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(11) EP 3 795 330 B1

(45) Date of publication and mention (51) International Patent Classification (IPC):
of the grant of the patent: B29C 53/56 (2006.01) B29C 70/32 (2006.01)
07.06.2023 Bulletin 2023/23 B29C 70/86 (2006.01) B29C 53/60 (2006.01)

(21) Application number: 20192316.6 (52) Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC):

B29C 70/32; B29C 53/56; B29C 70/86; B29C 53/60
(22) Date of filing: 24.08.2020



(84) Designated Contracting States: • Jones, Christopher

AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB Derby, Derbyshire DE24 8BJ (GB)
PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR (74) Representative: Rolls-Royce plc
Intellectual Property Dept SinA-48
(30) Priority: 17.09.2019 GB 201913392 PO Box 31
Derby DE24 8BJ (GB)
(43) Date of publication of application:
24.03.2021 Bulletin 2021/12 (56) References cited:
JP-A- 2017 207 016 US-A- 3 532 438
(73) Proprietor: Rolls-Royce plc US-A1- 2013 156 594 US-A1- 2015 354 597
London N1 9FX (GB) US-B1- 6 196 794

(72) Inventors:
• Backhouse, Robert
Derby, Derbyshire DE24 8BJ (GB)
EP 3 795 330 B1

Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent
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paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).

Processed by Luminess, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 3 795 330 B1 2

Description an air intake between a fan axis and the fan casing. This
is in contrast to stator vane rings which are configured
Field of the disclosure to withstand aerodynamic loads, but are not configured
to transfer significant structural loads.
[0001] The present invention relates to a structural 5 [0005] The structural stator vane ring may therefore
thermoset-infused fibre reinforced composite integral be, for example, an outlet guide vane (OGV) ring dis-
stator vane ring for a core inlet, a bypass duct, or an air posed at an upstream end of the bypass duct of a gas
intake of a gas turbine engine, a method of manufacture turbine engine, an outer ring of an intermediate case dis-
thereof, a structural thermoplastic-infused fibre rein- posed in the bypass duct downstream of the outlet guide
forced composite integral stator vane ring for a core inlet, 10 vane ring, an engine stator section (ESS) ring disposed
a bypass duct, or an air intake of a gas turbine engine, in a core inlet of the engine core, or a front frame disposed
and a method of manufacture thereof. upstream of a fan.
[0006] The definition of a stator vane ring as disposed
Background "in the core inlet" means that the stator vane ring is the
15 most upstream component disposed in and radially tra-
[0002] Manufacturing of complex composite products, versing the annular flow path through the engine core
such as a stator vane ring for a gas turbine engine, typ- (which commences downstream of the fan at the lip of
ically involves laying up and consolidating component the core fairing). As will be appreciated by those skilled
parts individually, and subsequently connecting compo- in the art, the stator vane ring in this location provides a
nent parts together by bolting. However, this increases 20 structural load path between the core body (e.g. support
the part count and manufacturing complexity for the com- structures such as a front bearing housing supporting
plex product, such as the gas turbine engine, which in- one or more shafts of the engine) and the core fairing,
creases costs during manufacturing. which load path extends through the outlet guide vanes
US2013/0156594A1 discloses a method for manufactur- to the fan casing and pylon.
ing a composite gas turbine engine structure according 25 [0007] The disclosure herein relates to stator vane
to the preamble of claim 1. rings which are configured to withstand the structural
loads (e.g. torque and lateral loads) applied at the re-
Summary spective locations as described above. By manufacturing
the stator vane ring according to the methods disclosed
[0003] According to a first aspect, there is provided a 30 herein, a lightweight stator vane ring can be provided
method of manufacturing an integral thermoset infused using composite materials which nevertheless is suffi-
fibre reinforced composite structural stator vane ring for ciently strong to withstand the structural loads at this lo-
a core inlet, a bypass duct, or an air intake of a gas turbine cation of the engine. In contrast, downstream stator
engine, the method comprising: winding fibre reinforce- vanes provided between successive rotor stages are
ment material around a mandrel to form an inner annulus 35 generally configured to withstand aerodynamic loads, but
preform; providing a plurality of vane preforms compris- are not configured to transfer significant structural loads
ing fibre reinforcement material, arranging the plurality across the core annulus.
of vane preforms around the inner annulus preform, and [0008] Fibre jointing methods may include tufting,
connecting each of the plurality of vane preforms to the stitching or direct insertion of pins.
inner annulus preform using a fibre jointing method; wind- 40 [0009] The fibre reinforcement material for the inner
ing fibre reinforcement material around the plurality of annulus preform and/or the outer annulus preform may
vane preforms to form an outer annulus preform and con- be a fabric comprising a two-dimensional weave or a
necting the outer annulus preform to each of the plurality three-dimensional weave. The fabric may be uni-axial,
of vane preforms using a fibre jointing method to produce bi-axial or tri-axial.
a stator vane ring preform; and infusing a thermoset resin 45 [0010] Providing the plurality of vane preforms may
into the stator vane ring preform and curing the resin to comprise providing at least one hollow vane preform. A
form the integral stator vane ring; wherein connecting hollow vane preform is intended to mean that the vane
each vane preform to the inner annulus comprises bifur- preform comprises an outer layer of fibre reinforcement
cating the vane preform at an inner annulus end and con- material defining an interior cavity, wherein the cavity
necting bifurcated ends of the vane preform to the inner 50 may be empty, or may be filled with other material.
annulus preform using a fibre jointing method. [0011] Providing the hollow vane preform may com-
[0004] The term "structural" is intended to mean that prise winding fibre reinforcement material around a cen-
the stator vane ring is configured to transfer structural tral core.
loads (e.g. torque and lateral loads) between the com- [0012] The fibre reinforcement material for the vane
ponents to which it is attached, for example across the 55 preforms may be a fabric having a two-dimensional or a
core annulus between a core body of the core engine to three-dimensional weave.
the core fairing, or across the bypass duct between the [0013] The hollow vane preform may be filled with a
core fairing and a fan casing, or to transfer loads across central core of a different material. The central core may

3 EP 3 795 330 B1 4

comprise a visco-elastic damping compound. The damp- interior cavity. The different material may be a visco-elas-
ing compound may comprise a material with an elastic tic damping compound. The damping material may com-
modulus between 0.5 and 100 N/mm2. The hollow vane prise a material with an elastic modulus between 0.5 and
preform may comprise pre-cured carbon rods in a central 100 N/mm2.
core. 5 [0024] At least some of the hollow stator vanes may
[0014] The central core may comprise a sacrificial ma- comprise an empty interior cavity.
terial having a melting point below 230 degrees centi- [0025] The inner annulus and the outer annulus may
grade, and wherein the method comprises melting the comprise apertures which are aligned with empty hollow
central core after curing the resin to form an empty hollow regions of the hollow stator vanes.
vane. 10 [0026] The interior cavity of the stator vanes may com-
[0015] The inner annulus preform may be wound to prise a plurality of pre-cured carbon rods.
comprise apertures. Empty hollow regions of the vane [0027] According to a third aspect, there is provided a
preforms corresponding to the empty hollow vanes may method of manufacturing a structural thermoplastic-in-
be arranged to align with the apertures of the inner an- fused fibre reinforced composite integral stator vane ring
nulus preform. 15 for a core inlet, a bypass duct, or an air intake of a gas
[0016] The method may comprising machining the plu- turbine engine, the method comprising: forming an inner
rality of vane performs to form and/or finish a hollow cen- annulus by winding fibre reinforced thermoplastic mate-
tre in at least one of the vane performs after curing the rial around an inner mandrel to form an inner annulus
resin. preform, and consolidating the inner annulus preform;
[0017] The fibre reinforcement material for the inner 20 forming an outer annulus by winding fibre reinforced ther-
annulus perform may comprise a binder. The method moplastic material around an outer mandrel to form an
may comprise activating a binder on the inner annulus outer annulus preform, and consolidating the outer an-
preform by applying heat before arranging the vane pre- nulus preform; providing a plurality of fibre reinforced
forms around the inner annulus preform, so as to inhibit thermoplastic vanes; arranging the plurality of vanes be-
deformation of the inner annulus preform during subse- 25 tween the inner annulus and the outer annulus; and ther-
quent arrangement of the vane preforms and resin infu- mally welding respective ends of the plurality of vanes to
sion. the inner annulus and the outer annulus.
[0018] The fibre reinforcement material for the plurality [0028] At least one of the plurality of vanes may be
of vane preforms may comprise a binder. The method hollow vanes. A hollow vane is intended to mean that the
may comprise providing stabilised vane preforms so as 30 vane comprises an outer layer of fibre reinforcement ma-
to inhibit deformation of the vane preforms during sub- terial defining an interior cavity, wherein the cavity may
sequent arrangement of the vane preforms and resin in- be empty, or may be filled with other material. The hollow
fusion. vanes may comprise a central core of a different material.
[0019] Connecting each vane preform to the outer an- The central core may comprise a visco-elastic damping
nulus may comprise bifurcating the vane preform at an 35 compound.
outer annulus end and connecting the bifurcated ends of [0029] The inner annulus and/or the outer annulus may
the vane preform to the outer annulus preform using a be laid-up to comprise apertures for aligning with hollow
fibre jointing method. regions of the hollow vanes. The method may comprise
[0020] The method may comprise connecting auxiliary drilling apertures into the inner annulus and/or the outer
plies of fibre reinforcement material between each of the 40 annulus for aligning with hollow regions of the hollow
plurality of vane preforms over the bifurcated ends of vanes.
each of the vane preforms using a fibre jointing method, [0030] According to a fourth aspect, there is provided
before infusing and curing the resin. a structural thermoplastic infused fibre reinforced com-
[0021] According to a second aspect, there is provided posite integral stator vane ring for a core inlet, a bypass
a structural thermoset infused fibre reinforced composite 45 duct, or an air intake of a gas turbine engine; the stator
integral stator vane ring for a core inlet, a bypass duct, vane ring comprising: an inner annulus; an outer annulus
or an air intake of a gas turbine engine in accordance concentric with the inner annulus; and a plurality of vanes
with the first aspect; the stator vane ring comprising: an disposed between the inner annulus and the outer an-
inner annulus; an outer annulus concentric with the inner nulus, and integrally connected to the inner annulus and
annulus; and a plurality of vanes disposed between the 50 the outer annulus to form a monolithic structure.
inner annulus and the outer annulus, and integrally con- [0031] According to a fifth aspect there is provided a
nected to the inner annulus and the outer annulus forming gas turbine engine comprising a stator vane ring in ac-
a monolithic structure. cordance with the second or fourth aspects, wherein the
[0022] At least some of the stator vanes may be hollow stator vane ring is disposed in one of a core inlet, a bypass
stator vanes comprising an interior cavity defined by an 55 duct or an air intake.
outer layer of fibre reinforcement material. [0032] The gas turbine engine may comprise an engine
[0023] At least some of the hollow stator vanes may core defining an annular flow path for a core gas flow,
comprise a central core of a different material within the the engine core having the core inlet between a core

