 FIG. 18 depicts an exemplary range of a first VPF
parameter relative to an exemplary range of a sec-
FIG. 7 depicts a cross-sectional schematic illustra- ond VPF parameter, which can be particularly ad-
tion of an exemplary embodiment of a gearbox con- vantageous for a turbomachinery comprising a var-
figuration for a turbomachinery engine. iable pitch fan.
FIG. 8 depicts a cross-sectional schematic illustra- FIG. 19 depicts an exemplary range of a first VPF
tion of an exemplary embodiment of a gearbox con- parameter relative to an exemplary range of a sec-
figuration for a turbomachinery engine. ond VPF parameter, which can be particularly ad-
vantageous for a turbomachinery comprising a var-
FIG. 9 depicts a cross-sectional schematic illustra- 55 iable pitch fan.
tion of an exemplary embodiment of a gearbox con-
figuration for a turbomachinery engine. FIG. 20 depicts an exemplary range of a first VPF
parameter relative to an exemplary range of a sec-

5 EP 4 321 746 A1 6

ond VPF parameter, which can be particularly ad- a blade attached to the trunnion mechanism.
vantageous for a turbomachinery comprising a var-
iable pitch fan. FIG. 33 is a side elevation view of a gas turbine en-
gine fan rotor assembly including a hydraulic pitch
FIG. 21 depicts an exemplary range of a first VPF 5 change mechanism actuator assembly.
parameter relative to an exemplary range of a sec-
ond VPF parameter, which can be particularly ad- FIG. 34 is a cross-sectional view of a portion of a fan
vantageous for a turbomachinery comprising a var- assembly that may be implemented with the tur-
iable pitch fan. bomachinery engines disclosed herein.
FIG. 22 depicts an exemplary range of a first VPF DETAILED DESCRIPTION
parameter relative to an exemplary range of a sec-
ond VPF parameter, which can be particularly ad- [0016] Reference now will be made in detail to embod-
vantageous for a turbomachinery comprising a var- iments of the disclosed technology, one or more exam-
iable pitch fan. 15 ples of which are illustrated in the drawings. Each exam-
ple is provided by way of explanation of the disclosed
FIG. 23 depicts an exemplary range of a first VPF technology, not limitation of the disclosure. In fact, it will
parameter relative to an exemplary range of a sec- be apparent to those skilled in the art that various mod-
ond VPF parameter, which can be particularly ad- ifications and variations can be made in the present dis-
vantageous for a turbomachinery comprising a var- 20 closure without departing from the scope or spirit of the
iable pitch fan. disclosure. For instance, features illustrated or described
as part of one embodiment can be used with another
FIG. 24 depicts an exemplary range of a first VPF embodiment to yield a still further embodiment. Thus, it
parameter relative to an exemplary range of a sec- is intended that the present disclosure covers such mod-
ond VPF parameter, which can be particularly ad- 25 ifications and variations as come within the scope of the
vantageous for a turbomachinery comprising a var- appended claims and their equivalents.
iable pitch fan. [0017] The word "exemplary" is used herein to mean
"serving as an example, instance, or illustration." Any
FIG. 25 depicts various fan parameters of several implementation described herein as "exemplary" is not
exemplary turbomachinery engines comprising 30 necessarily to be construed as preferred or advanta-
ducted variable pitch fans. geous over other implementations.
[0018] As used herein, the terms "first", "second", and
FIG. 26 depicts various fan parameters of several "third" may be used interchangeably to distinguish one
exemplary turbomachinery engines comprising un- component from another and are not intended to signify
ducted variable pitch fans. 35 location or importance of the individual components.
[0019] The terms "forward" and "aft" refer to relative
FIG. 27 depicts a partial cross-sectional schematic positions within a gas turbine engine or vehicle and refer
illustration of an exemplary embodiment of a tur- to the normal operational attitude of the gas turbine en-
bomachinery engine configured with a ducted pro- gine or vehicle. For example, with regard to a gas turbine
pulsion system and a variable pitch fan. 40 engine, forward refers to a position closer to an engine
inlet and aft refers to a position closer to an engine nozzle
FIG. 28 is perspective view of a variable pitch fan of or exhaust.
the exemplary turbomachinery engines disclosed [0020] The terms "upstream" and "downstream" refer
herein. to the relative direction with respect to fluid flow in a fluid
45 pathway. For example, "upstream" refers to the direction
FIG. 29 is a perspective view of a disk and trunnion from which the fluid flows, and "downstream" refers to
mechanisms of the exemplary variable pitch fan of the direction to which the fluid flows.
FIG. 28. [0021] The terms "coupled," "fixed," "attached to," and
the like refer to both direct coupling, fixing, or attaching,
FIG. 30 is a perspective view of a segment of the 50 as well as indirect coupling, fixing, or attaching through
disk and one of the associated trunnion mechanisms one or more intermediate components or features, unless
of FIG. 29. otherwise specified herein.
[0022] The singular forms "a", "an", and "the" include
FIG. 31 is an exploded view of the trunnion mecha- plural references unless the context clearly dictates oth-
nism shown in FIG. 29. 55 erwise.
[0023] Approximating language, as used herein
FIG. 32 is a cross-sectional view of the segment of throughout the specification and claims, is applied to
the disk and the trunnion mechanism of FIG. 30 with modify any quantitative representation that could permis-

7 EP 4 321 746 A1 8

sibly vary without resulting in a change in the basic func- bly 110 may be positioned upstream or forward of the
tion to which it is related. Accordingly, a value modified fan assembly 104. In still various embodiments, the en-
by a term or terms, such as "about," "approximately," and gine 100 may include a first vane assembly positioned
"substantially," are not to be limited to the precise value forward of the fan assembly 104 and a second vane as-
specified. In at least some instances, the approximating 5 sembly positioned aft of the fan assembly 104. The fan
language may correspond to the precision of an instru- assembly 104 may be configured to desirably adjust pitch
ment for measuring the value, or the precision of the at one or more fan blades 108, such as to control thrust
methods or machines for constructing or manufacturing vector, abate or re-direct noise, and/or alter thrust output.
the components and/or systems. For example, the ap- The vane assembly 110 may be configured to desirably
proximating language may refer to being within a 1, 2, 4, 10 adjust pitch at one or more vanes 112, such as to control
5, 10, 15, or 20 percent margin in either individual values, thrust vector, abate or re-direct noise, and/or alter thrust
range(s) of values and/or endpoints defining range(s) of output. Pitch control mechanisms at one or both of the
values. fan assembly 104 or the vane assembly 110 may co-
[0024] Here and throughout the specification and operate to produce one or more desired effects described
claims, ranges of values are combinable and inter- 15 above.
changeable, such ranges are identified and include all [0028] In certain embodiments, such as depicted in
the sub-ranges contained therein unless context or lan- FIG. 1, the engine 100 is an un-ducted thrust producing
guage indicates otherwise. For example, all ranges dis- system, such that the plurality of fan blades 108 is un-
closed herein are inclusive of the endpoints, and the end- shrouded by a nacelle or fan casing. As such, in various
points are independently combinable with each other. 20 embodiments, the engine 100 may be configured as an
[0025] Referring now to the drawings, FIG. 1 is an ex- unshrouded turbofan engine, an open rotor engine, or a
emplary embodiment of an engine 100 including a gear propfan engine. In particular embodiments, the engine
assembly 102 according to aspects of the present dis- 100 is an unducted rotor engine with a single row of fan
closure. The engine 100 includes a fan assembly 104 blades 108. The fan blades 108 can have a large diam-
driven by a core engine 106. In various embodiments, 25 eter, such as may be suitable for high bypass ratios, high
the core engine 106 is a Brayton cycle system configured cruise speeds (e.g., comparable to aircraft with turbofan
to drive the fan assembly 104. The core engine 106 is engines, or generally higher cruise speed than aircraft
shrouded, at least in part, by an outer casing 114. The with turboprop engines), high cruise altitude (e.g., com-
fan assembly 104 includes a plurality of fan blades 108. parable to aircraft with turbofan engines, or generally
A vane assembly 110 extends from the outer casing 114 30 higher cruise speed than aircraft with turboprop engines),
in a cantilevered manner. Thus, the vane assembly 110 and/or relatively low rotational speeds.
can also be referred to as an unducted vane assembly. [0029] The fan blades 108 comprise a diameter (Dfan).
The vane assembly 110, including a plurality of vanes It should be noted that for purposes of illustration only
112, is positioned in operable arrangement with the fan half of the Dfan is shown (i.e., the radius of the fan). In
blades 108 to provide thrust, control thrust vector, abate 35 some embodiments, the Dfan is 72-216 inches. In partic-
or re-direct undesired acoustic noise, and/or otherwise ular embodiments the Dfan is 100-200 inches. In certain
desirably alter a flow of air relative to the fan blades 108. embodiments, the Dfan is 120-190 inches. In other em-
[0026] In some embodiments, the fan assembly 104 bodiments, the Dfan is 72-120 inches. In other embodi-
includes eight (8) to twenty-six (26) fan blades 108. In ments, the Dfan is 80-100 inches. In yet other embodi-
particular embodiments, the fan assembly 104 includes 40 ments, the Dfan is 50-80 inches.
ten (10) to twenty-two (22) fan blades 108. In certain em- [0030] In some embodiments, the fan blade tip speed
bodiments, the fan assembly 104 includes twelve (12) to at a cruise flight condition can be 650 to 900 fps, or 700
eighteen (18) fan blades 108. In some embodiments, the to 800 fps. A fan pressure ratio (FPR) for the fan assembly
vane assembly 110 includes three (3) to thirty (30) vanes 104 can be 1.04 to 1.10, or in some embodiments 1.05
112. In certain embodiments, the vane assembly 110 in- 45 to 1.08, as measured across the fan blades at a cruise
cludes an equal or fewer quantity of vanes 112 to fan flight condition. In other examples, a fan pressure ratio
blades 108. For example, in particular embodiments, the for the fan assembly can be 1.05-1.5 (or 1.05-1.15 or
engine 100 includes twelve (12) fan blades 108 and ten 1.2-1.4) as measured at a static sea-level takeoff oper-
(10) vanes 112. In other embodiments, the vane assem- ating condition.
bly 110 includes a greater quantity of vanes 112 to fan 50 [0031] Cruise altitude is generally an altitude at which
blades 108. For example, in particular embodiments, the an aircraft levels after climb and prior to descending to
engine 100 includes ten (10) fan blades 108 and twenty- an approach flight phase. In various embodiments, the
three (23) vanes 112. In another particular embodiment, engine is applied to a vehicle with a cruise altitude up to
the engine includes fourteen (14) fan blades. approximately 65,000 ft. In certain embodiments, cruise
[0027] In certain embodiments, such as depicted in 55 altitude is between approximately 28,000 ft. and approx-
FIG. 1, the vane assembly 110 is positioned downstream imately 45,000 ft. In still certain embodiments, cruise al-
or aft of the fan assembly 104. However, it should be titude is expressed in flight levels (FL) based on a stand-
appreciated that in some embodiments, the vane assem- ard air pressure at sea level, in which a cruise flight con-

9 EP 4 321 746 A1 10

dition is between FL280 and FL650. In another embod- than 4.1 (e.g., within a range of 4.1-14.0).
iment, cruise flight condition is between FL280 and [0036] The gear assembly 102 (which can also be re-
FL450. In still certain embodiments, cruise altitude is de- ferred to as "a gearbox") can comprise various types
fined based at least on a barometric pressure, in which and/or configuration. For example, in some embodi-
cruise altitude is between approximately 4.85 psia and 5 ments, the gearbox is an epicyclic gearbox configured in
approximately 0.82 psia based on a sea-level pressure a star gear configuration. Star gear configurations com-
of approximately 14.70 psia and sea-level temperature prise a sun gear, a plurality of star gears (which can also
at approximately 59 degrees Fahrenheit. In another em- be referred to as "planet gears"), and a ring gear. The
bodiment, cruise altitude is between approximately 4.85 sun gear is the input and is coupled to the power turbine
psia and approximately 2.14 psia. It should be appreci- 10 (e.g., the low-pressure turbine) such that the sun gear
ated that in certain embodiments, the ranges of cruise and the power turbine rotate at the same rotational speed.
altitude defined by pressure may be adjusted based on The star gears are disposed between and interconnect
a different reference sea-level pressure and/or sea-level the sun gear and the ring gear. The star gears are rotat-
temperature. ably coupled to a fixed carrier. As such, the star gears
[0032] The core engine 106 is generally encased in 15 can rotate about their respective axes but cannot collec-
outer casing 114 defining one half of a core diameter tively orbit relative to the sun gear or the ring gear. As
(Dcore), which may be thought of as the maximum extent another example, the gearbox is an epicyclic gearbox
from the centerline axis (datum for R). In certain embod- configured in a planet gear configuration. Planet gear
iments, the engine 100 includes a length (L) from a lon- configurations comprise a sun gear, a plurality of planet
gitudinally (or axial) forward end 116 to a longitudinally 20 gears, and a ring gear. The sun gear is the input and is
aft end 118. In various embodiments, the engine 100 coupled to the power turbine. The planet gears are dis-
defines a ratio of L/Dcore that provides for reduced in- posed between and interconnect the sun gear and the
stalled drag. In one embodiment, L/D core is at least 2. In ring gear. The planet gears are rotatably coupled to a
another embodiment, L/Dcore is at least 2.5. In some em- rotatable carrier. As such, the planet gears can rotate
bodiments, the L/Dcore is less than 5, less than 4, and 25 about their respective axes and also collectively rotate
less than 3. In various embodiments, it should be appre- together with the carrier relative to the sun gear and the
ciated that the L/Dcore is for a single unducted rotor en- ring gear. The carrier is the output and is coupled to the
gine. fan assembly. The ring gear is fixed from rotation.
[0033] The reduced installed drag may further provide [0037] In some embodiments, the gearbox is a single-
for improved efficiency, such as improved specific fuel 30 stage gearbox (e.g., FIGS. 10-11). In other embodi-
consumption. Additionally, or alternatively, the reduced ments, the gearbox is a multi-stage gearbox (e.g., FIGS.
drag may provide for cruise altitude engine and aircraft 9 and 12). In some embodiments, the gearbox is an ep-
operation at or above Mach 0.5. In certain embodiments, icyclic gearbox. In some embodiments, the gearbox is a
the L/Dcore, the fan assembly 104, and/or the vane as- non-epicyclic gearbox (e.g., a compound gearbox - FIG.
sembly 110 separately or together configure, at least in 35 13).
part, the engine 100 to operate at a maximum cruise al- [0038] As noted above, the gear assembly can be used
titude operating speed between approximately Mach to reduce the rotational speed of the output relative to
0.55 and approximately Mach 0.85; or between approx- the input. In some embodiments, a gear ratio of the input
imately 0.72 to 0.85 or between approximately 0.75 to rotational speed to the output rotational speed is greater
0.85. 40 than 4.1. For example, in particular embodiments, the
[0034] Referring still to FIG. 1, the core engine 106 gear ratio is within a range of 4.1-14.0, within a range of
extends in a radial direction (R) relative to an engine cen- 4.5-14.0, or within a range of 6.0-14.0. In certain embod-
terline axis 120. The gear assembly 102 receives power iments, the gear ratio is within a range of 4.5-12 or within
or torque from the core engine 106 through a power input a range of 6.0-11.0. As such, in some embodiments, the
source 122 and provides power or torque to drive the fan 45 fan assembly can be configured to rotate at a rotational
assembly 104, in a circumferential direction C about the speed of 700-1500 rpm at a cruise flight condition, while
engine centerline axis 120, through a power output the power turbine (e.g., the low-pressure turbine) is con-
source 124. figured to rotate at a rotational speed of 2,500-15,000
[0035] The gear assembly 102 of the engine 100 can rpm at a cruise flight condition. In particular embodi-
include a plurality of gears, including an input and an 50 ments, the fan assembly can be configured to rotate at
output. The gear assembly can also include one or more a rotational speed of 850-1350 rpm at a cruise flight con-
intermediate gears disposed between and/or intercon- dition, while the power turbine is configured to rotate at
necting the input and the output. The input can be coupled a rotational speed of 5,000-10,000 rpm at a cruise flight
to a turbine section of the core engine 106 and can com- condition.
prise a first rotational speed. The output can be coupled 55 [0039] In some examples, a gear ratio of the input ro-
to the fan assembly and can have a second rotational tational speed to the output rotational speed is less than
speed. In some embodiments, a gear ratio of the first 6.0. Gear ratios less than six (e.g., 2.0-6.0) may be par-
rotational speed to the second rotational speed is greater ticularly suited for the ducted engines disclosed herein.

