Jyotish - Marc Boney - It Could Happen To You - The Astrology of Sudden Wealth
Jyotish - Marc Boney - It Could Happen To You - The Astrology of Sudden Wealth
Jyotish - Marc Boney - It Could Happen To You - The Astrology of Sudden Wealth
"Jyotisa is the art of seeing light, of guiding, of counseling based on the truth called the horoscope.
Jyotisa is the pathway to God through the mazes of intuitions and the brilliance of an organized science,
like any other science. Jyotisa is the fusion of the divine with the mundane, the metaphysical with the
scientific methodology, a divine chorus of the music of the heavens and the dance of the stars. It is that
divine ballet, Jyotisa, which is at once both a divinity and science that we are presenting."
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It reminded me of a Frank Capra movie from the 1940s. Actor Nicholas Cage plays a New York City cop, a regular working
"Joe," who also happens to be an exceptionally nice guy. He's depicted in the opening scenes going beyond his duty as a
policeman in helping others. Bridget Fonda plays an equally wonderful human being; a waitress and later a restaurateur who
feeds homeless people. When Cage and his on-duty buddy stop for a sandwich at her diner, he discovers he's short the tip
and offers her half of the lottery ticket in his pocket instead, promising to split the prize with her if it wins.
Of course, right then and there you know that they're going to win, the same way you know they're going to fall in love even
though immediately following this scene we discover he's already married. However as things unfold, the wife turns out to
be a greedy shrew, who through some legal machinations when she divorces him, ends up with all the money. Our virtuous
peace officer and the waitress with a heart of gold are now free to discover in each other the soul mates for which they have
always yearned.
This 1994 movie entitled It Could Happen To You is based on a true story, and I have to believe that the movie's creators had
imitatio Capra in mind. Both in its title and ending—where the community financially rallies around the virtuous, deserving
couple—the movie evokes that Capra holiday favorite, It's A Wonderful Life.
I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm a complete sucker for these types of movies. Though not as teary-eyed as my companion
of that evening, I was more than a little choked-up by the time the credits were rolling. I can remember thinking that it is silly
to let a movie manipulate your emotions like that. When did they say the next show time was?
The more cynical among us might opine, "only in Hollywood." But as if to give the lie to that statement, some years
thereafter I came across a case where life most definitely imitated this kind of art.
My students have long been a wonderful source of interesting birth data. Three years after seeing this movie I received a
call from one who worked at night for a 900 number giving phone consultations in Western astrology. She had an interesting
tale to tell. A colleague at work had received a call from a woman who said she wanted "to see if this stuff works," meaning
astrology. Something amazing had just happened in her life and she wanted to know if it could be seen in the stars.
Unfortunately, the Western astrologer put to this test failed. Had they known Jyotisha they may have been more successful.
What this astrologer needed was a good lesson in dhana yogas, or combinations for wealth. You see, this woman and her
husband had just won $20 million in a Rhode Island state lottery.
Just prior to this, I had written an article entitled "The Midas Touch" using the chart of Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates to
illustrate the planetary combinations that make a person extremely wealthy. The potential for this must be evident in their
birth chart. It must be in their karmic bank account, so to speak. The Sanskrit classics of Jyotisha contain many planetary
combinations that confer prosperity, and these are categorized as dhana yogas, or wealth-giving combinations. The most
basic among them involve:
Any combination through position, conjunction, aspect or exchange between houses 2, 11, 1, 5, 9 and their lords.
3 Highlighters-
Houses 2 and 11 are money houses, and 1, 5, 9 are the "luck houses." These are also referred to as iakshmi-sthanas, or
houses of the goddess Lakshmi, the Vedic goddess of wealth. Any combination of these houses or their lords is beneficial
from the standpoint of material prosperity. The degree of wealth depends on the quality of these yogas, which primarily has
to do with the strength of the planets involved.
The 5-11 house axis is particularly highlighted in the literature because planets in these houses will automatically produce
these combinations, given that every planet aspects the house 7th from itself. Planets in mutual aspect with each other
along this axis become particularly empowered to bring wealth into the person's life if they are related to houses 2,11,1,5,
or 9. Although there are many graha yogas like Adhi and Chandra-Mangala Yoga that are conducive for bestowing wealth,
the scheme outlined above is a basic point of departure for analyzing a chart for this potential. Wealth then flows into the
person's life when these dhana yoga-forming planets get activated in the dasha sequence, and the transits provide addi-
tional support.
However, before looking at the charts of our lucky lottery winners, it should be noted that the 8th house and its lord are
3 Highlighters-
identified in Jyotisha as especially pertaining to sudden financial gains. Lottery winnings, inheritances, insurance payouts,
trusts and the like all come under the province of the 8th house (as do the taxes we pay on them!). It should also be noted
that the 5th house and its lord pertain to all speculative and gambling activities, of which a lottery is a particular variety.
What fascinated me about this case is that it gave me the opportunity to examine two charts—those of a husband and wife
—in which the potential for sudden, spectacular financial gain must be reflected in each and be activated at the same time
in the dasha sequence.
We will first look at the static potential for this event in their birth charts by virtue of dhana yoga combinations, particularly
as they involve the 5,h house/5th lord of gambling, and the 8th house/8th lord of sudden financial gains.
The wife was born July 19, 1960 at 9:20 AM EDT in Portsmouth, Rhode Island.
\ Su
Ma27,27, Me 29° 29
6 4 8 Pis 9 Ari 10 Tw 11 Gem
7 3
' ASu S4 '
R33V7K' K 6 23*28' SU3*32'
7 Aqu 12 Can
® 2 Mo,
\ /11\
Lottery Winner - Wife AS 17*54-
Tue 7/1W19eO 9:20:00
Portsmouth. Rl Ra23,28'
JPi-r Ke^vM' MSjrs?
