BIA Newsletter May 2024

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Big smiles as we are

Congratulations, BIA–offgraduates!
to study!

The 16th January 2024 was the day when our Gr 12 graduates were handed their final school
results which would determine the outcome of their tertiary studies. What a proud moment
shared at the Born in Africa office! This is what each young person has worked for over the last
12 years of their educational career. To be able to receive your National Senior Certificate is a
huge accomplishment and one of the highlights of one’s life. It is a very special moment for the
Born in Africa family as well, as we have known many of these students for 10 years! We would
like to introduce our 2024 1st year tertiary class. Anelisa Mbopa (above) is commencing a Bachelor
of Social work degree. Below (left to right) is Tasha Matsigila who is studying towards her BA
degree at Rhodes University, Cheinique Seedat choosing to study a Bachelor of Occupational
therapy at UWC, Samilla Oliphant is studying Tourism at Nelson Mandela University, Athule Ngam
is studying a Bachelor of Nursing and Chesley Roberts has chosen to study a Social Work degree
at Stellenbosch University.

We encourage
you to become a
godparent / donor

Please visit our

website and share
far and wide:

Our mission is to develop well rounded, independent and successful young adults acting as role
models in their communities by providing educational and social support to school going children
and young adults from disadvantaged areas in Bitou, Plettenberg Bay, South Africa.
Our tertiary students
Our other first tertiary students are Demeka Julie who is starting her Bachelor of Arts degree at Stellenbosch University,
Tatum Terblanche has commenced her four year Bachelor of Nursing degree through the George Provincial Training
Hospital, Annilin Mouton is studying a one year Higher Certificate in Auxiliary Nursing to lay a solid foundation for her
healthcare studies and Caitlin Cunningham is studying a four year Bachelor of Education at Varsity College in Cape Town.

Wittedrift High – a proud partner of BIA

The small school with the big heart, as we fondly call Wittedrift High, is one of the high schools where our primary
school learners progress to once they complete Grade 7!

Each year we select a number Since the beginning of 2023 Sixolise Masoka, a Born in
of learners to attend Wittedrift Africa learner, took it upon himself to assist his fellow high
High school which is situated school students with extra mathematics classes. He
just outside Plettenberg Bay in receives some pocket money in exchange from BIA. Sixo,
the picturesque community of who averages 95% in most exams, took to the project
Wittedrift. The school values naturally and is a great mentor for the learners who really
holistic education where the emphasis lies on the enjoy his lessons.
intellectual, spiritual, physical and social development of
each child. A well qualified, experienced and fully commit- At Wittedrift High our learners are encouraged to participate
ted team of staff provide teaching, guidance and support to in a number of activities which are not only based on
all learners attending the school. For 2025 we have academics. We are in the business of grooming young
selected eight Gr 7 learners who will commence their high people with various skills which will enrich their lives to the
school career at Wittedrift High funded by the Born in Africa point that they will be able to bring these areas of expertise
programme. To qualify for this bursary a learner has to to their future careers. Our learners are encouraged to
maintain a healthy 70% academic level on average, have participate in the school’s newspaper, the annual drama
an exemplary school attendance and behaviour record and production, various Mathematics and Language Olympiads,
actively participate in either sport or cultural activities. public speaking competitions, chess, hockey, soccer, rugby
Learners are required to attend the weekly boarding school and netball just to name a few. When one learns of the very
as well, which really adds so much value to the personal impressive number of activities hosted at the school it
development of the learner. becomes evident why there are school fees attached to this
academic and culturally enriched environment. For this
To offer each learner the best reason, our learners who attend Wittedrift High often have
opportunity to apply for this more than 10 co-godparents supporting them. This is
bursary we work with them definitely where the slogan "together we can make a
while they are still in primary difference” comes into play.
school. Mentors assist with
homework each day after We would like you, our valued reader, to meet one of
school as well as exam our Wittedrift High learners today through this inter-
preparation and personal view.
development coaching work-
Thubelile Doyi who lives in Kwanokuthula with
shops. In primary school we
her mother Mimz Doyi is currently in Grade 12
provide our learners with extra
and joined the Born in Africa programme when
support on key subjects such
she was in Gr 11. It is not often that children are
as mathematics, computer
selected for the programme when they are old-
skills and English as well as assistance with all the other
er, however, Thube has been on our radar for a
school subjects. Our after school classes are key in
few years. Her enthusiasm, positive approach to life and her
delivering favourable school results. It is a fact that when
smile for days were just a few reasons we were only too
there is continuity through a routine, children naturally
happy to invite her to be a part of the Born in Africa family.
gravitate towards that activity and this is exactly what is
happening. Wittedrift High and Born in Africa Alumni Thube, what is your view of Born in Africa? I view it as a blessing as it
student Marcell Patterson, who graduated with his helps a lot of kids who don’t have the opportunity otherwise to attend
Bachelor of Science
school and then further their studies.
Degree in Software devel-
opment in 2023 from the Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? I see myself helping
esteemed tertiary institution other children, hoping to also become a godparent of a young girl or boy
Eduvos, took it upon him- in Born in Africa myself. I am going to be studying Midwifery as from next
self to tutor the Kranshoek
year. My fascination with midwifery has deepened over time and my
learners in the afternoons
academic background in Life Science has equipped me with a solid foun-
at BIA’s educational centre.
There is a very big need to dation of knowledge that I am eager to apply in the field of midwifery.
bring this skill to our learn- What is your recipe to that smile which motivates so many other
ers and Marcell was just
learners around you? You don’t know what happens in someone else's
the perfect candidate for
life. The little you can do to motivate each person you come in contact
the job until he too found
with begins with how you treat that person. You have the power to uplift
permanent employment!
anyone around you, depending on your attitude.
Life skills for living a healthy life!
Just over 330 backpacks,
stationary, trousers, skirts,
shoes, socks and shirts are Children in the Born in
handed out by Born in Africa at Africa programme get the
the start of each new school opportunity to work on a
year. This takes a huge burden computer or tablet once a
off our parents’ shoulders and week. This equips them
gives the children the much with essential computer
needed confidence and skills and also offers them
motivation to keep doing well in additional learning oppor-
school! Good luck everyone! tunities through various
software. Let’s level up!

