Oregano Perfume Final
Oregano Perfume Final
Oregano Perfume Final
Roselvie T. Frias
Giamae L. Montebon
Paul Lawrence C. Aguallo
Melrick C. Quio
The Problem and its Background
Statement oI the Problem
Scope and Limitation
SigniIicance oI the Study
DeIinition oI Terms
Conceptual Framework
The very basic to understand the use oI perIume is that all scents are not Iitted Ior you,
but with the use oI our main ingredient; oregano and other chemicals needed, we have to make
sure that the Iragrance oI our experiment would be eIIective Ior you. Wearing perIume gives
pleasure, not only because it smells nice but it also creates an aura that catches someone`s
attention. PerIume helps you to seduce lover, to Ieel sexier, and more conIident to yourselI.
All oI us want a perIume to maintain the Iragrance oI our body. We choose this topic to
let you know that we can make a perIume using oregano leaves. As we know, oregano leaves can
only used as our herbal medicine when we have a cough either cold relieI, but with the use oI our
experiment, your cough will be cured while using oregano perIume.
The importance oI this research Ior everyone is to learn how to make your own perIume
with the ideas using oI a newly scent. Unlike those perIumes that you can buy in store; like
orange and apple scent as well as scents that have been discovered. The researches want to use
an oregano extract as the main ingredient in making perIume to be popular in other`s eyes.
We are looking Iorward to make a unique scent oI perIume using oregano extract. The
need Ior that perIume can help other people especially those who have cough and cold to treat it
in more reliable way. Oregano is an herbal medicine, iI we will use it, you`ll enjoy the new
Iragrance while unconsciously treating cough and cold. It can be helpIul to kids who don`t want
to drink medicine.
This research regarding 'oregano perIume is sought to answer the Iollowing questions:
1. What are the ingredients oI making oregano perIume?
2. What are the diIIerence between strawberry scent commercially made perIume and
oregano perIume?
3. What are the beneIits oI using oregano perIume?
BeIore the experiment will be conducted, the researchers have a null hypothesis:
Oregano PerIume doesn`t have beneIits to other people.
This study regarding oregano perIume will beneIit the Iollowing:
$tudents. They will be able to know this oregano is not only Ior using it as a perIume but also
Ior treating cough or cold relieI.
Researchers. This study will provide additional knowledge and inIormation regarding the
beneIits oI using oregano perIume.
Parents. They would beneIits Irom the study because they can use oregano perIume as other
alternative source oI medication Ior treating cough and cold relieI.
Kids. This study will be signiIicant to kids in a way that this will help Ior those who don`t drink
The study will be conducted in the Science Laboratory oI Victorious Christian
Montessori School Foundation Inc., #323 Brgy. San Gabriel, General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite.
Respectively, this research has started July 2010. The selection oI respondents are only limited to
the persons who are in the VCMSFI campus, speciIically, the students oI VCMSFI.
The study Iocuses on the beneIits oI using oregano perIume. It can help other people to
have a good Iragrance. When someone has a cough or cold, oregano perIume can treat this kind
oI sickness while you`re enjoying the scent oI the perIume. It can be useIul to kids who don`t
drink medicine. It can also help you to save money because you don`t have to buy medicine with
high prices.
The commonly used terms in this research are the Iollowing:
Oregano. It is a perennial herb, growing Irom 20-80 cm tall, with opposite leaves 1-4cm long.
Perfume. It is a mixture oI Iragrant essential oils, aroma compounds, Iixatives, and solvent used
to give the human body, animals, object, and living spaces a pleasant scent.
Cough. It is a sudden and oIten repetitively occurring reIlex that helps to clear the large
breathing passages Irom secretions, irritants, Ioreign particles, and microbes.
Cold. It is a contagious, viral inIections disease oI the upper respiratory system.
Glycerin. It is a colorless sticky sweet tasting liquid alcohol. It is used to reduce inIlammation,
as a mouthwash, and as a sweetener.
Herbal Medicine. It is used to treat illnesses like cough and colds. It contains vitamins that help
the sick person to treat their illness.
Vodka. A kind oI strong liquor made Irom grain or potatoes, originating in Russia.
Food Coloring. It is any substance that is added to Iood and drinks to change its color.
Oregano Filtration, Extraction, Oregano
& Mixing the ingredients Perfume
(IV) (EV) (DV)
This research is about 'Oregano PerIume which contains Independent Variable (IV) and
Dependent Variable (DV). The components oI IV produce an eIIect on the product that will
come up in the DV.
DiIIerent methods such as extraction, Iiltration, and mixing the ingredients that are
presented in Intervening Variable (EV) will help the researchers to have DV.