11 EP 4 321 746 A1 12

For example, in particular embodiments, the gear ratio [0045] It should be appreciated that the terms "low"
is within a range of 2.0-4.1, within a range of 2.5-3.75, or and "high," or their respective comparative degrees (e.g.,
within a range of 3.2-4.1. In certain embodiments, the "lower" and "higher", where applicable), when used with
gear ratio is within a range of 3.0-3.5 or within a range compressor, turbine, shaft, or spool components, each
of 3.25-3.55. 5 refer to relative pressures and/or relative speeds within
[0040] Various gear assembly configurations are de- an engine unless otherwise specified. For example, a
picted schematically in FIGS. 9-13. These gearboxes can "low spool" or "low-speed shaft" defines a component
be used any of the engines disclosed herein, including configured to operate at a rotational speed, such as a
the engine 100. Additional details regarding the gearbox- maximum allowable rotational speed, lower than a "high
es are provided below. 10 spool" or "high-speed shaft" of the engine. Alternatively,
[0041] FIG. 2 shows a cross-sectional view of an en- unless otherwise specified, the aforementioned terms
gine 200, which is configured as an exemplary embodi- may be understood in their superlative degree. For ex-
ment of an open rotor propulsion engine. The engine 200 ample, a "low turbine" or "low-speed turbine" may refer
is generally similar to the engine 100 and corresponding to the lowest maximum rotational speed turbine within a
components have been numbered similarly. For exam- 15 turbine section, a "low compressor" or "low speed com-
ple, the gear assembly of the engine 100 is numbered pressor" may refer to the lowest maximum rotational
"102" and the gear assembly of the engine 200 is num- speed turbine within a compressor section, a "high tur-
bered "202," and so forth. In addition to the gear assembly bine" or "high-speed turbine" may refer to the highest
202, the engine 200 comprises a fan assembly 204 that maximum rotational speed turbine within the turbine sec-
includes a plurality of fan blades 208 distributed around 20 tion, and a "high compressor" or "high-speed compres-
the engine centerline axis 220. Fan blades 208 are cir- sor" may refer to the highest maximum rotational speed
cumferentially arranged in an equally spaced relation compressor within the compressor section. Similarly, the
around the engine centerline axis 220, and each fan low-speed spool refers to a lower maximum rotational
blade 208 has a root 225 and a tip 226, and an axial span speed than the high-speed spool. It should further be
defined therebetween, as well as a central blade axis 228. 25 appreciated that the terms "low" or "high" in such afore-
[0042] The core engine 206 includes a compressor mentioned regards may additionally, or alternatively, be
section 230, a combustion section 232, and a turbine understood as relative to minimum allowable speeds, or
section 234 (which may be referred to as "an expansion minimum or maximum allowable speeds relative to nor-
section") together in a serial flow arrangement. The core mal, desired, steady state, etc. operation of the engine.
engine 206 extends circumferentially relative to an en- 30 [0046] The compressors and/or turbines disclosed
gine centerline axis 220. The core engine 206 includes herein can include various stage counts. As disclosed
a high-pressure spool that includes a high-pressure com- herein the stage count includes the number of rotors or
pressor 236 and a high-pressure turbine 238 operably blade stages in a particular component (e.g., a compres-
rotatably coupled together by a high-pressure shaft 240. sor or turbine). For example, in some embodiments, a
The combustion section 232 is positioned between the 35 low-pressure compressor can comprise 1-8 stages or
high-pressure compressor 236 and the high-pressure more narrowly 3 or 4 stages, a high-pressure compressor
turbine 238. can comprise 8-15 stages or more narrowly 8-11 stages,
[0043] The combustion section 232 may be configured or 8-10 stages, or 8 or 9 stages, a high-pressure turbine
as a deflagrative combustion section, a rotating detona- comprises 1-2 stages, and/or a low-pressure turbine
tion combustion section, a pulse detonation combustion 40 comprises 3-7 stages, or more narrowly 3-5 stages. For
section, and/or other appropriate heat addition system. example, in certain embodiments, an engine can com-
The combustion section 232 may be configured as one prise a one, two, or three stage low-pressure compres-
or more of a rich-burn system or a lean-burn system, or sor, a 9 or 10 stage high-pressure compressor, a one or
combinations thereof. In still various embodiments, the two stage high-pressure turbine, and a 4 stage low-pres-
combustion section 232 includes an annular combustor, 45 sure turbine. As another example, an engine can com-
a can combustor, a cannular combustor, a trapped vortex prise a three or four stage low-pressure compressor, a
combustor (TVC), or other appropriate combustion sys- 10 stage high-pressure compressor, a two stage high-
tem, or combinations thereof. pressure turbine, and a 4 stage low-pressure turbine.
[0044] The core engine 206 also includes a booster or [0047] In some embodiments, a low-pressure turbine
low-pressure compressor positioned in flow relationship 50 is a counter-rotating low-pressure turbine comprising in-
with the high-pressure compressor 236. The low-pres- ner blade stages and outer blade stages. The inner blade
sure compressor 242 is rotatably coupled with the low- stages extend radially outwardly from an inner shaft, and
pressure turbine 244 via a low-pressure shaft 246 to en- the outer blade stages extend radially inwardly from an
able the low-pressure turbine 244 to drive the low-pres- outer drum. In particular embodiments, the counter-ro-
sure compressor 242. The low-pressure shaft 246 is also 55 tating low-pressure turbine comprises three inner blade
operably connected to the gear assembly 202 to provide stages and three outer blade stages, which can collec-
power to the fan assembly 204, such as described further tively be referred to as a six stage low-pressure turbine.
herein. In other embodiments, the counter-rotating low-pressure

13 EP 4 321 746 A1 14

turbine comprises four inner blade stages and three outer pressure turbine to be used to rotate the fan blades either
blade stages, which can collectively be referred to as a clockwise or counterclockwise, i.e., to provide either left-
seven stage low-pressure turbine. or right-handed configurations, as desired, such as to
[0048] As discussed in more detail below, the core en- provide a pair of oppositely-rotating engine assemblies
gine 206 includes the gear assembly 202 that is config- 5 can be provided for certain aircraft installations while
ured to transfer power from the turbine section 234 and eliminating the need to have internal engine parts de-
reduce an output rotational speed at the fan assembly signed for opposite rotation directions.
204 relative to the low-pressure turbine 244. Embodi- [0054] The engine 200 also includes the gear assem-
ments of the gear assembly 202 depicted and described bly 202 which includes a gear set for decreasing the ro-
herein can allow for gear ratios suitable for large-diam- 10 tational speed of the fan assembly 204 relative to the
eter unducted fans (e.g., gear ratios of 4.1-4.5, 4.1-14.0, low-pressure turbine 244. In operation, the rotating fan
4.5-14.0, and/or 6.0-14.0). Additionally, embodiments of blades 208 are driven by the low-pressure turbine 244
the gear assembly 202 provided herein may be suitable via gear assembly 202 such that the fan blades 208 rotate
within the radial or diametrical constraints of the core around the engine centerline axis 220 and generate
engine 206 within the outer casing 214. 15 thrust to propel the engine 200, and hence an aircraft on
[0049] Various gearbox configurations are depicted which it is mounted, in the forward direction F.
schematically in FIGS. 9-13. These gearboxes can be [0055] In some embodiments, a gear ratio of the input
used in any of the engines disclosed herein, including rotational speed to the output rotational speed is greater
the engine 200. Additional details regarding the gearbox- than 4.1, such as between 4.1 and 4.5 for a ducted tur-
es are provided below. 20 bofan with variable pitch and between 6.0 and 10.0 for
[0050] Engine 200 also includes a vane assembly 210 an open rotor turbofan. For example, in particular em-
comprising a plurality of vanes 212 disposed around en- bodiments, the gear ratio is within a range of 4.1-14.0,
gine centerline axis 220. Each vane 212 has a root 248 within a range of 4.5-14.0, or within a range of 6.0-14.0.
and a tip 250, and a span defined therebetween. Vanes In certain embodiments, the gear ratio is within a range
212 can be arranged in a variety of manners. In some 25 of 4.5-12 or within a range of 6.0-11.0. As such, in some
embodiments, for example, they are not all equidistant embodiments, the fan assembly can be configured to ro-
from the rotating assembly. tate at a rotational speed of 700-1500 rpm at a cruise
[0051] In some embodiments, vanes 212 are mounted flight condition, while the power turbine (e.g., the low-
to a stationary frame and do not rotate relative to the pressure turbine) is configured to rotate at a rotational
engine centerline axis 220 but may include a mechanism 30 speed of 5,000-10,000 rpm at a cruise flight condition. In
for adjusting their orientation relative to their axis 254 particular embodiments, the fan assembly can be con-
and/or relative to the fan blades 208. For reference pur- figured to rotate at a rotational speed of 850-1350 rpm
poses, FIG. 2 depicts a forward direction denoted with at a cruise flight condition, while the power turbine is con-
arrow F, which in turn defines the forward and aft portions figured to rotate at a rotational speed of 5,500-9,500 rpm
of the system. 35 a cruise flight condition.
[0052] As depicted in FIG. 2, the fan assembly 204 is [0056] It may be desirable that either or both of the fan
located forward of the core engine 106 with the exhaust blades 208 or the vanes 212 to incorporate a pitch change
256 located aft of core engine 206 in a "puller" configu- mechanism such that the blades can be rotated with re-
ration. Other configurations are possible and contemplat- spect to an axis of pitch rotation (annotated as 228 and
ed as within the scope of the present disclosure, such as 40 254, respectively) either independently or in conjunction
what may be termed a "pusher" configuration embodi- with one another. Such pitch change can be utilized to
ment where the engine core is located forward of the fan vary thrust and/or swirl effects under various operating
assembly. The selection of "puller" or "pusher" configu- conditions, including to provide a thrust reversing feature
rations may be made in concert with the selection of which may be useful in certain operating conditions such
mounting orientations with respect to the airframe of the 45 as upon landing an aircraft.
intended aircraft application, and some may be structur- [0057] Vanes 212 can be sized, shaped, and config-
ally or operationally advantageous depending upon ured to impart a counteracting swirl to the fluid so that in
whether the mounting location and orientation are wing- a downstream direction aft of both fan blades 208 and
mounted, fuselage-mounted, or tail-mounted configura- vanes 212 the fluid has a greatly reduced degree of swirl,
tions. 50 which translates to an increased level of induced efficien-
[0053] Left- or right-handed engine configurations, cy. Vanes 212 may have a shorter span than fan blades
useful for certain installations in reducing the impact of 208, as shown in FIG. 2. For example, vanes 212 may
multi-engine torque upon an aircraft, can be achieved by have a span that is at least 50% of a span of fan blades
mirroring the airfoils (e.g., 208, 212) such that the fan 208. In some embodiments, the span of the vanes can
assembly 204 rotates clockwise for one propulsion sys- 55 be the same or longer than the span as fan blades 208,
tem and counterclockwise for the other propulsion sys- if desired. Vanes 212 may be attached to an aircraft struc-
tem. Alternatively, an optional reversing gearbox can be ture associated with the engine 200, as shown in FIG. 2,
provided to permits a common gas turbine core and low- or another aircraft structure such as a wing, pylon, or

