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• Concurrent Engineering
• Rapid prototyping: concepts, processes and
• Tools for product design – Drafting /
Modelling software.
• Patents & IP Acts. Overview, Disclosure

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Concurrent Engineering
• Concurrent engineering is a business strategy
which replaces the traditional product
development process with one in which tasks are
done in parallel and there is an early consideration
for every aspect of a product's development
• This strategy focuses on the optimization and
distribution of a firm's resources in the design and
development process to ensure effective and
efficient product development process.

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Concurrent Engineering
• “The simultaneous performance of product
design and process design.
• Typically, concurrent engineering involves the
formation of cross-functional teams.
• This allows engineers and managers of
different disciplines to work together
simultaneously in developing product and
process design.

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Concurrent Engineering

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Concurrent Engineering
• Concurrent engineering methodologies permit
the separate tasks of the product development
process to be carried out simultaneously rather
than sequentially.
• Potential problems in fabrication, assembly,
support and quality are identified and resolved
early in the design process.

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Concurrent Engineering
• Concurrent Engineering is a strategy where all the
tasks involved in product development are done in
• Collaboration between all individuals, groups and
departments within a company.
– Customer research
– Designers
– Marketing
– Accounting
– Engineering

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Need of Concurrent Engineering
• React to the changing market needs rapidly,
effectively, and responsively.
• To reduce their time to market and adapt to the
changing environments.
• Decisions must be made quickly and they must be
done right the first time out.
• Concurrent engineering is a process that must be
reviewed and adjusted for continuous
improvements of engineering and business

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Advantages of Concurrent Engineering
• Decrease in time to market.
• Reduces Capital investment by 20% or more.
• Continuous improvement of product quality.
• Increases Product Life Cycle Profitability.
• Increased productivity
• Faster product development
• Less work in progress
• Reduces/eliminates repetition of tasks
• Reduces waste and reworking of design
• Company operates more efficiently
• Reduced Design and Development Times

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Disadvantages of concurrent
• Since the designer would no longer be king. There
would be lot of ideas ( for product) floating
around from manufacturing, quality, service
causing ego issues.
• There is always a tendency of the respective
teams to protect their areas. For eg.
Manufacturing engineers might not easily accept
a change in design which increases performance
but reduces manufacturability.
• The quality of ideas generated can go down.

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Rapid Prototyping
• Rapid Prototyping technology employs various
engineering e.g. computer control and software
techniques including laser, optical scanning,
photosensitive polymers, material extrusion
and deposition, powder metallurgy etc. to
directly produce a physical model layer by
layer (Layer Manufacturing) in accordance
with the geometrical data delivered from a 3D
CAD model.

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Differences between conventional machining
and rapid prototyping

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Need of RPT/Advantages
• Prototyping can improve the quality of requirements
and specifications provided to developers.
• Reduced time
• Reduced cost
• Complex designs which are difficult in conventional
methods is possible
• Users are actively involved in the development.
• Quicker user feedback is available leading to better
• Errors can be detected much earlier.
• Missing functionality can be identified easily

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Disadvantages of RPT
• High precision RP machines are still expensive.
• RP systems are difficult to build parts with
accuracy under +/- 0.02mm and wall thickness
under 0.5mm.
• The physical properties of the RP parts are
normally inferior to those samples that made in
proper materials and by the traditional tooling.
• The RP parts are not comparable to (CNC)
prototype parts in the surface finishing, strength,
elasticity, reflective index and other material
physical properties

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Workflow of RP processes
• All RP techniques employ the basic five-steps
– Create a CAD model of the design.
– Convert the CAD model to STL format.
– Slice the STL file into thin cross-sectional layers.
– Construct the model one layer atop another.
– Clean and finish the model.

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Workflow of RP processes

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1. CAD Model Creation
• First, the object to be built is modeled using a
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software
• Solid modelers, such as Pro/ENGINEER, tend
to represent 3-D objects more accurately than
wire-frame modelers such as AutoCAD, and
will therefore yield better results.

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2. Conversion to STL Format
• To establish consistency, the STL format has been
adopted as the standard of the rapid prototyping
• The second step, therefore, is to convert the CAD
file into STL format. This format represents a
three-dimensional surface as an assembly of
planar triangles
• STL files use planar elements, they cannot
represent curved surfaces exactly.
• Increasing the number of triangles improves the

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3. Slice the STL File
• In the third step, a pre-processing program prepares the
STL(Standard Triangulated Language) file to be built.
• The pre-processing software slices the STL model into
a number of layers from 0.01 mm to 0.7 mm thick,
depending on the build technique(G Code Generation
using software like Maker ware,Slicr)
• The program may also generate an auxiliary structure to
support the model during the build.
• Supports are useful for delicate features such as
overhangs, internal cavities, and thin-walled sections.