5 EP 3 795 330 B1 6

body and a core fairing, wherein the stator vane ring is core shaft in the example above). For example, the gear-
disposed in the core inlet and serves as a structural sup- box may be arranged to be driven only by the core shaft
port for transferring loads between the core body and the that is configured to rotate (for example in use) at the
core fairing. The core body may comprise the portion of lowest rotational speed (for example only be the first core
the core radially-inward of the annular flow path. 5 shaft, and not the second core shaft, in the example
[0033] The engine core may comprise a turbine, a com- above). Alternatively, the gearbox may be arranged to
pressor, and a core shaft connecting the turbine to the be driven by any one or more shafts, for example the first
compressor. The gas turbine engine may further com- and/or second shafts in the example above.
prise: a fan located upstream of the engine core, the fan [0039] The gearbox may be a reduction gearbox (in
comprising a plurality of fan blades; and a gearbox that 10 that the output to the fan is a lower rotational rate than
receives an input from the core shaft. The gearbox may the input from the core shaft). Any type of gearbox may
receive input from the core shaft and may output drive be used. For example, the gearbox may be a "planetary"
to the fan so as to drive the fan at a lower rotational speed or "star" gearbox, as described in more detail elsewhere
than the core shaft. The gearbox may be an epicyclic herein. The gearbox may have any desired reduction ra-
gearbox. An annulus or ring gear of the epicyclic gearbox 15 tio (defined as the rotational speed of the input shaft di-
may be structurally supported by coupling to the stator vided by the rotational speed of the output shaft), for ex-
vane ring. ample greater than 2.5, for example in the range of from
[0034] As noted elsewhere herein, the present disclo- 3 to 4.2, or 3.2 to 3.8, for example on the order of or at
sure may relate to a gas turbine engine. Such a gas tur- least 3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 4, 4.1 or
bine engine may comprise an engine core comprising a 20 4.2. The gear ratio may be, for example, between any
turbine, a combustor, a compressor, and a core shaft two of the values in the previous sentence. Purely by way
connecting the turbine to the compressor. Such a gas of example, the gearbox may be a "star" gearbox having
turbine engine may comprise a fan (having fan blades) a ratio in the range of from 3.1 or 3.2 to 3.8. In some
located upstream of the engine core. arrangements, the gear ratio may be outside these rang-
[0035] Arrangements of the present disclosure may be 25 es.
particularly, although not exclusively, beneficial for fans [0040] In any gas turbine engine as described and/or
that are driven via a gearbox. Accordingly, the gas turbine claimed herein, a combustor may be provided axially
engine may comprise a gearbox that receives an input downstream of the fan and compressor(s). For example,
from the core shaft and outputs drive to the fan so as to the combustor may be directly downstream of (for exam-
drive the fan at a lower rotational speed than the core 30 ple at the exit of) the second compressor, where a second
shaft. The input to the gearbox may be directly from the compressor is provided. By way of further example, the
core shaft, or indirectly from the core shaft, for example flow at the exit to the combustor may be provided to the
via a spur shaft and/or gear. The core shaft may rigidly inlet of the second turbine, where a second turbine is
connect the turbine and the compressor, such that the provided. The combustor may be provided upstream of
turbine and compressor rotate at the same speed (with 35 the turbine(s).
the fan rotating at a lower speed). [0041] The or each compressor (for example the first
[0036] The gas turbine engine as described and/or compressor and second compressor as described
claimed herein may have any suitable general architec- above) may comprise any number of stages, for example
ture. For example, the gas turbine engine may have any multiple stages. Each stage may comprise a row of rotor
desired number of shafts that connect turbines and com- 40 blades and a row of stator vanes, which may be variable
pressors, for example one, two or three shafts. Purely by stator vanes (in that their angle of incidence may be var-
way of example, the turbine connected to the core shaft iable). The row of rotor blades and the row of stator vanes
may be a first turbine, the compressor connected to the may be axially offset from each other.
core shaft may be a first compressor, and the core shaft [0042] The or each turbine (for example the first turbine
may be a first core shaft. The engine core may further 45 and second turbine as described above) may comprise
comprise a second turbine, a second compressor, and any number of stages, for example multiple stages. Each
a second core shaft connecting the second turbine to the stage may comprise a row of rotor blades and a row of
second compressor. The second turbine, second com- stator vanes. The row of rotor blades and the row of stator
pressor, and second core shaft may be arranged to rotate vanes may be axially offset from each other.
at a higher rotational speed than the first core shaft. 50 [0043] Each fan blade may be defined as having a ra-
[0037] In such an arrangement, the second compres- dial span extending from a root (or hub) at a radially inner
sor may be positioned axially downstream of the first gas-washed location, or 0% span position, to a tip at a
compressor. The second compressor may be arranged 100% span position. The ratio of the radius of the fan
to receive (for example directly receive, for example via blade at the hub to the radius of the fan blade at the tip
a generally annular duct) flow from the first compressor. 55 may be less than (or on the order of) any of: 0.4, 0.39,
[0038] The gearbox may be arranged to be driven by 0.38 0.37, 0.36, 0.35, 0.34, 0.33, 0.32, 0.31, 0.3, 0.29,
the core shaft that is configured to rotate (for example in 0.28, 0.27, 0.26, or 0.25. The ratio of the radius of the
use) at the lowest rotational speed (for example the first fan blade at the hub to the radius of the fan blade at the