Lots of children spent the week-

end at Moonsong where they An adventurous edu-
discovered their own talents and cational outing was en-
the sports of the Olympic games joyed by the grade 8, 9 and
from all over the world. How 10 learners. They went to the
special to share this experience Robberg Nature Reserve
with their Born in Africa peers. over the Easter holidays and
Now that the days are getting had a great time learning
shorter and colder again, camp whilst hiking! This beautiful
season is on hold but in the hike is only 5km from Plet-
meantime, keep your eyes tenberg Bay, however, not
peeled on our socials for the one learner had ever been to
camps with the older grades! this beautiful place.

A group of 26 children
from Kranshoek are
Holidays are the times being taught how to
we take all Born in Afri- surf at Learn to Surf!
ca primary school We thank Warren for
learners on an outing! the sponsorship; you
We most recently visit- truly change their
ed the gentle giants at lives and give them
Knysna Elephant Park so much fun! If they
and had a great time! qualify, they can take
Thank you godparents part in competitions!
for enriching their lives.

BIA counts 16 little Born in Africa’s

fishies who are very own educa-
learning to swim tional coordinator
with “Auntie Louise” Véronique taught
this year. Together the principles of
we build the life water safety
Karen to a
skills of so many group of 14. It was
children. The swim- so muchKarenfun!
ming classes mean Thank you Lief &
so much more to Ivo for the support!
the children than
we could imagine!

Godparent visits
During the South African summer many godparents travel from far and wide to personally meet
their godchild. To make the long journey to Plettenberg Bay is a very big undertaking and finding
words to express our gratitude is difficult. For a child to open the door to their godparents, receive
a physical hug and to introduce family members is what many children long for and this is what
keeps dreams alive. Not only do the children absolutely adore these very special moments but
our staff do too and everyone finds so much motivation in meeting this beautiful support system.
Thank you to our godparents, your journeys which took many miles, create everlasting smiles!
Together we make a difference!
Lots of hands make light work. We are grateful to have you in our team!

Ronny & Guido Heidi & Erwin

We are incredibly grateful to these Running an online travel agency while
two pillars of support! Ronny and travelling themselves is the life of this
Guido, from Belgium, first became amazing Dutch couple. Heidi and Erwin
godparents of Born in Africa and first visited us in 2023 and came back
are now volunteers! They are al- sooner than we thought. They lost their
ways jumping in to help with wel- hearts to The Crags community and have
coming Belgium tourists, cooking done so much for the children and families
at camps, opening their home to there. Thank you for all the lovely outings,
Born in Africa functions, assisting with swimming lessons shopping trips, fun activities and support to
and outings. The list is endless! Thank you! the soup kitchen!