15 EP 4 321 746 A1 16

fuselage. Vanes 212 may be fewer or greater in number core duct 262, and exits the core nozzle 278. In this man-
than, or the same in number as, the number of fan blades ner, the second stream can be referred to as "the core
208. In some embodiments, the number of vanes 212 stream." The "third stream" of the engine 200 comprises
are greater than two, or greater than four, in number. Fan the airflow that flows into the inlet 258, through the inlet
blades 208 may be sized, shaped, and contoured with 5 duct 264, through the fan duct 266, and exits the nozzle
the desired blade loading in mind. 270.
[0058] In the embodiment shown in FIG. 2, an annular [0061] A "third stream" as used herein means a sec-
360-degree inlet 258 is located between the fan assem- ondary air stream capable of increasing fluid energy to
bly 204 and the vane assembly 210 and provides a path produce a minority of total thrust of an engine (e.g., the
for incoming atmospheric air to enter the core engine 206 10 engine 200). Accordingly, in various embodiments the
radially inwardly of at least a portion of the vane assembly fan duct 266, having the one or heat exchangers 268
210. Such a location may be advantageous for a variety located within the flowpath of the fan duct 266, may be
of reasons, including management of icing performance referred to as the "third-stream" of the three-stream en-
as well as protecting the inlet 258 from various objects gine architecture.
and materials as may be encountered in operation. 15 [0062] The pressure ratio of the third stream is higher
[0059] In the exemplary embodiment of FIG. 2, in ad- than that of the primary propulsion stream (i.e., the by-
dition to the open rotor or unducted fan assembly 204 pass stream). This thrust is produced through a dedicat-
with its plurality of fan blades 208, an optional ducted fan ed nozzle or through mixing of the secondary stream with
assembly 260 is included behind fan assembly 204, such a fan stream or a core stream (e.g., into a common noz-
that the engine 200 includes both a ducted and an un- 20 zle). In certain exemplary embodiments the operating
ducted fan which both serve to generate thrust through temperature of an airflow through the third stream is less
the movement of air at atmospheric temperature without than a maximum compressor discharge temperature for
passage through the core engine 206. The ducted fan the engine, and more specifically may be less than 350
assembly 260 is shown at about the same axial location degrees Fahrenheit (such as less than 300 degrees Fahr-
as the vane 212, and radially inward of the root 248 of 25 enheit, such as less than 250 degrees Fahrenheit, such
the vane 212. Alternatively, the ducted fan assembly 260 as less than 200 degrees Fahrenheit, and at least as
may be between the vane 212 and core duct 262 or be great as an ambient temperature). In certain exemplary
farther forward of the vane 212. The ducted fan assembly embodiments these operating temperatures facilitate the
260 may be driven by the low-pressure turbine 244, or heat transfer to or from the fluid in the third stream and
by any other suitable source of rotation, and may serve 30 a secondary fluid stream. Further, in certain exemplary
as the first stage of the low-pressure compressor 242 or embodiments, the airflow through the third stream may
may be operated separately. Air entering the inlet 258 contribute less than 50% of the total engine thrust (and
flows through an inlet duct 264 and then is divided such at least, e.g., 2% of the total engine thrust), and at a
that a portion flows through a core duct 262 and a portion takeoff condition, or more particularly while operating at
flows through a fan duct 266. Fan duct 266 may incor- 35 a rated takeoff power at sea level, static flight speed, 86
porate one or more heat exchangers 268 and exhausts degrees Fahrenheit ambient temperature operating con-
to the atmosphere through an independent fixed or var- ditions. Furthermore, in certain exemplary embodiments
iable nozzle 270 aft of the vane assembly 210, at the aft the airstream, mixing, or exhaust properties (and thereby
end of the fan cowl 252 and outside of the engine core the aforementioned exemplary percent contribution to to-
cowl 272. Air flowing through the fan duct 266 thus "by- 40 tal thrust) of the third stream may passively adjust during
passes" the core of the engine and does not pass through engine operation or be modified purposefully through use
the core. of engine control features (such as fuel flow, electric ma-
[0060] Thus, in the exemplary embodiment, engine chine power, variable stators, variable inlet guide vanes,
200 includes an unducted fan formed by the fan blades valves, variable exhaust geometry, or fluidic features) to
208, followed by the ducted fan assembly 260, which 45 adjust or optimize overall system performance across a
directs airflow into two concentric or non-concentric ducts broad range of potential operating conditions.
262 and 266, thereby forming a three-stream engine ar- [0063] In the exemplary embodiment shown in FIG. 2,
chitecture with three paths for air which passes through a slidable, moveable, and/or translatable plug nozzle 274
the fan assembly 204. The "first stream" of the engine with an actuator may be included in order to vary the exit
200 comprises airflow that passes through the vane as- 50 area of the nozzle 270. A plug nozzle is typically an an-
sembly 210 and/or outside the fan cowl 252. As such, nular, symmetrical device which regulates the open area
the first stream can be referred to as "the bypass stream" of an exit such as a fan stream or core stream by axial
since the airflow of the first stream does not pass through movement of the nozzle such that the gap between the
the core duct 262. The first stream produces the majority nozzle surface and a stationary structure, such as adja-
of the thrust of the engine 200 and can thus also be re- 55 cent walls of a duct, varies in a scheduled fashion thereby
ferred to as "the primary propulsion stream." The "second reducing or increasing a space for airflow through the
stream" of the engine 200 comprises the airflow that flows duct. Other suitable nozzle designs may be employed as
into the inlet 258, through the inlet duct 264, through the well, including those incorporating thrust reversing func-

17 EP 4 321 746 A1 18

tionality. Such an adjustable, moveable nozzle may be fluid flowing through a network to remove heat from a
designed to operate in concert with other systems such source and transport it to a heat exchanger.
as VBV’s, VSV’s, or blade pitch mechanisms and may [0067] The third stream can provide advantages in
be designed with failure modes such as fully-open, fully- terms of reduced nacelle drag, enabling a more aggres-
closed, or intermediate positions, so that the nozzle 270 5 sive nacelle close-out, improved core stream particle
has a consistent "home" position to which it returns in the separation, and inclement weather operation. By ex-
event of any system failure, which may prevent com- hausting the fan duct flow over the core cowl, this aids
mands from reaching the nozzle 270 and/or its actuator. in energizing the boundary layer and enabling the option
In other embodiments a static nozzle may be utilized. of a steeper nacelle close out angle between the maxi-
[0064] In some embodiments, a mixing device 276 can 10 mum dimension of the engine core cowl 272 and the ex-
be included in a region aft of a core nozzle 278 to aid in haust 256. The close-out angle is normally limited by air
mixing the fan stream and the core stream to improve flow separation, but boundary layer energization by air
acoustic performance by directing core stream outward from the fan duct 266 exhausting over the core cowl re-
and fan stream inward. duces air flow separation. This yields a shorter, lighter
[0065] Since the engine 200 shown in FIG. 2 includes 15 structure with less frictional surface drag.
both an open rotor fan assembly 204, a ducted fan as- [0068] The fan assembly and/or vane assembly can
sembly 260 and the third stream, the engine’s thrust out- be shrouded or unshrouded (as shown in FIGS. 1 and
put and work split can be tailored to achieve specific 2). Although not shown, an optional annular shroud or
thrust, fuel burn, thermal management, and/or acoustic duct can be coupled to the vane assembly 210 and lo-
signature objectives which may be superior to those of 20 cated distally from the engine centerline axis 220 relative
a typical ducted or unducted fan gas turbine propulsion to the vanes 212. In addition to the noise reduction ben-
assembly of comparable thrust class. Operationally, the efit, the duct may provide improved vibratory response
engine 200 may include a control system that manages and structural integrity of the vanes 212 by coupling them
the loading of the respective open and ducted fans, as into an assembly forming an annular ring or one or more
well as potentially the exit area of the variable fan nozzle, 25 circumferential sectors, i.e., segments forming portions
to provide different thrust, noise, cooling capacity and of an annular ring linking two or more of the vanes 212.
other performance characteristics for various portions of The duct may also allow the pitch of the vanes to be
the flight envelope and various operational conditions as- varied more easily. For example, FIGS. 3-4, discussed
sociated with aircraft operation. For example, in climb in more detail below, disclose embodiments in which both
mode the ducted fan may operate at maximum pressure 30 the fan assembly and vane assembly are shrouded.
ratio there-by maximizing the thrust capability of stream, [0069] Although depicted above as an unshrouded or
while in cruise mode, the ducted fan may operate a lower open rotor engine in the embodiments depicted above,
pressure ratio, raising overall efficiency through reliance it should be appreciated that aspects of the disclosure
on thrust from the unducted fan. Nozzle actuation mod- provided herein may be applied to shrouded or ducted
ulates the ducted fan operating line and overall engine 35 engines, partially ducted engines, aft-fan engines, or oth-
fan pressure ratio independent of total engine airflow. In er turbomachinery configurations, including those for ma-
other embodiments, loading may be managed using a rine, industrial, or aero-propulsion systems. Certain as-
static nozzle. pects of the disclosure may be applicable to turbofan,
[0066] As noted above, the third stream (e.g., the fan turboprop, or turboshaft engines. However, it should be
duct 266) may include one or more heat exchangers 268 40 appreciated that certain aspects of the disclosure may
for removing heat from various fluids used in engine op- address issues that may be particular to unshrouded or
eration (such as an air-cooled oil cooler (ACOC), cooled open rotor engines, such as, but not limited to, issues
cooling air (CCA), etc.). Heat exchangers 268 located in related to gear ratios, fan diameter, fan speed, length (L)
the third stream take advantage of the integration into of the engine, maximum diameter of the core engine
the fan duct 266 with reduced performance penalties 45 (Dcore) of the engine, L/Dcore of the engine, desired
(such as fuel efficiency and thrust) compared with tradi- cruise altitude, and/or desired operating cruise speed, or
tional ducted fan architectures, due to not impacting the combinations thereof.
primary source of thrust which is, in this case, the un- [0070] The unducted engines 100, 200 can comprise
ducted fan stream. Heat exchangers may cool fluids such pitch change mechanism configured for adjusting the
as gearbox oil, engine sump oil, thermal transport fluids 50 pitch for fan. In this manner the fans of the engines 100,
such as supercritical fluids or commercially available sin- 200 are VPFs. For example, the engine 200 comprises
gle-phase or two-phase fluids (supercritical CO2, EGV, a pitch change mechanism 282 coupled to the fan as-
Slither 800, liquid metals, etc.), engine bleed air, etc. Heat sembly 204 and configured to vary the pitch of the fan
exchangers may also be made up of different segments blades 208. In certain embodiments, the pitch change
or passages that cool different working fluids, such as an 55 mechanism 282 can be a linear actuated pitch change
ACOC paired with a fuel cooler. Heat exchangers 268 mechanism.
may be incorporated into a thermal management system [0071] FIG. 3 is a schematic cross-sectional view of a
which provides for thermal transport via a heat exchange gas turbine engine in accordance with an exemplary em-

19 EP 4 321 746 A1 20

bodiment of the present disclosure. More particularly, for LP turbine and LP compressor and slower fan.
the embodiment of FIG. 3, the gas turbine engine is a [0075] Referring still to the exemplary embodiment of
high-bypass turbofan jet engine 300, referred to herein FIG. 3, the disk 332 is covered by rotatable front nacelle
as "turbofan engine 300." As shown in FIG. 3, the turbo- 338 aerodynamically contoured to promote an airflow
fan engine 300 defines an axial direction A (extending 5 through the plurality of fan blades 330. Additionally, the
parallel to a longitudinal centerline 302 provided for ref- exemplary fan section 304 includes an annular fan casing
erence) and a radial direction R (extending perpendicular or outer nacelle 340 that circumferentially surrounds the
to the axial direction A). In general, the engine 300 in- fan 328 and/or at least a portion of the core engine 306.
cludes a fan section 304 and a core engine 306 disposed The nacelle 340 is, for the embodiment depicted, sup-
downstream from the fan section 304. The engine 300 10 ported relative to the core engine 306 by a plurality of
also includes a gear assembly or power gear box 336 circumferentially-spaced outlet guide vanes 342. Addi-
having a plurality of gears for coupling a gas turbine shaft tionally, a downstream section 344 of the nacelle 340
to a fan shaft. The position of the power gear box 336 is extends over an outer portion of the core engine 306 so
not limited to that as shown in the exemplary embodiment as to define a bypass airflow passage 346 therebetween.
of the engine 300. For example, the position of the power 15 [0076] During operation of the turbofan engine 300, a
gear box 336 may vary along the axial direction A. volume of air 348 enters the engine 300 through an as-
[0072] The exemplary core engine 306 depicted gen- sociated inlet 350 of the nacelle 340 and/or fan section
erally includes a substantially tubular outer casing 308 304. As the volume of air 348 passes across the fan
that defines an annular inlet 310. The outer casing 308 blades 330, a first portion of the air 348 as indicated by
encases, in serial flow relationship, a compressor section 20 arrows 352 is directed or routed into the bypass airflow
including a booster or low-pressure (LP) compressor 312 passage 346 and a second portion of the air 348 as in-
and a high-pressure (HP) compressor 314; a combustion dicated by arrow 354 is directed or routed into the LP
section 316; a turbine section including a high-pressure compressor 312. The ratio between the first portion of air
(HP) turbine 318 and a low-pressure (LP) turbine 320; 352 and the second portion of air 354 is commonly known
and a jet exhaust nozzle section 322. A high-pressure 25 as a bypass ratio. The pressure of the second portion of
(HP) shaft or spool 324 drivingly connects the HP turbine air 354 is then increased as it is routed through the high-
318 to the HP compressor 314. A low-pressure (LP) shaft pressure (HP) compressor 314 and into the combustion
or spool 326 drivingly connects the LP turbine 320 to the section 316, where it is mixed with fuel and burned to
LP compressor 312. Additionally, the compressor sec- provide combustion gases 356.
tion, combustion section 316, and turbine section togeth- 30 [0077] The combustion gases 356 are routed through
er define at least in part a core air flowpath 327 extending the HP turbine 318 where a portion of thermal and/or
therethrough. kinetic energy from the combustion gases 356 is extract-
[0073] A gear assembly of the present disclosure is ed via sequential stages of HP turbine stator vanes 358
compatible with standard fans, variable pitch fans, or oth- that are coupled to the outer casing 308 and HP turbine
er configurations. For the embodiment depicted, the fan 35 rotor blades 360 that are coupled to the HP shaft or spool
section 304 includes a variable pitch fan 328 having a 324, thus causing the HP shaft or spool 324 to rotate,
plurality of fan blades 330 coupled to a disk 332 in a thereby supporting operation of the HP compressor 314.
spaced apart manner. As depicted, the fan blades 330 The combustion gases 356 are then routed through the
extend outwardly from disk 332 generally along the radial LP turbine 320 where a second portion of thermal and
direction R. Each fan blade 330 is rotatable relative to 40 kinetic energy is extracted from the combustion gases
the disk 332 about a pitch axis P by virtue of the fan 356 via sequential stages of LP turbine stator vanes 362
blades 330 being operatively coupled to a suitable actu- that are coupled to the outer casing 308 and LP turbine
ation member 334 configured to collectively vary the pitch rotor blades 364 that are coupled to the LP shaft or spool
of the fan blades 330. The fan blades 330, disk 332, and 326, thus causing the LP shaft or spool 326 to rotate,
actuation member 334 are together rotatable about the 45 thereby supporting operation of the LP compressor 312
longitudinal axis 302 by LP shaft 326 across a gear as- and/or rotation of the fan 328.
sembly or power gear box 336. A gear assembly 336 [0078] The combustion gases 356 are subsequently
may enable a speed change between a first shaft, e.g., routed through the jet exhaust nozzle section 322 of the
LP shaft 326, and a second shaft, e.g., LP compressor core engine 306 to provide propulsive thrust. Simultane-
shaft and/or fan shaft. For example, in one embodiment, 50 ously, the pressure of the first portion of air 352 is sub-
the gear assembly 336 may be disposed in an arrange- stantially increased as the first portion of air 352 is routed
ment between a first shaft and a second shaft such as through the bypass airflow passage 346 before it is ex-
to reduce an output speed from one shaft to another shaft. hausted from a fan nozzle exhaust section 366 of the
[0074] More generally, the gear assembly 336 can be engine 300, also providing propulsive thrust. The HP tur-
placed anywhere along the axial direction A to decouple 55 bine 318, the LP turbine 320, and the jet exhaust nozzle
the speed of two shafts, whenever it is convenient to do section 322 at least partially define a hot gas path 368
so from a component efficiency point of view, e.g., faster for routing the combustion gases 356 through the core
LP turbine and slower fan and LP compressor or faster engine 306.

