Collo Electrical Project 125

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INDEX NUMBER: 7371010106







I COLLINS OWINO OCHIENG hereby declare that this is my original work; it has not been

presented to any examination body before.

There has not been any copying or direct assistance, if any cheating will be detected then I

should be held responsible for it.

Name: Collins Ochieng Owino



Supervisor: Mr Tom Mathew Joel



This work is dedicated to my Lecturer for the continued support and for all lessons and

knowledge disseminated to me. I also dedicate to all my family members and friends for the

support and belief they have in me.


My sincere gratitude to the Almighty God for granting me good health and wisdom to undertake

this study and complete it safely, let the glory be to Him forever and ever. I would like to

acknowledge my lecturers for providing me with the skills and knowledge to come up with this

plan. For all who assisted in any way, humbly receive my sincere gratitude from the bottom of

my heart.
A "Clap On Clap Off" switch is an interesting concept that could be used in home automation. It

works as a switch which makes devices ON and OFF by making a clap sound. Although its name

is “Clap switch”, but it can be turned ON by any sound of about same pitch of Clap sound.

The main component of the circuit is the Electric Condenser Mic, which has been used as a

sound sensor. Condenser Mic basically converts sound energy into electrical energy that in turns

used to trigger 555 timer IC, through a Transistor. And triggering of IC 555 TIMER works as a

Clock pulse for D-type flip-flop and would turn ON the LED, which will remain ON until the

next clock pulse means until the next Clap/sound. So this is the Clap Switch which will turn ON

with first Clap and turn OFF with the second Clap. If we remove the D-type Flip flop from the

circuit, the LED will be turned OFF automatically after some time and this time will be

1.1xR1xC1 seconds, which I have explained in my previous circuit of clap switch. For better

understanding, I recommend to study the previous circuit before study this one.
This is a project on CLAP SWITCH which can switch on/off any electrical circuit by the sound

of a clap. The operation of the circuit is simple. If we clap the lamp turns on and to switch it off

clap again. The condenser microphone picks up the sound of your claps, coughs, and the sound

of that book knocked off the table. It produces a small electrical signal which is amplified by the

succeeding transistor stage. Two transistors cross connected as a bistable multi vibrator change

state at each signal. One of these transistors drives a heavier transistor which controls a lamp.

This circuit can switch on and off a light, a fan or a radio etc. by the sound of a clap

This circuit is constructed using basic electronic components like resistors, transistors, relay,

transformer, capacitors. This circuit turns „ON‟ light for the first clap. The light turns ON till the

next clap. For the next clap the light turns OFF. This circuit works with 12V voltage. Therefore a

step-down transformer 12V/300mA is employed. This working of this circuit is based on

amplifying nature of the transistor, switching nature of transistor, relay as an electronic

switch .Basically, this is a Sound operated switch.

The basic principle of this clap switch circuit is that it converts sound signal into electrical

energy. The input component is a transducer that receives clap sound as input and converts it to

electrical pulse. The basic idea of clap switch is that the electric microphone picks up the sound

of your claps, coughs, and the sound of that book knocked off the table. It produces a small

electrical signal which is amplified by the succeeding transistor stage. Two transistors cross

connected as a bistable multi vibrator change state at each signal. One of these transistors drives

a heavier transistor which controls a lamp.

Resistors are the most common passive electronic component (one that does not require power to

operate). They are used to control voltages and currents. While a resistor is a very basic

component, there are many ways to manufacture them. Each style has its own characteristics that

make it desirable in certain types of applications. Choosing the right type of resistor is important

to making high-performance or precision circuits work well. This bonus chapter covers the

resistor types and helps with picking the right one for your project.

All resistors are basically just a piece of conducting material with a specific value of resistance.

For that piece of conducting material to be made into a practical resistor.