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4. Layer by Layer Construction
• The fourth step is the actual construction of the
• RP machines build one layer at a time from
polymers, paper, or powdered metal.
• Most machines are fairly autonomous, needing
little human intervention.

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5. Clean and Finish
• The final step is post-processing. This involves
removing the prototype from the machine and
detaching any supports.
• Some photosensitive materials need to be fully
cured before use
• Prototypes may also require minor cleaning
and surface treatment.
• Sanding, sealing, and/or painting the model
will improve its appearance and durability.

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Types of RPT
• Liquid Based
– Liquid-based RP systems have the initial form of its material in liquid
– Through a process commonly known as curing ,the liquid is converted
into the solid state.
– Eg:Stereolithography
• Solid Based
– Except for powder, solid-based RP systems are meant to encompass all
forms of material in the solid state.
– Eg: Fused Deposition Modeling, Laminated Object Manufacturing
• Powder Based
– However, it is intentionally created as a category outside the solid-
based RP systems to mean powder in grain-like form.
– Eg: Selective Laser Sintering, Laser Engineered Net Shaping

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Fused Deposition Modelling
• Fused deposition modeling (FDM):- FDM
works on an "additive" principle by laying
down material in layers; a plastic filament or
metal wire is unwound from a coil and
supplies material to produce a part

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Fused Deposition Modelling
• The FDM technique relies on melting and selectively
depositing a thin filament of thermoplastic polymer
(ABS - engineering and medical grade - plastic,
Polycarbonate and investment casting wax) in a cross-
hatching fashion to form each layer of the part.
• The material is in the form of a wire supplied in sealed
spools which is mounted on the machine and the wire is
threaded through the FDM head.
• The head is moved in the horizontal X and Y directions
for producing each layer through zigzag movements.
• The supporting table moves in the vertical direction and
is lowered after the completion of each layer.

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Fused Deposition Modelling
• Here, a spool of thermoplastic filament is fed into a heated extrusion
head with a narrow nozzle.
• The x and y movements of the nozzle are controlled by a computer,
so that the exact outline of each layer is obtained.
• The filament is unwound from a coil and gets melted and extruded
as a continuous thread of polymer to produce a layer.
• Each layer is formed by depositing the molten thermoplastic
material as per the outline of the layer.
• The subsequent layers are bonded to the earlier ones by heating.
• The method is also known as Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF). A
wide range of durable thermoplastics like PLA, ABS, PVA,
polycarbonate etc. are used as the material in this process.

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Fused Deposition Modelling
• For certain shapes, a support structure may be
needed and this is provided by a second nozzle
squeezing out a similar thread of molten material.
• The material extruded by the second nozzle is
usually given a different color.
• By using different colors, the actual object and the
support material can be easily distinguished.
• At the end of the build process, the support
structure is broken away and discarded to take out
the object.

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Fused Deposition Modelling(FDM)

Advantages Disadvantages
• No post curing. • Not good for small features,
• Variety of materials. details and thin walls.
• Easy material changeover. • Surface finish.
• Office environment friendly. • Supports required on some
• Low end, economical materials / geometries.
machines. • Support design / integration
/ removal is difficult.
• Weak Z-axis.
• Slow on large / dense parts

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Intellectual Property
• Intellectual property is the product or creation of the
• It is different from other properties in term that it is
“intangible”. Hence it needs some different way for
its protection.
• IPR (Intellectual Property Right) is the body of law
developed to protect the creative people who have
disclosed their invention for the benefit of mankind.
• This protects their invention from being copied or
imitated without their consent.

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Intellectual Property
• Intellectual property refers to the legally
protectable ideas, concepts, names, designs, and
processes associated with a new product.
• Intellectual property can be one of the most
valuable assets of firms.
• Unlike physical property, intellectual property
cannot be secured with lock and key to prevent its
unwanted transfer.
• Therefore, legal mechanisms have been
developed to protect the rights of intellectual
property owners.

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Types of intellectual property

• Patent
• Trademark
• Trade secret
• Copyright

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Types of intellectual property
• Patent:
– A patent is a grant from the government which confers
on the guarantee for a limited period of time the
exclusive privilege of making, selling and using the
invention for which a patent has been granted.
• Trademark:
– Exclusive right given by government to the trademark
owner to use a specific name or symbol in association
with a class of product or process.
– Normally trademarks are typically brands or product

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Types of intellectual property
• Trade Secret:
– A trade secret is a information used in a trade or business that offers its
owner a competitive advantage and that can be kept as secret.
– A symbol, logo, word, sound, color, design, or other device that is used
to identify a business or a product in commerce.
• Different Symbols are :
– ™ Intent to use application filed for product
– SM Intent to use application filed for services

• Copyright:
– Exclusive right granted by the government to copy and distribute an
original work of expression, whether literature, graphics, music, art,
entertainment, or software.
– Registration of a copyright is possible but not necessary.
– Can Lasts up to 95years

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Types of Patent
• Two basic types
– Design patents
– Utility patents
• Design type:
– Design patent provides legal right to exclude someone
from producing and selling of a product.
• Utility type:
– Patenting of an invention that relates to a new process
machine, article of manufacture, composition of
matter, or a new and useful improvements.