6 Cap 1 Leo
S&o-se ^ Sa20°SS'
5 Sag 4 SCO 3 Libr 2 Virg
The dhana yogas here are quite literally, "textbook." Chapter 41, verse 6 of the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra states:
"Should Jupiter be in the 5th house identical with his own house as Mercury is in the 11th identical with own house, the
3 Highlighters
person will be wealthy.
As you can see, this is exactly the case with this chart. The 5th lord Jupiter is very strong in its own sign and is in a mutual
aspect with 11 lord Mercury, equally strong in its own house. But now see that Mercury is both the 11 lord of gains and
also the 2 lord of money for anyone with Leo as the lagna.
This is the wealth-giving 5-11 axis I mentioned above. Her planets along the 5-11 house axis fulfill the necessary "formula"
for wealth, which is multiple dhana yogas with the participating planets in excellent condition. Mercury here is not only in its
own sign Gemini, but its position in the very later degrees makes it vargottama, and thus even stronger. Then notice how
the 5th house of gambling and the 8th house of sudden financial gains are brought into play through this combination, since
Jupiter rules both these houses. All such yogas become even more powerful if they repeat from Chandra lagna.
From a strong Moon in its exaltation sign, Taurus, Mercury also has a special wealth- giving potential since it simultaneously
rules the 2nd house and the 5th house. By itself it forms dhana yoga again since it is the 5th lord in the 2nd house in its
own sign. Jupiter becomes the 8th lord in its own 8th house from the Moon and combines with Saturn the 9th lord, and the
yogakaraka planet for this lagna. The mutual aspect between Mercury-Saturn becomes a 2-5-9 combination from this angle.
So from the Moon this same planetary combination of Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury form another spectacular dhana yoga,
again bringing into play the 5th lord of gambling, and the 8th lord of sudden financial gains.
This is the surface view based on the rashi. When the planets involved are also well dignified in the navamsha the promise
in the birth chart becomes even greater. As mentioned earlier, Mercury is vargottama, again in its own sign, Gemini. Jupiter
gains strength by virtue of its exchange with Mars, and Saturn is in its exaltation sign.
Nmnwhi (D-9)
SaVe Su Mo
Ra Me
7 Pis 8 Ari 9Tau 10 Gem
Ma Me
6 Aqu 11 Can
Mo Su
5 Cap 12 Leo
Ke Ra SaVe 7 As
Jo 4 Sag 3 Sco Libr 1 Virg
W—W ItMl 0»ii«wl HnW <tMl
\ Jprsv
Sa„^, V®(rt3 MCa*tr
Su,4-g» Majt-a
\ 5/ 9 Pis 10 Ah It Tau 12 Gem
6 >: As,w ;x2
Ke^t-ir AStstj
8 Aqu 1 Can
7 1 Mo^
Me^Ve™ Lottery Winner - Husband JPiTS
Sun 4/28.'1968 11:41.00
Boston, MA
7 Cap 2 Leo
a • • is Sa24ja
9\ /ii * "
6 Sag 5 SCO
3 Virg 4 Libr
Here is the chart of the husband. See if you can identify the dhana yoga combinations in his horoscope before reading
What immediately stands out is the placement of Jupiter as the lord of the 9th house of fortune in the 2r'd house of wealth.
This and the fact that its sign lord is an exalted 2nd lord Sun conjunct a vargottama 11th lord Venus in the strongest kendra !
The first lord Moon is there as well. This multiple dhana yoga combination in the 10th house is then aspected by the 9th lord
Jupiter from the 2nd house. Is it any wonder wealth has come into this person's life? And once again the 5th lord of specu-
lative activities comes into play.
The 8th lord Saturn is not directly involved in these dhana yogas, but notice how it falls in the 9th house, the strongest
lakshmi-sthana, where it brings some of the results of Jupiter, its dispositor, as an impressionable 8th lord.
As in the case of his wife, these planets continue to form dhana yogas from Chandra lagna. Jupiter becomes the 9th lord
again, only this time it goes into the 5th house. Venus, who is the 11th lord from the lagna becomes the 2nd lord, forming
dhana yogas with an exalted 5th lord Sun and a 1st lord Mars in its own sign Aries. Jupiter, as a lakshmi-sthana lord in a
lakshmi-sthana house, makes aspect onto these multiple dhana yogas in the other lakshmi-sthana, the 1st house. Notice
also that the 5th lord Sun of gambling and the 8,h lord Mars of sudden financial gains are a part of this configuration. One is
exalted, and the other is in its own sign/house.
WBVUWIM <D-<1 DhwwWpiniM Navanwna {u-V}
Mo Me
6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gem
Ma As
5 Aqu 10
4 Cap 11 Leo
Ma Mo Me
Ra Ve
The D-9 of the husband was of no less interest to me, given the 5-11 axis there and the dasha sequence that brought the
sudden wealth. It is also another textbook combination.
In the chapter on dhana yogas in the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, verse 4 states:
"Should Leo be the 5th house and be occupied by the Sun himself and Saturn be in the 11th in Aquarius, the person will be
Like so many verses in this chapter, what this yoga boils down to is the 5th and 11th lords in their own houses and therefore
in mutual aspect with each other. This promise of great wealth in the rashi gets well supported in the navamsha. It's for real.
The only question is when it would come, and as usual, the amazing dasha systems of Jyotisha tell the story.
An unlucky day for Julius Caesar proved extraordinarily fortunate for this couple. On March 15, 1997 they won the Rhode
Island state lottery worth $20 million. The Wheel of Time dialed up the dhana yogas evident in both their charts and the time
for this karma to manifest came due. Looking again at the wife's chart, note that she was running Jupiter/Ketu/Mars:
W—W ID-ll 0>iwfl WnW )IM) C^mT^
\N VGwer MOi7»29
7 Aqu 12 Can
® 2 MCl|7>20r
/II \
Lottery Winner - Wife As
Tue 7/1W19eO 9:20:00
Portsmouth. Rl Ra23,28'
JPi-r Ke^a-a' MSjrs?