Yenthé & Sandy Vincent

Hi! We are Yenthé Beel and Sandy Frisch! We work to-
gether at The Crags Primary School and Yenthé also Hello. My name is Vincent Goupille,
works with the children at Formosa. It is her second time I come from France and I joined
at Born in Africa and she cannot get enough of working Born in Africa in early March. I am
with the children! Sandy chose BIA because she wanted helping the children in grades 1 to
to help the less privileged and the 3 every afternoon at The Crags and
working way of BIA appealed to her. Kranshoek primary schools. I or-
We do several projects with the chil- ganise activities for the children especially sports. I
dren like making tutorials and teach have participated on the camps too. I have learnt a lot
them about ‘life in the water’. We’re thanks to the children and the staff at Born in Africa. I
very grateful to BIA for this opportunity! am enjoying every moment of my experience.

St. John International School St. Lodewijkscollege

We always feel privileged to welcome the group of St. Born in Africa has partnered up with a new school, St
John International school from Belgium. Each year an Lodewijk College, in Belgium this year. No less than 28
enthusiastic bunch of their students come to BIA after learners joined us during their Easter holidays! This
having raised lots of funds back home. This year their amazing institution raised lots of funds before their trip
volunteering week was jampacked with painting a newly to South Africa which was well spent on paint to freshen
built bedroom, renovating a wooden house, organising up our classes and playgrounds, educational and sports
fun activities for the children and helping out at the materials, as well as tools and seeds for new veggie
swimming classes. gardens that they created in the communities. We are
planning a new project the coming year thanks to their
Thank you for contribution. More news about this: next newsletter.
We look for- Thank you
ward to meet- so much
ing new stu- and hope-
dents again fully see
in 2025! you soon!

BIA Meetjesland West

This team of dedicated volunteers are Born in Africa’s biggest supporters and they
enable us to do so much more for the children. Selflessly, they put time and energy
into fundraising events almost every weekend, outside of their normal working
hours. These efforts pay off and we were lucky enough to receive a generous contribution
from them in 2023 and again this year. Thanks to all the funds raised, we could so far gift all
children of BIA a pencil case with basic stationery for the year as well as provide all Plett
Secondary grade 8 learners in BIA with a school tie. Two of their members, Mario and Brig-
itte, visited us earlier this year and were there to hand these out. They also listened to our
staff and their needs which led to so much being done for our mentors. All five of them re-
ceived new pencils, highlighters and rulers, two centres received a microwave, one received
a fridge and they helped to sponsor Catherine’s soup kitchen. Honestly, the list goes on an
on. We want to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the BIA Meetjesland West
team. Thank you!
Dream in Africa
Believe it and it will happen is the self fulfilling prophecy of Born in Africa’s dream project. Thanks to
several dream sponsors we can keep the dream alive and put smiles on children’s faces.
The dream in Africa project touches many hearts around the world and so we have found quite a few
dream sponsors in different countries this year. Allow us to introduce these miracle workers to you…

One of the big dream sponsors are Jane and Alan Bradley, a couple from the UK, who raised funds
most recently with a golf day. During their visit to Plettenberg Bay each year, they make lots of dreams
come true. This year over 100 were already achieved! They gifted lots of beds, pillows and bedding to
those needing this basic necessity, soccer and basketballs, headphones, ring lights and lots of toys which have been on
many children’s wanted lists for a long time. Thank you!

Also from the UK, are Teresa and Steve Carr who have also been supporters of the Dream in Africa for several years. This
year they came bearing gifts once again and also supported the soup kitchen in The Crags. Thank you for the lovely toys
and vouchers.

A little further South we can count on the support of Robbin and Kris Huijers from Belgium. Robbin was a volunteer with
Born in Africa twice before and will soon join our Belgian board which is very exciting. Together with her partner Kris, they
organised a delicious pizza baking marathon over a weekend which raised lots of money for an important dream! Thanks to
them, Chesmea, a BIA learner at Wittedrift High, and her sister now have a bedroom with space for them to do homework,
play and have storage space for their clothes! Before this dream realisation they used to sleep in an old camper van. Their
new space will keep them safe from any kind of weather and thanks to the help of the students from St John’s it has been
painted and decorated beautifully too!