A pair of electrodes and leads are attached so current can flow. The resistor is then coated with

an insulating material to protect the conducting material from the surrounding environment and

vice versa. There are several different resistor construction methods and body styles (or

packages) that are designed for a certain range of applied voltage, power dissipation, or other

considerations. The construction of the resistor can affect its performance at high frequencies

where it may act like a small inductor or capacitor has been added, called parasitic inductance or

Capacitor has ability to store charge and release them at a later time. Capacitance is the measure

of the amount of charge that a capacitor can store for a given applied voltage. The unit of

capacitance is the farad (F) or microfarad. The capacitors used in the circuit are electrolytic-


In the circuit the electrolytic capacitor is used as a bypass capacitor. Any noise variation in the

circuit is removed by the capacitor. A capacitor is made up of two metallic plates. With a

dielectric material in between the plates. When you apply a voltage over the two plates, an

electric field is created. And this is what the physicists mean when they say that “a capacitor

works by storing energy electrostatically in an electric field”.


In electricity, a battery is a device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells that convert

stored chemical energy into electrical energy. Since the invention of the first battery (or "voltaic

pile") in 1800 by Alessandro Volta and especially since the technically improved Daniel cell in

1836, batteries have become a common power source for many household and industrial

applications. According to a 2005 estimate, the worldwide battery industry generates US$48

billion in sales each year, with 6% annual growth There are two types of batteries: primary
batteries (disposable batteries), which are designed to be used once and discarded, and secondary

batteries (rechargeable batteries), which are designed to be recharged and used multiple times.

Batteries come in many sizes, from miniature cells used to power hearing aids and wristwatches

to battery banks the size of rooms that provide standby power for exchanges and computer data



BC547 Transistor
A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify and switch electronic signals and

electrical power. It is composed of semiconductor material with at least three terminals for

connection to an external circuit. A voltage or current applied to one pair of the transistor's

terminals changes the current flowing through another pair of terminals. Because the controlled

(output) power can be higher than the controlling (input) power, a transistor can amplify a signal.

Today, some transistors are packaged individually, but many more are found embedded in

integrated circuits.
The bipolar NPN transistors used in this design are basically used as switch, to trigger the relay

and as amplifier to boost the mic level to line level. When a transistor is used as switch, it must

be either OFF or fully ON. In the fully ON state, the voltage VCE across the transistor is almost

zero and the transistor is said to be saturated because it cannot pass any more collector current

IC. The transistor is off when VIN is less than 0.7 V, because the base current will be zero. The

power developed in a switching transistor is very small

In the OFF state IC555 Timer: The 555 timer is a very versatile 8-pin, which can be configured

with a few external components and to build many circuits involving timing. The NE 555, used

in this design is a popular version that is suitable in most cases where a 555 timer is needed. It is

a dual-In -line (DIL) package.

The 555 timer configuration can be done in three modes but for the purpose of this design, two of

them are required namely: astable and Monostable mode. An astable circuit produces a square

wave with sharp transitions between low and high. It is called astable because it is not stable in

any state since the output is continually changing between “low” and “high”. A monostable

circuit produces a single output pulse when triggered. It is stable in just one state; the “output

low” state. This is also known as the triggered pulse producer.

Once The 555 timer IC is integrated circuit(chip) used in variety of timer pulse generation and

oscillator applications.

The 555 timer can be used to provide time delays,as an oscillator and as a flip-flop

element.Derivatives provide

two (556) or four(558)timing circuiuts in one package.

LED: A light emitting diode is two-LED semiconductor light source .It is a p-n junction diode

that emits light when activated. When a suitable voltage is applied to the leads, electrons are able

to recombine with electron holes within the device, releasing energy in the form of photons.

Micro Phones
This type of microphone converts pressure fluctuations into electrical current. This microphone

works by means of the principle known as faraday’s law, the principle states that when an

electrical conductor is moved through a magnetic field, an electrical current is induced within the
conductor Microphones are types of transducers, and they convert acoustic energy i.e. sound

signal. Basically, a microphone is made up of a diaphragm, which is a thin piece of material that

vibrates when it is struck by sound wave. This causes other components in the microphone to

vibrate leading to variations in some electrical quantities thereby causing electrical current to be

generated. The current generated in the microphone is the electrical pulse. There are two major

types of microphones based on the technical methods of converting sound into electricity namely

the organic and condenser microphone. Table 1 shows the comparison between the dynamic and

condenser microphone. Condenser microphones generally have flatter frequency responses than

dynamic, and therefore mean that a condense microphone is

more desirable if accurate sound is a prime consideration

as required in this design.