Review of related literature and studies
Based on http://www.indepthinIo.com, Oregano was Iirst used by the Greeks. In their
mythology the goddess Aphrodite invented the spice. Giving it to man to make his liIe happier.
The word 'oregano is actually derived Irom the Greek phrase, 'joy oI the mountains. Just
married couples were crowned with wreaths oI it. It was also put on graves to give peace to
departed spirits. Ancient Greek physicians discovered that the herb had beneIicial eIIects and
prescribed it Ior a variety oI ailments. Hippocrates used it as well as its close cousin, marjoram
as an antiseptic.
The Roman`s, who later conquered Greece, would adopt much oI the culture oI the
region. They tasted oregano and thought that it was good. The ease oI its cultivation coupled
with the Roman proclivity Ior the expansion oI Empire would spread its use throughout Europe
and much oI Northern AIrica. In these regions it was used to spice meats, Iish, and even as a
Ilavoring Ior wine.
In the middle ages people continued to use it. Sharp spices were not common at this time.
Oregano was one oI the Iew Iood Ilavorings available to give variety to the daily Iair. The people
oI the dark age cast about Ior medicinal properties in whatever Iorm they could Iind. They would
chew the oregano leaves as a cure Ior rheumatism, toothache, indigestion, and as a cough
Oregano Iound its way to China probably via the spice road that wended through the
Middle-East during the Medieval period. Here again it was a medicinal herb. Doctors prescribed
it to relieve Iever, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, and itchy skin.
Later, the English Iound a use Ior oregano as an additive to snuII (which was generally a
tobacco concoction taken through the nose). It was also used as a perIume in sachets.
The oregano sold on the spice racks oI stores today is usually made up oI several
varieties. Oregano heracleoticum, also Coridothymus capitatus (syn. Thymus capitatus) and
Thymus mastichina are sometimes blended with the vulgare (common European) sort.
That several varieties oI oregano cloak the mountainsides in Greece in a bright green
likely explains the origins oI the herb`s name. Oregano is derived Irom the Greek words oros
and ganos, literally meaning 'mountain joy. Greeks and Romans would crown a bride and
groom with sprigs oI oregano during the wedding ceremony because the herb was thought to
banish sadness.
Fresh oregano is also a source oI Iiber, but since it is not usually eaten in large quantities
this aspect oI the plant goes unappreciated. Like spinach and other leaIy vegetables, Iresh
oregano is loaded with vitamins and nutrients. It is a good source oI iron and manganese as well
as calcium, vitamin C, and vitamin A. It also has omega-3 Iatty acids.
According to http://www.wikipedia.org/, Oreganos are aromatic, herbaceous perennials
with erect, hairy, square stems. Leaves are opposite, oval, toothed or toothless, pointed and up to
2 inches long. They Ieature /-inch long, tubular, two-lipped, whitish to pinkish Ilowers typically
seen Irom late July until September. Origanum vulgare is the scientiIic name Ior oregano.
Oregano contains aristolochic acid I and II, raIIinose, oleanolic and ursolic acids, triterpenoids,
Ilavonoids and hydroquinones, caIIeic, rosemarinic, and lithospermic acid, tannins, and phenolic
glycosides (3, 4).
The leaves oI oregano are key to seasoning the cuisines oI Italy, Greece, Spain, Mexico,
Brazil, Cuba, and Columbia. It is best known Ior its use in tomato sauce to add a hot and peppery
taste. It adds dimension to yeast breads, marinated vegetables, black beans, zucchini, eggplant,
roasted meats, and Iish. It enhances cheese and egg combinations (quiches, omelets and Irittatas).
Garlic, thyme, parsley and olive oil complement its Ilavor.
According to http://perIumannas.com, the word 5erfume used today derives Irom the
Latin "5er fumus", meaning through smoke. PerIumery, or the art oI making perIumes, began in
ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt and was Iurther reIined by the Romans and Persians.
Although perIume and perIumery also existed in India, much oI its Iragrances are incense
based. The earliest distillation oI Attar was mentioned in the Hindu Ayurvedic text Charaka
Samhita. The Harshacharita, written in 7th century A.D. in Northern India mentions use oI
Iragrant agarwood oil.
The world's Iirst recorded chemist is considered to be a woman named Tapputi, a
perIume maker who was mentioned in a cuneiIorm tablet Irom the second millennium BC in
She distilled Ilowers, oil, and calamus with other aromatics then Iiltered and put
them back in the still several times.