7 EP 3 795 330 B1 8

tip may be in an inclusive range bounded by any two of of: 0.28, 0.29, 0.30, 0.31, 0.32, 0.33, 0.34, 0.35, 0.36,
the values in the previous sentence (i.e. the values may 0.37, 0.38, 0.39 or 0.4 (all units in this paragraph being
form upper or lower bounds), for example in the range Jkg-1K-1/(ms-1)2). The fan tip loading may be in an in-
of from 0.28 to 0.32. These ratios may commonly be re- clusive range bounded by any two of the values in the
ferred to as the hub-to-tip ratio. The radius at the hub and 5 previous sentence (i.e. the values may form upper or
the radius at the tip may both be measured at the leading lower bounds), for example in the range of from 0.28 to
edge (or axially forwardmost) part of the blade. The hub- 0.31, or 0.29 to 0.3.
to-tip ratio refers, of course, to the gas-washed portion [0047] Gas turbine engines in accordance with the
of the fan blade, i.e. the portion radially outside any plat- present disclosure may have any desired bypass ratio,
form. 10 where the bypass ratio is defined as the ratio of the mass
[0044] The radius of the fan may be measured between flow rate of the flow through the bypass duct to the mass
the engine centreline and the tip of a fan blade at its flow rate of the flow through the core at cruise conditions.
leading edge. The fan diameter (which may simply be In some arrangements the bypass ratio may be greater
twice the radius of the fan) may be greater than (or on than (or on the order of) any of the following: 10, 10.5,
the order of) any of: 220 cm, 230 cm, 240 cm, 250 cm 15 11, 11.5, 12, 12.5, 13, 13.5, 14, 14.5, 15, 15.5, 16, 16.5,
(around 100 inches), 260 cm, 270 cm (around 105 inch- 17, 17.5, 18, 18.5, 19, 19.5 or 20. The bypass ratio may
es), 280 cm (around 110 inches), 290 cm (around 115 be in an inclusive range bounded by any two of the values
inches), 300 cm (around 120 inches), 310 cm, 320 cm in the previous sentence (i.e. the values may form upper
(around 125 inches), 330 cm (around 130 inches), 340 or lower bounds), for example in the range of form 12 to
cm (around 135 inches), 350cm, 360cm (around 140 20 16, 13 to 15, or 13 to 14. The bypass duct may be sub-
inches), 370 cm (around 145 inches), 380 (around 150 stantially annular. The bypass duct may be radially out-
inches) cm, 390 cm (around 155 inches), 400 cm, 410 side the engine core. The radially outer surface of the
cm (around 160 inches) or 420 cm (around 165 inches). bypass duct may be defined by a nacelle and/or a fan
The fan diameter may be in an inclusive range bounded case.
by any two of the values in the previous sentence (i.e. 25 [0048] The overall pressure ratio of a gas turbine en-
the values may form upper or lower bounds), for example gine as described and/or claimed herein may be defined
in the range of from 240 cm to 280 cm or 330 cm to 380 as the ratio of the stagnation pressure upstream of the
cm. fan to the stagnation pressure at the exit of the highest
[0045] The rotational speed of the fan may vary in use. pressure compressor (before entry into the combustor).
Generally, the rotational speed is lower for fans with a 30 By way of non-limitative example, the overall pressure
higher diameter. Purely by way of non-limitative example, ratio of a gas turbine engine as described and/or claimed
the rotational speed of the fan at cruise conditions may herein at cruise may be greater than (or on the order of)
be less than 2500 rpm, for example less than 2300 rpm. any of the following: 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75.
Purely by way of further non-limitative example, the ro- The overall pressure ratio may be in an inclusive range
tational speed of the fan at cruise conditions for an engine 35 bounded by any two of the values in the previous sen-
having a fan diameter in the range of from 220 cm to 300 tence (i.e. the values may form upper or lower bounds),
cm (for example 240 cm to 280 cm or 250 cm to 270 cm) for example in the range of from 50 to 70.
may be in the range of from 1700 rpm to 2500 rpm, for [0049] Specific thrust of an engine may be defined as
example in the range of from 1800 rpm to 2300 rpm, for the net thrust of the engine divided by the total mass flow
example in the range of from 1900 rpm to 2100 rpm. 40 through the engine. At cruise conditions, the specific
Purely by way of further non-limitative example, the ro- thrust of an engine described and/or claimed herein may
tational speed of the fan at cruise conditions for an engine be less than (or on the order of) any of the following: 110
having a fan diameter in the range of from 330 cm to 380 Nkg-1s, 105 Nkg-1s, 100 Nkg-1s, 95 Nkg-1s, 90 Nkg-1s,
cm may be in the range of from 1200 rpm to 2000 rpm, 85 Nkg-1s or 80 Nkg-1s. The specific thrust may be in
for example in the range of from 1300 rpm to 1800 rpm, 45 an inclusive range bounded by any two of the values in
for example in the range of from 1400 rpm to 1800 rpm. the previous sentence (i.e. the values may form upper or
[0046] In use of the gas turbine engine, the fan (with lower bounds), for example in the range of from 80 Nkg-
associated fan blades) rotates about a rotational axis. 1s to 100 Nkg-1s, or 85 Nkg-1s to 95 Nkg-1s. Such en-
This rotation results in the tip of the fan blade moving gines may be particularly efficient in comparison with
with a velocity Utip. The work done by the fan blades 13 50 conventional gas turbine engines.
on the flow results in an enthalpy rise dH of the flow. A [0050] A gas turbine engine as described and/or
fan tip loading may be defined as dH/Utip2, where dH is claimed herein may have any desired maximum thrust.
the enthalpy rise (for example the 1-D average enthalpy Purely by way of non-limitative example, a gas turbine
rise) across the fan and Utip is the (translational) velocity as described and/or claimed herein may be capable of
of the fan tip, for example at the leading edge of the tip 55 producing a maximum thrust of at least (or on the order
(which may be defined as fan tip radius at leading edge of) any of the following: 160kN, 170kN, 180kN, 190kN,
multiplied by angular speed). The fan tip loading at cruise 200kN, 250kN, 300kN, 350kN, 400kN, 450kN, 500kN, or
conditions may be greater than (or on the order of) any 550kN. The maximum thrust may be in an inclusive range

9 EP 3 795 330 B1 10

bounded by any two of the values in the previous sen- the hub (or disc). Purely by way of example, such a fixture
tence (i.e. the values may form upper or lower bounds). may be in the form of a dovetail that may slot into and/or
Purely by way of example, a gas turbine as described engage a corresponding slot in the hub/disc in order to
and/or claimed herein may be capable of producing a fix the fan blade to the hub/disc. By way of further exam-
maximum thrust in the range of from 330kN to 420 kN, 5 ple, the fan blades maybe formed integrally with a central
for example 350kN to 400kN. The thrust referred to above portion. Such an arrangement may be referred to as a
may be the maximum net thrust at standard atmospheric bladed disc or a bladed ring. Any suitable method may
conditions at sea level plus 15 degrees C (ambient pres- be used to manufacture such a bladed disc or bladed
sure 101.3kPa, temperature 30 degrees C), with the en- ring. For example, at least a part of the fan blades may
gine static. 10 be machined from a block and/or at least part of the fan
[0051] In use, the temperature of the flow at the entry blades may be attached to the hub/disc by welding, such
to the high pressure turbine may be particularly high. This as linear friction welding.
temperature, which may be referred to as TET, may be [0054] The gas turbine engines described and/or
measured at the exit to the combustor, for example im- claimed herein may or may not be provided with a vari-
mediately upstream of the first turbine vane, which itself 15 able area nozzle (VAN). Such a variable area nozzle may
may be referred to as a nozzle guide vane. At cruise, the allow the exit area of the bypass duct to be varied in use.
TET may be at least (or on the order of) any of the fol- The general principles of the present disclosure may ap-
lowing: 1400K, 1450K, 1500K, 1550K, 1600K or 1650K. ply to engines with or without a VAN.
The TET at cruise may be in an inclusive range bounded [0055] The fan of a gas turbine as described and/or
by any two of the values in the previous sentence (i.e. 20 claimed herein may have any desired number of fan
the values may form upper or lower bounds). The max- blades, for example 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 or 26 fan
imum TET in use of the engine may be, for example, at blades.
least (or on the order of) any of the following: 1700K, [0056] As used herein, cruise conditions have the con-
1750K, 1800K, 1850K, 1900K, 1950K or 2000K. The ventional meaning and would be readily understood by
maximum TET may be in an inclusive range bounded by 25 the skilled person. Thus, for a given gas turbine engine
any two of the values in the previous sentence (i.e. the for an aircraft, the skilled person would immediately rec-
values may form upper or lower bounds), for example in ognise cruise conditions to mean the operating point of
the range of from 1800K to 1950K. The maximum TET the engine at mid-cruise of a given mission (which may
may occur, for example, at a high thrust condition, for be referred to in the industry as the "economic mission")
example at a maximum take-off (MTO) condition. 30 of an aircraft to which the gas turbine engine is designed
[0052] A fan blade and/or aerofoil portion of a fan blade to be attached. In this regard, mid-cruise is the point in
described and/or claimed herein may be manufactured an aircraft flight cycle at which 50% of the total fuel that
from any suitable material or combination of materials. is burned between top of climb and start of descent has
For example at least a part of the fan blade and/or aerofoil been burned (which may be approximated by the mid-
may be manufactured at least in part from a composite, 35 point - in terms of time and/or distance- between top of
for example a metal matrix composite and/or an organic climb and start of descent. Cruise conditions thus define
matrix composite, such as carbon fibre. By way of further an operating point of, the gas turbine engine that provides
example at least a part of the fan blade and/or aerofoil a thrust that would ensure steady state operation (i.e.
may be manufactured at least in part from a metal, such maintaining a constant altitude and constant Mach
as a titanium based metal or an aluminium based material 40 Number) at mid-cruise of an aircraft to which it is designed
(such as an aluminium-lithium alloy) or a steel based ma- to be attached, taking into account the number of engines
terial. The fan blade may comprise at least two regions provided to that aircraft. For example where an engine
manufactured using different materials. For example, the is designed to be attached to an aircraft that has two
fan blade may have a protective leading edge, which may engines of the same type, at cruise conditions the engine
be manufactured using a material that is better able to 45 provides half of the total thrust that would be required for
resist impact (for example from birds, ice or other mate- steady state operation of that aircraft at mid-cruise.
rial) than the rest of the blade. Such a leading edge may, [0057] In other words, for a given gas turbine engine
for example, be manufactured using titanium or a titani- for an aircraft, cruise conditions are defined as the oper-
um-based alloy. Thus, purely by way of example, the fan ating point of the engine that provides a specified thrust
blade may have a carbon-fibre or aluminium based body 50 (required to provide - in combination with any other en-
(such as an aluminium lithium alloy) with a titanium lead- gines on the aircraft - steady state operation of the aircraft
ing edge. to which it is designed to be attached at a given mid-
[0053] A fan as described and/or claimed herein may cruise Mach Number) at the mid-cruise atmospheric con-
comprise a central portion, from which the fan blades ditions (defined by the International Standard Atmos-
may extend, for example in a radial direction. The fan 55 phere according to ISO 2533 at the mid-cruise altitude).
blades may be attached to the central portion in any de- For any given gas turbine engine for an aircraft, the mid-
sired manner. For example, each fan blade may com- cruise thrust, atmospheric conditions and Mach Number
prise a fixture which may engage a corresponding slot in are known, and thus the operating point of the engine at