The next supporter, also from Belgium and previously a volunteer with Bornin Africa, is Jolien and her company Vitra who
chose to make a donation to Born in Africa this year. Together with her colleagues they will choose which dreams they want
to realise and we cannot wait to share the results later in the year!

Gerd Goovaerts also sponsors the Dream in Africa each month, which we are very grateful for.

Last but not least we go to The Netherlands. Heidi Vermeer & Erwin van der Meulen, introduced on the previous page of
the newsletter, love The Crags and the children there were treated to lots of exciting dream outings and were so happy to
do it together with this fun and loving couple. Born in Africa mentor Catherine now has a soup kitchen where she cooks
delicious meals for the less privileged and the Born in Africa children in The Crags. Last, but not least, we would like to
thank John for his generous contribution to the Dream project too! Some sponsors’ dreams have already come true (see
below), however, there are still many sponsors to choose the dreams they wish to fulfil, so stay tuned for more updates and
make sure to follow our social media platforms to see our latest news too. We are grateful for so much love and support!
Teamwork = dreamwork
Mentoring with poetry! Our beautiful classroom!
Mentoring children has its challenges. You take the good Jade's Classroom- the latest addition to Born in Africa's
with the bad, however, you know in your heart that the infrastructure, was recently opened officially. Situated
work you are doing is good. We are working towards at Wittedrift High, it offers a lovely space for our mentor
something much bigger than just the here and now; we Belinda to work in and a safe haven to the learners at
are working towards shaping young people to become the school.
better versions of the person they were yesterday.
The class is used by the school during the day and by
At the beginning of the year we were invited to a participant in Belinda for any Born in Africa sessions. Having worked out
a rather different topic. Handing out of uniforms, house visits, of car boots and under trees for far too long, Belinda is lov-
assisting with homework and school projects, counselling of ing this space! Honouring Jade Pocock who left us way too
children individually all continued as per normal, however, we soon, it provides a much needed learning environment for
decided to add a poetry workshop in the mix! many. We thank her husband, Kevin Pocock, their entire
family and friend group, for the many donations as well as
Lillianne Van Acker, a retired Belgian teacher and Born in Afri- Nick and Penny from the UK. You made this all happen,
ca volunteer, presented an inclusive programme to introduce thank you!
the skills to express yourself through poetry and to deepen the
youngster’s understanding and appreciation of poems written
by others. Various forms of poetry were discussed and intro-
duced to all our 350 Born in Africa learners in from grades 2 to
12 in small intimate groups. Meeting in an environment where
the child feels safe enough to be able to open up their creative
side as well as being in a safe space where it is okay to feel
vulnerable at times was the perfect backdrop for the quality of
the written work. A big part of the workshop was also to be
able to deliver a high quality number of poems to the 2024
Anton Van Wildrode competition which Born in Africa partici-
pates in each year. This is all thanks to Lieve, wife of Remi De
Backer, who has taken this annual event under her wing.

Happy birthday to you!