21 EP 4 321 746 A1 22

[0079] For example, FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional sche- and overall engine fan pressure ratio independent of total
matic illustration of an exemplary embodiment of an en- engine airflow. In other examples, the engine can com-
gine 400 that includes a gear assembly 402 in combina- prise a static nozzle.
tion with a ducted fan assembly 404 and a core engine [0084] In some embodiments, an engine (e.g., the en-
406. However, unlike the open rotor configuration of the 5 gine 100, the engine 200, and/or the engine 400) can
engine 200, the fan assembly 404 and its fan blades 408 comprise a counter-rotating low-pressure turbine. For ex-
are contained within an annular fan case 480 (which can ample, FIGS. 5-6 depict schematic cross-sectional illus-
also be referred to as "a nacelle") and the vane assembly trations of counter-rotating low-pressure turbines. In par-
410 and the vanes 412 extend radially between the fan ticular, FIG. 5 depicts a counter-rotating turbine 500, and
cowl 452 (and/or the engine core cowl 472) and the inner 10 FIG. 6 depicts a counter-rotating turbine 600. The coun-
surface of the fan case 480, thereby defining the bypass ter-rotating turbines comprise inner blade stages and out-
stream. As discussed above, the gear assemblies dis- er blade stages arranged in an alternating inner-outer
closed herein can provide for increased gear ratios for a configuration. In other words, the counter-rotating tur-
fixed gear envelope (e.g., with the same size ring gear), bines do not comprise stator vanes disposed between
or alternatively, a smaller diameter ring gear may be used 15 the blade stages.
to achieve the same gear ratios. [0085] Referring to FIG. 5, the counter-rotating turbine
[0080] The core engine 406 comprises a compressor 500 comprises a plurality of inner blade stages 502 and
section 430, a combustor section 432, and a turbine sec- a plurality of outer blade stages 504. More specifically,
tion 434. The compressor section 430 can include a high- the counter-rotating turbine 500 includes three inner
pressure compressor 436 and a booster or a low-pres- 20 blades stages 502 that are coupled to and extend radially
sure compressor 442. The turbine section 434 can in- outwardly from an inner shaft 506 (which can also be
clude a high-pressure turbine 438 and a low-pressure referred to as "a rotor") and three outer blade stages 504
turbine 444. The low-pressure compressor 442 is posi- that are coupled to extend radially inwardly from an outer
tioned forward of and in flow relationship with the high- shaft 508 (which can also be referred to as "a drum"). In
pressure compressor 436. The low-pressure compressor 25 this manner, the counter-rotating turbine 500 can be con-
442 is rotatably coupled with the low-pressure turbine sidered a six stage turbine.
444 via a low-pressure shaft 446 to enable the low-pres- [0086] Referring to FIG. 6, the counter-rotating turbine
sure turbine 444 to drive the low-pressure compressor 600 comprises a plurality of inner blade stages 602 and
442 (and a ducted fan 460). The low-pressure shaft 446 a plurality of outer blade stages 604. More specifically,
is also operably connected to the gear assembly 402 to 30 the counter-rotating turbine 600 includes four inner
provide power to the fan assembly 404. The high-pres- blades stages 602 that are coupled to and extend radially
sure compressor 436 is rotatably coupled with the high- outwardly from an inner shaft 606 and three outer blade
pressure turbine 438 via a high-pressure shaft 440 to stages 604 that are coupled to extend radially inwardly
enable the high-pressure turbine 438 to drive the high- from an outer shaft 608. In this manner, the counter-ro-
pressure compressor 436. 35 tating turbine 600 can be considered a seven stage tur-
[0081] One portion of the airflow from the ducted fan bine.
460 can be directed into the core engine 406 (i.e., a sec- [0087] According to some embodiments there is a tur-
ond stream). Another portion of the airflow from the duct- bomachinery characterized by a high gear ratio. A high
ed fan 460 can be directed into a third stream 407 defined gear ratio gearbox means a gearbox with a gear ratio of
by the inner surface of the fan cowl 452 and the outer 40 above about 4:1 to about 14:1 (or about 4.5:1 to about
surface of the engine core cowl 472. In some examples, 12:1 in particular embodiments). For example, the en-
the third stream can comprise one or more heat exchang- gines disclosed herein can include a gearbox configured
ers. such the output speed (i.e., the speed of the propulsor)
[0082] The engine 400 (and/or the engine 300) com- is about 400-1200 rpm at a cruise flight condition, or more
prises a pitch change mechanism 482 coupled to the fan 45 particularly 450-1000 rpm at a cruise flight condition.
assembly 404 and configured to vary the pitch of the fan [0088] Various exemplary gear assemblies are shown
blades 408. In certain embodiments, the pitch change and described herein. In particular, FIGS. 7-11 schemat-
mechanism 482 can be a linear actuated pitch change ically depict several exemplary gear assemblies that can
mechanism. be used with the engines 100, 200, 300, 400. The dis-
[0083] In some embodiments, the engine 400 can com- 50 closed gear assemblies may be utilized with any of the
prise a variable fan nozzle. Operationally, the engine 400 exemplary engines and/or any other suitable engine for
may include a control system that manages the loading which such gear assemblies may be desirable. In such
of the fan, as well as potentially the exit area of the var- a manner, it will be appreciated that the gear assemblies
iable fan nozzle, to provide different thrust, noise, cooling disclosed herein may generally be operable with an en-
capacity and other performance characteristics for vari- 55 gine having a rotating element with a plurality of rotor
ous portions of the flight envelope and various operation- blades and a turbomachinery having a turbine and a shaft
al conditions associated with aircraft operation. For ex- rotatable with the turbine. With such an engine, the ro-
ample, nozzle actuation modulates the fan operating line tating element (e.g., fan assembly 104) may be driven

23 EP 4 321 746 A1 24

by the shaft (e.g., low-pressure shaft) of the turboma- gears), and a ring gear 806. The sun gear 802 can mesh
chinery through the gear assembly. with the star gears, and the star gears can mesh with the
[0089] Although the exemplary gear assemblies ring gear 806. The sun gear 802 can be coupled to a low-
shown are mounted at a forward location (e.g., forward pressure shaft 808, which in turn is coupled to the low-
from the combustor and/or the low-pressure compres- 5 pressure turbine of the engine. The carrier 804 can be
sor), in other embodiments, the gear assemblies de- fixed from rotation by a support member 810. The ring
scribed herein can be mounted at an aft location (e.g., gear 806 can be coupled to a fan shaft 812.
aft of the combustor and/or the low-pressure turbine). [0097] In some embodiments, the radius R2 of the
[0090] Various embodiments of the gear assembly gearbox 800 can be about 18-23 inches. In other embod-
provided herein may allow for gear ratios of up to 14:1 10 iments, the radius R2 of the gearbox 700 can be smaller
(e.g., 2:1 to 14:1). Still various embodiments of the gear than 18 inches or larger than 23 inches.
assemblies provided herein may allow for gear ratios of [0098] FIG. 9 schematically depicts a gearbox 900 that
at least 4.1:1 or 4.5:1. Still yet various embodiments of can be used, for example, with engines 100, 200, 300,
the gear assemblies provided herein allow for gear ratios 400. The gearbox 900 comprises a single-stage star con-
of 6:1 to 12:1. 15 figuration. The gearbox 900 includes a sun gear 902, a
[0091] FIG. 7 schematically depicts a gearbox 700 that carrier 904 housing a plurality of star gears (e.g., 3-5 star
can be used, for example, with engines 100, 200, 300, gears), and a ring gear 906. The sun gear 902 can mesh
400. The gearbox 700 comprises a two-stage star con- with the star gears, and the star gears can mesh with the
figuration. ring gear 906. The sun gear 902 can be coupled to a low-
[0092] The first stage of the gearbox 700 includes a 20 pressure shaft 908, which in turn is coupled to the low-
first-stage sun gear 702, a first-stage carrier 704 housing pressure turbine of the engine. The carrier 904 can be
a plurality of first-stage star gears, and a first-stage ring fixed from rotation by a support member 910. The ring
gear 706. The first-stage sun gear 702 can be coupled gear 906 can be coupled to a fan shaft 912.
to a low-pressure shaft 708, which in turn is coupled to [0099] In some embodiments, the radius R3 of the
the low-pressure turbine of the engine. The first-stage 25 gearbox 900 can be about 10-13 inches. In other embod-
sun gear 702 can mesh with the first-stage star gears, iments, the radius R3 of the gearbox 900 can be smaller
which mesh with the first-stage ring gear. The first-stage than 10 inches or larger than 13 inches.
carrier 704 can be fixed from rotation by a support mem- [0100] FIG. 10 schematically depicts a gearbox 1000
ber 710. that can be used, for example, with engines 100, 200,
[0093] The second stage of the gearbox 700 includes 30 300, 400. The gearbox 1000 comprises a two-stage con-
a second-stage sun gear 712, a second-stage carrier 714 figuration in which the first stage is a star configuration
housing a plurality of second-stage star gears, and a sec- and the second stage is a planet configuration.
ond-stage ring gear 716. The second-stage sun gear 712 [0101] The first stage of the gearbox 1000 includes a
can be coupled to a shaft 718 which in turn is coupled to first-stage sun gear 1002, a first-stage star carrier 1004
the first-stage ring gear 706. The second-stage carrier 35 comprising a plurality of first-stage star gears (e.g., 3-5
714 can be fixed from rotation by a support member 720. star gears), and a first-stage ring gear 1006. The first-
The second-stage ring gear 716 can be coupled to a fan stage sun gear 1002 can mesh with the first-stage star
shaft 722. gears, and the first-stage star gears can mesh with the
[0094] In some embodiments, each stage of the gear- first-stage ring gear 1006. The first-stage sun gear 1002
box 700 can comprise five star gears. In other embodi- 40 can be coupled to a higher-speed shaft 1008 of the low
ments, the gearbox 700 can comprise fewer or more than spool, which in turn is coupled to the inner blades of the
five star gears in each stage. In some embodiments, the low-pressure turbine of the engine. The first-stage star
first-stage carrier can comprise a different number of star carrier 1004 can be fixed from rotation by a support mem-
gears than the second-stage carrier. For example, the ber 1010.
first-stage carrier can comprise five star gears, and the 45 [0102] The second stage of the gearbox 1000 includes
second-stage carrier can comprise three star gears, or a second-stage sun gear 1012, a second-stage planet
vice versa. carrier 1014 comprising a plurality of second-stage planet
[0095] In some embodiments, the radius R1 of the gears (e.g., 3-5 planet gears), and a second-stage ring
gearbox 700 can be about 16-19 inches. In other embod- gear 1016. The second-stage sun gear 1012 can mesh
iments, the radius R1 of the gearbox 700 can be about 50 with the second-stage planet gears. The second-stage
22-24 inches. In other embodiments, the radius R1 of the planet carrier 1014 can be coupled to the first-stage ring
gearbox 700 can be smaller than 16 inches or larger than gear 1006. The second-stage sun gear 1012 can be cou-
24 inches. pled to a lower-speed shaft 1018 of the low spool, which
[0096] FIG. 8 schematically depicts a gearbox 800 that in turn is coupled to the outer blades of the low-pressure
can be used, for example, with engines 100, 200, 300, 55 turbine of Engine 4. The second-stage planet carrier
400. The gearbox 800 comprises a single-stage star con- 1014 can be coupled to the first-stage ring gear 1006.
figuration. The gearbox 800 includes a sun gear 802, a The second-stage planet carrier 1014 can also be cou-
carrier 804 housing a plurality of star gears (e.g., 3-5 star pled to a fan shaft 1020. The second-stage ring gear

25 EP 4 321 746 A1 26

1016 can be fixed from rotation by a support member with other ducted turbofan engines (e.g., the engine 300)
1022. and/or other open rotor engines that do not have one or
[0103] In some embodiments, each stage of the gear- more of such structures.
box 1000 can comprise three star/planet gears. In other [0109] The engines depicted in FIGS. 1-4 are config-
embodiments, the gearbox 1000 can comprise fewer or 5 ured such that the fan assembly and the core engine are
more than three star/planet gears in each stage. In some concentric (i.e., the rotate about a common axis, which
embodiments, the first-stage carrier can comprise a dif- may also be referred to as "coaxial"). In other embodi-
ferent number of star gears than the second-stage carrier ments, an engine can be configured such that the fan
has planet gears. For example, the first-stage carrier can assembly rotates about a first axis and the core engine
comprise five star gears, and the second-stage carrier 10 rotates about a second axis that are non-concentric (also
can comprise three planet gears, or vice versa. referred to as "eccentric").
[0104] Since the first stage of the gearbox 1000 is cou- [0110] Each embodiment of a turbomachinery dis-
pled to the higher-speed shaft 1008 of the low spool and closed herein comprises a variable pitch fan ("VPF") and
the second stage of the gearbox 1000 is coupled to the actuation member (e.g., the actuation member 334),
lower-speed shaft 1018 of the low spool, the gear ratio 15 which may also be referred to as a pitch change mech-
of the first stage of the gearbox 1000 can be greater than anism. The disclosed engines can also comprise a gear-
the gear ratio of the second stage of the gearbox. For box. Adoption of a variable pitch fan provides one or more
example, in certain embodiments, the first stage of the advantages (e.g., increased propulsive efficiency) and
gearbox can comprise a gear ratio of 4.1-14, and the also presents significant challenges. For example, incor-
second stage of the gearbox can comprise a gear ratio 20 porating variable pitch fan blades creates challenges with
that is less than the gear ratio of the first stage of the the mechanical packaging and mechanical integration
gearbox. In particular embodiments, the first stage of the including the packaging and integration of the actuation
gearbox can comprise a gear ratio of 7, and the second member and coupling between the blades and actuation
stage of the gearbox can comprise a gear ratio of 6. member. Turbomachinery that instead have a fixed pitch
[0105] In some embodiments, an engine comprising 25 for fan blades are comparatively simpler to implement.
the gearbox 1000 can be configured such that the higher- For example, when a fixed pitch turbomachinery is adopt-
speed shaft 1008 provides about 50% of the power to ed, it is much easier to achieve a reduction in fan radius
the gearbox 1000 and the lower-speed shaft 1018 pro- ratio (as defined below) because less space is needed
vides about 50% of the power to the gearbox 1000. In for packaging and integration of a fan blade below the
other embodiments, an engine comprising the gearbox 30 blade root, e.g., less space is needed because attach-
1000 can be configured such that the higher-speed shaft ment of a blade is made directly to the fan disk as opposed
1008 provides about 60% of the power to the gearbox to through a bearing assembly. The desire to achieve an
1000 and the lower-speed shaft 1018 provides about acceptable fan radius ratio while providing a variable
40% of the power to the gearbox 1000. pitch capability for a fan blade, and arriving at a turboma-
[0106] In some embodiments, the radius R4 of the 35 chinery design incorporating such a capability while sat-
gearbox 1000 can be about 18-22 inches. In other em- isfying other necessary requirements, such as accepta-
bodiments, the radius R4 of the gearbox 700 can be small- ble reliability for its intended use, mission requirements,
er than 18 inches or larger than 22 inches. etc., safety margin in the event of, e.g., debris impacting
[0107] FIG. 11 depicts a gearbox 1100 that can be and damaging a fan blade, and accessibility for servicing
used, for example, with the engines disclosed herein 40 of a variable pitch fan, blade replacement, etc. presents
(e.g., the engines 100, 200, 300, 400). The gearbox 1100 formidable challenges to overcome.
is configured as a compound star gearbox. The gearbox [0111] Starting from this basis, the inventors set out to
1100 comprises a sun gear 1102 and a star carrier 1104, define the various demands on a variable pitch fan and
which includes a plurality of compound star gears having then constructed a variety of embodiments to meet those
one or more first portions 1106 and one or more second 45 varying demands. During the process of developing the
portions 1108. The gearbox 1100 further comprises a aforementioned embodiments of turbomachinery en-
ring gear 1110. The sun gear 1102 can also mesh with gines comprising variable pitch fans, the inventors dis-
the first portions 1106 of the star gears. The star carrier covered, unexpectedly, that a few particular fan param-
can be fixed from rotation via a support member 1114. eters arranged in a unique combination provided a good
The second portions 1108 of the star gears can mesh 50 approximation for an overall variable pitch fan design.
with the ring gear 1110. The sun gear 1102 can be cou- More specifically, the inventors discovered that certain
pled to a low-pressure turbine via the turbine shaft 1112. ranges of values defining embodiments of a variable pitch
The ring gear 1110 can be coupled to a fan shaft 1116. fan including, but not limited to bearing size, shape, ori-
[0108] The gear assemblies shown and described entation, material, etc., can inform the skilled artisan of
herein can be used with any suitable engine. For exam- 55 the positive and negative attributes of choosing one em-
ple, although FIG. 4 shows an optional ducted fan and bodiment over another, and as a function of the perform-
optional fan duct (similar to that shown in FIG. 2), it should ance requirements of the turbomachinery. Thus, the in-
be understood that such gear assemblies can be used ventors realized they had discovered values defining not