6 Cap 1 Leo
We saw earlier that Jupiter, the mahadasha lord, figures prominently in strong dhana yoga combinations in both the rashi
and navamsha. Jupiter in its dasha had to bring great wealth. But why the Ketu sub-period? This chaaya graha will give the
results of its sign lord and any planet that influences it. In this case, Saturn qualifies twice by being both Ketu's sign lord and
by aspecting it.. It should also be noted that Ketu falls in Jupiter's nakshatra, Purva Bhadra and will give this planet's results
to some degree as well. Between Saturn and Jupiter that result is sudden wealth involving the spouse, since the Ketu sub-
period, besides activating the superior dhana yoga, is in the 7th house giving the result of the 7th lord as well.
Why the wealth came in the Jupiter-Ketu dasha sequence can again be seen using pure Parashari principles for interpreting
the Vimshottari dasha. The Sage tells us that the mahadasha lord will gives its fullest results in the sub-period of planets
3 Highlighters-
most connected to it. At first glance, Ketu's connection with Jupiter seems indirect. Ketu is strongly connected to Saturn
who is conjunct Jupiter, thereby connecting Ketu to Jupiter. But look more closely and see that they are truly intimately
connected on the more subtle level of the nakshatras. I've already noted that Ketu is in Jupiter's nakshatra, but now see that
Jupiter is also in Ketu's nakshatra. They form a suksma-parivartana yoga, or subtle exchange, and this empowers Ketu to
bring Jupiter's strongest results. Within the context of the general theme of wealth indicated by the dasha lord Jupiter, the
Ketu sub-period makes that trend specific. The Jupiter-Ketu dasha/antardasha awaited the pratyantar dasha of Mars, the
9th lord of Fortune in the 9th house to precipitate this event. Could it be clearer?
The Wheel Of Time was also bringing her husband's wealth karma to the forefront through the dasha sequence.
Ra»N (0-1) CaiMfgi
\ Jprsv
Sa„^, V®(rt3 MCa'tr
\5 / \ 3/ 9 Pis 10 Ah It Tau 12 Gem
6 >: AS,jtr ;<2
KCM.,,. AStstj
On this fateful day he was running Rahu-Jupiter-Rahu. As in the case of Ketu for his wife, Rahu's abilities to bring wealth will
depend on its placement and associations. We see immediately that it falls in the best lakshmi-sthana in the rashi. It gives
sudden wealth because:
In the birth chart it is closely conjunct the 8th lord in the 9th house of Fortune.
Its dispositor, Jupiter, whose results it will bring, forms a significantly strong dhana yoga.
From the Chandra lagna, Aries, it is conjunct the 11 lord Saturn, and its dispositor Jupiter now becomes the 9
lord in the 5th house.
Rahu's nakshatra dispositor, Mercury, is connected to the dhana yogas formed by the planets in Aries both from
the birth lagna and the Moon.
In the navamsha, Rahu is in its moolatrikona sign along the 5-11 wealth-giving axis, giving the results of the truly
spectacular dhana yogas formed by the mutual aspect of the 5th and 11th lords in their moolatrikona signs.
Like the Jupiter mahadasha for the wife, the Rahu mahadasha had to bring wealth to the husband as well. The answer to
why the wealth comes in the Jupiter sub-period is obvious. Jupiter is Rahu's dispositor—so we see the connection between
them. Rahu-Jupiter-Rahu is really like saying Jupiter-Jupiter-Jupiter in a way. The fact that the wealth comes suddenly from
lottery winnings is shown by Rahu's close association to the 8th lord Saturn, who is also the 7th lord of the spouse.
When evaluating a time period in an individual's life, I was taught to focus exclusively on dashas first. In terms of showing
what experiences the period can bring, these should be considered primary. Transits are considered last, and only in the
context of what the current dasha is portending. Flowever, they are an important factor in triggering events.
The transit conditions on March 15, 1997 at 5:00 AM EST were as follows:
Of these, the transits of the dasha lords would be the most important to consider.
Within a few months of this event, the dasha lord Jupiter had been transiting in Sagittarius, having returned to its
place at birth, stimulating the dhana yogas along the 5-11 axis.
The antardasha lord, Ketu, is in Jupiter's sign of Pisces and in the 8th house of sudden financial gains.
But this is not the only important thing about these placements. My teacher, K.N. Rao, always emphasizes that nothing of
significance - either good or bad - ever takes place without the dual and simultaneous blessing of Jupiter and Saturn in tran-
sit. This is particularly true of this event since:
Jupiter is the dasha lord conjunct Saturn, and together they partially make up the dhana yogas that show the
potential for the event.
Ketu, the antardasha lord, has been shown to give the results of both Jupiter and Saturn.
Now look at Jupiter and Saturn's transit positions again on the day of the event and see that they are in each other signs,
forming an exchange or parivartana yoga.
Additionally, transiting Saturn makes its 10th house aspect onto the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at birth; whereas transiting
Jupiter had been conjuncting these grahas less than three months prior to the event. From the birth lagna this would mean
a Jupiter-Saturn transit stimulus of the 5th and 8th houses and an 8-11 stimulus from the Moon. It is primarily these transiting
factors of Jupiter and Saturn working in consort that triggered the event in the context of the dasha sequence Jupiter-Ketu.
We saw earlier that at the time of the event the husband was running Rahu-Jupiter-Rahu.
For him then, the transits of the Moon's nodes and Jupiter would provide important triggers. On the day of this event the
Rahu-Ketu axis was occupying the Virgo-Pisces sign polarity, returning to its place of birth only in reverse positions, and
thus stimulating Rahu to bring forth its potential for sudden wealth. Additionally, Saturn had also returned to its place of birth
as the 8th lord of sudden financial gains in the 9th house of luck. Two and a half months prior, Jupiter had been transiting
Sagittarius from where it made aspect onto its own natal position activating its wealth-giving potential as the 9th lord in the
2nd house.