11 EP 3 795 330 B1 12

cruise conditions is clearly defined. terms of the thrust, atmospheric conditions and Mach
[0058] Purely by way of example, the forward speed Number).
at the cruise condition may be any point in the range of [0064] According to an aspect, there is provided a
from Mach 0.7 to 0.9, for example 0.75 to 0.85, for ex- method of operating an aircraft comprising a gas turbine
ample 0.76 to 0.84, for example 0.77 to 0.83, for example 5 engine as described and/or claimed herein. The opera-
0.78 to 0.82, for example 0.79 to 0.81, for example on tion according to this aspect may include (or may be)
the order of Mach 0.8, on the order of Mach 0.85 or in operation at the mid-cruise of the aircraft, as defined else-
the range of from 0.8 to 0.85. Any single speed within where herein.
these ranges may be part of the cruise condition. For [0065] The skilled person will appreciate that except
some aircraft, the cruise conditions may be outside these 10 where mutually exclusive, a feature or parameter de-
ranges, for example below Mach 0.7 or above Mach 0.9. scribed in relation to any one of the above aspects may
[0059] Purely by way of example, the cruise conditions be applied to any other aspect. Furthermore, except
may correspond to standard atmospheric conditions (ac- where mutually exclusive, any feature or parameter de-
cording to the International Standard Atmosphere, ISA) scribed herein may be applied to any aspect and/or com-
at an altitude that is in the range of from 10000 m to 15000 15 bined with any other feature or parameter described
m, for example in the range of from 10000 m to 12000 herein.
m, for example in the range of from 10400 m to 11600
m (around 38000 ft), for example in the range of from Brief Description of the Drawings
10500 m to 11500 m, for example in the range of from
10600 m to 11400 m, for example in the range of from 20 [0066] Embodiments will now be described by way of
10700 m (around 35000 ft) to 11300 m, for example in example only, with reference to the Figures, in which:
the range of from 10800 m to 11200 m, for example in
the range of from 10900 m to 11100 m, for example on Figure 1 is a sectional side view of a first example
the order of 11000 m. The cruise conditions may corre- gas turbine engine;
spond to standard atmospheric conditions at any given 25
altitude in these ranges. Figure 2 is a close up sectional side view of an up-
[0060] Purely by way of example, the cruise conditions stream portion of a gas turbine engine;
may correspond to an operating point of the engine that
provides a known required thrust level (for example a Figure 3 is a partially cut-away view of a gearbox for
value in the range of from 30kN to 35kN) at a forward 30 a gas turbine engine;
Mach number of 0.8 and standard atmospheric condi-
tions (according to the International Standard Atmos- Figure 4 schematically shows a sectional side view
phere) at an altitude of 38000ft (11582m). Purely by way of a second example gas turbine engine;
of further example, the cruise conditions may correspond
to an operating point of the engine that provides a known 35 Figure 5 schematically shows a perspective view of
required thrust level (for example a value in the range of an integral composite stator vane ring;
from 50kN to 65kN) at a forward Mach number of 0.85
and standard atmospheric conditions (according to the Figure 6 schematically shows a cross sectional view
International Standard Atmosphere) at an altitude of of a stator vane ring preform;
35000 ft (10668 m). 40
[0061] In use, a gas turbine engine described and/or Figure 7 is a flow chart showing steps of a method
claimed herein may operate at the cruise conditions de- of manufacturing a thermoset infused composite in-
fined elsewhere herein. Such cruise conditions may be tegral stator vane ring;
determined by the cruise conditions (for example the mid-
cruise conditions) of an aircraft to which at least one (for 45 Figure 8 is a flow chart showing steps of a method
example 2 or 4) gas turbine engine may be mounted in for providing a vane preform; and
order to provide propulsive thrust.
[0062] According to an aspect, there is provided an Figure 9 is a flow chart showing steps of a method
aircraft comprising a gas turbine engine as described of manufacturing a thermoplastic infused composite
and/or claimed herein. The aircraft according to this as- 50 integral stator vane ring.
pect is the aircraft for which the gas turbine engine has
been designed to be attached. Accordingly, the cruise Detailed Description
conditions according to this aspect correspond to the
mid-cruise of the aircraft, as defined elsewhere herein. [0067] Figure 1 illustrates a first example gas turbine
[0063] According to an aspect, there is provided a 55 engine 10 having a principal rotational axis 9. The engine
method of operating a gas turbine engine as described 10 comprises an air intake 12 and a propulsive fan 23
and/or claimed herein. The operation may be at the cruise that generates two airflows: a core airflow A and a bypass
conditions as defined elsewhere herein (for example in airflow B. The gas turbine engine 10 comprises a core

13 EP 3 795 330 B1 14

11 that receives the core airflow A. The engine core 11 (i.e. not including the gearbox output shaft that drives the
comprises, in axial flow series, a low pressure compres- fan 23). In some literature, the "low pressure turbine" and
sor 14, a high-pressure compressor 15, combustion "low pressure compressor" referred to herein may alter-
equipment 16, a high-pressure turbine 17, a low pressure natively be known as the "intermediate pressure turbine"
turbine 19 and a core exhaust nozzle 20. A nacelle 21 5 and "intermediate pressure compressor". Where such al-
surrounds the gas turbine engine 10 and defines a by- ternative nomenclature is used, the fan 23 may be re-
pass duct 22 and a bypass exhaust nozzle 18. The by- ferred to as a first, or lowest pressure, compression
pass airflow B flows through the bypass duct 22. The fan stage.
23 is attached to and driven by the low pressure turbine [0071] The epicyclic gearbox 30 is shown by way of
19 via a shaft 26 and an epicyclic gearbox 30. An outlet 10 example in greater detail in Figure 3. Each of the sun
guide vane ring 31 is disposed in the bypass duct 22, at gear 28, planet gears 32 and ring gear 38 comprise teeth
an upstream end of the bypass duct 22. An intermediate about their periphery to intermesh with the other gears.
case 29 is disposed downstream of the outlet guide vane However, for clarity only exemplary portions of the teeth
ring 31, and comprises an outer stator vane ring and an are illustrated in Figure 3. There are four planet gears 32
inner stator vane ring. The outer stator vane ring is dis- 15 illustrated, although it will be apparent to the skilled read-
posed within the bypass duct 22 and the inner stator vane er that more or fewer planet gears 32 may be provided
ring of the intermediate case is disposed within the engine within the scope of the claimed invention. Practical ap-
core 11. The outlet guide vane ring 31 and the outer stator plications of a planetary epicyclic gearbox 30 generally
vane ring of the intermediate case 29 are configured to comprise at least three planet gears 32.
transfer loads from the engine core 11 to the nacelle 21. 20 [0072] The epicyclic gearbox 30 illustrated by way of
[0068] In use, the core airflow A is accelerated and example in Figures 2 and 3 is of the planetary type, in
compressed by the low pressure compressor 14 and di- that the planet carrier 34 is coupled to an output shaft via
rected into the high pressure compressor 15 where fur- linkages 36, with the ring gear 38 fixed. However, any
ther compression takes place. The compressed air ex- other suitable type of epicyclic gearbox 30 may be used.
hausted from the high pressure compressor 15 is direct- 25 By way of further example, the epicyclic gearbox 30 may
ed into the combustion equipment 16 where it is mixed be a star arrangement, in which the planet carrier 34 is
with fuel and the mixture is combusted. The resultant hot held fixed, with the ring (or annulus) gear 38 allowed to
combustion products then expand through, and thereby rotate. In such an arrangement the fan 23 is driven by
drive, the high pressure and low pressure turbines 17, the ring gear 38. By way of further alternative example,
19 before being exhausted through the core exhaust noz- 30 the gearbox 30 may be a differential gearbox in which
zle 20 to provide some propulsive thrust. The high pres- the ring gear 38 and the planet carrier 34 are both allowed
sure turbine 17 drives the high pressure compressor 15 to rotate.
by a suitable interconnecting shaft 27. The fan 23 gen- [0073] It will be appreciated that the arrangement
erally provides the majority of the propulsive thrust. The shown in Figures 2 and 3 is by way of example only, and
epicyclic gearbox 30 is a reduction gearbox. 35 various alternatives are within the scope of the present
[0069] An exemplary arrangement for a geared fan gas disclosure. Purely by way of example, any suitable ar-
turbine engine 10 is shown in Figure 2. The low pressure rangement may be used for locating the gearbox 30 in
turbine 19 (see Figure 1) drives the shaft 26, which is the engine 10 and/or for connecting the gearbox 30 to
coupled to a sun wheel, or sun gear, 28 of the epicyclic the engine 10. By way of further example, the connec-
gear arrangement 30. Radially outwardly of the sun gear 40 tions (such as the linkages 36, 40 in the Figure 2 example)
28 and intermeshing therewith is a plurality of planet between the gearbox 30 and other parts of the engine
gears 32 that are coupled together by a planet carrier 34. 10 (such as the input shaft 26, the output shaft and the
The planet carrier 34 constrains the planet gears 32 to fixed structure 24) may have any desired degree of stiff-
precess around the sun gear 28 in synchronicity whilst ness or flexibility. By way of further example, any suitable
enabling each planet gear 32 to rotate about its own axis. 45 arrangement of the bearings between rotating and sta-
The planet carrier 34 is coupled via linkages 36 to the tionary parts of the engine (for example between the input
fan 23 in order to drive its rotation about the engine axis and output shafts from the gearbox and the fixed struc-
9. Radially outwardly of the planet gears 32 and in- tures, such as the gearbox casing) may be used, and the
termeshing therewith is an annulus or ring gear 38 that disclosure is not limited to the exemplary arrangement
is coupled, via linkages 40, to a stationary supporting 50 of Figure 2. For example, where the gearbox 30 has a
structure 24. star arrangement (described above), the skilled person
[0070] Note that the terms "low pressure turbine" and would readily understand that the arrangement of output
"low pressure compressor" as used herein may be taken and support linkages and bearing locations would typi-
to mean the lowest pressure turbine stages and lowest cally be different to that shown by way of example in
pressure compressor stages (i.e. not including the fan 55 Figure 2.
23) respectively and/or the turbine and compressor stag- [0074] Accordingly, the present disclosure extends to
es that are connected together by the interconnecting a gas turbine engine having any arrangement of gearbox
shaft 26 with the lowest rotational speed in the engine styles (for example star or planetary), support structures,