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• In India the grant of patents is governed by the

patent Act 1970 and Rules 1972.
• The patents granted under the act are operative
in the whole of India.
– The Patent Law of 1856
– The Patent and Designs Act, 1911.
– The Patents Act, 1970 and Rules 1972
– The Patent amendment act 2005

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What can be patented?
• The invention must fall into one of the five
“statutory classes’: Processes, Machines ,
Manufactures, Compositions of matter, and
New uses of any of the above
• The invention must be “useful”
• The invention must be “novel”
• The invention must be “non-obvious’

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What can be patented?
– The patented invention must be useful to someone in some
– Novel inventions are those that are not known publicly
– Invention must not be published in India or elsewhere
– Invention must not be in prior public knowledge or prior public
use with in India
• Nonobvious:
– Patent law defines obvious inventions as those that would be
clearly evident to those with “ordinary skill in the art” who faced
the same problem as the inventor.
– Ex: cloth hanger

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Rights of a patentee

Right to exploit the patent.

– The patentee has a right to prevent 3rd parties, from
exploiting the patented invention.
Right to grant license.
– The patentee has a power to assign rights or grant license.
Right to surrender.
– The patentee is given the right to surrender the patent by
giving notice in prescribed manner to the controller.
Right to sue for infringement.
– A patentee is given the right to institute proceeding for
infringement of the patent in a district court .

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Drafting or Modeling Software
• ProE
• Autocad
• Solidworks
• Creo

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Features of Modeling Software
• 2D Drawings(To manufacturing section)
• Part by Part Modeling
• Assembly of Parts
• Animation
• Analysis(Load/Stress ,Thermal ,etc.)

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Patent Disclosure Preparation
• The disclosure will be in the form of a patent
application, which can serve as a provisional
patent application and with relatively little
additional work could be a regular patent
• We can approach patent attorney for filing the
disclosure, however it is recommend that
inventor draft the disclosure and revise by

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Steps Involved in Patent Disclosure
• Step1: Formulate a strategy and plan
• Step2: Study prior inventions
• Step3: Outline claims
• Step4: Write the specification (description) of
the invention
• Step5: Refine claims
• Step6: Pursue application
• Step7: Reflect on the results and the process

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Step1: Formulate a strategy and plan
• While formulating a patent, the team should
decide on three important factors
– Timing of the filing of a patent application
– Type of application to be filed
– Scope of the application
• Timing of the filing of a patent application:
– Legally, patent application must be filed within one
year of the first disclosure of an invention.
– Although it is recommend that filing precede
disclosure, the inventor usually benefits by delaying
the application until just before such disclosure.

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Step1: Formulate a strategy and plan
• Type of application:
– First, the team must decide whether to file a regular patent application
or a provisional patent application.
– Secondly team should decide whether to file domestic and/or foreign
• A provisional patent application needs only to fully describe the
invention, it does not need to contain claims or comply with the
formal structure.
• The principal advantage of a provisional patent application is that it
requires less cost and effort to prepare and file than a regular patent
• Disadvantages are
– Delays the eventual issuance by one year,
– Cannot add details in later(regular patent application) .

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Step1: Formulate a strategy and plan
• Scope of Application
• The team should evaluate the overall product
design and decide which embody inventions that
are likely to be patentable.
• Complex products often embody several
inventions, As a results team may need to file
multiple applications.
• While defining the scope of the patent, the team
should also consider who the inventors are.

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Step 2: Study prior inventions
• What is Prior art?
– Firstly by studying prior patent literature, design teams can learn
whether an invention may infringe on existing unexpired patents.
– Secondly by studying the prior art, the inventors gets a sense
how similar their invention to the prior invention and how likely
they are to be granted a patent.
– Third the team will develop background knowledge enabling the
members to craft a novel claims.
• Some of the sources information on prior inventions
– Existing and historical product literature.
– Patent searches
– Technical and trade publications

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Step3: Outline claims
• Issuance of a patent gives the owner a legal right
to exclude others from infringing on the invention
specifically described in the patent’s claims.
• Claims describe certain characteristics of the
• They are written in formal legal language and
must adhere to some rules of composition.
• At this point , team benefits from thinking
carefully about what it believes is unique about
the invention.