The third part of the first chapter of the Jaimini Sutras is on the effects of planets from Pada lagna, also sometimes referred
to as theArudha lagna. This is derived by seeing how many signs/houses the lagna lord has gone forward in the Zodiac, and
then counting an equal number of signs/houses from there.
The first sutras in this section deal with seeing gains and losses from this lagna.
It has long been a matter of speculation for me as to why Jaimini begins his discussion of the effect of planets from
pada lagna with sutras about assessing gains and losses by seeing the planetary influences on the 11th and 12th house
from there. Of course there is nothing unique in assigning "gains" to the 11th house or "losses" to the 12th. These are
standard interpretive principles of Jyotisha. But why from pada lagna"? In the prior section about the effects of planets from
karakamsha/swamsha lagna, there is not a single sutra devoted exclusively to wealthy-giving combinations per se, except
the Moon-Venus combination. Is the Sage suggesting by these sutras that seeing the influences on the 11th house from
pada lagna is a particularly effective means for assessing wealth/prosperity potentials? It would appear so, and in sutra
1.3.5 Jaimini indicates that by noting the strength of planets occupying, ruling, or aspecting the 11th house from pada lagna
the quantum of wealth can be assessed.
"The Moon, Jupiter, or Venus (in the 2nd from pada lagna) - very wealthy"
1.3.16 ucchenava
Again these two sutras are simply stating the standard idea in Jyotisha that the natural benefics Moon, Jupiter, and Venus
or exalted planets in or influencing the 2nd house give wealth. The only thing original about them is that we are being asked
to see this from pada lagna.
The Sanskrit word srimantah can be translated as "gloriously wealthy," or in today's terms a millionaire or billionaire. In the
case of lottery winners, where individuals become instant millionaires, I have found it interesting to evaluate the 2nd and
11th houses from Arudha lagna for seeing wealth potentials.
At c^nd flint
Vara Mc*.,,
SSjfu- Suu-s, Majt-tt
Bia-ir MC,1m
3 Pis 4 Art 5 Tau 6 Gem
Sa 24 52" ALtj'tr
Ra ir As,
Ve 0"5j Me 19-20'
2Aqu 7 Can
Mo »'o-
Su w Ma 29TZ /
Lottery Winner - Husband Jp«.
ALtiv Son 4/28/1966 11;4t00
Boston, MA
1 Cap 8 Leo
As 110
In the chart of the husband this special lagna is Capricorn marked by the abbreviation "AL" tor Arudha lagna. The 11th
house from there, Scorpio is unoccupied but receives the rashi dristhi of the five grahas in Aries. Consider that two of these
are natural benefics with Venus vargottama and Mercury in its exaltation sign in D-9.
Two are natural malefics, but the Sun is exalted and Mars is swakshetra and the ruler of Scorpio. The Moon has directional
strength and there is the Moon-Venus combination within this stellium. Then see that these same grahas also make rashi
drishti onto the 2nd house Aquarius. Included are the 5th lord Venus and the 8th lord Sun from this lagna. This is rather a
dramatic picture that appears to validate the sutras quoted above.
Ve if}'67 Mo MOi7*29 ALi7*54"
M327"27' M 628*29
10 Pis 11 An 12 Tau 1 Gem
Ra»-» MSjo-J2» K 623*28' 3 U 3*32'
9 Aqu 2 Can
Gemini becomes the Arudha lagna for the wife and the 11th house from there is not as impressive, but does have the lord
Mars in its own house and receives the rashi drishti of two more grahas, Rahu and Ketu. The 2nd house, however, does
show quite a significant wealth potential since it has the influence of the Moon-Venus combination. And what a Moon-Venus
combination it is! Chandra is not only in its exaltation sign, but exchanges with Venus giving both a source of strength.
Additionally, Venus and the Sun are swakshetra in D-9. The 5th lord Venus is involved, but not the 8th Saturn from this
Vea.j7 Su
Sag-jo Jp Ke
7 Pis 8 Art 9 Tau 10 Gem
Ma rs- Me it
6 Aqu 11 Can
Mo 7*2*'
5 Cap 12 Leo
Ke,- /
Ra SaVe As
JE I#-, Ma
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg
This is how the static wealth-potentials in these charts show up from the Jaimini angle. However, what my researches into
the Jaimini system have taught me is that when a person runs a particular sign period and such wealth-giving patterns occur
from this dasha lagna, it can indicate a very prosperous period.
The husband experienced this sudden wealth in the Chara dasha of Aries. Return to the chart, make Aries the lagna and see
which houses receive the rashi drishti of the five grahas situated there. You will find that they are the 5th, the 8th, and the
11th houses. The sub-period was Virgo from where they all fall in the 8th house and aspect the 2nd!
For his wife, it was also the Aries major period and strong 11th house from her Arudha lagna. The sub-period was Taurus.
See the influences on the 2nd house/2nd lord and 11th house/11th lord using both these signs as a lagna and you will see
the astrological reasons why.
As Mao-a-
2Aqu 7 Can
ASa-tr Gillian Bayford
Mon e/1»1972 0 20:00
KirlcaMy, UK
1 Cap 8 Leo
5a ia-S3 Kera
Ma o-22 M07.S3
JpllMT Mor-a
Su 18
ye M 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 9 Virg
Gillian Bayford is a Scottish woman who, together with her husband Adrian, won 148 million euro on August 10, 2012,
making them the second-biggest lottery winners in the history of the United Kingdom. Upon first seeing the chart from the
Parashari point of view, I wondered if the lagna was correct, and whether it was Aquarius rather than Capricorn. The time
of 12:20 AM is from a birth certificate. At a minimum it would have to be advanced 12 minutes to make this change.