Based on http://www.Iragrancesreview.com, It is a known Iact that perIume is known Ior
its eIIect on our emotions. DiIIerent scents aIIect us diIIerently. The importance oI perIume can
actually set the mood, not only in a romantic way, but in a peaceIul way as well. There are some
scents designed to produce a tranquil eIIect, a calming and soothing Ieeling, and then there are
some that smell like the outdoors. The importance oI perIume is detected everywhere we go and
in about everything you buy.
According to perIumereviews.wordpress.com, As we remember our past
Ancestor perIumes and Iragrances are not used widely by the people because they don`t know
the beneIits oI it. The technique oI making Iragrances was discovered in ancient Egypt and was
later on improved by the Romans and Arabs. In previous centuries due to lack oI knowledge
about Iragrances, & colognes, a very less people wear it. So, they miss a great chances oI
comIort which cam be obtain Irom it. PerIumes and cologne provides us a lot oI advantages in
modern world. PerIume give us relaxed, Iresh, comIort, Cool, pleasant, that helps to be active in
our daily routine duties. It can also be used as surprised giIt during a special occasion such as
Father`s Day, Mother`s Day, Parent`s Day, Children`s Day, Teacher`s Day, Birth Day, etc.
Serapion, G.L. (1967). !erfume Making. Canada: SGL Publishing Company.
Ballon, M.T. (1978). Teaching about Herbal Medicines. London: Anvil Publishing Inc.
Electronic Resources
Fredrickson, B.L. (2000 March) History oI Oregano. Retrieved November 2000, Irom
Dove, R. (2001 January) Oregano. Retrieved August 8, 2001, Irom http://www.wikipedia.org
Hilts, P.J. (1999 February) PerIume. Retrieved November 21, 2000, Irom
Williams, J.D. (2000 October) The Fragrances. Retrieved December 2000, Irom
Mendez, J.D. (2000 July) BeneIits oI wearing perIume. Retrieved August 2000, Irom
$ynthesis of the $tudy
The word perIume used today derived Irom the Latin word 'perIumes, meaning through
smoke. PerIume was Iirst originated at Mesopotamia and Egypt. And was Iurther reIined by the
Romans and Persians. The world`s Iirst recorded chemist is considered to be a woman named
Tapputi, a perIume maker who was mentioned in a cuneiIorm tablet Irom the second millennium
B.C in Mesopotamia. The Iirst chemist who introduced the process oI extracting oils Irom
Ilowers by means oI distillation is no other than Avicenna.
Oregano is derived Irom the Greek word oros and ganos, literally meaning 'mountain
joy. Several varieties oI oregano doak the mountainside in Greece in a bright green likely
explain the origins oI the herb`s name.
Research Methodology
The study presents the methodology oI the study. It consists oI research design which
discusses the method used in the study, research Locale or the place where the study is done,
research/experimental materials or the component used in the said experiment, and research
procedure wherein discussed the steps used.
A. Research Design
Experimental research is a kind oI research that obtains data based on experimenting.
This is the most diIIicult research because it is hard to be perIected. Experimental research is
commonly used in sciences such as sociology and psychology, physics, chemistry, biology and
medicine etc.
B. Research Locale
Our research will be done in the Science Laboratory oI Victorious Christian Montessori
School Foundation Inc., #323 Brgy. San Gabriel, General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite and also in
Alta Tierra Homes located at Brgy. A. Olaes, General, Mariano, Alvarez, Cavite. This research
conducted Irom August 2011 to December 2011.
C. Research /Experimental Materials
For Laboratory equipment, we need:
O Bunsen Burner
O Stirring rods
O Tripod
O Beaker
O Strainer
Raw Materials needed:
O Ethyl alcohol
O Distilled water
O Baby oil
O Oregano extract
D. Research Procedure
To get the extracts oI oregano leaves:
O Prepare Iirst the materials needed in the experiment.
O Weigh each needed liquid materials individually in cups but Iirst weigh the cups and
adjust the scale to zero so the weight oI the cups will not be included with the materials.
O Set the Bunsen burner, tripod and the beaker.
O Get the oregano and put it into the beaker.
O Then pour the water in beaker. Fill at least 3/4's oI the beaker.
O Open the Bunsen burner to start boiling the oregano.
O Wait Ior about 20-30mins, until the extract oI the oregano is enough.
O Drain the oregano leaves clearly to achieve the desired scent oI it.
To blend the Iragrance:
O Add a small amount oI baby oil.
O Then, put an ethyl alcohol while the Bunsen burner is open.
O Wait Ior about 10-15mins, until the mixtures boil.
O Finally add the distilled water in the mixture then mix thoroughly using stirring rod until
it becomes homogeneous. Then transIer it in the containers.