Pin 1: Grounded Terminal: All the voltages are measured with respect to the Ground terminal.

Pin 2: Trigger Terminal: The trigger pin is used to feed the trigger input hen the 555 IC is set

up as a constable multivibrator. This pin is an inverting input of a comparator and is responsible

for the transition of flip-flop from set to reset. The output of the timer depends on the amplitude

of the external trigger pulse applied to this pin. A negative pulse with a dc level greater than

Vcc/3 is applied to this terminal. In the negative edge, as the trigger passes through Vcc/3, the

output of the lower comparator becomes high and the complimentary of Q becomes zero. Thus

the 555 IC output gets a high voltage, and thus a quasi stable state. Pin 3: Output Terminal:

Output of the timer is available at this pin. There are two ways in which a load can be connected

to the output terminal. One way is to connect between output pin (pin 3) and ground pin (pin 1)

or between pin 3 and supply pin (pin 8). The load connected between output and ground supply

pin is called the normally on load and that connected between output and ground pin is called

the normally off load.

Pin 4: Reset Terminal: Whenever the timer IC is to be reset or disabled, a negative pulse is

applied to pin 4, and thus is named as reset terminal. The output is reset irrespective of the input

condition. When this pin is not to be used for reset purpose, it should be connected to + VCC to

avoid any possibility of false triggering.

Pin 5: Control Voltage Terminal: The threshold and trigger levels are controlled using this pin.

The pulse width of the output waveform is determined by connecting a POT or bringing in an

external voltage to this pin. The external voltage applied to this pin can also be used to modulate

the output waveform. Thus, the amount of voltage applied in this terminal will decide when the

comparator is to be switched, and thus changes the pulse width of the output. When this pin is

not used, it should be bypassed to ground through a 0.01 micro Farad to avoid any noise

problem. Pin 6: Threshold Terminal: This is the non-inverting input terminal of comparator 1,

which compares the voltage applied to the terminal with a reference voltage of 2/3 V CC. The

amplitude of voltage applied to this terminal is responsible for the set state of flip-flop. When the

voltage applied in this terminal is greater than 2/3Vcc, the upper comparator switches to +Vsat

and the output gets reset.

Pin 7 : Discharge Terminal: This pin is connected internally to the collector of transistor and

mostly a capacitor is connected between this terminal and ground. It is called discharge terminal

because when transistor saturates, capacitor discharges through the transistor. When the

transistor is cut-off, the capacitor charges at a rate determined by the external resistor and


Pin 8: Supply Terminal: A supply voltage of + 5 V to +

Pin 1
The behavior of an NPN bipolar transistor is largely controlled by the current flowing into the

base (i.e., a positive current). For the usual collector-emitter voltage drops (i.e., the active region:

positive voltages from a fraction of a volt up to some breakdown voltage) the collector current

(IC) is nearly independent of the collector-emitter voltage (VCE), and instead depends on the

base current (IB). (This is unusual behavior: usually more voltage produces to more current, but

here the current only increases slightly with increasing VCE.) The current gain, i.e., the ratio of

the collector current to the base current, is often denoted by or hFE:

NPN Characteristic curves

These specifications apply to the NE555. Other 555 timers can have different specifications

depending on the grade (military, medical, etc.). These values should be considered "ball park"

values, instead the current official datasheet from the exact manufacturer of each chip should be

consulted for parameter limitation recommendations.

Supply voltage Vcc=4.5 to 15V

Supply Current (+5V)= 3 to 6 mA

Supply Current (+15V)= 10 to 15 mA

Out Put Current 200mA

Maximum Power Dissipation 600mW

Power Consumption 30mW@5V, 225mW@15V

Operating Temperature 0 to 75 Degrees


Audio Amplifier: when we clap our hands , the sound is received by by AUDIO

AMPLIFIER.Here the given sound signal is converted into electrical signal and then amplified

by usingAn audio power amplifier (or power amp) is an electronic amplifer that reproduces low-

power electronic audio signals such as the signal from radio receiver or electric guitar pickup at a
level that is strong enough for driving (or powering) loud speakers or headphones. This includes

both amplifiers used in home audio systems and musical instrument amplifiers like guitar

amplifiers. It is the final electronic stage in a typical audio playback chain before the signal is

