2B юнит 3

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Unit 3
The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes.

v. to talk ____________________________
v. to speak__________________________

These two verbs are very similar and sometimes either can be used.
There is no difference between to speak to someone and to talk to someone.
But we say : to speak a language NOT talk a language
to speak well / badly NOT talk well/ badly

NB. speak to someone / talk to someone NOT speak/talk with someone

"Can I speak to Dan please?”

My little girl has just started to talk.

Q. What languages can you speak?

Q. Do you talk too much when you are drunk?
Q. When was the last time you talked to your family?
Q. Who do you talk to about your personal problems?
We can hear news
n. journalist _______________________________ reports on radio and
v. to report ________________________________ television, or we can read
n. report___________________________________ them in newspapers.
Journalists report the
He refused to say anything in reply to the journalists' news.
I want you to report (to me) on progress (= on what
you have done) every Friday. (verb) Idiom
Miss the boat
Q. Would you like to be a journalist? It's too late
Q. Do you think that reporting the news is an He missed the boat when
interesting job? he did not apply for the
job in time.
Q. Do newspaper reports always tell the truth?
If you don't pay attention
Q. What kind of reports do you like reading in a
in class, you'll miss the
newspaper? boat and do badly in your
Q. Did you use to get a school report from your exams.
teachers when you were a child?
Q. How do you feel when you read reports about

v. to repeat__________________________________
n. repeat_____________________________________
n. repetition_________________________________

If you repeat something you do it again.

If you repeat words you say the same words again.
Repeats are old programmes that have been on TV before.
eg. I had to repeat my last year at university because I failed all my exams.
I’m sorry, I didn’t hear your name. Can you repeat it please?

Q. Do you repeat what your teacher says?

Q. Did you ever have to repeat a piece of homework at school because it wasn’t good
Q. Do you like watching repeats on television?
Q. Do they often repeat the same films every year at Christmas in your country?

Reported Speech (1)

n. speech marks ‘ ’

1. Direct speech - we repeat the same words using speech marks:

eg. ‘I am sorry,’ he said.
NB. Direct speech is often used in newspapers and books.

2. Reported speech - to give the general meaning of what people have said
eg. Direct speech = ‘I am sorry,’ he said.
Reported Speech = He said that he was sorry.

A. If you are reporting what someone else has said you must use he, she or
they as the subject.
B. We often use that in reported speech.
C. The verb must be in the past.

Remember: When we use reported speech we put the tenses into the past.

present simple - past simple

present perfect - past perfect (had + past participle)
will - would = past of will
present continuous - past continuous


«Direct speech» или прямая речь — это слова какого-либо человека,

передаваемые буквально так, как они и были произнесены. На письме прямая
речь выделяется кавычками, а после слов, вводящих прямую речь, ставится
She says, "The lessons begin at 9 o’clock." – Она говорит: «Занятия начинаются в
9 часов».
«Indirect speech» («reported speech») или косвенная речь — это речь,
передаваемая не слово в слово, а только по содержанию, в виде
дополнительных придаточных предложений. При этом запятая, отделяющая
слова говорящего от прямой речи, и кавычки, в которые взята прямая речь,
В прямой речи человек обычно говорит от первого лица. Но в косвенной речи
мы не можем говорить от лица этого человека. Поэтому мы меняем «я»
на третье лицо.
She said, "I will buy a dress." – Она сказала: «Я куплю платье».
She said that she would buy a dress. – Она сказала, что купит платье.

Если в главном предложении глагол-сказуемое стоит в прошедшем времени

(Past Simple), то при переводе прямой речи в косвенную соблюдаются
правила согласования времен, и перед косвенной речью ставится союз
«that», который после глаголов «say», «know», «think» и т. п. может быть
Direct speech: She said, "The lessons begin at 9 o’clock." – Она сказала: «Занятия
начинаются в 9 часов».
Indirect speech: She said (that) the lessons began at 9 o’clock. – Она сказала, что
занятия начинаются в 9 часов.