It was the Jupiter major period that brought this sudden, spectacular wealth from lottery winnings. This seems unlikely from
a Capricorn ascendant, but assess the results of a Jupiter period using Aquarius as the lagn:
Ra 2 52
Vg?'i(r Mexm
Saw-CT Sll<-ir
2 Pis 3 Ari 4 Tau 5 Gem
AS air Kej-w
1 Aqu 6 Can
Sa 15 53
Gillian Bayford
RSa-ir Mon 6/19/1972 0:32:00
V : -2--0 Kirfccatdy. UK
12 Cap 7 Leo
Mao-j? Mo 11 Sag 10 Sco 9 Libr 8 Virg
Now it makes perfect astrological sense. From Aquarius, Jupiter becomes the 2nd and 11th lord in the 11th house in mutual
aspect with the 5th and 8th lord Mercury, also in its own sign/house. Add to this the 9th lord Venus and the Sun, as the
7th lord of the spouse, are in conjuction with Mercury and in mutual aspect with Jupiter, and everything about this event
becomes very visible with this timing. Seeing the condition of Venus and Jupiter in D-9, regardless of the correct lagna of
this division, additionally sheds light on the magnitude of the sudden wealth.
UL- NovmiwIm OS
Su Mo Me
6 Pis 7 Art 8 Tau 9 Gem
Ma Ke
Ke Je
5 Aqu 10 Can
Ra Ma Ra
4 Cap 11 Leo
Su VeAs
This is where I find Jaimini's Chara dasha extremely useful because it always begins with the lagna, and if this is correct
then events should come out accordingly. Using Aquarius, the marriage would have taken place in Cancer-Capricorn with
Mars as a vargottama DK in Cancer. This could hardly be clearer. Using Capricorn it would be Libra-Aries or Libra-Taurus.
A case could be made because Libra contains the natural DK Venus in navamsha, but the timing using Aquarius lagna is
much more compelling.
Exact dates are not available but she did have a daughter in 2006 and a son in 2008. In Chara dasha it would again be a
choice between Cancer or Libra. Neither shows children very well as a major period in the rashi. Both show it in her sap-
tamsha regardless of the correct lagna in this varga.
\ Sa /XKe Ma/
Sa Ve
As Mo
/ i \10/ 2 Pis 3 Ari 4 Tau 5 Gem
/\ y~
JjdAs SuRa
\i i / \ 1 Aqu 6 Can
2 8
Me Ma
12 Cap 7 Leo
Ve )x( Vr
The PK Sun is in Cancer and Jupiter as the natural PK gives rashi drishti. However, from Libra, the 5th house has Jupiter
and gets aspected by PK Sun. This one is a "toss up," though I would again favor Aquarius lagna.
Taking a clue from the Jaimini sutras quoted earlier about seeing wealth potentials from the 2nd and 11th houses from the
Arudha lagna (AL), my next step was to investigate this angle, which again favored Aquarius rather overwhelmingly. The AL
becomes Leo, and the 2nd and 11th from there are spectacularly getting the influence of all the natural benefics in strength
as well as the special Moon-Venus Jaimini dhanayoga.
For Capricorn lagna, the AL becomes Virgo, in which case there is no such promise from the 2nd or 11th house from there
for her to become "gloriously wealthy."
Mo 7 5* Mdo'22'
Kej-ji' VByiir MeW(,
AL 0-€ Me^
8 Pis 9 Ari 10 Tau 11 Gem
Ve.-ia Maca-
ASyc Ker»
7 Aqu 12 Can
Gillian Bayford ALo*
R3J-47- Mon.en»1972 0:32:00
KirKutdy. UK
6 Cap 1 Leo
Jp 10-43-
JPkwj MOrs*
Using Leo as the AL, the timing in Chara dasha when she won is also very interesting and compelling. It was the Virgo major
period, the 2nd house from Leo, and the 8th house from Aquarius, should this be the true lagna. In both cases the Moon is
there with the influence of all the benefics forming the two special Jaimini lunar yogas; Moon-Venus and the Moon under
the influence of four or more grahas. In this case three are natural benefics, all of whom have good sources of strength. It
results in a very superior Jaimini dhana yoga, and from both Aquarius as a birth lagna and Leo as the Arudha lagna, these
benefics and their aspects are coming from the 5th and 11th houses.
Though I must acknowledge it as conjecture and a judgment on my part, I believe Gillan Bayford's true time of birth can be
no less that 12:32 AM to give Aquarius lagna.
Angela Kelly is another Scottish woman who experienced sudden, spectacular wealth when she won a British lottery. The
sum was not near as great, 34 million euro, but still quite substantial. It happened on August 15, 2007. The birth time is also
from a written record and in her case gives a degree of lagna more in the middle of the sign that raises less concern about
a correct ascendant.
However, I follow the advice of my teacher, K.N. Rao, that every birth chart should be verified based on the timing of life
events, and in her case there are exact dates available for a good number of these. Therefore, I will go on a short digression
and demonstrate the process of verifying a birth chart with life events.
RatN (0-1) G*n*nl
Mo«"* Ra22-34 AS21*25,
R3?; ■w
10 Pis 11 An 12 Tau 1 Gem
9 Aqu 2 Can
6 12
Angela Kelly
Fn. 12/2/1966 18:05:00
»•» Glasgow, UK
8 Cap 3 Leo
Me 26 30 V622,34' M 026*30
S u ,,-4^ SU 16*43' KG22*34' MSs'ss"
7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Ubr 4 Virg
10 Cap 5 Leo
Jp Su
Su RaJo
Mo 9 Sag 6 Sco 7 Ubr 6 Virg
It was Ketu-Ketu-Venus in Vimshottari, which can be accepted on the basis of D-9 where Ketu is in the lagna
and Venus is the 7th lord.
It was Pisces-Sagittarius in Chara which also checks out since, from Pisces, DK Mars goes to the 7th and
aspects Sagittarius in the birth chart.