15 EP 3 795 330 B1 16

input and output shaft arrangement, and bearing loca- described above with respect to Figures 1-3 in the posi-
tions. tion of the structural support 24 (i.e. within the core inlet).
[0075] Optionally, the gearbox may drive additional Structural loads may then be transmitted from the core
and/or alternative components (e.g. the intermediate fairing to the nacelle 21 by a load path across the bypass
pressure compressor and/or a booster compressor). 5 duct 22, such as the outlet guide vanes (OGVs). The
[0076] Other gas turbine engines to which the present stator vane ring 50 is therefore configured to withstand
disclosure may be applied may have alternative config- operating torque and lateral loads.. References herein
urations. For example, such engines may have an alter- to a stator vane ring being disposed in the core inlet are
native number of compressors and/or turbines and/or an intended to mean that the stator vane ring is the most
alternative number of interconnecting shafts. By way of 10 upstream structural component within the core annulus
further example, the gas turbine engine shown in Figure defined between the core body and the core fairing. The
1 has a split flow nozzle 18, 20 meaning that the flow stator vane ring 50 comprises an inner annulus 52, an
through the bypass duct 22 has its own nozzle 18 that is outer annulus 54 which is concentric with the inner an-
separate to and radially outside the core exhaust nozzle nulus 52, and a plurality of stator vanes 106 disposed
20. However, this is not limiting, and any aspect of the 15 between, and attached to, the inner annulus 52 and the
present disclosure may also apply to engines in which outer annulus 54. The plurality of stator vanes 56 are
the flow through the bypass duct 22 and the flow through evenly distributed around the circumference of the inner
the core 11 are mixed, or combined, before (or upstream annulus 52 and the outer annulus 54.
of) a single nozzle, which may be referred to as a mixed [0080] In this example, the stator vanes 56 are hollow.
flow nozzle. One or both nozzles (whether mixed or split 20 Hollow is intended to mean that the stator vane 56 com-
flow) may have a fixed or variable area. Whilst the de- prises an outer layer of fibre reinforcement material de-
scribed example relates to a turbofan engine, the disclo- fining an interior cavity (not shown), which may be empty,
sure may apply, for example, to any type of gas turbine or filled with a different material.
engine, such as an open rotor (in which the fan stage is [0081] In this example, at least some of the stator
not surrounded by a nacelle) or turboprop engine, for 25 vanes 56 have an empty interior cavity, defining empty
example. In some arrangements, the gas turbine engine hollow stator vanes 56. The inner annulus 52 comprises
10 may not comprise a gearbox 30. apertures (not shown) which are aligned with empty hol-
[0077] The geometry of the gas turbine engine 10, and low regions of the empty hollow stator vanes 56 such that
components thereof, is defined by a conventional axis services, such as electrical wiring or oil, can pass through
system, comprising an axial direction (which is aligned 30 the stator vane ring 50 via the stator vanes 56.
with the rotational axis 9), a radial direction (in the bottom- [0082] In this example, some of the stator vanes 56
to-top direction in Figure 1), and a circumferential direc- comprise a central core disposed within the interior cav-
tion (perpendicular to the page in the Figure 1 view). The ity, where the central core comprises a visco-elastic
axial, radial and circumferential directions are mutually damping compound, such that when the material is de-
perpendicular. 35 formed it exhibits both viscous and elastic behaviour
[0078] Figure 4 shows a sectional side view of a sec- through the dissipation and storage of mechanical ener-
ond example gas turbine engine 42. In this example, the gy. Suitable damping compounds include a polymer
gas turbine engine 42 comprises a fan casing 44 enclos- blend, a structural epoxy resin and liquid crystal siloxane
ing an engine core 46. A fan 48 is disposed upstream of polymer comprise a modulus of elasticity in the range
the engine core 46 in a similar manner to the fan 23 in 40 0.5-100 N/mm2.
the first example gas turbine engine 10. A front frame 49 [0083] In some examples, all of the stator vanes 56
is disposed upstream of the fan 48 in an air intake of the may be hollow, or they may all comprise a central core
gas turbine engine. The front frame 49 is configured to of visco-elastic damping compound. In yet more exam-
transfer the loads across the air intake from an axis 45 ples, some or all of the stator vanes may not be hollow
about which the fan 48 rotates, to the fan casing 44. 45 (i.e. the stator vane may be formed of solid fibre rein-
[0079] Figure 5 shows a fibre reinforced composite forced composite material, such that it may not have an
stator vane ring 50. In this example, the stator vane ring interior cavity). Having hollow stator vanes 56 as in this
is an engine stator section (ESS) for a core inlet of the example can reduce the overall weight of the stator vane
gas turbine engine 10, 42. In other examples, the stator ring, and therefore of the engine.
vane ring may be an outlet guide vane ring, an outer ring 50 [0084] In this example, the stator vane ring 50 com-
of an intermediate case or a front frame. The stator vane prises a fibre reinforced composite material in the form
ring 50 in this example is disposed behind (i.e. down- of a fabric having a three-dimensional (3D) weave. In
stream of) the fan 23 in a core inlet of the core engine, other examples, the stator vane ring may comprise a wo-
and is configured to provide a structural load path across ven fibre reinforced composite material in the form of a
the engine core 11 annulus (i.e. between a core body of 55 fabric having a two-dimensional (2D) weave, or any other
the core 11 which is radially inward of a core annulus of suitable form of fibre composite material. In this example,
the engine core and the core fairing). The stator vane the fibre composite material of the stator vane ring 50 is
ring 50 may be installed in a core engine such as that tri-axial. In some examples, the fibre composite material

17 EP 3 795 330 B1 18

may be uni-axial or bi-axial. 152.