Direct Speech Reported Speech

I am very angry,’ he said. He said that he was very angry.
present simple past simple
‘I will come,’ she said. She said that he would come.
future simple would = past of will
We have been in London for a year. They said that they had been in
present perfect London for a year.
past perfect (had + past participle)
I am going to Cuba next year. He said that he was going to Cuba next
present continuous year.
past continuous


Change these sentences from direct into reported speech.

D. ‘I don’t come to school on Tuesdays,’ she said.
R. She said that ______________________________________________________________________________
D. ‘I want to go to Paris on holiday,’ she said.
R. She said that ______________________________________________________________________________
D. ‘I have never been to Germany,’ he said.
R. He said that _______________________________________________________________________________
D. ‘I’ll speak to John soon,’ he said.
R. He said that _______________________________________________________________________________

Q. What is his/her mother’s name? – Ask.

Q. What did he/she say?
Q. Where is he/she from? - Ask.
Q. What did he/she say?
Q. Where is he/she living? - Ask.
Q. What did he/she say?
Q. Has he/she ever studied Geography? - Ask.
Q. What did he/she say?
Q. Has he/she ever been to America? - Ask.
Q. What did he/she say?
Q. Will he/she be here tomorrow? - Ask.
Q. What did he/she say?

say and tell________________________________________

We can use both say and tell in reported speech.

The difference between say and tell is:

1. You say something (to someone).

eg. ‘I am very good at English,’ he said (to his friend).
The teacher always says hello at the beginning of the lesson.

2. You tell someone something.

eg. He told me his age.
He told me that he came from Spain.
NB. We never use to tell in direct speech.
We must use an object with tell.
We don’t have to use an object with say.
eg. He said his name was Pedro.
He told his name was Pedro.

Use say or tell in these sentences
1. What is the first word children usually learn to _________________________.?

2. You never ____________________________. me the truth. You are such a liar!

3. ‘I won’t go,’ Peter ________________________ to his friend.

4. ‘It is late. I have to go to bed’ he ___________________________.

5. My parents _____________________ me stories when I was a child.

6. He ______________________ that he would come to the party.

7. ‘I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening. What did you ______________________?’

8. Could you _____________________________ me what time the train leaves please?

These sentences are in reported speech; write what the speaker said.

1. My brother told me that he would be late.


2. He told me he was studying at Avalon School.


3. My friend told me that he had never been to Brazil.


4. He told me that he liked Italian food.


Motivation is what sets you in motion, habit is what keeps you going

v. to depend on + noun it depends (on) ... what / where / how / who

Whether or not we go to Mexico for our holiday depends on the cost.

Q. Are you going on holiday this year?
Q. Are we going to the beach tomorrow?
Q. Does happiness depend on money?
Q. What else does it depend on?
Q. What does a good party depend on?
Answer these questions with it depends on ...
Q. What clothes do you like wearing?
Q. What music do you like listening to?
Q. How much money do you take on holiday?
Q. What time do you get up in the morning?
v. to collect _______________________________________
n. collection________________________________________
n. hobby = things you enjoy doing in your free time (not sports)
n. avocation_____________________________________

eg. My father collects stamps as a hobby.

a private art collection____________________________________

a valuable stamp collection______________________________
Q. Do you have any hobbies?
Q. What do postmen collect from post boxes?
Q. What kind of things do people collect as a hobby?
Q. Where can you find collections of famous paintings?
Q. Do you have to be very rich to collect famous paintings?
Q. Give me an example of a common hobby in your country?

v. to taste______________________________
n. taste_________________________________

I love the taste of garlic. (noun)

What is this? I've never tasted anything like it.
Q. Do you like the taste of:
black coffee? Francois Pinault
Q. Have you ever tasted snails? Collection value: $1.4
Q. Do you think you would like the taste? billion
Q. Do you think onion ice-cream would taste nice? Personal wealth: $14
Q. Have you ever had a meal in a restaurant that tasted billion
really horrible? Small beginnings can
Q. What is one of the worst things you have ever tasted? lead to very big things.
Francois Pinault began
his career chopping
expr. to have good / bad taste in something wood in 1963. He got
smart fast, turning this
If you have good taste, you can buy things from any century profession into a large
or style. timber import/export
Q. Do you have the same taste in music as your parents? business. The company
Q. Give me an example of someone who has good taste in: floated on the French
clothes. stock exchange in
music. 1988.
Q. Do very rich people always have good taste?
Q. Do your parents like your taste in clothes?