27 EP 4 321 746 A1 28

only benefits but also penalties associated with choosing within a range of 20,000-200,000 lbf at a redline operating
one design over another depending on the requirements condition. In other examples, F_span is within a range
of the engine (e.g., blade size, tip speed of fan, packag- of 50,000-100,000 lbf at a redline operating condition.
ing, integration, etc.). The embodiments defined by these [0116] The fan blade area (F_area) equals
VPF parameters, as they are called, therefore provide a 5 π∗(R_tip2-R_hub2), which results in an area in square
significant benefit because they define a design space inches. In some examples, F_area is within a range of
down to a reduced number of practical embodiments 3,000-25,000 in2. In other examples, F_area is within a
based on the underlying structural requirements needed range of 5,000-15,000 in2. In particular examples, F_area
to meet the demand. Those structural requirements im- is within a range of 4,000-8,000 in2.
plicated are with respect to demands such as achieving 10 [0117] It should be noted that the terms of "Fan Center
a particular weight, size, drag, and/other factors relevant of Gravity," "Fan Mass," "F_Span," and "Fan_Area" are
to the mechanical packaging of the VPF. For example, for any one fan blade of an engine. Therefore, it should
the VPF parameter ranges disclosed herein account for be noted that the values of "Fan Center of Gravity," "Fan
limitations (e.g., bearing stress) and thus allow for ade- Mass," "F_Span," and "Fan_Area" listed herein (e.g., in
quate mechanical integration. One particularly advanta- 15 the table of FIGS. 25-26, other examples, and the claims)
geous aspect of the inventor’s discovery is that the VPF apply to any one fan blade of the engine.
parameters can be utilized with either unducted or ducted [0118] As depicted in FIG. 12, in some examples, a
fan designs. VPF can be configured such that the first VPF parameter
[0112] There are two VPF parameters that the inven- (i.e., RR/FPR) is or is about 0.10-0.40 and the second
tors discovered to be of particular significance. The first 20 VPF parameter (i.e., F_span/Fan_area) is or is about
VPF parameter is defined as the hub-to-tip radius ratio 1-30 lbf/in2. These ranges apply to both ducted and un-
of the fan ("RR") divided by the fan pressure ratio ("FPR") ducted engines.
measured at a static sea-level takeoff operating condi- [0119] As depicted in FIG. 13, in some examples, a
tion. The second VPF parameter is defined as the bearing VPF can be configured such that the first VPF parameter
spanwise force of the fan ("F_span") at a redline operat- 25 is or is about 0.20-0.40 and the second VPF parameter
ing condition measured in pounds force divided by the is or is about 1-30 lbf/in2.
fan area ("F_area") measured in square inches. [0120] As depicted in FIG. 14, in some examples, a
[0113] As used herein, fan radius ratio is defined as VPF can be configured such that the first VPF parameter
the fan hub radius (R_hub) divided by the fan tip radius is or is about 0.15-0.30 and the second VPF parameter
(R_tip), both measured at the leading edge of the fan 30 is or is about 1-30 lbf/in2.
blades from the fan rotation axis. An exemplary fan com- [0121] As depicted in FIG. 15, in some embodiments,
prising the various dimensions is depicted in FIG. 19. In a VPF can be configured such that the first VPF param-
some examples, the fan radius ratio is within a range of eter is or is about 0.10-0.25 and the second VPF param-
0.125-0.55. In other examples, the fan radius ratio is with- eter is or is about 1-30 lbf/in2.
in a range of 0.2-0.5. In particular examples, the fan ra- 35 [0122] Referring now to FIG. 16, in some examples, a
dius ratio is within a range of 0.25-0.35. VPF can be configured such that the first VPF parameter
[0114] Fan pressure ratio is defined as the ratio of total is or is about 0.1-0.25 and the second VPF parameter is
pressures across the fan (exit/inlet) during a static sea- or is about 1-30 lbf/in2 or such that the first VPF parameter
level takeoff (SLTO) operating condition. In some exam- is or is about 0.1-0.4 and a second VPF factor is or is
ples, the fan pressure ratio at a static sea-level takeoff 40 about 5.25-30 lbf/in2.
operating condition is within a range of 1.05-1.5. In other [0123] With reference to FIG. 17, in some examples,
examples, the fan pressure ratio at a static sea-level take- a VPF can be configured such that the first VPF param-
off operating condition is within a range of 1.05-1.15, eter is or is about 0.1-0.4 and the second VPF parameter
which (in certain instances) can correspond to an unduct- is or is about 5.25-30 lbf/in2. This range of VPF param-
ed fan. In particular examples, the fan pressure ratio at 45 eters can, for example, be particularly advantageous for
a static sea-level takeoff operating condition is within a ducted fans.
range of 1.2-1.4, which (in certain instances) can corre- [0124] With reference to FIG. 18, in some examples,
spond to a ducted fan. a VPF can be configured such that the first VPF param-
[0115] Bearing spanwise force (F_span) of a fan blade eter is or is about 0.25-0.4 and the second VPF parameter
is defined as (mass of the fan blade/386.4) * R_cg * ω2, 50 is or is about 5.25-30 lbf/in2.
where R_cg is the radius of the center of gravity of the [0125] As shown in FIG. 19, in some examples, a VPF
fan blade measured from the fan rotation axis (inches), can be configured such that the first VPF parameter is
and ω is a redline speed of the fan measured in radi- or is about 0.1-0.25 and the second VPF parameter is or
ans/second. The center of gravity and thus the R_cg can is about 5.25-30 lbf/in2.
be calculated or approximated in various ways. As one 55 [0126] As depicted in FIG. 20, in some examples, a
example, R_cg can be approximated by the following VPF can be configured such that the first VPF parameter
equation: R_hub + 1/3*(R_tip - R_hub). F_span is meas- is or is about 0.10-0.40 and the second VPF parameter
ured in pounds force (lbf). In some examples, F_span is is or is about 1-5.25 lbf/in2. This range of VPF parameters

29 EP 4 321 746 A1 30

can, for example, be particularly advantageous for un- [0133] The fan blades disclosed herein (e.g., the fan
ducted fans. blades 108, 208, 330, 408, and the fan blades listed in
[0127] As depicted in FIG. 21, in some examples, a FIGS. 25-26) can comprise various materials. For exam-
VPF can be configured such that the first VPF parameter ple, in some instances, a fan can comprise a metal alloy.
is or is about 0.20-0.40 and the second VPF parameter 5 In some instances, the metal alloy can comprise alumi-
is or is about 1-5.25 lbf/in2. This range can, for example, num, lithium, titanium, and/or other suitable metals for
include fans with relatively high radius ratio. In some in- fan blades. In some instances, a fan can comprise com-
stances, these may be unducted fans. Configuring a fan posite material. In some examples, a fan can comprise
such that it is within the range depicted in FIG. 21 can, a metal alloy core and a composite cover.
for example, enable increased pitch change mechanism 10 [0134] Various pitch change mechanisms can be
design space to help improve durability pitch change adopted for varying fan blade pitch for the examples dis-
mechanism and/or improve compatibility with the gear- closed herein (e.g., those in FIGS. 25-26). These pitch
box. change mechanisms can comprise various components
[0128] As depicted in FIG. 22, in some examples, a including actuators, kinematic mechanisms, counter-
VPF can be configured such that the first VPF parameter 15 weights, pitch-locking mechanisms, and blade bearings.
is or is about 0.10-0.30 and the second VPF parameter [0135] In some examples, an actuator can comprise
is or is about 1-5.25 lbf/in2. one or more of rotary motion and linear motion. In some
[0129] As depicted in FIG. 23, in some examples, a instances, an actuator can be driven hydraulically and/or
VPF can be configured such that the first VPF parameter electrically. In some examples, an actuator can reside
is or is about 0.15-0.30 and the second VPF parameter 20 on an engine centerline axis. In some examples, an ac-
is or is about 1-5.25 lbf/in2. tuator can reside offset from an engine centerline axis.
[0130] Referring to FIG. 24, in some examples, a VPF [0136] Various kinematic mechanisms can be used.
can be configured such that the first VPF parameter is For example, adjustable linkages with a unison ring to a
or is about 0.1-0.25 and the second VPF parameter is or blade crank can be used. In some examples, an actuator
is about 1-5.25 lbf/in2. 25 yoke to a blade crank can be used. In some examples,
[0131] FIG. 25 comprises a table listing a plurality of a quill shaft driven via gears to blade root, in unison or
exemplary ducted engines with a variable pitch fan, and individually, can be used.
FIG. 26 comprises a table listing a plurality of exemplary [0137] Various types of counterweights can be used.
unducted engines with a variable pitch fan. The example For example, in some instances, counterweights directly
engines of FIGS. 25-26 comprise first VPF parameters 30 mounted to the blade root can be used. In some exam-
(i.e., RR/FPR) and second VPF parameters (i.e., ples, counterweights in a remote position, driven by gears
F_span/Fan_area) that fall within one or more of the dis- can be used. In some examples, counterweights with a
closed ranges of first and second VPF parameters de- remote position, driven by levers and linkages can be
picted in FIGS. 12-24. FIGS. 25-26 also depicts various used.
other parameters of the VPFs. It should be noted that in 35 [0138] Various pitch-locking mechanisms can be used.
FIGS. 25-26 the fan tip speeds, fan redline speed (ω), In some examples, a pitch-locking mechanism compris-
and bearing spanwise force of the fan (F_span) are listed es a ball-screw mechanism. In some examples, pitch-
at a redline operating condition, and the fan pressure locking is accomplished via hydraulic chamber manipu-
ratio (FPR) is listed at a static sea-level takeoff operating lation. In some examples, a pitch-locking mechanism in-
condition. 40 cludes locking via a clutch plate.
[0132] Thus, the exemplary engines listed in FIGS. [0139] Various types of blade bearing can be used in
25-26 each define a variable pitch fan compatible with a pitch change mechanism. For example, a duplex com-
achieving, for example, a particular weight, size, and/or bination of tapered roller, spherical roller, and/or ball
drag requirement, and/other factors relevant to the me- bearings can be used. In some instances, a preloading
chanical packaging of the engine. As discussed earlier, 45 device above, below, or between the bearing pair can be
the disclosed engines and their VPFs account for other used. The bearings can comprise various materials in-
limitations (e.g., bearing stress), thereby allowing for ad- cluding metal (e.g., steel) and/or ceramic.
equate mechanical integration. As indicated in FIGS. [0140] A variable pitch fan can comprise a plurality of
25-26, the disclosed VPF parameters are applicable to fan blades. Each of the fan blades can be rotatably at-
both unducted and ducted VPF designs. As explained 50 tached to a disk about respective pitch axes, and the disk
earlier and demonstrated further in FIGS. 25-26, the re- may be rotatable about a central axis by the one or more
lationship of the VPF parameters to turbomachinery em- shafts of the core. For example, each fan blade can be
bodiments discovered by the inventors provides a rela- attached to a trunnion mechanism which extends through
tively quick and straightforward way of determining the an individual disk segment of the disk. The trunnion
feasibility of a particular VPF design. Accordingly, the 55 mechanism can, in turn, be retained within a respective
inventor’s disclosed methods and VPF parameters can disk segment by a keyed connection. For example, the
improve the design of ducted and unducted turbomachin- trunnion mechanism may define a key slot and the disk
ery engines. segment may include a support surface. A key positioned