[0085] Figure 6 shows a cross sectional view of a sta- [0092] Block 102 also comprises stabilising the inner
tor vane ring preform 150 which can be manufactured by annulus preform 152 with a binder. Stabilising a preform
a method 100 as described below with reference to Fig- is intended to mean activating a binder on a fibre rein-
ure 7. The stator vane ring preform 150 is configured to 5 forced composite which has been treated with the binder
form the stator vane ring 50 when cured. (which can be in the form of a powder), so that deforma-
[0086] The stator vane ring preform 150 comprises an tion of the preform is inhibited during subsequent steps
annular inner annulus preform 152, an annular outer an- of the method 100. In this example, the binder may be a
nulus preform 154 and a plurality of vane preforms 156 resin for use in a composite, such as Hexcel® HP03 or
disposed between the inner annulus preform 152 and 10 E01, or Solvay CYCOM® 782. In this example, the inner
the outer annulus preform 154. The inner annulus pre- annulus preform 152 is wound around the mandrel to
form 152 corresponds to the inner annulus 52 of the stator form apertures 166 corresponding to empty hollow re-
vane ring 50, the outer annulus preform 154 corresponds gions of the empty hollow vane preforms 156a, and which
to the outer annulus 54 of the stator vane ring 50, and are located to align with the empty hollow regions of the
the plurality of vane preforms 156 correspond to the plu- 15 empty hollow vane preforms 156a. In other examples,
rality of stator vanes 56 of the stator vane ring 50. such apertures may be machined.
[0087] The vane preforms 156 in this example are all [0093] Block 104 of the method 100 comprises provid-
hollow, such that they define interior cavities. The hollow ing a plurality of vane preforms 156 comprising fibre re-
vane preforms 156 comprise bifurcated ends at a radially inforcement material. The vane preforms 156 which are
inner end, and at a radially outer end of each vane pre- 20 provided may also be stabilised with a binder so as to
form 156. The bifurcated ends of the vane preforms 156 inhibit their deformation during subsequent assembly.
define a pair of inner flanges 160 at the radially inner end, [0094] The vane preforms 156 in this example are all
and a pair of outer flanges 162 at the radially outer end hollow. In some examples, only some of the vane pre-
of the vane preform 156, such that the vane preform 156 forms may be hollow. In other examples, all of the vane
defines an I-section in cross-section. 25 preforms may be solid such that none of the vane pre-
[0088] Some of the hollow vane preforms 156 com- forms are hollow.
prise empty interior cavities, forming empty hollow vane [0095] At least some of the hollow vane preforms 156
preforms. In this example, the hollow vane preforms 156a in this example are empty hollow vane preforms 156a,
which will form the empty hollow stator vanes 56 of the which are filled with a sacrificial material, such as bismuth
stator vane ring 50 are filled with a sacrificial material, 30 based alloys, which has a melting point below approxi-
which is removed after curing of the stator vane ring pre- mately 230 degrees centigrade. In some examples, the
form 150, as will be explained below. These hollow vane sacrificial material may be a water soluble plaster or an
preforms 156 will be collectively termed empty hollow elastomeric bladder. The interior cavity 158 of these hol-
vane preforms 156a. The inner annulus preform 152 low vane preforms 156a therefore comprises a central
comprises apertures 166 which align with the empty hol- 35 core 158 of sacrificial material enclosed by an outer layer
low vane preforms 156a. The outer annulus preform 154 of fibre reinforcement material. The empty hollow vane
comprises apertures 168 which also align with the empty preforms 156a comprising a central core of sacrificial ma-
hollow vane preforms 156a. terial correspond to the empty hollow stator vanes 56 in
[0089] Some of the hollow vane preforms 156 in this the stator vane ring 50.
example comprise a central core 158 of a visco-elastic 40 [0096] In this example, some of the hollow vane pre-
damping compound, forming damping hollow vane pre- forms are damping hollow vane preforms 156b which
forms 156b. The damping hollow vane preforms 156b comprise a central core 158 of a visco-elastic damping
may comprise a plurality of pre-cured carbon rods 170, compound comprising a plurality of pre-cured carbon
disposed in the interior cavity. The rods may be solid or rods 170, enclosed by an outer layer of fibre reinforce-
hollow, and may improve stiffness locally in the vane pre- 45 ment material. These hollow vane preforms 156 corre-
forms. spond to the stator vanes 56 which comprise a central
[0090] The stator vane ring preform 150 further com- core of visco-elastic damping compound in the stator
prises a plurality of auxiliary plies 164, which are disposed vane ring 50.
between adjacent vane preforms 156 and located over [0097] In this example, the fibre reinforcement material
the inner flanges 160 and the outer flanges 162 of adja- 50 for the inner annulus preform 152 and the vane preforms
cent vane preforms 156 so that the bifurcated flanges 156 is dry fibre reinforcement material, treated with a
160, 162 are retained between the respective annulus binder in the form of a powder. In other examples, the
preform 152, 154 and the auxiliary plies 164. fibre reinforcement material may be pre-impregnated
[0091] Figure 7 is a flowchart showing steps of a meth- with resin.
od 100 for manufacturing a thermoset infused integral 55 [0098] In block 106, the method comprises arranging
stator vane ring 50. The method 100 begins with block the plurality of vane preforms 156 around the inner an-
102, which comprises winding a fibre reinforcement ma- nulus preform 152. The plurality of vane preforms 156
terial around a mandrel to form the inner annulus preform are distributed evenly around the circumference of the

19 EP 3 795 330 B1 20

inner annulus preform 152, to extend radially from the 160 and the outer flanges 162 of the vane preforms 156
inner annulus preform 152. In this example, there are 32 by a fibre jointing method, such as stitching, tufting or
vane preforms 156. Therefore, each vane preform is dis- pinning. Adding auxiliary plies 164 between the vane pre-
tributed 11.25 degrees apart around the inner annulus forms 156 helps to create a smooth aerodynamic surface
preform 152. In other examples, there may be any 5 for air flowing through the stator vane ring 50 in use.
number of vane preforms corresponding to the number [0104] In block 116, the method 100 comprises infus-
of stator vanes required in the stator vane ring. ing the stator vane ring preform 150 with a thermoset
[0099] In block 108, the method 100 comprises con- resin. If the fibre reinforcement material comprises pre-
necting each vane preform 156 to the inner annulus pre- impregnated resin, then block 116 is omitted from the
form 152. In this example, connecting the vane preforms 10 method 100, as the fibre material already comprises an
156 to the inner annulus preform 152 comprises connect- infused resin.
ing the inner flanges 160 of the vane preform 156 to the [0105] In block 118, the method 100 comprises curing
inner annulus preform 152 using a fibre jointing method. the resin in the stator vane ring preform 150 by applying
In this example, the fibre jointing method comprises heat and pressure to the stator vane ring preform 150 to
stitching the inner flanges 160 of each vane preform 156 15 form a cured integral stator vane ring 50.
to the inner annulus preform 152. In other examples, the [0106] In block 120, the method 100 comprises heating
fibre jointing method may comprise tufting or pinning. the stator vane preforms 156 to melt the central core 158
[0100] In block 110, the method 100 comprises winding of sacrificial material, in order to produce the empty hol-
fibre reinforcement material around the vane preforms low stator vanes 56 of the stator vane ring 50. It will be
156 to form the outer annulus preform 154. In this exam- 20 appreciated that heating the stator vane preforms 156 to
ple, the fibre reinforcement material is treated with a bind- melt the central core 158 of sacrificial material may occur
er, and the outer annulus preform 154 is stabilised. In before curing the resin in the stator vane ring preform
other examples, there may be no binder, and therefore 150. The melting temperature of the visco-elastic damp-
no stabilisation of the outer annulus preform, or the fibre ing compound is above the melting temperature of the
reinforcement material may be pre-impregnated with res- 25 sacrificial material, and therefore, the visco-elastic damp-
in. The outer annulus preform 154 is wound to comprise ing compound remains in place in the respective stator
apertures 168 which have a shape corresponding to vane interior cavities.
empty hollow regions of the empty hollow vane preforms [0107] In examples where there is no central core com-
156a, and which are aligned with the hollow regions of prising a sacrificial material for removal from the interior
the vane preforms 156. 30 cavity of stator vanes by melting, block 120 may be omit-
[0101] In this example, fibre reinforcement material is ted from the method 100. In other examples, the stator
wound to produce a fabric for the inner annulus preform vane preforms may not be hollow, and block 120 may
152, the vane preforms 156 and the outer annulus pre- comprise machining the stator vanes to form an interior
form 154, where the fabric has a three-dimensional (3D) cavity. In yet other examples, after melting the sacrificial
weave. In some examples, the preforms may comprise 35 material in the central core, the interior cavity of the vanes
a fabric having a two-dimensional (2D) weave. In other may require machining/finishing.
examples, the fibre reinforcement material may be [0108] In other examples, the hollow vane preforms
wound such that the inner annulus preform, the vane may alternatively or additionally be provided with pre-
preforms and the outer annulus preform have any com- cured carbon rods in the empty interior cavity of the hol-
bination of 2D and 3D weaves. 40 low stator vane, or in a central core of material in the
[0102] In block 112, the method 100 comprises con- hollow stator vane.
necting each vane preform 156 to the outer annulus pre- [0109] Figure 8 is a flow chart showing steps of a meth-
form 154. In this example, connecting the vane preforms od 200 for providing a stator vane preform 156 as de-
156 to the outer annulus preform 154 comprises con- scribed above.
necting the outer flanges 162 of each vane preform 156 45 [0110] In block 202, the method comprises providing
to the outer annulus preform 154 with a fibre jointing a shaped central core 158 which may be moulded or
method. In this example, the fibre jointing method also shaped by any suitable means to define a stator vane
comprises stitching the outer flanges 162 to the outer lay-up surface. The central core may comprise sacrificial
annulus preform 154. In other examples, the fibre jointing material, such as a bismuth based alloy or a water soluble
method may be tufting or pinning. It will be appreciated 50 plater, or a visco-elastic damping compound such, as
that the connection of the vane preforms to the outer described herein. The central core may also comprise a
annulus may occur before the stabilising of the outer an- plurality of pre-cured carbon rods 170, as described here-
nulus preform. in.
[0103] In block 114, the method 100 comprises adding [0111] In block 204, the method comprises winding fi-
auxiliary plies 164 of fibre reinforcement material be- 55 bre reinforcement material around the central core, on
tween each vane preform 156 over the inner flanges 160 the vane lay-up surface defined by the central core 158
and outer flanges 162 of adjacent vane preforms 156. to form the outer layer of fibre reinforcement material,
The auxiliary plies 164 are connected to the inner flanges which defines the interior cavity 158 of the stator vane