sent to the loudspeakers and speak encloses. The preceding stages in such a chain are low power

audio amplifiers which perform tasks like pre amplification of the signal (this is particularly

associated with record turn table signals, microphone signals and electric instrument signals from

pickups, such as the electric guitar and electric bass), Equalization (e.g., adjusting the bass and

treble), tone controllers, mixing different signal inputs or Adding electronic effects such as

reverb. The inputs can also be any number of audio sources like record players, CD players,

digital audio players and cassette players. Most audio power amplifiers require these low-level

inputs, which are line level. While the input signal to an audio power amplifier, such as the

signal from an electric guitar, may measure only a few hundred microwatts, its output may be a

few watts for small consumer electronics devices, such as clock radios, tens or hundreds of watts

for a home stereo system, several thousand watts for a nightclub's sound system or tens of

thousands of watts for a large rock concert sound reinforcement system. While power amplifiers

are available in standalone units, typically aimed at the hifi audiophile market (a niche market) of

audio enthusiasts and sound reinforcement system professionals, most consumer electronics

sound products, such as clock radios, boom boxes and televisions have relatively small power

amplifiers that are integrated inside the chassis of the main product. Flip-Flop Circuit: After

amplifying the given input signal (sound of a clap), it is fed to flip flop circuit. It consists of two

transistors, one for the on position and the other for the off position. For this reason it is also

known as bi-stable multi vibrator. In electronics, a flip flop or latch is a circuit that has two stable

states and can be used to store state information. A flip-flop is a bistable multi vibrator the circuit
can be made to change state by signals applied to one or more control inputs and will have one or

two outputs. It is the basic storage element in sequential logic. Flip-flops and latches are

fundamental building blocks of digital electronics systems used in computers, communications,

and many other types of systems. Flip-flops and latches are used as data storage elements. A flip-

flop is a device which stores a single bit (binary digit) of data; one of its two states represents a

"one" and the other represents a "zero". Such data storage can be used for storage of state, and

such a circuit is described as sequential logic in electronics. When used in a finite-state machine,

the output and next state depend not only on its current input, but also on its current state (and

hence, previous inputs). It can \also be used for counting of pulses, and for synchronizing

variably-timed input signals to some reference timing signal. Flip-flops can be either simple

(transparent or opaque) or clocked (synchronous or edge triggered). Although the term flip-flop

has historically referred generically to both simple and clocked circuits, in modern usage it is

common to reserve the term flipflop exclusively for discussing clocked circuits; the simple ones

are commonly called latches. [1][2] Using this terminology, a latch is level-sensitive, whereas a

flip-flop is edge-sensitive. That is, when a latch is enabled it becomes transparent, while a flip

flop's output only changes on a single type (positive going or negative going) of clock edge.

CIRCUIT AMPLIFIER: The signal after this process the outcome electric signal becomes very

weak. So, it is amplified using another transistor and given to relay, it acts as a mechanical

switch this article is about electronic amplifiers. For other uses, see Amplifier (disambiguation).

A 100 watt stereo audio amplifier used in home component audio systems in the 1970s. An

amplifier, electronic amplifier or (informally) amp is an electronic device that can increase the

Power of a signal (a time-varying voltage or current) an amplifier uses electric power from a

power supply to increase the amplitude of a signal. The amount of amplification provided by an
amplifier is measured by its gain: the ratio of output voltage, current, or power to input. An

amplifier is a circuit that has a power gain greater than one An amplifier can either be a separate

piece of equipment or an electrical circuit contained within another device. Amplification is

fundamental to modern electronics, and amplifiers are widely used in almost all electronic

equipment. Amplifiers can be categorized in different ways. One is by the frequency of the

electronic signal being amplified. For example, audio amplifiers amplify signals in the audio

(sound) range of less than 20 kHz, RF amplifiers amplify frequencies in the radio frequency

range between 20 kHz and 300 GHz, and servo amplifiers and instrumentation amplifiers may

work with very low frequencies down to direct current. Amplifiers can also be categorized by

their physical placement in the signal chain; a preamplifier may precede other signal processing

stages, for example.[4] The first practical electrical device which could amplify was the

triodevacuum tube, invented in 1906 by Lee De Forest, which led to the first amplifiers around