Venus-Venus-Mercury. Using the 4th house of the mother as a lagna (Virgo), Venus is a maraka 2nd lord and
Mercury is in the 2nd house.
Aquarius-Sagittarius. From Aquarius, natural karaka, Moon, goes to the 6th with the GK. From Sagittarius it
goes to the 8th while MK Sun goes to the 12th with the influence of the GK.
Venus-Venus - karaka Venus in the 6th aspected by the 8th lord Saturn.
Aquarius- DK Mars goes to the 8th from here.
Based on these timings of life events, the birth chart is undoubtedly correct in my view.
From Chandra lagna, the dhana yogas are more evident and dramatic with Venus as the 11th lord combining with the 2nd
lord Sun in the 5th house and aspected by an exalted 9th lord Jupiter, forming a 1-9 combination in the lagna. From both
perspectives, Saturn is the 8th lord.
Sign chan (ran Moon Shin chad from Moon
Ra As
Ma /
\v , v/ 9 Pis 10 An 11 Tau 12 Gem
•. JjD .'2
/ \ Mo / \ Sa
Ra Mo
8 Aqu -to 1 Can
7 Cap 2 Leo
su •>■;
Ve/ \ / \ VeSu
Ke Ma
Sa 6 Sag 5 SCO 4 Libr 3Virg
Moon-Venus combination is significantly enhanced by the addition of an exalted Jupiter. Moon-Venus com-
bination occurs again in D-9.
Exalted Jupiter is the 2nd and 11th lord from Arudha lagna, Aquarius, and is a part of the Jaimini Moon-
Venus dhana yoga.
The first thing to note about this timing is that Venus is the 5th lord of gambling from the birth lagna and in the 5th house
from a strong Chandra lagna. Saturn is the 8th lord from both perspectives, strong in its moolatrikona sign in the birth chart
and that of a Great Friend in D-9. As seen from the static analysis, both are wealth-givers, and are connected by Saturn's
aspect to Venus. However, just seeing this timing in Vimshottari I doubt I would have predicted such wealth from this pe-
riod and sub-period alone.
Jaimini's Chara dasha shows the event rather clearly though as it was her Capricorn major period. Make this sign a lagna
and consider what happens to the 2nd and 11th houses from there. The 2nd become Aquarius with the lord in its own sign
and receives the aspect of 5 grahas including the benefics Mercury, exalted Jupiter and a bright, swakshetra Moon. The 11th
becomes Scorpio getting the influence of four planets including the benefics Venus, Jupiter and the Moon. Note in partic-
ular the Moon-Venus combination influencing the 11th from the dasha lagna.
Then from the sub-period sign, Aries, and the sub-sub-period sign, Virgo, see how strong the 11th house becomes.
We have all heard the phrase "the luck of the Irish." ! wonder if it applies to Scottish people as well, since here is the chart
of yet another lottery winner from there. Chris Weir and her husband Colin won 161 million pounds on July 12, 2011. Before
reading further, see if you can identify the static potential for sudden wealth in her chart, both from the Parashari and Jai-
mini angles.
5 Aqu 10 Can
Chris Weir
Mon 12/12/1955 9:15 00
Hamilton, UK
4 Cap 11 Leo
Ve^-e SUjbttMOj-W ASn*w
Ke 24T Meo-w Ra?4-» Sa j-nr Ma,5',r
5 Aqu 10 Can
Chris Weir
Mon 12/12/1955 5:18 00
Hamilton, UK
4 Cap 11 Leo
The 1st and 8th lord Venus combines with the 9th lord Mercury in Jupiter's sign aspected by Jupiter.
From Chandra lagna this combination becomes the 11th lord Mercury in the 2nd aspected by the 2nd lord
with an additional natural benefic, Venus.
The 11th lord Sun goes to the 2nd house with the 5th lord Saturn, while their dispositor, Mars, goes to the
Jupiter, karaka of wealth, is in the 11th house.
Jaimini Angle:
From the Arudha Lagna (Aquarius) there are two benefics in the sign of a benefic.
As always, sources of strength for these potential wealth-givers are necessary for them to give strong results, in which case
her navamsha is revealing. The 1st and 8th lord Venus is in it moolatrikona sign in D-9 and her 5th lord Saturn is involved in
an exchange.
12 Aqu 5 Can
Sa Ke
11 Cap 6 Leo
Saturn's exchange with the Sun appears to fall along the 6-12 axis of her D-9, but the degrees of her lagna in the birth chart
are 19-36. This means that if we advance the birth certificate time just three minutes the navamsha lagna changes to Aries.
Navamhj nmitiwvui {u-v}
As Su Me
12 Pis 1 Art 2 Tau 3 Gem
Jp Me Ma
11 Aqu 4 Can
Sa Ke
Sa Mo
10 Cap 5 Leo
Mo Ve
Ke Ve
Now the exchange becomes 5-11. I consider it likely that this is her true navamsha since this sudden, spectacular wealth
came in her Venus-Saturn-Saturn period. Just as in the case of Angela Kelly, it happened in a period and sub-period involv-
ing the 8th lord of sudden gains and the 5th lord of gambling.
In Chara it was her Leo period, her 11th house containing Jupiter, and from there the 2nd and 11th houses get the rashi
drishti of two benefics exclusively.
Now see the chart of her husband, also based on a birth certificate time, and do the same analysis for static wealth
potentials before reading further.
aajfiJLBggg lto«W ggwgj
Mar7r Stw
Ke™ \ 7 / As(-jr \i/ 7 Pis B Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem
V\ V4 Sa,i>2
Mo 5-4 Mo,.,.