21 EP 3 795 330 B1 22

preform 156, and to define a bifurcated pair of inner flang- [0119] Although it has been described that the method
es 160 and outer flanges 162 at each end of the stator is used to make an ESS 50, it should be appreciated that
vane preform 156. this method can be applied to make any composite fibre
[0112] The stator vane preform 156 is shaped into an reinforced stator vane ring for use in an engine, such as
I-section having flanges 160, 162. The fibre reinforce- 5 an outlet guide vane ring, an intermediate case or a front
ment material in this example is treated with a binder and frame.
in block 206, the method comprises stabilising the stator
vane preform by applying heat and pressure to the stator
vane preform 156 to stabilise it. In other examples, the Claims
reinforcement material may be pre-impregnated with res- 10
in, and partially cured to stabilise the stator vane preform. 1. A method of manufacturing an integral thermoset in-
In further examples, the stator vane preform may not be fused fibre reinforced composite structural stator
stabilised at all, such that the central core is relied on to vane ring (50) for a core inlet, a bypass duct, or an
provide the structural integrity of the stator vane preform. air intake of a gas turbine engine, the method com-
[0113] Figure 9 is a flow chart showing steps of a meth- 15 prising:
od 300 for manufacturing a structural, thermoplastic in-
fused, integral stator vane ring. The thermoplastic stator winding fibre reinforcement material around a
vane ring may comprise any or all of the same structural mandrel to form an inner annulus preform (152);
features as the thermoset stator vane ring 50 described providing a plurality of vane preforms (156) com-
above with reference to Figure 5, and like reference nu- 20 prising fibre reinforcement material arranging
merals will be used in the following description. the plurality of vane preforms around the inner
[0114] In block 302, the method 300 comprises winding annulus preform, and
pre-impregnated (with thermoplastic resin) fibre rein- connecting each of the plurality of vane preforms
forcement material around an inner mandrel, and curing to the inner annulus preform using a fibre jointing
the thermoplastic resin by applying heat and pressure, 25 method;
to form the inner annulus 52. winding fibre reinforcement material around the
[0115] In block 304, the method 300 comprises winding plurality of vane preforms to form an outer an-
pre-impregnated fibre reinforcement material around an nulus preform (154) and connecting the outer
outer mandrel, and curing the thermoplastic resin, to form annulus preform to each of the plurality of vane
the outer annulus 54. 30 preforms using a fibre jointing method to pro-
[0116] In block 306, the method 300 comprises provid- duce a stator vane ring preform (150); and
ing a plurality of thermoplastic stator vanes 56. The ther- infusing a thermoset resin into the stator vane
moplastic stator vanes 56 comprise the same structural ring preform and curing the resin to form the in-
features as the thermoset stator vanes 56. Therefore, tegral stator vane ring;
providing thermoplastic stator vanes may comprise sim- 35 characterized in that
ilar steps to the method 200 for providing stator vane connecting each vane preform to the inner an-
preforms 156 as described with reference to Figure 8. nulus comprises bifurcating the vane preform at
The method for providing thermoplastic stator vanes 56 an inner annulus end and connecting bifurcated
may differ in that the fibre material in block 204 may be ends of the vane preform to the inner annulus
thermoplastic pre-impregnated fibre reinforcement ma- 40 preform using a fibre jointing method.
terial, and that stabilising the vane preform in block 206
is replaced with curing the vane preform to form the ther- 2. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the fibre
moplastic vane 56. reinforcement material for the inner annulus preform
[0117] In block 308, the method 300 comprises arrang- and/or the outer annulus preform is a fabric compris-
ing the plurality of thermoplastic stator vanes 56 between 45 ing a two-dimensional weave or a three-dimensional
the inner annulus 52 and the outer annulus 54. The stator weave.
vanes 56 are distributed evenly around the circumfer-
ence of the inner annulus 52 and the outer annulus 54. 3. The method as claimed in claim 1 or 2, wherein pro-
[0118] In block 310, the method 300 comprises ther- viding the plurality of vane preforms comprises pro-
mally welding respective inner flanges 160 of each stator 50 viding at least one hollow vane preform.
vane 56 to the inner annulus 52, and respective outer
flanges 162 of each stator vane 56 to the outer annulus 4. The method as claimed in claim 3, wherein providing
54. The thermoplastic resin from the inner annulus 52 the hollow vane preform comprises winding fibre re-
and inner flange 160 of the stator vanes 56 fuses under inforcement material around a central core.
thermal welding, and the thermoplastic resin from the 55
outer flanges 162 of the stator vanes 56 and the outer 5. The method as claimed in claim 3 or 4, wherein the
annulus 54 fuses under thermal welding, such that an hollow vane preform is filled with a central core of a
integral structural stator vane ring 50 is formed. different material.

23 EP 3 795 330 B1 24

6. The method as claimed in any one of claims 3-5, a bypass duct, or an air intake of a gas turbine engine
wherein the hollow vane preform comprises pre- manufactured according to a method of any one of
cured carbon rods in a central core. the preceding claims; the stator vane ring compris-
7. The method as claimed in any one of claims 4-5, 5
wherein the central core comprises a sacrificial ma- an inner annulus (52);
terial having a melting point below 230 degrees cen- an outer annulus (54) concentric with the inner
tigrade, and wherein the method comprises melting annulus; and
the central core after curing the resin to form an emp- a plurality of vanes (106) disposed between the
ty hollow vane. 10 inner annulus and the outer annulus and inte-
grally connected to the inner annulus and the
8. The method as claimed in claim 7, wherein the inner outer annulus forming a monolithic structure.
annulus preform is wound to comprise apertures and
wherein empty hollow regions of the vane preforms
corresponding to the empty hollow vanes are ar- 15 Patentansprüche
ranged to align with the apertures of the inner annu-
lus preform. 1. Verfahren zum Fertigen eines strukturellen Stator-
leitschaufelkranzes (50) aus einem einstückigen, mit
9. The method as claimed in any preceding claim, com- Duroplast infundierten, faserverstärkten Verbund-
prising machining the plurality of vane performs to 20 stoff für einen Kerneinlass, einen Umgehungskanal
form and/or finish a hollow centre in at least one of oder einen Lufteinlass eines Gasturbinentriebwerks,
the vane performs after curing the resin. wobei das Verfahren umfasst:

10. The method as claimed in any preceding claim, Wickeln von Faserverstärkungsmaterial um ei-
wherein the fibre reinforcement material for the inner 25 nen Dorn, um eine Innenring-Vorform (152) zu
annulus perform comprises a binder, and wherein bilden,
the method comprises activating a binder on the in- Bereitstellen einer Vielzahl von Leitschaufel-
ner annulus preform to stabilise the inner annulus Vorformen (156), die Faserverstärkungsmateri-
by applying heat before arranging the vane preforms al umfassen, Anordnen der Vielzahl von Leit-
around the inner annulus preform, so as to inhibit 30 schaufel-Vorformen um die Innenring-Vorform
deformation of the inner annulus preform during sub- und Verbinden jeder der Vielzahl von Leitschau-
sequent arrangement of the vane preforms and resin fel-Vorformen mit der Innenring-Vorform unter
infusion. Verwendung eines Faserverbindungsverfah-
11. The method as claimed in any preceding claim, 35 Wickeln von Faserverstärkungsmaterial um die
wherein the fibre reinforcement material for the plu- Vielzahl von Leitschaufel-Vorformen, um eine
rality of vane preforms comprises a binder, and Außenring-Vorform (154) zu bilden, und Verbin-
wherein the method comprises providing stabilised den der Außenring-Vorform mit jeder der Viel-
vane preforms so as to inhibit deformation of the zahl von Leitschaufel-Vorformen unter Verwen-
vane preforms during subsequent arrangement of 40 dung eines Faserverbindungsverfahrens, um
the vane preforms and resin infusion. eine Statorleitschaufelkranz-Vorform (150) her-
zustellen; und
12. The method as claimed in any preceding claim, Infundieren eines duroplastischen Harzes in die
wherein connecting each vane preform to the outer Statorleitschaufelkranz-Vorform und Aushärten
annulus comprises bifurcating the vane preform at 45 des Harzes, um den einstückigen Statorleit-
an outer annulus end and connecting the bifurcated schaufelkranz zu bilden; dadurch gekenn-
ends of the vane preform to the outer annulus pre- zeichnet, dass
form using a fibre jointing method. das Verbinden jeder Leitschaufel-Vorform mit
dem Innenring das Gabeln der Leitschaufel-Vor-
13. The method as claimed in any preceding claim, com- 50 form an einem Ende des Innenrings und das
prising connecting auxiliary plies of fibre reinforce- Verbinden von gegabelten Enden der Leit-
ment material between each of the plurality of vane schaufel-Vorform mit der Innenring-Vorform un-
preforms over the bifurcated ends of each of the vane ter Verwendung eines Faserverbindungsver-
preforms using a fibre jointing method, before infus- fahrens umfasst.
ing and curing the resin. 55
2. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, wobei das Faserver-
14. A structural thermoset infused fibre reinforced com- stärkungsmaterial für die Innenring-Vorform
posite integral stator vane ring (50) for a core inlet, und/oder die Außenring-Vorform ein Stoff ist, der ein

25 EP 3 795 330 B1 26

zweidimensionales Gewebe oder ein dreidimensio- von stabilisierten Leitschaufel-Vorformen umfasst,