June 17 Elezario Mageer 28 Vio-nett Van Rensburg / Abrahams
1 Walé Lukas 23 Elizay White 29 Keelan Jantjies
2 Zaneley September 23 Camilla Claire Davids
2 Kelsey Cunningham 24 Selina Nkunika September
2 Solakha Noyi 24 Caitlin Cunningham 3 Ragne Jamy-Lee Cloete
3 Terence Van Wyk 26 Eduard Kretschmann 5 Ava Terblanche
4 Leigh-Quinn Moodie 27 Ethan Daniels 8 Anelle Jantjies
8 Shakifa Camrodene Alexander 27 Tairequa Gysman 9 Keabetswe / Lizelle Modise
11 Mnandi Aplen 31 Natasha Cherylle Williams 10 Jaylon Sameuls
12 Rosslin Paulse 31 Dezire Williams / Julie 12 Ashante Tarentaal
12 Jessidee Jaydene Corneelse 13 Tamryn Barnard
12 Lithemba Champion August 13 Dadrian Commons
12 Aiden Terblanche 1 Leigh- Shaan Jiordon Pietersen 14 Obuhle Madolo
13 Shaylah Le Fleur 3 Sasha-Lee Moos 16 Chloe Julies
17 Malique Jasson 4 Leah Claasen 17 Sharmielle Langdown
18 Chelsey Roberts 5 Unique Simbwi 19 Micae Kriga
19 Jonathan Kei / Bewee 7 Deano Damons 19 Tatum Terblanche
21 Vernon Jansen 7 Exonia Willemse 20 Quinique Bernardo
22 Reuben Swart / Amy Janse 8 Abigail Gouws 25 Erin Cloete
23 Delon Van Wyk 10 El-Duveen Wiesie 26 Alexzean Dawids
29 Ncumolwethu Antoni 11 Akeelah Jo-Anne Maxim 27 Attiyah Karelse
29 Adry Jansen 11 Rouvay Powie 27 Liam Mc Lean
30 Jay-R De Waal 12 Leonay Kamfer 27 Ava Mccallum
12 Reinette Sharolene Titus 28 Deano Wiesie
July 12 Estee Quinch 29 Denrisha Desdoney Cloete
13 Eugene Joshua Jones 30 Enkosi Lukasi
1 Javandre Mitchell 13 Chloé Arendse 30 Raynisha Ruiters
3 Prince-Caleb Simbwi 14 Wayden Gabriel Hendricks
6 Sue-Nay Rademeyer 15 Ayavuya Sihlo
8 Jody Davids 16 Avuye Mkalipi
8 Olungaka Woji 17 Sixolile Mbopa
8 Cleo-Lylah Bruiners 19 Denzilene Cedras
9 Caden Windvogel 19 Anastacia Olivier
10 Carly Majavie 20 Meshay Zena Jacobs
12 Nazario Meyer-Andrews 21 Caleb Harker
13 Sanelisile Olifant 22 Abubuhle Mcanda
13 Athule Ngam 23 Asemahle Mfiki
13 Sibongile McCanda 24 Emelichia Van Rooyen
15 Deonique Booysen 25 Demeka Julie
15 Desmay Williams 26 Ambrosia Fourie
Thank YOU!
ATTENTION! Please note the change in bank account numbers for our Belgian account.
ONLY use the following: In Belgium: Iban nr. BE38 3632 2998 0572 ING Bank, BIC-code: BBRUBEBB
Unfortunately, Born in Africa recently became the vic- Saying we are grateful doesn’t even come close to express
tim of phishing. We urge all our sponsors, friends and how lucky we feel to have the BIA Meetjesland West team.
godparents to report any suspicious mail addresses All their fundraising activities, which are truly too many to
and not to reply or click any links. We apologise for name, made so much possible in 2024 already! They
any inconvenience caused and keep our promise that provided all the children with backpacks, the centres and
you can put your trust in us. classrooms of BIA received educational materials, water
urns, kettles, microwaves, a fridge, tables, chairs … the list
We thank the ‘Vrije Centrumschool Marke’ and former goes on and on! Thank you for everything you do! Please
volunteer Ann Gruwier for the fundraiser they recently support their upcoming event, Food fest on June 15th.
organised for educational and sports materials.
Thank you Philippe & Nadine Claes-Mampaey for the Jolien Nijs and her company Vitra are sponsoring dreams
new office chairs! in 2024! Thank you