Sa ■ rj-
N /
6 6 Aqu 11 Can
9 3
Colin Weir
Sat. &24/1947 16:20:00
Me^ig Edinburgh, UK
5 Cap 12 Leo
X* SUg^jr /
,'11\ /1 \ ■
Ra9-2o siPirtr
Ma^jT" 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg
AsSu JgMe
As Ra Ma
\i / _ \ii/ 1 Pis 2 Ari 3 Tau 4 Gem
2 >: Ra
Su / \
/ JP
\ 12/ \
<; Ma 3 9 ) 12 Aqu 5 Can
y'6\ /
\ Me
\ / 11 Cap 6 Leo
4 • • 8
Ve / \
Sa Ke
From the Parashari point of view it is an intriguing picture. What immediately catches the eye is the combination of a
swakshetra 11th lord Moon with the 5th lord Saturn in the 11th house, while Saturn is in its exaltation sign in navamsha. This
is potent dhana yoga.
Otherwise, the lagna lord Mercury in the 9th is the only other consideration from the birth lagna. However, the over-
all wealth-giving potential of the chart improves from a strong Chandra lagna. The Mars-Venus-Jupiter combination
becomes a conjunction of the 5th and 11th lord in a mutual glance with the 9th lord falling in kendras.
From the Jaimini angle the Arudha lagna is Capricorn and both the 2nd and 11th houses from there are unoccupied except
for Ketu, but see the rashi drishtis. The 2nd house from there (Aquarius) gets the aspect of five grahas including the two
benefics; Venus and Jupiter, as well as its lord, Saturn. The 11th house from there (Scorpio), has the influence of five gra-
has as well, including the benefic Venus and its lord, Mars.
On July 12, 2011 he was running Sun-Saturn-Rahu in Vimshottari. The sub-period lord, Saturn, giving this result
as the 5th lord of gambling involved in a potent dhana yoga is clear enough. The 8th house/8th lord comes
into play here because Saturn is in a mutual aspect with Mars, a strong 8th lord in the 8th house.
The Sun giving this result as a major period is not as obvious. As a pure impressionable for his Virgo lagna, it does fall in
the 9th house of fortune and gives the results of Mercury, the 1st lord in the 9th. Mercury's strength here derives from its
swakshetra navamsha placement. Sun and Mercury are disposited by the 9th lord, Venus in the 8th with the 8th lord, Mars.
It is interesting to note that both the major and sub-period lords are in their own nakshatras.
In Chara dasha it was the Taurus major period, with the 9th house of the birth chart getting the influence of both Mercury
and Jupiter forming an AK-AmK combination. Unlike what we have seen previously, the 2nd and 11th houses from there
are devoid of influence, but their lords are Mercury and Jupiter. The sub-period was Virgo, from where Jupiter is in the 2nd
with the additional influence of three grahas and the 11th from there (Cancer) has the influence of six grahas, with the lord
in the house.
Of course, winning the lottery is not the only way people become suddenly wealthy. Another way it can happen is through
inheritance, another 8th house manifestation. More often this is expected and anticipated. But it can happen suddenly and
unexpectedly as in the case of the famous English poet, George Gordon. He was born into a noble family but his father was
a rake, a rascal, and a wastrel, who after squandering his wife's fortune, abandoned mother and child. As a result he grew
up in relatively impoverished circumstances, at least for his class. All that changed overnight at age 10 when a great uncle
died without an heir, making him the 6th Lord Byron and the inheritor of a large estate.
W—W ItMl W—W (0-1) 0»ii»»^
M04-1(r y/
4 2 10 Pis 11 An 1 Gem
12 Tau
, AS,, 54
/ Ma2i v / ■ SSTY Mo
9 Aqu 2 Can
( 6 312 )
George Gordon
SUn-n- Tue 1/22/1788 13:54 00
London. UK
8 Cap 3 Leo
B v^1 Sa7 J
/ , 81462 / \ Ve4.M M6jf,r
7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Libr 4 Virg
It happened in his Saturn major period, the moolatrikona 9th lord of this chart conjunct Venus the 5th lord, together forming
a substantial dhana yoga. Saturn is also the 8th lord of inheritance for his Gemini lagna, and is the 8th lord in the 8th from
his strong Chandra lagna. One would think that the Venus sub-period would have brought this, but it was Saturn-Moon-
Jupiter. The Moon is a completely full swakshetra 2nd lord and together with Jupiter forms Shubha Kartari Yoga.
From the Jaimini angle, Byron's Arudha Lagna is the same as his birth lagna. See that the Moon, Venus and Jupiter all
influence the 2nd house from there, and then recall this sutra quoted earlier.
"The Moon, Jupiter, or Venus (in the 2nd from pada lagna) - very wealthy"
Doris Duke is a more contemporary figure widely-known as a prominent heiress. She was the only child of tobacco tycoon
James Buchanan Duke. After the death of her father in 1925 she inherited a huge fortune while in her early twenties,
equivalent to around $1 billion today. She used her stupendous wealth to travel the world and pursue her diverse interests
including jazz piano, surfing, horticulture, art collecting and philanthropy. She owned residences throughout the world,
including a paradisiacal estate built in Hawaii in the 1930s called "Shangri-La." Her birth information from the Lois Rodden
database online is "A" rated and not exact, but the lagna at least appears correct to me.
Ve 12 Mo,®.*# Sae-r
5 Pis 6 An 7 Tau 8 Gem
Jp 6S Su 7 1) Ke 11 60
Me 2»-3 As
4 Aqu 9 Can
Doris Duke
Fn. 11/22/191Z 7:30:00
New York. NY
3 Cap 10 Leo
Ran M' S
Sa ASum
Me^-r Su r,,, Kfiii-w
Mo u Jpjr-w Ma.-w
2 Sag 1 SCO 12 Ubr 11 Virg
Her four planet conjunction in the 1 st house forms multiple, potent dhana yogas, with the 2nd and 5th lord Jupiter and 11 th
and 8th lord Mercury of inheritance both getting directional strength in the 1st house. These same grahas all fall in the 8th
house from the Moon, again forming multiple dhana yogas with the 8th lord, Mars, in the 8th house from this perspective.