31 EP 4 321 746 A1 32

in the key slot interacts with the key slot and the support 1214 (having, for example, an inner race 1216, an outer
surface to retain the trunnion mechanism within the re- race 1218, and a plurality of rollers 1220); a snap ring
spective disk segments. 1222; a key hoop retainer 1224; a key 1226; a bearing
[0141] Referring now to FIGS. 28-29, a variable pitch support 1228; a second line contact bearing 1230 (hav-
fan assembly 1200 will be described in greater detail. 5 ing, for example, an inner race 1232, an outer race 1234,
The variable pitch fan assembly 1200 can be used with and a plurality of rollers 1236); and a trunnion 1238 which
any of the engines disclosed herein. The variable pitch receives a dovetail 1240 of a fan blade 1202. In alterna-
fan assembly 1200 (also referred to herein as "the fan tive embodiments, however, the trunnion 1238 may be
1200") comprises a plurality of fan blades 1202 and a integrated into a hub of the fan blade 1202 as a spar
disk 1204. FIG. 28 provides a perspective view of the fan 10 attachment or an additional key may be inserted into
1200. FIG. 29 provides a perspective view of the disk overlapping openings of the hub of the fan blade 1202
1204. and trunnion 1238 to form a pinned root. For use as bear-
[0142] In the depicted example, the fan 1200 includes ings 1214, 1230, at least the following types of line con-
twelve (12) fan blades 1204. Various other fan blade tacting type rolling element bearings are contemplated:
counts can be used. In some examples, the fan 1200 can 15 cylindrical roller bearings; cylindrical roller thrust bear-
be configured as an open rotor and comprise 8-16 fan ings; tapered roller bearings; spherical roller bearings;
blades. In some examples, the fan 1200 can be config- spherical roller thrust bearings; needle roller bearings;
ured as a ducted rotor and comprise 16-22 fan blades. and tapered roller needle bearings. Additionally, the
[0143] The fan 1200 can have a diameter of 72-216 bearings may be formed of any suitable material, such
inches. In some examples, the fan 1200 can have a di- 20 as a suitable stainless steel or other metal material, or
ameter of 100-200 inches. In some examples, the fan alternatively of any suitable nonferrous material.
1200 can have a diameter of 120-190 inches. In some [0148] Referring particularly to FIG. 32, in the exem-
examples, the fan 1200 can have a diameter of 72-120 plary embodiment depicted, the first line contact bearing
inches. In some examples, the fan 1200 can have a di- 1214 is oriented at a different angle than the second line
ameter of 80-100 inches. In some examples, the fan 1200 25 contact bearing 1230. More specifically, line contact
can have a diameter of 50-80 inches. bearings 1214, 1230 are preloaded against one another
[0144] The fan 1200 may have any suitable blade in a face-to-face (or duplex) arrangement, wherein cen-
count and any suitable diameter, including those explic- terline axes of the bearings 1214, 1230 are oriented sub-
itly disclosed herein. stantially perpendicular to one another.
[0145] Referring to FIG. 29, the disk 1204 includes a 30 [0149] It should be appreciated, however, that in other
plurality of disk segments 1206 that are rigidly coupled exemplary embodiments, the line contact bearings 1214,
together or integrally molded together in a generally an- 1230 may instead be arranged in tandem so as to be
nular shape (e.g., a polygonal shape). Each fan blade oriented substantially parallel to one another. It should
1202 is coupled to a respective disk segment 1206 at a also be appreciated that in other exemplary embodi-
trunnion mechanism 1208 that facilitates retaining the 35 ments, the trunnion mechanism 1208 may additionally
fan blade 1202 on the disk 1204 during rotation of disk or alternatively include any other suitable type of bearing,
1204 (i.e., the trunnion mechanism 1208 facilitates pro- formed of any suitable material. For example, in other
viding a load path to disk 1204 for the centrifugal load exemplary embodiments, the trunnion mechanism 1208
generated by the fan blades 1202 during rotation about may include roller ball bearings or any other suitable
an engine centerline axis), while still rendering its asso- 40 bearing.
ciated fan blade 1202 rotatable relative to disk 1204 about [0150] When assembled, the coupling nut 1210 is
pitch axis P (FIG. 32). threadably engaged with disk segment 1206 so as to
[0146] Referring now to FIGS. 30-33, an individual disk sandwich the remaining components of trunnion mech-
segment 1206 and trunnion mechanism 1208 in accord- anism 1208 between coupling nut 1210 and disk segment
ance with an example is depicted. More specifically, FIG. 45 1206, thereby retaining trunnion mechanism 1208 at-
30 provides an assembled perspective view of the ex- tached to disk segment 1206. Moreover, as is depicted,
emplary disk segment 1206 and trunnion mechanism the individual disk segment 1206 and trunnion mecha-
1208. FIG. 31 provides an exploded, perspective view of nism 1208 depicted includes a keyed configuration for
the exemplary disk segment 1206 and trunnion mecha- carrying a centrifugal load of the fan blade 1202 during
nism 1208. FIG. 32 provides a side, cross-sectional view 50 operation. The centrifugal load, which may generally be
of the exemplary disk segment 1206 and trunnion mech- a function of a mass of the fan blade 1202 and a rotational
anism 1208. FIG. 33 provides a close up, cross-sectional speed of the fan blade 1202, can be relatively high during
view of the exemplary disk segment 1206 and trunnion operation of the fan 1200 of the engine.
mechanism 1208. [0151] Additional details of the variable pitch fan 1200
[0147] In the exemplary embodiment depicted, each 55 and its pitch change mechanism can be found in U.S.
trunnion mechanism 1208 extends through its associat- Patent No. 10,100,653, which is incorporated by refer-
ed disk segment 1206 and includes: a coupling nut 1210; ence.
a lower bearing support 1212; a first line contact bearing [0152] FIG. 33 is a side elevation view of a variable

33 EP 4 321 746 A1 34

pitch fan assembly 1300 including an integrated pitch a variable pitch fan assembly 1400, which can be used
change mechanism (PCM) actuator assembly 1302. The with any one of the engines disclosed herein. Fan as-
variable pitch fan assembly 1300 (which can also be re- sembly 1400 includes a plurality of blades 1402 (though
ferred to as "the fan 1300") can be used with any of the only one blade is 1402 is shown in FIG. 34) mounted on
engines disclosed herein. The PCM actuator assembly 5 a rotatable frame 1404. More specifically, blades 1402
1302 comprises a hydraulic actuation mechanism. The are retained within blade retention mechanisms 1405 of
fan 1300 includes the integrated PCM actuator assembly an annular fan hub 1406. Moreover, blades 1402 are
1302, an epicyclic gearbox 1304, a power engine rotor disposed symmetrically about a shaft 1407 (e.g., a low-
1306, a stationary hydraulic fluid transfer sleeve 1308, pressure shaft). Shaft 1407 defines a shaft axis 1408,
and a hub assembly 1310. Hub assembly 1310 includes 10 which is co-axial with an engine centerline. Accordingly,
a unison ring 1312, a plurality of fan blade trunnion yokes shaft axis 1208 may be referred to herein as "engine
1314, a plurality of trunnion assemblies 1316, and a plu- centerline axis 1408." Fan assembly 1400 further in-
rality of fan blades 1316. In some embodiments, a low- cludes a pitch control mechanism (PCM) 1410 for con-
pressure shaft is fixedly coupled to epicyclic gearbox trolling a pitch of blades 1402. PCM 1410 includes a sin-
1304 which is rotationally coupled to power engine rotor 15 gle master hydraulic actuator 1412 positioned axisym-
1306. Power engine rotor 1306 is rotationally coupled to metric with respect to centerline 1408 and fan assembly
hub assembly 1310 and integrated PCM actuator assem- 1400. In the illustrated embodiment, hydraulic actuator
bly 1302 which is rotationally coupled to unison ring 1312 1412 is a rotary actuator configured to rotate about an
through integrated PCM actuator assembly 1302. Hub axis defined by engine centerline 1408, as indicated by
assembly 1310 is rotationally coupled to fan blades 1318. 20 arrow 1414. In one embodiment, hydraulic actuator 1414
Unison rings 1312 are rotationally coupled to fan blade circumscribes shaft 1407.
trunnion yokes 1314 which are rotationally coupled to [0157] Hydraulic actuator 1412 is configured to angu-
trunnion assemblies 1316. Trunnion assemblies 1316 larly displace blades 1402 of fan assembly 1400 between
are rotationally coupled to fan blades 1318. Stationary a first position and a second position. More specifically,
hydraulic fluid transfer sleeve 1308 is coupled to supports 25 hydraulic actuator 1412 drives rotation of blades 1402
within epicyclic gearbox 1304 and circumscribes inte- about respective pitch axes 1416. In the illustrated em-
grated PCM actuator assembly 1302. Stationary hydrau- bodiment, hydraulic actuator 1412 is configured to angu-
lic fluid transfer sleeve 1308 is coupled in flow commu- larly displace blades 1402 upon rotation of hydraulic ac-
nication with integrated PCM actuator assembly 1302. tuator 1412. The angular displacement of blades 1402
[0153] In operation, the low-pressure shaft is config- 30 around pitch axes 1416 is indicated generally by arrow
ured to rotate a plurality of gears within epicyclic gearbox 1418.
1304 which are configured to rotate power engine rotor [0158] PCM 1410 also includes a hydraulic fluid trans-
1306. Power engine rotor 1306 is configured to rotate fer system 1411, including a power gearbox 1436 con-
integrated PCM actuator assembly 1302 which is config- figured to drive hydraulic fluid (e.g., hydraulic oil) through
ured to rotate unison rings 1312. Unison ring 1312 is 35 shaft 1407 to hydraulic actuator 1412. Gearbox 1436 may
configured to rotate fan blade trunnion yokes 1314 which be a star gearbox, such that hydraulic fluid is channeled
are configured to rotate trunnion assemblies 1316. Trun- therethrough, a planetary gearbox, in which the hydraulic
nion assemblies 1316 are configured to rotate fan blades is transferred therearound, or another suitable gearbox
1318 about their respective axis. Stationary hydraulic flu- configuration (including those disclosed herein). Hydrau-
id transfer sleeve 1308 is configured to remain stationary 40 lic fluid transfer system 1411 also includes a hydraulic
while integrated PCM actuator assembly 1302 is config- fluid transfer sleeve 1420, such as, for example, a hy-
ured to rotate along with the fan module. draulic oil transfer "slip ring," in fluid communication with
[0154] Stationary hydraulic fluid transfer sleeve 1308 gearbox 1436. Hydraulic transfer sleeve 1420 includes
is coupled in flow communication with integrated PCM a stationary member 1422, fixed relative to fan assembly
actuator assembly 1302. Hydraulic fluid pressure from 45 1400, and a rotatable member 1424, which rotates with
stationary hydraulic fluid transfer sleeve 1308 actuates hydraulic actuator 1412. Hydraulic fluid transfer sleeve
integrated PCM actuator assembly 1302 which rotates 1420 is configured to transfer a flow of pressurized hy-
unison ring 1312 about a radially extending pitch axis of draulic fluid, for example, hydraulic oil, across a gap 1426
rotation 1320. Unison ring 1312 translates fan blade trun- between stationary member 1422 and rotatable member
nion yokes 1314 along an arcuate path, which rotate re- 50 1424. In the example embodiment, PCM 1410 further
spective trunnion assemblies 1316 about radially extend- includes a plurality of hydraulic fluid supply lines 1428
ing pitch axis of rotation 1320. Trunnion assemblies 1316 coupled in flow communication between hydraulic actu-
are configured to rotate fan blades 1318 about radially ator 1412 and hydraulic fluid transfer sleeve 1420. The
extending pitch axis of rotation 1320. plurality of fluid supply lines 1428 includes a first supply
[0155] Additional details regarding the fan 1300 and 55 line 1430, configured to channel pressurized fluid to hy-
the hydraulic PCM 1302 can be found in U.S. Patent No. draulic actuator 1412 to increase pitch of blades 1402, a
10,393,137, which is incorporated by reference. second supply line 1432, configured to channel pressu-
[0156] FIG. 34 is a cross-sectional view of a portion of rized fluid to hydraulic actuator 1412 to decrease pitch

35 EP 4 321 746 A1 36

of blades 1402, and a third supply line 1434 configured Example 2. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
to facilitate draining at least a portion of hydraulic actuator ample herein, and particularly example 1, wherein
1412. the plurality of fan blades is 8-20 fan blades.
[0159] PCM 1410 includes a remote counterweight
system 1440. Remote counterweight system 1440 in- 5 Example 3. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
cludes a plurality of counterweights 1442 configured to ample herein, and particularly example 1 or example
affect a position of blades 1402, for example, when fluid 2, wherein the plurality of fan blades is 12-16 fan
pressure in PCM 1410 is outside a predetermined range. blades.
Remote counterweight system 1440 is remote from blade
retention mechanisms 1405. 10 Example 4. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
[0160] Additional details regarding the fan 1400 and ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
its PCM 1410 can be found in U.S. Patent No. 1-3, wherein the plurality of fan blades is exactly
10,533,436, which is incorporated by reference. 12-14 fan blades.
[0161] This written description uses examples to dis-
close the technology, including the best mode, and also 15 Example 5. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
to enable any person skilled in the art to practice the ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
disclosed technology, including making and using any 1-4, wherein the RR is within a range of 0.125-0.55.
devices or systems and performing any incorporated
methods. The patentable scope of the disclosed technol- Example 6. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
ogy is defined by the claims, and may include other ex- 20 ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
amples that occur to those skilled in the art. Such other 1-5, wherein the RR is within a range of 0.2-0.5.
examples are intended to be within the scope of the
claims if they include structural elements that do not differ Example 7. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
from the literal language of the claims, or if they include ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
equivalent structural elements with insubstantial differ- 25 1-6, wherein the RR is within a range of 0.25-0.35.
ences from the literal language of the claims.
[0162] Further aspects of the disclosure are provided Example 8. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
by the subject matter of the following examples: ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
1-6, wherein the RR is within a range of 0.25-0.3.
Example 1. A turbomachinery engine comprising a 30
fan assembly, a pitch change mechanism, a vane Example 9. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
assembly, a core engine, and a gearbox. The fan ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
assembly includes a plurality of fan blades, a first 1-8, wherein the FPR at the static sea-level takeoff
VPF parameter, and a second VPF parameter. The operating condition is within a range of 1.05-1.5.
first VPF parameter is defined by a fan blade radius 35
ratio (RR) divided by a fan pressure ratio (FPR) at a Example 10. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
static sea-level takeoff operating condition. The sec- ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
ond VPF parameter is defined by a bearing spanwise 1-9, wherein the FPR at the static sea-level takeoff
force (F_Span) at a redline operating condition operating condition is within a range of 1.05-1.15.
measured in pounds force divided by a fan area 40
(F_Area) measured in square inches. The first VPF Example 11. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
parameter is within a range of 0.1 to 0.25 and the ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
second VPF parameter is within a range of 2-30 1-9, wherein the FPR at the static sea-level takeoff
lbf/in2, or the first VPF parameter is within a range operating condition is within a range of 1.2-1.4.
of 0.1 to 0.4 and the second VPF parameter is within 45
a range of 5.25-30 lbf/in2. The pitch change mech- Example 12. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
anism is coupled to the plurality of fan blades and ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
configured for adjusting a pitch of the plurality of fan 1-11, wherein the F_Span at the redline operating
blades. The vane assembly includes a plurality of condition is within a range of 20,000-200,000 lbf.
vanes disposed aft of the fan blades. The core engine 50
includes one or more compressor sections and one Example 13. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
or more turbine sections. The gearbox includes an ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
input and an output. The input is coupled to the one 1-12, wherein the F_Span at the redline operating
or more turbine sections of the core engine and com- condition is within a range of 100,000-175,000 lbf.
prises a first rotational speed, and the output is cou- 55
pled to the fan assembly and has a second rotational Example 14. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
speed which is less than the first rotational speed. ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
1-12, wherein the F_Span at the redline operating

37 EP 4 321 746 A1 38

condition is within a range of 50,000-100,000 lbf. blades, a first VPF parameter, and a second VPF
parameter. The first VPF parameter is defined by a
Example 15. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- fan blade radius ratio (RR) divided by a fan pressure
ample herein, and particularly example 14, wherein ratio (FPR) at a static sea-level takeoff operating
the F_Span at the redline operating condition is with- 5 condition. The second VPF parameter is defined by
in a range of 65,000-85,000 lbf. a bearing spanwise force (F_Span) at a redline op-
erating condition measured in pounds force divided
Example 16. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- by a fan area (F _Area) measured in square inches.
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples The first VPF parameter is within a range of 0.1 to
1-15, wherein the F_Area is within a range of 10 0.25, and the second VPF parameter is within a
3,000-25,000 in2. range of 2-30 lbf/in2. The core engine includes one
or more compressor sections and one or more tur-
Example 17. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- bine sections. The gearbox includes an input and an
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples output. The input is coupled to the one or more tur-
1-16, wherein the F_Area is within a range of 15 bine sections of the core engine and comprises a
15,000-20,000 in2. first rotational speed, and the output is coupled to
the fan assembly and has a second rotational speed,
Example 18. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- which is less than the first rotational speed.
ample herein, and particularly example 17, wherein
the F_Area is within a range of 17,000-18,000 in2. 20 Example 26. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
ample herein, and particularly example 25, further
Example 19. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- comprising a pitch change mechanism coupled to
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples the plurality of variable pitch fan blades and config-
1-16, wherein the F_Area is within a range of ured for adjusting a pitch of the plurality of variable
3,000-10,000 in2. 25 pitch fan blades.