Our mentor Catherine started a soup kitchen for the peo- A huge thank you goes out to Bart Van Nieuwenhuyzen and
ple of The Crags. After cooking from her own kitchen for a the Flanders Business Circle. A fantastic fundraiser took
long time she has received wonderful support to build a place at the renowned ‘Pier van Blankenberge’ in Belgium.
separate room to cook in. Daily meals for Born in Africa They raised a lot of money for our current projects, medical
learners will also be made here. Thank you to the guests fund, food parcels and study bursary fund at Born in Africa.
at Colourful BnB, Meetjesland West, Theresa and Ste-
ve, Chiara, Elizabeth and Philip Kell, Lee and Judi Thank you Sigrid and GROS
Walsingham Pat and Jackie Jones & Mindful leven for East Flanders for your assis-
your donations! tance in the building of our new classroom in Kwanokuthula.
Born in Africa thanks the UK supporters of BIA &
Born in Africa is grateful for the help from Warren who spon-
the Pocock family for the support to the Wittedrift High
sors the surfing classes for 26 Kranshoek learners in 2024.
classroom and our new minibus! Your continuous support
is well spent on finishing of the class and installing invert-
We thank Kiwanis Kortenberg, S.I.-
ers and solar panels so we can bridge the loadshedding
club Batenburg M&W, Vereeken-
black outs.
Verhulst for supplying sanitary items
Thank you IWC Wuppertal for all the school books, flip- and toiletries to our families.
files, calculators and lunch boxes!
Rotary Ghent South makes a huge difference by assisting
Haike De Vlieger took part in the ‘Marathon des Sables’ with the medical costs for our learners in 2024. Thank you!
this year in aid of the children of BIA who do well on the
sports field. Congratulations and thank you! Huge thanks go out to Primary School Springling in
Belgium for the lovely fundraiser they organised which will
Congratulations to our newlyweds Veronique, our gift all BIA children a filled pencil case. Dankie!
education coordinator with Sivuyile Tapu. Wishing you
both many happy years. Thank you Hans & Nathalie for selling your daughters lovely
Christmas cards. With the money we received a lot of puz-
Thank you for the monthly donations: J. and M. Van Den Eynde-Lemmens, L. De Smet,
zles, great writing equipment and lovely toys like soccer
Verheecke G. and C., T. and J. Bogaert-Verlinden, H. De Schouwer, M. Van Damme, M. balls.
Moers- Scheepmans, G. and S. Vandermaliere, L. Van Der Linden, H. Vermeersch, E.
Vyncke, R. Flamand, Y. Vandenabeele, Hollanders, J. and W. Wechuys, L. Danielle, L.
Bostyn, H. Meersseman, N., G. Lenaerts-Van Opstal, Familiepraktijk Goossens-Maes, M. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE FOOD DONATIONS: Woolworths and KwikSpar
Asselberghs, P. Hendriks, Vanoppen-Indesteege, I. Bracke, A. Lemmens, J. en J. Van
Holsbeke, M. Verhagen, R. De Rycke, J. Beke, Karel Uytersprot, I. Vincke, JC Burgelman
Would you like to give the gift that keeps on giving? You may also add Born
in Africa in your will or make a donation. Even when you’re gone, you can make
Thank you Corporate companies for the tertiary study funds! the difference to the education of a BIA godchild! If Born in Africa is a project close
to your heart, you might consider putting it in your will. That way, you give Born in
Africa, as an accepted organisation, a firm push in the back, even after your pas-
sing. During your life it is also possible to make an unlimited donation to BIA. For
both cases, the Flemish legislator, if your domiciling in Flanders, will ensure that the
MABO good cause of your choice will pay no (= 0%) gift tax on whatever it receives from
your will or through a donation. Those living in Brussels or Wallonia, the common
tariff of 7% remains for both gifts as for (duo)legacy.
To evaluate your own situation in depth, kindly contact your notary or Jaak
Leenknegt at BIA ([email protected])

Thank you for your donations: A. Arredouani, J. Aussems,, J. Baetens, M. Bauters, M. Beelen, G. Billiau, fam. Brooks, H. Caris, J. Caron, Crokaerts-Bogaerts, De
Bisschop-Coppens, C. Debuysscher, C. Dedrie, Empresa M.CommV, Euroclear Bank, Flanders Business Circle VZW, Flowkids/Gert-Jan Stoop, G. Goovaerts, JL Hanff,
Inner Wheel Club Wuppertal, Jacobs-Verploegen, Kiwanis Kortenberg FV, Kogelman-Steentjes, Kumi-Kata BV, N. Lamaire, Leenknegt-Brouckaert, Lemmens-Willems, L.
Loncke, F. Mertens, Mindful-Leven VZW, M. Neubert, C. Oomen, Oxaco BBC vrienden VZW, Plaitin-Huysmans, A .Rigo, Rotaryclub Gent-Zuid, S.I.-Club Batenburg
M&W, H. Schouwenaers, Scola VZW, Sponsorloop Vrije centrumschool Marke, Sodefin BVBA, H. Swets, Van De Walle, Van Den Goor-Geens, S. Van Dessel, H. Van
Gogh, B. Van Houtryve, W. Van Vaerenbergh, R. Vanden Driessche, U. Vereeken-Verhulst, C. Verheyen, Vuylsteke-Vermeulen, M. Wauters, J. Vrijders, K. Zrinka, K.
Trouillard, D. Hoic, C. Rigolle, S. Rahelic, T. Stojakovic, M. De Mol, NEOS Kessel-Lo, T. Van Asch, R. Huijers, K. Van De Vorst, S. Nederhof, J. & G. Van Baarle-Vanes,
B. Verschaeve, J. Stultjens, Vynckier-Vandecasteele, H. Van Velthoven, Cassels, Van Eynde-Pauwels, B. van Boven, Q. & S. Kobescak Smodis-Matvejevic, J. & B.
Lernout-Pauwelyn, B. Mercken, Lefebvre-Dubois, R. Vandewalle, D. Janssens, J. Verhaegen, Staessens-Perdaen, L. Audenaert, M. Vander Linden, B. Decroos, M.
Dieudonne, Vandenberghe-Lems, Vitra Belgium NV, C. Cailliau, W. Van Belle, D. & L. De Baere-De Pourcq, L. & G. De Coen, Stadsbestuur Zottegem, CDO Leuven BV,
P. Beheyt, De Smul-Vanheule, V.P.W.Brussel Noord-Oost VZW, M. Van Rijn, Wuyts-Verbist, Van Wichelen-Verhaeghe (donations till 4 April 2024)
Born in Africa abroad
Tax exemption in Belgium (from €40) & in South Africa! ANBI status in The Netherlands