nales Gewebe umfasst. um eine Verformung der Leitschaufel-Vorformen
während der nachfolgenden Anordnung der Leit-
3. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1 oder 2, wobei das Be- schaufel-Vorformen und der Harzinfusion zu verhin-
reitstellen der Vielzahl von Leitschaufel-Vorformen 5 dern.
das Bereitstellen mindestens einer hohlen Leit-
schaufel-Vorform umfasst. 12. Verfahren nach einem der vorhergehenden Ansprü-
che, wobei das Verbinden jeder Leitschaufel-Vor-
4. Verfahren nach Anspruch 3, wobei das Bereitstellen form mit dem Außenring das Gabeln der Leitschau-
der hohlen Leitschaufel-Vorform das Wickeln von 10 fel-Vorform an einem Ende des Außenrings und das
Faserverstärkungsmaterial um einen zentralen Kern Verbinden der gegabelten Enden der Leitschaufel-
umfasst. Vorform mit der Außenring-Vorform unter Verwen-
dung eines Faserverbindungsverfahrens umfasst.
5. Verfahren nach Anspruch 3 oder 4, wobei die hohle
Leitschaufel-Vorform mit einem zentralen Kern aus 15 13. Verfahren nach einem der vorhergehenden Ansprü-
einem anderen Material gefüllt wird. che, umfassend das Verbinden von Hilfslagen aus
Faserverstärkungsmaterial zwischen jeder der Viel-
6. Verfahren nach einem der Ansprüche 3-5, wobei die zahl von Leitschaufel-Vorformen über den gegabel-
hohle Leitschaufel-Vorform vorgehärtete Kohlen- ten Enden jeder der Leitschaufel-Vorformen unter
stoffstäbe in einem zentralen Kern umfasst. 20 Verwendung eines Faserverbindungsverfahrens,
vor dem Infundieren und Aushärten des Harzes.
7. Verfahren nach einem der Ansprüche 4-5, wobei der
zentrale Kern ein Opfermaterial mit einem Schmelz- 14. Einstückiger Statorleitschaufelkranz (50) aus einem
punkt unter 230 Grad Celsius umfasst, und wobei strukturellen, mit Duroplast infundierten, faserver-
das Verfahren das Schmelzen des zentralen Kerns 25 stärkten Verbundstoff
nach dem Aushärten des Harzes umfasst, um eine
leere hohle Leitschaufel zu bilden. für einen Kerneinlass, einen Umgehungskanal
oder einen Lufteinlass eines Gasturbinentrieb-
8. Verfahren nach Anspruch 7, wobei die Innenring- werks, der gemäß einem Verfahren nach
Vorform so gewickelt wird, dass sie Öffnungen um- 30 einem der vorhergehenden Ansprüche gefertigt
fasst, und wobei leere hohle Bereiche der Leitschau- wird, wobei der Leitschaufelkranz umfasst: ei-
fel-Vorformen, die den leeren hohlen Leitschaufeln nen Innenring (52); einen Außenring (54), der
entsprechen, so angeordnet sind, dass sie mit den mit dem Innenring konzentrisch ist, und
Öffnungen der Innenring-Vorform ausgerichtet sind. eine Vielzahl von Leitschaufeln (106), die zwi-
35 schen dem Innenring und dem Außenring an-
9. Verfahren nach einem der vorhergehenden Ansprü- geordnet und einstückig mit dem Innenring und
che, umfassend das maschinelle Bearbeiten der dem Außenring verbunden sind und eine mono-
Vielzahl von Leitschaufel durchführt, um eine hohle lithische Struktur bilden.
Mitte in mindestens einer der Leitschaufel durchführt
nach dem Aushärten des Harzes zu bilden und/oder 40
fertigzustellen. Revendications

10. Verfahren nach einem der vorhergehenden Ansprü- 1. Procédé de fabrication d’une couronne d’aubes de
che, wobei das Faserverstärkungsmaterial für die In- stator structurelle composite renforcée de fibres in-
nenring durchführen ein Bindemittel umfasst, und 45 fusées thermodurcissables, intégrée (50) pour une
wobei das Verfahren das Aktivieren eines Bindemit- entrée de noyau, un conduit de dérivation ou une
tels an der Innenring-Vorform umfasst, um den In- admission d’air d’un moteur à turbine à gaz, le pro-
nenring durch Anwenden von Wärme zu stabilisie- cédé comprenant :
ren, bevor die Leitschaufel-Vorformen um die Innen-
ring-Vorform herum angeordnet werden, um eine 50 l’enroulement d’un matériau à renforcement de
Verformung der Innenring-Vorform während der an- fibres autour d’un mandrin pour former une pré-
schließenden Anordnung der Leitschaufel-Vorfor- forme d’anneau intérieur (152) ;
men und der Harzinfusion zu verhindern. la fourniture d’une pluralité de préformes
d’aubes (156) comprenant un matériau à ren-
11. Verfahren nach einem der vorhergehenden Ansprü- 55 forcement de fibres agençant la pluralité de pré-
che, wobei das Faserverstärkungsmaterial für die formes d’aubes autour de la préforme d’anneau
Vielzahl von Leitschaufel-Vorformen ein Bindemittel intérieur, et la connexion de chacune de la plu-
umfasst, und wobei das Verfahren das Bereitstellen ralité de préformes d’aubes à la préforme d’an-

27 EP 3 795 330 B1 28

neau intérieur en utilisant un procédé de jonction prendre des ouvertures et dans lequel des régions
de fibres ; creuses vides des préformes d’aubes correspondant
l’enroulement d’un matériau à renforcement de aux aubes creuses vides sont agencées pour s’ali-
fibres autour de la pluralité de préformes gner avec les ouvertures de la préforme d’anneau
d’aubes pour former une préforme d’anneau ex- 5 intérieur.
térieur (154) et la connexion de la préforme d’an-
neau extérieur à chacune de la pluralité de pré- 9. Procédé selon l’une quelconque des revendications
formes d’aubes en utilisant un procédé de jonc- précédentes, comprenant l’usinage de la pluralité de
tion de fibres pour produire une préforme de performes d’aube pour former et/ou finir un centre
couronne d’aubes de stator (150) ; et 10 creux dans au moins l’une des performes d’aube
l’infusion d’une résine thermodurcissable dans après durcissement de la résine.
la préforme de couronne d’aube de stator et le
durcissement de la résine pour former la cou- 10. Procédé selon l’une quelconque des revendications
ronne d’aube de stator intégrée ; précédentes, dans lequel le matériau à renforce-
caractérisé en ce que 15 ment de fibres pour la performe d’anneau intérieur
la connexion de chaque préforme d’aube à l’an- comprend un liant, et dans lequel le procédé com-
neau intérieur comprend la bifurcation de la pré- prend l’activation d’un liant sur la préforme d’anneau
forme d’aube au niveau d’une extrémité d’an- intérieur pour stabiliser l’anneau intérieur en appli-
neau intérieur et la connexion des extrémités quant de la chaleur avant d’agencer les préformes
bifurquées de la préforme d’aube à la préforme 20 d’aube autour de la préforme d’anneau intérieur, de
d’anneau intérieur en utilisant un procédé de manière à inhiber la déformation de la préforme d’an-
jonction de fibres. neau intérieur lors de l’agencement ultérieur des pré-
formes d’aube et de l’infusion de résine.
2. Procédé selon la revendication 1, dans lequel le ma-
tériau à renforcement de fibres pour la préforme 25 11. Procédé selon l’une quelconque des revendications
d’anneau intérieur et/ou la préforme d’anneau exté- précédentes, dans lequel le matériau à renforce-
rieur est un tissu comprenant une armure bidimen- ment de fibres pour la pluralité de préformes d’aubes
sionnelle ou une armure tridimensionnelle. comprend un liant, et dans lequel le procédé com-
prend la fourniture de préformes d’aubes stabilisées
3. Procédé selon la revendication 1 ou 2, dans lequel 30 de manière à inhiber la déformation des préformes
la fourniture de la pluralité de préformes d’aube com- d’aubes lors de l’agencement ultérieur des préfor-
prend la fourniture d’au moins une préforme d’aube mes d’aubes et de l’infusion de résine.
12. Procédé selon l’une quelconque des revendications
4. Procédé selon la revendication 3, dans lequel la four- 35 précédentes, dans lequel la connexion de chaque
niture de la préforme d’aube creuse comprend l’en- préforme d’aube à l’anneau extérieur comprend la
roulement d’un matériau à renforcement de fibres bifurcation de la préforme d’aube à une extrémité
autour d’un noyau central. d’anneau extérieur et la connexion des extrémités
bifurquées de la préforme d’aube à la préforme d’an-
5. Procédé selon la revendication 3 ou 4, dans lequel 40 neau extérieur en utilisant un procédé de jonction de
la préforme d’aube creuse est remplie d’un noyau fibres.
central d’un matériau différent.
13. Procédé selon l’une quelconque des revendications
6. Procédé selon l’une quelconque des revendications précédentes, comprenant la connexion de plis auxi-
3 à 5, dans lequel la préforme d’aube creuse com- 45 liaires du matériau à renforcement de fibres entre
prend des tiges de carbone prédurcies dans un chacune de la pluralité de préformes d’aubes sur les
noyau central. extrémités bifurquées de chacune des préformes
d’aubes en utilisant un procédé de jonction de fibres,
7. Procédé selon l’une quelconque des revendications avant infusion et durcissement de la résine.
4 à 5, dans lequel le noyau central comprend un 50
matériau sacrificiel comportant un point de fusion 14. Couronne d’aubes de stator intégrée en composite
inférieur à 230 degrés centigrades, et dans lequel le renforcé de fibres infusées thermodurcissables,
procédé comprend la fusion du noyau central après structurelle (50) pour une entrée de noyau, un con-
durcissement de la résine pour former une aube duit de dérivation ou une entrée d’air d’un moteur à
creuse vide. 55 turbine à gaz fabriqué selon un procédé de l’une
quelconque des revendications précédentes ; la
8. Procédé selon la revendication 7, dans lequel la pré- couronne d’aubes de stator comprenant :
forme d’anneau intérieur est enroulée pour com-

29 EP 3 795 330 B1 30

un anneau intérieur (52) ;

un anneau extérieur (54) concentrique avec
l’anneau intérieur ; et
une pluralité d’aubes (106) disposées entre l’an-
neau intérieur et l’anneau extérieur et connec- 5
tées intégralement à l’anneau intérieur et à l’an-
neau extérieur formant une structure monolithi-











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This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
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Patent documents cited in the description

• US 20130156594 A1 [0002]


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