Translate the sentences

1. Я не учил Итальянский в школе, он мне не нравился.


2. Занимайся своим делом и не беспокой меня.


3. Какой совет он тебе дал?


4. Она плохо объяснила, что делать, никто ничего не понял.


5. Что ты обычно делаешь на уроке?


adj. formal____________________________________________
adj. informal (uncountable)________________________ People wear formal clothes
n. uniform_____________________________________________ to work or job interviews,
weddings etc.
n. suit__________________________________________________
People wear informal
clothes in their free time.
Q. What kind of people have to wear uniforms?
Q. Did you have to wear a uniform to school?
Q. Describe it.
Q. What kind of clothes would you wear to:
a job interview?
the pub?
Q. Have you ever been to a formal dinner party?
Q. What did you wear?
Q. Are your birthday parties usually formal or informal?

We use formal English when we write business letters or talk to business people, and
informal English when we write or talk to friends and family.

v. to introduce someone (to someone else)___________________________________

When we meet someone for the first time, we can introduce ourselves formally
or informally, depending on who we are talking to.

Formal: Informal:
‘How do you do?’ ‘Hi.’
‘Pleased to meet you, my name is ... ‘How’s it going?’ (to someone you already

Q. What do you do when you meet someone for the first time?
Q. Do you ever introduce yourself to people at parties?
Q. Introduce yourselves to each other:
a. formally.
b. informally.
Q. Would you use formal or informal English to introduce:
a. yourself to my mother?
b. your friends to each other?
Q. Have you ever introduced yourself to a famous person?

Formal English Informal English

How do you do? Whats up?

Give my regards to Say hello to

Receive Get

Apologize Say sorry

n. conversation_________________________________________
v/n. chat (informal)___________________________________

When two people talk to each other about something, they have a conversation.

She spends hours on the phone chatting to her friends

Why don't you give me a call and we'll have a chat?
Q. Can you understand two English people having a
Q. Have you ever had a long conversation in English?
Q. Do you enjoy chatting to friends in the pub?
Q. Do teenagers spend a long time chatting to each other on
the phone?
Q. How often do you have a chat with your family?

adj. attractive (formal) ____________________________________

adj. good-looking (informal)_______________________________

Spending twelve hours on a plane isn't a very attractive (=

pleasant) prospect.
Q. Give me an example of a really good-looking film star.
Q. Do you think men with make-up look attractive?
Q. Which is more important, to be good-looking or to be honest?

n. modal verbs (mod v.)

Here are some modal verbs you know: must - have to/had to - can/could
A modal verb does not express an action. It changes the meaning of the sentence.
eg. Children go to school every day. (a habit)
Children must go to school every day. (a rule)
NB. We use the infinitive (without to) after a modal verb.

Q. What are the modal verbs we have studied?

Q. Make a sentence with a modal verb.

mod v. should _________________

mod v. should not (shouldn’t)

We use should to express the meaning of ‘it is better if we do something’.

We have a choice, but one choice is better than the other.
eg. People should help each other - People don’t have to help each other but it is
better if they do.
You should phone your mother more often, she is lonely.
You shouldn’t smoke, it is bad for your health.

Q. Should children watch violent television?

Q. What should you say when someone gives you a present?
Q. Do you think you should call your parents more often?
Q. Do you think you should study English at home?
Q. Do you know any famous people who should lose weight?
Q. Do you think parents should leave young children on their own?

must and should

Look at these two sentences.
eg. You should give up smoking, it is very unhealthy.
You must give up smoking, you are very ill.

Choose must or should for these sentences.
You _______________________________ not drive on your own before passing your test.
You ________________________. eat less fat because it is very unhealthy.
People _______________________ not get married until you are 16 in the UK.
People ______________________ not get married if they are not really in love.
You ______________________ call your grandmother more often, she is lonely.
Children _______________________ not eat sweets every day.
You ._______________________. not smoke when you see a No Smoking sign.