We welcome Ollie and Anja Kalisch Award People’s Foundation

Anja & Oliver have been godpar- Born in Africa was invited to the annual appreci-
ents for a long time, however, it ation day by the Western Cape People's Founda-
wasn't until their visit in 2024 that tion in Kurland Village, The Crags. It turned out to
they decided to play a bigger role be an amazing day, meeting like minded people
in the Born in Africa family. from other organisations in the area who all do their
part to better the lives of children and families in The
They raise funds and actively look Crags! We were surprised by the certificate they
for godparents and sponsors in
issued to Born in Africa and feel hon-
Switzerland and Germany. Get in
touch with them at: oured to receive this recognition by the
Foundation. Isabelle and Catherine
[email protected] or proudly received the certificate from
[email protected] Plettenberg Bay's Mayor, Claude Ter-
blanche. Thank you, we look forward
to keep making a change together!

Get your tax benefit with National Number

If, as a godparent / sponsor / donor, you want the tax benefit of the gift you grant to BIA to also be auto-
matically deducted on your online tax return, then you need to pass on your National Number (NN) to
our treasurer; [email protected].
It is an obligation imposed on us by the tax authorities. On the registration form for a godparent, this NN must
also be filled in. In the case of a donation by transfer from a joint account, you must provide BIA with the details
of only one person. The tax reduction will also apply to your spouse or legal cohabitant. BIA is formally
authorised to request your NN for this purpose and pass it on to the tax authorities, so it is not an access
authorisation. Reason for requesting this is the unambiguous allocation of certificates and tax rebate. NN is
required for all donations from January 1, 2024 and necessary for automatic tax deduction!

Donor info is a public foundation specialising in the financial transparency of charities

established in Belgium. It is the first independent website that publishes high quality, objective
and verified information about the activities and resources of charity organisations. ‘Born in
Africa’ is registered with Donorinfo and you can thus make a donation in full confidence.

Service clubs, companies, schools, seniors clubs and others interested: If you would like to organise something for ‘Born in
Africa’, contact Georges De Smul or Remi De Backer. They will be more than happy to visit you and give an informative talk!
Sign up for our newsletter on our website if you don’t receive them via e-mail yet; and subscribe!

This edition was lovingly compiled by Nadine Mampaey, Nele Schroyen, Véronique Claes,
Emma Irvine, Belinda Coram & Isabelle De Smul–Brink

How to Become Involved?

Liaison in Belgium Liaison for Belgium and South Africa Norway
South Africa Isabelle De Smul–Brink Toralf Nordbotten
Arlette & Georges De Smul [email protected]
Lieve & Remi De Backer P.O. Box 1674
R. Dalechamplaan 4
[email protected] Plettenberg Bay 6600 Switzerland/. Germany
1200 Brussels, Belgium
South Africa Oliver & Anja Kalisch
RPR Brussel [email protected]
[email protected] Cell: +32 (0) 47 528 3873 Tel: +27 (0) 44 533 6271 [email protected]
Cell: +32 (0) 49 612 2361 Cell: +27 (0) 82 857 2345
[email protected] Netherlands
Chantal Van Summeren
[email protected]
United Kingdom Corporate fundraiser
Nick & Penny Brooks Jaak Leenknegt
[email protected] [email protected]
Donations are needed and always welcome!
In Belgium: Iban nr. BE38 3632 2998 0572 (NEW)
ING Bank, BIC-code: BBRUBEBB Visit our Facebook page: Born in Africa
Instagram: borninafricaza &
In South Africa: First National Bank, Plettenberg Bay
our website:
62044941533, branch code: 210514
You will be amazed by our work!

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