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Step 4: Write the Description of the
• It is the body of the patent application as it
describes the invention.
• Description must present the invention in
enough detail that someone with “ordinary
skill in the art” could implement the invention.
• The description should be a marketing
document in promoting the value of the
invention and the weakness in existing

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Step 4: Write the Description of the
A typical description includes the following elements:
– Title
– List of inventors
– Field of the invention
– Background of the invention
– Summary of the invention
– Brief description of the drawings
– Detailed description of the invention
Further discussion of detailed description includes
– Figures
– Writing the detailed description
– Defensive disclosure

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Step 4: Write the Description of the
• Title:
– Provide a short descriptive label for the invention, for example, “Recyclable
Corrugated Beverage Container and Holder.”
• List of inventors:
– All inventors must be listed.
– A person should be listed as an inventor if he or she originated any of the
inventions claimed in the application.
– There are no legal limits to the number of inventors and no requirements about
the order in which inventors are listed.
– A failure to list an inventor could result in a patent eventually being declared
not valid.
• Field of the invention:
– Explain what type of device, product, machine, or method this invention relates
to. For example, the Coffin patent reads, “This invention relates to insulating
containers, and especially to those which are recyclable and made of cellulosic

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Step 4: Write the Description of the
• Background of the invention:
– State the problem that the invention solves.
– Explain the context for the problem, what is wrong with existing solutions, why
a new solution is needed, and what advantages are offered by the invention.
• Summary of the invention:
– This section should present the substance of the invention in summarized form.
– The summary may point out the advantages of the invention and how it solves
the problems described in the background.
• Brief description of the drawings:
– List the figures in the description along with a brief description of each
• Detailed description of the invention:
– This section of the description is usually the most comprehensive and contains
detailed descriptions of embodiments of the invention along with an
explanation of how these embodiments work.

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Step5: Refine claims
• The claims are a set of numbered phrases that precisely define the
elements of the invention.
• These claims are basis for all offensive rights.
• Writing the claims:
• Although claims must be expressed verbally, they adhere to a strict
mathematical logic.
• X=A+B+C…….., where A=u+v+w…, B=….,
• Multiple claims are arranged in hierarchically into independent
claims and dependent claims.
• Independent claims stand alone and forms root nodes of hierarchy
• Dependent claims always add restriction to an independent claim.

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Step6: Pursue application
• Once an invention disclosure is prepared, the
team can proceed in four different ways
– The team can file a provisional patent application
– The team may file a regular patent application
– The team may file a Patent Cooperation
– The team can defer application indefinitely

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Step7: Reflect on the results and the
• What are the essential and distinctive features of
the product concept?
• Are these features reflected in the description of
the invention and in claims?
• Timing of the future required actions
• What did the team learn about the prior art that
may inform future product development
• Did the team begin the process too early or too
late? What is the ideal timing for next effort?

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Obtaining A Patent
• File an application for patent
– With one of the patent offices based on territorial
jurisdiction of the place of office or residence of
the applicant /agent
– Pay the required fee
• Information concerning application form and
details of fee available at
• Guidelines for applicants also available on this

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Formality Check
• An Examiner checks the formal requirements
before accepting the application and the fee –
this is done immediately
• Issue of application number and the cash
receipt – this is done the same day
• In case of receipt of application by post, cash
receipt, application number is sent by post
within 2- 3 days

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• Application is kept secret for a period of 18
months from the date of filing
• In 19th month, the application is published in
the official journal – this journal is made
available on the website weekly
• Applicant has an option to get his application
published before 18 months also
• In that case, application is published within
one month of the request

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Request for Examination
• Application is examined on request
• Request for examination can be made either by
the applicant or by a third party
• A period of 48 months, from the date of filing,
is available for making request for examination

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• Application is sent to an Examiner within 1
month from the date of request for
• Examiner undertakes examination w.r.t
– whether the claimed invention is not prohibited
for grant of patent
– whether the invention meets the criteria of

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Issue of FER
• A period of 1 to 3 months is available to
Examiner to submit the report to the Controller
• 1 month’s time available to Controller to verify
the Examiner’s report
• First Examination Report (FER) containing list
of the objections is issued within 6 months
from the date of filing of request

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Response from the Applicant
• 12 months’ time, from the date of issue of
FER, is available to the applicant to meet the
• If objections are met, grant of patent is
approved by the Controller – within a period of
1 month

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Pre-grant Opposition
• After publication, an opposition can be filed
within a period of 6 months
• Opportunity of hearing the opponent is also

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Examination of Pre-grant
• Opposition (documents) is sent to the applicant
• A period of 3 months is allowed for receipt of

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Consideration of
Pre-grant Opposition
• After examining the opposition and the
submissions made during the hearing,
Controller may
– Either reject the opposition and grant the patent
– Or accept the opposition and modify/reject the
patent application
• This is to be done within a period of 1 month
from the date of completion of opposition

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Grant of a Patent
• A certificate of patent is issued within 7 days
• Grant of patent is published in the official

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