As one would expect, her D-9 adds to the picture.
Ra SaMe
As Jp
5 Pis 6 Ari 7 Tau 8 Gem
4 Aqu 9 Can
Sa Ve
3 Cap 10 Leo
Jp Ma
Me Mo Ra As Su
If the D-9 lagna is correct, the 5-11 wealth-giving axis gets emphasized again with a swakshetra Jupiter as the 5th lord with
the 11the lord. The main portion of her inheritance came to her at age 25 in her Sun-Mercury period.
Sudden Wealth Through Initial Public Offering
As a management consultant and executive coach I worked with many business owners/entrepreneurs. Most dreamed of
building up their enterprise and then selling it for a huge profit, or taking it public and becoming instantly wealthy, at least
on paper, through an IPO or initial public stock offering.
kSx-w ASw-s?-
Ke 53'
Jp <■32
10 Pis 11 Ah 12 Tau 1 Gem
9 Aqu 2 Can
Ma Mo
Bill Gates
Fn. 10/28/1955 21:25.00
SUlr«r Seattle. WA
6 Cap 3 Leo
A decade after founding Microsoft, Bill Gates took the company public on March 13, 1986 and overnight became unfath-
omably wealthy. It was his Venus-Sun period. Saturn as the 8th lord is a part of the spectacular Lakmshi Yoga formed by
the Venus-Saturn conjunction in his 5th house. These planets in Libra all fall in the 8th house from the Moon with Venus as
the 8th lord in the 8th.
Mark Zuckerberg was already a millionaire many times over when Facebook went public with its initial public offering (IPO)
on May 18, 2012. With a peak market capitalization of over $104 billion, the social networking company had one of the
largest and most anticipated IPOs in history. Zukerberg's wealth went into the stratosphere and his fortune is now esti-
mated at over $62 billion.
His birth time is unknown, but using the birth date and place I have worked on it extensively and believe that only Sagittarius
lagna explains his life history with the correct timing of events.
Mo 0-T
Ke MSe's* SUo*50'
^©22*15' Ra 12*49'
4 Pis 5 Ari 6 Tau 7 Gem
As 39" Saie.j4
JP 67
3 Aqu 8 Can
Mark Zuckerberg
Mon & 14v 1984 23 10 00
White Plains NY
2 Cap 9 Leo
The initial wealth came towards the end of the Saturn major period, an exalted 2nd lord in the 11th connected to an
exchange between the 5th and 11th lords. The IPO occurred in Mercury-Venus.
Ke JP«rw Mairr Va„T
Mo 25-51 M§irj2
7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem
Raj-, w
6 Aqu 11 Can
Marc Boney MObtm-
Wed 4n8vl95l 16:54:00
Toteoo. OH
5 Cap 12 Leo
2 Ve, V2
JP 12
L1H2S-20- MSU-32
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg
I have oftentimes mentioned in my articles that the value of all this retrospective analysis is that it then enables you to
see things prospectively. Learning to identify dhana yogas, knowing how to qualify them accurately and then seeing their
activation in the dasha sequence, both in the Parashari and Jaimini system, enables you to predict. In illustrating this to a
group of students I used my own chart and explained to them in early 2016 why my Saturn-Venus-Moon period coinciding
with Gemini-Aries in Chara dasha in 2017 could prove especially beneficial, not just for earned income, but also for sudden,
expected "windfall gains." Before reading further, can you go back to the chart and see why?
Saturn-Venus activates the only two dhana yoga-forming planets in my chart. Saturn is the 5th lord in the 1st, swakshetra
in D-9, and with the aspect of the strong natural benefic, Jupiter. Venus is the lord of the 2nd and 9th in the 9th house. The
sub-period lord Venus fails in the 9th from the major period lord. The Moon as a sub-sub-period lord activating a good
financial event is not as obvious. It forms a nakshatra exchange with Venus, combining the 9th and 11th lords from the 12th
house of foreigners and foreign countries.
Use Gemini as a lagna, the current major period in Chara dasha, and see how strong the 11th house becomes from there,
and with very good benefic hemming. Come then to the sub-period of Aries which runs from February through December
2017. Then note finally that Aries is the 8th house of the birth chart of sudden, unexpected, windfall gains.
What happened? During this period I was contacted by a generous, noble soul: an Indian gentleman living in Malaysia, who
had been reading my articles. He had decided that he wanted to support my Jyotisha teaching and writing activities. He
offered to make a substantial initial donation, with the additional pledge of on-going support. I told him at that time that I
could not accept such a gift personally, but that I was in the process of establishing a non-profit educational institution, Jy-
otisha University Inc., and when I obtained legal status I could accept his donation. This occurred in March 2017.
I could have never predicted the exact, unexpected way in which this happened, but I had predicted that this period could
bring windfall gains. Not because I am some astrological genius, but only because I have worked on charts like those in this
article, seeing sudden windfall gains, and how, why and when they occur astrologically. Of course, all the previous exam-
ples are on a much grander scale, but the predictive principles are the same.
When I first looked at the charts of the husband/wife lottery winners in 1997, the movie I mentioned at the beginning of
this article was not the only thing that came to mind. I remember seeing a special on television about what happened in
the lives of people after they won the lottery. In keeping with the old saying about how money does not buy happiness, the
result of this sudden influx of wealth was often not a pretty picture. In some instances it even seemed to destroy their lives.
It made me wonder what impact it would have on the lives of the husband and wife who won $20 million in the Rhode Island
lottery. Would it mean the fulfillment of their dreams together? Or would they have very different ideas about how to spend
it, breaking them apart like the policeman and his wife in the movie? I will never know, though a further study of their charts
might provide a clue.
Now look at your chart and see if.Jf Could Happen To You.
Marc Boney
Cardiff by the Sea, California
Anno Domini
May 2017