Example 20. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- Example 27. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
ample herein, and particularly example 18, wherein ample herein, and particularly example 26, wherein
the F_Area is within a range of 4,000-7,000 in2. the pitch change mechanism is a linear actuated
30 pitch change mechanism.
Example 21. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples Example 28. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
1-20, wherein a fan blade tip speed of the fan as- ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
sembly at a redline operating condition is within a 25-27, wherein the plurality of fan blades is 10-18
range of 700-1,400 ft/s. 35 fan blades.

Example 22. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- Example 29. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
ample herein, and particularly example 21, wherein ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
the fan blade tip speed of the fan assembly at a 25-28, wherein the plurality of fan blades is 12-14
redline operating condition is within a range of 40 fan blades.
800-950 ft/s.
Example 30. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
Example 23. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
ample herein, and particularly example 21, wherein 25-29, wherein the plurality of fan blades is exactly
the fan blade tip speed of the fan assembly at a 45 14 fan blades.
redline operating condition is within a range of
1,000-1,200 ft/s. Example 31. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
Example 24. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 25-30, wherein the RR is within a range of
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples 50 0.125-0.55.
1-23, wherein the gearbox comprises a gear ratio of
4.1-14, wherein the gear ratio is defined by the first Example 32. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
rotational speed divided by the second rotational ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
speed. 25-31, wherein the RR is within a range of 0.2-0.5.
Example 25. A turbomachinery engine comprises a Example 33. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
fan assembly, a core engine, and a gearbox. The ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
fan assembly includes a plurality of variable pitch fan 25-31, wherein the RR is within a range of 0.25-0.35.

39 EP 4 321 746 A1 40

Example 34. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- Example 45. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
25-33, wherein the FPR at the static sea-level takeoff 25-44, wherein the second VPF parameter is within
operating condition is within a range of 1.05-1.5. a range of 2.0-5.25 lbf/in2.
Example 35. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- Example 46. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
25-34, wherein the FPR at the static sea-level takeoff 25-44, wherein the second VPF parameter is within
operating condition is 1.05-1.15. a range of 5.25-30 lbf/in2.
Example 36. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- Example 47. A turbomachinery engine comprises a
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples fan assembly, a core engine, and a gearbox. The
25-34, wherein the FPR at the static sea-level takeoff fan assembly includes a plurality of variable pitch fan
operating condition is within a range of 1.20-1.40. blades, a first VPF parameter, and a second VPF
15 parameter. The first VPF parameter is defined by a
Example 37. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- fan blade radius ratio (RR) divided by a fan pressure
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples ratio (FPR) at a static sea-level takeoff operating
25-36, wherein the F_Span at the redline operating condition. The second VPF parameter is defined by
condition is within a range of 20,000-200,000 lbf. a bearing spanwise force (F_Span) at a redline op-
20 erating condition measured in pounds force divided
Example 38. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- by a fan area (F _Area) measured in square inches.
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples The first VPF parameter is within a range of 0.10 to
25-37, wherein the F_Span at the redline operating 0.40, and the second VPF parameter is within a
condition is within a range of 60,000-90,000 lbf. range of 5.25-30 lbf/in2. The core engine includes
25 one or more compressor sections and one or more
Example 39. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- turbine sections. The gearbox includes an input and
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples an output. The input is coupled to the one or more
25-37, wherein the F_Span at the redline operating turbine sections of the core engine and comprises a
condition is within a range of 100,000-150,000 lbf. first rotational speed, and the output is coupled to
30 the fan assembly and has a second rotational speed,
Example 40. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- which is less than the first rotational speed.
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
25-39, wherein the F_Area is within a range of Example 48. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
3,000-25,000 in2. ample herein, and particularly example 47, further
35 comprising a linear actuated pitch change mecha-
Example 41. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- nism coupled to the fan assembly and configured for
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples adjusting a pitch of the plurality of variable pitch fan
25-40, wherein the F_Area is within a range of blades.
16,000-18,000 in2.
40 Example 49. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
Example 42. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples 47-48, wherein the plurality of fan blades is 12-16
25-40, wherein the F_Area is within a range of fan blades.
5,500-6,500 in2.
45 Example 50. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
Example 43. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples 47-49, wherein the plurality of fan blades is 12-14
25-42, wherein a fan blade tip speed of the fan as- fan blades.
sembly at a redline operating condition is within a
range of 800-1,200 ft/s. 50 Example 51. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
Example 44. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 47-50, wherein the RR is within a range of
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples 0.125-0.55.
25-43, wherein the gearbox comprises a gear ratio
of 6:1 to 11:1, and wherein the gear ratio is defined 55 Example 52. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
by the first rotational speed divided by the second ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
rotational speed. 47-51, wherein the RR is within a range of 0.2-0.5.

41 EP 4 321 746 A1 42

Example 53. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- of 4.5:1 to 12:1.

ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
47-51, wherein the RR is within a range of 0.25-0.35. Example 65. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
Example 54. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 5 47-64, wherein the first VPF parameter is within a
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples range of 0.10 to 0.25.
47-53, wherein the FPR at the static sea-level takeoff
operating condition is within a range of 1.05-1.5. Example 66. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
Example 55. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 10 47-64, wherein the first VPF parameter is within a
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples range of 0.25 to 0.40.
47-54, wherein the FPR at the static sea-level takeoff
operating condition is within a range of 1.05-1.15. Example 67. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
ample herein, further comprising a third stream.
Example 56. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 15
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples Example 68. A variable pitch fan assembly for a tur-
47-54, wherein the FPR at the static sea-level takeoff bomachinery engine can be provided. The variable
operating condition is within a range of 1.2-1.4. pitch fan assembly includes a plurality of variable
pitch fan blades, a fan blade radius ratio (RR), a fan
Example 57. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 20 pressure ratio (FPR) at a static sea-level takeoff op-
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples erating condition, a bearing spanwise force
47-56, wherein the F_Span at the redline operating (F_Span) at a redline operating condition measured
condition is within a range of 20,000-200,000 lbf. in pounds force, and a fan area (F_Area) measured
in square inches. The variable pitch fan assembly is
Example 58. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 25 configured such that the RR divided by the FPR is
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples within a range of 0.10-0.25 and the F_Span divided
47-57, wherein the F_Span at the redline operating by the F_Area is within a range of 2.0-30.0 lbf/in2.
condition is within a range of 140,000-183,000 lbf.
Example 69. The variable pitch fan assembly of any
Example 59. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 30 example herein, and particularly example 68, where-
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples in the F_Span divided by the F_Area is within a range
47-57, wherein the F_Span at the redline operating of 2-5.25 lbf/in2.
condition is within a range of 50,000-75,000 lbf.
Example 70. The variable pitch fan assembly of any
Example 60. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 35 example herein, and particularly example 68, where-
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples in the F_Span divided by the F_Area is within a range
47-59, wherein the F_Area is within a range of of 5.25-30 lbf/in2.
3,500-18,000 in2.
Example 71. A variable pitch fan assembly for a tur-
Example 61. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 40 bomachinery engine can be provided. The variable
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples pitch fan assembly includes a plurality of variable
47-60, wherein the F_Area is within a range of pitch fan blades, a fan blade radius ratio (RR), a fan
15,000-18,000 in2. pressure ratio (FPR) at a static sea-level takeoff op-
erating condition, a bearing spanwise force
Example 62. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 45 (F_Span) at a redline operating condition measured
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples in pounds force, and a fan area (F _Area) measured
47-60, wherein the F_Area is within a range of in square inches. The variable pitch fan assembly is
4,000-5,500 in2. configured such that the RR divided by the FPR is
within a range of 0.10-0.40 and the F_Span divided
Example 63. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 50 by the F_Area is within a range of 5.25-30.0 lbf/in2.
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
47-62, wherein a fan blade tip speed of the fan as- Example 72. The variable pitch fan assembly of any
sembly at a redline operating condition is within a example herein, and particularly example 71, where-
range of 800-950 ft/s. in the RR divided by the FPR is within a range of
55 0.1-0.25.
Example 64. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples Example 73. The variable pitch fan assembly of any
47-63, wherein the gearbox comprises a gear ratio example herein, and particularly example 71, where-

43 EP 4 321 746 A1 44

in the RR divided by the FPR is within a range of Example 82. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
0.25-0.40. ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
77-79, wherein the second VPF parameter is within
Example 74. The variable pitch fan assembly of any a range of 2-5.25 lbf/in2.
example herein, wherein the fan blades are config- 5
ured to be used with an unducted engine. Example 83. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
Example 75. The variable pitch fan assembly of any 77-82, further comprising a pitch change mechanism
example herein, wherein the fan blades are config- coupled to the plurality of variable pitch fan blades
ured to be used with a ducted engine. 10 and configured for adjusting a pitch of the plurality
of variable pitch fan blades.
Example 76. The variable pitch fan assembly of any
example herein, wherein the fan blades are config- Example 84. A turbomachinery engine comprising a
ured to be used with an engine comprising a third fan assembly, a core engine, and a gearbox. The
stream. 15 fan assembly includes a plurality of variable pitch fan
blades, a first VPF parameter, and a second VPF
Example 77. A turbomachinery engine comprising a parameter. The first VPF parameter is within a range
fan assembly, a vane assembly, a core engine, and of 0.10-0.40 and is defined by a fan blade radius ratio
a gearbox. The fan assembly includes a plurality of (RR) divided by a fan pressure ratio (FPR) at a static
variable pitch fan blades, a first VPF parameter, and 20 sea-level takeoff operating condition. The second
a second VPF parameter. The first VPF parameter VPF parameter is within a range of 1.0-5.25 lbf/in2
is within a range of 0.10-0.40 and is defined by a fan and is defined by a bearing spanwise force (F_Span)
blade radius ratio (RR) divided by a fan pressure at a redline operating condition measured in pounds
ratio (FPR) at a static sea-level takeoff operating force divided by a fan area (F_Area) measured in
condition. The second VPF parameter 1-30 lbf/in2 25 square inches. The core engine includes one or more
and is defined by a bearing spanwise force (F_Span) compressor sections and one or more turbine sec-
at a redline operating condition measured in pounds tions. The gearbox includes an input and an output.
force divided by a fan area (F _Area) measured in The input is coupled to the one or more turbine sec-
square inches. The vane assembly includes a plu- tions of the core engine and comprises a first rota-
rality of vanes disposed aft of the plurality of variable 30 tional speed. The output is coupled to the fan as-
pitch fan blades. The core engine includes one or sembly and has a second rotational speed which is
more compressor sections and one or more turbine less than the first rotational speed.
sections. The gearbox includes an input and an out-
put. The input is coupled to the one or more turbine Example 85. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
sections of the core engine and comprises a first 35 ample herein, and particularly example 84, further
rotational speed, and the output is coupled to the fan comprising a pitch change mechanism coupled to
assembly and has a second rotational speed which the plurality of variable pitch fan blades and config-
is less than the first rotational speed. ured for adjusting a pitch of the plurality of variable
pitch fan blades.
Example 78. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 40
ample herein, and particularly example 77, wherein Example 86. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
the first VPF parameter is within a range of 0.20 to ample herein, and particularly example 85, wherein
0.40. the pitch change mechanism comprises at least one
of a linear motion pitch change mechanism, a rota-
Example 79. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 45 tory motion pitch change mechanism, a hydraulically
ample herein, and particularly example 77, wherein driven pitch change mechanism, or an electrically
the first VPF parameter is within a range of 0.15 to driven pitch change mechanism.
Example 87. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
Example 80. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 50 ample herein, and particularly example 86, wherein
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples the pitch change mechanism is disposed on an en-
77-79, wherein the second VPF parameter is within gine centerline axis.
a range of 2-30 lbf/in2.
Example 88. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
Example 81. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 55 ample herein, and particularly example 86, wherein
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples the pitch change mechanism is offset from an engine
77-79, wherein the second VPF parameter is within centerline axis.
a range of 1-5.25 lbf/in2.

45 EP 4 321 746 A1 46

Example 89. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- and configured for adjusting a pitch of the plurality
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples of variable pitch fan blades, and wherein the pitch
84-88, wherein the first VPF parameter is within a change mechanism comprises at least one of a linear
range of 0.20 to 0.40. motion pitch change mechanism, a rotatory motion
5 pitch change mechanism, a hydraulically driven pitch
Example 90. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- change mechanism, or an electrically driven pitch
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples change mechanism.
84-88, wherein the first VPF parameter is within a
range of 0.10 to 0.30. Example 97. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
10 ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
Example 91. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 77-96, wherein the plurality of variable pitch fan
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples blades is 8-26 fan blades.
84-88, wherein the first VPF parameter is within a
range of 0.15 to 0.30. Example 98. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
15 ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
Example 92. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 77-96, wherein the plurality of variable pitch fan
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples blades is 12-20 fan blades.
84-88, wherein the first VPF parameter is within a
range of 0.10 to 0.25. Example 99. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
20 ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
Example 93. A turbomachinery engine comprising a 77-96, wherein the plurality of variable pitch fan
fan assembly, a core engine, and a gearbox. The blades is exactly 12 fan blades.
fan assembly includes a plurality of variable pitch fan
blades, a first VPF parameter, and a second VPF Example 100. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
parameter. The first VPF parameter is within a range 25 ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
of 0.15-0.39 and is defined by a fan blade radius ratio 77-96, wherein the plurality of variable pitch fan
(RR) divided by a fan pressure ratio (FPR) at a static blades is exactly 14 fan blades.
sea-level takeoff operating condition. The second
VPF parameter is within a range of 2-27 lbf/in2 and Example 101. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
is defined by a bearing spanwise force (F_Span) at 30 ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
a redline operating condition measured in pounds 77-96, wherein the plurality of variable pitch fan
force divided by a fan area (F_Area) measured in blades is exactly 16 fan blades.
square inches. The core engine includes one or more
compressor sections and one or more turbine sec- Example 102. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
tions. The gearbox includes an input and an output. 35 ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
The input is coupled to the one or more turbine sec- 77-96wherein the plurality of variable pitch fan
tions of the core engine and comprises a first rota- blades is exactly 18 fan blades.
tional speed. The output is coupled to the fan as-
sembly and has a second rotational speed which is Example 103. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
less than the first rotational speed. 40 ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
77-96, wherein the plurality of variable pitch fan
Example 94. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- blades is exactly 20 fan blades.
ample herein, and particularly example 93, wherein
the fan assembly is disposed within a fan case, Example 104. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
wherein the first VPF parameter is within a range of 45 ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
0.2-0.36, and wherein the second VPF parameter is 77-96, wherein the plurality of variable pitch fan
within a range of 5-27 lbf/in2. blades is exactly 22 fan blades.