1912. Clap switch is a circuit that can switch ON & OFF a light, fan, radio etc. by the sound of

clap. The sound of clap is received by a small microphone that is shown biased by resistor R1 in

the circuit. The microphone changes sound wave in to electrical wave which is further amplified

by Q1.Transistor Q1 is used as common emitter circuit to amplify weak signals received by the

microphone. Amplified output from the collector of transistor Q1 is then feed to the bi- stable

multi vibrator circuit also known as flip-flop. Flip-flop circuit is made by using two Transistors,

in our circuit Q2 and Q3. In a flip-flop circuit, at a time only one transistor conduct and other cut

off and when it gets a trigger pulse from outside source then first transistor is cut off and 2nd

transistor conducts. Thus output of transistor is either logic-0 or logic-1 and it remains in one

state 0or 1 until it gets trigger pulse from outer source. The pulse of clap which is a trigger for

flip-flop which makes changes to the output which is complementary (reverse).Output of flipflop
which is in the low current form is unable to drive relay directly so we have used a current

amplifier circuit by using Q4 which is a common emitter circuit. Output of Q4 is connected to a

Relay (Electromagnetic switch), works like a mechanical switch.

Circuit Diagram of Clamp Switch Controller

We constructed the circuit as per circuit diagram. And we verified the clap switch circuit. i. e

when sound occurs near by the circuit the led in the circuit glows and for the second clap it is in

off condition

The primary application involves an elderly or mobility-impaired person.

We can turn something (e.g. a lamp) on and off from any location in the room (e.g. while lying

in the bed) simply by clapping our hands.

Low cost and reliable circuit.

Complete elimination of man power.

It is generally cumbersome to have to clap one‟s hands to turn something on or off and it is

gerally seen as simpler for most use cases to use a traditional light switch.

Unless we use a filter in the circuit , it is not that advantageous. So that circuit activates only for

clap of particular frequencies and then it becomes accurate.

Clap activated switch device will serve well in different phono-controlled applications.

Clap switch is generally used for a light, television, radio or similar electronic device that the

person will want to turn on/off from bed.

This circuit functions on using the sound energy provided by the clap which is converted into

electrical energy by condenser microphone. Using this converted electrical energy which is used

to turn on relay (an electronic switch).

The primary application involves an elderly or mobility-impaired person.

The major advantage of a clap switch is that you can turn something (e.g. a lamp) on and off

from any location in the room (e.g. while lying in bed) simply by clapping your hands.
The major disadvantage is that it's generally cumbersome to have to clap one's hands to turn

something on or off and it's generally seen as simpler for most use cases to use a traditional light

The clap activated switching device function properly by responding to both hand claps at about

three to four meter away and finger tap sound at very close range, since both are low frequency

sounds and produce the same pulse wave features. The resulting device is realizable, has good

reliability and it’s relatively inexpensive. Assemble the circuit on a general-purpose PCB and

enclose it in a suitable box. This circuit is very useful in field of electronic circuits. By using

some modification it area of application can be extended in various fields. It can be used to raise

alarm in security system with a noise, and also used at the place where silence needed.


We can increase the range of this equipment by using better Mic we can use this as Remote

Controller. No filter has been used here so the switch will respond to more or less every two

sounds similar to clapping that comes with a gap of in between 3 seconds. But if a simple band

pass filter is used then this problem could be avoided. The frequency range of hand clapping is in

between 2200 and 2800 Hertz. Here the signal from the condenser mic is beta times amplified

by the amplifier stage. To add more sensitivity to the switch, the amplification factor may be


1. 555 Timer 1 70 70
2. 1 kn Resistor 1 30 30
3. 4.7 kn Resistor 1 30 30
4. 470 kn Resistor 1 30 30
5. 47 kn Resistor 1 30 30
6. 330 n Resistor 1 30 30
7. Condenser mic 1 100 100
8. Battery 12 vdc 1 150 150
9. LED 1 20 10
10. 100 nf 1 30 20
11. 100 uf 1 30 30
12. Diode BC 547 1 50 50
13. Diode BC 547 1 50 50
14. 100 nf 1 30 30
15. Bread board 1 100 150
TOTAL 830 850

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