Name _____________________________

Date ______________________________
Homework 1

Report what the witnesses told the police.

1 ‘We saw the burglars in the office,’ said Mrs Reid.

Mrs Reid told _____________________________________________________________________________ .

2 ‘I have never been witness to a crime before,’ said Mr Ross.

Mr Ross said _____________________________________________________________________________ .

3 ‘I feel very frightened,’ said Miss Hill.

Miss Hill said _____________________________________________________________________________ .

4 ‘I’m still shaking,’ added Miss Hill.

Miss Hill added ___________________________________________________________________________ .

5 ‘I can’t stop thinking about the burglary,’ said Mrs Reid.

Mrs Reid said _____________________________________________________________________________ .

6 ‘I haven’t been to the office since the burglary,’ added Mrs Reid.

Mrs Reid added __________________________________________________________________________ .

Report the statements.

1 ‘I feel ill,’ said Eva.

Eva said __________________________________________________________________________________ .

2 ‘I’ve contacted the police, Jon,’ said Reece.

Reece told Jon that _______________________________________________________________________ .

3 ‘I found the weapon in the kitchen,’ said the detective.

The detective said ________________________________________________________________________ .

4 ‘I’m waiting for the court case to end, Tim,’ said Jo.

Jo told Tim that ___________________________________________________________________________ .

5 ‘I didn’t go out last night,’ she said.

She said _________________________________________________________________________________ .


Name _____________________________
Homework 2
Date ______________________________

Change this direct speech into reported speech:

1. “He works in a bank”
She said _____________________________________________________________________________________
2. “We went out last night”
She told me _________________________________________________________________________________
3. “I’m coming!”
She said _____________________________________________________________________________________
4. “I was waiting for the bus when he arrived”
She told me ________________________________________________________________________________
5. “ I’d never been there before”
She said ____________________________________________________________________________________
6. “I didn’t go to the party”
She told me ________________________________________________________________________________
7. “Lucy’ll come later”
She said ____________________________________________________________________________________
8. “He hasn’t eaten breakfast”
She told me ________________________________________________________________________________
9. “I can help you tomorrow”
She said ____________________________________________________________________________________
10. “You should go to bed early”
She told me ________________________________________________________________________________
11. “I don’t like chocolate”
She told me ________________________________________________________________________________
12. “I won’t see you tomorrow”
She said ____________________________________________________________________________________
13. “She’s living in Paris for a few months”
She said ____________________________________________________________________________________
14. “I visited my parents at the weekend”
She told me ________________________________________________________________________________
15. “She hasn’t eaten sushi before”
She said ____________________________________________________________________________________
16. “I hadn’t travelled by underground before I came to London”
She said ____________________________________________________________________________________
17. “They would help if they could”
She said ____________________________________________________________________________________
18. “I’ll do the washing-up later”
She told me ________________________________________________________________________________
19. “He could read when he was three”
She said ____________________________________________________________________________________
20. “I was sleeping when Julie called”
She said ____________________________________________________________________________________

Put in ‘said’ or ‘told’:

1. Julie _____________________________ that she would join us after work.

2. She ______________________________ me that she was going running this evening.

3. John ____________________________ us that he couldn’t come to the party.

4. John ____________________________ that he had been to the cinema at the weekend.

5. She _____________________________ them she wanted to quit.

6. David ___________________________ he was going to arrive at eight.

7. They ____________________________ that they didn’t want to meet us on Tuesday.

8. I ________________________________ him I wasn’t impressed.

9. Lucy ___________________________ Julie that she was leaving on Wednesday.

10. We ___________________________ that we were going on holiday the following week.

11. Jack ___________________________ my mother he would be in Spain this week.

12. I ______________________________ that I hated mushrooms.

13. She __________________________ she loved chocolate.

14. They _________________________ they were meeting Luke today.

15. They _________________________ us they were going to the museum this afternoon.

16. He ___________________________ he wouldn’t start without us.

17. I _____________________________ them I’d bring pudding.

18. Jonathan _____________________ it would rain today.

19. They _________________________ us that it was fine to come late.

20. The boss ____________________ me that I should do some more work on this report.

Name _____________________________
Homework 3 Date ______________________________