Example 95. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- Example 105. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
ample herein, and particularly example 93, wherein 50 ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
the fan assembly is an unducted fan assembly, and 77-96, wherein the plurality of variable pitch fan
wherein the second VPF parameter is within a range blades is exactly 24 fan blades.
of 2-4.6 lbf/in2.
Example 106. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
Example 96. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 55 ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples 77-105, wherein the one or more compressor sec-
93-95, further comprising a pitch change mechanism tions of the core engine comprises a low-pressure
coupled to the plurality of variable pitch fan blades compressor having 1-8 stages and a high-pressure

47 EP 4 321 746 A1 48

compressor comprising 7-11 stages, and wherein Example 114. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
the one or more turbine sections of the core engine ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
comprises a high-pressure turbine comprising 1-2 77-113, wherein the RR is within a range of
stages and a low-pressure turbine comprising 3-6 0.16-0.48.
stages. 5
Example 115. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
Example 107. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples 77-113, wherein the RR is within a range of
77-105, wherein the one or more compressor sec- 0.16-0.30.
tions of the core engine comprises a low-pressure 10
compressor having 3-5 stages and a high-pressure Example 116. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
compressor comprising 9-10 stages, and wherein ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
the one or more turbine sections of the core engine 77-113, wherein the RR is within a range of
comprises a high-pressure turbine comprising 2 0.25-0.48.
stages and a low-pressure turbine comprising 3-4 15
stages. Example 117. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
Example 108. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 77-116, wherein the FPR is within a range of
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples 1.25-1.35.
77-105, wherein the one or more turbine sections of 20
the core engine comprises a high-pressure turbine Example 118. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
comprising exactly 2 stages and a low-pressure tur- ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
bine comprising exactly 3 stages. 77-116, wherein the FPR is within a range of
Example 109. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 25
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples Example 119. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
77-105, wherein the one or more turbine sections of ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
the core engine comprises a high-pressure turbine 77-116, wherein the FPR is within a range of
comprising exactly 2 stages and a low-pressure tur- 1.07-1.35.
bine comprising exactly 4 stages. 30
Example 120. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
Example 110. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples 77-119, wherein the F_Span is within a range of
77-105 or examples 108-109, wherein the one or 37,459-81,293 lbf.
more compressor sections of the core engine com- 35
prises a high-pressure compressor comprising ex- Example 121. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
actly 8 stages. ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
77-119, wherein the F_Span is within a range of
Example 111. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 36,626-182,593 lbf.
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples 40
77-105 or examples 108-109, wherein the one or Example 122. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
more compressor sections of the core engine com- ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
prises a high-pressure compressor comprising ex- 77-123, wherein the F_Area is within a range of
actly 9 stages. 4,000-7,000 in2.
Example 112. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- Example 123. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
77-105 or examples 108-109, wherein the one or 77-123, wherein the F_Area is within a range of
more compressor sections of the core engine com- 12,000-25,000 in2.
prises a high-pressure compressor comprising ex- 50
actly 10 stages. Example 124. The turbomachinery engine of any ex-
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples
Example 113. The turbomachinery engine of any ex- 77-123, wherein the F_Area is within a range of
ample herein, and particularly any one of examples 4,000-25,000 in2.
77-105 or examples 108-109, wherein the one or 55
more compressor sections of the core engine com- Example 125. A turbomachinery engine comprising:
prises a high-pressure compressor comprising ex- a fan assembly including a plurality of variable pitch
actly 11 stages. fan blades, a first VPF parameter, and a second VPF

49 EP 4 321 746 A1 50

parameter, wherein: the first VPF parameter is within including one or more compressor sections and one
a range of 0.10-0.40 and is defined by a fan blade or more turbine sections; and a gearbox including
radius ratio (RR) divided by a fan pressure ratio an input and an output, wherein the input is coupled
(FPR) at a static sea-level takeoff operating condi- to the one or more turbine sections of the core engine
tion; and the second VPF parameter is within a range 5 and comprises a first rotational speed, wherein the
of 1-30 lbf/in2 and is defined by a bearing spanwise output is coupled to the fan assembly and has a sec-
force (F_Span) at a redline operating condition ond rotational speed which is less than the first ro-
measured in pounds force divided by a fan area tational speed.
(F_Area) measured in square inches; a vane assem-
bly including a plurality of vanes disposed aft of the 10 Example 133. The turbomachinery engine of any
plurality of variable pitch fan blades;a core engine preceding example, further comprising a pitch
including one or more compressor sections and one change mechanism coupled to the plurality of vari-
or more turbine sections; and a gearbox including able pitch fan blades and configured for adjusting a
an input and an output, wherein the input is coupled pitch of the plurality of variable pitch fan blades.
to the one or more turbine sections of the core engine 15
and comprises a first rotational speed, wherein the Example 134. The turbomachinery engine of any
output is coupled to the fan assembly and has a sec- preceding example, wherein the pitch change mech-
ond rotational speed which is less than the first ro- anism comprises at least one of a linear motion pitch
tational speed. change mechanism, a rotatory motion pitch change
20 mechanism, a hydraulically driven pitch change
Example 126. The turbomachinery engine of any mechanism, or an electrically driven pitch change
preceding example, wherein the first VPF parameter mechanism.
is within a range of 0.20 to 0.40.
Example 135. The turbomachinery engine of any
Example 127. The turbomachinery engine of any 25 preceding example, wherein the pitch change mech-
preceding example, wherein the first VPF parameter anism is disposed on an engine centerline axis.
is within a range of 0.15 to 0.30.
Example 136. The turbomachinery engine of any
Example 128. The turbomachinery engine of any preceding example, wherein the pitch change mech-
preceding example, wherein the second VPF param- 30 anism is offset from an engine centerline axis.
eter is within a range of 2-30 lbf/in2.
Example 137. The turbomachinery engine of any
Example 129. The turbomachinery engine of any preceding example, wherein the first VPF parameter
preceding example, wherein the second VPF param- is within a range of 0.20 to 0.40.
eter is within a range of 1-5.25 lbf/in2. 35
Example 138. The turbomachinery engine of any
Example 130. The turbomachinery engine of any preceding example, wherein the first VPF parameter
preceding example, wherein the second VPF param- is within a range of 0.10 to 0.30.
eter is within a range of 2-5.25 lbf/in2.
40 Example 139. The turbomachinery engine of any
Example 131. The turbomachinery engine of any preceding example, wherein the first VPF parameter
preceding example, further comprising a pitch is within a range of 0.15 to 0.30.
change mechanism coupled to the plurality of vari-
able pitch fan blades and configured for adjusting a Example 140. The turbomachinery engine of any
pitch of the plurality of variable pitch fan blades. 45 preceding example, wherein the first VPF parameter
is within a range of 0.10 to 0.25.
Example 132. A turbomachinery engine comprising:
a fan assembly including a plurality of variable pitch Example 141. A turbomachinery engine comprising:
fan blades, a first VPF parameter, and a second VPF a fan assembly including a plurality of variable pitch
parameter, wherein: the first VPF parameter is within 50 fan blades, a first VPF parameter, and a second VPF
a range of 0.10-0.40 and is defined by a fan blade parameter, wherein: the first VPF parameter is within
radius ratio (RR) divided by a fan pressure ratio a range of 0.15-0.39 and is defined by a fan blade
(FPR) at a static sea-level takeoff operating condi- radius ratio (RR) divided by a fan pressure ratio
tion; and the second VPF parameter is within a range (FPR) at a static sea-level takeoff operating condi-
of 1.0-5.25 lbf/in2 and is defined by a bearing span- 55 tion; and the second VPF parameter is within a range
wise force (F_Span) at a redline operating condition of 2-27 lbf/in2 and is defined by a bearing spanwise
measured in pounds force divided by a fan area force (F_Span) at a redline operating condition
(F_Area) measured in square inches; a core engine measured in pounds force divided by a fan area

51 EP 4 321 746 A1 52

(F_Area) measured in square inches; a core engine sections and one or more turbine sections; and
including one or more compressor sections and one a gearbox including an input and an output,
or more turbine sections; and a gearbox including wherein the input is coupled to the one or more
an input and an output, wherein the input is coupled turbine sections of the core engine and compris-
to the one or more turbine sections of the core engine 5 es a first rotational speed, wherein the output is
and comprises a first rotational speed, wherein the coupled to the fan assembly and has a second
output is coupled to the fan assembly and has a sec- rotational speed which is less than the first ro-
ond rotational speed which is less than the first ro- tational speed.
tational speed.
10 2. The turbomachinery engine of claim 1, wherein the
Example 142. The turbomachinery engine of any first VPF parameter is within a range of 0.20 to 0.40.
preceding example, wherein the fan assembly is dis-
posed within a fan case, wherein the first VPF pa- 3. The turbomachinery engine of claim 1, wherein the
rameter is within a range of 0.2-0.36, and wherein first VPF parameter is within a range of 0.15 to 0.30.
the second VPF parameter is within a range of 5-27 15
lbf/in2. 4. The turbomachinery engine of any of claims 1 to 3,
wherein the second VPF parameter is within a range
Example 143. The turbomachinery engine of any of 2-30 lbf/in2.
preceding example, wherein the fan assembly is an
unducted fan assembly, and wherein the second 20 5. The turbomachinery engine of any of claims 1 to 3,
VPF parameter is within a range of 2-4.6 lbf/in2. wherein the second VPF parameter is within a range
of 1-5.25 lbf/in2.
Example 144. The turbomachinery engine of any
preceding example, further comprising a pitch 6. The turbomachinery engine of any of claims 1 to 5,
change mechanism coupled to the plurality of vari- 25 further comprising a pitch change mechanism cou-
able pitch fan blades and configured for adjusting a pled to the plurality of variable pitch fan blades and
pitch of the plurality of variable pitch fan blades, and configured for adjusting a pitch of the plurality of var-
wherein the pitch change mechanism comprises at iable pitch fan blades.
least one of a linear motion pitch change mechanism,
a rotatory motion pitch change mechanism, a hy- 30 7. A turbomachinery engine comprising:
draulically driven pitch change mechanism, or an
electrically driven pitch change mechanism. a fan assembly including a plurality of variable
pitch fan blades, a first VPF parameter, and a
second VPF parameter, wherein:
Claims 35
the first VPF parameter is within a range of
1. A turbomachinery engine comprising: 0.10-0.40 and is defined by a fan blade ra-
dius ratio (RR) divided by a fan pressure
a fan assembly including a plurality of variable ratio (FPR) at a static sea-level takeoff op-
pitch fan blades, a first VPF parameter, and a 40 erating condition; and
second VPF parameter, wherein: the second VPF parameter is within a range
of 1.0-5.25 lbf/in2 and is defined by a bear-
the first VPF parameter is within a range of ing spanwise force (F_Span) at a redline
0.10-0.40 and is defined by a fan blade ra- operating condition measured in pounds
dius ratio (RR) divided by a fan pressure 45 force divided by a fan area (F_Area) meas-
ratio (FPR) at a static sea-level takeoff op- ured in square inches;
erating condition; and
the second VPF parameter is within a range a core engine including one or more compressor
of 1-30 lbf/in2 and is defined by a bearing sections and one or more turbine sections; and
spanwise force (F_Span) at a redline oper- 50 a gearbox including an input and an output,
ating condition measured in pounds force wherein the input is coupled to the one or more
divided by a fan area (F_Area) measured in turbine sections of the core engine and compris-
square inches; es a first rotational speed, wherein the output is
coupled to the fan assembly and has a second
a vane assembly including a plurality of vanes 55 rotational speed which is less than the first ro-
disposed aft of the plurality of variable pitch fan tational speed.
a core engine including one or more compressor 8. The turbomachinery engine of claim 7, further com-

53 EP 4 321 746 A1 54

prising a pitch change mechanism coupled to the 15. The turbomachinery engine of claim 13, wherein the
plurality of variable pitch fan blades and configured fan assembly is an unducted fan assembly, and
for adjusting a pitch of the plurality of variable pitch wherein the second VPF parameter is within a range
fan blades. of 2-4.6 lbf/in2.
9. The turbomachinery engine of claim 8, wherein the
pitch change mechanism comprises at least one of
a linear motion pitch change mechanism, a rotatory
motion pitch change mechanism, a hydraulically
driven pitch change mechanism, or an electrically 10
driven pitch change mechanism.

10. The turbomachinery engine of claim 8 or 9, wherein

the pitch change mechanism is disposed on an en-
gine centerline axis. 15

11. The turbomachinery engine of claim 8 or 9, wherein

the pitch change mechanism is offset from an engine
centerline axis.
12. The turbomachinery engine of any of claims 7 to 11,
wherein the first VPF parameter is within a range of
0.20 to 0.40 or within a range of 0.10 to 0.30.

13. A turbomachinery engine comprising: 25

a fan assembly including a plurality of variable

pitch fan blades, a first VPF parameter, and a
second VPF parameter, wherein:
the first VPF parameter is within a range of
0.15-0.39 and is defined by a fan blade ra-
dius ratio (RR) divided by a fan pressure
ratio (FPR) at a static sea-level takeoff op-
erating condition; and 35
the second VPF parameter is within a range
of 2-27 lbf/in2 and is defined by a bearing
spanwise force (F_Span) at a redline oper-
ating condition measured in pounds force
divided by a fan area (F _Area) measured 40
in square inches;

a core engine including one or more compressor

sections and one or more turbine sections; and
a gearbox including an input and an output, 45
wherein the input is coupled to the one or more
turbine sections of the core engine and compris-
es a first rotational speed, wherein the output is
coupled to the fan assembly and has a second
rotational speed which is less than the first ro- 50
tational speed.

14. The turbomachinery engine of claim 13, wherein the

fan assembly is disposed within a fan case, wherein
the first VPF parameter is within a range of 0.2-0.36, 55
and wherein the second VPF parameter is within a
range of 5-27 lbf/in2.

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EP 4 321 746 A1


This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• US 17610121 [0001] • US 10393137 B [0155]

• US 10100653 B [0151] • US 10533436 B [0160]


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