Read the text and answer the questions

San Francisco
In June, Diane visited her friends who live in San Francisco, California. This was
Diane’s first time in the city, and she enjoyed her opportunities to walk around and explore.
On the first day of her trip, Diane visited the Golden Gate Bridge. This red suspension
bridge measures 1.7 miles in length. Diane and her friends did not walk across the bridge.
However, they viewed it from the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, which offers hiking
trails, picnicking areas, and presents spectacular views of the bridge and city. Diane and her
friends made sure to take a group photograph here, featuring the bridge in the background.
The next day, Diane and her friends visited Alcatraz Island. This island is located 1.25
miles offshore in the San Francisco Bay. It used to serve as a lighthouse, military fort, and
prison. Diane and her friends took a small tour boat across bay to reach the island. Their
visit included a guided tour through the old military base and prison. They also took a walk
around the island to appreciate some of the native wildlife in addition to the views of the
Diane and her friends spent the final day of her visit in San Francisco’s downtown
area. Diane’s favorite part of her entire trip was taking a trolley to transport her up and down
the hilly streets of San Francisco. Diane did a lot of shopping downtown on her last day. She
and her friends celebrated the end of her visit by having dinner at one of San Francisco’s
best restaurants.

What was the purpose of Diane’s visit to San Francisco, California?

Where did Diane and her friends go on the second day of her visit?

How did Diane and her friends arrive to Alcatraz Island?

What was Diane’s favorite part about her trip to San Francisco?


Name _____________________________

Homework 4 Date ______________________________

Circle the correct modal verb in each sentence.

1) My boss told me that I (have to, must) work overtime this week.

2) I (must, have to) get my hair cut before the dance.

3) She (has to, must) pay monthly rent to live in her apartment.

4) Ted’s dad said that he (must, has to) clean his room before he can play.

5) I (have to, must) buy those pretty red shoes.

6) The runner (has to, must) win the race to get a gold medal.

7) The police officer said that I (must, have to) go to jail.

8) I (must, have to) win this game of cards.

9) I (have to, must) become a tennis champion.

10) People (must, have to) eat to live.

Complete the sentences with can, can’t, could or couldn’t, could run

1 When he was young, my grandfather_______________________ (run) 12 kilometres.

2 John can’t run very fast but he ___________________________ (jump) high.

3 ______________________. you _______________________ (finish) your homework last week?

4 The dog hurt its leg and it __________________________ (walk).

5 ___________________ Tony ____________________ (find) his way to the party tonight?

6 Sorry I _________________________ (not help) you paint your house yesterday.

Complete the sentences with one of the two choices.

1. You really _______________________ watch tv this much. (shall / shouldn’t)

2. She ______________________ be at work, she always works at this time. (must / could)

3. Speak up, I ___________________ hear you! (can’t / couldn’t)

4. I ______________________ hear a word he said. (can’t / couldn’t)

5. Andrew ______________________ call his wife urgently. (must / shouldn’t)

6. Thank you for calling Zee Company, how ______________________ I help you? (can’t / may) 7.

If I go to New York, I ________________________ see the Statue of Liberty. (will / would)

8. If I went to New York, I _________________________ see the Statue of Liberty. (will / would) 9.

It ________________________ happen, but it is very unlikely. (shall / could)

10. Emma __________________________ go out tonight, her parents said no. (can’t / may)


Name _____________________________

Homework 5 Date ______________________________

Write an essay
Topic - The top three reasons that people argue are.


to talk

v. to speak

n. journalist

v. to report

n. report

v. to repeat

n. repeat

n. repetition

n. speech marks

v. to depend on

n. hobby

v. to collect

n. collection

v. to taste

n. taste

expr. to have good / bad taste in

adj. formal

adj. informal (uncountable)

n. uniform

n. suit

v. to introduce

n. conversation

v/n. chat (informal)

adj. attractive (formal)

adj. good-looking (informal)

n. modal verbs (mod v.)

mod v. should mod v. should not (shouldn’t)


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